文件: Engine.php 项目: sallyx/latte
  * Compiles template to PHP code.
  * @return string
 public function compile($name)
     foreach ($this->onCompile ?: [] as $cb) {
         call_user_func(Helpers::checkCallback($cb), $this);
     $this->onCompile = [];
     $source = $this->getLoader()->getContent($name);
     try {
         $tokens = $this->getParser()->setContentType($this->contentType)->parse($source);
         $code = $this->getCompiler()->setContentType($this->contentType)->compile($tokens, $this->getTemplateClass($name));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (!$e instanceof CompileException) {
             $e = new CompileException("Thrown exception '{$e->getMessage()}'", NULL, $e);
         $line = isset($tokens) ? $this->getCompiler()->getLine() : $this->getParser()->getLine();
         throw $e->setSource($source, $line, $name);
     if (!preg_match('#\\n|\\?#', $name)) {
         $code = "<?php\n// source: {$name}\n?>" . $code;
     $code = Helpers::optimizePhp($code);
     return $code;
文件: Engine.php 项目: DIPcom/Sandmin
  * @return string
 private function loadTemplate($name)
     $code = $this->compile($name);
     try {
         if (@eval('?>' . $code) === FALSE) {
             // @ is escalated to exception
             $error = error_get_last();
             $e = new CompileException('Error in template: ' . $error['message']);
             throw $e->setSource($code, $error['line'], $name . ' (compiled)');
     } catch (\ParseError $e) {
         $e = new CompileException('Error in template: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
         throw $e->setSource($code, $e->getLine(), $name . ' (compiled)');
     return $code;
文件: Parser.php 项目: enumag/ivory
  * Vyhození chyby
  * @param string
  * @param int
  * @return void
 protected function throwError($message, $line)
     $exception = new CompileException($message);
     throw $exception;
  * @return void
 private function loadTemplate($name)
     if (!$this->tempDirectory) {
         $code = $this->compile($name);
         if (@eval('?>' . $code) === FALSE) {
             // @ is escalated to exception
             $error = error_get_last();
             $e = new CompileException('Error in template: ' . $error['message']);
             throw $e->setSource($code, $error['line'], "{$name} (compiled)");
     $file = $this->getCacheFile($name);
     if (!$this->isExpired($file, $name) && @(include $file) !== FALSE) {
         // @ - file may not exist
     if (!is_dir($this->tempDirectory)) {
         // @ - directory may already exist
     $handle = fopen("{$file}.lock", 'c+');
     if (!$handle || !flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to acquire exclusive lock '{$file}.lock'.");
     if (!is_file($file) || $this->isExpired($file, $name)) {
         $code = $this->compile($name);
         if (file_put_contents("{$file}.tmp", $code) !== strlen($code) || !rename("{$file}.tmp", $file)) {
             // @ - file may not exist
             throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to create '{$file}'.");
     if ((include $file) === FALSE) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to load '{$file}'.");
     flock($handle, LOCK_UN);
文件: Analyzer.php 项目: enumag/ivory
  * Redukce stromu
  * @param Block
  * @param array
  * @param array
  * @return void
 protected function reduceBlock(Block $block, array $selectors = array(), array $variables = array())
     //inicializace nové vrstvy proměnných
     if (!$block instanceof Main) {
         $this->variables[] = array();
         foreach ($variables as $variable) {
             try {
                 $this->saveVariable($variable[0], $this->reduceValue($variable[1]), $block instanceof Mixin);
             } catch (CompileException $e) {
                 throw $e->setLine(end($variable));
     if ($block instanceof NestedRule) {
         $group = array_shift($selectors);
         $selectors = $this->combineSelectors($this->replaceVariables($block->prefixes), $selectors);
         $selectors = $this->combineSelectors($selectors, $this->replaceVariables($block->selectors), $group);
         array_unshift($selectors, count($block->selectors));
     $reduced = $this->getReduced($block, $selectors);
     foreach ($block->properties as $property) {
         if (is_array($property)) {
             try {
                 if ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['variable']) {
                     if (count($property) == 5) {
                         //zápis do pole
                         $this->saveToMap($property[1], $this->valueToIndex($property[4]), $this->reduceValue($property[2]));
                     } else {
                         $this->saveVariable($property[1], $this->reduceValue($property[2]));
                 } elseif ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['mixin']) {
                     $this->callMixin($property[1], $this->reduceValue($property[2]), $selectors);
                 } elseif ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['none'] || $property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['important'] || $property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['raw']) {
                     if ($reduced instanceof Main || $reduced instanceof Media || $reduced instanceof Rule && $this->emptySelectors($selectors)) {
                         throw new CompileException("Vlastnost nemůže být v globálním bloku ani v @media bloku");
                     $reduced->properties[] = array($property[0], $property[1], $this->reduceValue($property[2]));
                 } elseif ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['special'] && $property[1] == 'include') {
                     if ($this->inMedia || $reduced instanceof Rule && !$this->emptySelectors($selectors)) {
                         throw new CompileException("Include může být jen v globálním bloku");
                 } elseif ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['special'] && $property[1] == 'import') {
                     if ($this->inMedia || $reduced instanceof Rule && !$this->emptySelectors($selectors)) {
                         throw new CompileException("Import může být jen v globálním bloku");
                     $path = $this->reduceValue($property[2]);
                     if ($path[0] !== 'string') {
                         throw new CompileException("Název vkládaného souboru musí být řetězec");
                     $media = $this->convertMedia($this->reduceValue($property[3]));
                     $context =& $this->getReducedContext();
                     $context[] = array('import', $path, $media);
                 } elseif ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['special'] && $property[1] == 'charset') {
                     if (!$reduced instanceof Main) {
                         throw new CompileException("Charset může být jen v globálním bloku");
                     $value = $this->reduceValue($property[2]);
                     if ($value[0] !== 'string') {
                         throw new CompileException("Název kódování musí být řetězec");
                     $context =& $this->getReducedContext();
                     $context[] = array('charset', $value);
                 } else {
                     throw new \Exception("Neimplementováno");
             } catch (CompileException $e) {
                 throw $e->setLine(end($property));
         } elseif ($property instanceof NestedRule) {
             if ($reduced instanceof AtRule && !$reduced instanceof Media) {
                 throw new CompileException("S výjimkou @media at-rules nesmí obsahovat pravidlo");
             $this->callBlock($property, $selectors);
         } elseif ($property instanceof Mixin) {
             if ($reduced instanceof AtRule) {
                 throw new CompileException("At-rules nesmí obsahovat mixin");
             if (array_key_exists($property->name, $this->mixins)) {
                 $e = new CompileException("Mixin '{$property->name}' již existuje");
                 throw $e->setLine($property->line);
             $property->file = $this->getFile();
             $this->mixins[$property->name] = $property;
         } elseif ($property instanceof Media) {
             try {
                 $property->media = $this->convertMedia($this->reduceValue($property->media));
             } catch (CompileException $e) {
                 throw $e->setLine($property->line);
         } elseif ($property instanceof FontFace) {
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Neimplementováno");
     if ($block instanceof Media) {
         $this->inMedia = FALSE;
     //zrušení nejvyšší vrstvy proměnných
     if (!$block instanceof Main) {