/** * global form rule * * @param array $fields the input form values * @param array $files the uploaded files if any * @param array $options additional user data * * @return true if no errors, else array of errors * @access public * @static */ static function formRule($fields, $files, $self) { $errors = array(); //get the button name. $button = substr($self->controller->getButtonName(), -4); $realPayLater = false; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_monetary', $self->_values['event']) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $self->_values['event'])) { $realPayLater = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $self->_params[0]); } if ($button != 'skip') { //Additional Participant can also register for an event only once require_once 'CRM/Event/Form/Registration/Register.php'; $isRegistered = CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Register::checkRegistration($fields, $self, true); if ($isRegistered) { if ($self->_values['event']['allow_same_participant_emails']) { $errors['_qf_default'] = ts('A person is already registered for this event.'); } else { $errors["email-{$self->_bltID}"] = ts('A person with this email address is already registered for this event.'); } } //get the complete params. $params = $self->get('params'); //take the participant instance. $addParticipantNum = substr($self->_name, 12); if (is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($key != $addParticipantNum) { if (!$self->_values['event']['allow_same_participant_emails']) { if ($value["email-{$self->_bltID}"] == $fields["email-{$self->_bltID}"]) { $errors["email-{$self->_bltID}"] = ts('The email address must be unique for each participant.'); break; } } else { // check with first_name and last_name for additional participants if ($value['first_name'] == $fields['first_name'] && $value['last_name'] == $fields['last_name']) { $errors['first_name'] = ts('The first name and last name must be unique for each participant.'); break; } } } } } //check for atleast one pricefields should be selected if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('priceSetId', $fields)) { $allParticipantParams = $params; //format current participant params. $allParticipantParams[$addParticipantNum] = self::formatPriceSetParams($self, $fields); $totalParticipants = self::getParticipantCount($self, $allParticipantParams); //validate price field params. $priceSetErrors = self::validatePriceSet($self, $allParticipantParams); $errors = array_merge($errors, CRM_Utils_Array::value($addParticipantNum, $priceSetErrors, array())); if (!$self->_allowConfirmation && is_numeric($self->_availableRegistrations)) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('bypass_payment', $self->_params[0]) && !$self->_allowWaitlist && !$realPayLater && !$self->_requireApproval && !(CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount', $self->_params[0], 0) == 0) && $totalParticipants < $self->_availableRegistrations) { $errors['_qf_default'] = ts("Your event registration will be confirmed. Please go back to the main registration page, to complete payment information."); } //check for availability of registrations. if (!$self->_allowConfirmation && !CRM_Utils_Array::value('has_waitlist', $self->_values['event']) && $totalParticipants > $self->_availableRegistrations) { $errors['_qf_default'] = ts('It looks like event has only %2 seats available and you are trying to register %1 participants, so could you please select price options accordingly.', array(1 => $totalParticipants, 2 => $self->_availableRegistrations)); } } } } if ($button == 'skip' && $self->_lastParticipant && CRM_Utils_Array::value('priceSetId', $fields)) { require_once 'CRM/Price/BAO/Set.php'; $pricesetFieldsCount = CRM_Price_BAO_Set::getPricesetCount($fields['priceSetId']); if ($pricesetFieldsCount < 1 || $self->_allowConfirmation) { return $errors; } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('has_waitlist', $self->_values['event']) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('bypass_payment', $self->_params[0]) && !$self->_allowWaitlist && !$realPayLater && !$self->_requireApproval && !(CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount', $self->_params[0], 0) == 0)) { $errors['_qf_default'] = ts("You are goinng to skip the last participant, your event registration will be confirmed. Please go back to the main registration page, to complete payment information."); } } if ($button != 'skip' && $self->_values['event']['is_monetary'] && !isset($errors['_qf_default']) && !$self->validatePaymentValues($self, $fields)) { $errors['_qf_default'] = ts("Your payement information looks incomplete. Please go back to the main registration page, to complete payment information."); $self->set('forcePayement', true); } else { if ($button == 'skip') { $self->set('forcePayement', true); } } return $errors; }
/** * Function to build the form * * @return None * @access public */ public function buildQuickForm() { $this->assignToTemplate(); $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_pre_id'], 'customPre', true); $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_post_id'], 'customPost', true); $this->assign('lineItem', $this->_lineItem); $this->assign('totalAmount', $this->_totalAmount); $hookDiscount = $this->get('hookDiscount'); if ($hookDiscount) { $this->assign('hookDiscount', $hookDiscount); } $this->assign('receive_date', $this->_receiveDate); $this->assign('trxn_id', $this->_trxnId); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount', $this->_params[0]) == 0) { $this->assign('isAmountzero', 1); } $this->assign('defaultRole', false); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('defaultRole', $this->_params[0]) == 1) { $this->assign('defaultRole', true); } $defaults = array(); $fields = array(); if (!empty($this->_fields)) { foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $dontCare) { $fields[$name] = 1; } } $fields['state_province'] = $fields['country'] = $fields['email'] = 1; foreach ($fields as $name => $dontCare) { if (isset($this->_params[0][$name])) { $defaults[$name] = $this->_params[0][$name]; if (substr($name, 0, 7) == 'custom_') { $timeField = "{$name}_time"; if (isset($this->_params[0][$timeField])) { $defaults[$timeField] = $this->_params[0][$timeField]; } } else { if (in_array($name, array('addressee', 'email_greeting', 'postal_greeting')) && CRM_Utils_Array::value($name . '_custom', $this->_params[0])) { $defaults[$name . '_custom'] = $this->_params[0][$name . '_custom']; } } } } $this->_submitValues = array_merge($this->_submitValues, $defaults); $this->setDefaults($defaults); require_once 'CRM/Friend/BAO/Friend.php'; $params['entity_id'] = $this->_eventId; $params['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_event'; CRM_Friend_BAO_Friend::retrieve($params, $data); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_active', $data)) { $friendText = $data['title']; $this->assign('friendText', $friendText); if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/friend", "eid={$this->_eventId}&reset=1&action=preview&page=event"); } else { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/friend", "eid={$this->_eventId}&reset=1&page=event"); } $this->assign('friendURL', $url); } $this->freeze(); //lets give meaningful status message, CRM-4320. $isOnWaitlist = $isRequireApproval = false; if ($this->_allowWaitlist && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $isOnWaitlist = true; } if ($this->_requireApproval && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $isRequireApproval = true; } $this->assign('isOnWaitlist', $isOnWaitlist); $this->assign('isRequireApproval', $isRequireApproval); // Assign Participant Count to Lineitem Table require_once "CRM/Price/BAO/Set.php"; $this->assign('pricesetFieldsCount', CRM_Price_BAO_Set::getPricesetCount($this->_priceSetId)); // can we blow away the session now to prevent hackery $this->controller->reset(); }
/** * Function to build the form * * @return None * @access public */ public function buildQuickForm() { $this->assignToTemplate(); if ($this->_params[0]['amount'] || $this->_params[0]['amount'] == 0) { $this->_amount = array(); foreach ($this->_params as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach (array('first_name', 'last_name') as $name) { if (isset($v['billing_' . $name]) && !isset($v[$name])) { $v[$name] = $v['billing_' . $name]; } } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('first_name', $v) && CRM_Utils_Array::value('last_name', $v)) { $append = $v['first_name'] . ' ' . $v['last_name']; } else { //use an email if we have one foreach ($v as $v_key => $v_val) { if (substr($v_key, 0, 6) == 'email-') { $append = $v[$v_key]; } } } $this->_amount[$k]['amount'] = $v['amount']; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('discountAmount', $v)) { $this->_amount[$k]['amount'] -= $v['discountAmount']; } $this->_amount[$k]['label'] = preg_replace('//', '', $v['amount_level']) . ' - ' . $append; $this->_part[$k]['info'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('first_name', $v) . ' ' . CRM_Utils_Array::value('last_name', $v); if (!CRM_Utils_Array::value('first_name', $v)) { $this->_part[$k]['info'] = $append; } $this->_totalAmount = $this->_totalAmount + $this->_amount[$k]['amount']; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_primary', $v)) { $this->set('primaryParticipantAmount', $this->_amount[$k]['amount']); } } } $this->assign('part', $this->_part); $this->set('part', $this->_part); $this->assign('amounts', $this->_amount); $this->assign('totalAmount', $this->_totalAmount); $this->set('totalAmount', $this->_totalAmount); } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_pre_id'], 'customPre', TRUE); $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_post_id'], 'customPost', TRUE); if ($this->_priceSetId && !CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_Set', $this->_priceSetId, 'is_quick_config')) { $this->assign('lineItem', $this->_lineItem); } //display additional participants profile. $participantParams = $this->_params; $formattedValues = array(); $count = 1; foreach ($participantParams as $participantNum => $participantValue) { if ($participantNum && $participantValue != 'skip') { //get the customPre profile info if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('additional_custom_pre_id', $this->_values)) { $values = $groupName = array(); CRM_Event_BAO_Event::displayProfile($participantValue, $this->_values['additional_custom_pre_id'], $groupName, $values); if (count($values)) { $formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPre'] = $values; } $formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPreGroupTitle'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('groupTitle', $groupName); } //get the customPost profile info if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('additional_custom_post_id', $this->_values)) { $values = $groupName = array(); foreach ($this->_values['additional_custom_post_id'] as $gids) { $val = array(); CRM_Event_BAO_Event::displayProfile($participantValue, $gids, $group, $val); $values[$gids] = $val; $groupName[$gids] = $group; } if (count($values)) { $formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPost'] = $values; } if (isset($formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPre'])) { $formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPost'] = array_diff_assoc($formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPost'], $formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPre']); } $formattedValues[$count]['additionalCustomPostGroupTitle'] = $groupName; } $count++; } } if (!empty($formattedValues) && $count > 1) { $this->assign('addParticipantProfile', $formattedValues); $this->set('addParticipantProfile', $formattedValues); } //cosider total amount. $this->assign('isAmountzero', $this->_totalAmount <= 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); if ($this->_paymentProcessor['payment_processor_type'] == 'Google_Checkout' && !CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $this->_params[0]) && !($this->_params[0]['amount'] == 0) && !$this->_allowWaitlist && !$this->_requireApproval) { $this->_checkoutButtonName = $this->getButtonName('next', 'checkout'); $this->add('image', $this->_checkoutButtonName, $this->_paymentProcessor['url_button'], array('class' => 'form-submit')); $this->addButtons(array(array('type' => 'back', 'name' => ts('<< Go Back')))); } else { $contribButton = ts('Continue'); $this->addButtons(array(array('type' => 'next', 'name' => $contribButton, 'isDefault' => TRUE, 'js' => array('onclick' => "return submitOnce(this,'" . $this->_name . "','" . ts('Processing') . "');")), array('type' => 'back', 'spacing' => ' ', 'name' => ts('Go Back')))); } $defaults = array(); $fields = array(); if (!empty($this->_fields)) { foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $dontCare) { $fields[$name] = 1; } } $fields["billing_state_province-{$this->_bltID}"] = $fields["billing_country-{$this->_bltID}"] = $fields["email-{$this->_bltID}"] = 1; foreach ($fields as $name => $dontCare) { if (isset($this->_params[0][$name])) { $defaults[$name] = $this->_params[0][$name]; if (substr($name, 0, 7) == 'custom_') { $timeField = "{$name}_time"; if (isset($this->_params[0][$timeField])) { $defaults[$timeField] = $this->_params[0][$timeField]; } if (isset($this->_params[0]["{$name}_id"])) { $defaults["{$name}_id"] = $this->_params[0]["{$name}_id"]; } } elseif (in_array($name, CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_greetingTypes) && !empty($this->_params[0][$name . '_custom'])) { $defaults[$name . '_custom'] = $this->_params[0][$name . '_custom']; } } } // now fix all state country selectors CRM_Core_BAO_Address::fixAllStateSelects($this, $defaults); $this->setDefaults($defaults); $this->freeze(); //lets give meaningful status message, CRM-4320. $this->assign('isOnWaitlist', $this->_allowWaitlist); $this->assign('isRequireApproval', $this->_requireApproval); // Assign Participant Count to Lineitem Table $this->assign('pricesetFieldsCount', CRM_Price_BAO_Set::getPricesetCount($this->_priceSetId)); }
/** * Function to build the form * * @return None * @access public */ public function buildQuickForm() { // Assign the email address from a contact id lookup as in CRM_Event_BAO_Event->sendMail() if (isset($this->_params[0]['contact_id'])) { list($displayName, $email) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($this->_params[0]['contact_id']); $this->assign('email', $email); } $this->assignToTemplate(); $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_pre_id'], 'customPre', TRUE); $this->buildCustom($this->_values['custom_post_id'], 'customPost', TRUE); if ($this->_priceSetId && !CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_Set', $this->_priceSetId, 'is_quick_config')) { $this->assign('lineItem', $this->_lineItem); } $this->assign('totalAmount', $this->_totalAmount); $hookDiscount = $this->get('hookDiscount'); if ($hookDiscount) { $this->assign('hookDiscount', $hookDiscount); } $this->assign('receive_date', $this->_receiveDate); $this->assign('trxn_id', $this->_trxnId); //cosider total amount. $this->assign('isAmountzero', $this->_totalAmount <= 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); $this->assign('defaultRole', FALSE); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('defaultRole', $this->_params[0]) == 1) { $this->assign('defaultRole', TRUE); } $defaults = array(); $fields = array(); if (!empty($this->_fields)) { foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $dontCare) { $fields[$name] = 1; } } $fields['state_province'] = $fields['country'] = $fields['email'] = 1; foreach ($fields as $name => $dontCare) { if (isset($this->_params[0][$name])) { $defaults[$name] = $this->_params[0][$name]; if (substr($name, 0, 7) == 'custom_') { $timeField = "{$name}_time"; if (isset($this->_params[0][$timeField])) { $defaults[$timeField] = $this->_params[0][$timeField]; } } elseif (in_array($name, CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_greetingTypes) && !empty($this->_params[0][$name . '_custom'])) { $defaults[$name . '_custom'] = $this->_params[0][$name . '_custom']; } } } $this->_submitValues = array_merge($this->_submitValues, $defaults); $this->setDefaults($defaults); $params['entity_id'] = $this->_eventId; $params['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_event'; CRM_Friend_BAO_Friend::retrieve($params, $data); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_active', $data)) { $friendText = $data['title']; $this->assign('friendText', $friendText); if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/friend', "eid={$this->_eventId}&reset=1&action=preview&pcomponent=event"); } else { $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/friend', "eid={$this->_eventId}&reset=1&pcomponent=event"); } $this->assign('friendURL', $url); } $this->freeze(); //lets give meaningful status message, CRM-4320. $isOnWaitlist = $isRequireApproval = FALSE; if ($this->_allowWaitlist && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $isOnWaitlist = TRUE; } if ($this->_requireApproval && !$this->_allowConfirmation) { $isRequireApproval = TRUE; } $this->assign('isOnWaitlist', $isOnWaitlist); $this->assign('isRequireApproval', $isRequireApproval); // find pcp info $eventId = $this->_eventId; $dao = new CRM_PCP_DAO_PCPBlock(); $dao->entity_table = 'civicrm_event'; $dao->entity_id = $eventId; $dao->is_active = 1; $dao->find(TRUE); if ($dao->id) { $this->assign('pcpLink', CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contribute/campaign', 'action=add&reset=1&pageId=' . $eventId . '&component=event')); $this->assign('pcpLinkText', $dao->link_text); } // Assign Participant Count to Lineitem Table $this->assign('pricesetFieldsCount', CRM_Price_BAO_Set::getPricesetCount($this->_priceSetId)); // can we blow away the session now to prevent hackery $this->controller->reset(); }