protected function compile() { global $objPage; $arrElements = array(); $objCte = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objPage->id, 'tl_page'); if ($objCte !== null) { $intCount = 0; $intLast = $objCte->count() - 1; while ($objCte->next()) { $arrCss = array(); /** @var \ContentModel $objRow */ $objRow = $objCte->current(); // Add the "first" and "last" classes (see #2583) if ($intCount == 0 || $intCount == $intLast) { if ($intCount == 0) { $arrCss[] = 'first'; } if ($intCount == $intLast) { $arrCss[] = 'last'; } } $objRow->classes = $arrCss; $arrElements[] = $this->getContentElement($objRow, $this->strColumn); ++$intCount; } } $this->Template->elements = $arrElements; // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileArticle']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileArticle'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileArticle'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($this->Template, $this->arrData, $this); } } }
protected function compile() { if ($this->objConfig->header) { $this->Template->showHeader = true; } $id = $this->id; $this->Template->body = function () use($id) { $strText = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_modal'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $strContent = $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getModalContentElement']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getModalContentElement'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getModalContentElement'] as $callback) { $strContent = static::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}($objElement->current(), $strContent, $this->Template, $this->objModel, $this->objConfig, $this); } } $strText .= $strContent; } } return $strText; }; $this->Template->hasBody = \ContentModel::countPublishedByPidAndTable($this->id, 'tl_modal') > 0; if ($this->objConfig->footer && $this->addFooter) { $this->Template->showFooter = true; } }
public static function getPlaceholder($placeholder) { $object = new self(); $strContent = ""; $addStmt = ""; $db = \Database::getInstance(); $placeholderId = is_numeric($placeholder) ? $placeholder : 0; $placeholderAlias = is_string($placeholder) ? $placeholder : 0; if (!BE_USER_LOGGED_IN) { $time = time(); $addStmt = " AND (start='' OR start<{$time}) AND (stop='' OR stop>{$time}) AND published=1"; } // TODO: make a Placeholder Model!! $objPlaceholder = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_dps_placeholder WHERE (id=? OR alias=?)" . $addStmt)->limit(1)->execute($placeholderId, $placeholderAlias); if ($objPlaceholder->numRows > 0) { $objPlaceholder = $objPlaceholder->first(); $id = $objPlaceholder->id; $objContent = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($id, "tl_dps_placeholder"); if ($objContent && $objContent->count() > 0) { while ($objContent->next()) { $strContent .= $object->replaceInsertTags($object->getContentElement($objContent->id)); } } } return $strContent; }
/** * Generate module */ protected function compile() { // Get ID $strAlias = \Input::get('auto_item') ? \Input::get('auto_item') : \Input::get('store'); // Find published store from ID if (($objStore = AnyStoresModel::findPublishedByIdOrAlias($strAlias)) !== null) { // load all details $objStore->loadDetails(); // generate description $objDescription = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objStore->id, $objStore->getTable()); if ($objDescription !== null) { while ($objDescription->next()) { $objStore->description .= \Controller::getContentElement($objDescription->current()); } } // Get referer for back button $objStore->referer = $this->getReferer(); // generate google map if template and geodata is set if ($this->anystores_mapTpl != '' && is_numeric($objStore->latitude) && is_numeric($objStore->longitude)) { $objMapTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->anystores_mapTpl); $objMapTemplate->setData($objStore->row()); $objStore->gMap = $objMapTemplate->parse(); } // Template $objDetailTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->anystores_detailTpl); $objDetailTemplate->setData($objStore->row()); $this->Template->store = $objDetailTemplate->parse(); } else { $this->_redirect404(); } }
/** * Add the type of input field * @param array * @return string */ public function listNewsletterArticles($arrRow) { $strStats = ''; $strContents = ''; $objContents = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($arrRow['id'], 'tl_newsletter'); if (!is_null($objContents)) { foreach ($objContents as $objContent) { $strContents .= $this->getContentElement($objContent->id) . '<hr>'; } } $intTotal = $arrRow['recipients'] + $arrRow['rejected']; // $intTracked = NewsletterContent\Models\NewsletterTrackingModel::countTrackedByPid($arrRow['id']); $objTracked = NewsletterContent\Models\NewsletterTrackingModel::findTrackedInteractionsByPid($arrRow['id']); $intTracked = !is_null($objTracked) ? $objTracked->count() : 0; $intPercent = @round($intTracked / $intTotal * 100); $strStats = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['sentTo'], $arrRow['recipients'], strval($intTotal), strval($intTracked), strval($intPercent)); return ' <div class="cte_type ' . ($arrRow['sent'] && $arrRow['date'] ? 'published' : 'unpublished') . '"><strong>' . $arrRow['subject'] . '</strong> - ' . ($arrRow['sent'] && $arrRow['date'] ? sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['sentOn'], Date::parse($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['datimFormat'], $arrRow['date'])) . '<br>' . $strStats : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['notSent']) . '</div> <div class="limit_height' . (!$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['doNotCollapse'] ? ' h128' : '') . '"> ' . (!$arrRow['sendText'] && strlen($strContents) ? ' ' . $strContents : '') . ' ' . nl2br_html5($arrRow['text']) . ' </div>' . "\n"; return '<div class="tl_content_left">' . $arrRow['subject'] . ' <span style="color:#b3b3b3;padding-left:3px">[' . $arrRow['senderName'] . ' <' . $arrRow['sender'] . '>]</span></div>'; }
/** * Generate the module */ protected function compile() { global $objPage; $this->Template->content = ''; $this->Template->referer = 'javascript:history.go(-1)'; $this->Template->back = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['goBack']; if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && BE_USER_LOGGED_IN) { $objNewsletter = \NewsletterModel::findByIdOrAlias(\Input::get('items')); } else { $objNewsletter = \NewsletterModel::findSentByParentAndIdOrAlias(\Input::get('items'), $this->nl_channels); } if ($objNewsletter === null) { // Do not index or cache the page $objPage->noSearch = 1; $objPage->cache = 0; // Send a 404 header header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); $this->Template->content = '<p class="error">' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['invalidPage'], \Input::get('items')) . '</p>'; return; } // Overwrite the page title (see #2853 and #4955) if ($objNewsletter->subject != '') { $objPage->pageTitle = strip_tags(strip_insert_tags($objNewsletter->subject)); } // Add enclosure if ($objNewsletter->addFile) { $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($this->Template, $objNewsletter->row(), 'files'); } if (!$objNewsletter->sendText) { $nl2br = $objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml' ? 'nl2br_xhtml' : 'nl2br_html5'; $strContent = ''; $objContentElements = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objNewsletter->id, 'tl_newsletter'); if ($objContentElements !== null) { if (!defined('NEWSLETTER_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) { define('NEWSLETTER_CONTENT_PREVIEW', true); } foreach ($objContentElements as $objContentElement) { $strContent .= $this->getContentElement($objContentElement->id); } } // Parse simple tokens and insert tags $strContent = $this->replaceInsertTags($strContent); $strContent = \String::parseSimpleTokens($strContent, array()); // Encode e-mail addresses $strContent = \String::encodeEmail($strContent); $this->Template->content = $strContent; } else { $strContent = str_ireplace(' align="center"', '', $objNewsletter->content); } // Convert relative URLs $strContent = $this->convertRelativeUrls($strContent); // Parse simple tokens and insert tags $strContent = $this->replaceInsertTags($strContent); $strContent = \String::parseSimpleTokens($strContent, array()); // Encode e-mail addresses $strContent = \String::encodeEmail($strContent); $this->Template->content = $strContent; $this->Template->subject = $objNewsletter->subject; }
/** * Generate the module */ protected function compile() { $this->Template->content = ''; if (($objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($this->User->id, 'tl_member')) !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $this->Template->content .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->id); } } }
/** * Add product items to the indexer * @param array * @param integer * @param boolean * @return array */ public function getSearchablePages($arrPages, $intRoot = 0, $blnIsSitemap = false) { $arrRoot = array(); if ($intRoot > 0) { $arrRoot = $this->Database->getChildRecords($intRoot, 'tl_page'); } $time = time(); $arrProcessed = array(); // Get all catalog categories $objCatalog = \ProductCatalogModel::findByProtected(''); // Walk through each archive if ($objCatalog !== null) { while ($objCatalog->next()) { // Skip catalog categories without target page if (!$objCatalog->jumpTo) { continue; } // Skip catalog categories outside the root nodes if (!empty($arrRoot) && !in_array($objCatalog->jumpTo, $arrRoot)) { continue; } // Get the URL of the jumpTo page if (!isset($arrProcessed[$objCatalog->jumpTo])) { $objParent = \PageModel::findWithDetails($objCatalog->jumpTo); // The target page does not exist if ($objParent === null) { continue; } // The target page has not been published (see #5520) if (!$objParent->published || $objParent->start != '' && $objParent->start > $time || $objParent->stop != '' && $objParent->stop < $time) { continue; } // The target page is exempt from the sitemap (see #6418) if ($blnIsSitemap && $objParent->sitemap == 'map_never') { continue; } // Set the domain (see #6421) $domain = ($objParent->rootUseSSL ? 'https://' : 'http://') . ($objParent->domain ?: \Environment::get('host')) . TL_PATH . '/'; // Generate the URL $arrProcessed[$objCatalog->jumpTo] = $domain . $this->generateFrontendUrl($objParent->row(), \Config::get('useAutoItem') && !\Config::get('disableAlias') ? '/%s' : '/items/%s', $objParent->language); } $strUrl = $arrProcessed[$objCatalog->jumpTo]; // Get the items $objProduct = \ProductModel::findPublishedByPid($objCatalog->id); if ($objProduct !== null) { while ($objProduct->next()) { $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objProduct->id, 'tl_product'); if ($objElement !== null) { $arrPages[] = $this->getLink($objProduct, $strUrl); } } } } } return $arrPages; }
protected function generateFields($objItem) { $arrItem = parent::generateFields($objItem); global $objPage; $arrItem['fields']['newsHeadline'] = $objItem->headline; $arrItem['fields']['subHeadline'] = $objItem->subheadline; $arrItem['fields']['hasSubHeadline'] = $objItem->subheadline ? true : false; $arrItem['fields']['linkHeadline'] = ModuleNews::generateLink($this, $objItem->headline, $objItem, false); $arrItem['fields']['more'] = ModuleNews::generateLink($this, $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['more'], $objItem, false, true); $arrItem['fields']['link'] = ModuleNews::generateNewsUrl($this, $objItem, false); $arrItem['fields']['text'] = ''; // Clean the RTE output if ($objItem->teaser != '') { if ($objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml') { $arrItem['fields']['teaser'] = \StringUtil::toXhtml($objItem->teaser); } else { $arrItem['fields']['teaser'] = \StringUtil::toHtml5($objItem->teaser); } $arrItem['fields']['teaser'] = \StringUtil::encodeEmail($arrItem['fields']['teaser']); } // Display the "read more" button for external/article links if ($objItem->source != 'default') { $arrItem['fields']['text'] = true; } else { $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objItem->id, 'tl_news'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $arrItem['fields']['text'] .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } } $arrMeta = ModuleNews::getMetaFields($this, $objItem); // Add the meta information $arrItem['fields']['date'] = $arrMeta['date']; $arrItem['fields']['hasMetaFields'] = !empty($arrMeta); $arrItem['fields']['numberOfComments'] = $arrMeta['ccount']; $arrItem['fields']['commentCount'] = $arrMeta['comments']; $arrItem['fields']['timestamp'] = $objItem->date; $arrItem['fields']['author'] = $arrMeta['author']; $arrItem['fields']['datetime'] = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $objItem->date); $arrItem['fields']['addImage'] = false; // Add an image $this->addImage($objItem, 'singleSRC', $arrItem); // enclosures are added in runBeforeTemplateParsing return $arrItem; }
/** * Generate the module */ protected function compile() { // get content of article $objElements = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($this->dk_mmenuArticle, 'tl_article'); if ($objElements !== null) { while ($objElements->next()) { $arrElements[] = $this->getContentElement($objElements->id); } } $this->Template->elements = $arrElements; // --- create FE template for javascript caller $objTemplateJs = new \FrontendTemplate($this->strTemplateJs); $objTemplateJs->id = $this->id; $objTemplateJs->cssIDonly = $this->cssID[0]; $objMmenu = new Mmenu(); $objMmenu->createTemplateData($this->Template, $objTemplateJs); }
public function parseMember($objMember) { global $objPage; $objT = new \FrontendTemplate($this->mlTemplate); $objT->setData($objMember->row()); $arrSkipFields = deserialize($this->mlFields, true); if ($this->mlSkipFields) { $this->dropFieldsFromTemplate($objT, $arrSkipFields); } $strUrl = $this->generateMemberUrl($objMember); $objT->hasContent = false; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objMember->id, 'tl_member'); if ($objElement !== null) { $objT->hasContent = true; if ($this->mlLoadContent) { while ($objElement->next()) { $objT->text .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } } $objT->addImage = false; if (!$this->mlDisableImages) { $this->addMemberImageToTemplate($objT, $objMember); } $objT->titleCombined = $this->getCombinedTitle($objMember, $arrSkipFields); $arrLocation = array_filter(array($objMember->postal, $objMember->city)); $objT->locationCombined = empty($arrLocation) ? '' : implode(' ', $arrLocation); $objT->websiteLink = $objMember->website; $objT->websiteTitle = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['memberlist']['websiteTitle']; // Add http:// to the website if ($objMember->website != '' && !preg_match('@^(https?://|ftp://|mailto:|#)@i', $objMember->website)) { $objT->websiteLink = 'http://' . $objMember->website; } if ($this->mlSource == 'external') { // Encode e-mail addresses if (substr($this->mlUrl, 0, 7) == 'mailto:') { $strUrl = \String::encodeEmail($this->mlUrl); } else { $strUrl = ampersand($this->mlUrl); } } $objT->link = $strUrl; $objT->linkTarget = $this->mlTarget ? $objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml' ? ' onclick="return !"' : ' target="_blank"' : ''; $objT->linkTitle = specialchars(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['openMember'], $objT->titleCombined)); return $objT->parse(); }
/** * Generate the content element */ protected function compile() { $this->Template->image = \FilesModel::findByUuid($this->singleSRC); // for navigation: get list of content elements $nlContent = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($this->pid, "tl_newsletter"); $content_items = array(); $first = true; if ($nlContent) { foreach ($nlContent as $element) { if ($element->id != $this->id) { if ($element->hoja_nl_headerlink_text) { $content_items[] = array("id" => $element->id, "linktext" => $element->hoja_nl_headerlink_text); } } } } $this->Template->nav_items = $content_items; }
protected function compile() { parent::compile(); $objNewsletter = \NewsletterModel::findSentByParentAndIdOrAlias(\Input::get('items'), $this->nl_channels); error_log("check"); error_log($this->id); $html = ''; $objContentElements = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objNewsletter->id, 'tl_newsletter'); error_log($objContentElements); if ($objContentElements !== null) { while ($objContentElements->next()) { $html .= $this->getContentElement($objContentElements->id); } } // Replace insert tags $html = $this->replaceInsertTags($html); $this->Template->htmlContent = $html; }
/** * Add the type of input field * @param array * @return string */ public function listNewsletterArticles($arrRow) { $strStats = ''; $strContents = ''; $objContents = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($arrRow['id'], 'tl_newsletter'); if (!is_null($objContents)) { foreach ($objContents as $objContent) { $strContents .= $this->getContentElement($objContent->id) . '<hr>'; } } $strStats = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['hoja_status_string'], $arrRow['hoja_recipients'], $arrRow['hoja_rejected']); return ' <div class="cte_type ' . ($arrRow['sent'] && $arrRow['date'] ? 'published' : 'unpublished') . '"><strong>' . $arrRow['subject'] . '</strong> - ' . ($arrRow['sent'] && $arrRow['date'] ? sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['sentOn'], Date::parse($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['datimFormat'], $arrRow['date'])) . '<br>' . $strStats : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['notSent']) . '</div> <div class="limit_height' . (!$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['doNotCollapse'] ? ' h128' : '') . '"> ' . (!$arrRow['sendText'] && strlen($strContents) ? ' ' . $strContents : '') . ' ' . nl2br_html5($arrRow['text']) . ' </div>' . "\n"; }
/** * Generate the content element */ protected function compile() { $arrContent = array(); $objBlock = BlockModuleModel::findByPk($this->block); if ($objBlock === null) { return; } $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($this->block, 'tl_block_module'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $arrContent[] = \Controller::getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } $strReturn = implode('', $arrContent); if ($objBlock->addWrapper) { $strReturn = ModuleBlock::createBlockWrapper($objBlock, $strReturn); } $this->Template->content = $strReturn; }
protected function generateFields($objItem) { $arrItem = parent::generateFields($objItem); if (in_array('member_content_archives', \ModuleLoader::getActive())) { $arrFilterTags = deserialize($this->memberContentArchiveTags, true); $arrItem['fields']['memberContent'] = ''; if (($objMemberContentArchives = \HeimrichHannot\MemberContentArchives\MemberContentArchiveModel::findBy(array('mid=?', 'published=?'), array($objItem->memberId ?: $objItem->id, true))) !== null) { while ($objMemberContentArchives->next()) { if (in_array($objMemberContentArchives->tag, $arrFilterTags)) { $arrItem['fields']['memberContentId'] = $objMemberContentArchives->id; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objMemberContentArchives->id, 'tl_member_content_archive'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $arrItem['fields']['memberContent'] .= \Controller::getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } } } if ($objMemberContentArchives->tag == $this->memberContentArchiveTeaserTag) { $arrItem['fields']['memberContentTitle'] = $objMemberContentArchives->title; $arrItem['fields']['memberContentTeaser'] = $objMemberContentArchives->teaser; } // override member fields $arrOverridableMemberFields = deserialize(\Config::get('overridableMemberFields')); if (!empty($arrOverridableMemberFields)) { foreach ($arrOverridableMemberFields as $strField) { $strFieldOverride = 'member' . ucfirst($strField); if ($objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride}) { if (\Validator::isUuid($objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride})) { $objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride} = Files::getPathFromUuid($objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride}); } $arrItem['fields'][$strField] = $objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride}; } } } } } return $arrItem; }
protected function parseItem($objItem, $strClass = '', $intCount = 0) { if (in_array('member_content_archives', \ModuleLoader::getActive())) { $arrFilterTags = deserialize($this->memberContentArchiveTags, true); $objItem->memberContent = ''; if (($objMemberContentArchives = \HeimrichHannot\MemberContentArchives\MemberContentArchiveModel::findBy('mid', $objItem->memberId ?: $objItem->id)) !== null) { while ($objMemberContentArchives->next()) { if (in_array($objMemberContentArchives->tag, $arrFilterTags)) { $objItem->memberContentId = $objMemberContentArchives->id; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objMemberContentArchives->id, 'tl_member_content_archive'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $objItem->memberContent .= \Controller::getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } } } if ($objMemberContentArchives->tag == $this->memberContentArchiveTeaserTag) { $objItem->memberContentTitle = $objMemberContentArchives->title; $objItem->memberContentTeaser = $objMemberContentArchives->teaser; } // override member fields $arrOverridableMemberFields = deserialize(\Config::get('overridableMemberFields')); if (!empty($arrOverridableMemberFields)) { foreach ($arrOverridableMemberFields as $strField) { $strFieldOverride = 'member' . ucfirst($strField); if ($objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride}) { if (\Validator::isUuid($objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride})) { $objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride} = Files::getPathFromUuid($objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride}); } $objItem->{$strField} = $objMemberContentArchives->{$strFieldOverride}; } } } } } return parent::parseItem($objItem, $strClass, $intCount); }
/** * Generate an XML files and save them to the root directory * @param array */ protected function generateFiles($arrFeed) { $arrArchives = deserialize($arrFeed['archives']); if (!is_array($arrArchives) || empty($arrArchives)) { return; } $strType = $arrFeed['format'] == 'atom' ? 'generateAtom' : 'generateRss'; $strLink = $arrFeed['feedBase'] ?: \Environment::get('base'); $strFile = $arrFeed['feedName']; $objFeed = new \Feed($strFile); $objFeed->link = $strLink; $objFeed->title = $arrFeed['title']; $objFeed->description = $arrFeed['description']; $objFeed->language = $arrFeed['language']; $objFeed->published = $arrFeed['tstamp']; $arrCategories = deserialize($arrFeed['categories']); // Filter by categories if (is_array($arrCategories) && !empty($arrCategories)) { $GLOBALS['NEWS_FILTER_CATEGORIES'] = true; $GLOBALS['NEWS_FILTER_DEFAULT'] = $arrCategories; } else { $GLOBALS['NEWS_FILTER_CATEGORIES'] = false; } // Get the items if ($arrFeed['maxItems'] > 0) { $objArticle = \NewsModel::findPublishedByPids($arrArchives, null, $arrFeed['maxItems']); } else { $objArticle = \NewsModel::findPublishedByPids($arrArchives); } // Parse the items if ($objArticle !== null) { $arrUrls = array(); while ($objArticle->next()) { $jumpTo = $objArticle->getRelated('pid')->jumpTo; // No jumpTo page set (see #4784) if (!$jumpTo) { continue; } // Get the jumpTo URL if (!isset($arrUrls[$jumpTo])) { $objParent = \PageModel::findWithDetails($jumpTo); // A jumpTo page is set but does no longer exist (see #5781) if ($objParent === null) { $arrUrls[$jumpTo] = false; } else { $arrUrls[$jumpTo] = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objParent->row(), $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem'] && !$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['disableAlias'] ? '/%s' : '/items/%s', $objParent->language); } } // Skip the event if it requires a jumpTo URL but there is none if ($arrUrls[$jumpTo] === false && $objArticle->source == 'default') { continue; } // Get the categories if ($arrFeed['categories_show']) { $arrCategories = array(); if (($objCategories = NewsCategoryModel::findPublishedByIds(deserialize($objArticle->categories, true))) !== null) { $arrCategories = $objCategories->fetchEach('title'); } } $strUrl = $arrUrls[$jumpTo]; $objItem = new \FeedItem(); // Add the categories to the title if ($arrFeed['categories_show'] == 'title') { $objItem->title = sprintf('[%s] %s', implode(', ', $arrCategories), $objArticle->headline); } else { $objItem->title = $objArticle->headline; } $objItem->link = $this->getLink($objArticle, $strUrl, $strLink); $objItem->published = $objArticle->date; $objItem->author = $objArticle->authorName; // Prepare the description if ($arrFeed['source'] == 'source_text') { $strDescription = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objArticle->id, 'tl_news'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $strDescription .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->id); } } } else { $strDescription = $objArticle->teaser; } // Add the categories to the description if ($arrFeed['categories_show'] == 'text_before' || $arrFeed['categories_show'] == 'text_after') { $strCategories = '<p>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['newsCategories'] . ' ' . implode(', ', $arrCategories) . '</p>'; if ($arrFeed['categories_show'] == 'text_before') { $strDescription = $strCategories . $strDescription; } else { $strDescription .= $strCategories; } } $strDescription = $this->replaceInsertTags($strDescription, false); $objItem->description = $this->convertRelativeUrls($strDescription, $strLink); // Add the article image as enclosure if ($objArticle->addImage) { $objFile = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objArticle->singleSRC); if ($objFile !== null) { $objItem->addEnclosure($objFile->path); } } // Enclosures if ($objArticle->addEnclosure) { $arrEnclosure = deserialize($objArticle->enclosure, true); if (is_array($arrEnclosure)) { $objFile = \FilesModel::findMultipleByUuids($arrEnclosure); if ($objFile !== null) { while ($objFile->next()) { $objItem->addEnclosure($objFile->path); } } } } $objFeed->addItem($objItem); } } // Create the file \File::putContent('share/' . $strFile . '.xml', $this->replaceInsertTags($objFeed->{$strType}(), false)); }
/** * Parse an item and return it as string * * @param \NewsModel $objArticle * @param boolean $blnAddArchive * @param string $strClass * @param integer $intCount * * @return string */ protected function parseArticle($objArticle, $blnAddArchive = false, $strClass = '', $intCount = 0) { /** @var \PageModel $objPage */ global $objPage; /** @var \FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->news_template); $objTemplate->setData($objArticle->row()); $objTemplate->class = ($objArticle->cssClass != '' ? ' ' . $objArticle->cssClass : '') . $strClass; $objTemplate->newsHeadline = $objArticle->headline; $objTemplate->subHeadline = $objArticle->subheadline; $objTemplate->hasSubHeadline = $objArticle->subheadline ? true : false; $objTemplate->linkHeadline = $this->generateLink($objArticle->headline, $objArticle, $blnAddArchive); $objTemplate->more = $this->generateLink($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['more'], $objArticle, $blnAddArchive, true); $objTemplate->link = $this->generateNewsUrl($objArticle, $blnAddArchive); $objTemplate->archive = $objArticle->getRelated('pid'); $objTemplate->count = $intCount; // see #5708 $objTemplate->text = ''; // Clean the RTE output if ($objArticle->teaser != '') { if ($objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml') { $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::toXhtml($objArticle->teaser); } else { $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::toHtml5($objArticle->teaser); } $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::encodeEmail($objTemplate->teaser); } // Display the "read more" button for external/article links if ($objArticle->source != 'default') { $objTemplate->text = true; } else { $id = $objArticle->id; $objTemplate->text = function () use($id) { $strText = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_news'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $strText .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } return $strText; }; } $arrMeta = $this->getMetaFields($objArticle); // Add the meta information $objTemplate->date = $arrMeta['date']; $objTemplate->hasMetaFields = !empty($arrMeta); $objTemplate->numberOfComments = $arrMeta['ccount']; $objTemplate->commentCount = $arrMeta['comments']; $objTemplate->timestamp = $objArticle->date; $objTemplate->author = $arrMeta['author']; $objTemplate->datetime = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $objArticle->date); $objTemplate->addImage = false; // Add an image if ($objArticle->addImage && $objArticle->singleSRC != '') { $objModel = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objArticle->singleSRC); if ($objModel === null) { if (!\Validator::isUuid($objArticle->singleSRC)) { $objTemplate->text = '<p class="error">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['version2format'] . '</p>'; } } elseif (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objModel->path)) { // Do not override the field now that we have a model registry (see #6303) $arrArticle = $objArticle->row(); // Override the default image size if ($this->imgSize != '') { $size = deserialize($this->imgSize); if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0 || is_numeric($size[2])) { $arrArticle['size'] = $this->imgSize; } } $arrArticle['singleSRC'] = $objModel->path; $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemplate, $arrArticle); } } $objTemplate->enclosure = array(); // Add enclosures if ($objArticle->addEnclosure) { $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemplate, $objArticle->row()); } // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseArticles']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseArticles'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseArticles'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objTemplate, $objArticle->row(), $this); } } return $objTemplate->parse(); }
/** * Parse an item and return it as string * @param object * @param boolean * @param string * @param integer * @return string */ protected function parseArticle($objArticle, $blnAddArchive = false, $strClass = '', $intCount = 0) { global $objPage; $arrCategories = deserialize($objArticle->categories, true); $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->news_template); $objTemplate->setData($objArticle->row()); $objTemplate->class = ($objArticle->cssClass != '' ? ' ' . $objArticle->cssClass : '') . $strClass; $objTemplate->newsHeadline = $objArticle->headline; $objTemplate->subHeadline = $objArticle->subheadline; $objTemplate->hasSubHeadline = $objArticle->subheadline ? true : false; $objTemplate->linkHeadline = $this->generateLink($objArticle->headline, $objArticle, $blnAddArchive); $objTemplate->more = $this->generateLink($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['more'], $objArticle, $blnAddArchive, true); $objTemplate->link = $this->generateNewsUrl($objArticle, $blnAddArchive); $objTemplate->linkTarget = $objArticle->target ? $objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml' ? ' onclick="return !"' : ' target="_blank"' : ''; $objTemplate->linkTitle = specialchars(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['readMore'], $objArticle->headline), true); $objTemplate->count = $intCount; // see #5708 $objTemplate->text = ''; $objTemplate->hasText = false; $objTemplate->hasTeaser = false; // print pdf if ($this->news_pdfJumpTo) { $objTemplate->showPdfButton = true; $pdfPage = \PageModel::findByPk($this->news_pdfJumpTo); $pdfArticle = \ArticleModel::findPublishedByPidAndColumn($this->news_pdfJumpTo, 'main'); $options = deserialize($pdfArticle->printable); if (in_array('pdf', $options)) { $objTemplate->pdfArticleId = $pdfArticle->id; } $strUrl = \Controller::generateFrontendUrl($pdfPage->row()); $objTemplate->pdfJumpTo = $strUrl; } $objArchive = \NewsArchiveModel::findByPk($objArticle->pid); $objTemplate->archive = $objArchive; $objTemplate->archive->title = $objTemplate->archive->displayTitle ? $objTemplate->archive->displayTitle : $objTemplate->archive->title; $objTemplate->archive->class = ModuleNewsListPlus::getArchiveClassFromTitle($objTemplate->archive->title, true); $objTemplate->archiveTitle = $objTemplate->archive->title; $arrCategoryTitles = array(); if ($this->news_archiveTitleAppendCategories && !empty($arrCategories)) { $arrTitleCategories = array_intersect($arrCategories, deserialize($this->news_archiveTitleCategories, true)); if (!empty($arrTitleCategories)) { $objTitleCategories = NewsCategoryModel::findPublishedByIds($arrTitleCategories); if ($objTitleCategories !== null) { while ($objTitleCategories->next()) { if ($objTitleCategories->frontendTitle) { $arrCategoryTitles[$objTitleCategories->id] = $objTitleCategories->frontendTitle; continue; } $arrCategoryTitles[$objTitleCategories->id] = $objTitleCategories->title; } $objTemplate->archiveTitle .= ' : ' . implode(' : ', $arrCategoryTitles); } } } // add tags $objTemplate->showTags = $this->news_showtags; if ($this->news_showtags && $this->news_template_modal && $this->Environment->isAjaxRequest) { $helper = new NewsPlusTagHelper(); $tagsandlist = $helper->getTagsAndTaglistForIdAndTable($objArticle->id, 'tl_news', $this->tag_jumpTo); $tags = $tagsandlist['tags']; $taglist = $tagsandlist['taglist']; $objTemplate->showTagClass = $this->tag_named_class; $objTemplate->tags = $tags; $objTemplate->taglist = $taglist; $objTemplate->news = 'IN'; } // nav $strUrl = ''; $objArchive = \NewsArchiveModel::findByPk($objArticle->pid); if ($objArchive !== null && $objArchive->jumpTo && ($objTarget = $objArchive->getRelated('jumpTo')) !== null) { $strUrl = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objTarget->row(), \Config::get('useAutoItem') && !\Config::get('disableAlias') ? '/%s' : '/news/%s'); } $objTemplate->nav = static::generateArrowNavigation($objArticle, $strUrl, $this->news_readerModule); // Clean the RTE output if ($objArticle->teaser != '') { $objTemplate->hasTeaser = true; if ($objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml') { $objTemplate->teaser = \String::toXhtml($objArticle->teaser); } else { $objTemplate->teaser = \String::toHtml5($objArticle->teaser); } $objTemplate->teaser = \String::encodeEmail($objTemplate->teaser); } // Display the "read more" button for external/article links if ($objArticle->source != 'default') { $objTemplate->text = true; $objTemplate->hasText = true; } else { $id = $objArticle->id; $objTemplate->text = function () use($id) { $strText = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_news'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $strText .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } return $strText; }; $objTemplate->hasText = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objArticle->id, 'tl_news') !== null; } $arrMeta = $this->getMetaFields($objArticle); // Add the meta information $objTemplate->date = $arrMeta['date']; $objTemplate->hasMetaFields = !empty($arrMeta); $objTemplate->numberOfComments = $arrMeta['ccount']; $objTemplate->commentCount = $arrMeta['comments']; $objTemplate->timestamp = $objArticle->date; $objTemplate->author = $arrMeta['author']; $objTemplate->datetime = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $objArticle->date); $objTemplate->addImage = false; // Add an image if ($objArticle->addImage && $objArticle->singleSRC != '') { $objModel = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objArticle->singleSRC); if ($objModel === null) { if (!\Validator::isUuid($objArticle->singleSRC)) { $objTemplate->text = '<p class="error">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['version2format'] . '</p>'; } } elseif (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objModel->path)) { // Do not override the field now that we have a model registry (see #6303) $arrArticle = $objArticle->row(); // Override the default image size if ($this->imgSize != '') { $size = deserialize($this->imgSize); if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0 || is_numeric($size[2])) { $arrArticle['size'] = $this->imgSize; } } $arrArticle['singleSRC'] = $objModel->path; $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemplate, $arrArticle); } } $objTemplate->enclosure = array(); // Add enclosures if ($objArticle->addEnclosure) { $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemplate, $objArticle->row()); } if (in_array('share', \ModuleLoader::getActive())) { $objArticle->title = $objArticle->headline; $objShare = new \HeimrichHannot\Share\Share($this->objModel, $objArticle); $objTemplate->share = $objShare->generate(); } // Modal if ($this->news_showInModal && $objArticle->source == 'default' && $this->news_readerModule) { $objTemplate->modal = true; $objTemplate->modalTarget = '#' . NewsPlusHelper::getCSSModalID($this->news_readerModule); } // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseArticles']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseArticles'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseArticles'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objTemplate, $objArticle->row(), $this); } } return $objTemplate->parse(); }
/** * Generate the module */ protected function compile() { /** @var PageModel $objPage */ global $objPage; $id = 'article-' . $this->id; // Generate the CSS ID if it is not set if (empty($this->cssID[0])) { $this->cssID = array($id, $this->cssID[1]); } $this->Template->column = $this->inColumn; $this->Template->noMarkup = $this->blnNoMarkup; // Add the modification date $this->Template->timestamp = $this->tstamp; $this->Template->date = \Date::parse($objPage->datimFormat, $this->tstamp); // Clean the RTE output $this->teaser = \StringUtil::toHtml5($this->teaser); // Show the teaser only if ($this->multiMode && $this->showTeaser) { $this->cssID = array($id, ''); $arrCss = \StringUtil::deserialize($this->teaserCssID); // Override the CSS ID and class if (is_array($arrCss) && count($arrCss) == 2) { if ($arrCss[0] == '') { $arrCss[0] = $id; } $this->cssID = $arrCss; } $article = $this->alias ?: $this->id; $href = '/articles/' . ($this->inColumn != 'main' ? $this->inColumn . ':' : '') . $article; $this->Template->teaserOnly = true; $this->Template->headline = $this->headline; $this->Template->href = $objPage->getFrontendUrl($href); $this->Template->teaser = $this->teaser; $this->Template->readMore = \StringUtil::specialchars(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['readMore'], $this->headline), true); $this->Template->more = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['more']; return; } // Get section and article alias list($strSection, $strArticle) = explode(':', \Input::get('articles')); if ($strArticle === null) { $strArticle = $strSection; } // Overwrite the page title (see #2853 and #4955) if (!$this->blnNoMarkup && $strArticle != '' && ($strArticle == $this->id || $strArticle == $this->alias) && $this->title != '') { $objPage->pageTitle = strip_tags(\StringUtil::stripInsertTags($this->title)); if ($this->teaser != '') { $objPage->description = $this->prepareMetaDescription($this->teaser); } } $this->Template->printable = false; $this->Template->backlink = false; // Back link if (!$this->multiMode && $strArticle != '' && ($strArticle == $this->id || $strArticle == $this->alias)) { $this->Template->backlink = 'javascript:history.go(-1)'; // see #6955 $this->Template->back = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['goBack']); } $arrElements = array(); $objCte = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($this->id, 'tl_article'); if ($objCte !== null) { $intCount = 0; $intLast = $objCte->count() - 1; while ($objCte->next()) { $arrCss = array(); /** @var ContentModel $objRow */ $objRow = $objCte->current(); // Add the "first" and "last" classes (see #2583) if ($intCount == 0 || $intCount == $intLast) { if ($intCount == 0) { $arrCss[] = 'first'; } if ($intCount == $intLast) { $arrCss[] = 'last'; } } $objRow->classes = $arrCss; $arrElements[] = $this->getContentElement($objRow, $this->strColumn); ++$intCount; } } $this->Template->teaser = $this->teaser; $this->Template->elements = $arrElements; if ($this->keywords != '') { $GLOBALS['TL_KEYWORDS'] .= ($GLOBALS['TL_KEYWORDS'] != '' ? ', ' : '') . $this->keywords; } // Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0 if ($this->printable == 1) { @trigger_error('Setting tl_article.printable to "1" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->Template->printable = true; $this->Template->pdfButton = true; } elseif ($this->printable != '') { $options = \StringUtil::deserialize($this->printable); if (!empty($options) && is_array($options)) { $this->Template->printable = true; $this->Template->printButton = in_array('print', $options); $this->Template->pdfButton = in_array('pdf', $options); $this->Template->facebookButton = in_array('facebook', $options); $this->Template->twitterButton = in_array('twitter', $options); $this->Template->gplusButton = in_array('gplus', $options); } } // Add syndication variables if ($this->Template->printable) { $request = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest'); // URL encoding will be handled by the Symfony router, so do not apply rawurlencode() here anymore $this->Template->print = '#'; $this->Template->encUrl = \Environment::get('base') . \Environment::get('request'); $this->Template->encTitle = $objPage->pageTitle; $this->Template->href = $request . (strpos($request, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . 'pdf=' . $this->id; $this->Template->printTitle = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['printPage']); $this->Template->pdfTitle = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['printAsPdf']); $this->Template->facebookTitle = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['facebookShare']); $this->Template->twitterTitle = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['twitterShare']); $this->Template->gplusTitle = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['gplusShare']); } // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileArticle']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileArticle'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['compileArticle'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($this->Template, $this->arrData, $this); } } }
/** * Generate an XML file and save it to the root directory * * @param array $arrFeed */ protected function generateFiles($arrFeed) { $arrCalendars = deserialize($arrFeed['calendars']); if (!is_array($arrCalendars) || empty($arrCalendars)) { return; } $strType = $arrFeed['format'] == 'atom' ? 'generateAtom' : 'generateRss'; $strLink = $arrFeed['feedBase'] ?: \Environment::get('base'); $strFile = $arrFeed['feedName']; $objFeed = new \Feed($strFile); $objFeed->link = $strLink; $objFeed->title = $arrFeed['title']; $objFeed->description = $arrFeed['description']; $objFeed->language = $arrFeed['language']; $objFeed->published = $arrFeed['tstamp']; $arrUrls = array(); $this->arrEvents = array(); $time = time(); // Get the upcoming events $objArticle = \CalendarEventsModel::findUpcomingByPids($arrCalendars, $arrFeed['maxItems']); // Parse the items if ($objArticle !== null) { while ($objArticle->next()) { $jumpTo = $objArticle->getRelated('pid')->jumpTo; // No jumpTo page set (see #4784) if (!$jumpTo) { continue; } // Get the jumpTo URL if (!isset($arrUrls[$jumpTo])) { $objParent = \PageModel::findWithDetails($jumpTo); // A jumpTo page is set but does no longer exist (see #5781) if ($objParent === null) { $arrUrls[$jumpTo] = false; } else { $arrUrls[$jumpTo] = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objParent->row(), \Config::get('useAutoItem') && !\Config::get('disableAlias') ? '/%s' : '/events/%s', $objParent->language); } } // Skip the event if it requires a jumpTo URL but there is none if ($arrUrls[$jumpTo] === false && $objArticle->source == 'default') { continue; } $strUrl = $arrUrls[$jumpTo]; $this->addEvent($objArticle, $objArticle->startTime, $objArticle->endTime, $strUrl, $strLink); // Recurring events if ($objArticle->recurring) { $arrRepeat = deserialize($objArticle->repeatEach); if ($arrRepeat['value'] < 1) { continue; } $count = 0; $intStartTime = $objArticle->startTime; $intEndTime = $objArticle->endTime; $strtotime = '+ ' . $arrRepeat['value'] . ' ' . $arrRepeat['unit']; // Do not include more than 20 recurrences while ($count++ < 20) { if ($objArticle->recurrences > 0 && $count >= $objArticle->recurrences) { break; } $intStartTime = strtotime($strtotime, $intStartTime); $intEndTime = strtotime($strtotime, $intEndTime); if ($intStartTime >= $time) { $this->addEvent($objArticle, $intStartTime, $intEndTime, $strUrl, $strLink); } } } } } $count = 0; ksort($this->arrEvents); // Add the feed items foreach ($this->arrEvents as $days) { foreach ($days as $events) { foreach ($events as $event) { if ($arrFeed['maxItems'] > 0 && $count++ >= $arrFeed['maxItems']) { break 3; } $objItem = new \FeedItem(); $objItem->title = $event['title']; $objItem->link = $event['link']; $objItem->published = $event['tstamp']; $objItem->begin = $event['begin']; $objItem->end = $event['end']; $objItem->author = $event['authorName']; // Prepare the description if ($arrFeed['source'] == 'source_text') { $strDescription = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($event['id'], 'tl_calendar_events'); if ($objElement !== null) { // Overwrite the request (see #7756) $strRequest = \Environment::get('request'); \Environment::set('request', $objItem->link); while ($objElement->next()) { $strDescription .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } \Environment::set('request', $strRequest); } } else { $strDescription = $event['teaser']; } $strDescription = $this->replaceInsertTags($strDescription, false); $objItem->description = $this->convertRelativeUrls($strDescription, $strLink); if (is_array($event['enclosure'])) { foreach ($event['enclosure'] as $enclosure) { $objItem->addEnclosure($enclosure); } } $objFeed->addItem($objItem); } } } // Create the file \File::putContent('share/' . $strFile . '.xml', $this->replaceInsertTags($objFeed->{$strType}(), false)); }
/** * Renturn a form to choose an existing style sheet and import it * @param \DataContainer * @return string */ public function send(\DataContainer $objDc) { if (TL_MODE == 'BE') { $GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'system/modules/newsletter_content/assets/css/style.css'; if ($this->isFlexible) { $GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'system/modules/newsletter_content/assets/css/style-flexible.css'; } } $objNewsletter = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT n.*, c.useSMTP, c.smtpHost, c.smtpPort, c.smtpUser, c.smtpPass FROM tl_newsletter n LEFT JOIN tl_newsletter_channel c ON WHERE")->limit(1)->execute($objDc->id); // Return if there is no newsletter if ($objNewsletter->numRows < 1) { return ''; } // Overwrite the SMTP configuration if ($objNewsletter->useSMTP) { $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useSMTP'] = true; $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['smtpHost'] = $objNewsletter->smtpHost; $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['smtpUser'] = $objNewsletter->smtpUser; $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['smtpPass'] = $objNewsletter->smtpPass; $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['smtpEnc'] = $objNewsletter->smtpEnc; $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['smtpPort'] = $objNewsletter->smtpPort; } // Add default sender address if ($objNewsletter->sender == '') { list($objNewsletter->senderName, $objNewsletter->sender) = \String::splitFriendlyEmail($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['adminEmail']); } $arrAttachments = array(); $blnAttachmentsFormatError = false; // Add attachments if ($objNewsletter->addFile) { $files = deserialize($objNewsletter->files); if (!empty($files) && is_array($files)) { $objFiles = \FilesModel::findMultipleByUuids($files); if ($objFiles === null) { if (!\Validator::isUuid($files[0])) { $blnAttachmentsFormatError = true; \Message::addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['version2format']); } } else { while ($objFiles->next()) { if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFiles->path)) { $arrAttachments[] = $objFiles->path; } } } } } // Get content $html = ''; $objContentElements = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objNewsletter->id, 'tl_newsletter'); if ($objContentElements !== null) { if (!defined('NEWSLETTER_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) { define('NEWSLETTER_CONTENT_PREVIEW', true); } while ($objContentElements->next()) { $html .= $this->getContentElement($objContentElements->id); } } // Replace insert tags $text = $this->replaceInsertTags($objNewsletter->text); $html = $this->replaceInsertTags($html); // Convert relative URLs $html = $this->convertRelativeUrls($html); // Set back to object $objNewsletter->content = $html; // Send newsletter if (!$blnAttachmentsFormatError && \Input::get('token') != '' && \Input::get('token') == $this->Session->get('tl_newsletter_send')) { $referer = preg_replace('/&(amp;)?(start|mpc|token|recipient|preview)=[^&]*/', '', \Environment::get('request')); // Preview if (isset($_GET['preview'])) { // Check the e-mail address if (!\Validator::isEmail(\Input::get('recipient', true))) { $_SESSION['TL_PREVIEW_MAIL_ERROR'] = true; $this->redirect($referer); } // get preview recipient $arrRecipient = array(); $strEmail = urldecode(\Input::get('recipient', true)); $objRecipient = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_member m WHERE email=? ORDER BY email")->limit(1)->execute($strEmail); if ($objRecipient->num_rows < 1) { $arrRecipient['email'] = $strEmail; } else { $arrRecipient = $objRecipient->row(); } $arrRecipient = array_merge($arrRecipient, array('extra' => '&preview=1', 'tracker_png' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $strEmail . '&preview=1&t=png', 'tracker_gif' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $strEmail . '&preview=1&t=gif', 'tracker_css' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $strEmail . '&preview=1&t=css', 'tracker_js' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $strEmail . '&preview=1&t=js')); // Send $objEmail = $this->generateEmailObject($objNewsletter, $arrAttachments); $objNewsletter->email = $strEmail; $this->sendNewsletter($objEmail, $objNewsletter, $arrRecipient, $text, $html); // Redirect \Message::addConfirmation(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['confirm'], 1)); $this->redirect($referer); } // Get the total number of recipients $objTotal = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT email) AS count FROM tl_newsletter_recipients WHERE pid=? AND active=1")->execute($objNewsletter->pid); // Return if there are no recipients if ($objTotal->count < 1) { $this->Session->set('tl_newsletter_send', null); \Message::addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['error']); $this->redirect($referer); } $intTotal = $objTotal->count; // Get page and timeout $intTimeout = \Input::get('timeout') > 0 ? \Input::get('timeout') : 1; $intStart = \Input::get('start') ? \Input::get('start') : 0; $intPages = \Input::get('mpc') ? \Input::get('mpc') : 10; // Get recipients $objRecipients = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT *, FROM tl_newsletter_recipients r LEFT JOIN tl_member m ON( WHERE AND GROUP BY ORDER BY")->limit($intPages, $intStart)->execute($objNewsletter->pid); echo '<div style="font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;font-size:11px;line-height:16px;margin-bottom:12px">'; // Send newsletter if ($objRecipients->numRows > 0) { // Update status if ($intStart == 0) { $this->Database->prepare("UPDATE tl_newsletter SET sent=1, date=? WHERE id=?")->execute(time(), $objNewsletter->id); $_SESSION['REJECTED_RECIPIENTS'] = array(); } while ($objRecipients->next()) { $objEmail = $this->generateEmailObject($objNewsletter, $arrAttachments); $objNewsletter->email = $objRecipients->email; $arrRecipient = array_merge($objRecipients->row(), array('tracker_png' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $objRecipients->email . '&t=png', 'tracker_gif' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $objRecipients->email . '&t=gif', 'tracker_css' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $objRecipients->email . '&t=css', 'tracker_js' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $objRecipients->email . '&t=js')); $this->sendNewsletter($objEmail, $objNewsletter, $arrRecipient, $text, $html); echo 'Sending newsletter to <strong>' . $objRecipients->email . '</strong><br>'; } } echo '<div style="margin-top:12px">'; // Redirect back home if ($objRecipients->numRows < 1 || $intStart + $intPages >= $intTotal) { $this->Session->set('tl_newsletter_send', null); // Deactivate rejected addresses if (!empty($_SESSION['REJECTED_RECIPIENTS'])) { $intRejected = count($_SESSION['REJECTED_RECIPIENTS']); \Message::addInfo(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['rejected'], $intRejected)); $intTotal -= $intRejected; foreach ($_SESSION['REJECTED_RECIPIENTS'] as $strRecipient) { $this->Database->prepare("UPDATE tl_newsletter_recipients SET active='' WHERE email=?")->execute($strRecipient); $this->log('Recipient address "' . $strRecipient . '" was rejected and has been deactivated', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR); } } $this->Database->prepare("UPDATE tl_newsletter SET recipients=?, rejected=? WHERE id=?")->execute($intTotal, $intRejected, $objNewsletter->id); \Message::addConfirmation(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['confirm'], $intTotal)); echo '<script>setTimeout(\'window.location="' . \Environment::get('base') . $referer . '"\',1000)</script>'; echo '<a href="' . \Environment::get('base') . $referer . '">Please click here to proceed if you are not using JavaScript</a>'; } else { $url = preg_replace('/&(amp;)?(start|mpc|recipient)=[^&]*/', '', \Environment::get('request')) . '&start=' . ($intStart + $intPages) . '&mpc=' . $intPages; echo '<script>setTimeout(\'window.location="' . \Environment::get('base') . $url . '"\',' . $intTimeout * 1000 . ')</script>'; echo '<a href="' . \Environment::get('base') . $url . '">Please click here to proceed if you are not using JavaScript</a>'; } echo '</div></div>'; exit; } $strToken = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $this->Session->set('tl_newsletter_send', $strToken); $sprintf = $objNewsletter->senderName != '' ? $objNewsletter->senderName . ' <%s>' : '%s'; $this->import('BackendUser', 'User'); // prepare preview $preview = $text; if (!$objNewsletter->sendText) { // Default template if ($objNewsletter->template == '') { $objNewsletter->template = 'mail_default'; } // Load the mail template $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate($objNewsletter->template); $objTemplate->setData($objNewsletter->row()); $objTemplate->title = $objNewsletter->subject; $objTemplate->body = $html; $objTemplate->charset = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet']; $objTemplate->css = $css; // Backwards compatibility // Parse template $preview = $objTemplate->parse(); } // Replace inserttags $arrName = explode(' ', $this->User->name); $preview = $this->replaceInsertTags($preview); $preview = $this->prepareLinkTracking($preview, $objNewsletter->id, $this->User->email, '&preview=1'); $preview = $this->parseSimpleTokens($preview, array('firstname' => $arrName[0], 'lastname' => $arrName[sizeof($arrName) - 1], 'street' => 'Königsbrücker Str. 9', 'postal' => '01099', 'city' => 'Dresden', 'phone' => '0351 30966184', 'email' => $this->User->email, 'tracker_png' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $this->User->email . '&preview=1&t=png', 'tracker_gif' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $this->User->email . '&preview=1&t=gif', 'tracker_css' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $this->User->email . '&preview=1&t=css', 'tracker_js' => \Environment::get('base') . 'tracking/?n=' . $objNewsletter->id . '&e=' . $this->User->email . '&preview=1&t=js')); // Create cache folder if (!file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/system/cache/newsletter')) { mkdir(TL_ROOT . '/system/cache/newsletter'); file_put_contents(TL_ROOT . '/system/cache/newsletter/.htaccess', '<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Order allow,deny Allow from all </IfModule> <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all granted </IfModule>'); } // Cache preview file_put_contents(TL_ROOT . '/system/cache/newsletter/' . $objNewsletter->alias . '.html', preg_replace('/^\\s+|\\n|\\r|\\s+$/m', '', $preview)); // Preview newsletter $return = ' <div id="tl_buttons"> <a href="' . $this->getReferer(true) . '" class="header_back" title="' . specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['backBTTitle']) . '" accesskey="b">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['backBT'] . '</a> </div> <h2 class="sub_headline">' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['send'][1], $objNewsletter->id) . '</h2> ' . \Message::generate() . ' <form action="' . ampersand(\Environment::get('script'), true) . '" id="tl_newsletter_send" class="tl_form" method="get"> <div class="tl_formbody_edit tl_newsletter_send"> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="' . \Input::get('do') . '"> <input type="hidden" name="table" value="' . \Input::get('table') . '"> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="' . \Input::get('key') . '"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . \Input::get('id') . '"> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="' . $strToken . '"> <table class="prev_header"> <tr class="row_0"> <td class="col_0">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['from'] . '</td> <td class="col_1">' . sprintf($sprintf, $objNewsletter->sender) . '</td> </tr> <tr class="row_1"> <td class="col_0">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['subject'][0] . '</td> <td class="col_1">' . $objNewsletter->subject . '</td> </tr> <tr class="row_2"> <td class="col_0">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['template'][0] . '</td> <td class="col_1">' . $objNewsletter->template . '</td> </tr>' . (!empty($arrAttachments) && is_array($arrAttachments) ? ' <tr class="row_3"> <td class="col_0">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['attachments'] . '</td> <td class="col_1">' . implode(', ', $arrAttachments) . '</td> </tr>' : '') . ' </table>' . (!$objNewsletter->sendText ? ' <iframe class="preview_html" id="preview_html" seamless border="0" width="703px" height="503px" style="padding:0" src="system/cache/newsletter/' . $objNewsletter->alias . '.html"></iframe> ' : '') . ' <div class="preview_text"> ' . nl2br_html5($text) . ' </div> <div class="tl_tbox"> <div class="w50"> <h3><label for="ctrl_mpc">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['mailsPerCycle'][0] . '</label></h3> <input type="text" name="mpc" id="ctrl_mpc" value="10" class="tl_text" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()">' . ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['mailsPerCycle'][1] && $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['showHelp'] ? ' <p class="tl_help tl_tip">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['mailsPerCycle'][1] . '</p>' : '') . ' </div> <div class="w50"> <h3><label for="ctrl_timeout">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['timeout'][0] . '</label></h3> <input type="text" name="timeout" id="ctrl_timeout" value="1" class="tl_text" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()">' . ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['timeout'][1] && $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['showHelp'] ? ' <p class="tl_help tl_tip">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['timeout'][1] . '</p>' : '') . ' </div> <div class="w50"> <h3><label for="ctrl_start">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['start'][0] . '</label></h3> <input type="text" name="start" id="ctrl_start" value="0" class="tl_text" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()">' . ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['start'][1] && $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['showHelp'] ? ' <p class="tl_help tl_tip">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['start'][1] . '</p>' : '') . ' </div> <div class="w50"> <h3><label for="ctrl_recipient">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['sendPreviewTo'][0] . '</label></h3> <input type="text" name="recipient" id="ctrl_recipient" value="' . $this->User->email . '" class="tl_text" onfocus="Backend.getScrollOffset()">' . (isset($_SESSION['TL_PREVIEW_MAIL_ERROR']) ? ' <div class="tl_error">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['email'] . '</div>' : ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['sendPreviewTo'][1] && $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['showHelp'] ? ' <p class="tl_help tl_tip">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['sendPreviewTo'][1] . '</p>' : '')) . ' </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div>'; // Do not send the newsletter if there is an attachment format error if (!$blnAttachmentsFormatError) { $return .= ' <div class="tl_formbody_submit"> <div class="tl_submit_container"> <input type="submit" name="preview" class="tl_submit" accesskey="p" value="' . specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['preview']) . '"> <input type="submit" id="send" class="tl_submit" accesskey="s" value="' . specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['send'][0]) . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_newsletter']['sendConfirm']) . '\')"> </div> </div>'; } $return .= ' </form>'; unset($_SESSION['TL_PREVIEW_MAIL_ERROR']); return $return; }
/** * Generate the module */ protected function compile() { /** @var \PageModel $objPage */ global $objPage; $this->Template->event = ''; $this->Template->referer = 'javascript:history.go(-1)'; $this->Template->back = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['goBack']; // Get the current event $objEvent = \CalendarEventsModel::findPublishedByParentAndIdOrAlias(\Input::get('events'), $this->cal_calendar); if (null === $objEvent) { /** @var \PageError404 $objHandler */ $objHandler = new $GLOBALS['TL_PTY']['error_404'](); $objHandler->generate($objPage->id); } // Overwrite the page title (see #2853 and #4955) if ($objEvent->title != '') { $objPage->pageTitle = strip_tags(strip_insert_tags($objEvent->title)); } // Overwrite the page description if ($objEvent->teaser != '') { $objPage->description = $this->prepareMetaDescription($objEvent->teaser); } $intStartTime = $objEvent->startTime; $intEndTime = $objEvent->endTime; $span = \Calendar::calculateSpan($intStartTime, $intEndTime); // Do not show dates in the past if the event is recurring (see #923) if ($objEvent->recurring) { $arrRange = deserialize($objEvent->repeatEach); if (is_array($arrRange) && isset($arrRange['unit']) && isset($arrRange['value'])) { while ($intStartTime < time() && $intEndTime < $objEvent->repeatEnd) { $intStartTime = strtotime('+' . $arrRange['value'] . ' ' . $arrRange['unit'], $intStartTime); $intEndTime = strtotime('+' . $arrRange['value'] . ' ' . $arrRange['unit'], $intEndTime); } } } $strDate = \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $intStartTime); if ($span > 0) { $strDate = \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $intStartTime) . ' – ' . \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $intEndTime); } $strTime = ''; if ($objEvent->addTime) { if ($span > 0) { $strDate = \Date::parse($objPage->datimFormat, $intStartTime) . ' – ' . \Date::parse($objPage->datimFormat, $intEndTime); } elseif ($intStartTime == $intEndTime) { $strTime = \Date::parse($objPage->timeFormat, $intStartTime); } else { $strTime = \Date::parse($objPage->timeFormat, $intStartTime) . ' – ' . \Date::parse($objPage->timeFormat, $intEndTime); } } $until = ''; $recurring = ''; // Recurring event if ($objEvent->recurring) { $arrRange = deserialize($objEvent->repeatEach); if (is_array($arrRange) && isset($arrRange['unit']) && isset($arrRange['value'])) { $strKey = 'cal_' . $arrRange['unit']; $recurring = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC'][$strKey], $arrRange['value']); if ($objEvent->recurrences > 0) { $until = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['cal_until'], \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $objEvent->repeatEnd)); } } } /** @var \FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->cal_template); $objTemplate->setData($objEvent->row()); $objTemplate->date = $strDate; $objTemplate->time = $strTime; $objTemplate->datetime = $objEvent->addTime ? date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP', $intStartTime) : date('Y-m-d', $intStartTime); $objTemplate->begin = $intStartTime; $objTemplate->end = $intEndTime; $objTemplate->class = $objEvent->cssClass != '' ? ' ' . $objEvent->cssClass : ''; $objTemplate->recurring = $recurring; $objTemplate->until = $until; $objTemplate->locationLabel = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['location']; $objTemplate->details = ''; $objTemplate->hasDetails = false; $objTemplate->hasTeaser = false; // Clean the RTE output if ($objEvent->teaser != '') { $objTemplate->hasTeaser = true; if ($objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml') { $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::toXhtml($objEvent->teaser); } else { $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::toHtml5($objEvent->teaser); } $objTemplate->teaser = \StringUtil::encodeEmail($objTemplate->teaser); } // Display the "read more" button for external/article links if ($objEvent->source != 'default') { $objTemplate->details = true; $objTemplate->hasDetails = true; } else { $id = $objEvent->id; $objTemplate->details = function () use($id) { $strDetails = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_calendar_events'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $strDetails .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } return $strDetails; }; $objTemplate->hasDetails = \ContentModel::countPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_calendar_events') > 0; } $objTemplate->addImage = false; // Add an image if ($objEvent->addImage && $objEvent->singleSRC != '') { $objModel = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objEvent->singleSRC); if ($objModel === null) { if (!\Validator::isUuid($objEvent->singleSRC)) { $objTemplate->text = '<p class="error">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['version2format'] . '</p>'; } } elseif (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objModel->path)) { // Do not override the field now that we have a model registry (see #6303) $arrEvent = $objEvent->row(); // Override the default image size if ($this->imgSize != '') { $size = deserialize($this->imgSize); if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0 || is_numeric($size[2])) { $arrEvent['size'] = $this->imgSize; } } $arrEvent['singleSRC'] = $objModel->path; $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemplate, $arrEvent); } } $objTemplate->enclosure = array(); // Add enclosures if ($objEvent->addEnclosure) { $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemplate, $objEvent->row()); } $this->Template->event = $objTemplate->parse(); // HOOK: comments extension required if ($objEvent->noComments || !in_array('comments', \ModuleLoader::getActive())) { $this->Template->allowComments = false; return; } /** @var \CalendarModel $objCalendar */ $objCalendar = $objEvent->getRelated('pid'); $this->Template->allowComments = $objCalendar->allowComments; // Comments are not allowed if (!$objCalendar->allowComments) { return; } // Adjust the comments headline level $intHl = min(intval(str_replace('h', '', $this->hl)), 5); $this->Template->hlc = 'h' . ($intHl + 1); $this->import('Comments'); $arrNotifies = array(); // Notify the system administrator if ($objCalendar->notify != 'notify_author') { $arrNotifies[] = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL']; } // Notify the author if ($objCalendar->notify != 'notify_admin') { /** @var \UserModel $objAuthor */ if (($objAuthor = $objEvent->getRelated('author')) !== null && $objAuthor->email != '') { $arrNotifies[] = $objAuthor->email; } } $objConfig = new \stdClass(); $objConfig->perPage = $objCalendar->perPage; $objConfig->order = $objCalendar->sortOrder; $objConfig->template = $this->com_template; $objConfig->requireLogin = $objCalendar->requireLogin; $objConfig->disableCaptcha = $objCalendar->disableCaptcha; $objConfig->bbcode = $objCalendar->bbcode; $objConfig->moderate = $objCalendar->moderate; $this->Comments->addCommentsToTemplate($this->Template, $objConfig, 'tl_calendar_events', $objEvent->id, $arrNotifies); }
private function getGlossarElements($id) { $arrElements = array(); $objCte = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($id, 'tl_sw_glossar'); if ($objCte !== null) { $intCount = 0; $intLast = $objCte->count() - 1; while ($objCte->next()) { $arrCss = array(); /** @var \ContentModel $objRow */ $objRow = $objCte->current(); // Add the "first" and "last" classes (see #2583) if ($intCount == 0 || $intCount == $intLast) { if ($intCount == 0) { $arrCss[] = 'first'; } if ($intCount == $intLast) { $arrCss[] = 'last'; } } $objRow->classes = $arrCss; $arrElements[] = $this->getContentElement($objRow, $this->strColumn); ++$intCount; } } return $arrElements; }
/** * Parse an item and return it as string * @param object * @param boolean * @param string * @param integer * @return string */ protected function parseProject($objProject, $blnAddCategory = false, $strClass = '', $intCount = 0) { global $objPage; $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->project_template); $objTemplate->setData($objProject->row()); $objTemplate->class = ($this->project_class != '' ? ' ' . $this->project_class : '') . $strClass; $objTemplate->project_class = $this->project_class; $objTemplate->link = $this->generateProjectUrl($objProject, $blnAddCategory); $objTemplate->category = $objProject->getRelated('pid'); $objTemplate->count = $intCount; // see #5708 $objTemplate->addImage = false; // Add an image if ($objProject->singleSRC != '') { $objModel = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objProject->singleSRC); if ($objModel === null) { if (!\Validator::isUuid($objProject->singleSRC)) { $objTemplate->text = '<p class="error">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['version2format'] . '</p>'; } } elseif (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objModel->path)) { // Do not override the field now that we have a model registry (see #6303) $arrProject = $objProject->row(); // Override the default image size if ($this->project_imgSize != '') { $size = deserialize($this->project_imgSize); if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0 || is_numeric($size[2])) { $arrProject['size'] = $this->project_imgSize; } } $arrProject['singleSRC'] = $objModel->path; $strLightboxId = 'lightbox[lb' . $objProject->id . ']'; $arrProject['fullsize'] = $this->fullsize; $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemplate, $arrProject, null, $strLightboxId); } } $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objProject->id, 'tl_portfolio_project'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { $objTemplate->text .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } $objTemplate->enclosure = array(); // Add enclosures if ($objProject->addEnclosure) { $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemplate, $objProject->row()); } return $objTemplate->parse(); }
public function getContentElements(\DataContainer $dc) { $result = ""; $objContentElements = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($dc->id, 'tl_newsletter'); if ($objContentElements !== null) { while ($objContentElements->next()) { ${$result} .= $this->getContentElement($objContentElements->id); } } return $result; }
/** * Generate an XML files and save them to the root directory * * @param array $arrFeed */ protected function generateFiles($arrFeed) { $arrArchives = deserialize($arrFeed['archives']); if (!is_array($arrArchives) || empty($arrArchives)) { return; } $strType = $arrFeed['format'] == 'atom' ? 'generateAtom' : 'generateRss'; $strLink = $arrFeed['feedBase'] ?: \Environment::get('base'); $strFile = $arrFeed['feedName']; $objFeed = new \Feed($strFile); $objFeed->link = $strLink; $objFeed->title = $arrFeed['title']; $objFeed->description = $arrFeed['description']; $objFeed->language = $arrFeed['language']; $objFeed->published = $arrFeed['tstamp']; // Get the items if ($arrFeed['maxItems'] > 0) { $objArticle = \NewsModel::findPublishedByPids($arrArchives, null, $arrFeed['maxItems']); } else { $objArticle = \NewsModel::findPublishedByPids($arrArchives); } // Parse the items if ($objArticle !== null) { $arrUrls = array(); while ($objArticle->next()) { /** @var \PageModel $objPage */ $objPage = $objArticle->getRelated('pid'); $jumpTo = $objPage->jumpTo; // No jumpTo page set (see #4784) if (!$jumpTo) { continue; } // Get the jumpTo URL if (!isset($arrUrls[$jumpTo])) { $objParent = \PageModel::findWithDetails($jumpTo); // A jumpTo page is set but does no longer exist (see #5781) if ($objParent === null) { $arrUrls[$jumpTo] = false; } else { $arrUrls[$jumpTo] = $objParent->getFrontendUrl(\Config::get('useAutoItem') && !\Config::get('disableAlias') ? '/%s' : '/items/%s'); } } // Skip the event if it requires a jumpTo URL but there is none if ($arrUrls[$jumpTo] === false && $objArticle->source == 'default') { continue; } $strUrl = $arrUrls[$jumpTo]; $objItem = new \FeedItem(); $objItem->title = $objArticle->headline; $objItem->link = $this->getLink($objArticle, $strUrl, $strLink); $objItem->published = $objArticle->date; $objItem->author = $objArticle->authorName; // Prepare the description if ($arrFeed['source'] == 'source_text') { $strDescription = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objArticle->id, 'tl_news'); if ($objElement !== null) { // Overwrite the request (see #7756) $strRequest = \Environment::get('request'); \Environment::set('request', $objItem->link); while ($objElement->next()) { $strDescription .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->current()); } \Environment::set('request', $strRequest); } } else { $strDescription = $objArticle->teaser; } $strDescription = $this->replaceInsertTags($strDescription, false); $objItem->description = $this->convertRelativeUrls($strDescription, $strLink); // Add the article image as enclosure if ($objArticle->addImage) { $objFile = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objArticle->singleSRC); if ($objFile !== null) { $objItem->addEnclosure($objFile->path, $strLink); } } // Enclosures if ($objArticle->addEnclosure) { $arrEnclosure = deserialize($objArticle->enclosure, true); if (is_array($arrEnclosure)) { $objFile = \FilesModel::findMultipleByUuids($arrEnclosure); if ($objFile !== null) { while ($objFile->next()) { $objItem->addEnclosure($objFile->path, $strLink); } } } } $objFeed->addItem($objItem); } } // Create the file \File::putContent('share/' . $strFile . '.xml', $this->replaceInsertTags($objFeed->{$strType}(), false)); }
protected function renderContent($objChild) { $strContent = ''; $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objChild->id, 'tl_block_module'); if ($objElement !== null) { while ($objElement->next()) { if (!\Controller::isVisibleElement($objElement->current())) { return ''; } $strContent .= \Controller::getContentElement($objElement->current()); } } return $strContent; }
public static function hasTextOrTeaser($intId) { $objEvent = static::findByPk($intId); if ($objEvent !== null) { if ($objEvent->teaser) { return true; } } $objContent = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($intId, 'tl_calendar_events'); return $objContent !== null; }