  * Prepare occurrences output
  * @param	string	$tagdata			Tagdata
  * @param	array	$data				Array of data
  * @param	bool	$include_default	Include the default entry_id when fetching weblog data?
  * @return	string
 protected function prep_occurrences_output($tagdata, $data, $include_default = TRUE)
     $tagdata = $this->fix_conditional_date_escaping('occurrence', $tagdata);
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Ensure $this->CDT is ready
     // -------------------------------------
     if (empty($data->dates)) {
         return $tagdata;
     $output = '';
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Put the items in order
     // -------------------------------------
     foreach ($data->dates as $ymd => $times) {
     //	order arrays for later multi sorting
     $calendar_orderby_params = array('event_start_date', 'occurrence_start_date');
     $orders = explode('|', $this->P->value('orderby'));
     $sorts = explode('|', $this->P->value('sort'));
     $calendar_orders = array();
     $calendar_order_data = array();
     foreach ($orders as $k => $order) {
         if (in_array($order, $calendar_orderby_params)) {
             $sort = isset($sorts[$k]) ? $sorts[$k] : 'desc';
             $calendar_orders[$order] = $sort;
             $calendar_order_data[$order] = array();
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Are prior_ or upcoming_ limits in effect?
     // -------------------------------------
     $prior_limit = $this->P->value('prior_occurrences_limit') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('prior_occurrences_limit') : FALSE;
     $upcoming_limit = $this->P->value('upcoming_occurrences_limit') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('upcoming_occurrences_limit') : FALSE;
     if ($prior_limit !== FALSE or $upcoming_limit !== FALSE) {
         $priors = array();
         $upcoming = array();
         //set date to current
         foreach ($data->dates as $ymd => $info) {
             //yeterday or before
             if ($ymd < $this->CDT->ymd) {
                 $priors[$ymd] = $info;
             } elseif ($ymd == $this->CDT->ymd) {
                 //we need to check all hours and minutes :/
                 foreach ($info as $time => $time_data) {
                     $temp_end_hour = $time_data['end_date']['hour'] + ($time_data['end_date']['pm'] ? 12 : 0);
                     $temp_end_minute = $time_data['end_date']['minute'];
                     //if this is an all day item and we are still in this day, its current
                     if ($time_data['all_day'] == TRUE) {
                         $upcoming[$ymd][$time] = $time_data;
                     } else {
                         if ($temp_end_hour > $this->CDT->hour() or $temp_end_hour == $this->CDT->hour() and $temp_end_minute > $this->CDT->minute()) {
                             $upcoming[$ymd][$time] = $time_data;
                         } else {
                             $priors[$ymd][$time] = $time_data;
             } else {
                 $upcoming[$ymd] = $info;
         //slice out our limits
         if ($prior_limit !== FALSE) {
             $priors = $this->apply_occurrences_limit($priors, $prior_limit, 0, 'prior');
             //$priors = array_slice(array_reverse($priors, TRUE), 0, $prior_limit, TRUE);
         if ($upcoming_limit !== FALSE) {
             $upcoming = $this->apply_occurrences_limit($upcoming, $upcoming_limit, 0, 'upcoming');
             //$upcoming = array_slice($upcoming, 0, $upcoming_limit, TRUE);
         //this has to be recursive because we can have the same $YMD happening if its today's date
         $data->dates = array_merge_recursive($priors, $upcoming);
     //	get default data from parent entry_id
     if (!isset($this->cache['entry_info'])) {
         $this->cache['entry_info'] = array();
     //we need some extra data about this entry so we can parse occurrences items
     if (!isset($this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']])) {
         $entry_info_query = ee()->db->query("SELECT \tct.title, ct.url_title, ct.author_id, ct.status, m.screen_name, m.username\n\t\t\t\t FROM\t\t{$this->sc->db->channel_titles} as ct\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN\texp_members as m\n\t\t\t\t ON\t\t\tct.author_id = m.member_id\n\t\t\t\t WHERE\t\tct.entry_id = " . ee()->db->escape_str($data->default_data['entry_id']));
         if ($entry_info_query->num_rows() > 0) {
             $this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']] = $entry_info_query->row_array();
         } else {
             $this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']] = array();
     $entry_info = $this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']];
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Grab entry IDs from the occurrences
     // -------------------------------------
     foreach ($data->occurrences as $ymd => $times) {
         foreach ($times as $time => $info) {
             if ($info['entry_id'] != $data->default_data['entry_id'] and !isset($ids[$info['entry_id']])) {
                 $ids[$ymd] = $info['entry_id'];
     $tagdatas = array();
     $tagdatas[$data->default_data['entry_id']] = $tagdata;
     //this will probably only happen for edited occurrences
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Add the "parent" entry id for default data
         // -------------------------------------
         $ids[0] = $data->default_data['entry_id'];
         //ee()->TMPL_orig = clone ee()->TMPL;
         $tagdata = LD . 'occurrences id="' . LD . 'entry_id' . RD . '"' . RD . $tagdata . LD . T_SLASH . 'occurrences' . RD;
         //	----------------------------------------
         //	Invoke Channel class
         //	----------------------------------------
         if (!class_exists('Channel')) {
             require PATH_MOD . '/channel/mod.channel.php';
         $channel = new Channel();
         //need to remove limit here so huge amounts of events work
         $channel->limit = 1000000;
         // --------------------------------------------
         //  Invoke Pagination for EE 2.4 and Above
         // --------------------------------------------
         $channel = $this->add_pag_to_channel($channel);
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Prepare parameters
         // -------------------------------------
         ee()->TMPL->tagparams['entry_id'] = implode('|', $ids);
         ee()->TMPL->tagparams['weblog'] = CALENDAR_EVENTS_CHANNEL_NAME;
         ee()->TMPL->tagparams['channel'] = CALENDAR_EVENTS_CHANNEL_NAME;
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Pre-process related data
         // -------------------------------------
         if (version_compare($this->ee_version, '2.6.0', '<')) {
             ee()->TMPL->tagdata = ee()->TMPL->assign_relationship_data($tagdata);
         ee()->TMPL->var_single = array_merge(ee()->TMPL->var_single, ee()->TMPL->related_markers);
         ee()->TMPL->var_single['entry_id'] = 'entry_id';
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Execute needed methods
         // -------------------------------------
         // --------------------------------------------
         //  Pagination Tags Parsed Out
         // --------------------------------------------
         $channel = $this->fetch_pagination_data($channel);
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Add occurrence_ prefix to custom fields
         // -------------------------------------
         foreach ($channel->cfields as $sid => $fields) {
             foreach ($fields as $name => $fid) {
                 $channel->cfields[$sid]['occurrence_' . $name] = $fid;
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Querification
         // -------------------------------------
         if ($channel->sql == '') {
             return $this->no_results();
         $channel->query = ee()->db->query($channel->sql);
         if ($channel->query->num_rows() == 0) {
             //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Channel module says no results, bailing');
             return $this->no_results();
         $channel->query->result = $channel->query->result_array();
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Trim IDs and build events
         // -------------------------------------
         $new_ids = array();
         foreach ($channel->query->result as $k => $row) {
             $new_ids[$row['entry_id']] = $row['entry_id'];
         if (empty($new_ids)) {
             return $this->no_results();
         $occurrence_data = $this->data->fetch_event_occurrences($data->default_data['entry_id']);
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Turn these IDs into events
         // -------------------------------------
         $events = array();
         if (!class_exists('Calendar_event')) {
             require_once CALENDAR_PATH . 'calendar.event.php';
         $calendars = array();
         $start_ymd = $this->P->value('date_range_start') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('date_range_start', 'ymd') : '';
         $end_ymd = $this->P->value('date_range_end') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('date_range_end', 'ymd') : '';
         foreach ($occurrence_data[$data->default_data['entry_id']] as $times) {
             foreach ($times as $k => $odata) {
                 $temp = new Calendar_event($odata, $start_ymd, $end_ymd);
                 if (!empty($temp->dates)) {
                     $events[$odata['entry_id']] = $temp;
                     $calendars[$events[$odata['entry_id']]->default_data['calendar_id']] = array();
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Fetch information about the calendars
         // -------------------------------------
         $calendars = $this->data->fetch_calendar_data_by_id(array_keys($calendars));
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Prep variable aliases
         // -------------------------------------
         $variables = array('title' => 'occurrence_title', 'url_title' => 'occurrence_url_title', 'entry_id' => 'occurrence_id', 'author_id' => 'occurrence_author_id', 'author' => 'occurrence_author', 'status' => 'occurrence_status');
         //custom variables with the letters 'url' are borked in
         //EE 2.6. Bug reported, but this should fix.
         if (version_compare($this->ee_version, '2.6.0', '>=')) {
             $variables['url_title'] = 'occurrence_borked_title';
             ee()->TMPL->var_single['occurrence_borked_title'] = 'occurrence_borked_title';
             ee()->TMPL->tagdata = str_replace(array(LD . 'occurrence_url_title' . RD, '"occurrence_url_title"', "'occurrence_url_title'"), array(LD . 'occurrence_borked_title' . RD, '"occurrence_borked_title"', "'occurrence_borked_title'"), ee()->TMPL->tagdata);
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Add variables to the query result
         // -------------------------------------
         foreach ($channel->query->result as $k => $row) {
             $channel->query->result[$k]['author'] = $row['screen_name'] != '' ? $row['screen_name'] : $row['username'];
             $entry_id = $row['entry_id'];
             if (isset($ids[0]) and $entry_id == $ids[0]) {
                 $events[$entry_id] = $data;
             } elseif (!isset($events[$entry_id])) {
             // -------------------------------------
             //  Alias
             // -------------------------------------
             foreach ($variables as $old => $new) {
                 $channel->query->result[$k][$new] = $channel->query->result[$k][$old];
             // -------------------------------------
             //  Occurrence variables
             // -------------------------------------
             foreach ($events[$entry_id]->default_data as $key => $val) {
                 if (!is_array($val)) {
                     if ($val == 'y' or $val == 'n') {
                         $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key] = $val == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
                     } else {
                         $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key] = $val;
                 } else {
                     foreach ($val as $vkey => $vval) {
                         if ($vval === 'y' or $vval === 'n') {
                             $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key . '_' . $vkey] = $vval == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
                         } else {
                             $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key . '_' . $vkey] = $vval;
         //	----------------------------------------
         //	Redeclare
         //	----------------------------------------
         //	We will reassign the $channel->query->result with our
         //	reordered array of values. Thank you PHP for being so fast with array loops.
         //	----------------------------------------
         $channel->query->result_array = $channel->query->result;
         // --------------------------------------------
         //  Typography
         // --------------------------------------------
         ee()->typography->convert_curly = FALSE;
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Parse
         // -------------------------------------
         //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Parsing, via channel module');
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Paginate
         // -------------------------------------
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Related entries
         // -------------------------------------
         if (version_compare($this->ee_version, '2.6.0', '<')) {
             if (count(ee()->TMPL->related_data) > 0 and count($channel->related_entries) > 0) {
             if (count(ee()->TMPL->reverse_related_data) > 0 and count($channel->reverse_related_entries) > 0) {
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Send 'em home
         // -------------------------------------
         $tagdata = $channel->return_data;
         // -------------------------------------
         //	put these back in case someone needs
         //	them
         // -------------------------------------
         //	url title is manually parsed later
         //	in the code here, so we don't
         //	want to hose it
         // -------------------------------------
         //custom variables with the letters 'url' are borked in
         //EE 2.6. Bug reported, but this should fix.
         if (version_compare($this->ee_version, '2.6.0', '>=')) {
             $tagdata = str_replace(array(LD . 'occurrence_borked_title' . RD, '"occurrence_borked_title"', "'occurrence_borked_title'"), array(LD . 'occurrence_url_title' . RD, '"occurrence_url_title"', "'occurrence_url_title'"), $tagdata);
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Collect the tagdata
         // -------------------------------------
         preg_match_all("/" . LD . 'occurrences id="(\\d+)"' . RD . '(.*?)' . LD . preg_quote(T_SLASH, '/') . 'occurrences' . RD . '/s', $tagdata, $matches);
         foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $id) {
             $tagdatas[$id] = $matches[2][$k];
         //ee()->TMPL = ee()->TMPL_orig;
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Date and time variables
     // -------------------------------------
     $dt_vars = array('start_date', 'end_date', 'start_time', 'end_time');
     $count = 1;
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($data->dates as $date) {
         $total += count($date);
     if (empty($data->dates)) {
         return $this->no_results();
     //	reverse sorting
     if ($this->parent_method == 'occurrences' and ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('reverse') and strtolower(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('reverse')) === 'true') {
     //	orderby sorting
     /*if ($this->parent_method == 'occurrences' AND
     			$sort = (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('sort') AND
     					 strtolower(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('sort')) === 'DESC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     //	pagination
     if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences') {
         $this->paginate = FALSE;
     $limit = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_limit') ? ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_limit') : $this->limit;
     if ($limit > 0 and $this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and $total > $limit) {
         //get pagination info
         $pagination_data = $this->universal_pagination(array('total_results' => $total, 'tagdata' => $tagdata . $this->paginate_tagpair_data, 'limit' => $limit, 'uri_string' => ee()->uri->uri_string, 'paginate_prefix' => 'calendar_'));
         //if we paginated, sort the data
         if ($pagination_data['paginate'] === TRUE) {
             $this->paginate = $pagination_data['paginate'];
             $this->page_next = $pagination_data['page_next'];
             $this->page_previous = $pagination_data['page_previous'];
             $this->p_page = $pagination_data['pagination_page'];
             $this->current_page = $pagination_data['current_page'];
             $this->pager = $pagination_data['pagination_links'];
             $this->basepath = $pagination_data['base_url'];
             $this->total_pages = $pagination_data['total_pages'];
             $this->paginate_data = $pagination_data['paginate_tagpair_data'];
             $this->page_count = $pagination_data['page_count'];
             //$tagdata				= $pagination_data['tagdata'];
     //	event limiter
     $offset = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_offset') ? ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_offset') : 0;
     $page = ($this->current_page - 1) * $limit;
     if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and $page > 0) {
         $offset += $page;
     //	Add final variables and swap out,
     //	then add tagdata to return variable
     $offset_counter = 0;
     foreach ($data->dates as $ymd => $times) {
         foreach ($times as $time => $info) {
             //offset and limiting
             if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and ++$offset_counter <= $offset) {
             if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and $offset_counter > $limit + $offset) {
                 break 2;
             //	output variables
             $tdata = isset($data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']) ? $tagdatas[$data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']] : $tagdatas[$data->default_data['entry_id']];
             if ($info['all_day'] === TRUE or $info['all_day'] == 'y') {
                 $info['date']['time'] = '0000';
                 $info['date']['hour'] = '00';
                 $info['date']['minute'] = '00';
                 $info['end_date']['time'] = '2400';
                 $info['end_date']['hour'] = '24';
                 $info['end_date']['minute'] = '00';
                 $info['duration']['hours'] = '24';
             $vars = array('single' => array('occurrence_duration_minutes' => $info['duration']['minutes'], 'occurrence_duration_hours' => $info['duration']['hours'], 'occurrence_duration_days' => $info['duration']['days'], 'occurrence_id' => isset($data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']) ? $data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id'] : $data->default_data['entry_id'], 'occurrence_start_year' => $info['date']['year'], 'occurrence_start_month' => $info['date']['month'], 'occurrence_start_day' => $info['date']['day'], 'occurence_start_hour' => $info['date']['hour'], 'occurrence_start_minute' => $info['date']['minute'], 'occurrence_end_year' => $info['end_date']['year'], 'occurrence_end_month' => $info['end_date']['month'], 'occurrence_end_day' => $info['end_date']['day'], 'occurrence_end_hour' => $info['end_date']['hour'], 'occurrence_end_minute' => $info['end_date']['minute'], 'occurrence_count' => $count, 'occurrence_total' => $total, 'occurrence_author_id' => isset($entry_info['author_id']) ? $entry_info['author_id'] : '', 'occurrence_author' => isset($entry_info['screen_name']) ? $entry_info['screen_name'] : (isset($entry_info['username']) ? $entry_info['username'] : ''), 'occurrence_title' => isset($entry_info['title']) ? $entry_info['title'] : '', 'occurrence_url_title' => isset($entry_info['url_title']) ? $entry_info['url_title'] : '', 'occurrence_status' => isset($entry_info['status']) ? $entry_info['status'] : ''), 'conditional' => array('occurrence_all_day' => $info['all_day'], 'occurrence_multi_day' => $info['multi_day'], 'occurrence_status' => isset($entry_info['status']) ? $entry_info['status'] : '', 'occurrence_author_id' => isset($entry_info['author_id']) ? $entry_info['author_id'] : ''), 'date' => array('occurrence_start_date' => $info['date'], 'occurrence_start_time' => $info['date'], 'occurrence_end_date' => $info['end_date'], 'occurrence_end_time' => $info['end_date']));
             $output .= $this->swap_vars($vars, $tdata);
     //	offset too much? buh bye
     if (trim($output) === '') {
         return $this->no_results();
     return $output;
  * Edit Occurrences
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	null
 public function edit_occurrences($message = '')
     if ($message == '' and isset($_GET['msg'])) {
         $message = lang($_GET['msg']);
     $this->cached_vars['message'] = $message;
     $this->cached_vars['module_menu_highlight'] = 'view_events';
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Title and Crumbs
     // -------------------------------------
     //must have an event_id
     if (ee()->input->get_post('event_id') === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     // -------------------------------------
     //  filtering input data
     // -------------------------------------
     $this->cached_vars['event_id'] = $event_id = ee()->input->get_post('event_id');
     $this->cached_vars['status'] = $status = ee()->input->get_post('status') ? ee()->input->get_post('status') : '';
     $this->cached_vars['date'] = $input_date = ee()->input->get_post('date') ? ee()->input->get_post('date') : '';
     $this->cached_vars['direction'] = $direction = ee()->input->get_post('date_direction') ? ee()->input->get_post('date_direction') : '';
     $this->cached_vars['orderby'] = $orderby = ee()->input->get_post('orderby') ? ee()->input->get_post('orderby') : 'start_date';
     $this->cached_vars['sort'] = $sort = ee()->input->get_post('sort') ? ee()->input->get_post('sort') : 'ASC';
     $this->cached_vars['offset'] = $offset = is_numeric(ee()->input->get_post('offset')) ? ee()->input->get_post('offset') : 0;
     $this->cached_vars['limit'] = $limit = ee()->input->get_post('limit') ? ee()->input->get_post('limit') : 50;
     $this->cached_vars['occurrences_limit'] = $occurrences_limit = ee()->input->get_post('occurrences_limit') ? ee()->input->get_post('occurrences_limit') : 100;
     //	filtering options
     // date filtering
     if ($input_date) {
         $formatted_date = $this->data->format_input_date($input_date);
         $formatted_date = $formatted_date['ymd'];
         $dirs = array('greater' => '>=', 'less' => '<=', 'equal' => '=');
         $dir = ($direction and array_key_exists($direction, $dirs)) ? $dirs[$direction] : '=';
     $this->cached_vars['statuses'] = $this->data->get_status_list();
     $this->cached_vars['orderbys'] = array('title' => lang('event_title'), 'start_date' => lang('event_date'), 'status' => lang('status'));
     $this->cached_vars['sorts'] = array('ASC' => lang('ascending'), 'DESC' => lang('descending'));
     $this->cached_vars['limits'] = array('10' => '10', '50' => '50', '100' => '100', '250' => '250', '500' => '500');
     $this->cached_vars['directions'] = array('greater' => lang('or_later'), 'less' => lang('or_earlier'));
     if ($this->cached_vars['date'] != '' and strpos($this->cached_vars['date'], '/') !== FALSE) {
         list($m, $d, $y) = explode('/', $this->cached_vars['date']);
         $this->cached_vars['range_date'] = array('year' => $y, 'month' => $m, 'day' => $d);
     } else {
         $this->cached_vars['range_date'] = array();
     $this->cached_vars['start_date'] = $this->cached_vars['direction'] != 'less' ? $this->cached_vars['range_date'] : array();
     $this->cached_vars['end_date'] = $this->cached_vars['direction'] == 'less' ? $this->cached_vars['range_date'] : array();
     //  Get time format
     $this->cached_vars['clock_type'] = $clock_type = $this->data->preference('clock_type');
     //	event data
     $event_data = $this->data->fetch_all_event_data(array($event_id));
     $events = array();
     if (!class_exists('Calendar_event')) {
         require_once CALENDAR_PATH . 'calendar.event.php';
     $start_ymd = $input_date ? $formatted_date : (isset($this->P['date_range_start']->value->ymd) ? $this->P['date_range_start']->value->ymd : '');
     $end_ymd = isset($this->P['date_range_end']->value->ymd) ? $this->P['date_range_end']->value->ymd : '';
     foreach ($event_data as $k => $edata) {
         $temp = new Calendar_event($edata, $start_ymd, $end_ymd, $occurrences_limit);
         if (!empty($temp->dates)) {
             $events[$edata['entry_id']] = $temp;
     //if this event isnt present, bail
     if (isset($events[$event_id]->default_data['entry_id']) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     //	Occurrence data
     $entry_ids = array();
     $entry_ids[] = $events[$event_id]->default_data['entry_id'];
     if (isset($events[$event_id]->occurrences) and !empty($events[$event_id]->occurrences)) {
         foreach ($events[$event_id]->occurrences as $ymd => $times) {
             foreach ($times as $time => $data) {
                 if (!in_array($data['entry_id'], $entry_ids)) {
                     $entry_ids[] = $data['entry_id'];
     $odata = $this->data->fetch_occurrence_channel_data($entry_ids);
     //	vars
     if (!empty($events)) {
         $this->cached_vars['events'] = $events;
         $this->cached_vars['odata'] = $odata;
         $this->cached_vars[$this->sc->db->channel_id] = $channel_id = $odata[$events[$event_id]->default_data['entry_id']][$this->sc->db->channel_id];
         $this->cached_vars['calendar_id'] = $calendar_id = $events[$event_id]->default_data['calendar_id'];
         $this->cached_vars['site_id'] = $site_id = $this->data->get_site_id();
         $this->cached_vars['start_time'] = $start_time = $events[$event_id]->default_data['start_time'];
         $this->cached_vars['end_time'] = $end_time = $events[$event_id]->default_data['end_time'];
         $this->cached_vars['all_day'] = $all_day = $events[$event_id]->default_data['all_day'] === TRUE ? 'y' : 'n';
     //  Sort by date
     if ($this->cached_vars['orderby'] == 'start_date') {
         foreach ($events as $id => $event) {
             if ($this->cached_vars['sort'] == 'DESC') {
             } else {
             foreach ($event->dates as $date => $times) {
                 if ($this->cached_vars['sort'] == 'DESC') {
                 } else {
     //	data and filtering
     $event_views = array();
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($events[$event_id]->dates as $ymd => $times) {
         //date filtering
         if ($input_date) {
             if ($dir == '>=' and $formatted_date > $ymd) {
             if ($dir == '<=' and $formatted_date < $ymd) {
             if ($dir == '=' and $formatted_date != $ymd) {
         foreach ($times as $time => $data) {
             $event_view = array();
             //	status
             $event_view['ostatus'] = (isset($events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]) and isset($odata[$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']]['status'])) ? $odata[$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']]['status'] : $odata[$events[$event_id]->default_data['entry_id']]['status'];
             //	status filter
             //if the input status is filtering, we need to skip
             if (!in_array(ee()->input->get_post('status'), array(FALSE, ''), TRUE) and $event_view['ostatus'] !== ee()->input->get_post('status')) {
             //	title
             $event_view['title'] = isset($events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]) ? $odata[$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']]['title'] : $odata[$events[$event_id]->default_data['entry_id']]['title'];
             //	time range
             if ($data['all_day'] or $start_time == '0000' and $end_time == '2400') {
                 $event_view['time_range'] = lang('all_day');
             } else {
                 $this->CAL->CDT->change_time(substr($time, 0, 2), substr($time, 2, 2));
                 $start = $clock_type == '12' ? $this->CAL->CDT->format_date_string('h:i a') : $this->CAL->CDT->format_date_string('H:i');
                 $this->CAL->CDT->change_time(substr($time, 4, 2), substr($time, 6, 2));
                 $end = $clock_type == '12' ? $this->CAL->CDT->format_date_string('h:i a') : $this->CAL->CDT->format_date_string('H:i');
                 $event_view['time_range'] = "{$start} &ndash; {$end}";
             //	edit link
             $start_time = isset($data['start_time']) ? $data['start_time'] : $data['date']['time'];
             $end_time = isset($data['end_time']) ? $data['end_time'] : $data['end_date']['time'];
             $start_time = str_pad($start_time, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             $end_time = str_pad($end_time, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             $edit_link = BASE . AMP . "C=content_publish" . AMP . "M=entry_form" . AMP . "use_autosave=n";
             if (isset($events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]) and isset($odata[$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']]['entry_id']) and $odata[$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']]['entry_id'] != $events[$event_id]->default_data['entry_id']) {
                 $edit_link .= AMP . "{$this->sc->db->channel_id}={$channel_id}" . AMP . "entry_id={$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']}" . AMP . "event_id={$events[$event_id]->default_data['event_id']}" . AMP . "occurrence_id={$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['occurrence_id']}" . AMP . "calendar_id={$calendar_id}" . AMP . "site_id={$site_id}" . AMP . "start_time={$start_time}" . AMP . "end_time={$end_time}" . AMP . "all_day={$events[$event_id]->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['all_day']}" . AMP . "ymd={$ymd}";
             } else {
                 $edit_link .= AMP . "entry_id={$events[$event_id]->default_data['entry_id']}" . AMP . "{$this->sc->db->channel_id}={$channel_id}" . AMP . "event_id={$events[$event_id]->default_data['event_id']}" . AMP . "calendar_id={$calendar_id}" . AMP . "site_id={$site_id}" . AMP . "start_time={$start_time}" . AMP . "end_time={$end_time}" . AMP . "all_day={$all_day}" . AMP . "ymd={$ymd}" . AMP . "start_date={$ymd}" . AMP . "end_date={$data['end_date']['ymd']}" . AMP . "new_occurrence=y";
             $event_view['edit_link'] = $edit_link;
             //	time
             $event_view['time'] = $this->CAL->CDT->format_date_string($this->data->date_formats[$this->data->preference('date_format')]['cdt_format']);
             $event_view['count'] = ++$count;
             //add to output array
             $event_views[] = $event_view;
     $total = count($event_views);
     //	Pagination
     $config_base_url = $this->base . AMP . 'method=edit_occurrences' . AMP . 'limit=' . $this->cached_vars['limit'] . AMP . 'event_id=' . $event_id;
     //add filtering if present to base url
     if ($status) {
         $config_base_url .= AMP . 'status=' . $status;
     if ($sort) {
         $config_base_url .= AMP . 'sort=' . $sort;
     if ($limit) {
         $config_base_url .= AMP . 'limit=' . $limit;
     if ($occurrences_limit) {
         $config_base_url .= AMP . 'occurrences_limit=' . $occurrences_limit;
     if ($orderby) {
         $config_base_url .= AMP . 'orderby=' . $orderby;
     if ($input_date) {
         $config_base_url .= AMP . 'date=' . $input_date;
     if ($direction) {
         $config_base_url .= AMP . 'date_direction=' . $direction;
     $config['base_url'] = $config_base_url;
     $config['total_rows'] = $total;
     $config['per_page'] = $limit;
     $config['page_query_string'] = TRUE;
     $config['query_string_segment'] = 'offset';
     $this->cached_vars['paginate'] = ee()->pagination->create_links();
     //	clip if larger than limit
     // 	due to the way we are filtering, this is how
     //	we have to limit our shown events instead of
     //	limiting the queries.
     //	The data is just too complex.
     if ($total > $limit) {
         $event_views = array_slice($event_views, $offset, $limit);
     //	now we can finally add to vars
     $this->cached_vars['event_views'] = $event_views;
     //	output
     //need the jqui date picker for 2.x since we arent using our own jquidatepicker there
     ee()->cp->add_js_script(array('ui' => 'datepicker'));
     $this->cached_vars['form_url'] = $this->base . AMP . 'method=edit_occurrences' . AMP . 'event_id=' . $event_id;
     //  Which View
     $this->cached_vars['current_page'] = $this->view('occurrences_edit.html', NULL, TRUE);
     //  Load Homepage
     return $this->ee_cp_view('index.html');