/** * @covers CommissioningBodyService::getCorrespondenceName() */ public function testgetCorrespondenceAddress_withstatic() { $cbs_name = 'Test Name'; $cbs_type_name = 'CBS Type Test Name'; $cbs_type = new CommissioningBodyServiceType(); $cbs_type->correspondence_name = $cbs_type_name; $cbs = new CommissioningBodyService(); $cbs->name = $cbs_name; $cbs->type = $cbs_type; $this->assertEquals(array($cbs_name, $cbs_type_name), $cbs->getCorrespondenceName(), 'Correspondence Name should have type name appended when available in the CBS type'); }
/** * Search the local authorities and return both their address and the address of their social security department * * @param $term */ public function actionAutoComplete($term) { $crit = new \CDbCriteria(); // NOTE: have commented out the address eager loading here due to column ambiguity issues with the relation definitions. // need to investigate if this can be solved with the cunning use of scopes on the Contact model or not. $crit->with = array('contact' => array('alias' => 'service_contact'), 'commissioning_body', 'commissioning_body.contact', 'type' => array('alias' => 'service_type'), 'commissioning_body.type' => array('alias' => 'body_type')); $crit->compare('LOWER(t.name)', strtolower($term), true); $crit->compare('LOWER(commissioning_body.name)', strtolower($term), true, 'OR'); $crit->addColumnCondition(array('service_type.shortname' => 'SSD')); $crit->addColumnCondition(array('body_type.shortname' => 'LA')); $crit->order = 'commissioning_body.name, t.name'; $results = array(); $found_bodies = array(); foreach (\CommissioningBodyService::model()->findAll($crit) as $cbs) { $body = $cbs->commissioning_body; $found_bodies[] = $body->id; $results[] = array('id' => 'service' . $cbs->id, 'value' => $cbs->name . " ({$body->name})", 'service' => array('id' => $cbs->id, 'name' => $cbs->name, 'address' => $cbs->getLetterAddress(array('delimiter' => ",\n")), 'telephone' => $cbs->contact->primary_phone), 'body' => array('id' => $body->id, 'name' => $body->name, 'address' => $body->getLetterAddress(array('delimiter' => ",\n")), 'telephone' => $body->contact->primary_phone)); } $body_crit = new \CDbCriteria(); $body_crit->with = array('type', 'contact', 'contact.correspondAddress'); $body_crit->compare('LOWER(t.name)', strtolower($term), true); $body_crit->addNotInCondition('t.id', $found_bodies); $body_crit->addColumnCondition(array('type.shortname' => 'LA')); foreach (\CommissioningBody::model()->findAll($body_crit) as $body) { $results[] = array('id' => 'body' . $body->id, 'value' => $body->name, 'body' => array('id' => $body->id, 'name' => $body->name, 'address' => $body->getLetterAddress(array('delimiter' => ",\n")), 'telephone' => $body->contact->primary_phone)); } echo json_encode($results); }
public function resourceToModel($res, $cb) { $cb->code = $res->code; $cb->name = $res->name; // Hard-coded for now $type = \CommissioningBodyType::model()->findByAttributes(array('shortname' => 'CCG')); if (!$type) { throw new \Exception("Failed to find commissioning body type 'CCG'"); } $cb->commissioning_body_type_id = $type->id; $this->saveModel($cb); if ($res->address) { if (!($address = $cb->contact->address)) { $address = new \Address(); $address->contact_id = $cb->contact->id; } $res->address->toModel($address); $this->saveModel($address); } // Associate with any services already in the db $crit = new \CDbCriteria(); $crit->compare('code', $res->code); \CommissioningBodyService::model()->updateAll(array('commissioning_body_id' => $cb->id), $crit); }
public function actionVerifyDeleteCommissioningBodyServiceTypes() { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addInCondition('commissioning_body_service_type_id', @$_POST['commissioning_body_service_type']); if (CommissioningBodyService::model()->find($criteria)) { echo "0"; } else { echo "1"; } }
<div class="box admin"> <h2>Commissioning body services</h2> <form id="admin_commissioning_body_services"> <table class="grid"> <thead> <tr> <th><input type="checkbox" id="checkall" class="commissioning_body_services" /></th> <th>Code</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Commissioning body</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach (CommissioningBodyService::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'name asc')) as $i => $cbs) { ?> <tr class="clickable" data-id="<?php echo $cbs->id; ?> " data-uri="admin/editCommissioningBodyService?commissioning_body_service_id=<?php echo $cbs->id; ?> "> <td><input type="checkbox" name="commissioning_body_service[]" value="<?php echo $cbs->id; ?> " class="wards" /></td> <td><?php echo $cbs->code; ?>
<th>Commissioning body</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->with = array('commissioning_body'); $criteria->order = 't.name asc'; if (isset($commissioning_bt)) { $criteria->addColumnCondition(array('commissioning_body.commissioning_body_type_id' => $commissioning_bt->id)); $url_query = 'commissioning_body_type_id=' . $commissioning_bt->id; } if (isset($service_type)) { $url_query .= '&service_type_id=' . $service_type->id . '&return_url=' . $return_url; } foreach (CommissioningBodyService::model()->findAll($criteria) as $i => $cbs) { ?> <tr class="clickable" data-id="<?php echo $cbs->id; ?> " data-uri="<?php echo $base_data_url; ?> editCommissioningBodyService?commissioning_body_service_id=<?php echo $cbs->id; if (isset($data["returnUrl"])) { echo "&return_url=" . $data["returnUrl"]; } ?> "> <td><input type="checkbox" name="commissioning_body_service[]" value="<?php