<?php require_once "../lib/model/Contacts.php"; require_once "../lib/model/Locations.php"; require_once "../lib/model/Venues.php"; require_once "../lib/model/Users.php"; require_once "../lib/model/Suggestions.php"; $app->get('/api/contacts/', function () { $cn = new Contacts(); $cn->getContacts(); }); $app->post('/api/contacts/', function () use($app) { $req = $app->request(); $bdy = $req->getBody(); $contact = json_decode($bdy); $cn = new Contacts(); $cn->insertContact($contact[0]); }); $app->get('/api/contacts/:id', function ($id) { $cn = new Contacts(); $cn->getContactsById($id); }); $app->put('/api/contacts/:id', function ($id) use($app) { $req = $app->request(); $bdy = $req->getBody(); $contact = json_decode($bdy); $cn = new Contacts(); $cn->updateContact($id, $contact[0]); }); $app->delete('/api/contacts/:id', function ($id) { $cn = new Contacts();
/** * contactsGrid * Get all the contacts of the customer * @return unknown_type */ private function contactsGrid($customer_id) { if (is_numeric($customer_id)) { $rs = Contacts::getContacts($customer_id); if (isset($rs)) { return array('records' => $rs, 'delete' => array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'deletecontact')); } } }
/** Display the index page */ public function indexAction() { $contacts = new Contacts(); $this->view->contacts = $contacts->getContacts($this->_getParam('page')); }
private function contactsGrid() { $request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); if (isset($request->id) && is_numeric($request->id)) { $rs = Contacts::getContacts($request->id); if (isset($rs)) { $columns[] = $this->translator->translate('Contacts'); $columns[] = $this->translator->translate('Type'); return array('name' => 'contacts', 'columns' => $columns, 'records' => $rs, 'delete' => array('controller' => 'customers', 'action' => 'deletecontact')); } } }