  * Tests that user can get contest details with the scoreboard token
 public function testDetailsUsingToken()
     // Get a private contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest(null, 0);
     // Create our user not added to the contest
     $externalUser = UserFactory::createUser();
     $originalContestAccessLog = ContestAccessLogDAO::getAll();
     // Get the scoreboard url by using the MyList api being the
     // contest director
     $response = ContestController::apiMyList(new Request(array('auth_token' => $this->login($contestData['director']))));
     // Look for our contest from the list and save the scoreboard tokens
     $scoreboard_url = null;
     $scoreboard_admin_url = null;
     foreach ($response['results'] as $c) {
         if ($c['alias'] === $contestData['request']['alias']) {
             $scoreboard_url = $c['scoreboard_url'];
             $scoreboard_admin_url = $c['scoreboard_url_admin'];
     // Call details using token
     $detailsResponse = ContestController::apiDetails(new Request(array('auth_token' => $this->login($externalUser), 'contest_alias' => $contestData['request']['alias'], 'token' => $scoreboard_url)));
     $this->assertContestDetails($contestData, array(), $detailsResponse);
     // Call details using admin token
     $detailsResponse = ContestController::apiDetails(new Request(array('auth_token' => $this->login($externalUser), 'contest_alias' => $contestData['request']['alias'], 'token' => $scoreboard_admin_url)));
     $this->assertContestDetails($contestData, array(), $detailsResponse);
     // All requests were done using tokens, so the log must be identical.
     $contestAccessLog = ContestAccessLogDAO::getAll();
     $this->assertEquals($originalContestAccessLog, $contestAccessLog);