public function process($pParams) { extract($pParams); if (!isset($name)) { throw new CopixTemplateTagException('[AutoComplete] Required parameter name'); } if (!isset($field)) { $field = $name; } if (!isset($id)) { $id = $name; } if (!isset($value)) { $value = ""; } if (!isset($onSelect)) { $onSelect = ""; } if (!isset($onRequest)) { $onRequest = ''; } if (!isset($extra)) { $extra = ''; } if (!isset($pParams['datasource'])) { $pParams['datasource'] = 'dao'; } $toMaj = ''; $onSelectTemp = ''; if (isset($maj)) { $onSelectTemp .= " = 'selector_autocomplete';"; foreach ($maj as $key => $field) { $onSelectTemp .= "\n \$\$('#selector_autocomplete .{$key}').each (function (el) {\n \$('{$field}').value = el.innerHTML;\n });\n "; $toMaj .= $key . ';'; } } $onSelect = $onSelectTemp . $onSelect; $url = 'generictools|ajax|getAutoComplete'; if (isset($pParams['url'])) { $url = $pParams['url']; } $length = isset($length) ? $length : 1; $pParams['view'] = isset($pParams['view']) ? $pParams['view'] : $field; $tab = array(); foreach ($pParams as $key => $param) { $tab[$key] = $param; } $tab['nb'] = 10; $tab['tomaj'] = $toMaj; $js = new CopixJSWidget(); $js->tag_autocomplete($id, $name, $length, $tab, _url($url), $js->function_(null, 'el', $onRequest), $js->function_(null, 'el,eleme,element', $onSelect)); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode($js); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSLink(_resource('js/taglib/tag_autocomplete.js')); _eTag("mootools", array('plugin' => "observer;autocompleter")); $toReturn = '<input type="text" id="' . $name . '" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" ' . $extra . ' /><span id="autocompleteload_' . $name . '"><img src="' . CopixUrl::getResource('img/tools/load.gif') . '" /></span>'; return $toReturn; }
public function process($pParams, $pContent = null) { $tabGroupId = $this->getParam('id', uniqid('tab')); $tabs = $this->requireParam('tabs', null, array()); $groupClass = $this->getParam('groupClass', ''); $tabClass = $this->getParam('tabClass', ''); $selectedClass = $this->getParam('selectedClass', 'tabSelected'); $onSelect = $this->getParam('onSelect', null, 'string'); $onUnselect = $this->getParam('onUnselect', null, 'string'); $default = $this->getParam('default'); $this->validateParams(); if ($default && !isset($tabs[$default])) { _log('[tag tabgroup] invalid default for tabgroup ' . $tabGroupId . ': ' . $default, 'errors'); $default = null; } $toReturn = array(); $toReturn[] = sprintf('<div class="tabGroup %s" id="%s">', $groupClass, $tabGroupId); $tabIds = array(); $tabKeys = array(); $i = 0; $tabIndexes = array(); foreach ($tabs as $key => $caption) { $tabId = $tabGroupId . '_tab' . $i; //preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', $key); //$tabIds[$tabId] = $key; $elementIds[$key] = $tabId; $tabIndexes[$key] = $i++; $toReturn[] = sprintf('<span class="tabCaption %s %s" id="%s">%s</span>', $tabClass, $key == $default ? $selectedClass : '', $tabId, _copix_utf8_htmlentities($caption)); } $toReturn[] = '</div>'; CopixHTMLHeader::addJSLink(_resource('js/taglib/tabgroup.js'), array('id' => 'taglib_tabgroup_js')); $params = array('id' => $tabGroupId, 'selectedClass' => $selectedClass, 'tabs' => array_keys($tabs)); if ($default) { $params['defaultTab'] = $tabIndexes[$default]; } $js = new CopixJSWidget(); if ($onSelect) { $params['onSelect'] = $js->function_(null, 'tabId', $onSelect); } if ($onUnselect) { $params['onUnselect'] = $js->function_(null, 'tabId', $onUnselect); } $js->Copix->registerTabGroup($params); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode($js); return implode("\n", $toReturn); }
/** * Génère une expression de construction d'un objet. * * @param mixed ... Arguments du constructeur. * @return CopixJSFragment Un fragment de type expression. */ public function new_() { $args = func_get_args(); return $this->_widget->addExpression_('new ' . $this->_buildCall($this->toJSON(), $args)); }
public function test_A() { $js = new CopixJSWidget(); $js->_A('5'); $this->assertEquals('$A("5");', _toString($js)); }
public function process($pParams, $pContent = null) { if (is_null($pContent) && !isset($pParams['zone'])) { return; } _tag('mootools', array('plugin' => array('overlayfix'))); $alt = $this->getParam('alt', ''); $text = $this->getParam('text', ''); $displayimg = $this->getParam('displayimg', true); $img = $this->getParam('img', _resource('img/tools/information.png')); $divclass = $this->getParam('divclass', 'popupInformation'); $handler = $this->getParam('handler', 'onmouseover'); $namespace = $this->getParam('namespace', 'default'); $wHandle = $this->getParam('handlerWindow'); $wHandle = $wHandle != null ? 'handle="' . $wHandle . '" ' : ''; $title = $this->getParam('title'); $id = uniqid('popupInformation'); switch ($handler) { case 'window': $toReturn = '<a rel="' . $id . '" ' . $wHandle . ' id="div' . $id . '" class="divwindowpopup" href="javascript:void(null);"'; if (isset($pParams['title'])) { $toReturn .= ' title="' . $pParams['title'] . '"'; } $toReturn .= '>'; $close = '</a>'; CopixHTMLHeader::addJsLink(_resource('js/taglib/popupinfo_window.js')); $js = new CopixJSWidget(); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode($js->popupinfo_window(), 'popupinfo_window'); break; case 'clickdelay': $toReturn = '<a rel="' . $id . '" id="div' . $id . '" class="divclickdelaypopup" href="javascript:void(null);">'; $close = '</a>'; CopixHTMLHeader::addJsLink(_resource('js/taglib/popupinfo_clickdelay.js')); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode('popupinfo_clickdelay ();', 'popupinfo_clickdelay'); break; case 'onclick': $toReturn = '<a rel="' . $id . '" id="div' . $id . '" class="divclickpopup" href="javascript:void(null);">'; $close = '</a>'; CopixHTMLHeader::addJsLink(_resource('js/taglib/popupinfo_click.js')); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode('popupinfo_click ();', 'popupinfo_click'); break; default: //prend également en charge onmouseover qui est le handler par défaut. $toReturn = '<div rel="' . $id . '" id="div' . $id . '" class="divpopup" style="display:inline;">'; $close = '</div>'; CopixHTMLHeader::addJsLink(_resource('js/taglib/popupinfo.js')); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode('popupinfo ();', 'popupinfo'); break; } $toReturn .= $displayimg === true ? '<img src="' . $img . '" title="' . $alt . '" alt="' . $alt . '" />' : ''; $toReturn .= strlen($text) ? $text : ''; $toReturn .= isset($pParams['imgnext']) ? '<img src="' . $pParams['imgnext'] . '" />' : ''; $toReturn .= $close; $toReturn .= '<div class="' . $divclass . '" id="' . $id . '" style="display:none;" rel=' . $namespace . ' >'; if ($title !== null) { $toReturn .= '<div class="' . $divclass . 'Title">' . $title . '</div>'; } if (isset($pParams['zone'])) { $zone = $pParams['zone']; unset($pParams['zone']); $toReturn .= _tag('copixzone', array_merge($this->getExtraParams(), array('onComplete' => '$(\'div' . $id . '\').fireEvent(\'sync\');', 'process' => $zone, 'ajax' => true, 'id' => 'zone_' . $id))); } else { $toReturn .= $pContent; } $toReturn .= '</div>'; return $toReturn; }
/** * Input: name = (required name of the select box * id = (optional) id of SELECT element. * values = (optional) values to display the values captions will be * html_escaped, not the ids * selected = (optional) id of the selected element * assign = (optional) name of the template variable we'll assign * the output to instead of displaying it directly * emptyValues = id / value for the empty selection * emptyShow = [true] / false - wether to show or not the "emptyString" * objectMap = (optional) if given idProperty;captionProperty * extra = (optional) if given, will be added directly in the select tag */ public function process($pParams, $pContent = null) { extract($pParams); //input check if (empty($name)) { throw new CopixTemplateTagException("[plugin copixselect] parameter 'name' cannot be empty"); } if (!empty($objectMap)) { $tab = explode(';', $objectMap); if (count($tab) != 2) { throw new CopixTemplateTagException("[plugin copixselect] parameter 'objectMap' must looks like idProp;captionProp"); } $idProp = $tab[0]; $captionProp = $tab[1]; $shortCaptionProp = $captionProp; if (isset($tab[2])) { $shortCaptionProp = $tab[2]; } } if (empty($extra)) { $extra = ''; } if (empty($id)) { $id = $name; } if (empty($values)) { $values = array(); } if (!is_array($values) && !$values instanceof Iterator) { $values = (array) $values; } if (empty($zIndex)) { $zIndex = '1000'; } if (empty($heightDiv)) { $heightDiv = 'auto'; } else { $heightDiv = intval($heightDiv) . 'px'; } if (empty($widthDiv)) { $widthDiv = 'auto'; } else { $widthDiv = intval($widthDiv) . 'px'; } if (empty($width)) { $width = 'auto'; } else { $width = intval($width) . 'px'; } if (!isset($img)) { $img = 'img/tools/multiple.gif'; } if (!isset($selected)) { $selected = ''; } if (!isset($selectedIsIdentical)) { $selectedIsIdentical = false; } if (!isset($class)) { $class = 'copixselect'; } $js = new CopixJSWidget(); $toReturn = "\n <span id='clicker_{$id}'>\n <input id='caption{$id}' name='caption{$name}' type='text' readonly='readonly' class='{$class}' style='width:{$width};cursor:default;text-align:left;padding-left:3px;height:13px;' value ='' /><img src=" . CopixUrl::getResource('img/tools/multiple.gif') . " align='absbottom' vspace='1' alt='' />\n <input id='{$id}' name='{$name}' type='hidden' class='{$class}' value ='{$selected}' />\n </span>\n <div class='{$class}' style='position:absolute;z-index:{$zIndex};display:none;width:{$widthDiv};height:{$heightDiv}' id='div{$id}'>\n <table class='{$class}' style='width:{$widthDiv};'>"; //each of the values.s $arValues = array(); $toReturnValue = ''; $event = "onmouseover = \"\$(this).setStyle('cursor','pointer');\$(this).setStyle ('background-color','#AAAAAA');\" onmouseout = \"\$(this).setStyle('background-color','white');\" onclick =\" \$('{$id}').value = \$(this).getProperty('rel');\$('caption{$id}').value = \$(this).innerHTML;\$('caption{$id}').fireEvent ('mouseleavezone');\" "; if (empty($objectMap)) { $arValues = $values; $compteur = 0; foreach ($values as $key => $caption) { if ($selectedIsIdentical && $selected === $key || !$selectedIsIdentical && $selected == $key) { $js->_("caption" . $id)->value = $caption; } $toReturn .= "<tr>\n <td class='{$id}' rel='{$key}' " . $event . " >{$values}</td>\n </tr>"; } } else { //if given an object mapping request. $compteur = 0; foreach ($values as $object) { if ($selectedIsIdentical && $selected === $object->{$idProp} || !$selectedIsIdentical && $selected == $object->{$idProp}) { $js->_("caption" . $id)->value = $object->{$shortCaptionProp}; } $arValues[$object->{$idProp}] = $object->{$captionProp}; $toReturn .= "<tr>\n <td class='{$id}' rel='" . $object->{$idProp} . "' " . $event . " >" . $arValues[$object->{$idProp}] . "</td>\n </tr>"; } } $toReturn .= "</table>\n </div>"; _tag('mootools', array('plugin' => array('zone', 'overlayfix'))); CopixHTMLHeader::addCSSLink(_resource('styles/taglib/copixselect.css'), array('id' => 'taglib_copix_select_css')); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSLink(_resource('js/taglib/copixselect.js')); $js->selectoverload($id); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode($js); return $toReturn; }
public function process($pParams, $pContent = null) { // Récupère les paramètres $zone = $this->requireParam('process'); $required = $this->getParam('required'); $ajax = $this->getParam('ajax', false); $id = $this->getParam('id'); $idClick = $this->getParam('idClick'); $text = $this->getParam('text', ''); $extra = $this->getParam('extra', ''); $handlers = array_filter($this->getParam(array('onDisplay', 'onHide', 'onComplete'), null, 'string')); $auto = $this->getParam('auto', false); $zoneParams = array_merge($this->getParam('zoneParams', array()), $this->getExtraParams()); // Valide les paramètres $this->validateParams(); // Supprime le préfixe "zoneParams_" des paramètres de la zone // Cela peut servir à passer des paramètres supplémentaires au niveau du tag // qui rentrent en conflit avec les noms des paramètres standard. foreach ($zoneParams as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^zoneParams_(.+)$/i', $key, $parts)) { unset($zoneParams[$key]); $zoneParams[$parts[1]] = $value; } } // Vérifie l'existence du module $fileInfo = new CopixModuleFileSelector($zone); if (!CopixModule::isEnabled($fileInfo->module) && $required === false) { return ""; } // Génère un identifiant si nécessaire $idProvided = $id !== null; if (!$idProvided) { $id = uniqid('copixzone'); } $toReturn = array(); // On a spécifié un texte : on l'ajoute comme trigger if ($text) { if ($idClick === null) { $idClick = $id . '_trigger'; } $toReturn[] = '<span id="' . $idClick . '">' . $text . '</span>'; } // Zone javascript si on a un clicker, de l'AJAX ou des gestionnaires d'événéments if ($idProvided || $ajax || count($handlers) || $idClick) { // Initialise le Javascript CopixHTMLHeader::addJSFramework(); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSLink(_resource('js/taglib/copixzone.js'), array('id' => 'taglib_copixzone_js')); $js = new CopixJSWidget(); // Options de la zone $options = array('zoneId' => $id); // Met en session AJAX les paramètres de la zone if ($ajax) { $options['instanceId'] = $instanceId = uniqid(); CopixAJAX::getSession()->set($instanceId, array($zone, $zoneParams)); } if ($auto) { $options['auto'] = true; } // Ajoute les handlers foreach ($handlers as $name => $code) { $options[$name] = $js->function_(null, "div,trigger", $code); } // Identifiant du trigger if ($idClick) { $options['triggerId'] = $idClick; } // Initialise la zone $js->Copix->registerZone($options); // Ajoute le code CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode($js, "tag_copixzone_" . $id); } // Contenu de la zone if ($ajax) { $zoneContent = ''; $style = 'style="display:none;" '; } else { $zoneContent = CopixZone::process($zone, $zoneParams); $style = ''; } if ($idProvided || $style || $extra || $ajax || count($handlers) || $idClick) { $toReturn[] = '<div id="' . $id . '" ' . trim($style . $extra) . '>' . $zoneContent . '</div>'; } else { $toReturn[] = $zoneContent; } return join('', $toReturn); }
public function process($pParams, $pContent = null) { $id = $this->getParam('id', uniqid('modalbox')); $customContent = $this->getParam('customContent'); if (!$customContent) { $title = $this->getParam('title', ''); $icon = $this->getParam('icon'); } $openTriggers = $this->getParam('openTriggers'); $closeTriggers = $this->getParam('closeTriggers'); $onOpen = $this->getParam('onOpen'); $onClose = $this->getParam('onClose'); $this->validateParams(); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSFramework(); $options = array('id' => $id); if ($customContent) { $options['contentId'] = $customContent; } if ($openTriggers) { if (!is_array($openTriggers)) { $openTriggers = split(',', $openTriggers); } $options['openTriggers'] = $openTriggers; } if ($closeTriggers) { if (!is_array($closeTriggers)) { $closeTriggers = split(',', $closeTriggers); } $options['closeTriggers'] = $closeTriggers; } if ($customContent) { $boxContent = $pContent; } else { $boxContent = '<td width="100%">' . $pContent . '</td>'; if ($icon) { $titleColspan = 2; $boxContent = '<td style="text-align: center"><img src="' . _resource($icon) . '"/></td>' . $boxContent; } else { $titleColspan = 1; } $boxContent = '<tbody><tr>' . $boxContent . '</tr></tbody>'; if ($title) { $boxContent = '<thead><tr><th width="100%" colspan="' . $titleColspan . '">' . htmlEntities($title) . '</th></tr></thead>' . $boxContent; } $boxContent = '<table id="' . $id . '_content" class="CopixModalBox_Content CopixTable">' . $boxContent . '</table>'; } CopixHTMLHeader::addCSSLink(_resource('styles/taglib/js_modalbox.css'), array('id' => 'taglib_js_modalbox_css')); CopixHTMLHeader::addJSLink(_resource('js/taglib/js_modalbox.js'), array('id' => 'taglib_js_modalbox_js')); $js = new CopixJSWidget(); $js->Copix->ModalBox->register($options); $events = array(); if ($onOpen) { $events['open'] = $js->function_(null, null, $onOpen); } if ($onClose) { $events['close'] = $js->function_(null, null, $onClose); } if (count($events)) { $js->_($id)->addEvents($events); } CopixHTMLHeader::addJSDOMReadyCode($js); return '<div id="' . $id . '" style="display:none">' . $boxContent . '</div>'; }