	public function propose_badminton_date(ProposedDate $badminton_date) {
		(Children of ProposedDate) -> BadmintonDate
		Attempts to create a new badminton date into the database, assumes sanitized input already
		if ((strtotime($badminton_date->begin_datetime) > time()) && (strtotime($badminton_date->end_datetime) > time())) {
			$sql = "INSERT INTO badminton_dates (datename, begin_datetime, end_datetime, creator_id, confirmed, summary) VALUES ('$badminton_date->datename', '$badminton_date->begin_datetime', '$badminton_date->end_datetime', '$this->user_id', '" . BadmintonDate::CONFIRMED . "', '$badminton_date->summary')
			ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE date_id = date_id";
			$result = $this->dbc->query($sql)
			or die ($this->dbc->error);
			if (($this->dbc->affected_rows == 2) || ($this->dbc->affected_rows == 0)) {
				//Update was preformed
				$sql = "SELECT date_id FROM `badminton_dates` WHERE begin_datetime = '$badminton_date->begin_datetime' AND end_datetime = '$badminton_date->end_datetime'";
				$result = $this->dbc->query($sql)
				or die ($this->dbc->error);
				$badminton_date->date_id = mysqli_fetch_row($result)[0];
			else {
				//Join the badminton date
				$badminton_date->date_id = $this->dbc->insert_id;
				//Push the action
				$action = new ProposeBadmintonDate(array(
					'proposer' => clone $this,
					'badminton_date' => $badminton_date)
				//Create the badminton conversation

			return $badminton_date;
		else {
			throw new UnexpectedValueException('UnexpectedValueException occured on request on the method call propose_badminton_date');
			return false;