 public function getComments()
     $html = '';
     $comments = Comments::getAllByCriteria('entityName = ? AND type = ? AND entityId = ?', array('PurchaseOrder', Comments::TYPE_PURCHASING, $this->order->getId()), true, 1, 5, array('comm.id' => 'desc'));
     if (count($comments) === 0) {
         return '';
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $html .= '<div style="max-width: 670px; word-wrap: break-word; font-weight: bold; color: brown;">' . $comment->getComments() . '</div>';
     return $html;
  * Getting the comments for an entity
  * @param array $params
  * @return string The json string
 private function _getComments(array $params)
     if (!isset($params['entityId']) || !isset($params['entity']) || ($entityId = trim($params['entityId'])) === '' || ($entity = trim($params['entity'])) === '') {
         throw new Exception('SYSTEM ERROR: INCOMPLETE DATA PROVIDED');
     $pageSize = isset($params['pageSize']) && ($pageSize = trim($params['pageSize'])) !== '' ? $pageSize : DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE;
     $pageNo = isset($params['pageNo']) && ($pageNo = trim($params['pageNo'])) !== '' ? $pageNo : 1;
     $orderBy = isset($params['orderBy']) ? $params['orderBy'] : array('created' => 'desc');
     $where = 'entityName = ? and entityId = ?';
     $sqlParams = array($entity, $entityId);
     if (isset($params['type']) && ($commentType = trim($params['type'])) !== '') {
         $where .= 'and type = ?';
         $sqlParams[] = trim($commentType);
     $returnArray = json_encode(array());
     $stats = array();
     $commentsArray = Comments::getAllByCriteria($where, $sqlParams, true, $pageNo, $pageSize, $orderBy, $stats);
     $results = array();
     $results['items'] = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $commentsArray);
     $results['pageStats'] = $stats;
     return $results;
 protected static function _getData()
     if (count(self::$_dateRange) === 0) {
         $yesterdayLocal = new UDate('now', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $yesterdayLocal->modify('-1 day');
         $fromDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $toDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59', 'Australia/Melbourne');
     } else {
         $fromDate = self::$_dateRange['start'];
         $toDate = self::$_dateRange['end'];
     $dataType = 'created';
     $items = Payment::getAllByCriteria($dataType . ' >= :fromDate and ' . $dataType . ' < :toDate', array('fromDate' => trim($fromDate), 'toDate' => trim($toDate)));
     $now = new UDate();
     $return = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $return[] = array('Type' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? 'Payment' : 'Credit', 'InvNo' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? trim($item->getOrder()->getInvNo()) === '' ? '' : $item->getOrder()->getInvNo() : '', 'Payment Date' => $item->getPaymentDate()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')->format('Y-m-d'), 'Customer Name' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? $item->getOrder()->getCustomer() instanceof Customer ? $item->getOrder()->getCustomer()->getName() : '' : '', 'Order No.' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? $item->getOrder()->getOrderNo() : '', 'CreditNote No' => $item->getCreditNote() instanceof CreditNote ? $item->getCreditNote()->getCreditNoteNo() : '', 'Processed Date' => trim($item->getCreated()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')), 'Processed By' => $item->getCreatedBy() instanceof UserAccount ? $item->getCreatedBy()->getPerson()->getFullName() : '', 'Method' => $item->getMethod() instanceof PaymentMethod ? trim($item->getMethod()->getName()) : '', 'Amount' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($item->getCreditNote() instanceof CreditNote ? 0 - $item->getValue() : $item->getValue()), 'Comments' => trim(implode(',', array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getComments();'), Comments::getAllByCriteria('entityName = ? and entityId = ?', array(get_class($item), $item->getId()))))));
     return $return;
 public function getComments()
     $comments = Comments::getAllByCriteria('entityId = ? and entityName = ? and type = ?', array($this->order->getId(), get_class($this->order), Comments::TYPE_SALES), true, 1, 1, array('id' => 'desc'));
     return count($comments) === 0 ? '' : $comments[0]->getComments();
  * Getting the orders
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function getOrderItems($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria) || count($serachCriteria = json_decode(json_encode($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria), true)) === 0) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: search criteria not provided!');
         $pageNo = 1;
         $pageSize = DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE;
         if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->pagination)) {
             $pageNo = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageNo;
             $pageSize = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageSize;
         $noSearch = true;
         $where = array(1);
         $params = array();
         foreach ($serachCriteria as $field => $value) {
             if (is_array($value) && count($value) === 0 || is_string($value) && ($value = trim($value)) === '') {
             OrderItem::getQuery()->eagerLoad("OrderItem.order", 'inner join', 'ord', 'ord.id = ord_item.orderId');
             switch ($field) {
                 case 'ord.orderNo':
                 case 'ord.invNo':
                     $where[] = $field . " like ? ";
                     $params[] = $value . '%';
                 case 'ord_item.isOrdered':
                     $where[] = $field . " = ? ";
                     $params[] = $value;
                 case 'ord_item.eta.from':
                     $where[] = 'ord_item.eta >= ?';
                     $params[] = $value;
                 case 'ord_item.eta.to':
                     $where[] = 'ord_item.eta <= ?';
                     $params[] = $value;
             $noSearch = false;
         if ($noSearch === true) {
             throw new Exception("Nothing to search!");
         $stats = array();
         $orderItems = OrderItem::getAllByCriteria(implode(' AND ', $where), $params, true, $pageNo, $pageSize, array('ord_item.eta' => 'asc', 'ord.orderNo' => 'asc'), $stats);
         $results['pageStats'] = $stats;
         $results['items'] = array();
         foreach ($orderItems as $item) {
             $orderItemArray = $item->getJson();
             $comments = Comments::getAllByCriteria('entityName = ? and entityId = ?', array('OrderItem', $item->getId()), true, null, DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE, array('created' => 'desc'));
             $orderItemArray['comments'] = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $comments);
             $results['items'][] = $orderItemArray;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
  * Getting the comments for this entity
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $pageNo
  * @param int    $pageSize
  * @param array  $orderBy
  * @return Ambigous <multitype:, multitype:BaseEntityAbstract >
 public function getComment($type = null, $pageNo = null, $pageSize = DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE, $orderBy = array(), &$pageStats = array())
     if (count($orderBy) === 0) {
         $orderBy = array('comm.id' => 'desc');
     $where = 'entityName = ? and entityId = ?';
     $params = array(get_class($this), $this->getId());
     if (($type = trim($type)) !== '') {
         $where .= ' AND type = ?';
         $params[] = $type;
     $stats = array();
     $results = Comments::getAllByCriteria($where, $params, true, $pageNo, $pageSize, $orderBy, $stats);
     return $results;