protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); $state = $this->_state; if (is_numeric($state->enabled)) { $query->where('tbl.showbanner', '=', $state->enabled); } if ($state->category) { $query->where('tbl.catid', '=', $state->category); } if (is_numeric($state->sticky)) { $query->where('tbl.sticky', '=', $state->sticky); } if (!empty($state->search)) { $query->where('LOWER(', 'LIKE', '%'.strtolower($state->search).'%'); } if (!empty($state->tags)) { $where = array(); foreach ($state->tags as $tag) { $where[] = 'UPPER(tags) REGEXP \'[[:<:]]'.strtoupper(trim($tag)).'[[:>:]]\''; } $query->where('( '.implode(' OR ', $where).' )'); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($this->_state->id) { $query->where('tbl.joomla_user_id', 'in', $this->_state->id); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if (is_numeric($this->_state->enabled)) { $query->where('tbl.enabled', '=', $this->_state->enabled); } }
/** * Build where query * * @param KDatabaseQuery $query */ public function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($this->_state->search) { $query->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $this->_state->search . '%'); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); $state = $this->_state; if (is_numeric($state->state)) { $query->where('tbl.state', '=', $state->state); } else { $query->where('tbl.state', '<>', -2); } if ($state->search) { $query->where('tbl.title', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%'); } if (is_numeric($state->section)) { $query->where('tbl.sectionid', '=', $state->section); } if (is_numeric($state->category)) { $query->where('tbl.catid', '=', $state->category); } if ($state->created_by) { $query->where('tbl.created_by', '=', $state->created_by); } if (is_numeric($state->access)) { $query->where('tbl.access', '=', $state->access); } if ($this->getTable()->isRevisable() && $state->deleted) { $query->where('tbl.deleted', '=', 1); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { if ($this->_state->source instanceof KDatabaseRowInterface) { $source = $this->_state->source; $query->where('tbl.files_container_id', '=', $source->container->id) ->where('tbl.folder', '=', '/'.$source->relative_folder) ->where('tbl.filename', '=', $source->name) ; /* * This is here so that parent method won't try to use the source row object when creating the query */ $this->_source = $source; $this->_state->source = null; } else if ($this->_state->folder) { $query->where('tbl.folder', '=', $this->_state->folder); } else if ($this->_state->files) { $query->where('tbl.filename', 'IN', $this->_state->files); } parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; if($state->search) { $query->where('tbl.title', 'LIKE', '%'.$state->search.'%'); } if($state->position) { $query->where('tbl.position', '=', $state->position); } if($state->type) { $query->where('tbl.module', '=', $state->type); } if($state->enabled !== '' && $state->enabled !== null) { $query->where('tbl.published', '=', $state->enabled); } if($state->application !== false) { $client = JApplicationHelper::getClientInfo($state->application, true); $query->where('tbl.client_id', '=', $client->id); } parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($this->_state->application) { $query->where('tbl.application', '=', $this->_state->application); } if ($this->_state->type) { $query->where('tbl.type', '=', $this->_state->type); } if ($this->_state->package && !($this->_state->distinct && !empty($this->_state->column))) { $query->where('tbl.package', '=', $this->_state->package); } if ($this->_state->name) { $query->where('', '=', $this->_state->name); } if ($this->_state->action) { $query->where('tbl.action', 'IN', $this->_state->action); } if ($this->_state->start_date && $this->_state->start_date != '0000-00-00') { $start_date = $this->getService('koowa:date', array('date' => $this->_state->start_date)); $days_back = clone $start_date; $start = $start_date->addDays(1)->addSeconds(-1)->getDate(); $query->where('tbl.created_on', '<', $start); $query->where('tbl.created_on', '>', $days_back->addDays(-(int) $this->_state->days_back)->getDate()); } if ($this->_state->user) { $query->where('tbl.created_by', '=', $this->_state->user); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; if (!$state->isUnique()) { if ($state->subscribed) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $query->where('subscription.user_id', '=', $user->id); } if ($state->enabled) { $query->where('tbl.enabled', '=', (int) $state->enabled); } if ($state->category) { $query->where('tbl.news_category_id', '=', $state->category); } if ($state->search) { $query->where('(', null, null, 'AND')->where('tbl.title', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%', '')->where('tbl.text', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%', 'OR')->where(')', null, null, ''); } if ($this->_state->start_date && $this->_state->start_date != '0000-00-00') { $start_date = $this->getService('koowa:date', array('date' => $this->_state->start_date)); $end_date = $this->getService('koowa:date', array('date' => $this->_state->end_date)); $start = $start_date->addDays(1)->addSeconds(-1)->getDate(); $end = $end_date->addDays(1)->addSeconds(-1)->getDate(); $query->where('tbl.created_on', '>', $start); $query->where('tbl.created_on', '<', $end); } } parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($this->_state->search) { $query->where('tbl.title', 'LIKE', '%' . $this->_state->search . '%'); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if (is_numeric($this->_state->enabled)) { $query->where('tbl.enabled', '=', $this->_state->enabled); } $query->where('(', null, null, 'AND')->where('tbl.date_start', '>=', date("Y-m-d"), '')->where('tbl.date_end', '>=', date("Y-m-d"), 'OR')->where(')', null, null, ''); }
/** * @param KDatabaseQuery $query */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if (is_array($state->taxonomy_taxonomy_id)) { $query->where('taxonomy_taxonomy_id', 'IN', $state->taxonomy_taxonomy_id); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); $state = $this->_state; if ($state->search) { $query->where('', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%')->where('', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%', 'OR'); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); $query->where('tbl.section', '=', 'com_weblinks') ->where('tbl.published', '=', '1') ->where('weblinks.published', '=', '1') ->where('tbl.access', '<=', KFactory::get('joomla:user')->get('aid', '0')); }
/** * @param KDatabaseQuery $query */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($state->row && $state->table) { $query->where('tbl.row', '=', $state->row); $query->where('tbl.table', '=', $state->table); } }
/** * Query WHERE clause */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($search = $this->_state->search) { $query->where('tbl.title', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%'); } if ($this->_state->enabled !== false && $this->_state->enabled !== '') { $query->where('tbl.enabled', '=', $this->_state->enabled); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($this->_state->top_level) { $query->where('tbl.parent_id = 0'); } if ($this->_state->parent_id) { $query->where('tbl.parent_id', '=', $this->_state->parent_id); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($file = $this->_state->file) { $query->where('tbl.file', '=', $file, 'and'); } if ($post = $this->_state->post) { $query->where('tbl.post_id', '=', $post, 'and'); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; if ($state->business) { $query->where('tbl.businesses_business_id', '=', $state->business); } if ($state->tag) { $query->where('tbl.businesses_tag_id', '=', $state->tag); } parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); }
/** * @param KDatabaseQuery $query */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if (is_numeric($state->enabled)) { $query->where('tbl.enabled', '=', $state->enabled); } if ($state->carousel_category_id) { $query->where('tbl.carousel_category_id', '=', $state->carousel_category_id); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); $state = $this->_state; if ($state->mimetype) { $query->where('mimetype', 'IN', $state->mimetype); } if ($state->extension) { $query->where('extension', 'IN', $state->extension); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; if (!$state->isUnique()) { if ($state->search) { $query->where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%'); $query->where('description', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%', 'OR'); } } parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); }
/** * @param KDatabaseQuery $query */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { $state = $this->_state; parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if (is_numeric($state->enabled)) { $query->where('tbl.enabled', '=', $state->enabled); } if ($state->search) { $query->where('tbl.title', 'LIKE', '%' . $state->search . '%'); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if (!$this->_state->isUnique()) { if ($this->_state->table) { $query->where('tbl.table', '=', $this->_state->table); } if ($this->_state->row) { $query->where('tbl.row', '=', $this->_state->row); } } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); //Build query for the screen names $me = KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->getMe(); $id = (int) $me->id; //Get sent messages by me $where[] = '(tbl.created_by = ' . $id . ' AND recipient.user_id != ' . $id . ')'; //Get sent messages to me $where[] = '(tbl.created_by != ' . $id . ' AND recipient.user_id = ' . $id . ')'; $query->where('(' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')'); }
/** * Builds a WHERE clause for the query * Without tbl. alias, as it caused errors frontend when posting */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { if ($search = $this->_state->search) { $query->where('', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%', 'or')->where('user.username', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%', 'or')->where('', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%', 'or'); } if ($this->_state->alias) { $query->where('tbl.alias', '=', $this->_state->alias); } if ($this->_state->not) { $query->where('tbl.ninjaboard_person_id', 'not in', $this->_state->not); } parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); $state = $this->_state; if (is_numeric($state->published)) { $query->where('tbl.published', '=', $state->published); } if ($state->category) { $query->where('tbl.catid', '=', $state->category); } if (!empty($state->search)) { $query->where('LOWER(', 'LIKE', '%' . strtolower($state->search) . '%'); } }
/** * @param KDatabaseQuery $query */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); $state = $this->_state; if ($state->parent_id) { $id_column = $this->getTable()->getIdentityColumn(); $query->where('r.ancestor_id', 'IN', $state->parent_id); if (empty($state->include_self)) { $query->where('tbl.' . $id_column, 'NOT IN', $state->parent_id); } if ($state->level !== null) { $query->where('r.level', 'IN', $state->level); } } }
/** * Builds a WHERE clause for the query */ protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($this->_state->type) { $query->where('tbl.subscription_type', '=', $this->_state->type); } elseif ($this->_state->type_name) { $table = KFactory::get(''); $query->where('tbl.subscription_type', '=', $table->getTypeIdFromName($this->_state->type_name)); } if ($this->_state->type_id) { $query->where('tbl.subscription_type_id', '=', $this->_state->type_id); } if ($this->_state->by) { $query->where('tbl.created_by', '=', $this->_state->by); } }
protected function _buildQueryWhere(KDatabaseQuery $query) { parent::_buildQueryWhere($query); if ($this->_state->at) { $query->where('(SELECT ninjaboard_topic_id FROM #__ninjaboard_posts WHERE ninjaboard_topic_id = tbl.ninjaboard_topic_id AND created_user_id = ' . $this->_state->at . ' LIMIT 0 , 1) = tbl.ninjaboard_topic_id'); } // @TODO commeted out until we figure out why it breaks the posting //$query->where('first_post.subject', '!=', '', 'AND'); if ($this->_state->forum) { $forum = $this->_state->forum; $query->where("( `tbl`.`forum_id` = '{$forum}' OR ('{$forum}' = `symlink`.`ninjaboard_forum_id` AND `tbl`.`show_symlinks` = 1 ) )"); } $query->where('forum.enabled', '=', 1)->where('tbl.enabled', '=', 1); //Building the permissions query WHERE clause KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->buildForumsPermissionsWhere($query, 'forum.ninjaboard_forum_id'); }