/** * 视频列表 */ public function index() { parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); $is_qx = $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']); $where = "1"; if ($is_qx == 1) { $where .= " and p_id=" . $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $where .= " and c_id=" . $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; } else { $citymod = new CityModel(); $plist = $citymod->getprovince(1); $this->assign("plist", $plist); $p_id = $_GET['p_id']; $c_id = $_GET['c_id']; if (!empty($p_id)) { $where .= " and p_id=" . $p_id; } if (!empty($c_id)) { $where .= " and c_id=" . $c_id; } $this->assign("p_id", $p_id); $this->assign("c_id", $c_id); $this->assign("cname", $citymod->getname($c_id)); } $this->assign("is_qx", $is_qx); $keys = $_GET['keys']; $keys = $keys == "请输入关键字" ? "" : $keys; $uid = $_GET['uid']; if (!empty($keys)) { $where .= " and title like '%" . $keys . "%'"; } if (!empty($uid)) { $where .= " and uid=" . $uid; } $this->assign("uid", $uid); $this->assign("keys", $keys); $M = M("Shipin"); $cou = $M->where($where)->count(); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $p = new Page($cou, 10); $list = $M->where($where)->limit($p->firstRow . "," . $p->listRows)->order("addtime desc")->select(); $arr = array("未审核", "已审核"); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['status_f'] = $arr[$v['status']]; } $this->assign("list", $list); $this->assign("page", $p->show()); $conf = (include './Common/config2.php'); $memtype = $conf['memtp']; $this->assign("tplist", $memtype); $this->display(); }
/** * 加盟列表 */ public function index() { parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); $citymod = new CityModel(); $province = $_GET['province']; $city = $_GET['city']; $where = "1"; if ($this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']) == 0) { //非地区管理员 $pro_list = $citymod->getprovince(1); $this->assign("pro_list", $pro_list); if (!empty($province)) { $where .= " and Zixun.p_id=" . $province; } if (!empty($city)) { $where .= " and Zixun.c_id=" . $city; } $this->assign("is_qx", $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role'])); $this->assign("province", $province); $this->assign("city", $city); $cityname = $citymod->getname($city); $this->assign("cityname", $cityname); } else { $where .= " and p_id=" . $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $where .= " and c_id=" . $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; $this->assign("is_qx", $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role'])); } $keys = $_GET['keys']; $keys = $keys == "请输入关键字" ? "" : $keys; $uid = $_GET['uid']; if (!empty($keys)) { $where .= " and Zixun.name like '%" . $keys . "%'"; } $this->assign("keys", $keys); $M = D("ZixunView"); $cou = $M->where($where)->count(); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $p = new Page($cou, 10); $list = $M->where($where)->limit($p->firstRow . "," . $p->listRows)->order("Zixun.addtime desc")->select(); $arr = array("未审核", "已审核"); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['status_f'] = $arr[$v['status']]; $list[$k]['addtime_f'] = date("Y-m-d", $v['addtime']); } $this->assign("list", $list); $this->assign("page", $p->show()); $this->display(); }
/** * 意见反馈列表 */ public function index() { parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); @import("ORG.Util.Page"); $where = "1"; if ($is_qx == 0) { //非地区管理员 $p_id = $_GET['p_id']; $c_id = $_GET['c_id']; //省 $mcity = new CityModel(); $plist = $mcity->getprovince(1); $this->assign("plist", $plist); $this->assign("p_id", $p_id); $this->assign("c_id", $c_id); $this->assign("c_name", $mcity->getname($c_id)); } else { $p_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $c_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; } if (!empty($p_id)) { $where .= " and Yijian.p_id=" . $p_id; } if (!empty($c_id)) { $where .= " and Yijian.c_id=" . $c_id; } $keys = trim($_GET['keys']); $keys = $keys == "请输入关键字" ? "" : $keys; $where .= " and Yijian.content like '%" . $keys . "%'"; $this->assign("keys", $keys); $yjv = D("YijianView"); $totalRows = $yjv->where($where)->count(); $pm = new Page($totalRows, 10); $list = $yjv->where($where)->order("Yijian.addtime desc")->limit($pm->firstRow . "," . $pm->listRows)->select(); $islx = array("0" => "未联系", "1" => "已联系"); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['addtimef'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v['addtime']); $list[$k]['islxf'] = $islx[$v['is_lx']]; } $this->assign("list", $list); $this->assign("page", $pm->show()); #echo $yjv->getLastSql(); #省 $this->display(); }
/** * 设计师 预约列表 */ public function gzyy() { parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); $Mod = D("YuyueView"); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $where = "Yuyue.ytype=2"; $citymod = new CityModel(); if ($this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']) == 1) { $where .= " and Yuyue.p_id=" . $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $where .= " and Yuyue.c_id=" . $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; } else { $p_list = $citymod->getprovince(1); $this->assign("p_list", $p_list); $p_id = $_GET['p_id']; $c_id = $_GET['c_id']; if (!empty($p_id)) { $where .= " and Yuyue.p_id=" . $p_id; } if (!empty($c_id)) { $where .= " and Yuyue.c_id=" . $c_id; } $this->assign("c_id", $c_id); $this->assign("c_name", $citymod->getname($c_id)); $this->assign("p_id", $p_id); } $keys = $_GET['keys']; $keys = $keys == "请输入关键字" ? "" : $keys; if (!empty($keys)) { $where .= " and Yuyue.name like '%" . $keys . "%'"; } $this->assign("keys", $keys); $totalRows = $Mod->where($where)->count(); $p = new Page($totalRows, 10); $list = $Mod->where($where)->order("Yuyue.addtime desc")->limit($p->firstRow . "," . $p->listRows)->select(); $arr = array("未审核", "已审核"); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['status_f'] = $arr[$v['status']]; } $this->assign("list", $list); $this->assign("page", $p->show()); $this->display(); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 添加管理员 +---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function editAdmin() { parent::_initalize(); $systemConfig = $this->systemConfig; $this->assign("systemConfig", $systemConfig); if (IS_POST) { $this->checkToken(); header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8'); $msginfo = D("Access")->editAdmin(); if ($msginfo['status']) { $this->success($msginfo['info'], U('Access/index')); } else { $this->error($msginfo['info']); } } else { //省市 $cmod = new CityModel(); #$city_list=$cmod->citylist(); #print_r($city_list);exit; $city_list = $cmod->getprovince(1); $this->assign("pro_list", $city_list); $M = M("Admin"); $aid = (int) $_GET['aid']; $pre = C("DB_PREFIX"); $info = $M->where("`a_id`=" . $aid)->join($pre . "role_user ON " . $pre . "admin.a_id = " . $pre . "role_user.user_id")->find(); if (empty($info['a_id'])) { #echo $M->getLastSql();exit; $this->error("不存在该管理员ID", U('Access/index')); } if ($info['a_name'] == C('ADMIN_AUTH_KEY')) { $this->error("超级管理员信息不允许操作", U("Access/index")); exit; } $this->assign("info", $this->getRoleListOption($info)); $aimod = new Admininfo1Model(); $ainfo = $aimod->getinfo($aid, 0); $this->assign("ainfo", $ainfo); //如果市不为空获取市的名称 if ($ainfo['cityid'] != '') { $cityname = $cmod->getname($ainfo['cityid']); $this->assign("cityname", $cityname); $this->assign("cityid", $ainfo['cityid']); } //如果区不为空获取区的名称 if ($ainfo['quid'] != '') { $quname = $cmod->getname($ainfo['quid']); $this->assign("quname", $quname); $this->assign("quid", $ainfo['quid']); } $this->display("addadmin"); } }
/** * 编辑广告 */ public function editad() { if (IS_POST) { $id = $_POST['id']; $M = M("Adview"); $info = $M->where("id=" . $id)->find(); $title = trim($_POST['title']); $link = trim($_POST['link']); $weizhi = $_POST['weizhi']; $p_id = $_POST['p_id']; $c_id = $_POST['c_id']; if (empty($title)) { $this->error("名称不能为空!"); exit; } if (empty($weizhi)) { $this->error("请选择位置!"); exit; } if ($this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']) == 0) { //非地区管理员 if (empty($p_id)) { $this->error("请选省!"); exit; } if (empty($c_id)) { $this->error("请选市!"); exit; } } else { $p_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $c_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; if (empty($p_id)) { $this->error("该管理员没有选择省!"); exit; } if (empty($c_id)) { $this->error("该管理员没有选择市!"); exit; } } if (!empty($_FILES['img']['name'])) { $imgsrc = $this->upload("./Uploads/ad/"); if (empty($imgsrc[0]['savename'])) { $img = ""; } else { $img = "/Uploads/ad/" . $imgsrc[0]['savename']; } if (!empty($info['img'])) { unlink($info['img']); } } $data = array(); if (!empty($img)) { $data['img'] = $img; } if (!empty($link)) { $data['link'] = $link; } if (!empty($title)) { $data['title'] = $title; } if (!empty($weizhi)) { $data['weizhi'] = $weizhi; } if (!empty($p_id)) { $data['p_id'] = $p_id; } if (!empty($c_id)) { $data['c_id'] = $c_id; } $data['addtime'] = time(); $data['adduid'] = $_SESSION['my_info']['a_id']; $res = M("Ad")->where("id=" . $id)->save($data); if ($res) { $this->success("操作成功", U("Ad/adlist")); } else { $this->error("操作失败"); } exit; } parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); $id = $_GET['id']; $M = M("Adview"); $info = $M->where("id=" . $id)->find(); //位置 $wzm = M("Adweizhi"); $wzlist = $wzm->where("1")->order("addtime desc")->select(); $this->assign("wzlist", $wzlist); //省 if ($this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']) == 0) { //非地区管理员 $mcity = new CityModel(); $plist = $mcity->getprovince(1); $this->assign("plist", $plist); $this->assign("c_id", $info['c_id']); $this->assign("c_name", $info['c_name']); } $this->assign("info", $info); $is_qx = $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']); $this->assign("is_qx", $is_qx); $this->display("addad"); }
/** * 编辑单页面 */ public function edit_webpage() { if (IS_POST) { $name = trim($_POST['name']); $ywname = trim($_POST['ywname']); $p_id = trim($_POST['p_id']); $c_id = trim($_POST['c_id']); $contents = trim($_POST['contents']); $id = $_POST['id']; $M = M("Webpages"); $data = array("name" => $name, "contents" => $contents, "ywname" => $ywname, "p_id" => $p_id, "c_id" => $c_id); $rs = $M->where("id=" . $id)->save($data); if ($rs) { $this->success("操作成功!", U("Webpages/index")); } else { $this->error("操作失败!"); } exit; } parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); $id = $_GET['id']; $wmod = M("Webpages"); $info = $wmod->where("id=" . $id)->find(); $this->assign("info", $info); #-------------------------------------------------------------省start $is_qx = $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']); if ($is_qx == 0) { #省 $citymod = new CityModel(); $plist = $citymod->getprovince(1); $this->assign("plist", $plist); } else { $p_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $c_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; } $p_id = $info['p_id']; $c_id = $info['c_id']; $c_name = $citymod->getname($c_id); $this->assign("p_id", $p_id); $this->assign("c_id", $c_id); $this->assign("c_name", $c_name); #-------------------------------------------------------------省end $this->display("add_webpage"); }
/** * 编辑友情链接 */ public function editfirendlink() { $m = M("Firendlink"); if (IS_POST) { $id = $_POST['id']; $name = trim($_POST['name']); if (empty($name)) { $this->error("名称不能为空!"); exit; } if ($_FILES['logo']['name'] != '') { $imginfo = $this->upload('./Uploads/fl/'); if (!empty($imginfo[0]['savename'])) { $logo = "/Uploads/fl/" . $imginfo[0]['savename']; } else { $logo = ""; } } $link = trim($_POST['link']); $orders = trim($_POST['orders']); $is_tj = $_POST['is_tj']; $p_id = $_POST['p_id']; $c_id = $_POST['c_id']; $data = array(); if (!empty($name)) { $data['name'] = $name; } if (!empty($logo)) { $data['logo'] = $logo; } if (!empty($link)) { $data['link'] = $link; } if (!empty($orders)) { $data['orders'] = $orders; } if (!empty($is_tj)) { $data['is_tj'] = $is_tj; } if (!empty($p_id)) { $data['p_id'] = $p_id; } if (!empty($c_id)) { $data['c_id'] = $c_id; } $res = $m->where("id=" . $id)->save($data); if ($res) { $this->success("操作成功!", U("Firendlink/index")); } else { $this->error("操作失败!"); } exit; } parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); $id = $_GET['id']; $info = $m->where("id=" . $id)->find(); $this->assign("info", $info); if ($this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']) == 0) { #读取省 $mcity = new CityModel(); $plist = $mcity->getprovince(1); $this->assign("plist", $plist); $this->assign("c_id", $info['c_id']); $this->assign("c_name", $mcity->getname($info['c_id'])); } $this->assign("is_qx", $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role'])); $this->display("addfriendlink"); }
/** * 编辑 * 团购活动 */ public function edit_group() { if (IS_POST) { $title = trim($_POST['title']); $is_tj = $_POST['is_tj']; $p_id = $_POST['p_id']; $c_id = $_POST['c_id']; $q_id = $_POST['q_id']; $status = $_POST['status']; $starthdtime = $_POST['starthdtime']; $endhdtime = $_POST['endhdtime']; $address = trim($_POST['address']); $shuoming = trim($_POST['shuoming']); $chengchelx = str_replace("\n", ",", $chengchelx); $bmnum = trim($_POST['bmnum']); $id = $_POST['id']; if (!empty($starthdtime)) { $starthdtime1 = strtotime($starthdtime); } if (!empty($endhdtime)) { $endhdtime1 = strtotime($endhdtime); } if ($starthdtime1 > $endhdtime1) { $this->error("开始时间不能大于结束时间!"); exit; } $M = D("GroupView"); $info1 = $M->where("id=" . $id)->find(); $img = $this->upload(); if (!empty($img)) { foreach ($img as $k => $v) { if ($v['key'] == "mapimg") { unlink("." . $info1['mapimg']); $mapimg = "/Uploads/product/" . $v['savename']; } else { unlink("." . $info1['hdimg']); $hdimg = "/Uploads/product/" . $v['savename']; } } } $data = array(); if (!empty($title) && $title != $info1['title']) { $data['title'] = $title; } if ($is_tj != $info1['is_tj']) { $data['is_tj'] = $is_tj; } if ($p_id != $info1['p_id']) { $data['p_id'] = $p_id; } if ($c_id != $info1['c_id']) { $data['c_id'] = $c_id; } if ($q_id != $info1['q_id']) { $data['q_id'] = $q_id; } if ($starthdtime1 != $info1['starthdtime']) { $data['starthdtime'] = $starthdtime1; } if ($endhdtime1 != $info1['endhdtime']) { $data['endhdtime'] = $endhdtime1; } if ($address != $info1['address']) { $data['address'] = $address; } if ($shuoming != $info1['shuoming']) { $data['shuoming'] = $shuoming; } if ($chengchelx != $info1['chengchelx']) { $data['chengchelx'] = $chengchelx; } if (!empty($mapimg)) { $data['mapimg'] = $mapimg; } if (!empty($hdimg)) { $data['hdimg'] = $hdimg; } if (!empty($bmnum) && $bmnum != $info1['bmnum']) { $data['bmnum'] = $bmnum; } $data['addtime'] = time(); if ($status != $info1['status']) { $data['status'] = $status; } $rs = $M->where("id=" . $id)->save($data); if ($rs) { $this->success("操作成功!", U("Group/index")); } else { $this->error("操作失败!"); } exit; } parent::_initalize(); $this->assign("systemConfig", $this->systemConfig); $id = $_GET['id']; $M = D("GroupView"); $info = $M->where("Group1.id=" . $id)->find(); $info['chengchelx'] = str_replace(",", "\n", $info['chengchelx']); $is_qx = $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']); $citymod = new CityModel(); if ($is_qx == 1) { #区管理员 $p_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $c_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; $qlist = $citymod->getcity($c_id); $this->assign("qlist", $qlist); } else { #省 $plist = $citymod->getprovince(1); $this->assign("plist", $plist); $this->assign("c_name", $info['c_name']); $this->assign("q_name", $info['q_name']); } $this->assign("starthdtime", date("Y-m-d H:i", $info['starthdtime'])); $this->assign("endhdtime", date("Y-m-d H:i", $info['endhdtime'])); $this->assign("info", $info); $this->assign("is_edit", 1); $this->assign("comname", $this->getgzh_ins($info['uid'])); $this->display("add_group"); }
/** * 优惠券列表 */ public function list_yhq() { parent::_initalize(); $this->assign('systemConfig', $this->systemConfig); import("ORG.Util.Page"); $M = M("Yhq"); $where = '1'; $is_qx = $this->getqx($_SESSION['my_info']['role']); if ($is_qx == 1) { $p_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['proid']; $c_id = $_SESSION['my_info']['cityid']; } else { $p_id = $_GET['p_id']; $c_id = $_GET['c_id']; $this->assign("p_id", $p_id); $this->assign("c_id", $c_id); $citymod = new CityModel(); $plist = $citymod->getprovince(1); $this->assign("plist", $plist); $this->assign("cname", $citymod->getname($c_id)); } $this->assign("is_qx", $is_qx); $startdate = $_GET['startdate']; $startdate1 = $_GET['startdate1']; $enddate = $_GET['enddate']; $enddate1 = $_GET['enddate1']; $this->assign("startdate", $startdate); $this->assign("startdate1", $startdate1); $this->assign("enddate", $enddate); $this->assign("enddate1", $enddate1); if (!empty($startdate)) { $starttime = strtotime($startdate); } if (!empty($startdate1)) { $starttime1 = strtotime($startdate1); } if (!empty($enddate)) { $endtime = strtotime($enddate); } if (!empty($enddate1)) { $endtime1 = strtotime($enddate1); } if ($starttime > $starttime1) { $this->error("开始时间第一个不能大于第二个"); exit; } if ($endtime > $endtime1) { $this->error("结束时间第一个不能大于第二个"); exit; } if (!empty($p_id)) { $where .= " and p_id=" . $p_id; } if (!empty($c_id)) { $where .= " and c_id=" . $c_id; } if (!empty($starttime) && !empty($starttime1)) { $where .= " and (startdate between '" . $starttime . "' and '" . $starttime1 . "' )"; } if (!empty($endtime) && !empty($endtime1)) { $where .= " and (enddate between '" . $endtime . "' and '" . $endtime1 . "' )"; } $totalRows = $M->where($where)->count(); $p = new Page($totalRows, 10); $list = $M->where($where)->order(" addtime desc ")->limit($p->firstRow . "," . $p->listRows)->select(); $arr = array("普通", '推荐'); $arr1 = array("未审核", "已审核"); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['is_tj_f'] = $arr[$v['is_tj']]; $list[$k]['status_f'] = $arr1[$v['status']]; $list[$k]['startdate'] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v['startdate']); $list[$k]['enddate'] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v['enddate']); } $this->assign("list", $list); $this->assign("page", $p->show()); $this->display(); }
/** * 获取城市 */ public function getcity() { header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8'); $pid = $_POST['fid']; $citymod = new CityModel(); $pro_list = $citymod->getprovince($pid); if ($pro_list) { echo json_encode(array("status" => 1, "data" => $pro_list)); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => 0, "data" => array())); } }