function print_organizations($parent_id, &$_menu, $depth, $path = '', $children, &$string)
    global $html_content_template, $default_html_style, $zipfile, $resources, $ims_template_xml, $parser, $my_files;
    global $used_glossary_terms, $course_id, $course_language_charset, $course_language_code;
    static $paths, $zipped_files;
    //	global $glossary;
    global $test_list, $test_zipped_files, $test_files, $test_xml_items, $use_a4a;
    global $contentManager;
    /* added by bologna*/
    //TODO***********BOLOGNA**************REMOVE ME*****************/
    global $db, $forum_list;
    //forum_list contiene tutti i forum distinti associati ai contenuti. poich� la funzione in questione � ricorsiva deve essere globale in modo che in fase di creazione dell'archivio zip i file descrittori dei forum non vengano ripetuti
    require_once TR_INCLUDE_PATH . '../home/classes/ContentUtility.class.php';
    require_once TR_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/DAO/ContentForumsAssocDAO.class.php';
    $space = '    ';
    $prefix = '                    ';
    if ($depth == 0) {
        $string .= '<ul>';
    $top_level = $_menu[$parent_id];
    if (!is_array($paths)) {
        $paths = array();
    if (!is_array($zipped_files)) {
        $zipped_files = array();
    if (is_array($top_level)) {
        $counter = 1;
        $num_items = count($top_level);
        foreach ($top_level as $garbage => $content) {
            $link = '';
            //XSL characters handling
            $content['title'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $content['title']);
            if ($content['content_path'] && substr($content['content_path'], -1) != '/') {
                $content['content_path'] .= '/';
             * generate weblinks 
             * Reason to put it here is cause we don't want the content to be overwrittened.
            if ($content['content_type'] == CONTENT_TYPE_WEBLINK) {
                $wl = new Weblinks($content['title'], $content['text']);
                $wlexport = new WeblinksExport($wl);
                $wl_xml = $wlexport->export();
                $wl_filename = 'weblinks_' . $content['content_id'] . '.xml';
                $zipfile->add_file($wl_xml, 'Weblinks/' . $wl_filename, $content['u_ts']);
                $resources .= str_replace(array('{PATH}', '{CONTENT_ID}'), array($wl_filename, $content['content_id']), $ims_template_xml['resource_weblink']);
                //				continue;
            if ($content['content_type'] == CONTENT_TYPE_FOLDER) {
                $link .= $prefix . '<item identifier="MANIFEST01_FOLDER' . $content['content_id'] . '">' . "\n";
                $link .= $prefix . $space . '<title>' . $content['title'] . '</title>' . "\n";
            } else {
                $link .= '<item identifier="MANIFEST01_ITEM' . $content['content_id'] . '" identifierref="MANIFEST01_RESOURCE' . $content['content_id'] . '">' . "\n";
                $link .= $prefix . $space . '<title>' . $content['title'] . '</title>' . "\n{$prefix}{$space}";
            $html_link = '<a href="resources/' . $content['content_path'] . $content['content_id'] . '.html" target="body">' . $content['title'] . '</a>';
            /* save the content as HTML files */
            $content['text'] = str_replace('CONTENT_DIR/', '', $content['text']);
            /* Commented by Cindy Qi Li on Jan 12, 2010
            			 * AContent does not support glossary
            			// get all the glossary terms used
            			$terms = find_terms($content['text']);
            			if (is_array($terms)) {
            				foreach ($terms[2] as $term) {
            					$used_glossary_terms[] = $term;
            $f_count = count($forum_list);
            //count all distinct forum_id associated to a content page
            //la funzione è ricorsiva quindi lo devo ricavare attraverso la variabile globale forum_list
            $contentForumsAssocDAO = new ContentForumsAssocDAO();
            $forums = $contentForumsAssocDAO->getByContent($content[content_id]);
            //                    $sql = "SELECT cf.forum_id, f.title, f.description FROM (SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."content_forums_assoc WHERE content_id=$content[content_id]) AS cf LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON cf.forum_id=f.forum_id";
            //                    $result_cf = mysql_query($sql,$db);
            $find = false;
            $forums_dependency = '';
            //template for associate Discussion Topic to the current content into the manifest
            if (is_array($forums)) {
                foreach ($forums as $current_forum) {
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $f_count; $j++) {
                        if ($forum_list[$j]['id'] == $current_forum['forum_id']) {
                            $find = true;
                    if (!$find) {
                        $forum_list[$f_count]['id'] = $current_forum['forum_id'];
                        $forum_list[$f_count]['title'] = $current_forum['title'];
                        $forum_list[$f_count]['description'] = $current_forum['description'];
                        $find = false;
                $forums_dependency .= $prefix . $space . '<dependency identifierref="Forum' . $current_forum['forum_id'] . '_R" />';
            /** Test dependency **/
            require_once TR_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/DAO/ContentTestsAssocDAO.class.php';
            $contentTestsAssocDAO = new ContentTestsAssocDAO();
            //			$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'content_tests_assoc WHERE content_id='.$content['content_id'];
            //			$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
            //			while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
            $rows = $contentTestsAssocDAO->getByContent($content['content_id']);
            if (is_array($rows)) {
                //add test dependency on top of forum dependency
                foreach ($rows as $row) {
                    $forums_dependency .= $prefix . $space . '<dependency identifierref="MANIFEST01_RESOURCE_QTI' . $row['test_id'] . '" />';
            /* calculate how deep this page is: */
            $path = '../';
            if ($content['content_path']) {
                $depth = substr_count($content['content_path'], '/');
                $path .= str_repeat('../', $depth);
            $content['text'] = ContentUtility::formatContent($content['text'], $content['formatting']);
            // add HTML header and footers to the files
            // use default style if <style> is not in imported html head
            $head = '';
            if ($content['use_customized_head']) {
                if (strpos(strtolower($content['head']), '<style') > 0) {
                    $head = $content['head'];
                } else {
                    if (strlen($content['head']) > 0) {
                        $head = $content['head'] . $default_html_style;
                    } else {
                        $head = $default_html_style;
            $content['text'] = str_replace(array('{TITLE}', '{CONTENT}', '{KEYWORDS}', '{COURSE_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE_CHARSET}', '{COURSE_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE_CODE}', '{HEAD}'), array($content['title'], $content['text'], $content['keywords'], $course_language_charset, $course_language_code, $head), $html_content_template);
            /* duplicate the paths in the content_path field in the zip file */
            if ($content['content_path']) {
                if (!in_array($content['content_path'], $paths)) {
                    $zipfile->create_dir('resources/' . $content['content_path'], time());
                    $paths[] = $content['content_path'];
            //add the file iff it's a content file
            if ($content['content_type'] == CONTENT_TYPE_CONTENT) {
                $zipfile->add_file($content['text'], 'resources/' . $content['content_path'] . $content['content_id'] . '.html', $content['u_ts']);
            $content['title'] = htmlspecialchars($content['title']);
            /* add the resource dependancies */
            if ($my_files == null) {
                $my_files = array();
            $content_files = "\n";
            /* generate the IMS QTI resource and files */
            //check if test export is allowed.
            $content_test_rs = $contentManager->getContentTestsAssoc($content['content_id']);
            $test_ids = array();
            //reset test ids
            //$my_files = array();		//reset myfiles.
            if (is_array($content_test_rs)) {
                foreach ($content_test_rs as $content_test_row) {
                    $test_ids[] = $content_test_row['test_id'];
                    //the 'added_files' is for adding into the manifest file in this zip
                    $added_files = test_qti_export($content_test_row['test_id'], '', $zipfile);
                    foreach ($added_files as $xml_file => $chunk) {
                        foreach ($chunk as $xml_filename) {
                            $added_files_xml .= str_replace('{FILE}', 'resources/' . $xml_filename, $ims_template_xml['xml']);
                    //Save all the xml files in this array, and then print_organizations will add it to the manifest file.
                    $resources .= str_replace(array('{TEST_ID}', '{PATH}', '{FILES}'), array($content_test_row['test_id'], 'tests_' . $content_test_row['test_id'] . '.xml', $added_files_xml), $ims_template_xml['resource_test']);
                    /*	Taken out since we are gonna use dependency instead
                    					$test_xml_items .= str_replace(	array('{TEST_ID}'),
                    foreach ($test_files as $filename => $realfilepath) {
                        $zipfile->add_file(@file_get_contents($realfilepath), 'resources/' . $filename, filemtime($realfilepath));
            /* generate the a4a files */
            $a4a_xml_array = array();
            if ($content['formatting'] === 0) {
                $use_a4a = false;
            if ($use_a4a == true) {
                $a4aExport = new A4aExport($content['content_id']);
                //				$a4aExport->setRelativePath('resources/'.$content['content_path']);
                $secondary_files = $a4aExport->getAllSecondaryFiles();
                $a4a_xml_array = $a4aExport->exportA4a();
                $my_files = array_merge($my_files, $a4aExport->getAllSecondaryFiles());
            /* handle @import */
            $import_files = get_import_files($content['text']);
            if (count($import_files) > 0) {
                $my_files = array_merge($my_files, $import_files);
            foreach ($my_files as $file) {
                /* filter out full urls */
                $url_parts = @parse_url($file);
                //				if (isset($url_parts['scheme'])) {
                //					continue;
                //				}
                /* file should be relative to content. let's double check */
                if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '/') {
                if (substr($file, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($file, 0, 8) != 'https://') {
                    $file_path = realpath(TR_CONTENT_DIR . $course_id . '/' . $content['content_path'] . $file);
                    /* check if the path contains TR_CONTENT_DIR in it, if not, skip it, it's trying to scan through 
                     * the file system */
                    if (strpos($file_path, TR_CONTENT_DIR) !== 0) {
                    /* check if this file exists in the content dir, if not don't include it */
                    if (file_exists($file_path) && is_file($file_path) && !in_array($file_path, $zipped_files)) {
                        $zipped_files[] = $file_path;
                        $dir = substr(dirname($file_path), strlen(TR_CONTENT_DIR . $course_id));
                        if (!in_array($dir, $paths) && $dir) {
                            $dir = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($dir, 1));
                            $zipfile->create_dir('resources/' . $dir, time());
                            $paths[] = $dir;
                        $file_info = stat($file_path);
                        //remove relative path in the content_path.
                        $filepath_array = explode('/', 'resources/' . $content['content_path'] . $file);
                        $new_filepath_array = array();
                        if (in_array('..', $filepath_array)) {
                            while (!empty($filepath_array)) {
                                $temp = array_shift($filepath_array);
                                if ($temp == '..') {
                                } else {
                                    array_push($new_filepath_array, $temp);
                            $zip_path = implode('/', $new_filepath_array);
                        } else {
                            $zip_path = 'resources/' . $content['content_path'] . $file;
                        $zipfile->add_file(@file_get_contents($file_path), $zip_path, $file_info['mtime']);
                //a4a secondary files have mapping, save the ones that we want in order to add the tag in
                $a4a_secondary_files = array();
                foreach ($a4a_xml_array as $a4a_filename => $a4a_filearray) {
                    if (preg_match('/(.*)\\sto\\s(.*)/', $a4a_filename, $matches)) {
                        //save the actual file name
                        $a4a_secondary_files[$matches[1]][] = $a4a_filename;
                        //values are holders
                 * A hack to fix youtube links.  one uses youtube.com?watch=xxx, the other uses youtube.com/v/xxx,
                 * in which both points to the same file, but needed different links to play.
                 * in A4a, these youtube links are always stored as "?watch=xxx", however, output.inc.php converted
                 * these to /v/xxx for rendering purposes.  Convert it back if youtube exists in url.
                 * http://atutor.ca/atutor/mantis/view.php?id=4548
                 * @harris 9/30/2010
                if (strpos($file, 'youtube.com') !== false) {
                    //apply the conversion before linking the alternatives. Otherwise it will not be added.
                    $file = ContentUtility::convertYoutubePlayURLToWatchURL($file);
                // If this file has a4a alternatives, link it.
                if (isset($a4a_xml_array[$file]) || isset($a4a_secondary_files[$file])) {
                    //if this is an array, meaning that it has more than 1 alternatives, print all
                    if (substr($file, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($file, 0, 8) == 'https://') {
                        $name_in_file_meta = $file;
                    } else {
                        $name_in_file_meta = 'resources/' . $content['content_path'] . $file;
                    if (is_array($a4a_secondary_files[$file])) {
                        $all_secondary_files_md = '';
                        //reinitialize string to null
                        foreach ($a4a_secondary_files[$file] as $v) {
                            foreach ($a4a_xml_array[$v] as $v2) {
                                $all_secondary_files_md .= $v2;
                                //all the meta data
                        $content_files .= str_replace(array('{FILE}', '{FILE_META_DATA}'), array($name_in_file_meta, $all_secondary_files_md), $ims_template_xml['file_meta']);
                    } else {
                        $content_files .= str_replace(array('{FILE}', '{FILE_META_DATA}'), array($name_in_file_meta, $a4a_xml_array[$file]), $ims_template_xml['file_meta']);
                } else {
                    //if this file is in the test array, add an extra link to the direct file,
                    if (!empty($test_zipped_files) && in_array($file_path, $test_zipped_files)) {
                        $content_files .= str_replace('{FILE}', $file, $ims_template_xml['file']);
                    } else {
                        if (preg_match('/^http[s]?\\:/', $file) == 1) {
                            $content_files .= str_replace('{FILE}', $file, $ims_template_xml['xml']);
                        } elseif (file_exists($file_path) && is_file($file_path)) {
                            //relative link that goes beyond get.php shouldn't be added
                            //relative link that does not exist shouldn't be added.
                            $filepath_array = explode('/', $content['content_path'] . $file);
                            $new_filepath_array = array();
                            if (in_array('..', $filepath_array)) {
                                while (!empty($filepath_array)) {
                                    $temp = array_shift($filepath_array);
                                    if ($temp == '..') {
                                    } else {
                                        array_push($new_filepath_array, $temp);
                                $file = implode('/', $new_filepath_array);
                            } else {
                                $file = $content['content_path'] . $file;
                            $content_files .= str_replace('{FILE}', $file, $ims_template_xml['file']);
                /* check if this file is one of the test xml file, if so, we need to add the dependency
                 * Note:  The file has already been added to the archieve before this is called.
                if (preg_match('/tests\\_[0-9]+\\.xml$/', $file) && !in_array($file, $test_zipped_files)) {
                    $content_files .= str_replace('{FILE}', 'QTI/' . $file, $ims_template_xml['xml']);
                    $test_zipped_files[] = $file;
             * http://www.atutor.ca/atutor/mantis/view.php?id=4383 
            $my_files = array();
            //add it to the resources section if it hasn't been added.
            //Weblinks have been added.
            //Folders aren't resourecs, they shouldn't be added
            if ($content['content_type'] == CONTENT_TYPE_CONTENT) {
                $resources .= str_replace(array('{CONTENT_ID}', '{PATH}', '{FILES}', '{DEPENDENCY}'), array($content['content_id'], $content['content_path'], $content_files, $forums_dependency), $ims_template_xml['resource']);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
                $link .= $space;
            if (is_array($_menu[$content['content_id']])) {
                /* has children */
                $html_link = '<li>' . $html_link . '<ul>';
                for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
                    if ($children[$i] == 1) {
                        echo $space;
                        //$html_link = $space.$html_link;
                    } else {
                        echo $space;
                        //$html_link = $space.$html_link;
            } else {
                /* doesn't have children */
                $html_link = '<li>' . $html_link . '</li>';
                if ($counter == $num_items) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
                        if ($children[$i] == 1) {
                            echo $space;
                            //$html_link = $space.$html_link;
                        } else {
                            echo $space;
                            //$html_link = $space.$html_link;
                } else {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
                        echo $space;
                        //$html_link = $space.$html_link;
                $title = $space . $title;
            echo $prefix . $link;
            //			echo $title;
            echo "\n";
            $string .= $html_link . "\n";
            print_organizations($content['content_id'], $_menu, $depth, $path . $counter . '.', $children, $string);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
                echo $space;
            //			if (!empty($_menu[$content['content_id']])){
            echo $prefix . '</item>';
            //			}
            echo "\n";
        $string .= '</ul>';
        if ($depth > 0) {
            $string .= '</li>';
$last_page = array_pop($_pages);
$_pages['home/course/content.php'] = $last_page;
$first_page = current($path);
/* the tests associated with the content */
$content_test_ids = array();
//the html
$content_test_rows = $contentManager->getContentTestsAssoc($cid);
if (is_array($content_test_rows)) {
    foreach ($content_test_rows as $content_test_row) {
        $content_test_ids[] = $content_test_row;
/* the forums associated with the content */
$contentForumsAssocDAO = new ContentForumsAssocDAO();
$content_forum_ids = $contentForumsAssocDAO->getByContent($cid);
//$content_test_rows = $contentManager->getContentTestsAssoc($cid);
//if (is_array($content_test_rows))
//	foreach ($content_test_rows as $content_test_row){
//		$content_test_ids[] = $content_test_row;
//	}
/*TODO***************BOLOGNA***************REMOVE ME**********/
/* the content forums extension page*/
//$content_forum_ids = array();	//the html
//$content_forum_rows = $contentManager->getContentForumsAssoc($cid);
//if (is_array($content_forum_rows))
//	foreach ($content_forum_rows as $content_forum_row){
//		$content_forum_ids[] = $content_forum_row;