public function removeSubColumn(Column $column) { $this->subColumns = array_values(array_filter($this->subColumns, function ($elm) use($column) { return $elm->getName() !== $column->getName(); })); return $this; }
/** * Adds the close of mutator (setter) method for a column. * This method overrides the method from PHP5BasicObjectBuilder in order to * account for updating related objects. * @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method. * @param Column $col The current column. * @see PHP5BasicObjectBuilder::addMutatorClose() */ protected function addMutatorClose(&$script, Column $col) { $table = $this->getTable(); $cfc = $col->getPhpName(); $clo = strtolower($col->getName()); if ($col->isForeignKey()) { $tblFK = $table->getDatabase()->getTable($col->getRelatedTableName()); $colFK = $tblFK->getColumn($col->getRelatedColumnName()); $varName = $this->getFKVarName($col->getForeignKey()); $script .= "\n\t\tif (\$this->{$varName} !== null && \$this->" . $varName . "->get" . $colFK->getPhpName() . "() !== \$v) {\n\t\t\t\$this->{$varName} = null;\n\t\t}\n"; } /* if col is foreign key */ foreach ($col->getReferrers() as $fk) { $tblFK = $this->getDatabase()->getTable($fk->getForeignTableName()); if ($tblFK->getName() != $table->getName()) { $collName = $this->getRefFKCollVarName($fk); $tblFK = $table->getDatabase()->getTable($col->getRelatedTableName()); $colFK = $tblFK->getColumn($col->getRelatedColumnName()); $script .= "\n\n\t\t// update associated " . $tblFK->getPhpName() . "\n\t\tif (\$this->{$collName} !== null) {\n\t\t\tforeach(\$this->{$collName} as \$referrerObject) {\n\t\t\t\t \$referrerObject->set" . $colFK->getPhpName() . "(\$v);\n\t\t\t }\n\t\t }\n"; } // if } // foreach $script .= "\n\t} // set{$cfc}()\n"; }
/** * Builds the DDL SQL for a Column object. * @return string */ public function getColumnDDL(Column $col) { $platform = $this->getPlatform(); $domain = $col->getDomain(); $sb = ""; $sb .= $this->quoteIdentifier($col->getName()) . " "; $sb .= $domain->getSqlType(); if ($platform->hasSize($domain->getSqlType())) { $sb .= $domain->printSize(); } $sb .= " "; $sb .= $col->getDefaultSetting() . " "; $sb .= $col->getNotNullString() . " "; $sb .= $col->getAutoIncrementString(); return trim($sb); }
/** * Adds the function body for the lazy loader method * @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method. * @param Column $col The current column. * @see addLazyLoader() **/ protected function addLazyLoaderBody(&$script, Column $col) { $platform = $this->getPlatform(); $clo = strtolower($col->getName()); $script .= "\n\t\t\$c = \$this->buildPkeyCriteria();\n\t\t\$c->addSelectColumn(" . $this->getColumnConstant($col) . ");\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\$stmt = " . $this->getPeerClassname() . "::doSelectStmt(\$c, \$con);\n\t\t\t\$row = \$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);\n\t\t\t\$stmt->closeCursor();"; if ($col->getType() === PropelTypes::CLOB && $this->getPlatform() instanceof OraclePlatform) { // PDO_OCI returns a stream for CLOB objects, while other PDO adapters return a string... $script .= "\n\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = stream_get_contents(\$row[0]);"; } elseif ($col->isLobType() && !$platform->hasStreamBlobImpl()) { $script .= "\n\t\t\tif (\$row[0] !== null) {\n\t\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');\n\t\t\t\tfwrite(\$this->{$clo}, \$row[0]);\n\t\t\t\trewind(\$this->{$clo});\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = null;\n\t\t\t}"; } elseif ($col->isPhpPrimitiveType()) { $script .= "\n\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = (\$row[0] !== null) ? (" . $col->getPhpType() . ") \$row[0] : null;"; } elseif ($col->isPhpObjectType()) { $script .= "\n\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = (\$row[0] !== null) ? new " . $col->getPhpType() . "(\$row[0]) : null;"; } else { $script .= "\n\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = \$row[0];"; } $script .= "\n\t\t\t\$this->" . $clo . "_isLoaded = true;\n\t\t} catch (Exception \$e) {\n\t\t\tthrow new PropelException(\"Error loading value for [{$clo}] column on demand.\", \$e);\n\t\t}"; }
/** * Constructs an instance from a list of column headers as returned by the * Google Analytics API. * * @param array $headers * @param Google\Analytics\API $api */ public function __construct(array $headers, API $api) { $headerCount = count($headers); for ($i = 0; $i < $headerCount; $i++) { self::_validateHeader($headers[$i]); try { $column = $api->getColumn($headers[$i]['name']); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { /* I don't expect this to happen but in case it does, we can create a representation of the column by building it on the fly, though it will be missing most of the available properties. */ $column = new Column(); $column->setID(API::addPrefix($headers[$i]['name'])); $column->setType($headers[$i]['columnType']); $column->setDataType($headers[$i]['dataType']); } $this->_columns[] = $column; $this->_columnIndicesByName[$column->getName()] = $i; } }
/** * Get the quoted identifier for the column name * @param Column $column * @return string */ public function getColumnBaseIdentifier(Column $column) { return $this->quoteObjectIdentifier($column->getName()); }
public function addColumn(Column $col) { $this->columns[$col->getName()] = $col; return $this; }
public function getColumnDDL(Column $col) { $domain = $col->getDomain(); $ddl = array($this->quoteIdentifier($col->getName())); $sqlType = $domain->getSqlType(); $table = $col->getTable(); if ($col->isAutoIncrement() && $table && $table->getIdMethodParameters() == null) { $sqlType = $col->getType() === PropelTypes::BIGINT ? 'bigserial' : 'serial'; } if ($this->hasSize($sqlType) && $col->isDefaultSqlType($this)) { $ddl[] = $sqlType . $domain->printSize(); } else { $ddl[] = $sqlType; } if ($default = $this->getColumnDefaultValueDDL($col)) { $ddl[] = $default; } if ($notNull = $this->getNullString($col->isNotNull())) { $ddl[] = $notNull; } if ($autoIncrement = $col->getAutoIncrementString()) { $ddl[] = $autoIncrement; } return implode(' ', $ddl); }
/** * Gets the name of the column that this Validator applies to. * @return string */ public function getColumnName() { return $this->column->getName(); }
/** * Metodo que verifica se a coluna eh foreign key, caso for - retorna os dados da chave estrangeira * * @param Column $objColumn * @return array */ private function isForeignKey($objColumn) { $arrForeignKey = []; if (array_key_exists($objColumn->getName(), $this->arrForeignKeys)) { $arrForeignKey = $this->arrForeignKeys[$objColumn->getName()]; } return $arrForeignKey; }
/** * Populates the properties that store cached dimensions and metrics, * either from the database or from the API directly, depending on when * the data that we have was last fetched. */ private function _refreshColumnMetadata() { /* If we're not using a database, the best we can do is to cache the column metadata for the duration of this process' existence. */ if (self::$_dbConn) { try { $lastFetchData = self::_getLastFetchData('google_analytics_api_columns'); if ($lastFetchData) { $fetchDate = (int) $lastFetchData['fetch_date']; $etag = $lastFetchData['etag']; } else { $fetchDate = null; $etag = null; } $columns = null; $newETag = null; if ($this->_bypassColumnCache || !$fetchDate || $fetchDate <= time() - GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_API_METADATA_CACHE_DURATION) { $this->_bypassColumnCache = false; $request = new APIRequest('metadata/ga/columns'); if ($etag) { $request->setHeader('If-None-Match: ' . $etag); } $columns = $this->_makeRequest($request); if ($columns) { $stmt = self::$_DB_STATEMENTS['google_analytics_api_columns']['insert']; foreach ($columns as $column) { $stmt->bindValue(':name', $column->getName(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':type', $column->getType(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':data_type', $column->getDataType(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':replaced_by', $column->getReplacementColumn(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':group', $column->getGroup(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':ui_name', $column->getUIName(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':description', $column->getDescription(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':calculation', $column->getCalculation(), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':min_template_index', $column->getMinTemplateIndex(), \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindValue(':max_template_index', $column->getMaxTemplateIndex(), \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindValue(':min_template_index_premium', $column->getPremiumMinTemplateIndex(), \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindValue(':max_template_index_premium', $column->getPremiumMaxTemplateIndex(), \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindValue(':allowed_in_segments', $column->isAllowedInSegments(), \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindValue(':deprecated', $column->isDeprecated(), \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); } $stmt = null; } if (array_key_exists('etag', $this->_responseParsed) && $this->_responseParsed['etag']) { $newETag = $this->_responseParsed['etag']; } else { $responseHeader = $this->getResponseHeaderAsAssociativeArray(); if (array_key_exists('ETag', $responseHeader) && $responseHeader['ETag']) { $newETag = $responseHeader['ETag']; } } if ($newETag) { self::_storeFetchData('google_analytics_api_columns', count($columns), $newETag); } } if (!$columns) { $columns = array(); $stmt = self::$_dbConn->query('SELECT * FROM google_analytics_api_columns'); $stmt->bindColumn('name', $name, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('type', $type, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('data_type', $dataType, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('replaced_by', $replacement, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('group', $group, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('ui_name', $uiName, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('description', $description, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('calculation', $calculation, \PDO::PARAM_STR); /* Null values get cast to zeros if I bind them as integers, so we'll rely on the object's setter to take care of the type casting. */ $stmt->bindColumn('min_template_index', $minTemplateIndex, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('max_template_index', $maxTemplateIndex, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('min_template_index_premium', $minTemplateIndexPremium, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('max_template_index_premium', $maxTemplateIndexPremium, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindColumn('allowed_in_segments', $allowedInSegments, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL); $stmt->bindColumn('deprecated', $deprecated, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL); while ($stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) { $column = new Column(); $column->setID('ga:' . $name); $column->setReplacementColumn($replacement); $column->setType($type); $column->setDataType($dataType); $column->setGroup($group); $column->setUIName($uiName); $column->setDescription($description); $column->setCalculation($calculation); if ($minTemplateIndex !== null) { $column->setMinTemplateIndex($minTemplateIndex); } if ($maxTemplateIndex !== null) { $column->setMaxTemplateIndex($maxTemplateIndex); } if ($minTemplateIndexPremium !== null) { $column->setPremiumMinTemplateIndex($minTemplateIndexPremium); } if ($maxTemplateIndexPremium !== null) { $column->setPremiumMaxTemplateIndex($maxTemplateIndexPremium); } $column->isAllowedInSegments($allowedInSegments); $column->isDeprecated($deprecated); $columns[] = $column; } } } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new RuntimeException('Caught database error while refreshing column metadata.', null, $e); } } else { $columns = $this->_makeRequest(new APIRequest('metadata/ga/columns')); } foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($column->getType() == 'DIMENSION') { $table =& self::$_dimensions; $list =& self::$_dimensionNames; } else { $table =& self::$_metrics; $list =& self::$_metricNames; } $name = $column->getName(); $table[$name] = $column; if (!$column->isDeprecated()) { $list[] = $name; } } usort(self::$_dimensionNames, 'strcasecmp'); usort(self::$_metricNames, 'strcasecmp'); }
/** * Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column * * @return string */ public function getRemoveColumnDDL(Column $column) { $pattern = "\nALTER TABLE %s DROP %s;\n"; return sprintf($pattern, $this->quoteIdentifier($column->getTable()->getName()), $this->quoteIdentifier($column->getName())); }
/** * Adds a setter method for date/time/timestamp columns. * @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method. * @param Column $col The current column. * @see parent::addColumnMutators() */ protected function addTemporalMutator(&$script, Column $col) { $cfc = $col->getPhpName(); $clo = strtolower($col->getName()); $visibility = $col->getMutatorVisibility(); $dateTimeClass = $this->getBuildProperty('dateTimeClass'); if (!$dateTimeClass) { $dateTimeClass = 'DateTime'; } $script .= "\n\t/**\n\t * Sets the value of [{$clo}] column to a normalized version of the date/time value specified.\n\t * " . $col->getDescription() . "\n\t * @param mixed \$v string, integer (timestamp), or DateTime value. Empty string will\n\t *\t\t\t\t\t\tbe treated as NULL for temporal objects.\n\t * @return " . $this->getObjectClassname() . " The current object (for fluent API support)\n\t */\n\t" . $visibility . " function set{$cfc}(\$v)\n\t{"; $this->addMutatorOpenBody($script, $col); $fmt = var_export($this->getTemporalFormatter($col), true); $script .= "\n\t\t// we treat '' as NULL for temporal objects because DateTime('') == DateTime('now')\n\t\t// -- which is unexpected, to say the least.\n\t\tif (\$v === null || \$v === '') {\n\t\t\t\$dt = null;\n\t\t} elseif (\$v instanceof DateTime) {\n\t\t\t\$dt = \$v;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// some string/numeric value passed; we normalize that so that we can\n\t\t\t// validate it.\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tif (is_numeric(\$v)) { // if it's a unix timestamp\n\t\t\t\t\t\$dt = new {$dateTimeClass}('@'.\$v, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));\n\t\t\t\t\t// We have to explicitly specify and then change the time zone because of a\n\t\t\t\t\t// DateTime bug:\n\t\t\t\t\t\$dt->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$dt = new {$dateTimeClass}(\$v);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} catch (Exception \$x) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new PropelException('Error parsing date/time value: ' . var_export(\$v, true), \$x);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( \$this->{$clo} !== null || \$dt !== null ) {\n\t\t\t// (nested ifs are a little easier to read in this case)\n\n\t\t\t\$currNorm = (\$this->{$clo} !== null && \$tmpDt = new {$dateTimeClass}(\$this->{$clo})) ? \$tmpDt->format({$fmt}) : null;\n\t\t\t\$newNorm = (\$dt !== null) ? \$dt->format({$fmt}) : null;\n\n\t\t\tif ( (\$currNorm !== \$newNorm) // normalized values don't match "; if (($def = $col->getDefaultValue()) !== null && !$def->isExpression()) { $defaultValue = $this->getDefaultValueString($col); $script .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t|| (\$dt->format({$fmt}) === {$defaultValue}) // or the entered value matches the default"; } $script .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = (\$dt ? \$dt->format({$fmt}) : null);\n\t\t\t\t\$this->modifiedColumns[] = " . $this->getColumnConstant($col) . ";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} // if either are not null\n"; $this->addMutatorClose($script, $col); }
public function getObject(Column $column) { switch ($column->getType()) { case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_CHAR: return $this->getString($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE: return $this->getDouble($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_DATE: return $this->getDate($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_DATETIME: return $this->getDateTime($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_FLOATING: return $this->getFloat($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_LOGICAL: return $this->getBoolean($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_MEMO: return $this->getMemo($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC: return $this->getNum($column->getName()); case self::DBFFIELD_TYPE_INDEX: return $this->getIndex($column->getName(), $column->getLength()); case self::DBFFIELD_IGNORE_0: return false; } throw new Exception\InvalidColumnException(sprintf('Cannot handle datatype %s', $column->getType())); }
/** * Adds a column to the definition of the Model. * * @param Column $column the column to add. */ function addColumn(Column $column) { $this->columns[$column->getName()] = $column; }
public function getAddColumnDDLBits(Column $column) { $pattern = "ADD %s %s"; $tableColumns = $column->getTable()->getColumns(); //default to add to top if the before-column cannot be found $insertPositionDDL = "FIRST"; foreach ($tableColumns as $i => $tableColumn) { //we found the column, use the column before it, if its not the first if ($tableColumn->getName() == $column->getName()) { //we have a column that is not the first column if ($i > 0) { $insertPositionDDL = "AFTER " . $this->quoteIdentifier($tableColumns[$i - 1]->getName()); } break; } } return sprintf($pattern, $this->getColumnDDL($column), $insertPositionDDL); }
/** * @param \DatabaseExporterImporter\Entity\Column $column * @return $this */ public function addColumn(Column $column) { $column->setTable($this); $this->columns[$column->getName()] = $column; return $this; }
/** * COMPATIBILITY: Get the column constant name (e.g. PeerName::COLUMN_NAME). * * This method exists simply because it belonged to the 'PeerBuilder' that this * class is replacing (because of name conflict more than actual functionality overlap). * When the new builder model is finished this method will be removed. * * @param Column $col The column we need a name for. * @param string $phpName The PHP Name of the peer class. The 'Peer' is appended automatically. * * @return string If $phpName is provided, then will return {$phpName}Peer::COLUMN_NAME; if not, just COLUMN_NAME. * @deprecated */ public static function getColumnName(Column $col, $phpName = null) { // was it overridden in schema.xml ? if ($col->getPeerName()) { $const = strtoupper($col->getPeerName()); } else { $const = strtoupper($col->getName()); } if ($phpName !== null) { return $phpName . 'Peer::' . $const; } else { return $const; } }
public function getColumnConstant(Column $column) { return "{$this->getPeerClassName()}::" . strtoupper($column->getName()); }
/** * setColumn * * @param Column $column * * @return static */ public function setColumn(Column $column) { $this->columns[$column->getName()] = $column; return $this; }
/** * Get the column constant name (e.g. PeerName::COLUMN_NAME). * * @param Column $col The column we need a name for. * @param string $classname The Peer classname to use. * * @return string If $classname is provided, then will return $classname::COLUMN_NAME; if not, then the peername is looked up for current table to yield $currTablePeer::COLUMN_NAME. */ public function getColumnConstant($col, $classname = null) { if ($col === null) { $e = new Exception("No col specified."); print $e; throw $e; } if ($classname === null) { return $this->getBuildProperty('classPrefix') . $col->getConstantName(); } // was it overridden in schema.xml ? if ($col->getPeerName()) { $const = strtoupper($col->getPeerName()); } else { $const = strtoupper($col->getName()); } return $classname . '::' . $const; }
/** * Gets a single validator for specified column name. * @param Column $column * @return Validator */ public function getValidator(Column $column) { $key = $column->getName(); if (!isset($this->validators[$key])) { $this->validators[$key] = new Validator(); $this->validators[$key]->setColumn($column); } return $this->validators[$key]; }
/** * Add a foreign column for the relation * * @param Column $column * * @return $this * @throws Exception\Manager */ public function addForeignForeignColumn(Column $column) { $alias = $this->normalizeName($column->getName()); if ($this->foreignForeignColumns->offsetExists($alias) === true) { throw Exception\Relation::foreignForeignColumnAlreadyExists($alias, $this->getName()); } $this->foreignForeignColumns->offsetSet($alias, $column); return $this; }
/** * Adds setter method for "normal" columns. * * @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method. * @param Column $col The current column. * * @see parent::addColumnMutators() */ protected function addDefaultMutator(&$script, Column $col) { $clo = strtolower($col->getName()); $this->addMutatorOpen($script, $col); // Perform type-casting to ensure that we can use type-sensitive // checking in mutators. if ($col->isPhpPrimitiveType()) { $script .= "\n if (\$v !== null && is_numeric(\$v)) {\n \$v = (" . $col->getPhpType() . ") \$v;\n }\n"; } $script .= "\n if (\$this->{$clo} !== \$v) {\n \$this->{$clo} = \$v;\n \$this->modifiedColumns[] = " . $this->getColumnConstant($col) . ";\n }\n"; $this->addMutatorClose($script, $col); }
/** * Get the column constant name (e.g. PeerName::COLUMN_NAME). * * @param Column $col The column we need a name for. * @param string $phpName The PHP Name of the peer class. The 'Peer' is appended automatically. * * @return string If $phpName is provided, then will return {$phpName}Peer::COLUMN_NAME; if not, then uses current table COLUMN_NAME. */ public function getColumnConstant($col, $phpName = null) { if ($col === null) { $e = new Exception("No col specified."); print $e; throw $e; } $classname = $this->getPeerClassname($phpName); // was it overridden in schema.xml ? if ($col->getPeerName()) { $const = strtoupper($col->getPeerName()); } else { $const = strtoupper($col->getName()); } return $classname . '::' . $const; }
/** * Adds setter method for "normal" columns. * @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method. * @param Column $col The current column. * @see parent::addColumnMutators() */ protected function addDefaultMutator(&$script, Column $col) { $clo = strtolower($col->getName()); // FIXME: refactor this $defaultValue = null; if (($val = $col->getPhpDefaultValue()) !== null) { settype($val, $col->getPhpNative()); $defaultValue = var_export($val, true); } $this->addMutatorOpen($script, $col); // Perform some smart checking here to handle possible type discrepancies // between the passed-in value and the value from the DB if ($col->getPhpNative() === "int") { $script .= "\n\t\t// Since the native PHP type for this column is integer,\n\t\t// we will cast the input value to an int (if it is not).\n\t\tif (\$v !== null && !is_int(\$v) && is_numeric(\$v)) {\n\t\t\t\$v = (int) \$v;\n\t\t}\n"; } elseif ($col->getPhpNative() === "string") { $script .= "\n\t\t// Since the native PHP type for this column is string,\n\t\t// we will cast the input to a string (if it is not).\n\t\tif (\$v !== null && !is_string(\$v)) {\n\t\t\t\$v = (string) \$v;\n\t\t}\n"; } $script .= "\n\t\tif (\$this->{$clo} !== \$v"; if ($defaultValue !== null) { $script .= " || \$v === {$defaultValue}"; } $script .= ") {\n\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = \$v;\n\t\t\t\$this->modifiedColumns[] = " . $this->getColumnConstant($col) . ";\n\t\t}\n"; $this->addMutatorClose($script, $col); }
/** * Adds setter method for "normal" columns. * @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method. * @param Column $col The current column. * @see parent::addColumnMutators() */ protected function addDefaultMutator(&$script, Column $col) { $clo = strtolower($col->getName()); $this->addMutatorOpen($script, $col); // Perform type-casting to ensure that we can use type-sensitive // checking in mutators. if ($col->isPhpPrimitiveType()) { $script .= "\n\t\tif (\$v !== null) {\n\t\t\t\$v = (" . $col->getPhpType() . ") \$v;\n\t\t}\n"; } $script .= "\n\t\tif (\$this->{$clo} !== \$v"; if (($def = $col->getDefaultValue()) !== null && !$def->isExpression()) { $script .= " || \$this->isNew()"; } $script .= ") {\n\t\t\t\$this->{$clo} = \$v;\n\t\t\t\$this->modifiedColumns[] = " . $this->getColumnConstant($col) . ";\n\t\t}\n"; $this->addMutatorClose($script, $col); }
/** * Adds the comment for a mutator * @param string &$script The script will be modified in this method. * @param Column $col The current column. * @see addMutatorOpen() **/ public function addMutatorComment(&$script, Column $col) { $clo = strtolower($col->getName()); $script .= "\n /**\n * Set the value of [{$clo}] column.\n * " . $col->getDescription() . "\n * @param " . $col->getPhpType() . "|null \$v new value\n * @return " . $this->getObjectClassname() . " The current object (for fluent API support)\n */"; }
/** * Builds the DDL SQL for a Column object. * @return string */ public function getColumnDDL(Column $col) { $platform = $this->getPlatform(); $domain = $col->getDomain(); $sqlType = $domain->getSqlType(); $notNullString = $col->getNotNullString(); $defaultSetting = $col->getDefaultSetting(); // Special handling of TIMESTAMP/DATETIME types ... // See: if ($sqlType == 'DATETIME') { $def = $domain->getDefaultValue(); if ($def && $def->isExpression()) { // DATETIME values can only have constant expressions $sqlType = 'TIMESTAMP'; } } elseif ($sqlType == 'DATE') { $def = $domain->getDefaultValue(); if ($def && $def->isExpression()) { // DATE values don't support expressions in MySQL throw new EngineException("DATE columns cannot have default *expressions* in MySQL."); } } $sb = ""; $sb .= $this->quoteIdentifier($col->getName()) . " "; $sb .= $sqlType; if ($platform->hasSize($sqlType)) { $sb .= $domain->printSize(); } $sb .= " "; if ($sqlType == 'TIMESTAMP') { $notNullString = $col->getNotNullString(); $defaultSetting = $col->getDefaultSetting(); if ($notNullString == '') { $notNullString = 'NULL'; } if ($defaultSetting == '' && $notNullString == 'NOT NULL') { $defaultSetting = 'DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; } $sb .= $notNullString . " " . $defaultSetting . " "; } else { $sb .= $defaultSetting . " "; $sb .= $notNullString . " "; } $sb .= $col->getAutoIncrementString(); return trim($sb); }
/** * @param Column|array $column */ public function addColumn($column) { if ($column instanceof Column) { $column->setRow($this); $this->columns[$column->getName()] = $column; return $column; } else { if (is_array($column)) { $c = new Column($column); $c->setRow($this); $this->columns[$c->getName()] = $c; return $c; } else { throw new \Exception('column must be instance of ZendX\\DataGrid\\Column or an array'); } } }