function rewardBetaTesters() { $testers = array(); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php'; require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; $ct = new ChallengeCompletedTable($this->db); $cc = $ct->getRowObject(); $challengeTable = new ChallengeTable($this->db); $betaTestChallenge = $challengeTable->getRowObject(); if (!$betaTestChallenge->loadWhere("shortName='betaTest'")) { echo "Couldn't find betaTest challenge"; return false; } $userTable = new UserTable($this->db); $user = $userTable->getRowObject(); $backdate = "2009-02-28 00:00:00"; foreach ($testers as $email) { if ($user->loadWhere("email='{$email}'")) { echo "User {$user->name}, {$email} found..."; $statuscode = ''; if (!$ct->submitAutomaticChallenge($user->userid, 'betaTest', &$statuscode, false)) { echo "Challenge approval failure: {$statuscode}"; } else { echo $statuscode; // TODO: take this out when done testing //$this->db->log($statuscode); // now backdate it! if ($cc->loadWhere("userid={$user->userid} AND challengeid={$betaTestChallenge->id}")) { //$cc->dateSubmitted = $backdate; // can leave this probably $cc->dateAwarded = $backdate; $cc->update(); echo "...backdated succesfully"; } else { echo "Couldnt find CC to backdate!"; } } } else { echo "No user found with email {$email}."; } echo "<br />"; } }
function fetchChallengeDetail($id, $noButtons = false, &$challenge) { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; $challengeTable = new ChallengeTable($this->db); $challenge = $challengeTable->getRowObject(); if ($id && $challenge->load($id)) { if ($challenge->maxUserCompletionsPerDay > 0 || $challenge->maxUserCompletions > 0) { $challengelimits = "You may receive points for this challenge " . ($challenge->maxUserCompletionsPerDay > 0 ? "{$challenge->maxUserCompletionsPerDay} times per day" : "") . ($challenge->maxUserCompletionsPerDay > 0 && $challenge->maxUserCompletions ? " and " : "") . ($challenge->maxUserCompletions > 0 ? "{$challenge->maxUserCompletions} times" . $this->templateObj->templates['CompletionTimesClause'] . "" : "") . '. '; } $challengelimits .= $challenge->initialCompletions > 0 ? "We will only award points to the \n\t\t\t\t\t\tfirst {$challenge->initialCompletions} users that complete it." : ''; // if challenge expired, no buttons sscanf($challenge->dateEnd, "%4u-%2u-%2u %2u:%2u:%2u", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec); $newtstamp = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year); if ($newtstamp < time()) { $noButtons = true; $isExpired = true; } else { $isExpired = false; } $designcode = ' <div id="readStoryList"> <div class="panel_block"> <div class="thumb"><img src="' . URL_THUMBNAILS . '/' . $challenge->thumbnail . '" width="180" alt="challenge thumbnail" /></div> <div class="storyBlockWrap"> <p class="storyHead">' . $challenge->title . '</p> <div class="storyBlockMeta"> <p class="pointValue">Earn ' . ($challenge->pointValue == 0 ? 'flex' : $challenge->pointValue) . ' <span class="pts">pts</span></p> </div><!--end "storyBlockMeta"--> <!--<p class="storyCaption">--><p>' . $challenge->description . '</p>' . $this->templateObj->templates['ChallengeDescriptionFootnote'] . ($challenge->type == 'automatic' ? '<h3>This challenge is part of the ' . SITE_TITLE . ' application itself, you will receive credit automatically just by using the site</h3>' : '') . '<h3>' . ($isExpired ? 'This challenge is expired' : $challengelimits) . '</h3>' . '</div><!--end "storyBlockWrap"--> <p class=""> ' . ($noButtons ? '' : template::buildChallengeSubmitLink("I did this", $challenge->id, "btn_1 " . ($challenge->type == 'automatic' ? 'hidden' : ''))) . ' </p> </div><!--end "panel_block"--> </div><!--end "readStoryList"--> '; $code = $designcode; } else { $code .= "Invalid challenge id='{$id}', please try again."; } $code = '<div class="">' . $code . '</div>'; //$code .= 'TODO: We did this panel goes here:'; return $code; }
function revokeAutomaticChallengeAward($userid, $shortname) { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php'; $challengeTable = new ChallengeTable($db); $userTable = new UserTable($db); $userInfoTable = new UserInfoTable($db); $completedTable = $this; $user = $userTable->getRowObject(); $userInfo = $userInfoTable->getRowObject(); $challenge = $challengeTable->getRowObject(); $completed = $completedTable->getRowObject(); $ccid; $res = $this->db->query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS AS ccid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ChallengesCompleted,Challenges \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE userid={$userid} \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND = challengeid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND Challenges.shortName='{$shortname}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ChallengesCompleted.status='awarded';"); if ($this->db->countQ($res)) { $data = $this->db->readQ($res); } else { return false; } $ccid = $data->ccid; if (!$completed->load($ccid)) { return false; } $completed->pointsAwarded = 0; $completed->dateAwarded = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $completed->update(); return true; }
function fetchTeamIntro() { // <!--"teamIcon" is the intro paragraph with polar-bear character background image --> $code .= '<div id="teamPanel"><div id="teamIcon">'; $code .= $this->commonTeam['TeamIntro'] . '<p><a ' . (!isset($_POST['fb_sig_logged_out_facebook']) ? 'requirelogin="******"' : '') . ' href="?p=signup' . (isset($_GET['referid']) ? '&referid=' . $_GET['referid'] : '') . '" class="btn_1 btn_1_lg">' . $this->commonTeam['JoinTheTeam'] . '</a></p> <div class="pointsTable"> <table cellspacing="0"> <tbody>'; require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; $ct = new ChallengeTable($this->db); $challenges = $ct->getTitlesAndPointsByShortName(array('postStory', 'invite', 'shareStory', 'friendSignup', 'vote', 'comment', 'blog', 'addAppTab')); $code .= '<tr>' . $this->buildLegendEntry('postStory', $challenges['postStory']) . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . $this->buildLegendEntry('stories', $challenges['vote']) . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . $this->buildLegendEntry('stories', $challenges['shareStory']) . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . $this->buildLegendEntry('invite', $challenges['invite']) . '</tr>'; $code .= '</tbody> </table> </div><!--end "pointsTable"--> '; $code .= '</div><!--end "teamIcon"--></div><!--end "teamPanel"-->'; return $code; }
$report = $actionFeed->fetchChallengeCompletedFeedItem( $action , $fbId, true); echo $report; */ /////////////////////////// // NEW require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php'; $ut = new UserInfoTable(); $memberids = $ut->getFbIdsForUsers(array($completed_challenge['userid'])); $memberid = $memberids[0]; echo '<a href="' . URL_CANVAS . '?p=profile&memberid=' . $memberid . '&viewSubmitted"> Click here to see profile with challenge submit records</a>'; //echo 'this is where the report goes'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // figure out how many points would normally be credited require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; $ct = new ChallengeTable(); //$this->db->setDebug(true); $completedTable = new ChallengeCompletedTable(); $completed = $completedTable->getRowObject(); if ($completed->load($completed_challenge['id'])) { $challenge = $ct->getRowObject(); if ($challenge->load($completed->challengeid)) { $points = $challenge->pointValue; } else { $points = '?'; echo 'oops, couldnt load challenge ' . $completed->challengeid; } } echo '<hr>'; echo 'Challenge title: ' . $challenge->title . '<br>'; echo 'Challenge description: ' . $challenge->description . '<br>';
<?php chdir("../../"); require_once "challenge/html_head.php"; html_head("Install Sidology"); if (!GWF_User::isAdminS()) { return htmlSendToLogin("Better be admin !"); } $title = "Sidology"; $solution = false; $score = 5; $url = "challenge/sidology/index.php"; $creators = "Gizmore"; htmlDisplayError(ChallengeTable::addChallenge($title, $solution, $score, $url, $creators)); require_once "challenge/html_foot.php";
function fetchUpperBox() { $code = ''; $code .= '<div id="teamPanel"><div id="teamIcon" class="panel_block">'; // video - to do - ask Zibby if there are two videos, or only one... $code .= $this->commonTeam['IntroThumb']; // includes thumb div with video or image or whatever $code .= '<div class="storyBlockWrap">'; if ($this->page->session->isMember) { // member just joined if (isset($_GET['newsignup'])) { $code .= $this->commonTeam['NewSignupIntro']; } else { // pre-existing member $code .= $this->commonTeam['MemberIntro']; } // to do - automate this list??? // removed from nonMember view $code .= '<p class="bold">Earn points from your story activity</p>'; require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; $ct = new ChallengeTable($this->db); $challenges = $ct->getTitlesAndPointsByShortName(array('postStory', 'invite', 'shareStory', 'friendSignup', 'vote', 'comment', 'blog', 'addAppTab', 'addBookmarkTool')); $code .= '<div class="pointsTable"> <table cellspacing="0"> <tbody>'; $code .= '<tr>' . $this->teamObj->buildLegendEntry('postStory', $challenges['postStory']) . $this->teamObj->buildLegendEntry('stories', $challenges['vote']) . '</tr>'; $code .= '<tr>' . $this->teamObj->buildLegendEntry('stories', $challenges['shareStory']) . $this->teamObj->buildLegendEntry('challenges', $challenges['addBookmarkTool']) . '</tr>'; /* '<td><a href="#" onclick="switchPage(\'postStory\');return false;">Post a story</a></td>'. '<td class="pointValue">Earn 10 <span class="pts">pts</span></td>'. '<td><a href="#" onclick="switchPage(\'stories\');return false;">Vote on stories</a></td>'. '<td class="pointValue">Earn 5 <span class="pts">pts</span></td>'. '</tr>'. '<tr>'. '<td><a href="#" onclick="switchPage(\'stories\');return false;">Share a story</a></td>'. '<td class="pointValue">Earn 25 <span class="pts">pts</span></td>'. '<td><a href="#" onclick="switchPage(\'postStory\');return false;">Add bookmark tool</a></td>'. '<td class="pointValue">Earn 25 <span class="pts">pts</span></td>'. '</tr>'. */ $code .= '</tbody>' . '</table>' . '</div><!--end "pointsTable"-->'; } else { $code .= $this->commonTeam['NonMemberIntro']; } $code .= '</div><!--end "storyBlockWrap"-->'; $code .= '</div><!--end "team bob panel_block"--></div><!--end "teamPanel"-->'; return $code; }
} if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'video.class.php')) { // create video table require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/video.class.php'; VideoTable::createTable($manageObj); } if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'photo.class.php')) { // create photo table require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/photo.class.php'; PhotoTable::createTable($manageObj); } if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'challenges.class.php')) { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; ChallengeTable::createTable($manageObj); ChallengeCompletedTable::createTable($manageObj); $challengeTable = new ChallengeTable($manageObj->db); $challengeTable->populateCommonChallenges(); } if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'scores.class.php')) { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/scores.class.php'; WeeklyScoresTable::createTable($manageObj); } if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'contactEmails.class.php')) { // Create ContactEmail table for the contact us functions require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/contactEmails.class.php'; ContactEmailTable::createTable($manageObj); $contactemailTable = new ContactEmailTable($manageObj->db); //$contactemailTable->testPopulate(); } // Create FeaturedTemplate table for the contact us functions if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'featuredTemplate.class.php')) {
static function processChallengeSubmit(&$code, &$passback) { //$debug = $_POST['debugSubmit']; // NEVER TURN ON FOR LIVE SITE echo '<h2>Processing, please wait...</h2>'; if ($debug) { echo "POST<pre>" . print_r($_POST, true) . "</pre>"; } // TODO: grab session keys from post, validate session $passback .= "&text={$_POST['text']}"; $passback .= "&embedCode={$_POST['embedCode']}"; if ($debug) { echo $passback; } if (isset($_POST['challengeid']) && $_POST['challengeid']) { $challengeid = $_POST['challengeid']; } else { $code = "There was no challenge id present in your submission"; return false; } if (isset($_POST['text'])) { $evidence = $_POST['text']; } else { $evidence = ''; /*$code = "Your text submission was empty."; return false;*/ } if (isset($_POST['userid']) && $_POST['userid']) { $userid = $_POST['userid']; } else { $code = 'Either you aren\'t a registered user or your session is expired. Please return to the home page or sign in to facebook again.'; return false; } require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/db.class.php'; $db = new cloudDatabase(); // create a CompletedChallenges object //$userid = $this->page->session->userid; /* if (!$userid) { echo "<pre>" . print_r($this->page->session, true) . "</pre>"; return "Could not get userid from session."; }*/ require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php'; require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; $challengeTable = new ChallengeTable($db); $userTable = new UserTable($db); $userInfoTable = new UserInfoTable($db); $completedTable = new ChallengeCompletedTable($db); $user = $userTable->getRowObject(); $userInfo = $userInfoTable->getRowObject(); $challenge = $challengeTable->getRowObject(); $completed = $completedTable->getRowObject(); dbRowObject::$debug = $debug; $user->load($userid); $userInfo->load($userid); $challenge->load($challengeid); // validate challenge submission info // validate eligibility, date, membership if ($challenge->remainingCompletions <= 0 && $challenge->initialCompletions > 0) { $code = 'This challenge can no longer be completed for credit.'; return false; } if (!ChallengeTable::userIsEligible($challenge->eligibility, $user->eligibility)) { $code = 'We\'re sorry, you are not eligible to receive credit for this challenge.'; return false; } if (preg_match("/text/i", $challenge->requires) && !($evidence != '')) { $code = 'Sorry, you need to convince us you actually did this!'; return false; } //if () // TODO: now is between date start and end $now = time(); $dateStart = strtotime($challenge->dateStart); $dateEnd = strtotime($challenge->dateEnd); if ($now > $dateEnd) { $code = 'Sorry, you are too late to receive credit for this challenge!'; return false; } if ($now < $dateStart) { $code = 'Sorry, you can\'t receive credit for this challenge yet -- try again later!'; return false; } // if () TODO: check user maximum by querying order histor // more... // everythings ok: $challenge->remainingCompletions--; $completed->userid = $user->userid; $completed->challengeid = $challenge->id; $phpnow = time(); $completed->dateSubmitted = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $phpnow); $completed->status = 'submitted'; $completed->evidence = $evidence; $completed->comments = $evidence; // editors will review these later /* * The following code is a bit tricky. There are two things going on. The first is that photos * or videos are being checked for and their records are being created, but we have * tentatively created a CompleteChallenge record first so they can back-reference it * * If a required photo or video turns out not to have appeared, we have to then return an error * and delete the CC record. * * An extra wrinkle is that if both video and photo are in the requires field, we can accept * one or the other. * */ // Create the completed to attach to the media records... if (!$completed->insert()) { $code = 'Internal error submitting your evidence, please try again.'; return false; } if (preg_match("/photo/i", $challenge->requires) || preg_match("/optionalphoto/i", $challenge->requires)) { if ($photoFilename = self::processChallengeSubmitPhoto($userid, $completed->id)) { if (!preg_match("/\\.(jpg|png|gif|jpeg?)\$/i", $photoFilename)) { $msg = 'Sorry, your photo did not appear to be of type jpg, png, or gif.'; $error = true; } else { // create photo in our db require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/photo.class.php'; $photoTable = new PhotoTable($db); $photoTable->createPhotoForCompletedChallenge($userid, $completed->id, $photoFilename, 'Photo submitted for ' . $challenge->title); $photoSubmitted = true; // indicate that a photo was found } } else { if (!preg_match("/optionalphoto/i", $challenge->requires)) { $msg = 'No photo submitted'; $error = true; } } } //$passback .= "&photo1={$photoFilename}"; // wont be correct filename, actually quite complicated to make this work properly //echo $passback; if (preg_match("/video/i", $challenge->requires)) { if ($videoEmbedCode = self::processChallengeSubmitVideo($userid, $completed->id)) { // create photo in our db require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/video.class.php'; $videoTable = new VideoTable($db); $videoTable->createVideoForCompletedChallenge($userid, $completed->id, $videoEmbedCode, 'Video submitted for ' . $challenge->title); $videoSubmitted = true; // indicate video found } else { $msg = 'You must enter a YouTube video url.'; $error = true; } } // HACK: now handle the case where both photo and video boxes appeared, and only one was entered if ($photoSubmitted or $videoSubmitted) { $error = false; } // set the $error flag set by the other one to false if one of them was sucessfully created if ($error) { $completed->delete(); // delete the temporary CC record $code = $msg; return false; } $challenge->update(); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/template.class.php'; $code .= 'We have received your submission for the challenge <b>' . $challenge->title . '</b> (reference number #' . $completed->id . ')'; dbRowObject::$debug = 0; // NEVER TURN ON FOR LIVE SITE // for testing purposes -- approve free points right away if ($challenge->shortName == 'testPoints10k') { $code2 = ''; if (!$completedTable->approveChallenge($completed->id, $challenge->pointValue, &$code2, false)) { $code = $code2; return false; } else { $code = 'Free points awarded!'; } } return true; }
function fetchChallengeCompletedFeedItem($action, $fbId, $returnerrors = false, $noFiltering = false) { $ago .= self::getElapsedString(strtotime($action->t)); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/template.class.php'; require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/challenges.class.php'; $ct = new ChallengeTable($this->db); // $this->db->setDebug(true); // NEVER TURN ON FOR LIVE SITE $completedTable = new ChallengeCompletedTable($this->db); $completed = $completedTable->getRowObject(); if (!$action->itemid) { if ($returnerrors) { $code = 'completedChallenge itemid empty:' . print_r($action, true); } return; } if ($completed->load($action->itemid)) { $challenge = $ct->getRowObject(); if ($challenge->load($completed->challengeid)) { // hack to cleanup actionFeed of CCs that should be hidden or now have custom feed items $filterPastChallenges = array('levelIncrease', 'addBookmarkTool', 'friendSignup'); if (!$noFiltering && array_search($challenge->shortName, $filterPastChallenges) !== false) { return ''; } // filtered $photocode = $this->buildPhotos($completed->id, &$pcount); if ($pcount > 1) { $submittedText .= 'photos '; $submittedContent .= $photocode; } else { if ($pcount > 0) { $submittedText .= 'a photo '; $submittedContent .= $photocode; } } $videocode = $this->buildVideos($completed->id, &$vcount); if ($pcount > 0 and $vcount > 0) { $submittedText .= ' and '; } if ($vcount > 1) { $submittedText .= 'videos '; $submittedContent .= $videocode; } else { if ($vcount > 0) { $submittedText .= 'a video '; $submittedContent .= $videocode; } } if ($completed->status == 'awarded') { /*$code .= template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"') .' '. template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbId) .' completed the challenge '. template::buildChallengeLink($challenge->title, $challenge->id) . ' for ' . $completed->pointsAwarded . ' points and submitted ' . $submittedText; */ if (!$this->showOnlyChallengeBlog) { $code .= '<div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedChallengePic($challenge->id, $challenge->thumbnail) . '</div> <div class="storyBlockWrap"> <div class="feed_poster"><div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbId, 'size="square" with="30" height="30"') . '</div> <h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbId) . ' completed a challenge </span> ' . $ago . '</h3> </div> <p class="storyHead">' . template::buildChallengeLink($challenge->title, $challenge->id) . ' </p> <p class="storyCaption"> <span class="pointValue"> for ' . $completed->pointsAwarded . '<span class="pts"> points </span></span></p> ' . $submittedContent . ($completed->comments != '' ? ' <blockquote> <div class="quotes">' . $completed->comments . ' </div> </blockquote>' : '') . '</div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__> '; } else { $code .= '<div class="profilePicLarger">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbId, 'size="square"') . '</div> <div class="storyBlockWrap"> <div class="feed_poster"> <h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbId) . ' </span> ' . $ago . '</h3> </div> ' . $submittedContent . ($completed->comments != '' ? ' <blockquote> <div class="quotes"> ' . $completed->comments . ' </div> </blockquote>' : '') . '</div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__> '; } } else { /*$code .= template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"') .' '. template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbId) .' submitted '. $submittedText . 'for the challenge '. template::buildChallengeLink($challenge->title, $challenge->id); */ $code .= '<div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedChallengePic($challenge->id, $challenge->thumbnail) . '</div> <div class="storyBlockWrap"> <div class="feed_poster"><div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbId, 'size="square" with="30" height="30"') . '</div> <h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbId) . ' submitted ' . $submittedText . ' for the challenge ' . template::buildChallengeLink($challenge->title, $challenge->id) . ' </span> ' . $ago . '</h3> </div>' . '<p class="storyCaption">' . $submittedContent . '</p> </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__> '; } //$code .= self::getElapsedString(strtotime($action->t)); } else { if ($returnerrors) { $code = 'Couldnt load challengeid ' . $completed->id . '<br>'; } } // debugging } else { if ($returnerrors) { $code = 'Couldnt load completedid ' . $action->itemid . '<br>'; } } // debugging return $code; }