 public function render()
     $m = new Mustache_Engine(array('partials_loader' => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(APP, 'views', 'findingaid')))));
     $pieces = explode('_', $this->params['id']);
     $id = $pieces[0];
     $component_id = $pieces[1];
     $model = new ComponentModel($id, $component_id);
     $container_list_template = load_template('findingaid/container_list');
     $component_template = load_template('findingaid/component');
     $container_lists = array();
     foreach ($model->container_lists() as $container_list) {
         $container_list_content = $m->render($container_list_template, $container_list);
         $container_lists[] = array('container_list' => $container_list_content);
     $subcomponents = $model->subcomponents();
     $subcomponent_content = array();
     foreach ($model->subcomponents() as $subcomponent) {
         $subcomponent_content[] = array('subcomponent' => $m->render($component_template, array('label' => fa_brevity($subcomponent->title()), 'collapsible' => true, 'scopecontent' => $subcomponent->scopecontent())));
     $component_content = $m->render($component_template, array('label' => fa_brevity($model->title()), 'collapsible' => true, 'container_lists' => $container_lists, 'scopecontent' => $model->scopecontent(), 'subcomponents' => $subcomponent_content));
     return array($component_content, array('level' => (string) $model->level(), 'metadata' => array('label' => fa_brevity($model->title()), 'id' => 'demo_id')));
  * Because install, upgrade and remove all are actually the exact same logic for themes.
  * Returns false if nothing changed, else will return an array containing all changes.
  * @param int $verbosity 0 for standard output, 1 for real-time, 2 for real-time verbose output.
  * @return false | array
  * @throws \InstallerException
 private function _performInstall($verbosity = 0)
     $changed = [];
     $change = $this->_parseAssets(true, $verbosity);
     if ($change !== false) {
         $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);
     $change = $this->_parseConfigs(true, $verbosity);
     if ($change !== false) {
         $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);
     // Make sure the version is correct in the database.
     $c = new \ComponentModel('theme/' . $this->_name);
     $c->set('version', $this->_version);
     return sizeof($changed) ? $changed : false;
 public function render_component($renderer, $component_xml)
     $component_content = '';
     $attributes = $component_xml->attributes();
     if (isset($attributes['id'])) {
         $heading_id = "fa-heading-{$attributes['id']}";
         $body_id = "fa-body-{$attributes['id']}";
         $component = new ComponentModel($this->params['id'], $attributes['id']);
         $subcomponent_content = array();
         foreach ($component->subcomponents() as $subcomponent) {
             $subcomponent_details = $this->render_component($renderer, $subcomponent->xml());
             $subcomponent_content[] = array('subcomponent' => $subcomponent_details[0]);
         $container_lists = array();
         foreach ($component->container_lists() as $container_list) {
             $container_list_content = $renderer->render($this->templates['container_list'], $container_list);
             $container_lists[] = array('container_list' => $container_list_content);
         $component_content = $renderer->render($this->templates['component'], array('label' => fa_brevity($component->title()), 'collapsible' => true, 'container_lists' => $container_lists, 'scopecontent' => $component->scopecontent(), 'links' => $component->links, 'subcomponents' => $subcomponent_content, 'heading_id' => $heading_id, 'body_id' => $body_id));
     } else {
         error_log("FA: attributes_id not set");
     return array($component_content, array('level' => (string) $component->level(), 'metadata' => array('label' => fa_brevity($component->title()), 'id' => $heading_id)));
	 * Save this package along with all changes back down to the disk and database.
	public function save(){
		$object     = $this->_getObject();
		$viewdir    = $object->getViewSearchDir();
		$assetdir   = $object->getAssetDir();
		$skindir    = ($this->_type == 'theme') ? $object->getSkinDir() : null;
		$basestrlen = strlen($this->_base->getPath());
		$assetfiles = [];
		$viewfiles  = [];
		$otherfiles = [];
		$skinfiles  = []; // Only themes have skins, but this is the new unified save handler, so it needs to be present.

		// Save out the CHANGELOG before anything happens, that way its updated MD5 will be present in the metafile.

		foreach($this->_iterator as $file){
			/** @var FileLocal|DirectoryLocal $file */

			// If this ends with a "~", skip it!
			// These are backup files used by gedit.
			if(substr($file->getFilename(), -1) == '~'){

			// And then, scan this file for code, ie: classes, controllers, etc.
			$fname = substr($file->getFilename(), $basestrlen);
						// Skip the component.xml file itself
						if($fname == 'component.xml'){
						// Applies to themes too
						if($fname == 'theme.xml'){

			if($viewdir && $file->inDirectory($viewdir)){
				// It's a template! (view)
				$viewfiles[] = ['file' => $fname, 'md5' => $file->getHash()];
			elseif($assetdir && $file->inDirectory($assetdir) && $file->getExtension() == 'scss'){
				// SASS/SCSS Files are NOT assets, but other files.
				$otherfiles[] = ['file' => $fname, 'md5' => $file->getHash()];
			elseif($assetdir && $file->inDirectory($assetdir)){
				// It's an asset!
				$assetfiles[] = ['file' => $fname, 'md5' => $file->getHash()];
			elseif($skindir && $file->inDirectory($skindir)){
				// It's a skin!
				$skinfiles[] = ['file' => $fname, 'md5' => $file->getHash()];
				// It's a something..... it goes in the "files" array!
				// This will be slightly different though, as it needs to also check for classes.
				$filedat = [
					'file' => $fname,
					'md5' => $file->getHash(),
					'controllers' => [],
					'classes' => [],
					'interfaces' => []

				// PHP files get checked.
				if(preg_match('/\.(php|inc)$/i', $fname)){
					$fconts = file_get_contents($file->getFilename());

					// Trim out the comments to prevent false readings.

					// Will remove /* ... */ multi-line comments.
					$fconts = preg_replace(':/\*.*\*/:Us', '', $fconts);
					// Will remove // single-line comments.
					$fconts = preg_replace('://.*$:', '', $fconts);

					// If there is a namespace on this file, make sure to grab that and prefix any classes!
					if(preg_match('/^namespace ([a-z\\\\0-9]*);$/im', $fconts, $ret)){
						$namespace = $ret[1] . '\\';
						$namespace = '';

					// Well... get the classes!
					preg_match_all('/^\s*(abstract |final ){0,1}class [ ]*([a-z0-9_\-]*)[ ]*extends[ ]*controller_2_1/im', $fconts, $ret);
					foreach($ret[2] as $foundclass){
						$filedat['controllers'][] = $namespace . $foundclass;

					// Add any class found in this file. (skipping the ones I already found)
					preg_match_all('/^\s*(abstract |final ){0,1}class [ ]*([a-z0-9_\-]*)/im', $fconts, $ret);
					foreach($ret[2] as $foundclass){
						if(in_array($foundclass, $filedat['controllers'])) continue;
						$filedat['classes'][] = $namespace . $foundclass;

					// Allow interfaces to be associated as a provided element too.
					preg_match_all('/^\s*(interface)[ ]*([a-z0-9_\-]*)/im', $fconts, $ret);
					foreach($ret[2] as $foundclass){
						$filedat['interfaces'][] = $namespace . $foundclass;

				// Empty classes?
				if(!sizeof($filedat['controllers'])) unset($filedat['controllers']);
				if(!sizeof($filedat['classes'])) unset($filedat['classes']);
				if(!sizeof($filedat['interfaces'])) unset($filedat['interfaces']);

				$otherfiles[] = $filedat;

		if($this->_type == 'theme'){

		// If this is not Core, set the required version to the current Core version.
		if($this->_type != 'core'){
			$node = $this->_xmlLoader->getElement('requires/require[@name="core"]');
			$node->setAttribute('type', 'component');
			$node->setAttribute('version', \Core::GetComponent('core')->getVersion());
			$node->setAttribute('operation', 'ge');


		// Update the version installed in the database, since the codebase *was* afterall running with whatever files
		// were currently available, (and thus were set as the next version).
		if($this->_type == 'core' || $this->_type == 'component') {
			$name = $this->_name;
		else {
			$name = 'Theme/' . $this->_name;
		$cmodel = \ComponentModel::Construct($name);
		$cmodel->set('version', $this->_version);

		// Reload the data from disk,
		// this is to ensure that subsequent operations on the component are synced up with the disk's data and not just running from memory.
			case 'theme':
			case 'component':
			case 'core':

		// Don't forget to re-parse the CHANGELOG, otherwise it's lost :/
  * 添加新子菜单 到选中的菜单中
 function addin()
     $menu_id = $_SESSION['menuid'];
     //首字母大写 例:Article
     $type = ucfirst($_POST['type']);
     $id = $_POST['creat_id'];
     if ($type == 'Article') {
         $obj = new ArticleModel();
     } else {
         if ($type == 'Category') {
             $obj = new CategoryModel();
         } else {
             $obj = new SectionModel();
     $title = $obj->field('title,description')->find($id);
     $link = $id;
     $menus = new MenuModel();
     $menu_list = $menus->select();
     $menu_items = new MenuItemModel();
     $where = array('menuid' => $menu_id);
     $m_items = $menu_items->where($where)->select();
     $components = new ComponentModel();
     $coms = $components->select();
     $count = count($coms);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         if ($coms[$i]['link'] == $type) {
             $componentid = $coms[$i]['id'];
     $this->assign("type_id", $id);
     $this->assign('menu_id', $menu_id);
     $this->assign('link', $link);
     $this->assign('title', $title);
     $this->assign('menu_list', $menu_list);
     $this->assign('m_items', $m_items);
     $this->assign('type', $type);
     $this->assign('componentid', $componentid);
	 * Set this component as enabled in the database.
	public function enable(){
		// If it's not installed already, it can't be disabled!
		if($this->isEnabled()) return false;

		$c = new ComponentModel($this->_name);
		$c->set('enabled', true);
		$this->_enabled = true;

		$changed = array();

		$change = $this->_parseUserConfigs();
		if ($change !== false) $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);

		$change = $this->_parsePages();
		if ($change !== false) $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);

		// Do this when I actually have widgets to test.
		//$change = $this->_parseWidgets();
		//if ($change !== false) $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);

			SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/updater/component/enable', 'Component ' . $this->getName() . ' enabled successfully!', implode("\n", $changed));

		// Ensure that the core component cache is purged too!

		return (sizeof($changed)) ? $changed : false;