  * Returns the list of currently executing queries
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 public function getCurrent()
     $url = UrlHelper::buildUrl(Urls::URL_QUERY, array('current'));
     $response = $this->_connection->get($url);
     $result = $response->getJson();
     return $result;
 public static function getTopList()
     $connection = Connection::get();
     $sql = '
             SUM(IF(ug.type = "gold" AND ug.expire_date > NOW(), ug.amount - ug.used, 0)) AS gold,
             SUM(IF(ug.type = "coin" AND ug.expire_date > NOW(), ug.amount - ug.used, 0)) AS coin
         FROM users u
         LEFT JOIN user_gifts ug
             ON u.id = ug.user_id
         GROUP BY ug.user_id
         ORDER BY (
             (SUM(IF(ug.type = "gold" AND ug.expire_date > NOW(), ug.amount - ug.used, 0)) * 10) +
             SUM(IF(ug.type = "coin" AND ug.expire_date > NOW(), ug.amount - ug.used, 0))
         ) DESC
     $STH = $connection->prepare($sql);
     $users = array();
     if ($STH->rowCount() > 0) {
         while ($row = $STH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
             $user = new User();
             $userWallet = new UserWallet();
             $users[] = $user;
     return $users;
* Yeah ! Tentative !!
*Sans dec, je vais en chier.
function validationDate($date_deb, $date_fin)
    $conn = Connection::get();
    // requete sql preparé
    $result = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tarif_transaction WHERE date_deb >= :date_deb AND date_fin <= :date_fin");
    echo var_dump($result);
    //TH : je fixe la date de fin car le menu deroulant ne permet pas de mettre 2015 (rien touché d'autre)
    $result->execute(array('date_deb' => $date_deb, 'date_fin' => $date_fin));
    $true = null;
    while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
        $true[] = $row;
    //TH  :et hop ici $true prend bien la bonne valeur (6 avec la base de max)
    echo "tadaaaaaaaaaa!";
    echo var_dump($true);
    // Long story short, ça marche pas
    //$fakeresult = null; // array(2,2);
    //echo var_dump($fakeresult);
    if ($true != null) {
        // Ce test ne sert à rien s un resultat vide renvoit effectivement un null
        return $true;
    } else {
        return null;
 public static function getNbType()
     $conn = Connection::get();
     $select = $conn->query("SELECT type_presentation.id_type as id, type_presentation.nom_type as type, count(presentation.id_presentation) as nb from type_presentation LEFT JOIN presentation on type_presentation.id_type = presentation.id_type GROUP BY type_presentation.id_type ORDER BY type_presentation.nom_type");
     $result = array();
     $result = $select->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     return $result;
 public static function insererSurperso($array)
     $conn = Connection::get();
     // requete d'insertion
     $request = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO sur_perso (nom_beneficiaire, prenom_beneficiaire, evenement, nom_entp, id_carte)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (:nom , :prenom , :evenement, :entreprise, 1)");
  * @todo use static vars
 public function connection()
     if (!$this->connected) {
         $this->connected = true;
     return Connection::get($this->connection);
 public static function insertOrateurNvEntp($nom_orateur, $prenom_orateur, $courriel_orateur, $tel_orateur)
     $conn = Connection::get();
     $entreprise = $conn->query("SELECT max(last_insert_id(id_entp)) as last_entp_inserted FROM entreprise");
     $id_entreprise = $entreprise->fetch();
     $req = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO orateur (nom_orateur, prenom_orateur, courriel_orateur, tel_orateur, id_entp) VALUES (:nom_orateur, :prenom_orateur, :courriel_orateur, :tel_orateur, :id_entp)");
     $req->execute(array('nom_orateur' => $nom_orateur, 'prenom_orateur' => $prenom_orateur, 'courriel_orateur' => $courriel_orateur, 'tel_orateur' => $tel_orateur, 'id_entp' => $id_entreprise['last_entp_inserted']));
  * Get registered user functions
  * The method can optionally be passed a $namespace parameter to narrow the results down to a specific namespace.
  * @param null $namespace
  * @throws Exception throw exception if the request failed
  * @return mixed true if successful without a return value or the return value if one was set in the action
 public function getRegisteredUserFunctions($namespace = null)
     $url = UrlHelper::buildUrl(Urls::URL_AQL_USER_FUNCTION, array());
     if (!is_null($namespace)) {
         $url = UrlHelper::appendParamsUrl($url, array('namespace' => $namespace));
     $response = $this->_connection->get($url);
     $responseArray = $response->getJson();
     return $responseArray;
 public function __construct()
     $this->stat = explode(' ', file_get_contents('/proc/self/stat'));
     $this->ts = microtime(true);
     self::$obj = $this;
     $this->script = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
     $this->disabled = Connection::get()->isFailed();
     //если нет соединения, отключаем сбор счётчиков
     $this->conn = Connection::get();
  * Método que irá abrir uma conexão com servidor.
  * @param <string> $name >> nome da conexão.
 static function connection($name)
     $config = Connection::get($name);
     # iniciando conexão, caso isto ainda não tenha sido feito.
     if (!array_key_exists('connection', $config)) {
         Connection::$connections[$name]['connection'] = pg_connect("host={$config['host']} port={$config['port']} dbname={$config['database']} user={$config['user']} password={$config['password']}");
         pg_set_client_encoding(Connection::$connections[$name]['connection'], 'UTF-8');
     return Connection::$connections[$name]['connection'];
 public static function contratConcerne($dateDeb, $dateFin)
     $conn = Connection::get();
     $select = $conn->query("SELECT id_tarif, prix, date_deb, date_fin, nbcarte_max, nbcarte_min FROM tarif_transaction WHERE ((DATEDIFF(date_fin, '" . $dateDeb . "') >=0) AND (DATEDIFF(date_fin, '" . $dateFin . "') <=0) )OR ((DATEDIFF(date_deb, '" . $dateFin . "') <=0) AND (DATEDIFF(date_fin, '" . $dateDeb . "') >=0) ) ORDER BY date_deb ASC");
     $result = array();
     while ($row = $select->fetch()) {
         $result[] = $row;
     return $result;
 public static function novoCiclo($codConta, $data)
     $con = Connection::get();
     $prepared = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO Ciclos VALUES (NULL, :di, :code)");
     $prepared->bindParam(":di", $data);
     $prepared->bindParam(":code", $codConta);
     $prepared = null;
     $con = null;
 public static function getLibById($id_grp)
     $result = null;
     $conn = Connection::get();
     // requete sql preparé
     $request = $conn->prepare("SELECT id_grp, lib_grp FROM groupe WHERE id_grp=:id_grp");
     $request->execute(array('id_grp' => $id_grp));
     while ($row = $request->fetch()) {
         $result[] = $row;
     return $result;
 public static function adicionar($nome, $categoria, $temporaria)
     $conn = Connection::get();
     $prepared = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO Fotos VALUES (:nome, :categoria, NOW(), :temporaria)");
     $prepared->bindParam(":nome", $nome);
     $prepared->bindParam(":categoria", $categoria);
     $prepared->bindParam(":temporaria", $temporaria);
     $prepared = null;
     $conn = null;
     return true;
 public static function getLibById($id_mag)
     $conn = Connection::get();
     // requete sql preparé
     $request = $conn->prepare("SELECT lib_mag FROM entite WHERE id_mag=:id_mag");
     $request->execute(array('id_mag' => $id_mag));
     $result = null;
     while ($row = $request->fetch()) {
         $result[] = $row;
     return $result;
  * Método que irá abrir uma conexão com servidor.
  * @param <string> $name >> nome da conexão.
 static function connection($connection = 'default')
     $config = Connection::get($connection);
     if (!array_key_exists('connection', $config)) {
         # criando arquivo do SQLite
         if (!($conn = new PDO("sqlite:{$config['path']}{$config['database']}.db"))) {
             die('SQLite: Erro ao se conectar.');
         $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         Connection::$connections[$connection]['connection'] = $conn;
     return Connection::$connections[$connection]['connection'];
 public static function getSubjectInfo($id_predmet)
     $dbh = Connection::get();
     $query = "SELECT nazov,kod FROM predmet WHERE id = \$1";
     $dbh->query($query, array($id_predmet));
     if ($dbh->RowCount() > 0) {
         $predmet = $dbh->fetch_assoc();
         return "{$predmet["nazov"]}({$predmet["kod"]})";
     } else {
         return "";
文件: Store.php 项目: block8/database
  * @param string $model
  * @return Store
  * @throws Exception
 public static function get(string $model) : self
     if (!array_key_exists($model, self::$namespaces)) {
         self::$namespaces[$model] = reset(self::$namespaces);
     if (!array_key_exists($model, self::$stores)) {
         $class = self::$namespaces[$model] . '\\Store\\' . $model . 'Store';
         if (!class_exists($class)) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid or missing namespace for model ' . $model);
         self::$stores[$model] = new $class(Connection::get());
     return self::$stores[$model];
  * From an ajax call, send  all the data back to the homepage when loading
 public function index()
     $db = Connection::get();
     $dishManager = new DishManager($db);
     if (isset($_GET["data"]) && $_GET["data"] === "featureddishes") {
         $list = $dishManager->getFeaturedList();
         $return = array();
         foreach ($list as $value) {
             $val = $value->objectToArray();
             $return[] = $val;
     echo json_encode($return);
 public static function __callstatic($name, $arguments)
     $db = Config::get('database.' . static::$config);
     $db['connection'] = static::$config;
     $connection = Connection::get($db);
     $builder = new Builder($connection, $db, static::$table, static::$primary_key, static::class);
     if ($name == 'first' || $name == 'get' || $name == 'pluck') {
         return $builder->{$name}();
     if ($name == 'lists' || $name == 'create') {
         return $builder->{$name}($arguments[0]);
     call_user_func_array(array($builder, $name), $arguments);
     return $builder;
 public static function criar($ciclo, $data)
     $con = Connection::get();
     $prepared = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO Dias(codCiclo, data) VALUES (:ci, :da)");
     $prepared->bindParam(":ci", $ciclo);
     $prepared->bindParam(":da", $data);
     $prepared = null;
     $codDia = $con->lastInsertId();
     $con->prepare("INSERT INTO Temperaturas(codDia) VALUES ({$codDia})")->execute();
     $con->prepare("INSERT INTO ColoUtero(codDia) VALUES ({$codDia})")->execute();
     $con->prepare("INSERT INTO Mucos(codDia) VALUES ({$codDia})")->execute();
     $con->prepare("INSERT INTO Sangramentos(codDia) VALUES ({$codDia})")->execute();
     return self::obter;
 public static function isAuthenticated()
     if (array_key_exists("cod_user", $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['cod_user'] > 0) {
         $con = Connection::get();
         $prepared = $con->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM Contas WHERE codigo=:code");
         $prepared->bindParam(":code", $_SESSION['cod_user']);
         $result = $prepared->fetch();
         $prepared = null;
         $con = null;
         if ($result) {
             return true;
     return false;
function displayContent($condition = null)
    include 'classes/Event.php';
    $connection = Connection::get();
    $sentenceSQL = "select * from Events";
    if ($condition != null) {
        $sentenceSQL .= " where category = " . $condition;
    $sentenceSQL .= " limit 30";
    $results = $connection->select($sentenceSQL);
    while ($evt = $results->fetch_assoc()) {
        $event = new Event($evt['id'], $evt['user'], $evt['category'], $evt['name'], $evt['address'], $evt['city'], $evt['description'], $evt['dateStart'], $evt['dateEnd'], $evt['img'], $evt['public'], $evt['offer']);
        echo '<div class="col s12 m4">';
        echo '</div>';
 function saveDetails()
     $this->mysqli = Connection::get();
     $response = array();
     $path = "albums/";
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
     $imageUpload = new ImageUpload($this->image);
     $imageUpload->dstPath = $path;
     if ($imageUpload->save()) {
         //ImageUpload class by default saves all the image to jpg
         $imagePath = $path . $this->image . ".jpg";
         $sql = "INSERT INTO android(id, image, location) VALUES (1,'{$this->location}','{$imagePath}')";
         if ($result = $this->mysqli->query($sql)) {
             $response = BaseClass::createResponse(1, "Details Saved");
     } else {
         return $imageUpload->response;
     return $response;
  * Retrieves information about the current database
  * This will get information about the currently used database from the server
  * @param Connection $connection - the connection to be used
  * @link http://www.arangodb.com/manuals/1.4/HttpDatabase.html
  * @return array $responseArray - The response array.
 public static function getInfo(Connection $connection)
     $url = UrlHelper::buildUrl(Urls::URL_DATABASE, array('current'));
     $response = $connection->get($url);
     $responseArray = $response->getJson();
     return $responseArray;
 public static function insertEntreprise($nom_entreprise, $adresse_entreprise, $imgName, $url_entreprise)
     $conn = Connection::get();
     $req = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO entreprise (nom_entp, adresse_entp, url_entp, logo_entp) VALUES ("' . $nom_entreprise . '","' . $adresse_entreprise . '","' . $url_entreprise . '","' . $imgName . '")');
     $req->execute(array('nom_entp' => $nom_entreprise, 'adresse_entp' => $adresse_entreprise, 'url_entp' => $url_entreprise, 'logo_entp' => $imgName));
 private function dumpDebugInfo()
     $dbh = Connection::get();
     $time = 0;
     $table = array(array('SQL Statement', 'Time', 'Result'));
     foreach ($dbh->sql_history as $sql) {
         $table[] = $sql;
         $time += $sql[1];
     $query_count = count($dbh->sql_history);
     fb(array("{$query_count} queries took {$time} seconds", $table), FirePHP::TABLE);
     // dump session
     $table = array(array('Key', 'Value'));
     foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $key) {
         $table[] = array($key, $_SESSION[$key]);
     fb(array('Session (' . count($_SESSION) . ' items)', $table), FirePHP::TABLE);
 public static function insertOrganisateur($soc_orga, $nom_orga, $prenom_orga, $courriel_orga, $tel_orga, $id_evnt)
     $conn = Connection::get();
     $req = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO organisateur (societe_organisateur, nom_organisateur, prenom_organisateur, courriel_organisateur, tel_organisateur) VALUES ("' . $soc_orga . '","' . $nom_orga . '","' . $prenom_orga . '","' . $courriel_orga . '","' . $tel_orga . '")');
     $req->execute(array('societe_organisateur' => $soc_orga, 'nom_organisateur' => $nom_orga, 'prenom_organisateur' => $prenom_orga, 'courriel_organisateur' => $courriel_orga, 'tel_organisateur' => $tel_orga));
        $connection = Connection::get();
        $dateStart = $_POST['dateStart'] . " " . $_POST['timeStart'] . ":00";
        $dateEnd = $_POST['dateEnd'] . " " . $_POST['timeEnd'] . ":00";
        $results = $connection->select("select id from Cities where name = '{$_POST['city']}'");
        $city = $results->fetch_assoc()['id'];
        $values = ['id' => $_POST['id'], 'user' => $_SESSION['id'], 'category' => $_POST['category'], 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'address' => $_POST['address'], 'city' => $city, 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'dateStart' => $dateStart, 'dateEnd' => $dateEnd, 'img' => $_POST['image'], 'public' => 1, 'offer' => $_POST['offer']];
        $connection->update("event", $values, ["id" => $_POST['id']]);
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <ul class="collapsible popout" data-collapsible="accordion">
include 'classes/Event.php';
$connection = Connection::get();
$results = $connection->select("select * from Events where user = {$_SESSION['id']}");
while ($evt = $results->fetch_assoc()) {
    $event = new Event($evt['id'], $evt['user'], $evt['category'], $evt['name'], $evt['address'], $evt['city'], $evt['description'], $evt['dateStart'], $evt['dateEnd'], $evt['img'], $evt['public'], $evt['offer']);

include 'components/Footer.php';

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: eduardo
 * Date: 29/11/15
 * Time: 11:02
require_once 'classes/Connection.php';
$c = Connection::get();
 * IMPORTANT $task, $arguments[], $conditions[] or null ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/**FORMATS TO Insert
 * $c->insert("user", ["name"=>'ONE', "surname"=>'ONE', "password"=>'test', "email"=>'*****@*****.**'], null);
 * $c->insert("category", ["name"=>'test'], null);
 * $c->insert("event", ["user"=>'1001',"category"=>'5',"name"=>'Un evento asociado a un usuario',"address"=>'Una direccion pa quedar',"city"=>'100', "description"=>'Barbacoa en mi casa este finde...', "dateStart"=>'2015-01-02 12:12:12', "dateEnd"=>'2015-10-10 12:12:12', "img"=>'100.jpg', "public"=>'1', "offer"=>'cerveza gratis!'], null);
/**FORMATS TO Update
 * $c->update("user",["name"=>'change',"surname"=>'change',"password"=>'change',"email"=>'*****@*****.**'],["id"=>'5000']);
 * $c->update("category",["name"=>'Informatica'],["id"=>'5']);
 * $c->update("event", ["user"=>'5',"category"=>'5',"name"=>'Un evento asociado a un usuario',"address"=>'Una direccion pa quedar',"city"=>'100', "description"=>'Barbacoa en mi casa este finde...', "dateStart"=>'2015-01-02 12:12:12', "dateEnd"=>'2015-10-10 12:12:12', "img"=>'100.jpg', "public"=>'1', "offer"=>'cerveza gratis!'], ["id"=>'1504']);
/**FORMATS TO Delete
 *$c->delete("user", ["id"=>'1498'], null);
 *$c->delete("category", ["id"=>'1498'], null);
 *$c->delete("event", ["id"=>'1498'], null);
$c->delete("event", ["id" => '1498'], null);