function getUserCategoriesHtml(&$vars) { $cats = CategoryInterests::getCategoryInterests(); $html = ""; if (sizeof($cats)) { $vars['cats'] = self::getCategoryDivs($cats); $vars['nocats_hidden'] = 'csui_hidden'; } $suggested = self::getSuggestedCategoryDivs(CategoryInterests::suggestCategoryInterests()); $vars['suggested_cats'] = $suggested; }
function execute() { global $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgOut; if ($wgUser->isAnon()) { $wgOut->blockedPage(); return; } $cat = $wgRequest->getval("cat", NULL); if ($cat) { CategoryInterests::addCategoryInterest($cat); $wgOut->redirect('/Special:EditFinder/Topic'); } }
function outputCategoryReport() { global $wgRequest, $wgOut; $cat = str_replace("", "", trim(Misc::getUrlDecodedData($wgRequest->getVal('data')))); $catArr = array($cat); $cats = CategoryInterests::getSubCategoryInterests($catArr); $cats[] = $cat; $cats = '"' . join('","', $cats) . '"'; $sql = 'SELECT page_id, page_title, page_counter FROM page p INNER JOIN categorylinks c ON c.cl_from = page_id WHERE page_namespace = 0 and page_is_redirect = 0 AND c.cl_to IN (' . $cats . ')'; $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $res = $dbr->query($sql); $articles = array(); while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { $altsData = ""; if ($this->slowQuery) { $r = Revision::loadFromPageId($dbr, $row->page_id); $wikitext = $r->getText(); //$imgs = $this->hasImages($wikitext); $altsData = $this->hasAlternateMethods($wikitext) ? "Yes" : "No"; $sizeData = $this->getArticleSize($r); } //$output .= join("\t", array_values(get_object_vars($row))) . "\t$imgs\t$altsData\t$sizeData\n"; $row = array_values(get_object_vars($row)); $row[1] = Misc::makeUrl($row[1]); $articles[] = $row; } if ($wgRequest->getVal('format') == 'csv') { $output = $this->getCategoryReportCSV($articles); $this->sendFile($cat, $output); } else { $output = $this->getCategoryReportHtml($articles); $this->sendHtml($output); } }
function getUserInterests() { $interests = CategoryInterests::getCategoryInterests(); $interests = array_merge($interests, CategoryInterests::getSubCategoryInterests($interests)); $interests = array_values(array_unique($interests)); $fn = function (&$value) { $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $value = $dbr->strencode($value); }; array_walk($interests, $fn); $sql = " AND c.cl_to IN ('" . implode("','", $interests) . "') "; return $sql; }
function setVars(&$vars, &$t) { global $wgUser, $wgRequest; $vars['cat_head'] = $this->getHeadHtml($t, $vars); $vars['cat_help_url'] = wfMsg('cat_help_url'); $vars['tree'] = json_encode(CategoryInterests::getCategoryTreeArray()); $vars['cat_search_label'] = wfMsg('cat_search_label'); $vars['cat_subcats_label'] = wfMsg('cat_subcats_label'); }
function getCategoryPartialMatches($q) { $cats = CategoryInterests::getCategoriesArray(); // Only do partial matches when the query is more than 3 characters. Returns too much gibberish otherwise $results = array(); if (strlen($q) > 3) { $results = $this->substrArraySearch($q, $cats); } foreach ($results as $k => $result) { $results[$k] = str_replace(" ", "-", $result); } return $results; }
function setVars(&$vars, &$t) { global $wgUser, $wgRequest; $vars['cat_head'] = $this->getHeadHtml($t, $vars); $vars['cat_help_url'] = wfMsg('cat_help_url'); $vars['tree'] = json_encode(CategoryInterests::getCategoryTreeArray()); $vars['cat_search_label'] = wfMsg('cat_search_label'); $vars['cat_subcats_label'] = wfMsg('cat_subcats_label'); if ($this->editPage) { $vars['js'] = HtmlSnips::makeUrlTags('js', array('categorizer.js'), '/extensions/wikihow/cattool'); } }