public function actionSave()
     $object = new CReport();
     if ($object->validate()) {
         if ($this->continueEdit()) {
             $this->redirect("index.php?action=edit&id=" . $object->getId());
         } else {
         return true;
     $this->setData("object", $object);
                // add fresh vReports
                CReport::addFreshDefaultReports($vReports, $ownerId);
// create default reports by user request
if ($isPost && !empty($_POST['CREATE_DEFAULT'])) {
    $dReports = call_user_func(array($helperClassName, 'getDefaultReports'));
    foreach ($dReports as $moduleVer => $vReports) {
        CReport::addFreshDefaultReports($vReports, $ownerId);
// main action
$arResult['list'] = array();
$result = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getList(array('order' => array('ID' => 'ASC'), 'select' => array('ID', 'TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'CREATED_DATE'), 'filter' => array('=CREATED_BY' => $USER->GetID(), '=OWNER_ID' => $ownerId)));
while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
    $arResult['list'][] = $row;
// add default reports always if them isn't present
if (empty($arResult['list'])) {
    $dReports = call_user_func(array($helperClassName, 'getDefaultReports'));
    foreach ($dReports as $moduleVer => $vReports) {
        CReport::addFreshDefaultReports($vReports, $ownerId);
global $DB;
$arResult['dateFormat'] = $DB->DateFormatToPHP(CSite::GetDateFormat("SHORT"));
        if ($log_all) {
            $date = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
            $pdf->ezText("\nAll hours as of " . $date->format($df), 8);
        } else {
            $sdate = new w2p_Utilities_Date($log_start_date);
            $edate = new w2p_Utilities_Date($log_end_date);
            $pdf->ezText("\nHours from " . $sdate->format($df) . ' to ' . $edate->format($df), 8);
        $pdf->selectFont($font_dir . '/Helvetica-Bold.afm');
        $pdf->ezText("\n" . $AppUI->_('Overall Report'), 12);
        foreach ($allpdfdata as $company => $data) {
            $title = $company;
            $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'fontSize' => 8, 'rowGap' => 2, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 50, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => '500', 'cols' => array(0 => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 250), 1 => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 120)));
            $pdf->ezTable($data, null, $title, $options);
        $w2pReport = new CReport();
        if ($fp = fopen($temp_dir . '/' . $w2pReport->getFilename() . '.pdf', 'wb')) {
            fwrite($fp, $pdf->ezOutput());
            echo '<a href="' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/files/temp/' . $w2pReport->getFilename() . '.pdf" target="pdf">';
            echo $AppUI->_('View PDF File');
            echo '</a>';
        } else {
            echo 'Could not open file to save PDF.  ';
            if (!is_writable($temp_dir)) {
                'The files/temp directory is not writable.  Check your file system permissions.';
    echo '</td>
 function groupingReportResultHtml(&$arParams, &$arResult, $level = 0, $arRowSet = array())
     $strHtml = '';
     $total = array();
     $arViewColumns =& $arResult['viewColumns'];
     $arData =& $arResult['data'];
     // static variables
     static $arGroups = array();
     static $arColumns = array();
     static $nGroups = 0;
     static $nColumns = 0;
     static $arValueTypes = array();
     static $marginWidth = 20;
     // initialize static variables
     if ($level === 0) {
         foreach ($arViewColumns as $viewColumnIndex => $viewColumn) {
             if ($viewColumn['grouping']) {
                 $arGroups[$nGroups++] = $viewColumnIndex;
             } else {
                 $arColumns[$nColumns++] = $viewColumnIndex;
             $arValueTypes[$viewColumnIndex] = getResultColumnDataType($viewColumn);
     $nRows = count($arRowSet);
     $bUseRowSet = $nRows > 0 ? true : false;
     if (!$bUseRowSet) {
         $nRows = count($arData);
     if ($nGroups > 0) {
         // grouping table header
         if ($level === 0) {
             $bFirstGroup = true;
             $strHtml .= "\t" . '<table class="reports-grouping-table" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t" . '<thead>' . PHP_EOL;
             foreach ($arGroups as $groupColumnIndex) {
                 $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="reports-grouping-table-head-row">' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t\t" . '<td>' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arViewColumns[$groupColumnIndex]['humanTitle']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                 if ($bFirstGroup) {
                     $bFirstGroup = false;
                     foreach ($arColumns as $viewColumnIndex) {
                         $strHtml .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<td style="text-align: center;"';
                         if ($nGroups > 1) {
                             $strHtml .= ' rowspan="' . htmlspecialcharsbx($nGroups) . '"';
                         $strHtml .= ' class="report-grouping-sort-column"';
                         $strHtml .= ' colId="' . $viewColumnIndex . '" defaultSort="' . $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['defaultSort'] . '">' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['humanTitle']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                 $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
             $strHtml .= "\t\t" . '</thead>' . PHP_EOL;
         if ($nRows > 0) {
             // table header separator
             if ($level === 0) {
                 $strHtml .= "\t\t" . '<tbody>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="reports-grouping-table-row-separator"><td></td></tr>' . PHP_EOL;
             // init total
             if ($nColumns > 0) {
                 foreach (array_keys($arColumns) as $columnIndex) {
                     $total[$columnIndex] = null;
             if ($level < $nGroups) {
                 // fill group arrays
                 $arGroupValues = array();
                 $arGroupValuesIndexes = array();
                 $rowNumber = 0;
                 $groupDataType = $arValueTypes[$arGroups[$level]];
                 $dataIndex = null;
                 while ($rowNumber++ < $nRows) {
                     // get index
                     if ($bUseRowSet) {
                         list(, $dataIndex) = each($arRowSet);
                     } else {
                         list($dataIndex, ) = each($arData);
                     // fill index and value of group
                     $arGroupValuesIndexes[] = $dataIndex;
                     $groupValue = $arData[$dataIndex][$arViewColumns[$arGroups[$level]]['resultName']];
                     if ($groupDataType === 'date' || $groupDataType === 'datetime') {
                         $groupValue = MakeTimeStamp($groupValue, CSite::GetDateFormat('SHORT'));
                     // magic glue
                     if (is_array($groupValue)) {
                         $groupValue = join(' / ', $groupValue);
                     $arGroupValues[] = $groupValue;
                 // determine sort options
                 $groupSortOption = SORT_STRING;
                 $groupSortDirection = SORT_ASC;
                 if (in_array($groupDataType, array('date', 'datetime', 'integer', 'float'))) {
                     $groupSortOption = SORT_NUMERIC;
                 if ($arGroups[$level] == $arResult['sort_id']) {
                     if ($arResult['sort_type'] != 'ASC') {
                         $groupSortDirection = SORT_DESC;
                 // sort group
                 array_multisort($arGroupValues, $groupSortOption, $groupSortDirection, $arGroupValuesIndexes, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC);
                 // recursive scan
                 $prev = null;
                 $newRowSet = array();
                 $nGroupValues = count($arGroupValues);
                 $nSubRows = 0;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $nGroupValues; $i++) {
                     $cur = $arGroupValues[$i];
                     if ($i == 0) {
                         $prev = $cur;
                     $bLastValue = $nGroupValues - 1 == $i;
                     if ($cur != $prev || $bLastValue) {
                         $n = $bLastValue && $cur != $prev ? 2 : 1;
                         while ($n-- > 0) {
                             if ($bLastValue && $cur == $prev) {
                                 $newRowSet[] = $arGroupValuesIndexes[$i];
                             $arGroupingResult = groupingReportResultHtml($arParams, $arResult, $level + 1, $newRowSet);
                             $arSubTotal = $arGroupingResult['total'];
                             $strSubHtml = $arGroupingResult['html'];
                             $newRowSet = array();
                             if (!$bLastValue) {
                                 $newRowSet[] = $arGroupValuesIndexes[$i];
                             $prev = $cur;
                             // show row
                             $groupValueIndex = $bLastValue && $n === 0 ? $i : $i - 1;
                             $groupValueKey = $arViewColumns[$arGroups[$level]]['resultName'];
                             $groupValue = $arData[$arGroupValuesIndexes[$groupValueIndex]][$groupValueKey];
                             // magic glue
                             if (is_array($groupValue)) {
                                 $groupValue = join(' / ', $groupValue);
                             if ($level == $nGroups - 1) {
                                 $rowClass = ' reports-grouping-data-row';
                             } else {
                                 $rowClass = ' reports-grouping-group-row';
                             if (!empty($rowClass)) {
                                 $rowClass = ' class="' . ltrim($rowClass) . '"';
                             $margin = $level > 0 ? ' style="margin-left: ' . $level * $marginWidth . 'px;"' : '';
                             /*$rowClass .= ' style="mso-outline-level:'.($level+1).'"';*/
                             $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr' . $rowClass . '>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t\t" . '<td><div' . $margin . '>' . $groupValue . '</div></td>' . PHP_EOL;
                             foreach ($arSubTotal as $k => $subValue) {
                                 $cellStyle = '';
                                 if ($arResult['settings']['red_neg_vals'] === true) {
                                     if (is_numeric($subValue) && $subValue < 0) {
                                         $cellStyle .= ' color: red;';
                                 // cell align
                                 $colAlign = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['align'];
                                 if ($colAlign === null) {
                                     if (CReport::isColumnPercentable($arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]])) {
                                         $cellStyle .= ' text-align: right;';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($colAlign === 'right') {
                                         $cellStyle .= ' text-align: right;';
                                 if (!empty($cellStyle)) {
                                     $cellStyle = ' style="' . ltrim($cellStyle) . '"';
                                 $bGroupingSubtotal = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['grouping_subtotal'];
                                 if ($bGroupingSubtotal || $level == $nGroups - 1) {
                                     $finalSubValue = $subValue;
                                     if (method_exists($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal')) {
                                         // format subtotal value
                                         $subValueKey = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['resultName'];
                                         call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal'), array('k' => $subValueKey, 'v' => &$finalSubValue, 'cInfo' => &$arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]));
                                 } else {
                                     $finalSubValue = '&nbsp;';
                                 $strHtml .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<td' . $cellStyle . '>' . $finalSubValue . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                             $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
                             $strHtml .= $strSubHtml;
                             // total += subtotal
                             if ($nColumns > 0) {
                                 foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                                     $columnDataType = $arValueTypes[$viewColumnIndex];
                                     if ($columnDataType === 'integer' || $columnDataType === 'float') {
                                         if (is_string($arSubTotal[$columnIndex])) {
                                             $arSubTotal[$columnIndex] = str_replace(' ', '', $arSubTotal[$columnIndex]);
                                         $total[$columnIndex] += $arSubTotal[$columnIndex];
                         // while ($n-- > 0)
                     } else {
                         $newRowSet[] = $arGroupValuesIndexes[$i];
                 // calculate average values
                 if ($nSubRows > 1) {
                     foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                         if ($arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['aggr'] === 'AVG' || $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['grouping_aggr'] === 'AVG') {
                             $total[$columnIndex] = $total[$columnIndex] / $nSubRows;
             } else {
                 if ($nColumns > 0) {
                     $rowNumber = 0;
                     while ($rowNumber++ < $nRows) {
                         // get index
                         if ($bUseRowSet) {
                             list(, $dataIndex) = each($arRowSet);
                         } else {
                             list($dataIndex, ) = each($arData);
                         // total += values
                         foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                             $columnDataType = $arValueTypes[$viewColumnIndex];
                             if ($nRows == 1) {
                                 $dataValueKey = $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['resultName'];
                                 $dataValue = $arData[$dataIndex][$dataValueKey];
                                 if ($columnDataType === 'float' && is_string($dataValue)) {
                                     $dataValue = str_replace(' ', '', $dataValue);
                                 $total[$columnIndex] = $dataValue;
                             } else {
                                 if ($columnDataType === 'integer' || $columnDataType === 'float') {
                                     $dataValue = $arData[$dataIndex][$arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['resultName']];
                                     if (is_string($dataValue)) {
                                         $dataValue = str_replace(' ', '', $dataValue);
                                     $total[$columnIndex] += $dataValue;
                     // calculate average values
                     if ($nRows > 1) {
                         foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                             if ($arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['aggr'] === 'AVG' || $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['grouping_aggr'] === 'AVG') {
                                 $total[$columnIndex] = $total[$columnIndex] / $nRows;
         // show total
         if ($level === 0) {
             if (count($total) > 0) {
                 // show total check
                 $bShowTotal = false;
                 foreach ($total as $k => $v) {
                     if ($arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['grouping_subtotal']) {
                         $bShowTotal = true;
                 if ($bShowTotal) {
                     $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="reports-grouping-table-row-separator"><td></td></tr>' . PHP_EOL;
                     $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="reports-grouping-total-row">' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t\t" . '<td>' . htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_TOTAL')) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                     foreach ($total as $k => $v) {
                         $cellStyle = '';
                         if ($arResult['settings']['red_neg_vals'] === true) {
                             if (is_numeric($v) && $v < 0) {
                                 $cellStyle .= ' color: red;';
                         // cell align
                         $colAlign = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['align'];
                         if ($colAlign === null) {
                             if (CReport::isColumnPercentable($arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]])) {
                                 $cellStyle = ' text-align: right;';
                         } else {
                             if ($colAlign === 'right') {
                                 $cellStyle = ' text-align: right;';
                         $bGroupingSubtotal = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['grouping_subtotal'];
                         if ($bGroupingSubtotal) {
                             $finalTotalValue = $v;
                             if (method_exists($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal')) {
                                 // format subtotal value
                                 $subValueKey = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['resultName'];
                                 call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal'), array('k' => $subValueKey, 'v' => &$finalTotalValue, 'cInfo' => &$arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]));
                         } else {
                             $finalTotalValue = '&nbsp;';
                         if (!empty($cellStyle)) {
                             $cellStyle = ' class="' . ltrim($cellStyle) . '"';
                         $strHtml .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<td' . $cellStyle . '>' . $finalTotalValue . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                     $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
             $strHtml .= "\t\t" . '</tbody>' . PHP_EOL . "\t" . '</table>' . PHP_EOL;
     return array('total' => $total, 'html' => $strHtml);
$i = 0;
foreach ($arResult['viewColumns'] as $col) {
    if ($i == 1) {
        $td_class = 'reports-first-column';
    } else {
        if ($i == count($arResult['viewColumns'])) {
            $td_class = 'reports-last-column';
        } else {
            $td_class = '';
    if (CReport::isColumnPercentable($col)) {
        $td_class .= ' align-right';
    } else {
        $td_class .= ' align-left';
		<td class="adm-list-table-cell <?php 
    echo $td_class;
    echo array_key_exists('TOTAL_' . $col['resultName'], $arResult['total']) ? $arResult['total']['TOTAL_' . $col['resultName']] : '&mdash;';

$r =& CReport::getInstance();
if (strlen($key) != 32) {
    $reportData = $r->getCurrentReport($key);
    $url = '/report?' . $reportData['RA_KEY'];
     $pdfdata[] = array(sprintf('%.1f%%', $project->project_percent_complete), '  ' . $projectName, $contactName, $AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($project->project_start_date, $df), $AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($criticalTasks[0]['task_end_date'], $df), $targetBudget, $actualCost, $w2Pconfig['currency_symbol'] . $diff_total);
 if ($log_pdf) {
     // make the PDF file
     $temp_dir = W2P_BASE_DIR . '/files/temp';
     $output = new w2p_Output_PDFRenderer('A4', 'landscape');
     $output->addTitle($AppUI->_('Costs By Project'));
     $pdfheaders = array($AppUI->_('Work', UI_OUTPUT_JS), '  ' . $AppUI->_('Project Name', UI_OUTPUT_JS), $AppUI->_('Project Owner', UI_OUTPUT_JS), $AppUI->_('Start Date', UI_OUTPUT_JS), $AppUI->_('Finish Date', UI_OUTPUT_JS), $AppUI->_('Target Budget', UI_OUTPUT_JS), $AppUI->_('Actual Cost', UI_OUTPUT_JS), $AppUI->_('Difference', UI_OUTPUT_JS));
     $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'fontSize' => 9, 'rowGap' => 1, 'colGap' => 1, 'xPos' => 50, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => '500', 'cols' => array(0 => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 45), 1 => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 175), 2 => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 75), 3 => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 65), 4 => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 65), 5 => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 65), 6 => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 65), 7 => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => 65)));
     $output->addTable($title, $pdfheaders, $pdfdata, $options);
     $w2pReport = new CReport();
     if ($output->writeFile($w2pReport->getFilename())) {
         echo '<tr><td colspan="13">';
         echo '<a href="' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/files/temp/' . $w2pReport->getFilename() . '.pdf" target="pdf">';
         echo $AppUI->_('View PDF File');
         echo '</a>';
         echo '</td></tr>';
     } else {
         echo '<tr><td colspan="13">';
         echo 'Could not open file to save PDF.  ';
         if (!is_writable($temp_dir)) {
             echo 'The files/temp directory is not writable.  Check your file system permissions.';
         echo '</td></tr>';

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) {
IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/intranet/public/crm/reports/.left.menu_ext.php");
$aMenuLinksExt = array();
if (CModule::IncludeModule('crm') && CModule::IncludeModule('report')) {
    $aMenuLinksExt[] = array(GetMessage("MENU_CRM_REPORT_LIST"), "#SITE_DIR#crm/reports/report/", array(), array(), "");
    $CrmPerms = new CCrmPerms($GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID());
    if (!$CrmPerms->HavePerm('DEAL', BX_CRM_PERM_NONE, 'READ')) {
        $aMenuLinksExt[] = array(GetMessage("MENU_CRM_FUNNEL"), "#SITE_DIR#crm/reports/index.php", array(), array(), "");
    $obRep = CReport::GetList('crm');
    while ($arRep = $obRep->fetch()) {
        $aMenuLinksExt[] = array($arRep['TITLE'], CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate("#SITE_DIR#crm/reports/report/view/#report_id#/", array('report_id' => $arRep['ID'])), array(), array(), "");
$aMenuLinks = array_merge($aMenuLinks, $aMenuLinksExt);
                $arResult['report']['TITLE'] .= ' (' . GetMessage('REPORT_TITLE_COPY') . ')';
        } else {
            // default preset for new report
            $arResult['preSettings'] = array('select' => call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getDefaultColumns')));
        // </editor-fold>
} catch (Exception $e) {
    //throw $e;
    if ($e instanceof BXFormException) {
        $arResult['FORM_ERROR'] = $e->getMessage();
        // refill form
        $arResult['report']['TITLE'] = $reportSettings['title'];
        CReport::fillFilterReferenceColumns($reportSettings['filter'], $fieldList, $arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']);
        $arResult['preSettings'] = $reportSettings;
    } else {
        if ($e instanceof BXUserException) {
            $arResult['ERROR'] = $e->getMessage();
        } else {
            $arResult['ERROR'] = GetMessage('REPORT_UNKNOWN_ERROR');
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="tree structure description">
// format fields parameters to chains and build fields tree
//	array($originalDefinition, $elem, $subTree),
//	array(str, scalar, null)
         foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
             $data[$k][$alias] = null;
         // add values to data
         foreach ($grcData[$resultName] as $grcIndex => &$row) {
             $grc_primary_string = '';
             foreach ($grcSelectPrimaries as $pResultName => $def) {
                 $grc_primary_string .= (string) $row[$pResultName] . '/';
             $dataIndexes = $grcDataPrimaryPointers[$grc_primary_string];
             foreach ($dataIndexes as $dataIndex) {
                 if (!isset($data[$dataIndex][$alias])) {
                     $data[$dataIndex][$alias] = array();
                 if (!empty($elem['href']) && strlen($row[$alias])) {
                     $url = CReport::generateValueUrl($elem, $row, $entity);
                     $row['__HREF_' . $alias] = $url;
                 $data[$dataIndex][$alias][$grcIndex] = $row[$alias];
 // end concat grc
 // </editor-fold>
 // collect UF values
 call_user_func_array(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'collectUFValues'), array(&$data, &$viewColumnsByResultName, $total));
 $customChartTotal = $customChartData = array();
 // format results
 call_user_func_array(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'formatResults'), array(&$data, &$viewColumnsByResultName, $total, &$customChartData));
         $res = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=CREATED_BY' => $USER->GetID(), '=OWNER_ID' => CBaseSaleReportHelper::getOwners())));
         while ($row = $res->fetch()) {
             $arID[] = $row['ID'];
     foreach ($arID as $ID) {
         if (strlen($ID) <= 0) {
         switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
             case "delete":
                 if (!CReport::Delete($ID)) {
                     if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) {
                         $lReports->AddGroupError($ex->GetString(), $ID);
                     } else {
                         $lReports->AddGroupError(GetMessage("SALE_REPORT_ERROR_DELREPFROMLIST"), $ID);
 // Getting reports list.
 $dbRepList = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'CREATED_DATE', 'MARK_DEFAULT'), 'filter' => array('=CREATED_BY' => $USER->GetID(), '=OWNER_ID' => CBaseSaleReportHelper::getOwners())));
 $dbRepList = new CAdminResult($dbRepList, $sTableID);
$i = 0;
foreach ($arResult['viewColumns'] as $col) {
    if ($i == 1) {
        $td_class = 'reports-first-column';
    } else {
        if ($i == count($arResult['viewColumns'])) {
            $td_class = 'reports-last-column';
        } else {
            $td_class = '';
    if (CReport::isColumnPercentable($col, $arResult['helperClassName'])) {
        $colType = getResultColumnDataType($col, $arResult['customColumnTypes'], $arResult['helperClassName']);
        if (!in_array($colType, array('string', 'datetime', 'date', 'boolean'), true)) {
            $td_class .= ' reports-numeric-column';
				<td class="<?php 
    echo $td_class;
    echo array_key_exists('TOTAL_' . $col['resultName'], $arResult['total']) ? $arResult['total']['TOTAL_' . $col['resultName']] : '&mdash;';
     if ($arParams['USE_CHART']) {
         $reportSettings['chart'] = $chart;
     if (is_array($mobile) && count($mobile) > 0) {
         $reportSettings['mobile'] = $mobile;
     if (!empty($formErr)) {
         throw new BXFormException($formErr);
     // save
     if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'create' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') {
         $ID = CReport::Add($reportSettings);
     } else {
         if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'edit') {
             $ID = $arParams['REPORT_ID'];
             CReport::Update($ID, $reportSettings);
     $url = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_REPORT_VIEW"], array('report_id' => $ID));
     // </editor-fold>
 } else {
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="initialize default values">
     if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'edit' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') {
         $settings = unserialize($arResult['report']['SETTINGS']);
         call_user_func_array(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'fillFilterUFColumns'), array(&$settings['filter'], &$fieldList));
         call_user_func_array(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'fillFilterReferenceColumns'), array(&$settings['filter'], &$fieldList));
         $arResult['preSettings'] = $settings;
         // change title
         if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') {
 function groupingReportResultHtml(&$arParams, &$arResult, $level = 0, $arRowSet = array())
     $strHtml = '';
     $total = array();
     $arViewColumns =& $arResult['viewColumns'];
     $arData =& $arResult['data'];
     // static variables
     static $arGroups = array();
     static $arColumns = array();
     static $nGroups = 0;
     static $nColumns = 0;
     static $arValueTypes = array();
     static $marginWidth = 20;
     // chart info variables
     static $bChartGrouping = false;
     static $arChartColumns = array();
     static $chartColumnMaxGroupLevel = -1;
     static $chartDataRowIndex = -1;
     static $arChartGroupingValues = array();
     // initialize static variables
     if ($level === 0) {
         foreach ($arViewColumns as $viewColumnIndex => $viewColumn) {
             if ($viewColumn['grouping']) {
                 $arGroups[$nGroups++] = $viewColumnIndex;
             } else {
                 $arColumns[$nColumns++] = $viewColumnIndex;
             $arValueTypes[$viewColumnIndex] = getResultColumnDataType($viewColumn, $arResult['customColumnTypes'], $arResult['helperClassName']);
         // chart columns
         if ($arParams['USE_CHART'] && $arResult['settings']['chart']['display']) {
             $chartSettings = $arResult['settings']['chart'];
             if (isset($chartSettings['x_column']) && is_array($chartSettings['y_columns'])) {
                 $arChartColumns[] = $chartSettings['x_column'];
                 $arChartColumns = array_merge($arChartColumns, $chartSettings['y_columns']);
             // obtain max group level of chart columns
             foreach ($arChartColumns as $nChartColumn) {
                 foreach ($arGroups as $groupLevel => $nGroup) {
                     if ($nChartColumn == $nGroup) {
                         $bChartGrouping = true;
                         $chartColumnMaxGroupLevel = max($chartColumnMaxGroupLevel, $groupLevel);
     $nRows = count($arRowSet);
     $bUseRowSet = $nRows > 0 ? true : false;
     if (!$bUseRowSet) {
         $nRows = count($arData);
     if ($nGroups > 0) {
         // grouping table header
         if ($level === 0) {
             $bFirstGroup = true;
             $strHtml .= '<div class="reports-grouping-table-wrap">' . PHP_EOL . "\t" . '<table id="report-result-table" class="reports-grouping-table" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t" . '<thead>' . PHP_EOL;
             foreach ($arGroups as $groupColumnIndex) {
                 $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="adm-list-table-header reports-grouping-table-head-row">' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="adm-list-table-cell">' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arViewColumns[$groupColumnIndex]['humanTitle']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                 if ($bFirstGroup) {
                     $bFirstGroup = false;
                     foreach ($arColumns as $viewColumnIndex) {
                         $strHtml .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="adm-list-table-cell align-center"';
                         if ($nGroups > 1) {
                             $strHtml .= ' rowspan="' . htmlspecialcharsbx($nGroups) . '"';
                         $strHtml .= ' colId="' . $viewColumnIndex . '" defaultSort="' . $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['defaultSort'] . '">' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['humanTitle']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                 $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
             $strHtml .= "\t\t" . '</thead>' . PHP_EOL;
         if ($nRows > 0) {
             // table header separator
             if ($level === 0) {
                 $strHtml .= "\t\t" . '<tbody>' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="reports-grouping-table-row-separator"><td></td></tr>' . PHP_EOL;
             // init total
             if ($nColumns > 0) {
                 foreach (array_keys($arColumns) as $columnIndex) {
                     $total[$columnIndex] = null;
             if ($level < $nGroups) {
                 // fill group arrays
                 $arGroupValues = array();
                 $arGroupValuesIndexes = array();
                 $rowNumber = 0;
                 $groupDataType = $arValueTypes[$arGroups[$level]];
                 $dataIndex = null;
                 while ($rowNumber++ < $nRows) {
                     // get index
                     if ($bUseRowSet) {
                         list(, $dataIndex) = each($arRowSet);
                     } else {
                         list($dataIndex, ) = each($arData);
                     // fill index and value of group
                     $arGroupValuesIndexes[] = $dataIndex;
                     $groupValue = $arData[$dataIndex][$arViewColumns[$arGroups[$level]]['resultName']];
                     if ($groupDataType === 'date' || $groupDataType === 'datetime') {
                         $groupValue = MakeTimeStamp($groupValue, CSite::GetDateFormat('SHORT'));
                     // magic glue
                     if (is_array($groupValue)) {
                         $groupValue = join(' / ', $groupValue);
                     $arGroupValues[] = $groupValue;
                 // determine sort options
                 $groupSortOption = SORT_STRING;
                 $groupSortDirection = SORT_ASC;
                 if (in_array($groupDataType, array('date', 'datetime', 'integer', 'float'))) {
                     $groupSortOption = SORT_NUMERIC;
                 if ($arGroups[$level] == $arResult['sort_id']) {
                     if ($arResult['sort_type'] != 'ASC') {
                         $groupSortDirection = SORT_DESC;
                 // sort group
                 array_multisort($arGroupValues, $groupSortOption, $groupSortDirection, $arGroupValuesIndexes, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC);
                 // recursive scan
                 $prev = null;
                 $newRowSet = array();
                 $nGroupValues = count($arGroupValues);
                 $nSubRows = 0;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $nGroupValues; $i++) {
                     $cur = $arGroupValues[$i];
                     if ($i == 0) {
                         $prev = $cur;
                     $bLastValue = $nGroupValues - 1 == $i;
                     if ($cur != $prev || $bLastValue) {
                         $n = $bLastValue && $cur != $prev ? 2 : 1;
                         while ($n-- > 0) {
                             // chart values index
                             if ($bChartGrouping && $level == $chartColumnMaxGroupLevel) {
                             if ($bLastValue && $cur == $prev) {
                                 $newRowSet[] = $arGroupValuesIndexes[$i];
                             $arGroupingResult = groupingReportResultHtml($arParams, $arResult, $level + 1, $newRowSet);
                             $arSubTotal = $arGroupingResult['total'];
                             $strSubHtml = $arGroupingResult['html'];
                             $newRowSet = array();
                             if (!$bLastValue) {
                                 $newRowSet[] = $arGroupValuesIndexes[$i];
                             $prev = $cur;
                             // show row
                             $groupValueIndex = $bLastValue && $n === 0 ? $i : $i - 1;
                             $groupValueKey = $arViewColumns[$arGroups[$level]]['resultName'];
                             $groupValue = $arData[$arGroupValuesIndexes[$groupValueIndex]][$groupValueKey];
                             // magic glue
                             if (is_array($groupValue)) {
                                 $groupValue = join(' / ', $groupValue);
                             // add chart values
                             if ($bChartGrouping && in_array($arGroups[$level], $arChartColumns)) {
                                 $tempChartDataRowIndex = $chartDataRowIndex;
                                 while ($tempChartDataRowIndex >= 0 && !isset($arChartGroupingValues[$tempChartDataRowIndex][$arGroups[$level]])) {
                                     $arChartGroupingValues[$tempChartDataRowIndex--][$arGroups[$level]] = $groupValue;
                             // values of groups were processed as normal values
                             /*if (method_exists($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingValue'))
                             			// format group value
                             				array($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingValue'),
                             					'k' => $groupValueKey,
                             					'v' => &$groupValue,
                             					'row' => &$arData[$arGroupValuesIndexes[$groupValueIndex]],
                             					'cInfo' => &$arViewColumns[$arGroups[$level]]
                             $cellClassFirstColumn = '';
                             if ($level == $nGroups - 1) {
                                 $rowClass = ' reports-grouping-data-row';
                             } else {
                                 $rowClass = ' reports-grouping-group-row';
                                 $cellClassFirstColumn = 'adm-list-table-cell';
                             $cellClassAttr = '';
                             if (!empty($cellClassFirstColumn)) {
                                 $cellClassAttr = ' class="' . $cellClassFirstColumn . '"';
                             $margin = $level > 0 ? ' style="margin-left: ' . $level * $marginWidth . 'px;"' : '';
                             $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="adm-list-table-header' . $rowClass . '">' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t\t" . '<td' . $cellClassAttr . '><div' . $margin . '>' . ($groupValue === '' ? '&nbsp;' : $groupValue) . '</div></td>' . PHP_EOL;
                             foreach ($arSubTotal as $k => $subValue) {
                                 $cellAlign = '';
                                 $cellClass = $cellClassFirstColumn;
                                 if ($arResult['settings']['red_neg_vals'] === true) {
                                     if (is_numeric($subValue) && $subValue < 0) {
                                         $cellClass .= ' report-red-neg-val';
                                 // cell align
                                 $colAlign = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['align'];
                                 if ($colAlign === null) {
                                     if (CReport::isColumnPercentable($arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]], $arResult['helperClassName'])) {
                                         $cellAlign = ' align-right';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($colAlign === 'right') {
                                         $cellAlign = ' align-right"';
                                 if (!empty($cellAlign)) {
                                     $cellClass .= $cellAlign;
                                 if (!empty($cellClass)) {
                                     $cellClass = ' class="' . ltrim($cellClass) . '"';
                                 $bGroupingSubtotal = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['grouping_subtotal'];
                                 if ($bGroupingSubtotal || $level == $nGroups - 1) {
                                     $finalSubValue = $subValue;
                                     if (method_exists($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal')) {
                                         // format subtotal value
                                         $subValueKey = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['resultName'];
                                         call_user_func(array($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal'), array('k' => $subValueKey, 'v' => &$finalSubValue, 'cInfo' => &$arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]));
                                 } else {
                                     $finalSubValue = '';
                                 $strHtml .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<td' . $cellClass . '>' . ($finalSubValue === '' ? '&nbsp;' : $finalSubValue) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                                 // add chart values
                                 if ($bChartGrouping && $level == $chartColumnMaxGroupLevel && in_array($arColumns[$k], $arChartColumns)) {
                                     $arChartGroupingValues[$chartDataRowIndex][$arColumns[$k]] = $finalSubValue;
                             $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
                             $strHtml .= $strSubHtml;
                             // total += subtotal
                             if ($nColumns > 0) {
                                 foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                                     $columnDataType = $arValueTypes[$viewColumnIndex];
                                     if ($columnDataType === 'integer' || $columnDataType === 'float') {
                                         if (is_string($arSubTotal[$columnIndex])) {
                                             $arSubTotal[$columnIndex] = str_replace(' ', '', $arSubTotal[$columnIndex]);
                                         $total[$columnIndex] += $arSubTotal[$columnIndex];
                         // while ($n-- > 0)
                     } else {
                         $newRowSet[] = $arGroupValuesIndexes[$i];
                 // calculate average values
                 if ($nSubRows > 1) {
                     foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                         if ($arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['aggr'] === 'AVG' || $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['grouping_aggr'] === 'AVG') {
                             $total[$columnIndex] = $total[$columnIndex] / $nSubRows;
             } else {
                 if ($nColumns > 0) {
                     $rowNumber = 0;
                     while ($rowNumber++ < $nRows) {
                         // get index
                         if ($bUseRowSet) {
                             list(, $dataIndex) = each($arRowSet);
                         } else {
                             list($dataIndex, ) = each($arData);
                         // total += values
                         foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                             $columnDataType = $arValueTypes[$viewColumnIndex];
                             if ($nRows == 1) {
                                 $dataValueKey = $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['resultName'];
                                 $dataValue = $arData[$dataIndex][$dataValueKey];
                                 // normal value
                                 /*if (method_exists($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingValue'))
                                 			// format result value
                                 				array($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingValue'),
                                 					'k' => $dataValueKey,
                                 					'v' => &$dataValue,
                                 					'row' => &$arData[$dataIndex],
                                 					'cInfo' => &$arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]
                                 if ($columnDataType === 'integer' || $columnDataType === 'float' && is_string($dataValue)) {
                                     $dataValue = str_replace(' ', '', $dataValue);
                                 $total[$columnIndex] = $dataValue;
                             } else {
                                 if ($columnDataType === 'integer' || $columnDataType === 'float') {
                                     $dataValue = $arData[$dataIndex][$arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['resultName']];
                                     if (is_string($dataValue)) {
                                         $dataValue = str_replace(' ', '', $dataValue);
                                     $total[$columnIndex] += $dataValue;
                     // calculate average values
                     if ($nRows > 1) {
                         foreach ($arColumns as $columnIndex => $viewColumnIndex) {
                             if ($arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['aggr'] === 'AVG' || $arViewColumns[$viewColumnIndex]['grouping_aggr'] === 'AVG') {
                                 $total[$columnIndex] = $total[$columnIndex] / $nRows;
         // show total
         if ($level === 0) {
             if (count($total) > 0) {
                 // show total check
                 $bShowTotal = false;
                 foreach ($total as $k => $v) {
                     if ($arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['grouping_subtotal']) {
                         $bShowTotal = true;
                 if ($bShowTotal) {
                     $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="reports-grouping-table-row-separator"><td></td></tr>' . PHP_EOL;
                     $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '<tr class="adm-list-table-header reports-grouping-total-row">' . PHP_EOL . "\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="adm-list-table-cell">' . htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_TOTAL')) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                     foreach ($total as $k => $v) {
                         $cellAlign = '';
                         $cellClass = '';
                         if ($arResult['settings']['red_neg_vals'] === true) {
                             if (is_numeric($v) && $v < 0) {
                                 $cellClass .= ' report-red-neg-val';
                         // cell align
                         $colAlign = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['align'];
                         if ($colAlign === null) {
                             if (CReport::isColumnPercentable($arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]], $arResult['helperClassName'])) {
                                 $cellAlign = ' align-right';
                         } else {
                             if ($colAlign === 'right') {
                                 $cellAlign = ' align-right';
                         if (!empty($cellAlign)) {
                             $cellClass .= $cellAlign;
                         $bGroupingSubtotal = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['grouping_subtotal'];
                         if ($bGroupingSubtotal) {
                             $finalTotalValue = $v;
                             if (method_exists($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal')) {
                                 // format subtotal value
                                 $subValueKey = $arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]['resultName'];
                                 call_user_func(array($arResult['helperClassName'], 'formatResultGroupingTotal'), array('k' => $subValueKey, 'v' => &$finalTotalValue, 'cInfo' => &$arViewColumns[$arColumns[$k]]));
                         } else {
                             $finalTotalValue = '';
                         $strHtml .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="adm-list-table-cell' . $cellClass . '">' . ($finalTotalValue === '' ? '&nbsp;' : $finalTotalValue) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
                     $strHtml .= "\t\t\t" . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
             $strHtml .= "\t\t" . '</tbody>' . PHP_EOL . "\t" . '</table>' . PHP_EOL . '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
     $result = array('total' => $total, 'html' => $strHtml);
     // return chart values
     if ($bChartGrouping && $level === 0) {
         $result['chart'] = $arChartGroupingValues;
         $arChartGroupingValues = array();
     return $result;

$report = CReport::getInstance();
$type = $report->Types();
$typeArray = array();
$frequency = array('Weekly' => 0, 'Monthly' => 1);
$i = 1;
foreach ($type as $k => $v) {
    $typeArray[$i] = $v['RT_NAME'];

<div style="padding-left:10px; width:545px; text-align:left;" id="_archives">
  <div class="f_12 bold">Archived Reports</div>
  <br />
$limit = 5;
foreach ($typeArray as $k => $v) {
    foreach ($frequency as $k2 => $v2) {
        $archive = $report->Reports($_USER_ID, $k, $k2, $limit);
        if ($archive != null) {
            echo '<div id="' . $typeArray[$archive[0]['R_TYPE']] . ' - ' . $archive[0]['R_FREQUENCY'] . '" style="float:left; padding-top:20px; padding-right:20px;" class="f_10 bold"><a href="javascript:toggleDiv(\'' . $typeArray[$archive[0]['R_TYPE']] . ' - ' . $archive[0]['R_FREQUENCY'] . ' - divStart\');">' . $typeArray[$archive[0]['R_TYPE']] . ' - ' . $archive[0]['R_FREQUENCY'] . '</a></div>';
            echo '<div style="padding-top:22px;"><a href="/?action=reports.report_archive_all&type=' . $archive[0]['R_TYPE'] . '&freq=' . $archive[0]['R_FREQUENCY'] . '">View All</a></div>';
            echo '<br />';
            echo '<div id="' . $typeArray[$archive[0]['R_TYPE']] . ' - ' . $archive[0]['R_FREQUENCY'] . ' - divStart" style="display:block;">';
            // starts the div for all the reports in this category
            foreach ($archive as $k3 => $v3) {
                echo '<div style="padding-top:5px; padding-left:20px;">';
                echo '<div style="float:left; width:400px;"><a href="/reports' . $v3['RA_FILENAME'] . '" target="_blank">' . $v3['RA_TITLE'] . '</a></div>';
                echo '</div>';