 public function view_ebaySaleExport()
     $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? post_check($_GET['start']) : '';
     $end = isset($_GET['end']) ? post_check($_GET['end']) : '';
     $start = strtotime($start);
     $end = strtotime($end);
     //$start	= 1396972800;
     //$end	= 1399972800;
     $where = " where is_delete = 0";
     if ($start != '') {
         $where .= " and feedbacktime >= '{$start}' ";
     if ($end != '') {
         $where .= " and feedbacktime <= '{$end}' ";
     $where .= " and (CommentType='Negative' or CommentType='Neutral' or status='21' or status='23' or status='31' or status='32')";
     $FBAct = new EbayFeedbackAct();
     $reasonList = $FBAct->act_getEbayReasonCategoryInfo('*', '');
     $reasonArr = array();
     foreach ($reasonList as $v) {
         $reasonArr[$v['id']] = $v['content'];
     $where .= " order by account,id ";
     $field = " account,sku,CommentType,reasonId,CommentTime,feedbacktime,`status`,orderPayTime ";
     $fbkList = $FBAct->act_getOrderList($field, $where);
     $exporter = new ExportDataExcel("browser", "ebaySale_" . date('Y-m-d') . ".xls");
     $exporter->addRow(array('帐号', 'SKU', '采购员', '评价类型', '中差评原因', '评价日期', '付款日期', '备注'));
     $comAct = new CommonAct();
     foreach ($fbkList as $k => $v) {
         $comsku = '';
         $comskulist = '';
         $truesku = '';
         $num = '';
         $moresku = array();
         $sku = trim($v['sku']);
         if ($comAct->act_judgeCombineSku($sku) > 0) {
             $combineSkuInfo = $comAct->act_getCombineSkuInfo('*', "WHERE combineSku = '{$sku}'");
             $comsku = $sku;
             if (!empty($combineSkuInfo[0]['sku'])) {
                 $truesku = $combineSkuInfo[0]['sku'];
                 $sku = $truesku;
         $goodsInfo = $comAct->act_getGoodsInfo('purchaseId', "WHERE sku = '{$sku}'");
         $purchaseId = $goodsInfo[0]['purchaseId'];
         $userInfo = $comAct->act_getPurchaserInfo('global_user_name', "WHERE global_user_id = '{$purchaseId}'");
         $cguser = isset($userInfo[0]['global_user_name']) ? trim($userInfo[0]['global_user_name']) : '';
         $account = trim($v['account']);
         $comment_type = trim($v['CommentType']);
         $resonId = trim($v['reasonId']);
         $feedback_note = $reasonArr[$resonId];
         $comment_time = trim($v['CommentTime']);
         $feedbacktime = trim($v['feedbacktime']);
         $status = trim($v['status']);
         $feedbacktime = date('Y-m-d', $feedbacktime);
         $orderPayTime = trim($v['orderPayTime']);
         if (!empty($orderPayTime)) {
             $orderPayTime = date('Y-m-d', $orderPayTime);
         } else {
             $orderPayTime = "";
         if ($comment_type == "Neutral") {
             $type = "中评";
         } else {
             $type = "差评";
         if ($status == '21' || $status == '23') {
             $type = "中评";
         } else {
             if ($status == '31' || $status == '32') {
                 $type = "差评";
         $data = array($account, $sku, $cguser, $type, $feedback_note, $feedbacktime, $orderPayTime, $comsku);