public function authenticate() { global $user; //Check to see if the username and password are provided if (!array_key_exists('username', $_REQUEST) && !array_key_exists('password', $_REQUEST)) { //If not, check to see if we have a valid user already authenticated if ($user) { return $user; } } $this->username = $_REQUEST['username']; $this->password = $_REQUEST['password']; if ($this->username == '' || $this->password == '') { $user = new PEAR_Error('authentication_error_blank'); } else { // Connect to Database $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); if ($catalog->status) { $patron = $catalog->patronLogin($this->username, $this->password); if ($patron && !PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)) { $user = $this->processILSUser($patron); //Also call getPatronProfile to update extra fields $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $catalog->getMyProfile($user); } else { $user = new PEAR_Error('authentication_error_invalid'); } } else { $user = new PEAR_Error('authentication_error_technical'); } } return $user; }
function processInventory() { global $configArray; global $interface; $login = $_REQUEST['login']; $interface->assign('lastLogin', $login); $password1 = $_REQUEST['password1']; $interface->assign('lastPassword1', $password1); /* $initials = $_REQUEST['initials']; $interface->assign('lastInitials', $initials); $password2 = $_REQUEST['password2']; $interface->assign('lastPassword2', $password2); */ $barcodes = $_REQUEST['barcodes']; $updateIncorrectStatuses = isset($_REQUEST['updateIncorrectStatuses']); $interface->assign('lastUpdateIncorrectStatuses', $updateIncorrectStatuses); try { $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $results = $catalog->doInventory($login, $password1, null, null, $barcodes, $updateIncorrectStatuses); return $results; } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } } return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Could not load catalog connection'); }
function launch() { global $configArray; $method = $_REQUEST['method']; // Connect to Catalog if ($method != 'getBookcoverById' && $method != 'getBookCover') { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); //header('Content-type: application/json'); header('Content-type: text/html'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1 header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // Date in the past } if (is_callable(array($this, $method))) { if (in_array($method, array('getDescriptionByRecordId', 'getDescriptionByTitleAndAuthor'))) { $output = json_encode($this->{$method}()); } else { $output = json_encode(array('result' => $this->{$method}())); } } else { $output = json_encode(array('error' => "invalid_method '{$method}'")); } echo $output; }
function UpdateInventoryForBarcode() { global $configArray; $barcode = is_array($_REQUEST['barcodes']) ? $_REQUEST['barcodes'] : array($_REQUEST['barcodes']); $login = $_REQUEST['login']; $password1 = $_REQUEST['password']; $initials = $_REQUEST['initials']; $password2 = $_REQUEST['password2']; $updateIncorrectStatuses = $_REQUEST['updateIncorrectStatuses']; $result = array('barcode' => $barcode[0]); try { $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $results = $catalog->doInventory($login, $password1, $initials, $password2, $barcode, $updateIncorrectStatuses); if ($results['success'] == false) { $result['success'] = false; $result['message'] = $results['message']; } else { $result['success'] = true; $result['barcodes'] = $results['barcodes']; } } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } } return json_encode($result); }
function getCatalogConnection() { global $configArray; if ($this->catalog == null) { // Connect to Catalog $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); } return $this->catalog; }
function launch() { global $interface; global $configArray; global $library; global $locationSingleton; global $timer; global $user; // Include Search Engine Class require_once ROOT_DIR . "/sys/{$configArray['Index']['engine']}.php"; $timer->logTime('Include search engine'); $interface->assign('showBreadcrumbs', 0); if ($user) { $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $patron = $catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password); $profile = $catalog->getMyProfile($patron); if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($profile)) { $interface->assign('profile', $profile); } } // Load browse categories require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Browse/BrowseCategory.php'; /** @var BrowseCategory[] $browseCategories */ $browseCategories = array(); // Get Location's Browse Categories if Location is set $activeLocation = $locationSingleton->getActiveLocation(); if ($activeLocation != null && $activeLocation->browseCategories) { $browseCategories = $this->getBrowseCategories($activeLocation->browseCategories); } // Get Library's Browse Categories if none were set for Location if (isset($library) && empty($browseCategories) && $library->browseCategories) { $browseCategories = $this->getBrowseCategories($library->browseCategories); } // Get All Browse Categories if Location & Library had none set if (empty($browseCategories)) { $browseCategories = $this->getBrowseCategories(); } $interface->assign('browseCategories', $browseCategories); //Get the Browse Results for the first list // browse results no longer needed. there is an embedded ajax call in home.tpl. plb 5-4-2015 // if (count($browseCategories) > 0){ // require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/Browse/AJAX.php'; // $browseAJAX = new Browse_AJAX(); // $browseAJAX->setBrowseMode(); // set default browse mode in the case that the user hasn't chosen one. //// $browseResults = $browseAJAX->getBrowseCategoryInfo(reset($browseCategories)->textId); //// $interface->assign('browseResults', $browseResults); // } $interface->setPageTitle('Catalog Home'); $interface->assign('sidebar', 'Search/home-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->setTemplate('home.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function launch($msg = null) { global $interface, $library, $configArray; /** @var CatalogConnection $catalog */ $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $selfRegFields = $catalog->getSelfRegistrationFields(); if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $recaptchaValid = false; if (isset($configArray['ReCaptcha']['privateKey'])) { $privatekey = $configArray['ReCaptcha']['privateKey']; $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); $recaptchaValid = $resp->is_valid; } else { $recaptchaValid = true; } if (!$recaptchaValid) { $interface->assign('captchaMessage', 'The CAPTCHA response was incorrect, please try again.'); // Pre-fill form with user supplied data foreach ($selfRegFields as &$property) { $uservalue = $_REQUEST[$property['property']]; $property['default'] = $uservalue; } } else { //Submit the form to ILS $result = $this->catalog->selfRegister(); $interface->assign('selfRegResult', $result); } } $interface->assign('submitUrl', $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/MyAccount/SelfReg'); $interface->assign('structure', $selfRegFields); $interface->assign('saveButtonText', 'Register'); // Set up captcha to limit spam self registrations if (isset($configArray['ReCaptcha']['publicKey'])) { // TODO: and not inside library $recaptchaPublicKey = $configArray['ReCaptcha']['publicKey']; $secureConnection = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on"; // check that this request is using https $captchaCode = recaptcha_get_html($recaptchaPublicKey, null, $secureConnection); $interface->assign('captcha', $captchaCode); } $fieldsForm = $interface->fetch('DataObjectUtil/objectEditForm.tpl'); $interface->assign('selfRegForm', $fieldsForm); $interface->assign('selfRegistrationFormMessage', $library->selfRegistrationFormMessage); $interface->assign('selfRegistrationSuccessMessage', $library->selfRegistrationSuccessMessage); $interface->assign('promptForBirthDateInSelfReg', $library->promptForBirthDateInSelfReg); $interface->setTemplate('selfReg.tpl'); $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function launch($msg = null) { global $interface; global $configArray; if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $driver = $this->catalog->driver; $registrationResult = $driver->selfRegister(); $interface->assign('registrationResult', $registrationResult); $interface->setTemplate('getcardresult.tpl'); } else { global $serverName; if (file_exists("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegCityState.ini")) { $selfRegCityStates = parse_ini_file("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegCityState.ini", true); } elseif (file_exists("../../sites/default/conf/selfRegCityState.ini")) { $selfRegCityStates = parse_ini_file("../../sites/default/conf/selfRegCityState.ini", true); } else { $selfRegCityStates = null; } $interface->assign('selfRegCityStates', $selfRegCityStates); if (file_exists("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegLanguage.ini")) { $selfRegLanguages = parse_ini_file("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegLanguage.ini", true); } elseif (file_exists("../../sites/default/conf/selfRegLanguage.ini")) { $selfRegLanguages = parse_ini_file("../../sites/default/conf/selfRegLanguage.ini", true); } else { $selfRegLanguages = null; } $interface->assign('selfRegLanguages', $selfRegLanguages); if (file_exists("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegLocation.ini")) { $selfRegLocations = parse_ini_file("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegLocation.ini", true); } elseif (file_exists("../../sites/default/conf/default/conf/selfRegLocation.ini")) { $selfRegLocations = parse_ini_file("../../sites/default/conf/selfRegLocation.ini", true); } else { $selfRegLocations = null; } $interface->assign('selfRegLocations', $selfRegLocations); if (file_exists("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegPhoneType.ini")) { $selfRegPhoneType = parse_ini_file("../../sites/{$serverName}/conf/selfRegPhoneType.ini", true); } elseif (file_exists("../../sites/default/conf/selfRegPhoneType.ini")) { $selfRegPhoneType = parse_ini_file("../../sites/default/conf/selfRegPhoneType.ini", true); } else { $selfRegPhoneType = null; } $interface->assign('selfRegPhoneType', $selfRegPhoneType); $interface->setTemplate('getcard.tpl'); } $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function __construct() { global $interface; global $configArray; global $user; //If the user isn't logged in, take them to the login page if (!$user) { header("Location: {$configArray['Site']['path']}/MyAccount/Login"); die; } //Make sure the user has permission to access the page $allowableRoles = $this->getAllowableRoles(); $userCanAccess = false; foreach ($allowableRoles as $roleId => $roleName) { if ($user->hasRole($roleName)) { $userCanAccess = true; break; } } //Check to see if we have any acs or single use eContent in the catalog //to enable the holds and wishlist appropriately if (isset($configArray['EContent']['hasProtectedEContent'])) { $interface->assign('hasProtectedEContent', $configArray['EContent']['hasProtectedEContent']); } else { $interface->assign('hasProtectedEContent', false); } //This code is also in Search/History since that page displays in the My Account menu as well. //It is also in MyList.php if ($user !== false) { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); //Figure out if we should show a link to classic opac to pay holds. $ecommerceLink = $configArray['Site']['ecommerceLink']; $homeLibrary = Library::getLibraryForLocation($user->homeLocationId); if (strlen($ecommerceLink) > 0 && isset($homeLibrary) && $homeLibrary->showEcommerceLink == 1) { $interface->assign('showEcommerceLink', true); $interface->assign('minimumFineAmount', $homeLibrary->minimumFineAmount); $interface->assign('ecommerceLink', $ecommerceLink); } else { $interface->assign('showEcommerceLink', false); $interface->assign('minimumFineAmount', 0); } } if (!$userCanAccess) { $interface->setTemplate('../Admin/noPermission.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); exit; } }
function launch() { global $configArray; global $user; try { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } } //Renew the hold if (method_exists($this->catalog->driver, 'renewItem')) { $selectedItems = $_GET['selected']; $renewMessages = array(); $_SESSION['renew_message']['Unrenewed'] = 0; $_SESSION['renew_message']['Renewed'] = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($selectedItems as $itemInfo => $selectedState) { if ($i != 0) { usleep(1000); } $i++; list($itemId, $itemIndex) = explode('|', $itemInfo); $renewResult = $this->catalog->driver->renewItem($itemId, $itemIndex); $_SESSION['renew_message'][$renewResult['itemId']] = $renewResult; $_SESSION['renew_message']['Total']++; if ($renewResult['result']) { $_SESSION['renew_message']['Renewed']++; } else { $_SESSION['renew_message']['Unrenewed']++; } } } else { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Cannot Renew Item - ILS Not Supported')); } //Redirect back to the hold screen with status from the renewal header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/MyAccount/CheckedOut'); }
function launch() { global $configArray; try { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } } // Check How to Process Hold if (method_exists($this->catalog->driver, 'placeHold')) { $this->placeHold(); } else { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError('Cannot Process Place Hold - ILS Not Supported'); } }
function launch($msg = null) { global $interface; if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $driver = $this->catalog->driver; if ($this->catalog->checkFunction('emailPin')) { $barcode = strip_tags($_REQUEST['barcode']); $emailResult = $driver->emailPin($barcode); } else { $emailResult = array('error' => 'This functionality is not available in the ILS.'); } $interface->assign('emailResult', $emailResult); $interface->setTemplate('emailPinResults.tpl'); } else { $interface->setTemplate('emailPin.tpl'); } $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
function launch() { global $configArray; global $user; try { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } } //Renew the hold if (method_exists($this->catalog->driver, 'renewAll')) { $renewResult = $this->catalog->driver->renewAll(); $_SESSION['renew_message'] = $renewResult; } else { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Cannot Renew Item - ILS Not Supported')); } //Redirect back to the hold screen with status from the renewal header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/MyAccount/CheckedOut'); }
function launch() { global $configArray; global $user; global $logger; $logger->log("Starting renew action", PEAR_LOG_INFO); try { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } } //Renew the hold if (method_exists($this->catalog->driver, 'renewItem')) { $logger->log("Renewing item " . $_REQUEST['itemId'], PEAR_LOG_INFO); $renewResult = $this->catalog->driver->renewItem($_REQUEST['itemId'], $_REQUEST['itemIndex']); $logger->log("Result = " . print_r($renewResult, true), PEAR_LOG_INFO); $_SESSION['renew_message']['Total'] = 1; $_SESSION['renew_message']['Renewed'] = 0; $_SESSION['renew_message']['Unrenewed'] = 0; if ($renewResult['result']) { $_SESSION['renew_message']['Renewed']++; } else { $_SESSION['renew_message']['Unrenewed']++; } $_SESSION['renew_message'][$renewResult['itemId']] = $renewResult; } else { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Cannot Renew Item - ILS Not Supported')); } //Redirect back to the hold screen with status from the renewal header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/MyAccount/CheckedOut'); }
function renewAll() { global $configArray; try { $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } } //Renew the hold if (method_exists($this->catalog->driver, 'renewAll')) { $renewResults = $this->catalog->driver->renewAll(); } else { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Cannot Renew All - ILS Not Supported')); } global $interface; $interface->assign('renew_message_data', $renewResults); $result = array('title' => translate('Renew') . ' All', 'modalBody' => $interface->fetch('Record/renew-results.tpl'), 'success' => $renewResults['result'], 'renewed' => $renewResults['Renewed']); return $result; }
function loadUserData() { global $user; global $interface; //Load profile information $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $profile = $catalog->getMyProfile($user); if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($profile)) { $interface->assign('profile', $profile); } //Load a list of lists $lists = array(); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/LocalEnrichment/UserList.php'; $tmpList = new UserList(); $tmpList->user_id = $user->id; $tmpList->deleted = 0; $tmpList->orderBy("title ASC"); $tmpList->find(); if ($tmpList->N > 0) { while ($tmpList->fetch()) { $lists[$tmpList->id] = array('name' => $tmpList->title, 'url' => '/MyAccount/MyList/' . $tmpList->id, 'id' => $tmpList->id, 'numTitles' => $tmpList->num_titles()); } } $interface->assign('lists', $lists); // Get My Tags $tagList = $user->getTags(); $interface->assign('tagList', $tagList); if ($user->hasRole('opacAdmin') || $user->hasRole('libraryAdmin') || $user->hasRole('cataloging')) { $variable = new Variable(); $variable->name = 'lastFullReindexFinish'; if ($variable->find(true)) { $interface->assign('lastFullReindexFinish', date('m-d-Y H:i:s', $variable->value)); } else { $interface->assign('lastFullReindexFinish', 'Unknown'); } $variable = new Variable(); $variable->name = 'lastPartialReindexFinish'; if ($variable->find(true)) { $interface->assign('lastPartialReindexFinish', date('m-d-Y H:i:s', $variable->value)); } else { $interface->assign('lastPartialReindexFinish', 'Unknown'); } } }
function __construct() { global $interface; global $configArray; global $user; $interface->assign('page_body_style', 'sidebar_left'); if ($this->requireLogin && !UserAccount::isLoggedIn()) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/Login.php'; $myAccountAction = new MyAccount_Login(); $myAccountAction->launch(); exit; } // Setup Search Engine Connection $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $this->db = new $class($configArray['Index']['url']); // Connect to Database $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); // Register Library Catalog Account if (isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['submit'])) { if ($this->catalog && isset($_POST['cat_username']) && isset($_POST['cat_password'])) { $result = $this->catalog->patronLogin($_POST['cat_username'], $_POST['cat_password']); if ($result && !PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) { $user->cat_username = $_POST['cat_username']; $user->cat_password = $_POST['cat_password']; $user->update(); UserAccount::updateSession($user); $interface->assign('user', $user); } else { $interface->assign('loginError', 'Invalid Patron Login'); } } } //Check to see if we have any acs or single use eContent in the catalog //to enable the holds and wishlist appropriately if (isset($configArray['EContent']['hasProtectedEContent'])) { $interface->assign('hasProtectedEContent', $configArray['EContent']['hasProtectedEContent']); } else { $interface->assign('hasProtectedEContent', false); } //This code is also in Search/History since that page displays in the My Account menu as well. //It is also in MyList.php and Admin.php if ($user !== false) { $interface->assign('user', $user); // Profile is already loaded by index.php. plb 4-17-2015 // (keeping in case there is a exception ) // Get My Profile // if ($this->catalog->status) { // if ($user->cat_username) { // $patron = $this->catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password); // if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)){ // PEAR_Singleton::raiseError($patron); // } // // $profile = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($patron); // //global $logger; // //$logger->log("Patron profile phone number in MyResearch = " . $profile['phone'], PEAR_LOG_INFO); // if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($profile)) { // $interface->assign('profile', $profile); // } // } // } //Figure out if we should show a link to classic opac to pay holds. $ecommerceLink = $configArray['Site']['ecommerceLink']; $homeLibrary = Library::getLibraryForLocation($user->homeLocationId); if (strlen($ecommerceLink) > 0 && isset($homeLibrary) && $homeLibrary->showEcommerceLink == 1) { $interface->assign('showEcommerceLink', true); $interface->assign('minimumFineAmount', $homeLibrary->minimumFineAmount); if ($homeLibrary->payFinesLink == 'default') { $interface->assign('ecommerceLink', $ecommerceLink); } else { $interface->assign('ecommerceLink', $homeLibrary->payFinesLink); } $interface->assign('payFinesLinkText', $homeLibrary->payFinesLinkText); } else { $interface->assign('showEcommerceLink', false); $interface->assign('minimumFineAmount', 0); } } }
/** * @param UserListEntry $listEntry - The resource to be cleaned * @return UserListEntry|bool */ function cleanListEntry($listEntry) { global $configArray; global $user; // Connect to Database $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); //Filter list information for bad words as needed. if ($user == false || $this->user_id != $user->id) { //Load all bad words. global $library; require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/BadWord.php'; $badWords = new BadWord(); $badWordsList = $badWords->getBadWordExpressions(); //Determine if we should censor bad words or hide the comment completely. $censorWords = true; if (isset($library)) { $censorWords = $library->hideCommentsWithBadWords == 0 ? true : false; } if ($censorWords) { //Filter Title $titleText = $this->title; foreach ($badWordsList as $badWord) { $titleText = preg_replace($badWord, '***', $titleText); } $this->title = $titleText; //Filter description $descriptionText = $this->description; foreach ($badWordsList as $badWord) { $descriptionText = preg_replace($badWord, '***', $descriptionText); } $this->description = $descriptionText; //Filter notes $notesText = $listEntry->notes; foreach ($badWordsList as $badWord) { $notesText = preg_replace($badWord, '***', $notesText); } $this->description = $notesText; } else { //Check for bad words in the title or description $titleText = $this->title; if (isset($listEntry->description)) { $titleText .= ' ' . $listEntry->description; } //Filter notes $titleText .= ' ' . $listEntry->notes; foreach ($badWordsList as $badWord) { if (preg_match($badWord, $titleText)) { return false; } } } } return $listEntry; }
function launch() { global $interface; global $user; // In some contexts, we want to require a login before showing search // history: if (isset($_REQUEST['require_login']) && !UserAccount::isLoggedIn()) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/Login.php'; MyAccount_Login::launch(); exit; } $interface->setPageTitle('Search History'); // Retrieve search history $s = new SearchEntry(); $searchHistory = $s->getSearches(session_id(), is_object($user) ? $user->id : null); if (count($searchHistory) > 0) { // Build an array of history entries $links = array(); $saved = array(); // Loop through the history foreach ($searchHistory as $search) { $size = strlen($search->search_object); $minSO = unserialize($search->search_object); $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::deminify($minSO); // Make sure all facets are active so we get appropriate // descriptions in the filter box. $searchObject->activateAllFacets(); $newItem = array('id' => $search->id, 'time' => date("g:ia, jS M y", $searchObject->getStartTime()), 'url' => $searchObject->renderSearchUrl(), 'searchId' => $searchObject->getSearchId(), 'description' => $searchObject->displayQuery(), 'filters' => $searchObject->getFilterList(), 'hits' => number_format($searchObject->getResultTotal()), 'speed' => round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2) . "s", 'size' => round($size / 1024, 3) . "kb"); // Saved searches if ($search->saved == 1) { $saved[] = $newItem; // All the others } else { // If this was a purge request we don't need this if (isset($_REQUEST['purge']) && $_REQUEST['purge'] == 'true') { $search->delete(); // We don't want to remember the last search after a purge: unset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']); // Otherwise add to the list } else { $links[] = $newItem; } } } // One final check, after a purge make sure we still have a history if (count($links) > 0 || count($saved) > 0) { $interface->assign('links', array_reverse($links)); $interface->assign('saved', array_reverse($saved)); $interface->assign('noHistory', false); // Nothing left in history } else { $interface->assign('noHistory', true); } // No history } else { $interface->assign('noHistory', true); } //Load profile information for display in My Account menu //This code is also in MyResearch.php if ($user !== false) { global $configArray; $this->catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); // Get My Profile if ($this->catalog->status) { if ($user->cat_username) { $patron = $this->catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password); if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)) { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError($patron); } $result = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($patron); if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) { $interface->assign('profile', $result); } } } //Figure out if we should show a link to classic opac to pay holds. global $library; $homeLibrary = $library->getLibraryForLocation($user->homeLocationId); if ($homeLibrary->showEcommerceLink == 1) { $interface->assign('showEcommerceLink', true); $interface->assign('minimumFineAmount', $homeLibrary->minimumFineAmount); } else { $interface->assign('showEcommerceLink', false); $interface->assign('minimumFineAmount', 0); } } $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl'); $interface->setTemplate('history.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); }
static function loadHoldings($id) { global $interface; global $configArray; global $library; $showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary = true; $showCheckInGrid = true; if ($library && $library->showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary == 0) { $showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary = false; } $interface->assign('showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary', $showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary); if ($library && $library->showCheckInGrid == 0) { $showCheckInGrid = false; } $interface->assign('showCheckInGrid', $showCheckInGrid); try { $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); } catch (PDOException $e) { // What should we do with this error? if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { echo '<pre>'; echo 'DEBUG: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo '</pre>'; } return null; } $holdingData = new stdClass(); // Get Holdings Data if ($catalog->status) { $result = $catalog->getHolding($id); if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError($result); } if (count($result)) { $holdings = array(); $issueSummaries = array(); foreach ($result as $copy) { if (isset($copy['type']) && $copy['type'] == 'issueSummary') { $issueSummaries = $result; break; } else { $key = $copy['location']; $key = preg_replace('~\\W~', '_', $key); $holdings[$key][] = $copy; } } if (isset($issueSummaries) && count($issueSummaries) > 0) { $interface->assign('issueSummaries', $issueSummaries); $holdingData->issueSummaries = $issueSummaries; } else { $interface->assign('holdings', $holdings); $holdingData->holdings = $holdings; } } else { $interface->assign('holdings', array()); $holdingData->holdings = array(); } // Get Acquisitions Data $result = $catalog->getPurchaseHistory($id); if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError($result); } $interface->assign('history', $result); $holdingData->history = $result; //Holdings summary $result = $catalog->getStatusSummary($id, false); if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError($result); } $holdingData->holdingsSummary = $result; $interface->assign('holdingsSummary', $result); $interface->assign('formattedHoldingsSummary', $interface->fetch('Record/holdingsSummary.tpl')); } return $holdingData; }
/** * Get Item Statuses * * This is responsible for getting holding summary information for a list of * records from the database. * * @access public * @author Mark Noble <*****@*****.**> */ function GetStatusSummaries() { global $configArray; global $interface; global $timer; global $library; $showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary = true; if ($library && $library->showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary == 0) { $showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary = false; } $interface->assign('showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary', $showCopiesLineInHoldingsSummary); require_once ROOT_DIR . '/CatalogConnection.php'; // Try to find a copy that is available /** @var $catalog CatalogConnection */ $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $timer->logTime("Initialized Catalog Connection"); $summaries = $catalog->getStatusSummaries($_GET['id'], true); $timer->logTime("Retrieved status summaries"); $result = array(); $result['items'] = array(); if ($configArray['Catalog']['offline']) { $interface->assign('offline', true); } else { $interface->assign('offline', false); } // Loop through all the status information that came back foreach ($summaries as $id => $record) { // If we encountered errors, skip those problem records. if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($record)) { continue; } $itemResults = $record; $interface->assign('id', $id); $interface->assign('holdingsSummary', $record); $formattedHoldingsSummary = $interface->fetch('Record/holdingsSummary.tpl'); $itemResults['formattedHoldingsSummary'] = $formattedHoldingsSummary; $result['items'][] = $itemResults; } echo json_encode($result); $timer->logTime("Formatted results"); }
/** * Returns a summary of information about the user's account in OverDrive. * * @param User $user * * @return array */ public function getOverDriveSummary($user) { global $configArray; $libraryILS = $configArray['OverDrive']['LibraryCardILS']; /** @var MillenniumDriver|DriverInterface $catalog */ $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $patronBarcode = $catalog->_getBarcode(); $apiURL = "{$libraryILS}/{$libraryILS}/" . $patronBarcode; $summaryResultRaw = file_get_contents($apiURL); $summary = array('numCheckedOut' => 0, 'numAvailableHolds' => 0, 'numUnavailableHolds' => 0); if ($summaryResultRaw != "Library patron not found.") { $summaryResults = json_decode($summaryResultRaw, true); $summary['numCheckedOut'] = $summaryResults['CheckoutCount']; $summary['numAvailableHolds'] = $summaryResults['AvailableHoldCount']; $summary['numUnavailableHolds'] = $summaryResults['PendingHoldCount']; } return $summary; }
function getNumHolds() { if ($this->numHolds != -1) { return $this->numHolds; } global $configArray; global $timer; if ($configArray['Catalog']['ils'] == 'Horizon') { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/CatalogFactory.php'; $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); $this->numHolds = $catalog->getNumHolds($this->getUniqueID()); } else { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/IlsHoldSummary.php'; $holdSummary = new IlsHoldSummary(); $holdSummary->ilsId = $this->getUniqueID(); if ($holdSummary->find(true)) { $this->numHolds = $holdSummary->numHolds; } else { $this->numHolds = 0; } } $timer->logTime("Loaded number of holds"); return $this->numHolds; }
// Used for multi-language sites $lang->handleGet($_GET); if ($lang->isMultiLang()) { // Cfg::LANGUAGES might be empty foreach ($lang->getAllLangs() as $lng) { if (!defined('Cfg::MENUFILE_' . strtoupper($lng))) { throw new Exception('Parameter Cfg::MENUFILE_' . strtoupper($lng) . ' is not set'); } if (!property_exists('Cfg', 'pages_' . $lng)) { throw new Exception('Parameter Cfg::pages_' . $lng . ' is not set'); } if (!property_exists('Cfg', 'menu_categories_' . $lng)) { throw new Exception('Parameter Cfg::menu_categories_' . $lng . ' is not set'); } } // $pages_<lang> $pmgr = PageMgr::getInstance(Cfg::${'pages_' . $lang->getLang()}, Common::getAbsPath(Cfg::PAGES_PATH)); $catalog = CatalogFactory::createCatalogProvider(Cfg::$structure, Cfg::CATALOG_SOURCE_TYPE); // MENUFILE_<LANG> $menufile = constant('Cfg::MENUFILE_' . strtoupper($lang->getLang())); $catalog->loadSource(Common::getAbsPath($menufile)); $catalog->loadCategories(Cfg::${'menu_categories_' . $lang->getLang()}); // remember current language $mem->store('langdir', $lang->getLang() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $view->set('multilang', true); $view->set('curlang', $lang->getLang()); $view->set('lang_link_start', '?lang=' . $lang->getLang()); $view->set('lang_link_append', '&lang=' . $lang->getLang()); } else { $view->set('multilang', false); }
function placeHold() { global $user; global $configArray; global $interface; global $analytics; $analytics->enableTracking(); $recordId = $_REQUEST['id']; if ($user) { //The user is already logged in $barcodeProperty = $configArray['Catalog']['barcodeProperty']; $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance(); if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedItem'])) { $return = $catalog->placeItemHold($recordId, $_REQUEST['selectedItem'], $user->{$barcodeProperty}, '', ''); } else { $return = $catalog->placeHold($recordId, $user->{$barcodeProperty}, '', ''); } if (isset($return['items'])) { $campus = $_REQUEST['campus']; $interface->assign('campus', $campus); $items = $return['items']; $interface->assign('items', $items); $interface->assign('message', $return['message']); $interface->assign('id', $recordId); global $library; $interface->assign('showDetailedHoldNoticeInformation', $library->showDetailedHoldNoticeInformation); $interface->assign('treatPrintNoticesAsPhoneNotices', $library->treatPrintNoticesAsPhoneNotices); //Need to place item level holds. $results = array('success' => true, 'needsItemLevelHold' => true, 'message' => $interface->fetch('Record/item-hold-popup.tpl'), 'title' => $return['title']); } else { // Completed Hold Attempt $interface->assign('message', $return['message']); $success = $return['result']; $interface->assign('success', $success); //Get library based on patron home library since that is what controls their notifications rather than the active interface. //$library = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary(); global $library; $canUpdateContactInfo = $library->allowProfileUpdates == 1; // set update permission based on active library's settings. Or allow by default. $canChangeNoticePreference = $library->showNoticeTypeInProfile == 1; // when user preference isn't set, they will be shown a link to account profile. this link isn't needed if the user can not change notification preference. $interface->assign('canUpdate', $canUpdateContactInfo); $interface->assign('canChangeNoticePreference', $canChangeNoticePreference); $interface->assign('showDetailedHoldNoticeInformation', $library->showDetailedHoldNoticeInformation); $interface->assign('treatPrintNoticesAsPhoneNotices', $library->treatPrintNoticesAsPhoneNotices); $results = array('success' => $success, 'message' => $interface->fetch('Record/hold-success-popup.tpl'), 'title' => $return['title']); if (isset($_REQUEST['autologout'])) { UserAccount::softLogout(); $results['autologout'] = true; } } } else { $results = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'You must be logged in to place a hold. Please close this dialog and login.', 'title' => 'Please login'); if (isset($_REQUEST['autologout'])) { UserAccount::softLogout(); $results['autologout'] = true; } } return $this->json_utf8_encode($results); }