<div id="container">
include 'layout_inc/title.inc.php';

// Deciding whether request comes with Centre's identifier
$centre = new Centre();
$centreIdent = $_GET['centreIdent'];
if ($centreIdent == null) {
} else {
    $_SESSION['centreIdent'] = $centreIdent;
if ($centreIdent != null) {
    $oneCentre = $centre->getCentreByStrIdent($centreIdent);
    // if centre id has been set echo one table
    if ($oneCentre == null) {
        echo "<strong>Achtung: </strong>Kein Zentrum mit diesem Namen gefunden. \n\t\tBitte wenden Sie sich an ";
        include './layout_inc/email_obfuscator.inc.php';
    } else {
        include './layout_inc/centre-table.inc.php';
} else {
    // getting all centres
    $allCentres = $centre->getAllCentres();
    // iterating over all and write each to one table
    foreach ($allCentres as $oneCentre) {
        // checking out each centres String identifier
        $centreIdentArray = $centre->getIdentById($oneCentre['id']);
        $centreIdent = $centreIdentArray['str_identifier'];