 * Generate a node ID which is guaranteed to be unique for the current page,
 * even across Ajax requests. You should use this method to generate IDs for
 * nodes which require a uniqueness guarantee.
 * @return string A string appropriate for use as an 'id' attribute on a DOM
 *                node. It is guaranteed to be unique for the current page, even
 *                if the current request is a subsequent Ajax request.
 * @group celerity
function celerity_generate_unique_node_id()
    static $uniq = 0;
    $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
    $block = $response->getMetadataBlock();
    return 'UQ' . $block . '_' . $uniq++;
 public static function getStaticResourceResponse()
     if (empty(self::$response)) {
         self::$response = new CelerityStaticResourceResponse();
     return self::$response;
 public function buildResponseString()
     $console = $this->getConsole();
     if ($console) {
         // NOTE: We're stripping query parameters here both for readability and
         // to mitigate BREACH and similar attacks. The parameters are available
         // in the "Request" tab, so this should not impact usability. See T3684.
         $uri = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI();
         $uri = new PhutilURI($uri);
         Javelin::initBehavior('dark-console', array('uri' => (string) $uri, 'key' => $console->getKey($this->getRequest()), 'color' => $console->getColor(), 'quicksand' => $this->getRequest()->isQuicksand()));
     // Flatten the response first, so we initialize any behaviors and metadata
     // we need to.
     $content = array('payload' => $this->content);
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request) {
         $viewer = $request->getViewer();
         if ($viewer) {
             $postprocessor_key = $viewer->getUserSetting(PhabricatorAccessibilitySetting::SETTINGKEY);
             if (strlen($postprocessor_key)) {
     $object = $response->buildAjaxResponse($content['payload'], $this->error);
     $response_json = $this->encodeJSONForHTTPResponse($object);
     return $this->addJSONShield($response_json);
 * Get the versioned URI for a raw resource, like an image.
 * @param   string  Path to the raw image.
 * @return  string  Versioned path to the image, if one is available.
function celerity_get_resource_uri($resource, $source = 'phabricator')
    $resource = ltrim($resource, '/');
    $map = CelerityResourceMap::getNamedInstance($source);
    $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
    return $response->getURI($map, $resource);
 public function buildResponseString()
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     $object = $response->buildAjaxResponse($this->content, $this->error);
     $response_json = $this->encodeJSONForHTTPResponse($object);
     return $this->addJSONShield($response_json, $use_javelin_shield = true);
 public function buildResponseString()
     $console = $this->getConsole();
     if ($console) {
         Javelin::initBehavior('dark-console-ajax', array('console' => $console->render($this->getRequest()), 'uri' => (string) $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI()));
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     $object = $response->buildAjaxResponse($this->content, $this->error);
     $response_json = $this->encodeJSONForHTTPResponse($object);
     return $this->addJSONShield($response_json, $use_javelin_shield = true);
function javelin_tag($tag, array $attributes = array(), $content = null)
    if (isset($attributes['sigil']) || isset($attributes['meta']) || isset($attributes['mustcapture'])) {
        foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {
            switch ($k) {
                case 'sigil':
                    if ($v !== null) {
                        $attributes['data-sigil'] = $v;
                case 'meta':
                    if ($v !== null) {
                        $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
                        $id = $response->addMetadata($v);
                        $attributes['data-meta'] = $id;
                case 'mustcapture':
                    if ($v) {
                        $attributes['data-mustcapture'] = '1';
                    } else {
    if (isset($attributes['aural'])) {
        if ($attributes['aural']) {
            $class = idx($attributes, 'class', '');
            $class = rtrim('aural-only ' . $class);
            $attributes['class'] = $class;
        } else {
            $class = idx($attributes, 'class', '');
            $class = rtrim('visual-only ' . $class);
            $attributes['class'] = $class;
            $attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';
    return phutil_tag($tag, $attributes, $content);
function javelin_render_tag($tag, array $attributes = array(), $content = null)
    if (isset($attributes['sigil']) || isset($attributes['meta']) || isset($attributes['mustcapture'])) {
        foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {
            switch ($k) {
                case 'sigil':
                    $attributes['data-sigil'] = $v;
                case 'meta':
                    $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
                    $id = $response->addMetadata($v);
                    $attributes['data-meta'] = $id;
                case 'mustcapture':
                    $attributes['data-mustcapture'] = '1';
    return phutil_render_tag($tag, $attributes, $content);
 protected function getTail()
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     return $response->renderResourcesOfType('js') . $response->renderHTMLFooter();
 protected function getTail()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $tail = array(parent::getTail());
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.enabled')) {
         if ($user && $user->isLoggedIn()) {
             $client_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.client-uri');
             $client_uri = new PhutilURI($client_uri);
             if ($client_uri->getDomain() == 'localhost') {
                 $this_host = $this->getRequest()->getHost();
                 $this_host = new PhutilURI('http://' . $this_host . '/');
             if ($request->isHTTPS()) {
             } else {
             Javelin::initBehavior('aphlict-listen', array('websocketURI' => (string) $client_uri) + $this->buildAphlictListenConfigData());
     $tail[] = $response->renderHTMLFooter();
     return $tail;
 public function buildResponseString()
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     return $response->renderAjaxResponse($this->content, $this->error);
 public static function initBehavior($behavior, array $config = array(), $source_name = 'phabricator')
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     $response->initBehavior($behavior, $config, $source_name);
 protected function getTail()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $tail = array(parent::getTail());
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.enabled')) {
         if ($user && $user->isLoggedIn()) {
             $aphlict_object_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
             $aphlict_container_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
             $client_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.client-uri');
             $client_uri = new PhutilURI($client_uri);
             if ($client_uri->getDomain() == 'localhost') {
                 $this_host = $this->getRequest()->getHost();
                 $this_host = new PhutilURI('http://' . $this_host . '/');
             $map = CelerityResourceMap::getNamedInstance('phabricator');
             $swf_uri = $response->getURI($map, 'rsrc/swf/aphlict.swf', true);
             $enable_debug = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.debug');
             $subscriptions = $this->pageObjects;
             if ($user) {
                 $subscriptions[] = $user->getPHID();
             Javelin::initBehavior('aphlict-listen', array('id' => $aphlict_object_id, 'containerID' => $aphlict_container_id, 'server' => $client_uri->getDomain(), 'port' => $client_uri->getPort(), 'debug' => $enable_debug, 'swfURI' => $swf_uri, 'pageObjects' => array_fill_keys($this->pageObjects, true), 'subscriptions' => $subscriptions));
             $tail[] = phutil_tag('div', array('id' => $aphlict_container_id, 'style' => 'position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;'), '');
     $tail[] = $response->renderHTMLFooter();
     return $tail;
    public final function render()
        $filters = $this->queries->getParameter('filters', array());
        $script_code = <<<EOT
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
\tvar wnd    = window,
\t    el     = document.documentElement,
\t    body   = document.getElementsByTagName( 'body' )[ 0 ],
\t    width  = wnd.innerWidth || el.clientWidth  || body.clientWidth,
\t    height = wnd.innerHeight|| el.clientHeight || body.clientHeight;

\theight -= 400;  width -= 80;
\tif ( width < 800 ) width = 800;
\tif ( height < 600 ) height = 600;

\tvar labelDistance = 0;
\tvar vis = d3.select( "div.is4u_graph" ).append( "svg:svg" ).attr( "width", width ).attr( "height", height );

\tvar nodes = [];
\tvar labelAnchors = [];
\tvar labelAnchorLinks = [];
\tvar links = [];

        $counter = 0;
        $tasks = array();
        foreach ($this->tasks as $task) {
            $phid = $task->getPHID();
            $tasks[$phid]["id"] = $counter++;
            $tasks[$phid]["is_source"] = 0;
            $tasks[$phid]["is_target"] = 0;
        foreach ($this->tasks as $task) {
            $phid = $task->getPHID();
            $target = $tasks[$phid]["id"];
            foreach ($task->loadDependsOnTaskPHIDs() as $depend) {
                if (array_key_exists($depend, $tasks)) {
                    $source = $tasks[$depend]["id"];
                    $tasks[$phid]["is_target"] = 1;
                    $tasks[$depend]["is_source"] = 1;
                    $script_code .= <<<EOT
\t\tlinks.push( { source: {$source}, target: {$target} } );

        $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
        $maxHours = 0;
        foreach ($this->tasks as $task) {
            $phid = $task->getPHID();
            $title = trim($task->getTitle());
            $title = str_replace("\n", ' ', $title);
            $owner = $this->handles[$task->getOwnerPHID()];
            # add progress and estimated hours to hovered title
            $field_list = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields($task, PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_VIEW);
            $myFields = [];
            foreach ($field_list->getFields() as $key => $field) {
                $fname = $field->getFieldKey();
                $fproxy = $field->getProxy();
                if ($fproxy != null) {
                    $myFields[$fname] = $fproxy->getFieldValue();
            if (!array_key_exists('std:maniphest:is4u:estimated-hours', $myFields) || !isset($myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:estimated-hours'])) {
                $myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:estimated-hours'] = 1;
            if (!array_key_exists('std:maniphest:is4u:progress', $myFields) || !isset($myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:progress'])) {
                $myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:progress'] = 0;
            if (array_key_exists('std:maniphest:is4u:estimated-hours', $myFields) && array_key_exists('std:maniphest:is4u:progress', $myFields)) {
                $title .= sprintf(" (%s, %d hours, %d %% progress)", $owner->getName(), $myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:estimated-hours'], $myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:progress']);
            } else {
                $title .= sprintf(" (%s)", $owner->getName());
            $title = phutil_escape_html($title);
            $progress = 0;
            if (array_key_exists('std:maniphest:is4u:progress', $myFields)) {
                $progress = $myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:progress'];
                if ($progress < 0) {
                    $progress = 0;
                if ($progress > 100) {
                    $progress = 100;
            $estimatedHours = 0;
            if (array_key_exists('std:maniphest:is4u:estimated-hours', $myFields)) {
                $estimatedHours = $myFields['std:maniphest:is4u:estimated-hours'];
                if ($estimatedHours < 1) {
                    $estimatedHours = 1;
                if ($estimatedHours > $maxHours) {
                    $maxHours = $estimatedHours;
            $myTask = $task->getOwnerPHID() == $this->viewer->getPHID();
            $blocker = $tasks[$phid]["is_source"] && !$tasks[$phid]["is_target"];
            $myBlocker = $myTask && $blocker;
            $color = $myBlocker ? '#F00' : ($blocker ? '#F3F' : ($myTask ? '#00F' : '#777'));
            $id = $task->getId();
            $label = "T{$id}";
            $label = phutil_escape_html($label);
            $meta_id = $response->addMetadata(array('hoverPHID' => $phid));
            $show = 1;
            $standalone = !$tasks[$phid]["is_source"] && !$tasks[$phid]["is_target"];
            if ($standalone && $myTask && in_array('my_standalone', $filters)) {
                $show = 0;
            if ($standalone && !$myTask && in_array('others_standalone', $filters)) {
                $show = 0;
            $script_code .= <<<EOT
\tvar node = { label: "{$label}", title: "{$title}", color: "{$color}", meta: "{$meta_id}", show: "{$show}", my: "{$myTask}", adjacentNodes: [], adjacentLinks: [], progress: {$progress}, estimatedHours: {$estimatedHours} };
\tnodes.push( node );

        $script_code .= <<<EOT
\tfor ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) {
\t\tlinks[ i ].source = nodes[ links[ i ].source ];  links[ i ].target = nodes[ links[ i ].target ];
\t\tlinks[ i ].source.adjacentNodes.push( links[ i ].target );  links[ i ].source.adjacentLinks.push( links[ i ] );
\t\tlinks[ i ].target.adjacentNodes.push( links[ i ].source );  links[ i ].target.adjacentLinks.push( links[ i ] );

\tif ( ! Array.prototype.indexOf )
\t\tArray.prototype.indexOf = function( elt /*, from*/ ) {
\t\t\tvar len = this.length >>> 0;
\t\t\tvar from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
\t\t\tfrom = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
\t\t\tif (from < 0) from += len;

\t\t\tfor (; from < len; from++) if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from;
\t\t\treturn -1;

\tfunction bfs ( v ) {
\t\tvar queue = [];
\t\tvar result = [];
\t\tqueue.push( v );
\t\tv.bfsMark = true;
\t\twhile ( queue.length > 0 ) {
\t\t\tvar t = queue.shift();
\t\t\tif ( t != v ) result.push( t );
\t\t\tfor ( var i = 0; i < t.adjacentNodes.length; i++ )
\t\t\t\tif ( ! t.adjacentNodes[ i ].bfsMark ) {
\t\t\t\t\tt.adjacentNodes[ i ].bfsMark = true;
\t\t\t\t\tqueue.push( t.adjacentNodes[ i ] );

\t\tfor ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) nodes[ i ].bfsMark = false;
\t\treturn result;

        if (in_array('others_clusters', $filters)) {
            $script_code .= <<<EOT
\tfor (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ )
\t\tif ( nodes[ i ].my == "1" ) {
\t\t\tnodes[ i ].keep = true;
\t\t\tvar connected = bfs( nodes[ i ] );
\t\t\tfor ( var j = 0; j < connected.length; j++ )
\t\t\t\tconnected[ j ].keep = true;

\tfor ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) if ( ! nodes[ i ].keep ) nodes[ i ].show = "0";

        if (in_array('redundant_links', $filters)) {
            $script_code .= <<<EOT
\tfor ( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) links[ i ].redundant = false;

\tfor ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ )
\t\tfor ( var j = 0; j < nodes[ i ].adjacentNodes.length; j++ ) {
\t\t\tvar connected = bfs( nodes[ i ].adjacentNodes[ j ] );
\t\t\tif ( connected.length > 0 )
\t\t\t\tfor ( var k = 0; k < nodes[ i ].adjacentLinks.length; k++ )
\t\t\t\t\tif ( connected.indexOf( nodes[ i ].adjacentLinks[ k ].target ) >= 0 )
\t\t\t\t\t\tnodes[ i ].adjacentLinks[ k ].redundant = true;

\tfor ( var i = links.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) if ( links[ i ].redundant ) links.splice( i, 1 );
        $script_code .= <<<EOT
\tlinks = links.filter( function ( d ) { return d.source.show == "1" && d.target.show == "1"; } )

\tfor ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
\t\tlabelAnchors.push( { node: nodes[ i ] } );
\t\tlabelAnchors.push( { node: nodes[ i ] } );

\tfor ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { labelAnchorLinks.push( { source: i * 2, target: i * 2 + 1 } ); }

\tvar force = d3.layout.force()
\t\t.size( [ width, height ] )
\t\t.nodes( nodes )
\t\t.links( links )
\t\t.gravity( 1 )
\t\t.linkDistance( 20 )
\t\t.charge( -3000 )
\t\t.linkStrength( 2 )

\tvar force2 = d3.layout.force()
\t\t.nodes( labelAnchors )
\t\t.links( labelAnchorLinks )
\t\t.gravity( 0 )
\t\t.linkDistance( 0 )
\t\t.linkStrength( 8 )
\t\t.charge( -100 )
\t\t.size( [ width, height ] );

\tvis.append( "svg:defs" )
\t\t.append( "marker" )
\t\t\t.attr( "id", "triangle" )
\t\t\t.attr( "viewbox", "0 0 10 10" )
\t\t\t.attr( "markerWidth", 10 )
\t\t\t.attr( "markerHeight", 10 )
\t\t\t.attr( "refX", 15 )
\t\t\t.attr( "refY", 5 )
\t\t\t.attr( "orient", "auto" )
\t\t\t.attr( "markerUnits", "strokeWidth" )
\t\t\t.append( "polyline" )
\t\t\t\t.attr( "points", "0,0 10,5 0,10 1,5" )
\t\t\t\t.style( "fill", "#999" );

\tvar link = vis.selectAll("line.link")
\t\t\t.attr("class", "link")
\t\t\t.style("stroke", "#999")
\t\t\t.attr( "marker-end", "url(#triangle)" );

\tif ( links.length == 0 ) {
\tforce.nodes( force.nodes().filter( function ( d ) { return d.show == "1"; } ) );
\tforce2.nodes( force2.nodes().filter( function ( d ) { return d.node.show == "1"; } ) );

\tvar node = vis.selectAll("g.node")
\t\t\t.attr("class", "node");
\t\t.attr("r", 5)
\t\t.style("fill", function (d) { return d.color; } )
\t\t.style("stroke", "#FFF")
\t\t.style("stroke-width", 3)
\t\t.append( "title" )
\t\t\t.text( function (d, i) { return d.label + " " + d.title; });

\tvar anchorLink = vis.selectAll("line.anchorLink").data(labelAnchorLinks);

\tvar anchorNode = vis.selectAll("g.anchorNode")
\t\t\t.attr("class", "anchorNode");
\t\t.attr("r", 0)
\t\t.style("fill", "#FFF");
\t\t.attr( 'data-sigil', 'hovercard' )
\t\t.attr( 'data-meta', function ( d ) { if ( d ) return d.node.meta; } )
\t\t.text( function(d, i) { return i % 2 == 0 ? "" : d.node.label })
\t\t.style( "fill", function ( d ) { return d.node.color; } )
\t\t.style( "font-family", "Arial" )
\t\t.style( "font-size", 12 )
\t\t.style( "cursor", "pointer" )
\t\t.on( 'click', function( d,i ) { if ( d ) { window.open( "/" + d.node.label, "_blank" ); d3.event.stopPropagation(); } } )
\t\t.append( 'svg:title' )
\t\t\t.text( function (d, i) { return i % 2 == 0 ? "" : d.node.label + " " + d.node.title });

\tvar updateLink = function() { 
\t\t\t.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })
\t\t\t.attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })
\t\t\t.attr("x2", function(d) { return d.target.x; })
\t\t\t.attr("y2", function(d) { return d.target.y; }); 

\tvar updateNode = function() { this.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; }); }

\tforce.on("tick", function() {

\t\tanchorNode.each(function(d, i) {
\t\t\tif(i % 2 == 0) {
\t\t\t\td.x = d.node.x;
\t\t\t\td.y = d.node.y;
\t\t\t} else {
\t\t\t\tvar b = this.childNodes[1].getBBox();

\t\t\t\tvar diffX = d.x - d.node.x;
\t\t\t\tvar diffY = d.y - d.node.y;

\t\t\t\tvar dist = Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);

\t\t\t\tvar shiftX = b.width * (diffX - dist) / (dist * 2);
\t\t\t\tshiftX = Math.max(-b.width, Math.min(0, shiftX));
\t\t\t\tvar shiftY = 5;
\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[1].setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + shiftX + "," + shiftY + ")");

        $box_content = new PhutilSafeHTML($script_code);
        $box = id(new PHUIBoxView())->appendChild(phutil_tag('div', array("class" => "is4u_graph"), ''))->appendChild(phutil_tag('script', array('src' => $this->uri)))->appendChild($box_content)->appendChild(phutil_tag('div', array(), pht('Links indicate dependency "this task has to be done before that". Blue one tasks are yours. Red ones represent your true blockers while magenta other blocking tasks.')))->addPadding(PHUI::PADDING_LARGE);
        $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView())->setHeader($this->header);
        $filter_header = id(new PHUIHeaderView())->setHeader(pht('Filters'));
        $filter_defs = array('my_standalone' => pht('my standalone tasks'), 'others_standalone' => pht('others standalone tasks'), 'others_clusters' => pht('clusters without my tasks'), 'redundant_links' => pht('redundant dependencies'));
        $cb = id(new AphrontFormCheckboxControl())->setLabel('Hide');
        foreach ($filter_defs as $k => $v) {
            $cb->addCheckbox('filters[]', $k, pht($v), in_array($k, $filters));
        $filter = id(new AphrontFormView())->setUser($this->viewer)->appendChild($cb)->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue(pht('Filter')));
        $filter_box = id(new PHUIBoxView())->appendChild($filter_header)->appendChild($filter)->setBorder(true)->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_TOP)->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_LEFT)->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_RIGHT)->addClass('phui-object-box');
        $fullbox = id(new PHUIBoxView())->appendChild($header)->appendChild($box)->setBorder(true)->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_TOP)->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_LEFT)->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_RIGHT)->addClass('phui-object-box');
        $rendered = id(new PHUIBoxView())->appendChild($filter_box)->appendChild($fullbox);
        return $rendered;
 protected function getTail()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $container = null;
     if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.enabled') && $user->isLoggedIn()) {
         $aphlict_object_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
         $aphlict_container_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
         $client_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.client-uri');
         $client_uri = new PhutilURI($client_uri);
         if ($client_uri->getDomain() == 'localhost') {
             $this_host = $this->getRequest()->getHost();
             $this_host = new PhutilURI('http://' . $this_host . '/');
         $enable_debug = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('notification.debug');
         Javelin::initBehavior('aphlict-listen', array('id' => $aphlict_object_id, 'containerID' => $aphlict_container_id, 'server' => $client_uri->getDomain(), 'port' => $client_uri->getPort(), 'debug' => $enable_debug, 'pageObjects' => array_fill_keys($this->pageObjects, true)));
         $container = phutil_render_tag('div', array('id' => $aphlict_container_id, 'style' => 'position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0;'), '');
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     return $response->renderResourcesOfType('js') . $container . $response->renderHTMLFooter();
 public function requireResource($symbol)
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     $response->requireResource($symbol, $this->getDefaultResourceSource());
     return $this;
 protected function getTail()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $tail = array(parent::getTail());
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     if ($request->isHTTPS()) {
         $with_protocol = 'https';
     } else {
         $with_protocol = 'http';
     $servers = PhabricatorNotificationServerRef::getEnabledClientServers($with_protocol);
     if ($servers) {
         if ($user && $user->isLoggedIn()) {
             // TODO: We could tell the browser about all the servers and let it
             // do random reconnects to improve reliability.
             $server = head($servers);
             $client_uri = $server->getWebsocketURI();
             Javelin::initBehavior('aphlict-listen', array('websocketURI' => (string) $client_uri) + $this->buildAphlictListenConfigData());
     $tail[] = $response->renderHTMLFooter();
     return $tail;
 public static function initBehavior($behavior, array $config = array())
     $response = CelerityAPI::getStaticResourceResponse();
     $response->initBehavior($behavior, $config);