  * Get icon HTML markup from icon attr value in shortcode.
  * Get icon HTML for Cherry shortcodes.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  string $icon  Passed icon.
  * @param  string $class Custom class for icon.
  * @param  string $alt   Alt attribute value if icon is image.
  * @return string        Icon HTML markup.
 public static function get_icon_html($icon, $class = 'cherry-icon', $alt = null, $style = array())
     if (!$icon || 'none' == $icon) {
         return false;
     if (false !== strpos($icon, 'icon:')) {
         $icon = trim(str_replace('icon:', '', $icon));
         $style = Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::prepare_styles($style);
         $rand_class = Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::rand_class('icon');
         $style = sprintf('%s{%s}', $rand_class, $style);
         $class .= ' ' . Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::esc_class($rand_class);
         return sprintf('<span class="%1$s %2$s"></span>', esc_attr($icon), esc_attr($class));
     } else {
         $icon = Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::get_image_url($icon);
         return sprintf('<span class="%2$s"><img src="%1$s" alt="%3$s"></span>', esc_url($icon), esc_attr($class), esc_attr($alt));
  * Builds the Title Box shortcode output.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  array  $atts    Attributes of the title box shortcode.
  * @param  string $content Shortcode content.
  * @return string          HTML content to display the title box.
 public static function title_box($atts = null, $content = null)
     $atts = shortcode_atts(array('title' => '', 'subtitle' => '', 'icon' => '', 'icon_size' => 20, 'icon_color' => '', 'title_color' => '', 'subtitle_color' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'title_box');
     if (!$atts['title']) {
     $format = apply_filters('cherry_shortcodes_title_box_format', array('global' => '<div class="%4$s">%3$s<div class="title-box_content"><h2 class="title-box_title">%1$s</h2>%2$s</div></div>', 'subtitle' => '<h4 class="title-box_subtitle">%s</h4>'), $atts);
     $style = array();
     $style['font-size'] = 0 != absint($atts['icon_size']) ? absint($atts['icon_size']) . 'px' : false;
     $style['color'] = !empty($atts['icon_color']) ? esc_attr($atts['icon_color']) : false;
     $icon = Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::get_icon_html($atts['icon'], 'title-box_icon', $atts['title'], $style);
     $uniq_class = Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::rand_class('title_box');
     $title_color = esc_attr($atts['title_color']);
     $subtitle_color = esc_attr($atts['subtitle_color']);
     $title_style = '';
     if ($title_color) {
         $title_style .= $uniq_class . ' .title-box_title { color: ' . $title_color . '; }';
     if ($subtitle_color) {
         $title_style .= $uniq_class . ' .title-box_subtitle { color: ' . $subtitle_color . '; }';
     $output = Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::print_styles($title_style);
     $title = wp_kses($atts['title'], 'default');
     $subtitle = !empty($atts['subtitle']) ? sprintf($format['subtitle'], wp_kses($atts['subtitle'], 'default')) : '';
     $classes[] = 'title-box';
     $classes[] = $atts['class'];
     $classes[] = Cherry_Shortcodes_Tools::esc_class($uniq_class);
     $class = implode(' ', array_filter($classes));
     // Empty 5-th arguments for backward compatibility.
     $depraceted = '';
     $output .= sprintf($format['global'], $title, $subtitle, $icon, $class, $depraceted);
     return apply_filters('cherry_shortcodes_output', $output, $atts, 'title_box');