     * Function to render a social media info
     * Todo: Cleanup and refactor..
     * 	 *
     * @param   array   $menu       - The menu
     * @param   string  $active     - The active entry
     * @param   string  $title      - The title
     * @param   string  $slogan     - The slogan
     * @param   string  $extension  - The extension (opt - if not set taken from input->get('option'))
     * @return string
    public static function getHead($menu, $active = 'dashboard', $title = '', $slogan = '', $extension = '')
        // Load bootstrap
        CompojoomHtmlBehavior::lanceng(true, true, true);
        $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
        if (empty($extension)) {
            $extension = $input->get('option');
        if (empty($active)) {
            $active = $input->getCmd('view', "");
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $gravatar = self::get_gravatar($user->email);
        $html[] = '<div class="compojoom-bootstrap" style="clear: both">';
        // Loading animation
        $html[] = '<div id="loading" style="display: none;">
						<div class="loading-inner">
							<div class="spinner">
								<div class="cube1"></div>
								<div class="cube2"></div>
        // Container
        $html[] = '<div class="c-container">
						<div class="logo-brand header sidebar rows">
							<div class="c-extension-title logo pull-left">
								<h1><a href="' . JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option')) . '">' . JText::_($extension) . '</a></h1>
							<div class="c-toolbar-holder">
								<div class="c-toolbar pull-left">
								' . JToolbar::getInstance('toolbar')->render('toolbar') . '
							<div class="c-logo-icon pull-left hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden-md">
								<a href="https://compojoom.com" title="Compojoom"><img src="../media/lib_compojoom/img/logo-green.png" alt="Compojoom" /></a>
        // Begin sidebar
        $html[] = '<div class="left side-menu">
						<div class="body rows scroll-y">
							<div class="sidebar-inner" style="min-height: 100%">
								<div class="media c-media-sidebar">
								<a class="pull-left" href="index.php?option=com_users">
									<img class="media-object" src="' . $gravatar . '" alt="Avatar" />
							<div class="media-body c-media-introtext">
								' . JText::_('LIB_COMPOJOOM_WELCOME_BACK') . ',
								<h4 class="media-heading"><strong>' . $user->name . '</strong></h4>
        // Search
        $html[] = '<div id="search">
						<form role="form">
							<input type="text" id="csearch" class="form-control search" placeholder="' . JText::_('LIB_COMPOJOOM_SEARCH_HERE') . '" />
							<i class="fa fa-search"></i>
        // Sidebar menu
        $html[] = '<div id="sidebar-menu" style="clear: both;">
        foreach ($menu as $k => $m) {
            $act = "";
            if ($k == $active || array_key_exists($active, $m['children'])) {
                $act = ' class="active"';
            $keyw = "";
            if (!empty($m['keywords'])) {
                $keyw = ' keywords="' . $m['keywords'] . '"';
            $html[] = '<li' . $act . $keyw . '>';
            // If we have an empty link we generate it on the key! like jtoolbarhelper does
            if (empty($m['link'])) {
                $m['link'] = 'index.php?option=' . $extension . '&view=' . $k;
            // Link
            $html[] = '<a href="' . JRoute::_($m['link']) . $m['anchor'] . '" title="' . JText::_($m['title']) . '">';
            // Icon
            if (!empty($m['icon'])) {
                $child = '';
                if (count($m['children'])) {
                    $child = ' i-has-children ';
                $html[] = '<i class="fa ' . $m['icon'] . $child . ' hasTooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="' . JText::_($m['title']) . '"></i> ';
            if (count($m['children'])) {
                $html[] = '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-down i-right"></i> ';
            $html[] = '<span class="side-menu-item-text">' . JText::_($m['title']) . '</span>';
            $html[] = '</a>';
            if (count($m['children'])) {
                $style = "";
                if ($k == $active || array_key_exists($active, $m['children'])) {
                    $style = ' style="display: block;"';
                $html[] = '<ul' . $style . '>';
                foreach ($m['children'] as $kc => $c) {
                    $act = "";
                    if ($kc == $active) {
                        $act = ' class="active"';
                    $keywc = "";
                    if (!empty($c['keywords'])) {
                        $keywc = ' keywords="' . $c['keywords'] . '"';
                    $html[] = '<li key="' . $kc . '"' . $act . $keywc . '>';
                    // If we have an empty link we generate it on the key! like jtoolbarhelper does
                    if (empty($c['link'])) {
                        $c['link'] = 'index.php?option=' . $extension . '&view=' . $kc;
                    // Link
                    $html[] = '<a href="' . JRoute::_($c['link']) . $c['anchor'] . '" title="' . JText::_($c['title']) . '">';
                    // Icon
                    // $html[] = '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> ';
                    // Icon right
                    if (!empty($c['icon'])) {
                        $html[] = '<i class="fa ' . $c['icon'] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="' . JText::_($c['title']) . '"></i> ';
                    $html[] = '<span class="side-menu-item-text">' . JText::_($c['title']) . '</span>';
                    $html[] = '</a>';
                    $html[] = '</li>';
                $html[] = '</ul>';
            if (!empty($m['label'])) {
                $html[] = '<span class="label label-success new-circle animated double shake c-sp-inline">' . $m['label'] . '</span>';
            $html[] = '</li>';
        $html[] = '</ul>
						<div class="clear clr"></div>
					</div><!-- End div #sidebar-menu -->
				</div><!-- End div .sidebar-inner .slimscroller -->
            </div><!-- End div .body .rows .scroll-y -->
        // BEGIN CONTENT
        $html[] = '<div class="right content-page">';
        $html[] = '<div class="body content rows scroll-y">';
        $html[] = '<div id="c-debug-container"> </div>';
        $html[] = '<div id="c-system-message-container"> </div>';
        if (!empty($title)) {
            $html[] = '<div class="page-heading animated fadeInDownBig">
							<h1 id="ctitle">' . JText::_($title) . ' <small>' . JText::_($slogan) . '</small></h1>
            $app = JFactory::getApplication();
            if (!$app->isSite()) {
                $app->JComponentTitle = $title;
                JFactory::getDocument()->setTitle(JFactory::getConfig()->get('sitename') . ' - ' . JText::_('JADMINISTRATION') . ' - ' . JText::_($title));
        return implode('', $html);