public function renderView() { if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'])) { $cart = new Cart(); $_SESSION['cart'] = serialize($cart); } foreach ($this->model->getUris() as $key => $value) { if (preg_match("#^{$value}\$#", $this->uriView)) { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "PageView") { $pagecontroller = new PageController($this->additionalParam); $pagecontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "ProductView") { $productscontroller = new ProductsController(); $productscontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "SingleProductView") { $singleproductcontroller = new SingleProductController($this->additionalParam); $singleproductcontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "LoginView") { $logincontroller = new LoginController($this->additionalParam); $logincontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "CustomerView") { $customercontroller = new CustomerController(); $customercontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "CartView") { $cartcontroller = new CartController($this->additionalParam); $cartcontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "ContactView") { $contactcontroller = new ContactController($this->additionalParam); $contactcontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "RegisterView") { $registrationcontroller = new RegistrationController($this->additionalParam); $registrationcontroller->renderView(); } else { if ($this->model->getView($key) === "CheckoutView") { $checkoutcontroller = new CheckoutController($this->additionalParam); $checkoutcontroller->renderView(); } else { $useView = $this->model->getView($key); $view = new $useView(); $view->render(); } } } } } } } } } } } }
public static function ContactFormFunction() { $template = new SSViewer('ContactTemplateProvider'); $controller = new ContactController(); $form = $controller->ContactForm(); // a little bit all over the show but to ensure a slightly easier upgrade for users // return back the same variables as previously done in comments return $template->process(new ArrayData(array('AddContactForm' => $form, 'SuccessMessage' => $controller->SuccessMessage()))); }
function create($request) { if ($request['METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($request['name']) && !empty($request['email']) && filter_var($request['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL) && !empty($request['subject']) && !empty($request['body']) && !empty($request['g-recaptcha-response'])) { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; $subject = $request['subject']; $body = $request['body']; $g_recaptcha_response = $request['g-recaptcha-response']; $REMOTE_ADDR = $request['REMOTE_ADDR']; $c = new ContactController(); $resp = $c->create(compact('name', 'email', 'subject', 'body', 'g_recaptcha_response', 'REMOTE_ADDR')); return true; } return View::NotFound(); }
public static function display() { $data = AFormatter::objectiveSettings(Applum::find(1)); View::make('site/head/head'); View::make("site/body/header/header"); IntroController::intro($data); FeatureController::feature($data); AppController::app($data); SubscribeController::subscribe($data); GalleryController::gallery($data); TestimonialController::testimonial($data); PricingController::pricing($data); ContactController::contact($data); FooterController::footer($data); }
<?php include_once "controller/ContactController.php"; $controller = new ContactController(); $controller->invoke();
break; case 'hmacsha512': $twigVars['hmac'] = 'sha512'; $twigTemplate = 'hmac'; break; case 'hmacmd5': $twigVars['hmac'] = 'md5'; $twigTemplate = 'hmac'; break; case 'base64': require_once 'controller/base64Controller.php'; $controller = new Base64Controller(); break; case 'contact': require_once 'controller/contactController.php'; $controller = new ContactController(); } if (isset($controller)) { $vars = $controller->process(); $render = $vars['render']; $twigVars = array_merge($twigVars, $vars); } if ($render === true) { echo $twig->render('page/' . $twigTemplate . '.twig', $twigVars); } } function determinePage() { $pageId = ""; if (isset($_GET['t'])) { $pageId = $_GET['t'];
<?php /** * @version $Id: contact.php 14401 2010-01-26 14:10:00Z louis $ * @package Joomla * @subpackage Contact * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant to the * GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative * of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free or open * source software licenses. See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and * details. */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); jimport('joomla.application.component.helper'); require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controller.php'; // Create the controller $controller = new ContactController(); // Perform the Request task $controller->execute(JRequest::getVar('task', null, 'default', 'cmd')); // Redirect if set by the controller $controller->redirect();
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: 02483138 * Date: 1.12.2015 * Time: 19:39 */ require_once "ContactController.php"; $contactCtrl = new ContactController(); $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); $model = json_decode($postdata); $request = $_GET["request"]; var_dump($request); if (isset($request)) { switch ($request) { case "save": $response = $contactCtrl->save($model); echo json_encode($response); break; case "email": $response = $contactCtrl->saveEmail($_POST); echo json_encode($response); break; default: echo "Your request is null!"; } }
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ require_once "Libs/autoload.php"; $config = new Config(); $webPage = new PJSWebPage($config->getTitle() . ' - Delete Contact'); $act = Tools::Param('act'); if ("Delete Contact" === $act) { $contactModel = new ContactModel(); $contactModel->populateFromForm(); if (!$contactModel->validateForDelete()) { $contactView = new ContactFormView('Delete Contact', $contactModel); $body = "<h2>Invalid data</h2>\n" . $contactView->getForm(); } else { $contactController = new ContactController(); $contactController->delete($contactModel); $body = "Deleted contact # " . $contactModel->getId() . "<br />\n"; } } else { $contactController = new ContactController(); $contactModel = $contactController->get(Tools::param('id')); $contactView = new ContactFormView('Delete Contact', $contactModel); $body = $contactView->getForm(); } $webPage->setBody($body); $webPage->displayPage();
/** * * @param unknown $selectedContactId * @param unknown $readOnly * @return string Selection list of contacts * @throws ControllerException */ public function getContactSelectList($selectedContactId, $readOnly) { $contactController = new ContactController('read'); $contactModels = $contactController->getAll(); $str = "<select name=\"contactId\" {$readOnly}>\n"; if (!isset($selectedContactId) || 0 === $selectedContactId) { $str .= " <option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">None</option>\n"; } else { $str .= " <option value=\"\" >None</option>\n"; } foreach ($contactModels as $contactModel) { $id = $contactModel->getId(); $contactName = $contactModel->getContactName(); $contactEmail = $contactModel->getContactEmail(); $selected = $selectedContactId === $id ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $str .= " <option value=\"{$id}\" {$selected}>{$contactName} ({$contactEmail})</option>\n"; } $str .= "</select>\n"; return $str; }
$companyId = Tools::param('contactCompanyId'); $name = Tools::param('contactName'); $email = Tools::param('contactEmail'); $phone = Tools::param('contactPhone'); $alternatePhone = Tools::param('contactAlternatePhone'); $rowId = Tools::param('rowId'); $result = 'OK'; $contactId = ''; $newContactModel = null; try { $contactModel = new ContactModel(); $contactModel->setContactCompanyId($companyId); $contactModel->setContactName($name); $contactModel->setContactEmail($email); $contactModel->setContactPhone($phone); $contactModel->setContactAlternatePhone($alternatePhone); $contactController = new ContactController(); $contactId = $contactController->add($contactModel); if (!($contactId > 0)) { throw new ControllerException("Add failed."); } $newContactModel = $contactController->get($contactId); $contactRowView = new ContactListView(); $row = $contactRowView->displayContactRow($newContactModel, 'list'); } catch (ControllerException $e) { $contactRowView = new ContactListView('html', null); $contactModel->setId($rowId); $row = $contactRowView->displayContactRow($contactModel, 'add', 'Add Contact record failed. ' . $e->getMessage()); } $result = array('result' => $result, 'row' => $row, 'newId' => $contactId); echo json_encode($result) . PHP_EOL;
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ require_once "Libs/autoload.php"; $config = new Config(); $webPage = new PJSWebPage($config->getTitle() . "Contacts - Add Contact"); $body = ''; $act = Tools::Param('act'); if ("Add Contact" === $act) { $model = new ContactModel(); $model->populateFromForm(); if (!$model->validateForAdd()) { $view = new ContactFormView('Add Contact', $model); $body = "<h2>Invalid data</h2>\n" . $view->getForm(); } else { $contactController = new ContactController(); $newId = $contactController->add($model); if ($newId > 0) { $body = "Added contact # " . $newId . "<br />\n"; } } } else { $body = ""; $contactModel = new ContactModel(); $companyId = '' === Tools::param('contactCompanyId') ? 0 : Tools::param('contactCompanyId'); $contactModel->setContactCompanyId($companyId); $contactModel->setContactName(Tools::param('contactName')); $contactModel->setContactEmail(Tools::param('contactEmail')); $contactModel->setContactPhone(Tools::param('contactPhone')); $contactModel->setContactAlternatePhone(Tools::param('contactAlternatePhone')); $view = new ContactFormView("Add Contact", $contactModel);
public function get_home_page() { return new DefaultHomePage($this->get_title(), ContactController::get_view()); }
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ require_once "Libs/autoload.php"; $auth = new Auth(); if (!$auth->isAuthorized()) { $auth->forbidden(); exit(0); // Should never get here but just in case... } $result = "OK"; $id = Tools::param('id'); $mode = Tools::param('mode'); $html = ''; $contactListView = new ContactListView('html', null); if ('add' == $mode) { $contactModel = new ContactModel(); $contactModel->setId($id); $html = $contactListView->displayContactRow($contactModel, $mode); } else { $contactController = new ContactController(); $contactModel = $contactController->get($id); $html = $contactListView->displayContactRow($contactModel, $mode); } $result = array('result' => $result, 'row' => $html); echo json_encode($result) . PHP_EOL;
<?php namespace App\Controllers; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 'home'; switch ($page) { case 'home': $controller = new HomeController(); $controller->show(); break; case 'personalmessage': $controller = new ContactController(); $controller->show(); break; case 'category': $controller = new RecipesController(); $controller->showitems(); break; case 'recipes': $controller = new RecipesController(); $controller->show(); break; case 'recipe.edit': $controller = new RecipesController(); $controller->edit(); case 'singlerecipe': $controller = new RecipesController(); $controller->showIndividualRecipe(); break; case 'register': $controller = new AuthenticationController();
/** * Return the HTML view * * @return string */ private function _getHtmlView() { $body = <<<'HTML' <a href="addJob.php">Add a new job</a><br /> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <caption>Current Jobs</caption> <tr> <th>Actions</th> <th>Urgency</th> <th>Title</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Company</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Next Action</th> <th>Next Action Due</th> <th>Link</th> <th>Created</th> <th>Updated</th> </tr> HTML; foreach ($this->getJobModels() as $jobModel) { $id = $jobModel->getId(); $primaryContactId = $jobModel->getPrimaryContactId(); $companyId = $jobModel->getCompanyId(); $applicationStatusId = $jobModel->getApplicationStatusId(); $lastStatusChange = $jobModel->getLastStatusChange(); $urgency = $jobModel->getUrgency(); $created = $jobModel->getCreated(); $updated = $jobModel->getUpdated(); $nextActionDue = $jobModel->getNextActionDue(); $nextAction = $jobModel->getNextAction(); $positionTitle = $jobModel->getPositionTitle(); $location = $jobModel->getLocation(); $url = $jobModel->getUrl(); if ($primaryContactId >= 1) { $contactController = new ContactController('read'); $contactModel = $contactController->get($primaryContactId); $contactName = $contactModel->getContactName(); } if ($companyId >= 1) { $companyController = new CompanyController('read'); $companyModel = $companyController->get($companyId); $companyName = $companyModel->getCompanyName(); } else { $companyName = ''; } if ($applicationStatusId >= 1) { $applicationStatusController = new ApplicationStatusController('read'); $applicationStatusModel = $applicationStatusController->get($applicationStatusId); $applicationStatusValue = $applicationStatusModel->getStatusValue(); $applicationStatusStyle = $applicationStatusModel->getStyle(); } else { $applicationStatusValue = ''; $applicationStatusStyle = ''; } $body .= <<<HTML <tr> <td> <a href="editJob.php?id={$id}">Edit</a> | <a href="deleteJob.php?id={$id}">Delete</a> </td> <td>{$urgency}</td> <td>{$positionTitle}</td> <td>{$location}</td> <td>{$companyName}</td> <td>{$contactName}</td> <td style="{$applicationStatusStyle}">{$applicationStatusValue}</td> <td>{$nextAction}</td> <td>{$nextActionDue}</td> <td><a href="{$url}">{$url}</a></td> <td>{$created}</td> <td>{$updated}</td> </tr> HTML; } $body .= '</table>'; return $body; }