文件: install.php 项目: marks2016/sso
 if (substr($url, -1) == "/") {
     $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
 define("SSO_ROOT_URL", $url);
 $url = dirname(BB_GetFullRequestURLBase());
 if (substr($url, -1) != "/") {
     $url .= "/";
 define("SSO_LOGIN_URL", $url);
 define("SSO_SUPPORT_PATH", "support");
 define("SSO_PROVIDER_PATH", "providers");
 // Generate random seeds.
 $rng = new CSPRNG(true);
 $sso_rng = $rng;
 for ($x = 0; $x < 14; $x++) {
     $seed = $rng->GenerateToken(128);
     if ($seed === false) {
         InstallError("Seed generation failed.");
     define("SSO_BASE_RAND_SEED" . ($x ? $x + 1 : ""), $seed);
 define("SSO_USE_LESS_SAFE_STORAGE", $_REQUEST["sso_use_less_safe_storage"] == "yes");
 // Connect to the database server.
 $databases = SSO_GetSupportedDatabases();
 $dbtype = (string) $_REQUEST["db_select"];
 if (!isset($databases[$dbtype])) {
     InstallError("Please select a database server.");
 if ($_REQUEST["db_dsn"] == "") {
     $dsn = $databases[$dbtype]["default_dsn"];
     $dsn = str_replace("@RANDOM@", $rng->GenerateString(), $dsn);
文件: admin.php 项目: marks2016/sso
 if ($_REQUEST["type"] != "normal" && $_REQUEST["type"] != "remote" && $_REQUEST["type"] != "custom") {
     BB_SetPageMessage("error", "Please select a 'Type'.");
 if ((int) $_REQUEST["clock_drift"] < 0) {
     BB_SetPageMessage("error", "Invalid clock drift specified.");
 if ($_REQUEST["cipher"] != "blowfish" && $_REQUEST["cipher"] != "aes256") {
     BB_SetPageMessage("error", "Please select a 'Symmetric Cipher'.");
 if (BB_GetPageMessageType() != "error") {
     if (!isset($_REQUEST["reset_key"]) || $_REQUEST["reset_key"] != "yes") {
         $secretkey = $info["key"];
     } else {
         $secretkey = $_REQUEST["cipher"];
         $secretkey .= ":" . $sso_rng->GenerateToken($_REQUEST["cipher"] == "aes256" ? 32 : 56);
         $secretkey .= ":" . $sso_rng->GenerateToken($_REQUEST["cipher"] == "aes256" ? 32 : 8);
         if ($_REQUEST["dual_encrypt"] > 0) {
             $secretkey .= ":" . $sso_rng->GenerateToken($_REQUEST["cipher"] == "aes256" ? 32 : 56);
             $secretkey .= ":" . $sso_rng->GenerateToken($_REQUEST["cipher"] == "aes256" ? 32 : 8);
     $info = array("key" => $secretkey, "type" => $_REQUEST["type"], "purpose" => $_REQUEST["purpose"], "url" => $_REQUEST["url"], "impersonation" => (bool) (int) $_REQUEST["impersonation"], "clock_drift" => (int) $_REQUEST["clock_drift"], "field_map" => array(), "tag_map" => array(), "patterns" => $_REQUEST["patterns"]);
     foreach ($sso_fields as $key => $encrypted) {
         $md5key = md5($key);
         if (isset($_REQUEST["field_map_" . $md5key]) && $_REQUEST["field_map_" . $md5key] != "" && isset($_REQUEST["field_perms_" . $md5key])) {
             $info["field_map"][$key] = array("name" => $_REQUEST["field_map_" . $md5key], "perms" => $_REQUEST["field_perms_" . $md5key]);
     $result = $sso_db->Query("SELECT", array("*", "FROM" => "?", "ORDER BY" => "tag_name"), $sso_db_tags);
     while ($row2 = $result->NextRow()) {
function BB_CreatePage($bb_dir, $bb_file)
    if (defined("DEFAULT_PAGE_LANG") && DEFAULT_PAGE_LANG != "") {
        $bb_pref_lang = DEFAULT_PAGE_LANG;
    } else {
        $clientlangs = BB_ExtractClientLanguages();
        $bb_pref_lang = count($clientlangs) ? $clientlangs[0] : "en";
    BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_createpage_pref_lang", $bb_pref_lang);
    $bb_page = array("ver" => 1.0, "redirect" => "", "cachetime" => -1, "easyedit" => true, "sitemap" => false, "sitemappriority" => "normal", "doctype" => "HTML 5", "metarobots" => "", "perms" => array(), "langs" => array($bb_pref_lang => array()), "onelang" => true, "defaultlang" => $bb_pref_lang);
    // Map 'en' to 'en_us'.
    if (strpos($bb_pref_lang, "_")) {
        $bb_page["langs"][substr($bb_pref_lang, 0, strpos($bb_pref_lang, "_"))] = $bb_pref_lang;
    BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_createpage_bb_page", $bb_page);
    require_once ROOT_PATH . "/" . SUPPORT_PATH . "/random.php";
    $rng = new CSPRNG(false);
    $bb_langpage = array("title" => "", "metadesc" => "", "widgets" => array("root" => array("_f" => "Root/Page", "_m" => true, "_a" => "root", "_id" => "root", "_ids" => array())), "pagerand" => $rng->GenerateToken());
    BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_createpage_bb_langpage", $bb_langpage);
    $bb_langpagerevisions = array("rootrev" => 0, "branches" => array(), "revisions" => array(array("", serialize($bb_langpage), time(), time(), "Initial Page")));
    BB_RunPluginActionInfo("bb_createpage_bb_langpagerevisions", $bb_langpagerevisions);
    $bb_relroot = BB_MakePageDirs($bb_dir);
    $data = "<" . "?php\n";
    $data .= "\tdefine(\"BB_FILE\", 1);\n";
    $data .= "\trequire_once \"" . $bb_file . "_page.php\";\n";
    if ($bb_relroot != "") {
        $data .= "\tchdir(\$bb_relroot);\n";
    $data .= "\trequire_once \"main.php\";\n";
    $data .= "?" . ">";
    if (BB_WriteFile($bb_dir . "/" . $bb_file . ".php", $data) === false) {
        return false;
    $data = "<" . "?php\n";
    $data .= "\t\$bb_dir = \"" . $bb_dir . "\";\n";
    $data .= "\t\$bb_file = \"" . $bb_file . "\";\n";
    $data .= "\t\$bb_relroot = \"" . $bb_relroot . "\";\n";
    $data .= "\t\$bb_page = " . BB_CreatePHPStorageData($bb_page) . ";\n";
    $data .= "?" . ">";
    if (BB_WriteFile($bb_dir . "/" . $bb_file . "_page.php", $data) === false) {
        return false;
    $data = "<" . "?php\n\t\$bb_langpage = " . BB_CreatePHPStorageData($bb_langpage) . ";\n?" . ">";
    if (BB_WriteFile($bb_dir . "/" . $bb_file . "_" . $bb_pref_lang . "_page.php", $data) === false) {
        return false;
    $data = "<" . "?php\n\t\$bb_langpagerevisions = " . BB_CreatePHPStorageData($bb_langpagerevisions) . ";\n?" . ">";
    if (BB_WriteFile($bb_dir . "/" . $bb_file . "_" . $bb_pref_lang . "_rev.php", $data) === false) {
        return false;
    return true;
     $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["opts"]["iv"] = pack("H*", substr($sso_apikey_info["key"], -16));
 } else {
     $info = explode(":", $sso_apikey_info["key"]);
     if (count($info) < 3) {
         return array("success" => false, "error" => SSO_Translate("Invalid secret key."));
     $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["mode"] = $info[0];
     $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["key"] = pack("H*", $info[1]);
     $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["opts"]["iv"] = pack("H*", $info[2]);
     if (count($info) >= 5) {
         $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["opts"]["key2"] = pack("H*", $info[3]);
         $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["opts"]["iv2"] = pack("H*", $info[4]);
 $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["opts"]["prefix"] = pack("H*", $sso_rng->GenerateToken());
 if ($sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["mode"] === "aes256") {
     $sso_data = ExtendedAES::ExtractDataPacket($sso_data, $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["key"], $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["opts"]);
 } else {
     $sso_data = Blowfish::ExtractDataPacket($sso_data, $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["key"], $sso_apikey_info["keyinfo"]["opts"]);
 if ($sso_data === false) {
     SSO_EndpointError("Unable to decrypt data packet.");
 $sso_data = @json_decode($sso_data, true);
 if ($sso_data === false) {
     SSO_EndpointError("Unable to extract data packet.");
 $sso_encrypted = true;
 // Check the data packet against submitted data.
 if (!isset($sso_data["ts"]) || !isset($sso_data["apikey"]) || $_REQUEST["apikey"] !== $sso_data["apikey"] || !isset($sso_data["action"]) || $_REQUEST["action"] !== $sso_data["action"] || !isset($sso_data["ver"]) || $_REQUEST["ver"] !== $sso_data["ver"]) {
 define("DEFAULT_PAGE_LANG", $_REQUEST["default_page_lang"]);
 if ($_REQUEST["write_perms"] == "g") {
     $bb_writeperms = 0220;
 } else {
     if ($_REQUEST["write_perms"] == "w") {
         $bb_writeperms = 0222;
     } else {
         $bb_writeperms = 0200;
 try {
     $rng = new CSPRNG(true);
 } catch (Exception $e) {
     InstallError("Unable to initialize CSPRNG.  Insufficient entropy available to this host.");
 $baserand = $rng->GenerateToken();
 if ($baserand === false) {
     InstallError("Unable to generate token with CSPRNG.");
 define("BASE_RAND_SEED", $baserand);
 $baserand = $rng->GenerateToken();
 if ($baserand === false) {
     InstallError("Unable to generate token with CSPRNG.");
 define("BASE_RAND_SEED2", $baserand);
 define("USE_LESS_SAFE_STORAGE", $_REQUEST["use_less_safe_storage"] == "yes");
 // Generate the last widget update file (used for refreshing cached files after a widget is changed).
 if (!BB_WidgetStatusUpdate()) {
     InstallError("Unable to install the last update tracker.");
 InstallSuccess("Successfully set up the last update tracker.");