  * Save data to this table. If a primary key value is given, that row will be
  * updated; otherwise, a new row will be inserted.
  * @param array  $data The data to insert.
  * @param string $pk_value The value of the record's PK. Null if the record doesn't exist.
  * @return \WordPress\Tabulate\DB\Record The updated or inserted record.
  * @throws Exception If the user doesn't have permission, or something else has gone wrong.
 public function save_record($data, $pk_value = null)
     // Changeset only created here if not already in progress.
     $changeset_comment = isset($data['changeset_comment']) ? $data['changeset_comment'] : null;
     $change_tracker = new ChangeTracker($this->get_database()->get_wpdb(), $changeset_comment);
     $columns = $this->get_columns();
      * Go through all data and clean it up before saving.
     $sql_values = array();
     foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
         // Make sure this column exists in the DB.
         if (!isset($columns[$field])) {
         $column = $this->get_column($field);
         if ($column->is_auto_increment()) {
             // Auto-incrementing columns.
             // Do nothing (don't set $sql_values item).
         } elseif ($column->is_boolean()) {
             // Boolean values.
             if ($column->nullable() && (is_null($value) || '' === $value)) {
                 // Null.
                 $data[$field] = null;
                 $sql_values[$field] = 'NULL';
             } elseif ($value === false || in_array(strtoupper($value), array('0', 'FALSE', 'OFF', 'NO'))) {
                 // False.
                 $data[$field] = false;
                 $sql_values[$field] = '0';
             } else {
                 // True.
                 $data[$field] = true;
                 $sql_values[$field] = '1';
         } elseif (!$column->allows_empty_string() && '' === $value && $column->nullable()) {
             // Empty strings.
             $data[$field] = null;
             $sql_values[$field] = 'NULL';
         } elseif (is_null($value) && $column->nullable()) {
             // Nulls.
             $data[$field] = null;
             $sql_values[$field] = 'NULL';
         } elseif ($column->get_type() === 'point') {
             // POINT columns.
             $sql_values[$field] = "GeomFromText('" . esc_sql($value) . "')";
         } elseif ($column->is_numeric()) {
             // Numeric values.
             $sql_values[$field] = $value;
         } else {
             // Everything else.
             $sql_values[$field] = "'" . esc_sql($value) . "'";
     // Find the PK, and hide errors (for now).
     $pk_name = $this->get_pk_column()->get_name();
     // Compile SQL for insert and update statements.
     // This is a workaround for NULL support in $wpdb->update() and $wpdb->insert().
     // Can probably be removed when https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15158 is resolved.
     $set_items = array();
     foreach ($sql_values as $field => $escd_datum) {
         $set_items[] = "`{$field}` = {$escd_datum}";
     $set_clause = 'SET ' . join(', ', $set_items);
     // Prevent PK from being set to empty.
     if (isset($data[$pk_name]) && empty($data[$pk_name])) {
     $change_tracker->before_save($this, $data, $pk_value);
     if (!empty($pk_value)) {
         // Update?
         // Check permission.
         if (!Grants::current_user_can(Grants::UPDATE, $this->get_name())) {
             throw new Exception('You do not have permission to update data in this table.');
         $where_clause = $this->database->get_wpdb()->prepare("WHERE `{$pk_name}` = %s", $pk_value);
         $this->database->get_wpdb()->query('UPDATE ' . $this->get_name() . " {$set_clause} {$where_clause};");
         $new_pk_value = isset($data[$pk_name]) ? $data[$pk_name] : $pk_value;
     } else {
         // Or insert?
         // Check permission.
         if (!Grants::current_user_can(Grants::CREATE, $this->get_name())) {
             throw new Exception('You do not have permission to insert records into this table.');
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->get_name() . ' ' . $set_clause . ';';
         if (!empty($this->database->get_wpdb()->last_error)) {
             Exception::wp_die('The record was not created.', 'Unable to create record', $this->database->get_wpdb()->last_error, $sql);
             // WPCS: XSS OK.
         if ($this->get_pk_column()->is_auto_increment()) {
             // Use the last insert ID.
             $new_pk_value = $this->database->get_wpdb()->insert_id;
         } elseif (isset($data[$pk_name])) {
             // Or the PK value provided in the data.
             $new_pk_value = $data[$pk_name];
         } else {
             // If neither of those work, how can we find out the new PK value?
             throw new Exception("Unable to determine the value of the new record's prmary key.");
     $new_record = $this->get_record($new_pk_value);
     if (!$new_record instanceof Record) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to fetch record with PK of: <code>" . var_export($new_pk_value, true) . '</code>');
     // Save the changes.
     $change_tracker->after_save($this, $new_record);
     // Show errors again, reset the record count,
     // and return the new or updated record.
     return $new_record;
  * Save data to this table.  If the 'id' key of the data array is numeric,
  * the row with that ID will be updated; otherwise, a new row will be
  * inserted.
  * @param array $data The data to insert.
  * @param string $pk_value The value of the record's PK.
  * @return Record The updated or inserted record.
 public function save_record($data, $pk_value = null)
     // Changeset only created here if not already in progress.
     $changeset_comment = isset($data['changeset_comment']) ? $data['changeset_comment'] : null;
     $change_tracker = new ChangeTracker($this->get_database()->get_wpdb(), $changeset_comment);
     $columns = $this->get_columns();
      * Go through all data and clean it up before saving.
     foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
         // Make sure this column exists in the DB.
         if (!isset($columns[$field])) {
         $column = $this->get_column($field);
         // Boolean values.
         if ($column->is_boolean()) {
             $zeroValues = array(0, '0', false, 'false', 'FALSE', 'off', 'OFF', 'no', 'NO');
             if (($value === null || $value === '') && $column->nullable()) {
                 $data[$field] = null;
             } elseif (in_array($value, $zeroValues, true)) {
                 $data[$field] = false;
             } else {
                 $data[$field] = true;
         // Empty strings.
         if (!$column->allows_empty_string() && '' === $value && $column->nullable()) {
             $data[$field] = null;
     // Find the PK, and hide errors (for now).
     $pk_name = $this->get_pk_column()->get_name();
     // Compile SQL for insert and update statements.
     // This is a workaround for NULL support in $wpdb->update() and $wpdb->insert().
     // Can probably be removed when https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15158 is resolved.
     $set_items = array();
     foreach ($data as $field => $datum) {
         if (is_null($datum)) {
             $escd_datum = 'NULL';
         } elseif (is_numeric($datum)) {
             $escd_datum = $datum;
         } else {
             $escd_datum = "'" . esc_sql($datum) . "'";
         $set_items[] = "`{$field}` = {$escd_datum}";
     $set_clause = 'SET ' . join(', ', $set_items);
     // Prevent PK from being set to empty.
     if (isset($data[$pk_name]) && empty($data[$pk_name])) {
     $change_tracker->before_save($this, $data, $pk_value);
     if ($pk_value) {
         // Update?
         // Check permission.
         if (!Grants::current_user_can(Grants::UPDATE, $this->get_name())) {
             throw new \Exception('You do not have permission to update data in this table.');
         $where_clause = $this->database->get_wpdb()->prepare("WHERE `{$pk_name}` = %s", $pk_value);
         $this->database->get_wpdb()->query('UPDATE ' . $this->get_name() . " {$set_clause} {$where_clause};");
         $new_pk_value = isset($data[$pk_name]) ? $data[$pk_name] : $pk_value;
     } else {
         // Or insert?
         // Check permission.
         if (!Grants::current_user_can(Grants::CREATE, $this->get_name())) {
             throw new \Exception('You do not have permission to insert records into this table.');
         $this->database->get_wpdb()->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->get_name() . " {$set_clause};");
         if (!empty($this->database->get_wpdb()->last_error)) {
             throw new Exception($this->database->get_wpdb()->last_error);
         $new_pk_value = $this->database->get_wpdb()->insert_id;
     $new_record = $this->get_record($new_pk_value);
     // Save the changes.
     $change_tracker->after_save($this, $new_record);
     // Show errors again, reset the record count,
     // and return the new or updated record.
     $this->record_count = false;
     return $new_record;