  * イベントを処理する
 public function processEvent($context)
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // パラメータを取得
     $app_name = $event->getAppName();
     $project_name = $event->getProjectName();
     $out_dir = $event->getTargetDir();
     // Confirm input parameters
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $app_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($app_name));
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $project_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($project_name));
     // Make output directory
     $out_dir = new Charcoal_File($out_dir);
     // Make web_app directory
     $webapp_dir = new Charcoal_File('web_app', $out_dir);
     // Make project directory
     $project_dir = new Charcoal_File($project_name, $webapp_dir);
     // Make project/app directory
     $project_app_dir = new Charcoal_File('app', $project_dir);
     // Make application directory
     $application_dir = new Charcoal_File($app_name, $project_app_dir);
     // Make application/class directory
     $app_class_dir = new Charcoal_File('class', $application_dir);
     // Make application/config directory
     $app_config_dir = new Charcoal_File('config', $application_dir);
     // Make application/module directory
     $module_dir = new Charcoal_File('module', $application_dir);
     echo "Application[{$app_name}] created at: " . $application_dir->getAbsolutePath() . PHP_EOL;
     return b(true);
 public function createDirectory($dir_path, $mode = 0777)
     Charcoal_ParamTrait::validateString(1, $dir_path);
     Charcoal_ParamTrait::validateInteger(2, $mode);
     try {
         $obj = new Charcoal_File($dir_path, $this->_base_dir_obj);
         $obj->makeDirectory($mode, TRUE);
         return $obj;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_FileSystemComponentException(s('creating directory failed.'), $e));
 public function open()
     // すでに開いているならなにもしない
     if ($this->open) {
     $file_name = rtrim($this->logs_dir, ' /') . '/' . ltrim($this->file_name, ' /');
     $dir = new Charcoal_File(dirname($file_name));
     // ディレクトリを作成
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         print "FATAL error occured while output log file:{$this->file_name} error={$e}" . PHP_EOL;
     $this->fp = fopen($file_name, "a");
     $this->open = $this->fp != FALSE;
  *    render buffer
  * @param Charcoal_String|string $buffer    rendering data
 public function render($buffer)
     Charcoal_ParamTrait::validateString(1, $buffer);
     $buffer = us($buffer);
     if (is_string($buffer)) {
         $dir = new Charcoal_File(dirname($this->file_path));
         if (!$dir->exists()) {
         if (!$dir->isWriteable()) {
             _throw(new Charcoal_RenderTargetException("directory not writable: {$dir}"));
         $result = @file_put_contents($this->file_path, $buffer, LOCK_EX);
         if ($result === FALSE) {
             $last_error = print_r(error_get_last(), true);
             _throw(new Charcoal_RenderTargetException("file_put_contents failed: {$this->file_path} last error: {$last_error}"));
  * イベントを処理する
 public function processEvent($context)
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // パラメータを取得
     $module_path = $event->getModulePath();
     $app_name = $event->getAppName();
     $project_name = $event->getProjectName();
     $out_dir = $event->getTargetDir();
     // Confirm input parameters
     if (!preg_match('/^[@:0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $module_path)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($module_path));
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $app_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($app_name));
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $project_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($project_name));
     // Make output directory
     $out_dir = new Charcoal_File($out_dir);
     // Make web_app directory
     $webapp_dir = new Charcoal_File('web_app', $out_dir);
     // Make project directory
     $project_dir = new Charcoal_File($project_name, $webapp_dir);
     // Make project/app directory
     $project_app_dir = new Charcoal_File('app', $project_dir);
     // Make application directory
     $application_dir = new Charcoal_File($app_name, $project_app_dir);
     // Make application/module directory
     $module_dir = new Charcoal_File('module', $application_dir);
     // Make target module directory
     $module_path = new Charcoal_ObjectPath($module_path);
     $target_module_dir = new Charcoal_File($module_path->getRealPath(), $module_dir);
     // Make procedure.ini file
     $lines = NULL;
     $lines[] = "debug_mode        = false";
     $lines[] = "class_name        = Charcoal_SimpleProcedure";
     $lines[] = "task_manager      = default_task_manager";
     $lines[] = "tasks             = ";
     $lines[] = "modules           = ";
     $lines[] = "events            = ";
     $lines[] = "log_enabled       = yes";
     $lines[] = "log_level         = E";
     $lines[] = "log_loggers       = error";
     $outfile = new Charcoal_File('procedure.ini', $target_module_dir);
     Charcoal_FileSystemUtil::outputFile($outfile, $lines);
     echo "Module[{$module_path}] created at: " . $target_module_dir->getAbsolutePath() . PHP_EOL;
     return b(true);
  * create directory
  * @return Charcoal_File file object of created directory
 public function create()
     try {
         $obj = new Charcoal_File(s($this->_dir_path));
         $obj->makeDirectory($this->_mode, b(TRUE));
         return $obj;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_TempDirComponentException(s('creating directory failed.'), $e));
  * イベントを処理する
 public function processEvent($context)
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // パラメータを取得
     $project_name = $event->getProjectName();
     $out_dir = $event->getTargetDir();
     // Confirm input parameters
     if (empty($project_name) || !preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $project_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($project_name));
     // Make output directory
     $out_dir = new Charcoal_File($out_dir);
     // Make public directory
     $public_dir = new Charcoal_File('public_html', $out_dir);
     // Make ext_lib directory
     $ext_lib_dir = new Charcoal_File('ext_lib', $out_dir);
     // Make logs directory
     $logs_dir = new Charcoal_File('logs', $out_dir);
     // Make sessions directory
     $sessions_dir = new Charcoal_File('sessions', $out_dir);
     // Make cache directory
     $cache_dir = new Charcoal_File('cache', $out_dir);
     // Make tmp directory
     $tmp_dir = new Charcoal_File('tmp', $out_dir);
     // Make web_app directory
     $webapp_dir = new Charcoal_File('web_app', $out_dir);
     // Make project directory
     $project_dir = new Charcoal_File($project_name, $webapp_dir);
     // Make project/app directory
     $project_app_dir = new Charcoal_File('app', $project_dir);
     // Make project/config directory
     $project_config_dir = new Charcoal_File('config', $project_dir);
     echo "Project[{$project_name}] created at: " . $project_dir->getAbsolutePath() . PHP_EOL;
     return b(true);
  * prepare output directory
  * @param string $out_dir
  * @return Charcoal_File
 private function prepareOutputDirectory($out_dir)
     $out_dir = new Charcoal_File($out_dir);
  * イベントを処理する
 public function processEvent($context)
     $event = $context->getEvent();
     // パラメータを取得
     $task_name = $event->getTaskName();
     $module_path = $event->getModulePath();
     $app_name = $event->getAppName();
     $project_name = $event->getProjectName();
     $out_dir = $event->getTargetDir();
     // Confirm input parameters
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $task_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($task_name));
     if (!preg_match('/^[@:0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $module_path)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($module_path));
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $app_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($app_name));
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$/', $project_name)) {
         _throw(new Charcoal_InvalidArgumentException($project_name));
     // Make output directory
     $out_dir = new Charcoal_File($out_dir);
     // Make web_app directory
     $webapp_dir = new Charcoal_File('web_app', $out_dir);
     // Make project directory
     $project_dir = new Charcoal_File($project_name, $webapp_dir);
     // Make project/app directory
     $project_app_dir = new Charcoal_File('app', $project_dir);
     // Make application directory
     $application_dir = new Charcoal_File($app_name, $project_app_dir);
     // Make application/module directory
     $module_dir = new Charcoal_File('module', $application_dir);
     // Make target module directory
     $module_path = new Charcoal_ObjectPath($module_path);
     $target_module_dir = new Charcoal_File($module_path->getRealPath(), $module_dir);
     // Make task.ini file
     $task_class_name = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $task_name))) . 'Task';
     $lines = NULL;
     $lines[] = "class_name        = {$task_class_name}";
     $lines[] = "event_filters     = ";
     $outfile = new Charcoal_File($task_name . '_task.task.ini', $target_module_dir);
     Charcoal_FileSystemUtil::outputFile($outfile, $lines);
     // Make task class file
     $lines = NULL;
     $lines[] = "<?php";
     $lines[] = "/**";
     $lines[] = " *   (Auto Generated Class)";
     $lines[] = " *   {$task_class_name} class";
     $lines[] = " *   ";
     $lines[] = " *   generated by CharcoalPHP ver." . Charcoal_Framework::getVersion();
     $lines[] = " *   ";
     $lines[] = " *   @author     your name";
     $lines[] = " *   @copyright  ";
     $lines[] = " */";
     $lines[] = "class {$task_class_name} extends Charcoal_Task";
     $lines[] = "{";
     $lines[] = "    /**";
     $lines[] = "     * Process user/system event";
     $lines[] = "     *";
     $lines[] = "     * @param Charcoal_EventContext \$context       Event context";
     $lines[] = "     * ";
     $lines[] = "     * @return bool|Charcoal_Boolean       Return true if the event is processed. Or you can ";
     $lines[] = "     *        return false if another task should process the event.";
     $lines[] = "     */";
     $lines[] = "    public function processEvent( \$context )";
     $lines[] = "    {";
     $lines[] = "        \$request   = \$context->getRequest();";
     $lines[] = "        \$response  = \$context->getResponse();";
     $lines[] = "        \$sequence  = \$context->getSequence();";
     $lines[] = "        \$procedure = \$context->getProcedure();";
     $lines[] = "        ";
     $lines[] = "        // TODO: write processing event code here";
     $lines[] = "        \$name = \$request->getString('name', 'john');";
     $lines[] = "        ";
     $lines[] = "        return b(true);";
     $lines[] = "    }";
     $lines[] = "}";
     $outfile = new Charcoal_File($task_class_name . '.class.php', $target_module_dir);
     Charcoal_FileSystemUtil::outputFile($outfile, $lines);
     echo "Task[{$task_name}] created at: " . $target_module_dir->getAbsolutePath() . PHP_EOL;
     return b(true);