function testGetClanThatAMemberBelongsTo() { $p1 = new Player($this->char_id); $clan = ClanFactory::find($this->clan_id); $this->assertTrue($clan->addMember($p1, $p1)); $clan_final = ClanFactory::clanOfMember($p1); $this->assertTrue($clan_final->hasMember($p1->id())); }
public function getClan() { return ClanFactory::clanOfMember($this->id()); }
if ($error = init($private, $alive)) { display_error($error); } else { $command = in('command'); $to = in('to'); // The target of the message, if any were specified. $to = $to ? $to : get_setting('last_messaged'); $to_clan = in('toclan'); $messenger = in('messenger'); // naive spam detection attempt $message = in('message', null, null); // Unfiltered input for this message. $target_id = (int) in('target_id') ? (int) in('target_id') : ($to ? get_user_id($to) : null); // Id takes precedence $ninja = new Player(self_char_id()); $clan = ClanFactory::clanOfMember($ninja); $has_clan = $clan ? true : false; $page = in('page', 1, 'non_negative_int'); $limit = 25; $offset = non_negative_int(($page - 1) * $limit); $delete = in('delete'); $informational = in('informational'); $type = in('type'); // Clan chat or normal messages. $type = restrict_to($type, array(0, 1)); $message_sent_to = null; // Names or name to display. $message_to = null; // strings clan or individual if sent to those respectively. if ($target_id) { $to = get_char_name($target_id);