public function testFree()
     $this->client->shouldReceive('request')->with('v1.2/champion', ['freeToPlay' => 'true', 'api_key' => 'key'])->once()->andReturn(file_get_contents('tests/Json/'));
     Api::setKey('key', $this->client);
     $free = Champion::free();
     $this->assertEquals(10, count($free->champions));
 public function indexAction()
     // Get all champions in database, don't need champion ids
     $results = Champion::find(array("columns" => "champion_name", "order" => "champion_name"));
     // Make array for champion list
     $champions = array();
     // Push each champion onto array
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         array_push($champions, $result->champion_name);
     $this->view->setVar('champions', $champions);
 public function updateChampionVSAction()
     print "Finding champions: ";
     $champion_list = Champion::find(array("columns" => "champion_id"))->toArray();
     $vs_list = Champion::find(array("columns" => "champion_id"))->toArray();
     print "Champion list: " . $champion_list;
     print "VS Champion list: " . $vs_list;
     foreach ($champion_list as $champion) {
         $champion_id = $champion["champion_id"];
         foreach ($vs_list as $vs_champion) {
             $vs_id = $vs_champion["champion_id"];
             $vs_phql = "SELECT as matchId, c1.assigned_id as assignedId, CONCAT(IFNULL(stat.item0,''),' ',IFNULL(stat.item1,''),' ',IFNULL(stat.item2,''),' ',IFNULL(stat.item3,''),' ',IFNULL(stat.item4,''),' ',IFNULL(stat.item5,'')) AS items\n        FROM MatchParticipant c1 \n        JOIN MatchParticipant c2 ON =\n        JOIN ParticipantStats stat ON = AND c1.player_id = stat.player_id WHERE c1.champion_id = :champion_id: AND c2.champion_id = :vs_id: AND c1.team_id != c2.team_id  AND stat.winner = 1";
             print "Executing query for" . $champion_id . "and" . $vs_id . ": ";
             print $vs_phql;
             $games = $this->modelsManager->executeQuery($vs_phql, array("champion_id" => $champion_id, "vs_id" => $vs_id));
             $all_item_sets = array();
             print "Analyzing ";
             foreach ($games as $game) {
                 // Gets item list and sorts
                 $items_as_array = explode(' ', $game->items);
                 sort($items_as_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
                 $game_items = implode(' ', $items_as_array);
                 // If item set exists then increment, otherwise add in item set
                 if (array_key_exists($game_items, $all_item_sets)) {
                     $all_item_sets[$game_items] += 1;
                 } else {
                     $all_item_sets += array($game_items => 1);
             // Get item set with most wins
             $winningest_item_set = array_search(max($all_item_sets), $all_item_sets);
             print $winningest_item_set;
             $vs_item_set = new CachedData();
             $vs_item_set->save(array("type" => "vs_item_set", "conditionals" => json_encode(array("champion_id" => $champion_id, "vs_id" => $vs_id)), "value" => $winningest_item_set, "updated_at" => date("Y-m-d H:I:s")));
                             print("Inserting vs skill set into CachedData");
                             $vs_skill_set = new CachedData();
                                     "type" => "vs_skill_set",
                                     "conditionals" => json_encode(array("champion_id" => $champion_id, "vs_id" => $vs_id)),
                                     "value" => "",
                                     "updated_at" => time()
 $this->get('/{id}', function ($req, $res, $args) {
     $champion = \Champion::find($args['id']);
     if ($champion) {
         return $res->withStatus(200)->write($champion->toJson());
     } else {
         return $res->withStatus(400)->write($e->getMessage());
  * @api {post} /champions Create a new champion
  * @apiName PostChampion
  * @apiVersion 1.0.0
  * @apiSuccess {Object} champion Champion created
 $this->post('', function ($req, $res, $args) {
     $champion = new \Champion();
     $body = $req->getParsedBody();
     $champion->name = $body['name'];
     $champion->slug = $body['slug'];
     if ($champion) {
         return $res->withStatus(200)->write($champion->toJson());
     } else {
         return $res->withStatus(400)->write('{"error":"there was an error processing your request"}');
  * @api {put} /champions/:id Updates the champion with ID
  * @apiName UpdateChampion
  * @apiVersion 1.0.0
  * @apiSuccess {Object} champion Champion updated
 public function getAction($champion_name)
     // Get the user chosen options from POST data
     $item_set = $this->request->getPost("item_set");
             $skill_set = $this->request->getPost("skill_set");
     $combined_set = $this->request->getPost("combined_set");
     if ($combined_set !== '') {
         $item_set = $combined_set;
                     $skill_set = $combined_set;
     // Get the kind of set type to find
     $item_type = $item_set == "Overall" ? "overall" : "vs";
             $skill_type = ($skill_set == "Overall") ? "overall" : "vs";
     // Convert champion names into IDs, to be used for CachedData conditionals
     $champion_result = Champion::findFirst("champion_name = '" . $champion_name . "'");
     $champion_id = $champion_result->champion_id;
     $item_set_result = Champion::findFirst("champion_name = '" . $item_set . "'");
     $vs_item_id = $item_set == "Overall" ? "overall" : $item_set_result->champion_id;
             $vs_skill_id = ($skill_set == "Overall") ? "overall" : Champion::find(array("champion_name" => $skill_set))->champion_id;
     $find_item_set = CachedData::findFirst(array("conditionals = '" . json_encode(array("champion_id" => $champion_id, "vs_id" => $vs_item_id)) . "'"));
     $item_set_array = explode(' ', $find_item_set->value);
             $find_skill_set = CachedData::find(
                     "type" => $skill_type . "_skill_set", 
                     "conditionals" => json_encode(array("champion_id" => $champion_id, "vs_id" => $vs_skill_id))
             // Insert skill set into item set
             $json = json_decode($find_item_set->value, true);
             $json[blocks][0][type] = $find_skill_set->value;
             $json_data = json_encode($json);
     $compiled_item_set = array("title" => $champion_name . " vs " . $item_set, "type" => "custom", "map" => "any", "mode" => "any", "priority" => false, "sortrank" => 1, "blocks" => array(array("type" => "Basic Items", "recMath" => false, "minSummonerLevel" => -1, "maxSummonerLevel" => -1, "showIfSummonerSpell" => "", "hideIfSummonerSpell" => "", "items" => array(array("id" => "2003", "count" => 1), array("id" => "3340", "count" => 1), array("id" => "3341", "count" => 1), array("id" => "3342", "count" => 1), array("id" => "2044", "count" => 1), array("id" => "2043", "count" => 1))), array("type" => "Item Set", "recMath" => false, "minSummonerLevel" => -1, "maxSummonerLevel" => -1, "showIfSummonerSpell" => "", "hideIfSummonerSpell" => "", "items" => array(array("id" => $item_set_array[0], "count" => 1), array("id" => $item_set_array[1], "count" => 1), array("id" => $item_set_array[2], "count" => 1), array("id" => $item_set_array[3], "count" => 1), array("id" => $item_set_array[4], "count" => 1), array("id" => $item_set_array[5], "count" => 1)))));
     // Get JSON data and location to be sent to user
     $filename = $champion_name . "VS" . $item_set . ".json";
     $json_string = json_encode($compiled_item_set);
     // Send data back to user forwarding through setAction
     $this->dispatcher->forward(array("action" => "set", "params" => array($champion_name, $filename, $json_string)));