public function btnSave_Click()
     $this->objPerson->MailingAddressId = $this->lstMailing->SelectedValue;
     $this->objPerson->StewardshipAddressId = $this->lstStewardship->SelectedValue;
     $this->objPerson->CanMailFlag = $this->lstCanMail->SelectedValue;
     $this->objPerson->CanEmailFlag = $this->lstCanEmail->SelectedValue;
     $this->objPerson->CanPhoneFlag = $this->lstCanPhone->SelectedValue;
     // Check to see if we need to remove person from email.
     if (!$this->objPerson->CanEmailFlag) {
         $objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken('allchurch_nl');
         // NOTE: this is the hard coded token of the congregational newsletter.
         if ($objList) {
             // Check communications list for an existing communications entry
             $objCommunicationListEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($this->objPerson->PrimaryEmail->Address);
             if ($objCommunicationListEntry) {
                 if ($objList->IsCommunicationListEntryAssociated($objCommunicationListEntry)) {
             //Check communications list for existing person entry
             if ($objList->IsPersonAssociated($this->objPerson)) {
文件: index.php 项目: alcf/chms
 protected function btnSubscribe_Click()
     $objCommunicationListEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($this->txtEmail->Text);
     if (!$objCommunicationListEntry) {
         // create new entry and add to the communications list
         $objCommunicationListEntry = new CommunicationListEntry();
         $objCommunicationListEntry->Email = $this->txtEmail->Text;
         $objCommunicationListEntry->FirstName = $this->txtFirstName->Text;
         $objCommunicationListEntry->LastName = $this->txtLastName->Text;
     $strSubscribedList = '';
     $success = false;
     foreach ($this->chkBtnListArray as $objItem) {
         if ($objItem->Checked) {
             $this->objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken($objItem->Name);
             if ($this->objList) {
                 if ($this->objList->IsCommunicationListEntryAssociated($objCommunicationListEntry)) {
                     $this->lblMessage->Text .= 'You are already subscribed to the "' . $objItem->Name . '" list';
                     $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red';
                     $this->lblMessage->Visible = true;
                 } else {
                     // See if Person exists in Noah, and if so, then associate. Else associate the Communications Entry
                     $bFoundPerson = false;
                     $emailArray = Email::LoadArrayByAddress($this->txtEmail->Text);
                     foreach ($emailArray as $email) {
                         $objPerson = Person::LoadByPrimaryEmailId($email->Id);
                         if ($objPerson) {
                             if (!$this->objList->IsPersonAssociated($objPerson)) {
                                 $bFoundPerson = true;
                             } else {
                                 $this->lblMessage->Text .= 'You are already subscribed to the "' . $objItem->Name . '" list';
                                 $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red';
                                 $this->lblMessage->Visible = true;
                     if (!$bFoundPerson) {
                     $strSubscribedList .= $objItem->Name . ',';
                     $success = true;
         } else {
             $this->lblMessage->Text .= 'You must select a list to subscribe to.';
             $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red';
             $this->lblMessage->Visible = true;
     if ($success) {
         $strSubscribedList = substr($strSubscribedList, 0, strlen($strSubscribedList) - 1);
         // Send confirmation email here.
         QApplication::Redirect('/subscribe/success.php/subscribed/' . urlencode($strSubscribedList));
  * Associates an Email/Name/Etc. to this communication list
  * @param string $strEmail
  * @param string $strFirstName
  * @param string $strMiddleName
  * @param string $strLastName
  * @return CommunicationListEntry
 public function AddEntry($strEmail, $strFirstName, $strMiddleName, $strLastName)
     $strEmail = strtolower($strEmail);
     if (!($objEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($strEmail))) {
         $objEntry = new CommunicationListEntry();
         $objEntry->Email = $strEmail;
     $objEntry->FirstName = $strFirstName;
     $objEntry->MiddleName = $strMiddleName;
     $objEntry->LastName = $strLastName;
     if (!$this->IsCommunicationListEntryAssociated($objEntry)) {
     return $objEntry;
$txtSrcFile = $objParameters->GetDefaultValue('file');
$groupList = $objParameters->GetDefaultValue('token');
// read file
if (is_file($txtSrcFile)) {
    $lineArray = file($txtSrcFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
    $isFirst = true;
    foreach ($lineArray as $line) {
        if ($isFirst) {
            $isFirst = false;
        } else {
            $strTokens = explode(',', trim($line));
            $firstName = $strTokens[0];
            $lastName = $strTokens[1];
            $email = $strTokens[2];
            $objCommunicationListEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($email);
            if (!$objCommunicationListEntry) {
                // If not found then create new entry and add to the communications list
                $objCommunicationListEntry = new CommunicationListEntry();
                $objCommunicationListEntry->Email = $email;
                $objCommunicationListEntry->FirstName = $firstName;
                $objCommunicationListEntry->LastName = $lastName;
            $objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken($groupList);
            if ($objList) {
                if ($objList->IsCommunicationListEntryAssociated($objCommunicationListEntry)) {
                    print $email . " is already subscribed to the '" . $groupList . "' list\r\n";
                } else {
                    print "Added email: " . $email . "\n\r";
文件: index.php 项目: alcf/chms
 protected function btnUnsubscribe_Click()
     $objCommunicationListEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($this->txtEmail->Text);
     $objEmailArray = Email::LoadArrayByAddress($this->txtEmail->Text);
     foreach ($objEmailArray as $objEmail) {
         $objPerson = Person::LoadByPrimaryEmailId($objEmail->Id);
         if ($objPerson != null) {
             $strUnsubscribedList = '';
             $success = false;
             foreach ($this->chkBtnListArray as $objItem) {
                 if ($objItem->Checked) {
                     $this->objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken($objItem->Name);
                     if ($this->objList) {
                         $bFound = false;
                         if ($this->objList->IsPersonAssociated($objPerson)) {
                             // If church newletter is the one being unsubscribed, document reason.
                             if ($this->lstTerminationReason->SelectedValue == -1) {
                                 $objAttributeOption = new AttributeOption();
                                 $objAttributeOption->AttributeId = $this->objAttributeValue->AttributeId;
                                 $objAttributeOption->Name = trim($this->txtOther->Text);
                                 $objAttributeValue = AttributeValue::LoadByAttributeIdPersonId($this->objAttribute->Id, $objPerson->Id);
                                 if ($objAttributeValue) {
                                     $objAttributeValue->SingleAttributeOption = $objAttributeOption;
                                 } else {
                                     $objAttributeValue = new AttributeValue();
                                     $objAttributeValue->AttributeId = $this->objAttribute->Id;
                                     $objAttributeValue->PersonId = $objPerson->Id;
                                     $objAttributeValue->SingleAttributeOption = $objAttributeOption;
                             } else {
                                 $objAttributeValue = AttributeValue::LoadByAttributeIdPersonId($this->objAttribute->Id, $objPerson->Id);
                                 if ($objAttributeValue) {
                                     $objAttributeValue->SingleAttributeOptionId = $this->lstTerminationReason->SelectedValue;
                                 } else {
                                     $objAttributeValue = new AttributeValue();
                                     $objAttributeValue->AttributeId = $this->objAttribute->Id;
                                     $objAttributeValue->PersonId = $objPerson->Id;
                                     $objAttributeValue->SingleAttributeOptionId = $this->lstTerminationReason->SelectedValue;
                             $strUnsubscribedList .= $objItem->Text . ',';
                             $success = true;
                             $bFound = true;
                         if (!$bFound) {
                             $this->lblMessage->Text = '(Person Entry) You cannot Unsubscribe because you are not subscribed to the ' . $objItem->Text . ' Mailing List.';
                             $this->lblMessage->Visible = true;
             if ($success) {
                 $strUnsubscribedList = substr($strUnsubscribedList, 0, strlen($strUnsubscribedList) - 1);
                 QApplication::Redirect('/unsubscribe/success.php/' . urlencode($strUnsubscribedList) . '/' . $objPerson->Id);
     if ($objCommunicationListEntry) {
         $strUnsubscribedList = '';
         $success = false;
         $bChecked = false;
         foreach ($this->chkBtnListArray as $objItem) {
             if ($objItem->Checked) {
                 $this->objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken($objItem->Name);
                 if ($this->objList) {
                     $bFound = false;
                     if ($objCommunicationListEntry != null) {
                         if ($this->objList->IsCommunicationListEntryAssociated($objCommunicationListEntry)) {
                             $strUnsubscribedList .= $objItem->Text . ',';
                             $success = true;
                             $bFound = true;
                     if (!$bFound) {
                         $this->lblMessage->Text = '(CommunicationsEntry) You cannot Unsubscribe because you are not subscribed to the ' . $objItem->Text . ' Mailing List.';
                         $this->lblMessage->Visible = true;
         if ($success) {
             $strUnsubscribedList = substr($strUnsubscribedList, 0, strlen($strUnsubscribedList) - 1);
             QApplication::Redirect('/unsubscribe/success.php/' . urlencode($strUnsubscribedList));
     $bChecked = false;
     foreach ($this->chkBtnListArray as $objItem) {
         if ($objItem->Checked) {
             $bChecked = true;
     if (!$bChecked) {
         $this->lblMessage->Text = 'You must select a list to subscribe to.';
         $this->lblMessage->Visible = true;
     } else {
         $this->lblMessage->Text = 'Failed to unsubscribe from the list. The email may not exist.';
         $this->lblMessage->Visible = true;
文件: new.php 项目: alcf/chms
 protected function AddToChurchEmailList()
     if ($this->chkAddToNewsletter->Checked) {
         // First create a CommunicationListEntry for the person
         $objCommunicationListEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($this->txtPersonEmail->Text);
         // Then add person to the church newsletter list
         $objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken('alcfweekly');
         // NOTE: this is the hard coded token of the congregational newsletter.
         if ($objList) {
             if (!$objList->IsPersonAssociated($this->mctPerson->Person)) {
                 if ($objCommunicationListEntry) {
                     if (!$objList->IsCommunicationListEntryAssociated($objCommunicationListEntry)) {
                         // unassociate the communications entry if it exists because we'll associate the person directly instead.
 protected function btnSubmit_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     if (!QApplication::$PublicLogin) {
         // Create a communcations entry object or use an existing communcations_entry
         // if user is not logged in
         $txtEmail = $this->GetControl($this->strEmailCtrlId);
         $objCommunicationsEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($txtEmail->Text);
         if (!$objCommunicationsEntry) {
             $objCommunicationsEntry = new CommunicationListEntry();
             $objCommunicationsEntry->FirstName = $this->objFormQuestionControlArray[0]->Text;
             $objCommunicationsEntry->LastName = $this->objFormQuestionControlArray[1]->Text;
             if ($txtEmail) {
                 $objCommunicationsEntry->Email = $txtEmail->Text;
         $this->objSignupEntry->CommunicationsEntryId = $objCommunicationsEntry->Id;
     foreach ($this->objSignupForm->GetFormQuestionArray() as $objFormQuestion) {
         // Only update if this is NOT "InternalFlag"
         if ($objFormQuestion->InternalFlag) {
         $strControlId = 'fq' . $objFormQuestion->Id;
         $objFormAnswer = FormAnswer::LoadBySignupEntryIdFormQuestionId($this->objSignupEntry->Id, $objFormQuestion->Id);
         if (!$objFormAnswer) {
             $objFormAnswer = new FormAnswer();
             $objFormAnswer->SignupEntry = $this->objSignupEntry;
             $objFormAnswer->FormQuestion = $objFormQuestion;
         switch ($objFormQuestion->FormQuestionTypeId) {
             case FormQuestionType::SpouseName:
                 $lstSpouse = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'id');
                 $txtSpouse = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'nm');
                 if ($lstSpouse && $lstSpouse->SelectedValue) {
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = Person::Load($lstSpouse->SelectedValue)->Name;
                 } else {
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = trim($txtSpouse->Text);
             case FormQuestionType::Address:
                 $rblAddress = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'switch');
                 $txtAddress1 = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'address1');
                 $txtAddress2 = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'address2');
                 $txtCity = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'city');
                 $lstState = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'state');
                 $txtZipCode = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'zipcode');
                 if ($rblAddress && $rblAddress->SelectedValue) {
                     $objFormAnswer->AddressId = $rblAddress->SelectedValue;
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $objFormAnswer->Address->AddressFullLine;
                 } else {
                     $objFormAnswer->AddressId = null;
                     $objAddress = new Address();
                     $objAddress->Address1 = trim($txtAddress1->Text);
                     $objAddress->Address2 = trim($txtAddress2->Text);
                     $objAddress->City = trim($txtCity->Text);
                     $objAddress->State = $lstState->SelectedValue;
                     $objAddress->ZipCode = trim($txtZipCode->Text);
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $objAddress->AddressFullLine;
             case FormQuestionType::Age:
                 $txtAge = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'age');
                 if (strlen(trim($txtAge->Text))) {
                     $objFormAnswer->IntegerValue = $txtAge->Text;
                 } else {
                     $objFormAnswer->IntegerValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::DateofBirth:
                 $dtxDateOfBirth = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'dob');
                 if ($dtxDateOfBirth->DateTime) {
                     $objFormAnswer->DateValue = $dtxDateOfBirth->DateTime;
                     // Update the Person Information
                     if (QApplication::$PublicLogin) {
                         $this->objSignupEntry->Person->DateOfBirth = $objFormAnswer->DateValue;
                         $this->objSignupEntry->Person->DobGuessedFlag = false;
                         $this->objSignupEntry->Person->DobYearApproximateFlag = false;
                 } else {
                     $objFormAnswer->DateValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::Gender:
                 $lstGender = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'gender');
                 if ($lstGender->SelectedValue === true) {
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = 'Male';
                     $objFormAnswer->BooleanValue = true;
                     if (QApplication::$PublicLogin) {
                         $this->objSignupEntry->Person->Gender = 'M';
                 } else {
                     if ($lstGender->SelectedValue === false) {
                         $objFormAnswer->TextValue = 'Female';
                         $objFormAnswer->BooleanValue = false;
                         if (QApplication::$PublicLogin) {
                             $this->objSignupEntry->Person->Gender = 'F';
                     } else {
                         $objFormAnswer->TextValue = null;
                         $objFormAnswer->BooleanValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::Phone:
                 $lstPhone = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'id');
                 $txtPhone = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'phone');
                 if ($lstPhone && $lstPhone->SelectedValue) {
                     $objFormAnswer->PhoneId = $lstPhone->SelectedValue;
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $objFormAnswer->Phone->Number;
                 } else {
                     if ($strNumber = trim($txtPhone->Text)) {
                         $objFormAnswer->PhoneId = null;
                         $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $strNumber;
                     } else {
                         $objFormAnswer->PhoneId = null;
                         $objFormAnswer->TextValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::Email:
                 $lstEmail = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'id');
                 $txtEmail = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'email');
                 if ($lstEmail && $lstEmail->SelectedValue) {
                     $objFormAnswer->EmailId = $lstEmail->SelectedValue;
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $objFormAnswer->Email->Address;
                 } else {
                     if ($strNumber = trim($txtEmail->Text)) {
                         $objFormAnswer->EmailId = null;
                         $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $strNumber;
                     } else {
                         $objFormAnswer->EmailId = null;
                         $objFormAnswer->TextValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::ShortText:
             case FormQuestionType::LongText:
                 $txtAnswer = $this->GetControl($strControlId);
                 if (strlen($strText = trim($txtAnswer->Text))) {
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $strText;
                 } else {
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::Number:
                 $txtAnswer = $this->GetControl($strControlId);
                 if (strlen($strText = trim($txtAnswer->Text))) {
                     $objFormAnswer->IntegerValue = $strText;
                 } else {
                     $objFormAnswer->IntegerValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::YesNo:
                 $chkAnswer = $this->GetControl($strControlId);
                 $objFormAnswer->BooleanValue = $chkAnswer->Checked;
             case FormQuestionType::SingleSelect:
                 $lstAnswer = $this->GetControl($strControlId);
                 $txtAnswer = $this->GetControl($strControlId . 'other');
                 // No item selected ("-select one-" still selected)
                 if (is_null($lstAnswer->SelectedValue)) {
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = null;
                     // "Other" option
                 } else {
                     if ($lstAnswer->SelectedValue === false) {
                         if (strlen($strText = trim($txtAnswer->Text))) {
                             $objFormAnswer->TextValue = $strText;
                         } else {
                             $objFormAnswer->TextValue = null;
                         // Regular List Selection
                     } else {
                         $objFormAnswer->TextValue = trim($lstAnswer->SelectedValue);
             case FormQuestionType::MultipleSelect:
                 //GJS - changing to multiple check boxes
                 $chkAnswer = $this->GetControl($strControlId);
                 $objItemsArray = $chkAnswer->GetAllItems();
                 if (count($objItemsArray)) {
                     $strSelectedArray = array();
                     foreach ($objItemsArray as $objItem) {
                         if ($objItem->Selected) {
                             $strSelectedArray[] = $objItem->Name;
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = implode("\r\n", $strSelectedArray);
                 } else {
                     $objFormAnswer->TextValue = null;
             case FormQuestionType::Instructions:
                 // Don't need to do anything here!
                 throw new Exception('Invalid FormQuestionTypeId: ' . $objFormQuestion->FormQuestionTypeId);
     if ($this->objSignupForm->CountFormProducts()) {
     } else {
  * Given a valid From EmailAddress, this will lookup and return a "Sender" array, a 3-item array containing:
  * 	Login
  * 	CommunicationListEntry
  * 	Person[]
  * that would correspond to this From EmailAddress.  Note that any one of those indexes can also be null
  * if there is no object corresponding to this From Email Address.
  * @return mixed[]
 protected function CalculatePotentialSenderArray()
     $objArrayToReturn = array();
     $objArrayToReturn[] = Login::LoadByEmail($this->FromAddress);
     $objArrayToReturn[] = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($this->FromAddress);
     // Get all Person objects that have this as an email address
     $objArrayToReturn[] = Person::QueryArray(QQ::Equal(QQN::Person()->Email->Address, $this->FromAddress), QQ::Distinct());
     return $objArrayToReturn;
文件: add.php 项目: alcf/chms
 public function btnAdd_Click()
     $strEmail = trim(strtolower($this->txtEmail->Text));
     // Is this already a person?
     if (count($objEmailArray = Email::LoadArrayByAddress($strEmail, QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Email()->Id)))) {
         $objPersonToAdd = null;
         // If anyone in the resulting array has this email as "Primary" -- that person gets assigne
         foreach ($objEmailArray as $objEmail) {
             if (!$objPersonToAdd && $objEmail->Person->PrimaryEmailId == $objEmail->Id) {
                 $objPersonToAdd = $objEmail->Person;
         // Otherwise, assign the first person in the resultset
         if ($objPersonToAdd) {
             $this->objArrayToAdd[] = $objPersonToAdd;
         } else {
             $this->objArrayToAdd[] = $objEmailArray[0]->Person;
         // No -- Is already an Entry?
     } else {
         if ($objEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($strEmail)) {
             if ($strName = trim($this->txtFirstName->Text)) {
                 $objEntry->FirstName = $strName;
             if ($strName = trim($this->txtMiddleName->Text)) {
                 $objEntry->MiddleName = $strName;
             if ($strName = trim($this->txtLastName->Text)) {
                 $objEntry->LastName = $strName;
             $this->objArrayToAdd[] = $objEntry;
             // No -- Add a New Entry
         } else {
             $objEntry = new CommunicationListEntry();
             $objEntry->FirstName = trim($this->txtFirstName->Text);
             $objEntry->MiddleName = trim($this->txtMiddleName->Text);
             $objEntry->LastName = trim($this->txtLastName->Text);
             $objEntry->Email = $strEmail;
             $this->objArrayToAdd[] = $objEntry;
     $this->txtFirstName->Text = null;
     $this->txtMiddleName->Text = null;
     $this->txtLastName->Text = null;
     $this->txtEmail->Text = null;