public function testFindLink() { $this->checkoutpage = $this->objFromFixture('CheckoutPage', 'checkout'); $this->checkoutpage->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $link = CheckoutPage::find_link(); $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'checkout/', $link, 'find_link() returns the correct link to checkout.'); }
function redirect($status = "success", $message = "") { if (Director::is_ajax()) { return $status; //TODO: allow for custom return types, eg json - similar to ShoppingCart::return_data() } Director::redirect(CheckoutPage::find_link()); }
public function getPasswordFields() { $loginlink = "Security/login?BackURL=" . CheckoutPage::find_link(true); $fields = FieldList::create(HeaderField::create(_t('CheckoutField.MEMBERSHIPDETAILS', 'Membership Details'), 3), LiteralField::create('MemberInfo', '<p class="message warning">' . _t('CheckoutField.MEMBERINFO', 'If you are already a member please') . " <a href=\"{$loginlink}\">" . _t('OrderForm.LogIn', 'log in') . '</a>.' . '</p>'), LiteralField::create('AccountInfo', '<p>' . _t('CheckoutField.ACCOUNTINFO', 'Please choose a password, so you can login and check your order history in the future') . '</p>'), $this->getPasswordField()); if (!Checkout::user_membership_required()) { $pwf->setCanBeEmpty(true); } return $fields; }
public function getPasswordFields() { $loginlink = "Security/login?BackURL=" . CheckoutPage::find_link(true); $fields = FieldList::create(HeaderField::create(_t('CheckoutField.MembershipDetails', 'Membership Details'), 3), LiteralField::create('MemberInfo', '<p class="message warning">' . _t('CheckoutField.MemberLoginInfo', 'If you are already a member please <a href="{LoginUrl}">log in</a>', '', array('LoginUrl' => $loginlink)) . '</p>'), LiteralField::create('AccountInfo', '<p>' . _t('CheckoutField.AccountInfo', 'Please choose a password, so you can login and check your order history in the future') . '</p>'), $pwf = $this->getPasswordField()); if (!Checkout::user_membership_required()) { $pwf->setCanBeEmpty(true); } return $fields; }
function testFindLink() { $link = CheckoutPage::find_link(); $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'checkout/', $link, 'find_link() returns the correct link to checkout.'); /* If there is no checkout page, then an exception is thrown */ $page = DataObject::get_one('CheckoutPage'); $page->delete(); $page->flushCache(); $this->setExpectedException('Exception'); $link = CheckoutPage::find_link(); }
/** * Save the changes to the form, and redirect to the checkout page */ function proceed($data, $form, $request) { $member = Member::currentUser(); if (!$member) { return false; } $form->saveInto($member); $member->write(); $form->sessionMessage(_t("MemberForm.DETAILSSAVED", 'Your details have been saved'), 'good'); Director::redirect(CheckoutPage::find_link()); return true; }
/** * Save the changes to the form, and redirect to the checkout page * * @param array $data * @param Form $form * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request * * @return bool|SS_HTTPResponse */ public function proceed($data, $form, $request) { $member = Member::currentUser(); if (!$member) { return false; } $form->saveInto($member); $member->write(); $form->sessionMessage(_t("MemberForm.DetailsSaved", 'Your details have been saved'), 'good'); $this->extend('updateShopAccountFormResponse', $request, $form, $data, $response); return $response ?: $this->getController()->redirect(CheckoutPage::find_link()); }
public function run($request) { $cart = ShoppingCart::singleton(); $count = $request->getVar('count') ? $request->getVar('count') : 5; if ($products = Versioned::get_by_stage("Product", "Live", "", "RAND()", "", $count)) { foreach ($products as $product) { $variations = $product->Variations(); if ($variations->exists()) { $product = $variations->sort("RAND()")->first(); } $quantity = (int) rand(1, 5); if ($product->canPurchase(Member::currentUser(), $quantity)) { $cart->add($product, $quantity); } } } Controller::curr()->redirect(CheckoutPage::find_link()); }
/** * work out the options for the user **/ protected function workOutMessagesAndActions() { if (!$this->workedOutMessagesAndActions) { $this->actionLinks = new ArrayList(array()); //what order are we viewing? $viewingRealCurrentOrder = $this->CurrentOrderIsInCart(); $currentUserID = Member::currentUserID(); //Continue Shopping if (isset($this->ContinueShoppingLabel) && $this->ContinueShoppingLabel) { if ($viewingRealCurrentOrder) { if ($this->isCartPage()) { $continueLink = $this->ContinueShoppingLink(); if ($continueLink) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->ContinueShoppingLabel, "Link" => $continueLink))); } } } } //Proceed To CheckoutLabel if (isset($this->ProceedToCheckoutLabel) && $this->ProceedToCheckoutLabel) { if ($viewingRealCurrentOrder) { if ($this->isCartPage()) { $checkoutPageLink = CheckoutPage::find_link(); if ($checkoutPageLink && $this->currentOrder && $this->currentOrder->getTotalItems()) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->ProceedToCheckoutLabel, "Link" => $checkoutPageLink))); } } } } //view account details if (isset($this->ShowAccountLabel) && $this->ShowAccountLabel) { if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage() || $this->isCartPage()) { if (AccountPage::find_link()) { if ($currentUserID) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->ShowAccountLabel, "Link" => AccountPage::find_link()))); } } } } //go to current order if (isset($this->CurrentOrderLinkLabel) && $this->CurrentOrderLinkLabel) { if ($this->isCartPage()) { if (!$viewingRealCurrentOrder) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->CurrentOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => ShoppingCart::current_order()->Link()))); } } } //Save order - we assume only current ones can be saved. if (isset($this->SaveOrderLinkLabel) && $this->SaveOrderLinkLabel) { if ($viewingRealCurrentOrder) { if ($currentUserID && $this->currentOrder->MemberID == $currentUserID) { if ($this->isCartPage()) { if ($this->currentOrder && $this->currentOrder->getTotalItems() && !$this->currentOrder->IsSubmitted()) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->SaveOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => $this->Link("saveorder") . "/" . $this->currentOrder->ID . "/"))); } } } } } //load order if (isset($this->LoadOrderLinkLabel) && $this->LoadOrderLinkLabel) { if ($this->isCartPage() && $this->currentOrder) { if (!$viewingRealCurrentOrder) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->LoadOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => $this->Link("loadorder") . "/" . $this->currentOrder->ID . "/"))); } } } //delete order if (isset($this->DeleteOrderLinkLabel) && $this->DeleteOrderLinkLabel) { if ($this->isCartPage() && $this->currentOrder) { if (!$viewingRealCurrentOrder) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->DeleteOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => $this->Link("deleteorder") . "/" . $this->currentOrder->ID . "/"))); } } } //Start new order //Strictly speaking this is only part of the //OrderConfirmationPage but we put it here for simplicity's sake if (isset($this->StartNewOrderLinkLabel) && $this->StartNewOrderLinkLabel) { if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage()) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->StartNewOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => CartPage::new_order_link($this->currentOrder->ID)))); } } //copy order //Strictly speaking this is only part of the //OrderConfirmationPage but we put it here for simplicity's sake if (isset($this->CopyOrderLinkLabel) && $this->CopyOrderLinkLabel) { if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage() && $this->currentOrder->ID) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => $this->CopyOrderLinkLabel, "Link" => OrderConfirmationPage::copy_order_link($this->currentOrder->ID)))); } } //actions from modifiers if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage() && $this->currentOrder->ID) { $modifiers = $this->currentOrder->Modifiers(); if ($modifiers->count()) { foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) { $array = $modifier->PostSubmitAction(); if (is_array($array) && count($array)) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData($array)); } } } } //log out //Strictly speaking this is only part of the //OrderConfirmationPage but we put it here for simplicity's sake if (Member::currentUser()) { if ($this->isOrderConfirmationPage()) { $this->actionLinks->push(new ArrayData(array("Title" => _t("CartPage.LOGOUT", "log out"), "Link" => "/Security/logout/"))); } } //no items if ($this->currentOrder) { if (!$this->currentOrder->getTotalItems()) { $this->message = $this->NoItemsInOrderMessage; } } else { $this->message = $this->NonExistingOrderMessage; } $this->workedOutMessagesAndActions = true; //does nothing at present.... } }
/** * * @return String */ function AddToCartAndGoToCheckoutLink() { $array = $this->linkParameters(); $array["BackURL"] = urlencode(CheckoutPage::find_link()); return ShoppingCart_Controller::add_item_link($this->ID, $this->ClassName, $array); }
function __construct($controller, $name) { //Requirements::themedCSS('OrderForm'); // 1) Member and shipping fields $member = Member::currentUser(); $memberFields = new CompositeField(singleton('Member')->getEcommerceFields()); $requiredFields = singleton('Member')->getEcommerceRequiredFields(); if (ShoppingCart::uses_different_shipping_address()) { $countryField = new DropdownField('ShippingCountry', _t('OrderForm.Country', 'Country'), Geoip::getCountryDropDown(), EcommerceRole::find_country()); $shippingFields = new CompositeField(new HeaderField(_t('OrderForm.SendGoodsToDifferentAddress', 'Send goods to different address'), 3), new LiteralField('ShippingNote', '<p class="message warning">' . _t('OrderForm.ShippingNote', 'Your goods will be sent to the address below.') . '</p>'), new LiteralField('Help', '<p>' . _t('OrderForm.Help', 'You can use this for gift giving. No billing information will be disclosed to this address.') . '</p>'), new TextField('ShippingName', _t('OrderForm.Name', 'Name')), new TextField('ShippingAddress', _t('OrderForm.Address', 'Address')), new TextField('ShippingAddress2', _t('OrderForm.Address2', '')), new TextField('ShippingCity', _t('OrderForm.City', 'City')), $countryField, new HiddenField('UseShippingAddress', '', true), $changeshippingbutton = new FormAction_WithoutLabel('useMemberShippingAddress', _t('OrderForm.UseBillingAddress', 'Use Billing Address for Shipping'))); //Need to to this because 'FormAction_WithoutLabel' has no text on the actual button $changeshippingbutton->setButtonContent(_t('OrderForm.UseBillingAddress', 'Use Billing Address for Shipping')); $changeshippingbutton->useButtonTag = true; $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingName'; $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingAddress'; $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingCity'; $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingCountry'; } else { $countryField = $memberFields->fieldByName('Country'); $shippingFields = new FormAction_WithoutLabel('useDifferentShippingAddress', _t('OrderForm.useDifferentShippingAddress', 'Use Different Shipping Address')); //Need to to this because 'FormAction_WithoutLabel' has no text on the actual button $shippingFields->setButtonContent(_t('OrderForm.useDifferentShippingAddress', 'Use Different Shipping Address')); $shippingFields->useButtonTag = true; } if ($countryField) { $countryField->addExtraClass('ajaxCountryField'); $setCountryLinkID = $countryField->id() . '_SetCountryLink'; $setContryLink = ShoppingCart::set_country_link(); $memberFields->push(new HiddenField($setCountryLinkID, '', $setContryLink)); } $leftFields = new CompositeField($memberFields, $shippingFields); $leftFields->setID('LeftOrder'); $rightFields = new CompositeField(); $rightFields->setID('RightOrder'); if (!$member) { $rightFields->push(new HeaderField(_t('OrderForm.MembershipDetails', 'Membership Details'), 3)); $rightFields->push(new LiteralField('MemberInfo', '<p class="message warning">' . _t('OrderForm.MemberInfo', 'If you are already a member please') . " <a href=\"Security/login?BackURL=" . CheckoutPage::find_link(true) . "/\">" . _t('OrderForm.LogIn', 'log in') . '</a>.</p>')); $rightFields->push(new LiteralField('AccountInfo', '<p>' . _t('OrderForm.AccountInfo', 'Please choose a password, so you can login and check your order history in the future') . '</p><br/>')); $rightFields->push(new FieldGroup($pwf = new ConfirmedPasswordField('Password', _t('OrderForm.Password', 'Password')))); //if user doesn't fill out password, we assume they don't want to become a member //TODO: allow different ways of specifying that you want to become a member if (self::$user_membership_optional) { $pwf->setCanBeEmpty(true); } if (self::$force_membership || !self::$user_membership_optional) { $requiredFields[] = 'Password[_Password]'; $requiredFields[] = 'Password[_ConfirmPassword]'; //TODO: allow extending this to provide other ways of indicating that you want to become a member } } else { $rightFields->push(new LiteralField('MemberInfo', '<p class="message good">' . sprintf(_t('OrderForm.LoggedInAs', 'You are logged in as %s.'), $member->getName()) . " <a href=\"Security/logout?BackURL=" . CheckoutPage::find_link(true) . "/\">" . _t('OrderForm.LogOut', 'log out') . '</a>.</p>')); } // 2) Payment fields $currentOrder = ShoppingCart::current_order(); $totalobj = DBField::create('Currency', $currentOrder->Total()); //should instead be $totalobj = $currentOrder->dbObject('Total'); $paymentFields = Payment::combined_form_fields($totalobj->Nice()); foreach ($paymentFields as $field) { $rightFields->push($field); } if ($paymentRequiredFields = Payment::combined_form_requirements()) { $requiredFields = array_merge($requiredFields, $paymentRequiredFields); } // 3) Put all the fields in one FieldSet $fields = new FieldSet($leftFields, $rightFields); // 4) Terms and conditions field // If a terms and conditions page exists, we need to create a field to confirm the user has read it if ($controller->TermsPageID && ($termsPage = $controller->TermsPage())) { $bottomFields = new CompositeField(new CheckboxField('ReadTermsAndConditions', sprintf(_t('OrderForm.TERMSANDCONDITIONS', "I agree to the terms and conditions stated on the <a href=\"%s\" title=\"Read the shop terms and conditions for this site\">terms and conditions</a> page"), $termsPage->Link()))); $bottomFields->setID('BottomOrder'); $fields->push($bottomFields); $requiredFields[] = 'ReadTermsAndConditions'; //TODO: this doesn't work for check-boxes } // 5) Actions and required fields creation $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction('processOrder', _t('OrderForm.processOrder', 'Place order and make payment'))); $requiredFields = new CustomRequiredFields($requiredFields); $this->extend('updateValidator', $requiredFields); $this->extend('updateFields', $fields); // 6) Form construction parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $requiredFields); // 7) Member details loading if ($member && $member->ID) { $this->loadDataFrom($member); } // 8) Country field value update if ($countryField) { $currentOrder = ShoppingCart::current_order(); $currentOrderCountry = $currentOrder->findShippingCountry(true); $countryField->setValue($currentOrderCountry); } //allow updating via decoration $this->extend('updateForm', $this); }
/** * Save the changes to the form, and redirect to the checkout page * @return Boolean + redirection */ function proceed($data, $form, $request) { return $this->processForm($data, $form, $request, CheckoutPage::find_link()); }
static function get_login_invite_alternative_text() { return str_replace("Security/login/", "Security/login/?BackURL=/" . CheckoutPage::find_link(true), self::$login_invite_alternative_text); }
/** * * @return String (URLSegment) **/ function CheckoutLink() { return CheckoutPage::find_link(); }
public function testNestedCheckoutForm() { $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'shop/checkout/', CheckoutPage::find_link(), 'Link is: ' . CheckoutPage::find_link()); }
public function testNestedCheckoutForm() { // NOTE: the "myshop" here comes from the fixtures $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'myshop/checkout/', CheckoutPage::find_link(), 'Link is: ' . CheckoutPage::find_link()); }
function __construct($controller, $name) { Requirements::themedCSS('OrderForm'); // 1) Member and shipping fields $member = Member::currentUser() ? Member::currentUser() : singleton('Member'); $memberFields = new CompositeField($member->getEcommerceFields()); $requiredFields = $member->getEcommerceRequiredFields(); if (ShoppingCart::uses_different_shipping_address()) { $countryField = new DropdownField('ShippingCountry', 'Country', Geoip::getCountryDropDown(), EcommerceRole::findCountry()); $shippingFields = new CompositeField(new HeaderField('Send goods to different address', 3), new LiteralField('ShippingNote', '<p class="warningMessage"><em>Your goods will be sent to the address below.</em></p>'), new LiteralField('Help', '<p>You can use this for gift giving. No billing information will be disclosed to this address.</p>'), new TextField('ShippingName', 'Name'), new TextField('ShippingAddress', 'Address'), new TextField('ShippingAddress2', ''), new TextField('ShippingCity', 'City'), $countryField, new HiddenField('UseShippingAddress', '', true), new FormAction_WithoutLabel('useMemberShippingAddress', 'Use Billing Address for Shipping')); $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingName'; $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingAddress'; $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingCity'; $requiredFields[] = 'ShippingCountry'; } else { $countryField = $memberFields->fieldByName('Country'); $shippingFields = new FormAction_WithoutLabel('useDifferentShippingAddress', 'Use Different Shipping Address'); } $countryField->addExtraClass('ajaxCountryField'); $setCountryLinkID = $countryField->id() . '_SetCountryLink'; $setContryLink = ShoppingCart_Controller::set_country_link(); $memberFields->push(new HiddenField($setCountryLinkID, '', $setContryLink)); $leftFields = new CompositeField($memberFields, $shippingFields); $leftFields->setID('LeftOrder'); $rightFields = new CompositeField(); $rightFields->setID('RightOrder'); if (!$member->ID || $member->Password == '') { $rightFields->push(new HeaderField('Membership Details', 3)); $rightFields->push(new LiteralField('MemberInfo', "<p class=\"message good\">If you are already a member, please <a href=\"Security/login?BackURL=" . CheckoutPage::find_link(true) . "/\">log in</a>.</p>")); $rightFields->push(new LiteralField('AccountInfo', "<p>Please choose a password, so you can login and check your order history in the future.</p><br/>")); $rightFields->push(new FieldGroup(new ConfirmedPasswordField('Password', 'Password'))); $requiredFields[] = 'Password[_Password]'; $requiredFields[] = 'Password[_ConfirmPassword]'; } // 2) Payment fields $currentOrder = ShoppingCart::current_order(); $total = '$' . number_format($currentOrder->Total(), 2); $paymentFields = Payment::combined_form_fields("{$total} " . $currentOrder->Currency(), $currentOrder->Total()); foreach ($paymentFields as $field) { $rightFields->push($field); } if ($paymentRequiredFields = Payment::combined_form_requirements()) { $requiredFields = array_merge($requiredFields, $paymentRequiredFields); } // 3) Put all the fields in one FieldSet $fields = new FieldSet($leftFields, $rightFields); // 4) Terms and conditions field // If a terms and conditions page exists, we need to create a field to confirm the user has read it if ($controller->TermsPageID && ($termsPage = DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $controller->TermsPageID))) { $bottomFields = new CompositeField(new CheckboxField('ReadTermsAndConditions', "I agree to the terms and conditions stated on the <a href=\"{$termsPage->URLSegment}\" title=\"Read the shop terms and conditions for this site\">terms and conditions</a> page")); $bottomFields->setID('BottomOrder'); $fields->push($bottomFields); $requiredFields[] = 'ReadTermsAndConditions'; } // 5) Actions and required fields creation $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction('processOrder', 'Place order and make payment')); $requiredFields = new CustomRequiredFields($requiredFields); // 6) Form construction parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $requiredFields); // 7) Member details loading if ($member->ID) { $this->loadDataFrom($member); } // 8) Country field value update $currentOrder = ShoppingCart::current_order(); $currentOrderCountry = $currentOrder->findShippingCountry(true); $countryField->setValue($currentOrderCountry); }
/** * Get the link for finishing order processing. */ public function Link() { if (Member::currentUser()) { return Controller::join_links(AccountPage::find_link(), 'order', $this->ID); } return CheckoutPage::find_link(false, "order", $this->ID); }
public function getCheckoutLink() { return CheckoutPage::find_link(); }
/** * Return a link to the {@link CheckoutPage} instance * that exists in the database. * * @return string */ function checkoutLink() { return $this->ID ? CheckoutPage::get_checkout_order_link($this->ID) : CheckoutPage::find_link(); }