public function initMapping() { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'models' . DS . 'config.php'; $configModel = new ConfigModel(); $this->ngramsLength = $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'VALUES_MAPPING_NGRAMS_LENGTH'); $this->finalArr = $this->mapValues($this->finalArr); }
public function render($data) { $db = new WidgetModel(); $rs = $db->where("name='douban'")->find(); if ($rs['switch'] != 1) { return false; exit; } $db = new ConfigModel(); $rs = $db->where("k='douban_fm'")->find(); if ($rs === null || $rs === false) { return false; exit; } $douban_fm = $rs['v']; $rs = $db->where("k='douban_show'")->find(); if ($rs === null || $rs === false) { return false; exit; } $douban_show = $rs['v']; echo "<h2>我的豆瓣</h2>"; echo "<ul>"; echo $douban_fm == '' ? '' : "<li>{$douban_fm}</li>"; echo "</ul>"; }
function render($data) { $db = new ConfigModel(); $rs = $db->where("k='widget_link'")->find(); if ($rs['v'] != '1') { return false; } $db = new LinksModel(); $all = $db->where("pass_flag=1")->select(); //dump($all); if ($all === null || $all === false) { return false; } if (count($all) < 5) { echo "<h2>友情链接</h2>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($all as $all) { echo "<li><a href='" . $all['www_url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $all['worlds'] . "</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; return; } //随即抽取5条记录 $array = array_rand($all, 5); //dump($array); echo "<h2>友情链接</h2>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($array as $id) { echo "<li><a href='" . $all[$id]['www_url'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $all[$id]['worlds'] . "</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; }
public function render($data) { import("ORG.Util.Input"); $db = new ConfigModel(); $rs = $db->where("k='widget_develop'")->find(); if ($rs['v'] != '1') { return false; } $limit = $_SESSION['user_login_flag'] === true ? 100 : 5; $db = new WorldsModel(); $rs = $db->field('id,text')->limit($limit)->where("last_time<>''")->order('last_time desc')->select(); if ($rs === null || $rs === false) { return false; } echo "<h2>站内动态</h2>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($rs as $rs) { $content = Input::truncate($rs['text'], 20); $link .= "[微博]:“"; $link .= "<a href='"; $link .= __APP__; $link .= "/Worlds/view/id/"; $link .= $rs['id']; $link .= "'>"; $link .= $content; $link .= "</a>"; echo "<li>" . $link . "”有新回复</li>"; unset($link); } echo "</ul>"; }
protected function getConfig() { $db = new ConfigModel(); $configList = $db->findAll(); $config = $this->toSingle($configList); $this->c = $config; $this->assign('c', $config); }
public function index() { $db = new ConfigModel(); $rs = $db->where("name='about'")->select(); $this->assign('rs', $rs); $rs2 = $db->where("name='version'")->select(); $this->assign('rs2', $rs2); $this->display("WapAdmin:about"); }
/** * Formats currency for display, includes provided currency symbol or default * @param $value * @param $currency * @return string */ public static function currencyFormat($currency, $value) { if ($currency == null) { $confMdl = new ConfigModel(); $conf = $confMdl->get('general'); $currency = $conf['curformat']; } return $currency . number_format($value, 2, ".", ","); }
/** * Konstruktor */ function __construct($dataArr, $finalArr) { parent::__construct($dataArr, $finalArr); require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'models' . DS . 'config.php'; $configModel = new ConfigModel(); define('IGNORE_MERGE', $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'OPTIMIZED_IGNORE_MERGE')); define('BOTTOM_MERGE_STEP', $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'OPTIMIZED_BOTTOM_MERGE_STEP')); define('MAX_ARR_VALUES', $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'OPTIMIZED_MAX_ARR_VALUES')); }
/** * Výchozí inicializace - načtení potřebných tříd... */ function __construct($updateMode = true) { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'models' . DS . 'expirience.php'; $this->model = new ExpirienceModel(); if ($updateMode) { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'models' . DS . 'config.php'; $configModel = new ConfigModel(); $this->autoPlusRatio = $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'EXPIRIENCE_AUTO_RATIO'); $this->userPlusRatio = $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'EXPIRIENCE_USER_RATIO'); } }
/** * Formats currency for display, includes provided currency symbol or default * @param $value * @return string */ public function currencyFormat($value) { if ($this->currencyVals == null) { $confMdl = new ConfigModel(); $conf = $confMdl->get('general'); $this->currencyVals = explode('~', $conf['currencyformat']); } $formatted = number_format($value, $this->currencyVals[1], $this->currencyVals[2], $this->currencyVals[3]); if ($this->currencyVals[4] == 0) { return $this->currencyVals[0] . $formatted; } else { return $formatted . $this->currencyVals[0]; } }
public function actionEdit() { $id = Yii::app()->request->getParam("id", ''); $op = Yii::app()->request->getParam("op", ''); if (!$id) { // ID不存在 exit; } $adminModel = new AdminModel(); $user = $adminModel->getById($id); $configModel = new ConfigModel(); $hospitals = $configModel->getSetByType(Yii::app()->params['configType']['HOSPITAL']); $this->setPageTitle('编辑用户'); $this->render('edit', array('user' => $user, 'hospitals' => $hospitals, 'op' => 'edit')); }
/** * @param string $themeName * @param string $lessFile * @return string */ public function compileFile($themeName, $lessFile) { $model = Model::instance(); $theme = $model->getTheme($themeName); $options = $theme->getOptionsAsArray(); $configModel = ConfigModel::instance(); $config = $configModel->getAllConfigValues($themeName); $less = "@import '{$lessFile}';"; $less .= $this->generateLessVariables($options, $config); $css = ''; try { require_once ipFile('Ip/Lib/less.php/Less.php'); $themeDir = ipFile('Theme/' . $themeName . '/assets/'); $ipContentDir = ipFile('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/ipContent/'); // creating new context to pass theme assets directory dynamically to a static callback function $context = $this; $callback = function ($parseFile) use($context, $themeDir) { return $context->overrideImportDirectory($themeDir, $parseFile); }; $parserOptions = array('import_callback' => $callback, 'cache_dir' => ipFile('file/tmp/less/'), 'relativeUrls' => false, 'sourceMap' => true); $parser = new \Less_Parser($parserOptions); $directories = array($themeDir => '', $ipContentDir => ''); $parser->SetImportDirs($directories); $parser->parse($less); $css = $parser->getCss(); $css = "/* Edit {$lessFile}, not this file. */" . "\n" . $css; } catch (\Exception $e) { ipLog()->error('Less compilation error: Theme - ' . $e->getMessage()); } return $css; }
public function GetConfig() { $dataset = parent::GetConfigProcess(); foreach ($dataset as $var) { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'email_host') { $this->email_host = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'email_username') { $this->email_username = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'email_password') { $this->email_password = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'email_port') { $this->email_port = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'email_address') { $this->email_address = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'email_name') { $this->email_name = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'facebook_app_id') { $this->facebook_app_id = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'facebook_app_secret') { $this->facebook_app_secret = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'meta_title') { $this->meta_title = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'meta_description') { $this->meta_description = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'meta_sitename') { $this->meta_sitename = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'meta_author') { $this->meta_author = $var['cf_value']; } else { if ($var['cf_key'] == 'meta_keyword') { $this->meta_keyword = $var['cf_value']; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } $this->facebook_status = $this->FacebookEnable(); $this->email_status = $this->EmailEnable(); }
public function render($data) { $db = new ConfigModel(); $rs = $db->where("k='widget_douban'")->find(); if ($rs['v'] != 1) { return; } $db = new ConfigModel(); $rs = $db->where("k='douban_show'")->find(); $douban_show = $rs['v']; if ($douban_show == '') { return; } echo "<h2>我的豆瓣</h2>"; echo "<ul>"; echo "<li>{$douban_show}</li>"; echo "</ul>"; }
/** * @param string $name * @param string $default * @param string $themeName * @return string */ public function getThemeOption($name, $default = null, $themeName = null) { if (!$themeName) { $themeName = ipConfig()->theme(); } $configModel = ConfigModel::instance(); $value = $configModel->getConfigValue($themeName, $name, $default); return $value; }
/** * Výchozí inicializace - načtení potřebných tříd... */ function __construct() { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'library' . DS . 'StringClass.php'; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'library' . DS . 'NumericClass.php'; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'library' . DS . 'ExpirienceClass.php'; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'models' . DS . 'config.php'; $configModel = new ConfigModel(); $constants = $configModel->loadConfigs('matchRate'); if (count($constants) > 0) { foreach ($constants as $constant) { define($constant->name, $constant->value); } } $this->expClass = new ExpirienceClass(false); $this->xgramLength = $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'COLUMN_XGRAM_LENGTH'); $this->minusInf = $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'MINUS_INFINITE'); $this->plusInf = $configModel->loadConfigValue('constant', 'PLUS_INFINITE'); }
public function actionIndex() { $this->currentMenu = '1000'; // 获取病历总条数 // 限制医院权限 $mHospital = $this->_userInfo['hospital']; $shareModel = new ShareModel(); $shareSet = $shareModel->getTargetSetByCode($mHospital); if ($shareSet) { $inArray = array_keys($shareSet); } $hospitalModel = new ConfigModel(); $allHos = $hospitalModel->getSetByType(Yii::app()->params['configType']['HOSPITAL']); $hospitals = $allHos; //查询 $c = new CDbCriteria(); if ($this->_userInfo['role'] > 0) { $c->addInCondition('HOSPITAL', $inArray); $hospitals = array(); foreach ($inArray as $value) { $hospitals[$value] = $allHos[$value]; } } $hospitalModel = new ConfigModel(); $hospitals = $hospitalModel->getSetByType(Yii::app()->params['configType']['HOSPITAL']); $jcxxModel = new JcxxModel(); //总数 $total = $jcxxModel->count($c); $totals = $jcxxModel->getPatientGroupTotal(); $data = array(); if ($totals) { foreach ($totals as $value) { $item = array(); $item['value'] = $value['total']; $item['label'] = $hospitals[$value['hospital']]; $item['color'] = '#F7464A'; $item['highlight'] = '#FF5A5E'; $data[] = $item; } } $this->render('index', array('userinfo' => $this->_userInfo, 'total' => $total, 'data' => json_encode($data), 'hospitals' => $hospitals)); }
function detail($album_id) { $detail = M('photo_album')->find(intval($album_id)); if ($detail) { $detail['type_name'] = ConfigModel::album_types($detail['type'], true); if (empty($detail['type_name'])) { $detail['type_name'] = '其它'; } } return $detail; }
public function save() { //dump($_POST);exit; if ($_POST['about'] == '' and $_POST['about_text'] == '') { $this->error('签名或者内容不能为空!'); } $db = new ConfigModel(); import('ORG.Util.Input'); if (!$db->autoCheckToken($_POST)) { $this->error('非法提交!'); } unset($_POST['Submit']); unset($_POST['__hash__']); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $map['k'] = $k; $data['v'] = str_replace('\\', '', str_replace(""", '', $v)); $db->where($map)->save($data); unset($map); unset($data); } $this->redirect('About/index'); }
public function callback() { $c = $this->getConfig(); include_once 'Public/Oauth/sinaWeiboOauth.php'; $o = new WeiboOAuth($c['WB_AKEY'], $c['WB_SKEY'], $_SESSION['keys']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['keys']['oauth_token_secret']); $last_key = $o->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); //dump($last_key); $db = new ConfigModel(); $data['k'] = 'sina_oauth_token'; $data['v'] = $last_key['oauth_token']; $db->where("k='sina_oauth_token'")->save($data); unset($data); $data['k'] = 'sina_oauth_secret'; $data['v'] = $last_key['oauth_token_secret']; $db->where("k='sina_oauth_secret'")->save($data); if (!empty($last_key['user_id'])) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', "__APP__"); $this->success('恭喜你,验证通过!'); } else { $this->assign('jumpUrl', "__APP__"); $this->error('验证失败,请检查用户名或者密码是否正确。并返回重新验证!'); } }
public static function ipBeforeController() { $configModel = ConfigModel::instance(); if ($configModel->isInPreviewState()) { ipAddJsVariable('ipRepositoryUrl', ipFileUrl('file/repository/')); static::initConfig(); } $lessCompiler = LessCompiler::instance(); if (ipConfig()->isDevelopmentEnvironment()) { if ($lessCompiler->shouldRebuild(ipConfig()->theme())) { $lessCompiler->rebuild(ipConfig()->theme()); } } }
public function contactMail() { // V�rifie l'adresse mail if (!filter_var($_POST['sMail'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return 1; } // V�rifie le t�l�phone $sTel = StrModel::is_NumPortable($_POST['sMobile']); if (!$sTel) { return 2; } if (!StrModel::strMinLen($_POST['sNom'], 2)) { return 3; } // Vérifie le nom if (!StrModel::strMinLen($_POST['sPrenom'], 2)) { return 4; } // Vérifie le prénom if (!StrModel::strMinLen($_POST['sMessage'], 30)) { return 5; } // Vérifie le message // r�cup�ration du mail � contacter if ($_POST['sContact'] == 'commercial') { $sMail = ConfigModel::get(4, 0); $sLogCat = 2; } else { $sMail = ConfigModel::get(3, 0); $sLogCat = 1; } // Formatage du nom / prénom $_POST['sNom'] = strtoupper($_POST['sNom']); $_POST['sPrenom'] = ucfirst(strtolower($_POST['sPrenom'])); $sWho = $_POST['sCivilite'] . ' ' . $_POST['sNom'] . ' ' . $_POST['sPrenom']; // Log l'action LogModel::logThis($sLogCat, array($sMail, $_POST['sMail'], $sWho, $_POST['sLogin'], $sTel, $_POST['sMotif'], $_POST['sMessage'])); // Construit le mail $aMessage = array('Envoyé depuis le formulaire de contact [ ' . $_POST['sContact'] . ' ]', '', 'Date: ' . date('d-m-Y - H:i'), 'Éméteur: ' . $sWho, 'Login: '******'sLogin'], 'Mobile: ' . $sTel, 'Mail: ' . $_POST['sMail'], 'Motif: ' . $_POST['sMotif'], '', 'Message:', '', $_POST['sMessage']); // Envoie le mail if (!$this->sendMail($sWho, $_POST['sMail'], $_POST['sContact'], 'Support ' . $_POST['sContact'], $aMessage)) { return 6; } else { return 7; } }
public function index() { $vars = $_REQUEST; if (!isset($vars['original'])) { $vars['original'] = -1; } $size = 16; $total = PhotoAModel::visiable($vars, true); $Page = new Newpage($total, $size); $photos = PhotoAModel::visiable($vars, false, $Page->limit); foreach ($photos as &$row) { $row['user'] = model('User')->formatForApi($row, $row['userId']); } //$this->ajaxReturn($photos); $this->assign('photos', $photos); $this->assign('album_types', ConfigModel::album_types()); $this->assign($vars); $this->assign('page', $Page->getPage()); $this->display(); }
<div style="padding: 10px;"> <?php if ($package) { ?> <div class="padB10"> <div class="padL10 padT10 fontB"> <?php echo $package->name; ?> </div> <div class="padT10 padL10"> <?php if ($this->isPromotion) { $model = ConfigModel::model()->findByPk(1); echo $model->value; } else { echo $package->description; } ?> </div> </div> <div> <?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('action' => Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/account/doRegister', 'id' => 'subscribe-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false)); ?> <?php echo CHtml::hiddenField('phoneNumber', ''); ?> <?php echo CHtml::hiddenField('id', $package->id); ?>
protected function getConfig($condition) { $db = new ConfigModel(); if ($condition == '') { $configList = $db->where("r=1")->select(); } elseif ($condition == 'all') { $configList = $db->findAll(); } else { $configList = $db->where("k='{$condition}'")->select(); } foreach ($configList as $item) { $config[$item['k']] = $item['v']; } return $config; }
// As above, the exec line will trigger this catch if this check is not in place, giving false positives in the results. if(strrpos($m, '_') + 1 != strlen($m)){ $matches[] = $m; // If this match contains _N_, then also add _0_ for 0 results and _1_ for 1 result. if(substr_count($m, '_N_') === 1){ $matches[] = str_replace('_N_', '_0_', $m); $matches[] = str_replace('_N_', '_1_', $m); } } } } // Pull all the configuration options for this component // These get transposed to STRING_CONFIG_config_name_blah $configs = ConfigModel::Find(['component = ' . $configKey]); foreach($configs as $c){ /** @var ConfigModel $c */ $key = \Core\i18n\I18NLoader::KeyifyString($c->get('key')); $matches[] = 'STRING_CONFIG_' . $key; $matches[] = 'MESSAGE_CONFIG_' . $key; } // Give me permissions! if($comp){ foreach($comp->getPermissions() as $key => $p){ $key = \Core\i18n\I18NLoader::KeyifyString($key); $matches[] = 'STRING_PERMISSION_' . $key; //$matches[] = 'MESSAGE_CONFIG_' . $key; } }
/** * Put a setting value, using section name, key, value * @param $name * @param $key * @param $value * @return bool|mixed */ public static function putValue($name, $key, $value) { $configMdl = new ConfigModel(); $data = $configMdl->get($name); if ($data === false) { return false; } if (!($result = json_decode($data[0]['data']))) { return false; } $result->{$key} = $value; if ($configMdl->edit($name, json_encode($result)) === false) { return false; } return true; }
<div style="padding: 0px 5px;"> <div class="fontB"> <?php echo Yii::t('chachawap', 'Đăng ký Gói cước iMuzik3G'); ?> </div> <div class="padT10 padL5"> <?php $flag = false; if (!empty($userObj)) { $isKM10days = false; if (time() > strtotime('2013-04-15') && time() < strtotime('2013-12-31 23:59:59') && Yii::app()->user->getState('msisdn')) { $isKM10days = WapUserTransactionModel::checkTrial10Days(Formatter::formatPhone(Yii::app()->user->getState('msisdn'))); } if ($isKM10days && $userObj->status == 1) { $model = ConfigModel::getConfig('SUCCESS_10DAYS_TRIAL'); $date_free = date('d/m/Y', time() + 24 * 3600 * 10); echo Yii::t('wap', $model, array('{DATE}' => $date_free)); } else { echo Yii::t('wap', 'Chúc mừng Quý khách đã đăng ký thành công dịch vụ Imuzik 3G. Phí thuê bao 10.000đ/tháng, miễn phí data, miễn phí tải nhạc và video không giới hạn. Trân trọng cảm ơn!'); } } else { if (!empty($result) && $result->errorCode != 0) { echo $msg = Yii::t('wap', Yii::app()->params['subscribe'][$result->message]); } else { $flag = true; if ($isKm) { echo "Quý khách được khuyến mại 10 ngày dùng thử miễn phí dịch vụ Imuzik3G, miễn phí cước data (3G/GPRS), miễn phí nghe, tải nhạc chất lượng cao không giới hạn số lượng."; } else { echo $package->description; }
protected function save() { //dump($_POST);exit; $db = new ConfigModel(); if (!$db->autoCheckToken($_POST)) { $this->error('非法提交!'); } unset($_POST['Submit']); unset($_POST['__hash__']); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $map['k'] = $k; $data['v'] = str_replace('\\', '', str_replace(""", '', $v)); $db->where($map)->save($data); unset($map); unset($data); } //$this->redirect('Setting/index'); }
/** * 获取数据 * @param $channel */ private function retrieveData($channel = null) { $ret = array('channel' => $channel, 'time' => $this->timestamp); // Load config $config = new ConfigModel(); $ret['config'] = $config->getConfig($this->lang); unset($config); // Load levels $level = new LevelModel(); $levels = array(); foreach ($level->getAllLevels() as $level) { $levels[$level->level] = array('min' => $level->min_exp, 'max' => $level->max_exp); } $ret['config']->levels = (object) $levels; unset($level, $levels); // Load Store Data $store = new StoreModel($this->lang); $ret['config']->store = $store->getData(); unset($store); $ret['data'] = new stdClass(); $ret['data']->state = 'ok'; $ret['data']->call_id = isset($this->input->call_id) ? substr($this->input->call_id, 4) : microtime(); $ret['data']->data_hash = md5(rand(100, 10000)); Session::instance()->set('data_hash', $ret['data']->data_hash); $ret['data']->swf_version = isset($this->input->swf_version) ? $this->input->swf_version : 85; $ret['data']->map = array(); $ret['data']->storage = array(); $ret['data']->gifts = array(); $ret['data']->neighbors = array(); $ret['data']->all_neighbors = array(); // Check User wether inited. $user = new UserModel(); $userinfo = $user->getUserById($this->uid); if ($userinfo) { $diff_time = $this->timestamp - strtotime($userinfo->logintime); // 用户每天登陆的奖励 if ($diff_time > self::EVERY_DAY_LOGIN_DIFF_TIME) { // 更新用户的钱 $this->debugMsg("diff_time=" . $diff_time); $userinfo->lottery_coins = self::EVERY_DAY_LOGIN_IN_AWARD; $updateData = array('coins' => $userinfo->coins + self::EVERY_DAY_LOGIN_IN_AWARD, 'logintime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $user->updateUser($this->uid, $updateData); //更新用户的金币 } else { $updateData = array('logintime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $user->updateUser($this->uid, $updateData); //更新用户的logintime } // Load User Maps $ret['data']->map = $this->getUserMaps($this->uid); // Load User storage $storage = new StorageModel(); $ret['data']->storage = (object) $storage->getUserStoragesByUid($this->uid); unset($storage); // Load User Gifts $gift = new GiftsModel(); $gifts_list = $gift->getNewGiftByUidForRetrieve($this->uid); $gifts_list_re = array(); foreach ($gifts_list as $k => $v) { $gifts_list_re[$v->itemid] = $v->qty; } $this->debugMsg($gifts_list); $ret['data']->gifts = (object) $gifts_list_re; $this->debugMsg($gift->getLastQuery()); unset($gift); // Load User Neighbors $ret['data']->all_neighbors[] = $this->syncUserNeighbors($this->input->fids); $neighbor = new NeighborsModel(); $ret['data']->neighbors = $neighbor->getNeighborsByUid($this->uid); unset($neighbor); $ret['data']->show_tutorial = 1; //TODO $ret['data']->items = array(); $ret['data']->coins = $userinfo->coins; $ret['data']->level = $userinfo->level; $ret['data']->experience = $userinfo->experience; $ret['data']->size_x = $userinfo->size_x; $ret['data']->size_y = $userinfo->size_x; $ret['data']->reward_points = $userinfo->reward_points; $ret['data']->op = $userinfo->op; $ret['data']->top_map_size = $userinfo->top_map_size; $ret['data']->max_work_area_size = $userinfo->max_work_area_size; $ret['data']->work_area_size = $userinfo->work_area_size; $ret['data']->lottery_coins = $userinfo->lottery_coins; $ret['data']->feed_data = false; $ret['data']->news = false; $ret['data']->show_gifts_page = false; $ret['data']->stories = array(); $ret['data']->items_received = array(); $ret['data']->ask_for_materials = array(); $ret['data']->ask_for_help = array(); $ret['data']->friend_helped = false; $ret['data']->gifts_received = array(); } else { $data = array('uid' => $this->uid, 'email' => '', 'level' => 1, 'experience' => 0, 'coins' => self::INIT_COINS, 'op' => 0, 'reward_points' => self::INIT_RC, 'logintime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'loginip' => '', 'status' => 1); $user->add($data); $ret['data']->show_tutorial = 0; //TODO $ret['data']->coins = self::INIT_COINS; $ret['data']->items = array(); $ret['data']->level = 1; $ret['data']->experience = 0; $ret['data']->size_x = 60; $ret['data']->size_y = 60; $ret['data']->reward_points = self::INIT_RC; $ret['data']->op = 0; $ret['data']->top_map_size = 0; $ret['data']->max_work_area_size = 1; $ret['data']->work_area_size = 1; $ret['data']->lottery_coins = 0; $ret['data']->feed_data = false; $ret['data']->news = false; $ret['data']->show_gifts_page = false; $ret['data']->stories = array(); $ret['data']->items_received = array(); $ret['data']->ask_for_materials = array(); $ret['data']->ask_for_help = array(); $ret['data']->friend_helped = false; $ret['data']->gifts_received = array(); $ret['data']->storage = (object) array(15 => '5', 16 => '5'); // 将平台好友导入为邻居 $ret['data']->all_neighbors[] = $this->syncUserNeighbors($this->input->fids, true); $neighbor = new NeighborsModel(); $ret['data']->neighbors = $neighbor->getNeighborsByUid($this->uid); unset($neighbor); // $mapData = $this->initUserMapData(); $ret['data']->map = $mapData; } unset($model); if ($this->debug) { $ret['demsg'] = $this->demsg; } return $ret; }