  * process event
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context
  * @return boolean|Charcoal_Boolean
 public function processEvent($context)
     /** @var GenerateModelEvent $event */
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // get event parameters
     $db_name = $event->getDatabase();
     /** @var Charcoal_SmartGateway $gw */
     $gw = $context->getComponent('smart_gateway@:charcoal:db');
     // find models in project/app path
     $find_path = Charcoal_EnumFindPath::FIND_PATH_PROJECT | Charcoal_EnumFindPath::FIND_PATH_APPLICATION;
     $models = $gw->listModels($find_path);
     // switch database
     // create tables
     foreach ($models as $model_name => $model) {
         $table = $model->getTableName();
         echo "creating table: [TABLE NAME]{$table} [MODEL NAME]{$model_name}\n";
         $rows_affected = $gw->createTable(null, $model_name, true);
         if ($rows_affected) {
             echo "successfully created table[{$table}].\n";
         } else {
             echo "failed to create table[{$table}].\n";
     return b(true);
  * process event
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context   event context
  * @return Charcoal_Boolean|bool
 public function processEvent($context)
     //        $request   = $context->getRequest();
     //        $response  = $context->getResponse();
     //        $sequence  = $context->getSequence();
     //        $procedure = $context->getProcedure();
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     if ($event instanceof Charcoal_TestResultEvent) {
         /** @var Charcoal_TestResultEvent $event */
         $section = $event->getSection();
         $action = $event->getAction();
         $result = $event->getSuccess();
         if (!$result) {
         if (!isset($this->section_map[$section])) {
             $this->section_map[$section] = array(array(), 0, 0);
         list($tests, $assertions, $failures) = $this->section_map[$section];
         if (!$result) {
         if (!in_array($action, $tests)) {
             $tests[] = $action;
         $this->section_map[$section] = array($tests, $assertions, $failures);
     } else {
         if ($event instanceof Charcoal_TestSummaryEvent) {
             if (!$context->getEventQueue()->isEmpty()) {
                 // 他にイベントが残っている場合は処理しない
                 return FALSE;
             echo PHP_EOL;
             echo "==========================================" . PHP_EOL;
             echo "Test Result Summary" . PHP_EOL;
             echo " --------------------------------------- " . PHP_EOL;
             echo " Tests/Assertions/Failures by section:" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             foreach ($this->section_map as $section => $map) {
                 list($tests, $assertions, $failures) = $map;
                 echo "   [{$section}] " . count($tests) . " / {$assertions} / {$failures}" . PHP_EOL;
             echo " --------------------------------------- " . PHP_EOL;
             echo " Total:" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             echo "  Tests: " . $this->tests . PHP_EOL;
             echo "  Assertions: " . $this->assertions . PHP_EOL;
             echo "  Failures: " . $this->failures . PHP_EOL;
             echo "==========================================" . PHP_EOL;
     return TRUE;
  * process event
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context
  * @return boolean|Charcoal_Boolean
 public function processEvent($context)
     /** @var GenerateModelEvent $event */
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // get event parameters
     $db_name = $event->getDatabase();
     $table_name = $event->getTable();
     $out_dir = $event->getTargetDir();
     $entity = Charcoal_System::pascalCase($table_name);
     $config_key = Charcoal_System::snakeCase($table_name);
     $table_model_class_name = "{$entity}TableModel";
     $table_dto_class_name = "{$entity}TableDTO";
     $listing_dto_class_name = "{$entity}ListingDTO";
     /** @var Charcoal_SmartGateway $gw */
     $gw = $context->getComponent('smart_gateway@:charcoal:db');
     // Mmake output directory
     $out_dir = $this->prepareOutputDirectory($out_dir);
     // confirm if the table exists
     $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? ";
     $params = array($table_name, $db_name);
     $count = $gw->queryValue(NULL, $sql, $params);
     if ($count < 1) {
         print "[ERROR] Specified table '{$table_name}' does not exist in schema: '{$db_name}'. Please check your database settings." . PHP_EOL;
         return b(true);
     // Retrieve column information
     $sql .= " FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? ";
     $params = array($table_name, $db_name);
     $colmn_attr_list = $gw->query(NULL, $sql, $params);
     // Genarate  table model file
     $this->generateTableModelFile($table_name, $colmn_attr_list, $table_model_class_name, $table_dto_class_name, $out_dir);
     // Genarate table DTO file
     $this->generateTableDtolFile($table_name, $colmn_attr_list, $table_dto_class_name, $out_dir);
     // Genarate listing DTO file
     $this->generateListingDtolFile($table_name, $colmn_attr_list, $listing_dto_class_name, $out_dir);
     // Genarate  config file
     $this->generateTableConfigFile($table_name, $table_model_class_name, $config_key, $out_dir);
     return b(true);
  * Process events
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context   event context
 public function processEvent($context)
     $request = $context->getRequest();
     $response = $context->getResponse();
     $sequence = $context->getSequence();
     $procedure = $context->getProcedure();
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // form token component
     $form_token = $context->getComponent(s('form_token@:charcoal:form'));
     if ($event instanceof Charcoal_SetupEvent) {
         $form_token->setupForm($sequence, $response);
         return b(TRUE);
     } elseif ($event instanceof Charcoal_AuthTokenEvent) {
         return $form_token->checkToken($sequence, $request);
     return b(FALSE);
  * Process events
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context   event context
  * @return boolean
 public function processEvent($context)
     log_debug("smarty", "smarty=" . spl_object_hash($this->smarty), self::TAG);
     /** @var Charcoal_RenderLayoutEvent $event */
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     /** @var Charcoal_HttpResponse $response */
     $response = $context->getResponse();
     $sequence = $context->getSequence();
     // output response headers
     //        $response->flushHeaders();
     // retrieve layout
     $layout = $event->getLayout();
     log_debug("smarty", "Rendering by smarty. Layout:" . print_r($layout, true), self::TAG);
     log_debug("smarty", "caching=" . print_r($this->smarty->caching, true), self::TAG);
     log_debug("smarty", "template_dir=" . print_r($this->smarty->template_dir, true), self::TAG);
     log_debug("smarty", "compile_dir=" . print_r($this->smarty->compile_dir, true), self::TAG);
     log_debug("smarty", "config_dir=" . print_r($this->smarty->config_dir, true), self::TAG);
     log_debug("smarty", "cache_dir=" . print_r($this->smarty->cache_dir, true), self::TAG);
     log_debug("smarty", "plugins_dir=" . print_r($this->smarty->plugins_dir, true), self::TAG);
     $error_handler_old = NULL;
     try {
         $charcoal = array();
         // page redirection
         if ($layout instanceof Charcoal_IRedirectLayout) {
             $url = $layout->makeRedirectURL();
             log_debug("system, debug, smarty, redirect", "redirected to URL: {$url}", self::TAG);
         } elseif ($event instanceof Charcoal_URLRedirectEvent) {
             /** @var Charcoal_URLRedirectEvent $event */
             $url = $event->getURL();
             log_debug("system, debug, smarty, redirect", "redirected to URL: {$url}", self::TAG);
         } elseif ($event instanceof Charcoal_RenderLayoutEvent) {
             // Page information
             $page_info = $layout->getAttribute(s('page_info'));
             log_debug("smarty", "page_info=" . print_r($page_info, true), self::TAG);
             // Profile information
             $profile_config = $this->getSandbox()->getProfile()->getAll();
             if ($profile_config && is_array($profile_config)) {
                 foreach ($profile_config as $key => $value) {
                     $charcoal['profile'][$key] = $value;
             // Cookie information
             if ($response instanceof Charcoal_HttpResponse) {
                 $cookies = $response->getCookies();
                 if ($cookies && is_array($cookies)) {
                     foreach ($cookies as $key => $value) {
                         $charcoal['cookie'][$key] = $value;
             $smarty = $this->smarty;
             // Assign variables
             if ($page_info && is_array($page_info)) {
                 foreach ($page_info as $key => $value) {
                     $smarty->assign($key, $value);
             // Sequence data
             $charcoal['sequence'] = $sequence;
             // Request ID and reauest path
             $charcoal['request']['id'] = $this->getSandbox()->getEnvironment()->get('%REQUEST_ID%');
             $charcoal['request']['path'] = $this->getSandbox()->getEnvironment()->get('%REQUEST_PATH%');
             // Assign all
             $smarty->assign('charcoal', $charcoal);
             // Assign all layout values
             $layout_values = $event->getValues();
             if (!$layout_values) {
                 // If layout values are not set, response values will be used instead.
                 $layout_values = $response->getAll();
             foreach ($layout_values as $key => $value) {
                 $smarty->assign($key, $value);
             $smarty->assign('_smarty', $smarty);
             // render template
             $template = $layout->getAttribute(s('layout'));
             // set smarty error_reporting flags
             $this->smarty->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE & ~8192;
             // rewrite error handler
             $error_handler_old = set_error_handler(array($this, "onUnhandledError"));
             // compile and output template
             log_debug("smarty", "template={$template}", self::TAG);
             $html = $smarty->fetch($template);
             log_debug("smarty", "html={$html}", self::TAG);
             // output to rendering target
             $render_target = $event->getRenderTarget();
             if ($render_target) {
                 log_debug("smarty", "Rendered by render target: {$render_target}", self::TAG);
             } else {
                 echo $html;
                 log_debug("smarty", "Output by echo.", self::TAG);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_SmartyRendererTaskException("rendering failed", $ex));
     if ($error_handler_old) {
     return b(TRUE);
  * Process events
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context   event context
  * @return Charcoal_Boolean|bool
 public function processEvent($context)
     $this->context = $context;
     /** @var Charcoal_TestEvent $event */
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     $is_debug = $context->isDebug();
     // パラメータを取得
     $section = $event->getSection();
     $target = $event->getTarget();
     $actions = $event->getActions();
     $this->section = $section;
     if ($is_debug) {
         log_debug("debug,event", "event section: {$section}");
     if ($is_debug) {
         log_debug("debug,event", "event target: {$target}");
     if ($is_debug) {
         log_debug("debug,event", "event actions: {$actions}");
     if ($is_debug) {
         log_debug("debug,event", "this object path: " . $this->getObjectPath());
     if ($target != $this->getObjectPath()) {
         if ($is_debug) {
             log_debug("debug,event", "not target: " . $event);
         return FALSE;
     if ($is_debug) {
         log_debug("debug,event", "target: " . $event);
     $actions = explode(',', $actions);
     // アクションに対するテストが記述されているか確認する
     $total_actions = 0;
     if ($actions) {
         foreach ($actions as $action) {
             $action = trim($action);
             if (strlen($action) === 0) {
             if ($this->isValidAction($action)) {
     if ($total_actions === 0) {
         return TRUE;
     // テスト実行
     $this->tests = 0;
     $this->asserts = 0;
     $this->failures = 0;
     echo PHP_EOL . "===================================================" . PHP_EOL;
     echo "Section[{$section}](total actions:{$total_actions})" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($actions as $action) {
         $action = trim($action);
         if (strlen($action) === 0) {
         $this->action = $action;
         if (!$this->isValidAction($action)) {
         //echo "-------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "Doing action: [{$action}] ..." . PHP_EOL;
         try {
             $this->setUp($action, $context);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo "Test execution failed while setup:" . $e . PHP_EOL;
             return TRUE;
         try {
             $tested = $this->test($action, $context);
             if ($tested) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo "[Info]Caught exception:" . get_class($e) . PHP_EOL;
             if ($this->expected_exception) {
                 if ($this->expected_exception != get_class($e)) {
                     $expected = $this->expected_exception;
                     $actual = get_class($e);
                     $this->message2(get_class($e), "Expected", "Actual", $expected, $actual);
             } else {
                 echo "[Warning]Test execution failed while test:" . $e . PHP_EOL;
         try {
             $this->cleanUp($action, $context);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo "Test execution failed while clean up:" . $e . PHP_EOL;
             return TRUE;
         echo "Action finished: [{$action}]" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     // 終了メッセージ
     if ($this->tests > 0) {
         echo "Tests complete! : [{$section}]" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         echo "Tests: {$this->tests} Assertions: {$this->asserts} Failures: {$this->failures}" . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         echo "No tests were processed." . PHP_EOL;
     echo "===================================================" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     return TRUE;
  * Process events
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context   event context
 public function processEvent($context)
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     $response = $context->getResponse();
     $sequence = $context->getSequence();
     // output response headers
     // retrieve layout
     $layout = $event->getLayout();
     //        log_info( "system,renderer", "Rendering by smarty. Layout:" . print_r($layout,true) );
     try {
         $charcoal = array();
         // page redirection
         if ($layout instanceof Charcoal_IRedirectLayout) {
             $url = $layout->makeRedirectURL();
             //                log_info( "system,renderer", "renderer", "Redirected to: $url" );
         } elseif ($event instanceof Charcoal_URLRedirectEvent) {
             $url = $event->getURL();
             //                log_info( "system,renderer", "renderer", "Redirected to: $url" );
         } else {
             // Page information
             $page_info = $layout->getAttribute(s('page_info'));
             // Profile information
             $profile_config = Charcoal_Profile::getConfig();
             if ($profile_config && is_array($profile_config)) {
                 foreach ($profile_config as $key => $value) {
                     $charcoal['profile'][$key] = $value;
             // Cookie information
             $cookies = $response->getCookies();
             if ($cookies && is_array($cookies)) {
                 foreach ($cookies as $key => $value) {
                     $charcoal['cookie'][$key] = $value;
             // Assign variables
             if ($page_info && is_array($page_info)) {
                 foreach ($page_info as $key => $value) {
                     ${$key} = $value;
             // Sequence data
             $charcoal['sequence'] = $sequence;
             // Request ID and reauest path
             $charcoal['request']['id'] = $this->getSandbox()->getEnvironment()->get('%REQUEST_ID%');
             $charcoal['request']['path'] = $this->getSandbox()->getEnvironment()->get('%REQUEST_PATH%');
             // Assign all
             //$charcoal = $charcoal;
             // Assign all response values
             $keys = $response->getKeys();
             foreach ($keys as $key) {
                 $value = $response->get(s($key));
                 $smarty->assign($key, $value);
             // render template
             $template = $layout->getAttribute(s('layout'));
             //                log_info( "smarty", "template=$template" );
             $html = $smarty->fetch($template);
             //                log_info( "smarty", "html=$html" );
             echo $html;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_SmartyRendererTaskException("rendering failed", $ex));
     return b(TRUE);
  * process event
  * @param Charcoal_IEventContext $context
  * @return boolean|Charcoal_Boolean
 public function processEvent($context)
     /** @var ShowTableEvent $event */
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // get event parameters
     $db_name = $event->getDatabase();
     $table_name = $event->getTable();
     /** @var Charcoal_SmartGateway $gw */
     $gw = $context->getComponent('smart_gateway@:charcoal:db');
     // confirm if the table exists
     $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? ";
     $params = array($table_name, $db_name);
     $count = $gw->queryValue(NULL, $sql, $params);
     if ($count < 1) {
         print "[ERROR] Specified table '{$table_name}' does not exist in schema: '{$db_name}'. Maybe table name is wrong?" . PHP_EOL;
         return b(true);
     print "Showing table information." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     print "=========================================" . PHP_EOL;
     print "Table description: {$table_name}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     // Retrieve column information
     $sql .= " FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ? ";
     $params = array($table_name, $db_name);
     $colmn_attr_list = $gw->query(NULL, $sql, $params);
     // get max length
     $field_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_NAME', 'Field Name');
     $type_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_TYPE', 'Type');
     $null_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'IS_NULLABLE', 'Null');
     $key_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_KEY', 'Key');
     $default_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_DEFAULT', 'Default');
     $extra_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'EXTRA', 'Extra');
     $comment_max_width = $this->getMaxLengthOfMeta($colmn_attr_list, 'COLUMN_COMMENT', 'Comment');
     print "null_max_width: {$null_max_width}\n";
     print "key_max_width: {$key_max_width}\n";
     print str_pad("Field Name", $field_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Type", $type_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Null", $null_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Key", $key_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Default", $default_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Extra", $extra_max_width + 1) . " ";
     print str_pad("Comment", $comment_max_width + 1) . PHP_EOL;
     $line_width = $field_max_width + $type_max_width + $null_max_width + $key_max_width + $default_max_width + $extra_max_width + $comment_max_width + 15;
     print str_repeat("-", $line_width) . PHP_EOL;
     $conv = Charcoal_EncodingConverter::fromString($this->getSandbox(), 'DB', 'CLI');
     foreach ($colmn_attr_list as $colmn_attr) {
         $field = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_NAME'];
         $type = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_TYPE'];
         $null = $colmn_attr['IS_NULLABLE'];
         $key = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_KEY'];
         $default = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_DEFAULT'];
         $extra = $colmn_attr['EXTRA'];
         $comment = $colmn_attr['COLUMN_COMMENT'];
         $comment = $conv->convert($comment);
         $field = str_pad($field, $field_max_width + 1);
         $type = str_pad($type, $type_max_width + 1);
         $null = str_pad($null, $null_max_width + 1);
         $key = str_pad($key, $key_max_width + 1);
         $default = str_pad($default, $default_max_width + 1);
         $extra = str_pad($extra, $extra_max_width + 1);
         $comment = str_pad($comment, $comment_max_width + 1);
         print "{$field} {$type} {$null} {$key} {$default} {$extra} {$comment}" . PHP_EOL;
     print PHP_EOL . "Done." . PHP_EOL;
     return b(true);