function getConfig($data = null)
     if (empty($data)) {
         $data = $this->data;
     $template = null;
     if (is_string($data)) {
         $template = $data;
     } else {
         if (!empty($data['TemplateConfig'])) {
             return $data['TemplateConfig'];
         } elseif (!empty($data[$this->alias]['TemplateConfig'])) {
             return $data[$this->alias]['TemplateConfig'];
         if (!empty($data['template'])) {
             $template = $data['template'];
         if (!empty($data[$this->alias]['template'])) {
             $template = $data[$this->alias]['template'];
     if (!empty($template)) {
         return ClassCollection::getObject('NewsletterBoxConfig', $template);
     return null;
 function getType($cond = null, $Model = null)
     if (is_null($cond)) {
         $cond = $this->data;
     App::import('Lib', 'CustomFilter.ClassCollection');
     if (empty($Model)) {
         $Model = $this->CustomFilter->getFilteredModel($cond);
     $FilterType = null;
     $type = !empty($cond[$this->alias]['type']) ? $cond[$this->alias]['type'] : null;
     if (!$type) {
         $toCheck = ClassCollection::getList('FilterType', array('hasMethod' => 'detect'));
         foreach ($toCheck as $ttype) {
             if ($TestFilterType = ClassCollection::getObject('FilterType', $ttype, array($cond, $Model))) {
                 if ($TestFilterType->detect()) {
                     $FilterType = $TestFilterType;
                     $type = $ttype;
         if (!$type) {
             $schema = $Model->schema($cond[$this->alias]['field']);
             $type = $schema['type'];
     if (empty($FilterType)) {
         $FilterType = ClassCollection::getObject('FilterType', $type, array($cond, $Model));
     return $FilterType;
 function syncSender()
     $Newsletter = ClassRegistry::init('Newsletter.Newsletter');
     App::import('Lib', 'Newsletter.NewsletterConfig');
     $newsletterSyncTimout = NewsletterConfig::load('newsletterSyncTimout');
     //// init sender class ////
     App::import('Lib', 'Newsletter.ClassCollection');
     $senderOpt = NewsletterConfig::load('sender');
     if (!is_array($senderOpt)) {
         $senderOpt = array('name' => $senderOpt);
     $sender = ClassCollection::getObject('NewsletterSender', $senderOpt['name']);
     if (method_exists($sender, 'sync')) {
         $findOpt = array('fields' => array('', 'Newsletter.title', 'Newsletter.last_sync', '', 'Newsletter.external_key', 'NewsletterSending.last_process_time', 'NewsletterSending.status'), 'conditions' => array(), 'joins' => array(array('alias' => $Newsletter->NewsletterSending->alias, 'table' => $Newsletter->NewsletterSending->useTable, 'type' => 'INNER', 'conditions' => array('NewsletterSending.newsletter_id =', 'NewsletterSending.confirm' => 1, '' => 1, 'NewsletterSending.status' => array('done', 'send'), 'or' => array('Newsletter.last_sync IS NULL', 'Newsletter.last_sync < DATE_ADD(NewsletterSending.last_process_time, INTERVAL ' . $newsletterSyncTimout . ')')))), 'limit' => '10', 'group' => '', 'order' => ' DESC', 'recursive' => -1);
         $toSync = $Newsletter->find('all', $findOpt);
         if (!empty($toSync)) {
             $ids = array();
             foreach ($toSync as $n) {
                 $ids[] = $n['Newsletter']['id'];
             if ($sender->sync($toSync)) {
                 $format = $Newsletter->getDataSource()->columns['datetime']['format'];
                 $Newsletter->updateAll(array('last_sync' => "'" . date($format) . "'"), array('' => $ids));
 function __construct($name)
     $this->name = $name;
     App::import('Lib', 'Upgrader.ClassCollection');
     $this->config = ClassCollection::getObject('upgrader_config', $name);
     $this->tests = $this->testsOpt;
文件: skill.php 项目: kevthunder/arch
 function getTargetHandlers($named = false)
     App::import('Lib', 'ClassCollection');
     App::import('Lib', 'SetMulti');
     $class = ClassCollection::getClass('handler', 'Skills');
     $methods = get_class_methods($class);
     $targetHandlers = SetMulti::pregFilter('/^target\\w*$/', $methods);
     if ($named) {
         $list = array();
         foreach ($targetHandlers as $handler) {
             $list[$handler] = Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($handler));
         $targetHandlers = $list;
     return $targetHandlers;
 function getTemplatesConfig()
     $_this =& NewsletterConfig::getInstance();
     if (!isset($_this->templates)) {
         App::import('Lib', 'Newsletter.ClassCollection');
         $Folder =& new Folder();
         $paths = $_this->getAllViewPaths();
         foreach ($paths as $path) {
             if ($Folder->cd($path . '/elements/newsletter')) {
                 $templateFiles = $Folder->find('.+\\.ctp$');
                 foreach ($templateFiles as &$file) {
                     $name = basename($file, ".ctp");
                     $config = ClassCollection::getObject('NewsletterConfig', $name);
                     $config->path = $Folder->path . DS . $file;
                     $templates[$name] = $config;
         $_this->templates = $templates;
     return $_this->templates;
 function getBoxElements($template = null)
     $paths = $this->getAllViewPaths();
     $subPaths = array('/elements/newsletter_box');
     if (!empty($template)) {
         $subPaths[] = '/elements/newsletter_box/' . $template;
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         foreach ($subPaths as $subPath) {
             if ($this->Folder->cd($path . $subPath)) {
                 $templateFiles = $this->Folder->find('.+\\.ctp$');
                 foreach ($templateFiles as &$file) {
                     if (!preg_match("/_edit.ctp\$/", $file)) {
                         $name = basename($file, ".ctp");
                         $config = ClassCollection::getObject('NewsletterBoxConfig', $name);
                         $boxElements[$name] = $config->getLabel();
                         //$boxElements[$name] = $name;
     return $boxElements;
 function admin_method_form($name, $prefix)
     $this->layout = 'ajax';
     App::import('Lib', 'Shop.ClassCollection');
     $class = ClassCollection::getClass('promo', $name);
     $method = new $class();
     if (method_exists($method, 'beforeForm')) {
     $this->set('method', $method);
     $this->set('prefix', $prefix);
 function _getClass($type, $name)
     $_this =& ClassCollection::getInstance();
     $options = $_this->getOption($type, $name);
     $res = array('class' => null, 'import' => array(), 'isParent' => false);
     if (!empty($options['parent'])) {
         $inerit = array_intersect_key($options, array_flip($_this->parentInerit));
         $parentOpt = Set::Merge($inerit, $options['parent']);
         $parent = $_this->_getClass(null, $parentOpt);
         if (empty($parent)) {
             return null;
         } else {
             $res['import'] = $parent['import'];
     $importOpt = $_this->parseImportOption($options);
     foreach ($importOpt['search'] as $plugin => $search) {
         foreach ($search as $path) {
             $iopt = $importOpt;
             $iopt['search'] = $path;
             if (App::import($iopt)) {
                 $res['import'][] = $iopt;
                 $res['class'] = $iopt['name'];
                 $res['plugin'] = $plugin == 'app' ? null : $plugin;
                 break 2;
     if (!$res['class']) {
         if (!empty($parent) && $options['defaultByParent']) {
             $res['isParent'] = true;
             $res['class'] = $parent['class'];
             $res['plugin'] = $parent['plugin'];
         } elseif ($options['throwException']) {
             return array('error' => array('%name% not found.', array('%name%' => $importOpt['name'])));
         } else {
             return null;
     return $res;
 function getClass($type, $name, &$isParent = false)
     $_this =& ClassCollection::getInstance();
     $options = $_this->getOption($type, $name);
     if (!empty($options['parent'])) {
         $inerit = array_intersect_key($options, array_flip($_this->parentInerit));
         $parentOpt = Set::Merge($inerit, $options['parent']);
         $parent = $_this->getClass(null, $parentOpt);
         if (empty($parent)) {
             return null;
     $importOpt = $_this->parseImportOption($options);
     if (App::import($importOpt)) {
         return $importOpt['name'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($parent) && $options['defaultByParent']) {
             $isParent = true;
             return $parent;
         if ($options['throwException']) {
             debug($importOpt['name'] . ' not found.');
         return null;
 function getOperations()
     $operations = array();
     if (is_null($this->defOps)) {
         $schema = $this->Model->schema($this->fieldname);
         if (in_array($schema['type'], array('string', 'text'))) {
             $this->defOps = array('Equals', 'Contains', 'Starts', 'Ends');
         } else {
             $this->defOps = array('Equals', 'Bigger', 'Smaller', 'Between');
     if (!empty($this->defOps)) {
         foreach ($this->defOps as $type) {
             $FilterOperation = ClassCollection::getObject('FilterOperation', $type, array($this));
             $operations[$type] = $FilterOperation;
     $toCheck = ClassCollection::getList('FilterOperation', array('hasMethod' => 'detect'));
     foreach ($toCheck as $type) {
         if (empty($operations[$type])) {
             $FilterOperation = ClassCollection::getObject('FilterOperation', $type, array($this));
             $operations[$type] = $FilterOperation;
     return $operations;
 function _parseRequest($xmlnode)
     $handlerName = $xmlnode->getAttribute('handler');
     App::import('Lib', 'ClassCollection');
     $handler = ClassCollection::getObject('linkAction', $handlerName);
     if ($handler) {
         $aro = array();
         if (!empty($this->user)) {
             $aro[] = $this->User->myNodeRef($this->user['User']['id']);
         $handler->defaultAro = $aro;
         $handler->controller = $this;
         unset($aro, $handlerName);
         // free ressources
         return $handler->execute($xmlnode);
     } else {
         return LinkAction::invalidRequest($xmlnode, 404);
 function getMethods($data = null)
     $methods = array();
     $methodsOpts = array();
     if (empty($data)) {
         $data = $this->data;
     if (!isset($data['ShopPromo'])) {
         $data = array('ShopPromo' => $data);
     if (!empty($data['ShopPromo']['cond'])) {
         foreach ($data['ShopPromo']['cond'] as $pos => $name) {
             $opt = array('name' => $name, 'params' => array());
             if (!empty($data['ShopPromo']['cond_params'][$pos])) {
                 $opt['params'] = $data['ShopPromo']['cond_params'][$pos];
             $methodsOpts[] = $opt;
     if (!empty($data['ShopPromo']['method'])) {
         $methodsOpts[] = array('name' => $data['ShopPromo']['method'], 'params' => !empty($data['ShopPromo']['method_params']) ? $data['ShopPromo']['method_params'] : array());
     App::import('Lib', 'Shop.ClassCollection');
     foreach ($methodsOpts as $opt) {
         $class = ClassCollection::getClass('promo', $opt['name']);
         $method = new $class($data, $opt['params']);
         $methods[] = $method;
     return $methods;
 function _sendEmail($email, $sending, $newsletter = null)
     //// init sender class ////
     App::import('Lib', 'Newsletter.ClassCollection');
     $senderOpt = NewsletterConfig::load('sender');
     if (!is_array($senderOpt)) {
         $senderOpt = array('name' => $senderOpt);
     $sender = ClassCollection::getObject('NewsletterSender', $senderOpt['name']);
     $sender->init($this, $senderOpt);
     //// parse global option ////
     $opt = $this->_parseGlobalOpt($sending, $newsletter);
     if (method_exists($sender, 'editGlobalOpt')) {
         $opt = $sender->editGlobalOpt($opt);
     $sender = ClassCollection::getObject('NewsletterSender', $senderOpt['name']);
     $sender->init($this, $senderOpt);
     $mailOpt = $this->_parseRecipientOpt($email, $opt);
     $mailsOptions = array(&$mailOpt);
     if ($opt['sending']['Newsletter']['TemplateConfig']) {
         $opt['sending']['Newsletter']['TemplateConfig']->beforeSend($sender, $opt, $mailsOptions);
     $res = $this->_sendSingle($sender, $opt, $mailOpt);
     if ($opt['sending']['Newsletter']['TemplateConfig']) {
         $opt['sending']['Newsletter']['TemplateConfig']->afterSend($sender, $opt, $mailsOptions);
     return $res;
文件: event.php 项目: kevthunder/arch
 function getHandler($alias)
     App::import('Lib', 'ClassCollection');
     return ClassCollection::getObject("handler", $alias);
     //get class name
     $p = strrpos('.',$alias);
     	$name = $alias;
     	$name = substr($alias,$p+1);
     $name = ucfirst($name).'Handler';
     if($exitent = ClassRegistry::getObject($name)){
     	return $exitent;
     	$path = str_replace('.',DS,Inflector::underscore($alias));
     	//	$path = APP  'libs' . DS . $this->defaultHandlerPath . DS . $path;
     	$path .= '_handler.php';
     		App::import('Lib', 'Handler', array('file' =>$this->defaultHandlerPath. DS .'handler.php'));
     		if(!App::import('Lib', $name, array('file' =>$path))){
     			debug($name.' not found');
     	$created = null;
     	if(class_exists($name)) {
     		$created = new $name();
     		ClassRegistry::addObject($name, $created);
     	return $created;
 function admin_graphs($id = null)
     App::import('Vendor', 'Newsletter.php-ofc-library', array('file' => 'php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php'));
     //Configure::write('debug', 0);
     //$this->layout = null;
     // generate some random data
     srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
     $title = new title(__d("newsletter", "Views per time", true));
     $chart = new open_flash_chart();
     $newsletter = $this->Newsletter->read(null, $id);
     // Views
     $dates = array();
     $values = array();
     //// init sender class ////
     App::import('Lib', 'Newsletter.ClassCollection');
     $senderOpt = NewsletterConfig::load('sender');
     if (!is_array($senderOpt)) {
         $senderOpt = array('name' => $senderOpt);
     $sender = ClassCollection::getObject('NewsletterSender', $senderOpt['name']);
     //// query ////
     $opt = array('type' => 'graph', 'query' => array('fields' => array('count(*) as nb', 'DATE( as date'), 'conditions' => array('NewsletterSended.newsletter_id' => $id, 'or' => array('NewsletterEvent.action' => 'view', array('NewsletterEvent.action IS NULL', 'NewsletterEvent.url' => null))), 'group' => 'DATE(', 'order' => 'DATE(', 'model' => 'NewsletterEvent'));
     $data = $this->_get_stats(array('viewByDays' => $opt), $newsletter, $sender);
     $dates = $data['viewByDays'];
     $min_value = 99999999;
     $max_value = 0;
     foreach ($dates as $d => $val) {
         if ($val < $min_value) {
             $min_value = $val;
         if ($val > $max_value) {
             $max_value = $val;
     if ($max_value == $min_value) {
     $min_value = 0;
     $min_date = key($dates);
     $max_date = key($dates);
     for ($cur_date = $min_date; $cur_date <= $max_date; $cur_date = $cur_date + 86400) {
         $x = strtotime('00:00:00', $cur_date);
         if (isset($dates[$cur_date])) {
             $values[] = new scatter_value($x, $dates[$cur_date]);
         } else {
             $values[] = new scatter_value($x, 0);
     if ($max_date == $min_date) {
         $max_date += 86400;
     $line_dot = new line();
     $y = new y_axis();
     $y->set_range($min_value, $max_value, ($max_value - $min_value) / 10);
     $x = new x_axis();
     // grid line and tick every 10
     $x->set_range(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $min_date), date("d", $min_date), date("Y", $min_date)), mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $max_date), date("d", $max_date), date("Y", $max_date)));
     // show ticks and grid lines for every day:
     $labels = new x_axis_labels();
     // tell the labels to render the number as a date:
     // generate labels for every day
     // only display every other label (every other day)
     $labels->visible_steps(ceil(($max_date - $min_date) / 86400 / 20));
     $line_dot = new line();
     $line_dot->set_values(array(2, 1));
     $line_dot->set_text("Unique views");
     echo $chart->toPrettyString();