function constant_contact_retrieve_form($formid, $force_update = false, $unique_id = '', $lists = array())
    $_GET['cc_signup_count'] = empty($_GET['cc_signup_count']) ? 1 : $_GET['cc_signup_count']++;
    $formid = (int) $formid;
    $success = get_transient($unique_id);
    $success = !empty($success);
    $form = get_transient("cc_form_{$formid}");
    // If it is an array and we are not forcing an update, return the data
    if (!empty($form) && !$success && !$force_update && !isset($_GET['asdasdas'])) {
        do_action('ctct_debug', 'Returning Cached Form #' . $formid, $form);
        // Basic form validation - make sure it's got basic
        if (preg_match('/kws_form/m', $form)) {
            return $form;
    $form = wp_get_cc_form($formid);
    if ($form && is_array($form)) {
        // Just the items we need, please.
        unset($form['_wp_http_referer'], $form['update-cc-form-nonce'], $form['meta-box-order-nonce'], $form['closedpostboxesnonce'], $form['save_form'], $form['page'], $form['form-name'], $form['action'], $form['form-style'], $form['presets'], $form['truncated_name']);
    } else {
        $form = array('formOnly' => true);
    $form['output'] = 'html';
    $form['time'] = time();
    $form['verify'] = sha1($unique_id . $form['time']);
    $form['echo'] = true;
    $form['path'] = CC_FORM_GEN_URL;
    $form['cc_success'] = $success;
    $form['cc_signup_count'] = $_GET['cc_signup_count'];
    $form['cc_request'] = empty($_REQUEST['uniqueformid']) ? array() : $_REQUEST;
    $form['uniqueformid'] = $unique_id;
    $form['debug'] = current_user_can('manage_options') && isset($_GET['debug']);
    $form_html = new CTCT_Form_Designer_Output($form);
    return $form_html->html();
    // Get the form from form.php
    $response = wp_remote_request(admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 20, 'body' => $form, 'sslverify' => false, 'compress' => true, 'local' => true));
    do_action('ctct_debug', 'Requesting Form Data for Form #' . $formid, array('POST body' => $form, 'POST response:' => $response));
    if (is_wp_error($response)) {
        do_action('ctct_log', $response, 'error');
        if (current_user_can('manage_options')) {
            echo '<!-- Constant Contact API Error: `wp_remote_post` failed with this error: ' . $response->get_error_message() . ' -->';
        return false;
    } else {
        $form = $response['body'];
        if (empty($_POST) && !$success) {
            // Save the array into the cc_form_id transient with a 30 day expiration
            $set = set_transient("cc_form_{$formid}", $form, 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
            if (!$set) {
                do_action('ctct_log', 'Setting cc_form_' . $formid . ' Transient failed', $form);
        return $form;