public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $blog = $this->getParam('blog', '');
     $cat = $this->getParam('cat', null);
     $critere = $this->getParam('critere', null);
     //on récupère l'ensemble des articles du blog
     $dao = _dao('blog|blogarticle');
     if ($cat == null) {
         $date = $this->getParam('date', null);
         $arData = $dao->getAllArticlesFromBlog($blog->id_blog, $date);
     } else {
         $arData = $dao->getAllArticlesFromBlogByCat($blog->id_blog, $cat->id_bacg);
         $tpl->assign('cat', $cat);
     //on filtre si on a fait une recherche sur les articles
     if ($critere != null) {
         $arData = $dao->getAllArticlesFromBlogByCritere($blog->id_blog, $critere);
     //on construit un tableau associatif entre l'identifiant de l'article et le nombre de commentaires
     foreach ($arData as $article) {
         $daoArticleComment =& CopixDAOFactory::getInstanceOf('blog|blogarticlecomment');
         $record = _record('blog|blogarticlecomment');
         $criteres = _daoSp();
         $criteres->addCondition('id_bact', '=', $article->id_bact);
         $criteres->addCondition('is_online', '=', 1);
         $resultat = $daoArticleComment->findBy($criteres);
         $arNbCommentByArticle[$article->id_bact] = count($resultat);
     if (count($arData) > 0) {
         //encodage des URL des catégories pour caractères spéciaux
         foreach ($arData as $key => $data) {
             //Modification suite à apparition d'un warning due à l'absence de catégories , vboniface 06.11.2006
             $arData[$key]->key = $key;
             if (isset($arData[$key]->categories)) {
                 foreach ($arData[$key]->categories as $keyCat => $categorie) {
                     $arData[$key]->categories[$keyCat]->url_bacg = urlencode($categorie->url_bacg);
         if (count($arData) <= intval(CopixConfig::get('blog|nbMaxArticles'))) {
             $tpl->assign('pager', "");
             $tpl->assign('listArticle', $arData);
             $tpl->assign('arNbCommentByArticle', $arNbCommentByArticle);
         } else {
             $params = array('perPage' => intval(CopixConfig::get('blog|nbMaxArticles')), 'delta' => 5, 'recordSet' => $arData, 'template' => '|pager.tpl');
             $Pager = CopixPager::Load($params);
             $tpl->assign('pager', $Pager->GetMultipage());
             $tpl->assign('listArticle', $Pager->data);
             $tpl->assign('arNbCommentByArticle', $arNbCommentByArticle);
         //rajout suite à bug mantis 54 vboniface 06.11.2006
         $tpl->assign('blog', $blog);
     // retour de la fonction :
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('listarticle.tpl');
     return true;
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $ppo = new CopixPPO();
     // Récupération des paramètres
     $ppo->classeurId = $this->getParam('classeurId');
     $ppo->dossierId = $this->getParam('dossierId');
     $ppo->current = $this->getParam('current');
     // Gestion des droits
     $ppo->niveauUtilisateur = Kernel::getLevel('MOD_CLASSEUR', $ppo->classeurId);
     $ppo->typeUtilisateur = _currentUser()->getExtra('type');
     $ppo->vue = !is_null(_sessionGet('classeur|typeVue')) ? _sessionGet('classeur|typeVue') : 'liste';
     $ppo->conf_ModClasseur_options = CopixConfig::exists('default|conf_ModClasseur_options') ? CopixConfig::get('default|conf_ModClasseur_options') : 0;
     // L'album public est t-il publié ?
     $ppo->estPublic = false;
     if (!is_null($ppo->dossierId) && $ppo->dossierId != 0) {
         $dossierDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeurdossier');
         $ppo->dossier = $dossierDAO->get($ppo->dossierId);
         if ($ppo->dossier->public) {
             $ppo->estPublic = true;
     } else {
         $classeurDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeur');
         $classeur = $classeurDAO->get($ppo->classeurId);
         if ($classeur->public) {
             $ppo->estPublic = true;
     $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_affichage_menu.tpl');
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $ppo = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->conf = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->conf->directorGlobalAffectation = CopixConfig::get('gestionautonome|directorGlobalAffectation');
     // Récupérations des filtres en session
     $ppo->selected = $this->getParam('selected', 0);
     $ppo->withLabel = $this->getParam('with_label', true);
     $ppo->withEmpty = $this->getParam('with_empty', true);
     $ppo->labelEmpty = $this->getParam('label_empty', null);
     $ppo->name = $this->getParam('name', null);
     $ppo->cityGroupsIds = array();
     $ppo->cityGroupsNames = array();
     $citiesGroupDAO = _ioDAO('kernel|kernel_bu_groupe_villes');
     if (_currentUser()->testCredential('module:*||cities_group|create@gestionautonome') || _currentUser()->isDirector && $ppo->conf->directorGlobalAffectation) {
         $criteria = _daoSp();
         $cityGroups = $citiesGroupDAO->findBy($criteria);
     } else {
         $groups = _currentUser()->getGroups();
         $cityGroups = $citiesGroupDAO->findByUserGroups($groups['gestionautonome|iconitogrouphandler']);
     foreach ($cityGroups as $cityGroup) {
         $ppo->cityGroupsIds[] = $cityGroup->id_grv;
         $ppo->cityGroupsNames[] = $cityGroup->nom_groupe;
     $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_filter_groupcity.tpl');
 function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     //Création du sous template.
     $tpl =& new CopixTpl();
     //require_once (COPIX_MODULE_PATH.'cms/'.COPIX_CLASSES_DIR.'cmsworkflow.class.php');
     require_once COPIX_MODULE_PATH . 'cms/' . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . '';
     $sHeadings =& CopixClassesFactory::instanceOf('copixheadings|CopixHeadingsServices');
     $headings = $sHeadings->getTree();
     $cmsPages =& new ServicesCMSPage();
     $pages = $cmsPages->getList();
     if (isset($this->params['onlyLastVersion']) && $this->params['onlyLastVersion'] == 1) {
         $pages = $this->_filterLastVersion($pages);
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $arPages[$page->id_head][] = $page;
     $tpl->assign('arPublished', $arPages);
     $tpl->assign('arHeadings', $headings);
     $tpl->assign('select', $this->params['select']);
     $tpl->assign('back', $this->params['back']);
     $tpl->assign('popup', $this->params['popup']);
     $tpl->assign('height', Copixconfig::get('htmleditor|height'));
     $tpl->assign('width', Copixconfig::get('htmleditor|width'));
     $tpl->assign('editorType', CopixConfig::get('htmleditor|type'));
     $tpl->assign('editorName', $this->params['editorName']);
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('');
     return true;
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     //Getting the user.
     //Create Services, and DAO
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $id_blog = $this->getParam('id_blog', '');
     $tpl->assign('blog', $this->getParam('blog', null));
     $tpl->assign('id_blog', $id_blog);
     $tpl->assign('kind', $this->getParam('kind', ''));
     $tpl->assign('tabBlogFunctions', $this->getParam('tabBlogFunctions', null));
     $tpl->assign('can_format_articles', CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.can_format_articles'));
     $tpl->assign('RESULT', $this->getParam('RESULT', ''));
     $parent = Kernel::getModParentInfo("MOD_BLOG", $id_blog);
     if ($parent) {
         $mods = Kernel::getModEnabled($parent['type'], $parent['id'], '', 0, 1);
         // _dump($mods);
         $mods = Kernel::filterModuleList($mods, 'MOD_MAGICMAIL');
         if (count($mods)) {
             $magicmail_infos = _dao('module_magicmail')->get($mods[0]->module_id);
             $tpl->assign('magicmail_infos', $magicmail_infos);
             // _dump($magicmail_infos);
                'id' => '32',
                'login' => 'cepapeti',
                'domain' => '',
     // retour de la fonction :
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('');
     return true;
 function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $tpl =& new CopixTpl();
     $dao =& CopixDAOFactory::create('Comment');
     $sp =& CopixDAOFactory::createSearchConditions();
     $sp->addCondition('id_cmt', '=', $this->params['id']);
     $sp->addCondition('type_cmt', '=', $this->params['type']);
     $sp->addItemOrder('position_cmt', 'desc');
     $arData = $dao->findBy($sp);
     if (count($arData) > 0) {
         $perPage = isset($this->params['perPage']) ? intval($this->params['perPage']) : intval(CopixConfig::get('comment|perPage'));
         $params = array('perPage' => $perPage, 'delta' => 5, 'recordSet' => $arData, 'template' => '|pager.tpl');
         $Pager = CopixPager::Load($params);
         $tpl->assign('pager', $Pager->GetMultipage());
         $tpl->assign('comments', $Pager->data);
     $tpl->assign('back', $this->params['back']);
     $tpl->assign('id', $this->params['id']);
     $tpl->assign('type', $this->params['type']);
     $adminEnabled = CopixUserProfile::valueOf('site', 'siteAdmin') >= PROFILE_CCV_MODERATE;
     $tpl->assign('adminEnabled', $adminEnabled);
     $plugAuth =& $GLOBALS['COPIX']['COORD']->getPlugin('auth|auth');
     $user =& $plugAuth->getUser();
     $tpl->assign('login', $user->login);
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('comment.list.tpl');
     return true;
  * Surcharge de la fonction de vérification de l'enregistrement pour avoir les bons libellés.
  * @param	DAORecord	$pRecord	L'enregistrement à vérifier
 public function check($pRecord)
     //vérifications standards.
     if (($arErrors = $this->_compiled_check($pRecord)) === true) {
         $arErrors = array();
     //vérification du format du mail
     try {
         if (isset($pRecord->authoremail_comment)) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $arErrors[] = $e->getMessage();
     // vérification de l'antispam
     if (CopixConfig::get('comments|captcha') != 0 && !isset($pRecord->noCaptcha)) {
         $results = _ioDAO('commentscaptcha')->findBy(_ioDAOSp()->addCondition("captcha_id", "=", $pRecord->captcha_id));
         if (!(isset($results[0]) && $results[0]->captcha_answer == $pRecord->captcha_answer)) {
             $arErrors[] = _i18n('comments.admin.captcha.error');
     //on remplace avec les bons libellés
     foreach ($arErrors as $key => $error) {
         $arErrors[$key] = str_replace(array('"content_comment"', '"authoremail_comment"', '"authorsite_comment"', '"authorlogin_comment"'), array(_i18n('comments.list.content'), _i18n('comments.list.mail'), _i18n(''), _i18n('')), $error);
     //erreurs s'il en existe, true sinon
     return count($arErrors) == 0 ? true : $arErrors;
  * Pr�paration � l'�dition d'une page.
 public function doPrepareEditPage()
     $id_blog = $this->getRequest('id_blog', null);
     $blogDAO = CopixDAOFactory::create('blog|blog');
     $blog = $blogDAO->get($id_blog);
     if ($id_blog == null) {
         return CopixActionGroup::process('genericTools|Messages::getError', array('message' => CopixI18N::get('blog.error.param'), 'back' => CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|listBlog')));
     if (!BlogAuth::canMakeInBlog('ADMIN_PAGES', $blog)) {
         return CopixActionGroup::process('genericTools|Messages::getError', array('message' => CopixI18N::get('blog.error.cannotManagePage'), 'back' => CopixUrl::get('blog|admin|listBlog')));
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $id_bpge = $this->getRequest('id_bpge', null);
     $page = null;
     if ($id_bpge != null) {
         // EDITION D'UNE PAGE
         $pageDAO = CopixDAOFactory::create('blog|blogpage');
         $page = $pageDAO->get($id_bpge);
     } else {
         $page->is_online = CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.default_is_online_page');
         $page->format_bpge = $blog->default_format_articles;
     $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', $blog->name_blog);
     //		$menu = '<a href="'.CopixUrl::get ('blog|admin|showBlog', array("id_blog"=>$id_blog, "kind"=>5)).'">'.CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.nav.pages').'</a>';
     $menu = getBlogAdminMenu($blog, 5);
     $tpl->assign('MENU', $menu);
     $tpl->assign('MAIN', CopixZone::process('EditPage', array('id_blog' => $id_blog, 'id_bpge' => $id_bpge, 'page' => $page, 'kind' => $this->getRequest('kind', '0'))));
     return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_DISPLAY, $tpl);
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $ppo = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->conf = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->conf->directorGlobalAffectation = CopixConfig::get('gestionautonome|directorGlobalAffectation');
     // Récupérations des filtres en session
     $ppo->selected = $this->getParam('selected', null);
     $ppo->withLabel = $this->getParam('with_label', true);
     $ppo->withEmpty = $this->getParam('with_empty', true);
     $ppo->name = $this->getParam('name', null);
     if (!is_null($cityId = $this->getParam('city_id', null))) {
         // Récupération des écoles de la ville sélectionnée pour liste déroulante
         $schoolDAO = _dao('kernel|kernel_bu_ecole');
         if (_currentUser()->testCredential('module:city|' . $cityId . '|school|create@gestionautonome') || _currentUser()->isDirector && $ppo->conf->directorGlobalAffectation) {
             $schools = $schoolDAO->getByCity($cityId);
         } else {
             $groups = _currentUser()->getGroups();
             $schools = $schoolDAO->findByCityIdAndUserGroups($cityId, $groups['gestionautonome|iconitogrouphandler']);
         $ppo->schoolsIds = array();
         $ppo->schoolsNames = array();
         foreach ($schools as $school) {
             $ppo->schoolsIds[] = $school->numero;
             $ppo->schoolsNames[] = $school->nom;
     $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_filter_school.tpl');
  * Retourne le catalogue de vocabulaire par défaut
  * @return DAORecordKernel_i18n_vocabulary_catalog or false
 public function getDefaultCatalog()
     $criteria = _daoSp();
     $criteria->addCondition('id_vc', '=', CopixConfig::get('kernel|defaultVocabularyCatalog'));
     $results = $this->findBy($criteria);
     return isset($results[0]) ? $results[0] : false;
  * Commentaires d'une procedure
  * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 2008/01/30
  * @param object $rFiche Recordset de la procedure
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $rFiche = $this->getParam('rFiche');
     $mondroit = $this->getParam('mondroit');
     $daoinfo =& _dao('infosupp');
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM module_teleprocedure_infosupp WHERE idinter=' . $rFiche->idinter . '';
     $canCheckVisible = TeleproceduresService::canMakeInTelep('CHECK_VISIBLE', $mondroit);
     $canAddComment = TeleproceduresService::canMakeInTelep('ADD_COMMENT', $mondroit);
     if (!$canCheckVisible) {
         $sql .= " AND info_message!='' AND info_message IS NOT NULL";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY dateinfo ASC, idinfo ASC";
     $results = _doQuery($sql);
     // Pour chaque message on cherche les infos de son auteur
     $list = array();
     foreach ($results as $r) {
         $userInfo = Kernel::getUserInfo("ID", $r->iduser);
         $avatar = Prefs::get('prefs', 'avatar', $r->iduser);
         $userInfo['avatar'] = $avatar ? CopixConfig::get('prefs|avatar_path') . $avatar : '';
         $r->user = $userInfo;
         $list[] = $r;
     $tpl->assign('info_message_edition', CopixZone::process('kernel|edition', array('field' => 'info_message', 'format' => $rFiche->type_format, 'content' => '', 'width' => 350, 'height' => 135, 'options' => array('toolbarSet' => 'IconitoBasic', 'enterMode' => 'br', 'toolbarStartupExpanded' => 'false'))));
     $tpl->assign('info_commentaire_edition', CopixZone::process('kernel|edition', array('field' => 'info_commentaire', 'format' => $rFiche->type_format, 'content' => '', 'width' => 350, 'height' => 135, 'options' => array('toolbarSet' => 'IconitoBasic', 'enterMode' => 'br', 'toolbarStartupExpanded' => 'false'))));
     $tpl->assign('canCheckVisible', $canCheckVisible);
     $tpl->assign('canAddComment', $canAddComment);
     $tpl->assign('list', $list);
     $tpl->assign('rFiche', $rFiche);
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('fiche-comms-zone.tpl');
     return true;
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $ppo = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->conf = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->conf->directorGlobalAffectation = CopixConfig::get('gestionautonome|directorGlobalAffectation');
     // Récupérations des filtres en session
     $ppo->selected = $this->getParam('selected', null);
     $ppo->withLabel = $this->getParam('with_label', true);
     $ppo->withEmpty = $this->getParam('with_empty', true);
     $ppo->labelEmpty = $this->getParam('label_empty', null);
     $ppo->name = $this->getParam('name', null);
     if (!is_null($cityGroupId = $this->getParam('city_group_id', null))) {
         $cityDAO = _dao('kernel|kernel_bu_ville');
         if (_currentUser()->testCredential('module:cities_group|' . $cityGroupId . '|city|create@gestionautonome') || _currentUser()->isDirector && $ppo->conf->directorGlobalAffectation) {
             $cities = $cityDAO->getByIdGrville($cityGroupId);
         } else {
             $groups = _currentUser()->getGroups();
             $cities = $cityDAO->findByCitiesGroupIdAndUserGroups($cityGroupId, $groups['gestionautonome|iconitogrouphandler']);
         $ppo->citiesIds = array();
         $ppo->citiesNames = array();
         foreach ($cities as $city) {
             $ppo->citiesIds[] = $city->id_vi;
             $ppo->citiesNames[] = $city->nom;
     $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, '_filter_city.tpl');
 public function getTagsByGroups($idGroups = array())
     $groupsCollection = array();
     foreach ($idGroups as $idGroup) {
         $groupsCollection[$idGroup]['tags'] = $this->getTagsByGroup($idGroup);
     //calculate tags weight for group List
     $tagCollection = array();
     $max = 1;
     foreach ($groupsCollection as $group) {
         foreach ($group['tags'] as $tag) {
             if (!isset($tagCollection[$tag['name']])) {
                 $tagCollection[$tag['name']] = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($tagCollection[$tag['name']] > $max) {
                     $max = $tagCollection[$tag['name']];
     //ponderate between 1 and 100
     $ponde = 100 / $max;
     $ponderation = CopixConfig::get('groupe|ponderation');
     foreach ($tagCollection as $tagName => $weight) {
         $tagCollection[$tagName] = round($weight * $ponde / $ponderation);
     return $return = array('tags' => $tagCollection, 'groups' => $groupsCollection);
 public function create($infos = array())
     $blogDAO = _dao('blog|blog');
     $res = null;
     $tabBlogFunctions = returnAllBlogFunctions();
     $blog = _record('blog|blog');
     if ($infos['title']) {
         $blog->name_blog = $infos['title'] . (isset($infos['subtitle']) && strlen($infos['subtitle']) > 0 ? ' (' . $infos['subtitle'] . ')' : '');
     } else {
         $blog->name_blog = CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.default.titre');
     $blog->id_ctpt = 1;
     $blog->style_blog_file = 0;
     $is_public_default = CopixConfig::exists('blog|blog.default.is_public') ? CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.is_public') : 1;
     $blog->is_public = isset($infos['is_public']) ? $infos['is_public'] : $is_public_default;
     $blog->has_comments_activated = 0;
     $blog->type_moderation_comments = CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.type_moderation_comments');
     $blog->default_format_articles = CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.default_format_articles');
     $blog->privacy = CopixConfig::exists('blog|blog.default.privacy') ? CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.privacy') : 0;
     if ($blog->id_blog !== NULL) {
         // On détermine l'URL titre
         $blog->url_blog = KernelBlog::calcule_url_blog($blog->id_blog, $blog->name_blog);
         // On ajoute une catégorie
         $categoryDAO = _dao('blog|blogarticlecategory');
         $category = _record('blog|blogarticlecategory');
         $category->id_blog = $blog->id_blog;
         $category->name_bacg = CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.default.categorie');
         $category->url_bacg = killBadUrlChars($category->name_bacg) . date('YmdHis');
         $category->order_bacg = $categoryDAO->getNewPos($blog->id_blog);
     return $blog->id_blog !== NULL ? $blog->id_blog : NULL;
 function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $tpl =& new CopixTpl();
     $tpl->assign('login', $this->params['login']);
     $tpl->assign('enabledSendLogin', CopixConfig::get('auth|enableSendLostPassword'));
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('login.failed.tpl');
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $tpl->assign('homepageUrl', CopixConfig::get('|homePage'));
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('selecthomepage.form.tpl');
     return true;
 public function getChart($php_source, $width = 400, $height = 250, $bg_color = "666666", $transparent = false)
     $flash_file = $this->swf_file;
     $library_path = $this->library;
     $php_source = urlencode($php_source);
     $library_path = urlencode($library_path);
     $html = "<OBJECT classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase=',0,0,0' ";
     $html .= "WIDTH=" . $width . " HEIGHT=" . $height . " id='charts' ALIGN=''>";
     $u = strpos($flash_file, "?") === false ? "?" : (substr($flash_file, -1) === "&" ? "" : "&");
     $html .= "<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE='" . $flash_file . $u . "library_path=" . $library_path . "&php_source=" . $php_source;
     if (($license = CopixConfig::get('chart_swf|license')) != "") {
         $html .= "&license=" . $license;
     $html .= "'> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#" . $bg_color . "> ";
     if ($transparent) {
         $html .= "<PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent> ";
     $html .= "<EMBED src='" . $flash_file . $u . "library_path=" . $library_path . "&php_source=" . $php_source;
     if (($license = CopixConfig::get('chart_swf|license')) != "") {
         $html .= "&license=" . $license;
     $html .= "' quality=high bgcolor=#" . $bg_color . " WIDTH=" . $width . " HEIGHT=" . $height . " NAME='charts' ALIGN='' swLiveConnect='true' ";
     if ($transparent) {
         $html .= "wmode=transparent ";
     $html .= "TYPE='application/x-shockwave-flash' PLUGINSPAGE=''></EMBED></OBJECT>";
     return $html;
 public function processDefault()
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $tplModule = new CopixTpl();
     //if user is not connected :
     if (1) {
         // S'il y a un blog prevu a l'accueil
         $dispBlog = false;
         $getKernelLimitsIdBlog = Kernel::getKernelLimits('id_blog');
         if ($getKernelLimitsIdBlog) {
             if ($blog = _ioDao('blog|blog')->getBlogById($getKernelLimitsIdBlog)) {
                 // On v�rifie qu'il y a au moins un article
                 $stats = KernelBlog::getStats($blog->id_blog);
                 if ($stats['nbArticles']['value'] > 0) {
                     $dispBlog = true;
         if ($dispBlog) {
             //return CopixActionGroup::process ('blog|frontblog::getListArticle', array ('blog'=>$blog->url_blog));
             return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_REDIRECT, CopixUrl::get('blog||', array('blog' => $blog->url_blog)));
         if (!CopixConfig::exists('|can_public_rssfeed') || CopixConfig::get('|can_public_rssfeed')) {
             CopixHtmlHeader::addOthers('<link rel="alternate" href="' . CopixUrl::get('public||rss', array()) . '" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . htmlentities(CopixI18N::get('public|public.rss.flux.title')) . '" />');
         $tplModule->assign('user', _currentUser());
         $result = $tplModule->fetch('welcome|welcome_' . CopixI18N::getLang() . '.tpl');
         $tpl->assign('TITLE_PAGE', '' . CopixI18N::get('public|public.welcome.title'));
         $tpl->assign('MAIN', $result);
         return new CopixActionReturn(COPIX_AR_DISPLAY, $tpl);
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     //load PPO
     $ppo = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->user = _currentUser();
     //if user is connected : load personal informations
     if ($ppo->user->isConnected()) {
         $ppo->animateur = _sessionGet('user_animateur') ? 1 : 0;
         $ppo->ien = _sessionGet('prisedecontrole_ien') ? 1 : 0;
         $type = $ppo->user->getExtra('type');
         $sexe = $ppo->user->getExtra('sexe') == 2 ? 2 : '';
         $ppo->usertype = strtolower($type) . $sexe;
     // Get vocabulary catalog to use
     if ($myNode = CopixSession::get('myNode')) {
         $nodeVocabularyCatalogDAO = _ioDAO('kernel|kernel_i18n_node_vocabularycatalog');
         $vocabularyCatalog = $nodeVocabularyCatalogDAO->getCatalogForNode($myNode['type'], $myNode['id']);
     $ppo->vocabularyCatalogId = isset($vocabularyCatalog) ? $vocabularyCatalog->id_vc : CopixConfig::get('kernel|defaultVocabularyCatalog');
     $ppo->conf_Cas_actif = CopixConfig::exists('default|conf_Cas_actif') ? CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Cas_actif') : 0;
     $ppo->conf_Saml_actif = CopixConfig::exists('default|conf_Saml_actif') ? CopixConfig::get('default|conf_Saml_actif') : 0;
     //load tpl
     $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, 'userlogged.tpl');
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     //Getting the user.
     //Create Services, and DAO
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $tpl->assign('blog', $this->getParam('blog', null));
     $tpl->assign('kind', $this->getParam('kind', null));
     $tpl->assign('id_blog', $this->getParam('id_blog', ''));
     $tpl->assign('errors', $this->getParam('errors', ''));
     $tpl->assign('showErrors', $this->getParam('showErrors', ''));
     $tpl->assign('logoPath', $this->getParam('logoPath', null));
     $tpl->assign('tabBlogFunctions', $this->getParam('tabBlogFunctions', null));
     $tpl->assign('can_format_articles', CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.can_format_articles'));
     $tpl->assign('is_public', array('values' => array(1, 0), 'output' => array(CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.oui'), CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.non'))));
     $tpl->assign('has_comments_activated', array('values' => array(1, 0), 'output' => array(CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.oui'), CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.non'))));
     $tpl->assign('type_moderation_comments', array('values' => array('POST', 'PRE'), 'output' => array(CopixI18N::get('blog|'), CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.type_moderation_comments.pre'))));
     if (CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.can_format_articles')) {
         $formats = CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.formats_articles');
         $tabFormats = explode(',', $formats);
         $values = $output = array();
         foreach ($tabFormats as $k) {
             $values[] = $k;
             $output[] = CopixI18N::get('blog|blog.default_format_articles.' . $k);
         $tpl->assign('default_format_articles', array('values' => $values, 'output' => $output));
     } else {
         $tpl->assign('default_format_articles', CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.default_format_articles'));
     $tpl->assign('logo_max_width', CopixConfig::get('blog|blog.default.logo_max_width'));
     // retour de la fonction :
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('blog.edit.tpl');
     return true;
  * Par défaut, on redirige vers l'url d'accueil définie dans les paramètres
 public function processDefault()
     $home = CopixConfig::get('|homePage');
     if (strpos($home, 'http://') !== 0) {
         $home = _url() . $home;
     return _arRedirect($home);
  * ici on retourne la factory en fonction des parametres dans module.xml
 public static function getChartFactory()
     switch (CopixConfig::get('Chart|chartfactory')) {
         case 'SwfChart':
             return CopixClassesFactory::getInstanceOf('chart_swf|SwfChartFactory');
  * Récupère une lettre au hazard
 private function _pickLetter()
     $pick = $this->_hash[rand(0, count($this->_hash) - 1)];
     if (!in_array($pick, explode(';', CopixConfig::get('generictools|excludeFromPassword')))) {
         return $pick;
     return $this->_pickLetter();
  * Tests de get/set avec des valeurs spéciales
 public function testSpecialValues()
     CopixConfig::set('copixtest|test', 'fooValue avec des \' " / / \\ ');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixConfig::get('copixtest|test'), 'fooValue avec des \' " / / \\ ');
     CopixConfig::set('copixtest|test', 'foo');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixConfig::get('copixtest|testSpecial'), "mon\\chemin\\et\\sous\\chemin");
  * get all available format and their caption
 function getFormatList()
     $list = explode(';', CopixConfig::get('comment|textFormatList'));
     $toReturn = array();
     foreach ((array) $list as $format) {
         $toReturn[$format] = CopixI18N::get('comment|comment.format.' . $format);
     return $toReturn;
  * Affichage des dernieres pages d'un blog au format Javascript
  * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 2009/01/23
  * @param mixed $blog Recordset du blog
  * @param integer $nb (option) Nombre de pages a afficher. Si null, prend nbJsArticles dans la conf. Par defaut : null
  * @param integer $page (option) Id d'une page precise a afficher
  * @param boolean $content (option) Indique si on affiche le corps des pages. Par defaut : false
  * @param integer $colonnes Nb de colonnes. Par defaut : 1
  * @param boolean $hr (option) Si on veut afficher un HR entre les pages. Par defaut : false
  * @param boolean $showtitle (option) Si on veut afficher le titre des articles. Par defaut : true
  * @param integer $truncate (option) Limit de cesure du texte. Par defaut : 0 (pas de cesure)
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $blog = $this->getParam('blog', null);
     $nb = $this->getParam('nb', null);
     $nb = intval($nb);
     $colonnes = $this->getParam('colonnes');
     $colonnes = intval($colonnes);
     if (!$colonnes) {
         $colonnes = 1;
     $content = $this->getParam('content', false);
     $hr = $this->getParam('hr', false);
     $page = $this->getParam('page', null);
     $page = intval($page);
     $showtitle = $this->getParam('showtitle', true);
     $truncate = $this->getParam('truncate', 0);
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $listPage = array();
     if ($page) {
         // Page precise
         if (($rPage = _dao('blog|blogpage')->get($page)) && $rPage->id_blog == $blog->id_blog) {
             $listPage[] = $rPage;
     } else {
         // Les dernieres pages
         if (!$nb || $nb < 0 || $nb > 20) {
             $nb = CopixConfig::get('blog|nbJsArticles');
         //on récupère l'ensemble des articles du blog
         $dao = _dao('blog|blogpage');
         $arData = $dao->getAllPagesFromBlog($blog->id_blog);
         if (count($arData) <= $nb) {
             $listPage = $arData;
         } else {
             $params = array('perPage' => $nb, 'delta' => 1, 'recordSet' => $arData, 'template' => '|pager.tpl');
             $Pager = CopixPager::Load($params);
             $tpl->assign('pager', $Pager->GetMultipage());
             $listPage = $Pager->data;
     $tpl->assign('listPage', $listPage);
     $nbPages = count($listPage);
     // Nb elements par colonnes
     $parCols = ceil($nbPages / $colonnes);
     $tpl->assign('blog', $blog);
     $tpl->assign('content', $content);
     $tpl->assign('hr', $hr);
     $tpl->assign('parCols', $parCols);
     $tpl->assign('widthColonne', round(100 / $colonnes, 1) . '%');
     $tpl->assign('showtitle', $showtitle);
     $tpl->assign('truncate', $truncate);
     $txt = $tpl->fetch('listpagejs.tpl');
     $txt = trim(str_replace("\r\n", "", $txt));
     $txt = trim(str_replace("\n", "", $txt));
     $toReturn = "var blogJsPages='" . addslashes($txt) . "';";
     return true;
  * Création de la zone de login
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $ppo = new CopixPPO();
     $ppo->user = CopixAuth::getCurrentUser()->isConnected() ? CopixAuth::getCurrentUser() : null;
     $ppo->auth_url_return = $this->getParam('auth_url_return', _url('#'));
     $ppo->createUser = CopixConfig::get('auth|createUser');
     $ppo->ask_remember = false;
     $toReturn = $this->_usePPO($ppo, $this->getParam('template', 'login.form.php'));
  * Envoie un minimail
  * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 2005/10/18
  * @param string title Titre du minimail
  * @param string message Corps du minimail
  * @param integer from_id Id utilisateur de l'exp�diteur
  * @param array destin Id tableau avec les destinataires (cl� = id user)
  * @return mixed Id du message cr�� ou NULL si erreur
 public function sendMinimail($title, $message, $from_id, $destin, $format)
     $res = NULL;
     $DAOminimail_from = _dao("minimail|minimail_from");
     $DAOminimail_to = _dao("minimail|minimail_to");
     $newMp = _record("minimail|minimail_from");
     $newMp->title = $title;
     $newMp->message = $message;
     $newMp->format = $format;
     $newMp->date_send = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $newMp->from_id = $from_id;
     $newMp->is_deleted = 0;
     if ($newMp->id !== NULL) {
         // On parcourt chaque destinataire
         while (list($to_id, ) = each($destin)) {
             // print_r("to_id=$to_id / to_login=$to_login");
             $newDest = _record("minimail|minimail_to");
             $newDest->id_message = $newMp->id;
             $newDest->to_id = $to_id;
             $newDest->date_read = 0;
             $newDest->is_read = 0;
             $newDest->is_replied = 0;
             $newDest->is_deleted = 0;
             // ======= Alerte mail ===============
             // On vérifie que l'envoi de mails est activé, qu'un serveur SMTP est configuré, que le destinataire a coché l'option "etre prêvenu par mail" et qu'il a renseigné un mail
             if ($newDest->id2 && CopixConfig::get('|mailEnabled') == 1 && CopixConfig::get('|mailSmtpHost')) {
                 $prefs = Prefs::getPrefs($to_id);
                 if (isset($prefs['prefs']['alerte_mail_email']) && isset($prefs['minimail']['alerte_minimail']) && $prefs['prefs']['alerte_mail_email'] && $prefs['minimail']['alerte_minimail'] == 1) {
                     $userInfoFrom = Kernel::getUserInfo("ID", $from_id);
                     $to = $prefs['prefs']['alerte_mail_email'];
                     $auteur = utf8_decode($userInfoFrom['prenom'] . ' ' . $userInfoFrom['nom'] . ' (' . $userInfoFrom['login'] . ')');
                     $subject = CopixI18N::get('minimail|minimail.mail.alert.subject', array($auteur));
                     $message = str_replace('<br />', "\n", CopixI18N::get('minimail|minimail.mail.alert.body', array($auteur, CopixUrl::get('minimail||getMessage', array('id' => $newMp->id)), CopixUrl::get())));
                     $from = CopixConfig::get('default|mailFrom');
                     $fromName = CopixConfig::get('default|mailFromName');
                     $cc = $cci = '';
                     $monMail = new CopixTextEMail($to, $cc, $cci, $subject, $message);
                     $send = $monMail->send($from, $fromName);
             // ======= Fin alerte mail ===============
         $res = $newMp->id;
         if ($res) {
             $plugStats = CopixPluginRegistry::get("stats|stats");
             $plugStats->setParams(array('module' => 'minimail', 'action' => 'sendMinimail', 'objet_a' => $res));
     return $res;
  * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 2006/03/23
 public function _createContent(&$toReturn)
     $blog = $this->getParam('blog', null);
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     $arArticle = _ioDAO('blog|blogarticle')->findPublic(array('categories' => true, 'nb' => intval(CopixConfig::get('public|rss.nbArticles'))));
     $rss = array('title' => CopixI18N::get('public|public.rss.flux.title'), 'link' => CopixUrl::get(), 'description' => CopixI18N::get('public|public.rss.flux.description'), 'language' => 'fr-fr', 'copyright' => "Iconito", 'generator' => "Iconito", 'logo' => 0);
     $tpl->assign('rss', $rss);
     $tpl->assign('blog', $blog);
     $tpl->assign('listArticle', $arArticle);
     $toReturn = $tpl->fetch('rss.tpl');
     return true;
 * Valeur de la conf pour un parametre
 * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**>
 * @param string $parameter
 * @since 2009/08/13
function smarty_function_copixconf($params, &$smarty)
    $conf = CopixConfig::exists($params['parameter']) ? CopixConfig::get($params['parameter']) : null;
    if (isset($params['assign'])) {
        $assignVar = $params['assign'];
        //unset ($params['assign']);
        $smarty->assign($assignVar, $conf);
    } else {
        return $conf;