  * takes an associative array and adds email
  * @param array  $params         (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
  * @return object       CRM_Core_BAO_Email object on success, null otherwise
  * @access public
  * @static
 static function add(&$params)
     $email = new CRM_Core_DAO_Email();
     // CRM-11006 move calls to pre hook from create function to add function
     if (!empty($params['id'])) {
         CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('edit', 'Email', $params['id'], $email);
     } else {
         CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('create', 'Email', NULL, $e);
     // lower case email field to optimize queries
     $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
     $email->email = $strtolower($email->email);
     // since we're setting bulkmail for 1 of this contact's emails, first reset all their emails to is_bulkmail false
     // (only 1 email address can have is_bulkmail = true)
     if ($email->is_bulkmail != 'null' && $params['contact_id'] && !self::isMultipleBulkMail()) {
         $sql = "\nUPDATE civicrm_email\nSET    is_bulkmail = 0\nWHERE  contact_id = {$params['contact_id']}\n";
     // handle if email is on hold
     // CRM-11006 move calls to pre hook from create function to add function
     if (!empty($params['id'])) {
         CRM_Utils_Hook::post('edit', 'Email', $email->id, $email);
     } else {
         CRM_Utils_Hook::post('create', 'Email', $email->id, $email);
     return $email;
  * Takes an associative array and adds email.
  * @param array $params
  *   (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
  * @return object
  *   CRM_Core_BAO_Email object on success, null otherwise
 public static function add(&$params)
     $hook = empty($params['id']) ? 'create' : 'edit';
     CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($hook, 'Email', CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params), $params);
     $email = new CRM_Core_DAO_Email();
     // lower case email field to optimize queries
     $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
     $email->email = $strtolower($email->email);
      * since we're setting bulkmail for 1 of this contact's emails, first reset all their other emails to is_bulkmail false
      *  We shouldn't not set the current email to false even though we
      *  are about to reset it to avoid contaminating the changelog if logging is enabled
      * (only 1 email address can have is_bulkmail = true)
     if ($email->is_bulkmail != 'null' && $params['contact_id'] && !self::isMultipleBulkMail()) {
         $sql = "\nUPDATE civicrm_email\nSET    is_bulkmail = 0\nWHERE  contact_id = {$params['contact_id']}\n";
         if ($hook == 'edit') {
             $sql .= " AND id <> {$params['id']}";
     // handle if email is on hold
     if ($email->is_primary) {
         // update the UF user email if that has changed
     CRM_Utils_Hook::post($hook, 'Email', $email->id, $email);
     return $email;
  * takes an associative array and adds email
  * @param array  $params         (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
  * @return object       CRM_Core_BAO_Email object on success, null otherwise
  * @access public
  * @static
 static function add(&$params)
     $email = new CRM_Core_DAO_Email();
     // lower case email field to optimize queries
     $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
     $email->email = $strtolower($email->email);
     // since we're setting bulkmail for 1 of this contact's emails, first reset all their emails to is_bulkmail false
     // (only 1 email address can have is_bulkmail = true)
     if ($email->is_bulkmail != 'null' && $params['contact_id']) {
         $sql = "\nUPDATE civicrm_email \nSET is_bulkmail = 0\nWHERE \ncontact_id = {$params['contact_id']}";
     // handle if email is on hold
     return $email->save();
 function testGetReferenceColumns()
     // choose CRM_Core_DAO_Email as an arbitrary example
     $emailRefs = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getReferenceColumns();
     $refsByTarget = array();
     foreach ($emailRefs as $refSpec) {
         $refsByTarget[$refSpec->getTargetTable()] = $refSpec;
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('civicrm_contact', $refsByTarget));
     $contactRef = $refsByTarget['civicrm_contact'];
     $this->assertEquals('contact_id', $contactRef->getReferenceKey());
     $this->assertEquals('id', $contactRef->getTargetKey());
     $this->assertEquals(FALSE, $contactRef->isGeneric());
  * Ensure that hook_civicrm_entityTypes runs and correctly handles the
  * 'fields_callback' option.
 public function testHook()
     // 1. First, check the baseline fields()...
     $fields = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::fields();
     $exports = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::export();
     // 2. Now, let's hook into it...
     $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_entityTypes', array($this, '_hook_civicrm_entityTypes'));
     // 3. And see if the data has changed...
     $fields = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::fields();
     $this->assertEquals('bar', $fields['location_type_id']['foo']);
     $exports = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::export();
 * This function adds the contact variable in $values to the
 * parameter list $params.  For most cases, $values should have length 1.  If
 * the variable being added is a child of Location, a location_type_id must
 * also be included.  If it is a child of phone, a phone_type must be included.
 * @param array  $values    The variable(s) to be added
 * @param array  $params    The structured parameter list
 * @return bool|CRM_Utils_Error
 * @access public
function _crm_add_formatted_param(&$values, &$params)
    /* Crawl through the possible classes: 
     * Contact 
     *      Individual 
     *      Household
     *      Organization
     *          Location 
     *              Address 
     *              Email 
     *              Phone 
     *              IM 
     *      Note
     *      Custom 
    /* Cache the various object fields */
    static $fields = null;
    if ($fields == null) {
        $fields = array();
    if (isset($values['contact_type'])) {
        /* we're an individual/household/org property */
        if (!isset($fields[$values['contact_type']])) {
            require_once str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'CRM_Contact_DAO_' . $values['contact_type']) . '.php';
            eval('$fields[' . $values['contact_type'] . '] =& 
                    CRM_Contact_DAO_' . $values['contact_type'] . '::fields();');
        _crm_store_values($fields[$values['contact_type']], $values, $params);
        return true;
    if (isset($values['individual_prefix'])) {
        $params['prefix'] = $values['individual_prefix'];
        return true;
    if (isset($values['individual_suffix'])) {
        $params['suffix'] = $values['individual_suffix'];
        return true;
    if (isset($values['gender'])) {
        $params['gender'] = $values['gender'];
        return true;
    if (isset($values['location_type_id'])) {
        /* find and/or initialize the correct location block in $params */
        $locBlock = null;
        if (!isset($params['location'])) {
            /* if we don't have a location field yet, make one */
            $locBlock = 1;
            $params['location'][$locBlock] = array('location_type_id' => $values['location_type_id'], 'is_primary' => true);
        } else {
            /* search through the location array for a matching loc. type */
            foreach ($params['location'] as $key => $loc) {
                if ($loc['location_type_id'] == $values['location_type_id']) {
                    $locBlock = $key;
            /* if no locBlock has the correct type, make a new one */
            if ($locBlock == null) {
                $locBlock = count($params['location']) + 1;
                $params['location'][$locBlock] = array('location_type_id' => $values['location_type_id']);
        //add location name
        if (isset($values['name'])) {
            $params['location'][$locBlock]['name'] = $values['name'];
        /* if this is a phone value, find or create the correct block */
        if (isset($values['phone'])) {
            if (!isset($params['location'][$locBlock]['phone'])) {
                /* if we don't have a phone array yet, make one */
                $params['location'][$locBlock]['phone'] = array();
            /* add a new phone block to the array */
            $phoneBlock = count($params['location'][$locBlock]['phone']) + 1;
            $params['location'][$locBlock]['phone'][$phoneBlock] = array();
            if (!isset($fields['Phone'])) {
                $fields['Phone'] = CRM_Core_DAO_Phone::fields();
            _crm_store_values($fields['Phone'], $values, $params['location'][$locBlock]['phone'][$phoneBlock]);
            if ($phoneBlock == 1) {
                $params['location'][$locBlock]['phone'][$phoneBlock]['is_primary'] = true;
            return true;
        /* If this is an email value, create a new block to store it */
        if (isset($values['email'])) {
            if (!isset($params['location'][$locBlock]['email'])) {
                $params['location'][$locBlock]['email'] = array();
            /* add a new email block */
            $emailBlock = count($params['location'][$locBlock]['email']) + 1;
            $params['location'][$locBlock]['email'][$emailBlock] = array();
            if (!isset($fields['Email'])) {
                $fields['Email'] = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::fields();
            _crm_store_values($fields['Email'], $values, $params['location'][$locBlock]['email'][$emailBlock]);
            if ($emailBlock == 1) {
                $params['location'][$locBlock]['email'][$emailBlock]['is_primary'] = true;
            return true;
        /* if this is an IM value, create a new block */
        if (isset($values['im'])) {
            if (!isset($params['location'][$locBlock]['im'])) {
                $params['location'][$locBlock]['im'] = array();
            /* add a new IM block */
            $imBlock = count($params['location'][$locBlock]['im']) + 1;
            $params['location'][$locBlock]['im'][$imBlock] = array();
            if (!isset($fields['IM'])) {
                $fields['IM'] = CRM_Core_DAO_IM::fields();
            _crm_store_values($fields['IM'], $values, $params['location'][$locBlock]['im'][$imBlock]);
            if ($imBlock == 1) {
                $params['location'][$locBlock]['im'][$imBlock]['is_primary'] = true;
            return true;
        /* Otherwise we must be an address */
        if (!isset($params['location'][$locBlock]['address'])) {
            $params['location'][$locBlock]['address'] = array();
        if (!isset($fields['Address'])) {
            $fields['Address'] = CRM_Core_DAO_Address::fields();
        _crm_store_values($fields['Address'], $values, $params['location'][$locBlock]['address']);
        $ids = array('county', 'country', 'state_province', 'supplemental_address_1', 'supplemental_address_2', 'StateProvince.name');
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            if (array_key_exists($id, $values)) {
                $params['location'][$locBlock]['address'][$id] = $values[$id];
        return true;
    if (isset($values['note'])) {
        /* add a note field */
        if (!isset($params['note'])) {
            $params['note'] = array();
        $noteBlock = count($params['note']) + 1;
        $params['note'][$noteBlock] = array();
        if (!isset($fields['Note'])) {
            $fields['Note'] = CRM_Core_DAO_Note::fields();
        _crm_store_values($fields['Note'], $values, $params['note'][$noteBlock]);
        return true;
    /* Check for custom field values */
    if ($fields['custom'] == null) {
        $fields['custom'] =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields($values['contact_type']);
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
        if ($customFieldID = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getKeyID($key)) {
            /* check if it's a valid custom field id */
            if (!array_key_exists($customFieldID, $fields['custom'])) {
                return _crm_error('Invalid custom field ID');
            if (!isset($params['custom'])) {
                $params['custom'] = array();
            // fixed for Import
            $newMulValues = array();
            if ($fields['custom'][$customFieldID][3] == 'CheckBox' || $fields['custom'][$customFieldID][3] == 'Multi-Select') {
                $value = str_replace("|", ",", $value);
                $mulValues = explode(',', $value);
                $custuomOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($customFieldID, true);
                foreach ($mulValues as $v1) {
                    foreach ($custuomOption as $v2) {
                        if (strtolower($v2['label']) == strtolower(trim($v1))) {
                            $newMulValues[] = $v2['value'];
                $value = implode(CRM_CORE_BAO_CUSTOMOPTION_VALUE_SEPERATOR, $newMulValues);
            } else {
                if ($fields['custom'][$customFieldID][3] == 'Select' || $fields['custom'][$customFieldID][3] == 'Radio') {
                    $custuomOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($customFieldID, true);
                    foreach ($custuomOption as $v2) {
                        if (strtolower($v2['label']) == strtolower(trim($value))) {
                            $value = $v2['value'];
            $customBlock = count($params['custom']) + 1;
            $params['custom'][$customBlock] = array('custom_field_id' => $customFieldID, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $fields['custom'][$customFieldID][2], 'name' => $fields['custom'][$customFieldID][0]);
    /* Finally, check for contact fields */
    if (!isset($fields['Contact'])) {
        $fields['Contact'] =& CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::fields();
    _crm_store_values($fields['Contact'], $values, $params);
  * Send a response email informing the contact of the groups from which he.
  * has been unsubscribed.
  * @param string $queue_id
  *   The queue event ID.
  * @param array $groups
  *   List of group IDs.
  * @param bool $is_domain
  *   Is this domain-level?.
  * @param int $job
  *   The job ID.
 public static function send_unsub_response($queue_id, $groups, $is_domain = FALSE, $job)
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     $jobObject = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob();
     $jobTable = $jobObject->getTableName();
     $mailingObject = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing();
     $mailingTable = $mailingObject->getTableName();
     $contactsObject = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact();
     $contacts = $contactsObject->getTableName();
     $emailObject = new CRM_Core_DAO_Email();
     $email = $emailObject->getTableName();
     $queueObject = new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue();
     $queue = $queueObject->getTableName();
     //get the default domain email address.
     list($domainEmailName, $domainEmailAddress) = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
     $dao = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $dao->query("   SELECT * FROM {$mailingTable}\n                        INNER JOIN {$jobTable} ON\n                            {$jobTable}.mailing_id = {$mailingTable}.id\n                        WHERE {$jobTable}.id = {$job}");
     $component = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     if ($is_domain) {
         $component->id = $dao->optout_id;
     } else {
         $component->id = $dao->unsubscribe_id;
     $html = $component->body_html;
     if ($component->body_text) {
         $text = $component->body_text;
     } else {
         $text = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($component->body_html);
     $eq = new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $eq->query("SELECT     {$contacts}.preferred_mail_format as format,\n                    {$contacts}.id as contact_id,\n                    {$email}.email as email,\n                    {$queue}.hash as hash\n        FROM        {$contacts}\n        INNER JOIN  {$queue} ON {$queue}.contact_id = {$contacts}.id\n        INNER JOIN  {$email} ON {$queue}.email_id = {$email}.id\n        WHERE       {$queue}.id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($queue_id, 'Integer'));
     if ($groups) {
         foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
             if (!$value) {
     $message = new Mail_mime("\n");
     list($addresses, $urls) = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getVerpAndUrls($job, $queue_id, $eq->hash, $eq->email);
     $bao = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $bao->body_text = $text;
     $bao->body_html = $html;
     $tokens = $bao->getTokens();
     if ($eq->format == 'HTML' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, TRUE, $tokens['html']);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceUnsubscribeTokens($html, $domain, $groups, TRUE, $eq->contact_id, $eq->hash);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceActionTokens($html, $addresses, $urls, TRUE, $tokens['html']);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($html, $dao, NULL, $tokens['html']);
     if (!$html || $eq->format == 'Text' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, FALSE, $tokens['text']);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceUnsubscribeTokens($text, $domain, $groups, FALSE, $eq->contact_id, $eq->hash);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceActionTokens($text, $addresses, $urls, FALSE, $tokens['text']);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($text, $dao, NULL, $tokens['text']);
     $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain();
     $headers = array('Subject' => $component->subject, 'From' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}>", 'To' => $eq->email, 'Reply-To' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}", 'Return-Path' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}");
     CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::addMessageIdHeader($headers, 'u', $job, $queue_id, $eq->hash);
     $b = CRM_Utils_Mail::setMimeParams($message);
     $h = $message->headers($headers);
     $mailer = \Civi::service('pear_mail');
     if (is_object($mailer)) {
         $errorScope = CRM_Core_TemporaryErrorScope::ignoreException();
         $mailer->send($eq->email, $h, $b);
 static function &getRecipients($job_id, $mailing_id = NULL, $offset = NULL, $limit = NULL, $storeRecipients = FALSE, $dedupeEmail = FALSE, $mode = NULL)
     $mailingGroup = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup();
     $mailing = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName();
     $job = CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::getTableName();
     $mg = CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup::getTableName();
     $eq = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $ed = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Delivered::getTableName();
     $eb = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Bounce::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $phone = CRM_Core_DAO_Phone::getTableName();
     $contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $group = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     $g2contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupContact::getTableName();
     /* Create a temp table for contact exclusion */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id}\n            (contact_id int primary key)\n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Add all the members of groups excluded from this mailing to the temp
      * table */
     $excludeSubGroup = "INSERT INTO        X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$g2contact}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     /* Add all unsubscribe members of base group from this mailing to the temp
      * table */
     $unSubscribeBaseGroup = "INSERT INTO        X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$g2contact}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Removed'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Base'";
     /* Add all the (intended) recipients of an excluded prior mailing to
      * the temp table */
     $excludeSubMailing = "INSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$eq}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$eq}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     // get all the saved searches AND hierarchical groups
     // and load them in the cache
     $sql = "\nSELECT     {$group}.id, {$group}.cache_date, {$group}.saved_search_id, {$group}.children\nFROM       {$group}\nINNER JOIN {$mg} ON {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\nWHERE      {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n  AND      {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'\n  AND      {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n  AND      ( saved_search_id != 0\n   OR        saved_search_id IS NOT NULL\n   OR        children IS NOT NULL )\n";
     $groupDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
     while ($groupDAO->fetch()) {
         if ($groupDAO->cache_date == NULL) {
         $smartGroupExclude = "\nINSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\nSELECT c.contact_id\nFROM   civicrm_group_contact_cache c\nWHERE  c.group_id = {$groupDAO->id}\n";
     $tempColumn = 'email_id';
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $tempColumn = 'phone_id';
     /* Get all the group contacts we want to include */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id}\n            ({$tempColumn} int, contact_id int primary key)\n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Get the group contacts, but only those which are not in the
      * exclusion temp table */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                                AND     {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND            ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.email IS NOT NULL\n                        AND             {$email}.email != ''\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail";
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $phoneTypes = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('phone_type', TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name');
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\n\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$phone}.id as phone_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$phone}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$phone}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                                AND     {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_sms = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone IS NOT NULL\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone != ''\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
     /* Query prior mailings */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$eq}\n                            ON          {$eq}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND            ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail";
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$phone}.id as phone_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$phone}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$phone}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$eq}\n                            ON          {$eq}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_sms = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
     $sql = "\nSELECT     {$group}.id, {$group}.cache_date, {$group}.saved_search_id, {$group}.children\nFROM       {$group}\nINNER JOIN {$mg} ON {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\nWHERE      {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n  AND      {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n  AND      {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n  AND      {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n  AND      ( saved_search_id != 0\n   OR        saved_search_id IS NOT NULL\n   OR        children IS NOT NULL )\n";
     $groupDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
     while ($groupDAO->fetch()) {
         if ($groupDAO->cache_date == NULL) {
         $smartGroupInclude = "\nINSERT IGNORE INTO I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\nSELECT     e.id as email_id, c.id as contact_id\nFROM       civicrm_contact c\nINNER JOIN civicrm_email e                ON e.contact_id         = c.id\nINNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache gc ON gc.contact_id        = c.id\nLEFT  JOIN X_{$job_id}                      ON X_{$job_id}.contact_id = c.id\nWHERE      gc.group_id = {$groupDAO->id}\n  AND      c.do_not_email = 0\n  AND      c.is_opt_out = 0\n  AND      c.is_deceased = 0\n  AND      (e.is_bulkmail = 1 OR e.is_primary = 1)\n  AND      e.on_hold = 0\n  AND      X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\nORDER BY   e.is_bulkmail\n";
         if ($mode == 'sms') {
             $smartGroupInclude = "\nINSERT IGNORE INTO I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\nSELECT     p.id as phone_id, c.id as contact_id\nFROM       civicrm_contact c\nINNER JOIN civicrm_phone p                ON p.contact_id         = c.id\nINNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache gc ON gc.contact_id        = c.id\nLEFT  JOIN X_{$job_id}                      ON X_{$job_id}.contact_id = c.id\nWHERE      gc.group_id = {$groupDAO->id}\n  AND      c.do_not_sms = 0\n  AND      c.is_opt_out = 0\n  AND      c.is_deceased = 0\n  AND      p.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n  AND      X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
      * Construct the filtered search queries
     $query = "\nSELECT search_id, search_args, entity_id\nFROM   {$mg}\nWHERE  {$mg}.search_id IS NOT NULL\nAND    {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n";
     $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
     while ($dao->fetch()) {
         $customSQL = CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::civiMailSQL($dao->search_id, $dao->search_args, $dao->entity_id);
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} ({$tempColumn}, contact_id)\n                         {$customSQL}";
     /* Get the emails with only location override */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as local_email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND             ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail";
     if ($mode == "sms") {
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$phone}.id as phone_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$phone}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$phone}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_sms = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
     $results = array();
     $eq = new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue();
     list($aclFrom, $aclWhere) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::cacheClause();
     $aclWhere = $aclWhere ? "WHERE {$aclWhere}" : '';
     $limitString = NULL;
     if ($limit && $offset !== NULL) {
         $offset = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($offset, 'Int');
         $limit = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($limit, 'Int');
         $limitString = "LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
     if ($storeRecipients && $mailing_id) {
         $sql = "\nDELETE\nFROM   civicrm_mailing_recipients\nWHERE  mailing_id = %1\n";
         $params = array(1 => array($mailing_id, 'Integer'));
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params);
         // CRM-3975
         $groupBy = $groupJoin = '';
         if ($dedupeEmail) {
             $groupJoin = " INNER JOIN civicrm_email e ON e.id = i.email_id";
             $groupBy = " GROUP BY e.email ";
         $sql = "\nINSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_recipients ( mailing_id, contact_id, {$tempColumn} )\nSELECT %1, i.contact_id, i.{$tempColumn}\nFROM       civicrm_contact contact_a\nINNER JOIN I_{$job_id} i ON contact_a.id = i.contact_id\n           {$groupJoin}\n           {$aclFrom}\n           {$aclWhere}\n           {$groupBy}\nORDER BY   i.contact_id, i.{$tempColumn}\n";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params);
         // if we need to add all emails marked bulk, do it as a post filter
         // on the mailing recipients table
         if (CRM_Core_BAO_Email::isMultipleBulkMail()) {
     /* Delete the temp table */
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id}");
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id}");
     return $eq;
  * Update the email value for the contact and user profile.
  * @param int $contactId
  *   Contact ID of the user.
  * @param string $emailAddress
  *   Email to be modified for the user.
 public static function updateContactEmail($contactId, $emailAddress)
     $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
     $emailAddress = $strtolower($emailAddress);
     $ufmatch = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFMatch();
     $ufmatch->contact_id = $contactId;
     $ufmatch->domain_id = CRM_Core_Config::domainID();
     if ($ufmatch->find(TRUE)) {
         // Save the email in UF Match table
         $ufmatch->uf_name = $emailAddress;
         CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::create((array) $ufmatch);
         //check if the primary email for the contact exists
         //$contactDetails[1] - email
         //$contactDetails[3] - email id
         $contactDetails = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($contactId);
         if (trim($contactDetails[1])) {
             $emailID = $contactDetails[3];
             //update if record is found
             $query = "UPDATE  civicrm_email\n                     SET email = %1\n                     WHERE id =  %2";
             $p = array(1 => array($emailAddress, 'String'), 2 => array($emailID, 'Integer'));
             $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $p);
         } else {
             //else insert a new email record
             $email = new CRM_Core_DAO_Email();
             $email->contact_id = $contactId;
             $email->is_primary = 1;
             $email->email = $emailAddress;
             $emailID = $email->id;
         CRM_Core_BAO_Log::register($contactId, 'civicrm_email', $emailID);
  * Find all intended recipients of a mailing
  * @param int $job_id       Job ID
  * @return object           A DAO loaded with results of the form
  *                              (email_id, contact_id)
 function &getRecipients($job_id)
     $mailingGroup =& new CRM_Mailing_DAO_Group();
     $mailing = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName();
     $job = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Job::getTableName();
     $mg = CRM_Mailing_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     $eq = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $ed = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Delivered::getTableName();
     $eb = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Bounce::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     $contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $location = CRM_Core_DAO_Location::getTableName();
     $group = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     $g2contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupContact::getTableName();
     /* Create a temp table for contact exclusion */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id} \n            (contact_id int primary key) \n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Add all the members of groups excluded from this mailing to the temp
      * table */
     $excludeSubGroup = "INSERT INTO        X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT              {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$g2contact}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     /* Add all the (intended) recipients of an excluded prior mailing to
      * the temp table */
     $excludeSubMailing = "INSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT              {$eq}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$eq}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     /* Add all the succesful deliveries of this mailing (but any job/retry)
      * to the exclude temp table */
     $excludeRetry = "INSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT              {$eq}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$eq}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$ed}\n                            ON          {$eq}.id = {$ed}.event_queue_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           {$eb}\n                            ON          {$eq}.id = {$eb}.event_queue_id\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$job}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND             {$eb}.id IS null";
     $ss =& new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $ss->query("SELECT             {$group}.saved_search_id as saved_search_id\n                FROM                {$group}\n                INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                        ON          {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\n                WHERE               {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'\n                    AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                    AND             {$group}.saved_search_id IS NOT null");
     $whereTables = array();
     while ($ss->fetch()) {
         /* run the saved search query and dump result contacts into the temp
          * table */
         $tables = array($contact => 1);
         $where = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::whereClause($ss->saved_search_id, $tables, $whereTables);
         $from = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::fromClause($tables);
         $mailingGroup->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT              {$contact}.id\n                                    {$from}\n                    WHERE               {$where}");
     /* Get all the group contacts we want to include */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id} \n            (email_id int, contact_id int primary key)\n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Get the group contacts, but only those which are not in the
      * exclusion temp table */
     /* Get the emails with no override */
     $mailingGroup->query("INSERT INTO        I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$location}\n                            ON          {$email}.location_id = {$location}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$location}.entity_id = {$contact}.id\n                                AND     {$location}.entity_table = '{$contact}'\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                                AND     {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                        {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.location_id IS null\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.email_id IS null\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$location}.is_primary = 1\n                        AND             {$email}.is_primary = 1\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null");
     /* Query prior mailings */
     $mailingGroup->query("REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$location}\n                            ON          {$email}.location_id = {$location}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$location}.entity_id = {$contact}.id\n                                AND     {$location}.entity_table = '{$contact}'\n                    INNER JOIN          {$eq}\n                            ON          {$eq}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$location}.is_primary = 1\n                        AND             {$email}.is_primary = 1\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null");
     /* Construct the saved-search queries */
     $ss->query("SELECT          {$group}.saved_search_id as saved_search_id\n                    FROM            {$group}\n                    INNER JOIN      {$mg}\n                            ON      {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\n                                AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE               \n                                    {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND         {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND         {$group}.saved_search_id IS NOT null");
     $whereTables = array();
     while ($ss->fetch()) {
         $tables = array($contact => 1, $location => 1, $email => 1);
         $where = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::whereClause($ss->saved_search_id, $tables, $whereTables);
         $from = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::fromClause($tables);
         $ssq = "INSERT IGNORE INTO  I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id \n                    {$from}\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                        {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$location}.is_primary = 1\n                        AND             {$email}.is_primary = 1\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$where}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null ";
     /* Get the emails with only location override */
     $mailingGroup->query("REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as local_email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$location}\n                            ON          {$email}.location_id = {$location}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$location}.entity_id = {$contact}.id\n                                AND     {$location}.entity_table = '{$contact}'\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                                AND     {$location}.id = {$g2contact}.location_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.location_id IS NOT null\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.email_id is null\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$email}.is_primary = 1\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null");
     /* Get the emails with full override */
     $mailingGroup->query("REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.id = {$g2contact}.email_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.location_id IS NOT null\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.email_id IS NOT null\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$this->id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null");
     $results = array();
     $eq =& new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue();
     $eq->query("SELECT contact_id, email_id \n                    FROM I_{$job_id} \n                    ORDER BY contact_id, email_id");
     /* Delete the temp table */
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id}");
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id}");
     return $eq;
  * Send a reponse email informing the contact of the groups from which he
  * has been unsubscribed.
  * @param string $queue_id      The queue event ID
  * @param array $groups         List of group IDs
  * @param bool $is_domain       Is this domain-level?
  * @param int $job              The job ID
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function send_unsub_response($queue_id, $groups, $is_domain = false, $job)
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $domain =& CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     $jobTable = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Job::getTableName();
     $mailingTable = CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing::getTableName();
     $contacts = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     $queue = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::getTableName();
     //get the default domain email address.
     list($domainEmailName, $domainEmailAddress) = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
     $dao =& new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $dao->query("   SELECT * FROM {$mailingTable} \n                        INNER JOIN {$jobTable} ON\n                            {$jobTable}.mailing_id = {$mailingTable}.id \n                        WHERE {$jobTable}.id = {$job}");
     $component =& new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     if ($is_domain) {
         $component->id = $dao->optout_id;
     } else {
         $component->id = $dao->unsubscribe_id;
     $html = $component->body_html;
     if ($component->body_text) {
         $text = $component->body_text;
     } else {
         $text = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($component->body_html);
     $eq =& new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $eq->query("SELECT     {$contacts}.preferred_mail_format as format,\n                    {$contacts}.id as contact_id,\n                    {$email}.email as email,\n                    {$queue}.hash as hash\n        FROM        {$contacts}\n        INNER JOIN  {$queue} ON {$queue}.contact_id = {$contacts}.id\n        INNER JOIN  {$email} ON {$queue}.email_id = {$email}.id\n        WHERE       {$queue}.id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($queue_id, 'Integer'));
     if ($groups) {
         foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
             if (!$value) {
     $message =& new Mail_Mime("\n");
     list($addresses, $urls) = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getVerpAndUrls($job, $queue_id, $eq->hash, $eq->email);
     $bao =& new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $bao->body_text = $text;
     $bao->body_html = $html;
     $tokens = $bao->getTokens();
     require_once 'CRM/Utils/Token.php';
     if ($eq->format == 'HTML' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, true, $tokens['html']);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceUnsubscribeTokens($html, $domain, $groups, true, $eq->contact_id, $eq->hash);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceActionTokens($html, $addresses, $urls, true, $tokens['html']);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($html, $dao, null, $tokens['html']);
     if (!$html || $eq->format == 'Text' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, false, $tokens['text']);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceUnsubscribeTokens($text, $domain, $groups, false, $eq->contact_id, $eq->hash);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceActionTokens($text, $addresses, $urls, false, $tokens['text']);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($text, $dao, null, $tokens['text']);
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/MailSettings.php';
     $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain();
     $headers = array('Subject' => $component->subject, 'From' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}>", 'To' => $eq->email, 'Reply-To' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}", 'Return-Path' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}");
     $b =& CRM_Utils_Mail::setMimeParams($message);
     $h =& $message->headers($headers);
     $mailer =& $config->getMailer();
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array('CRM_Core_Error', 'nullHandler'));
     if (is_object($mailer)) {
         $mailer->send($eq->email, $h, $b);
  * combine all the exportable fields from the lower levels object
  * currentlty we are using importable fields as exportable fields
  * @param int     $contactType contact Type
  * $param boolean $status true while exporting primary contacts
  * $param boolean $export true when used during export
  * @return array array of exportable Fields
  * @access public
 function &exportableFields($contactType = 'Individual', $status = false, $export = false)
     if (empty($contactType)) {
         $contactType = 'All';
     if (!$GLOBALS['_CRM_CONTACT_BAO_CONTACT']['_exportableFields'] || !CRM_Utils_Array::value($contactType, $GLOBALS['_CRM_CONTACT_BAO_CONTACT']['_exportableFields'])) {
         if (!$GLOBALS['_CRM_CONTACT_BAO_CONTACT']['_exportableFields']) {
             $GLOBALS['_CRM_CONTACT_BAO_CONTACT']['_exportableFields'] = array();
         if (!$status) {
             $fields = array();
         } else {
             $fields = array('' => array('title' => ts('- Contact Fields -')));
         if ($contactType != 'All') {
             require_once str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "CRM_Contact_DAO_" . $contactType) . ".php";
             eval('$fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Contact_DAO_' . $contactType . '::export( ));');
         } else {
             foreach (array('Individual', 'Household', 'Organization') as $type) {
                 require_once str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "CRM_Contact_DAO_" . $type) . ".php";
                 eval('$fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Contact_DAO_' . $type . '::export( ));');
                 if ($type == 'Individual') {
                     $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_DAO_IndividualPrefix::export(true), CRM_Core_DAO_IndividualSuffix::export(true), CRM_Core_DAO_Gender::export(true));
         // the fields are only meant for Individual contact type
         if ($contactType == 'Individual') {
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_DAO_IndividualPrefix::export(true), CRM_Core_DAO_IndividualSuffix::export(true), CRM_Core_DAO_Gender::export(true));
         $locationType = array();
         if ($status) {
             $locationType['location_type'] = array('name' => 'location_type', 'where' => 'civicrm_location_type.name', 'title' => 'Location Type');
         $IMProvider = array();
         if ($status) {
             $IMProvider['im_provider'] = array('name' => 'im_provider', 'where' => 'civicrm_im_provider.name', 'title' => 'IM Provider');
         $locationFields = array_merge($locationType, CRM_Core_DAO_Location::export(), CRM_Core_DAO_Address::export(), CRM_Core_DAO_Phone::export(), CRM_Core_DAO_Email::export(), $IMProvider, CRM_Core_DAO_IM::export(true));
         foreach ($locationFields as $key => $field) {
             $locationFields[$key]['hasLocationType'] = true;
         $fields = array_merge($fields, $locationFields);
         $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::export());
         $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_DAO_Note::export());
         if ($contactType != 'All') {
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport($contactType, $status));
         } else {
             foreach (array('Individual', 'Household', 'Organization') as $type) {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport($type));
         //fix for CRM-791
         if ($export) {
             $fields = array_merge($fields, array('groups' => array('title' => ts('Group(s)'))));
             $fields = array_merge($fields, array('tags' => array('title' => ts('Tag(s)'))));
         } else {
             $fields = array_merge($fields, array('group' => array('title' => ts('Group(s)'))));
             $fields = array_merge($fields, array('tag' => array('title' => ts('Tag(s)'))));
         $GLOBALS['_CRM_CONTACT_BAO_CONTACT']['_exportableFields'][$contactType] = $fields;
     return $GLOBALS['_CRM_CONTACT_BAO_CONTACT']['_exportableFields'][$contactType];
文件: Forward.php 项目: kidaa30/yes
  * Create a new forward event, create a new contact if necessary
  * @param $job_id
  * @param $queue_id
  * @param $hash
  * @param $forward_email
  * @param null $fromEmail
  * @param null $comment
  * @return bool
 public static function &forward($job_id, $queue_id, $hash, $forward_email, $fromEmail = NULL, $comment = NULL)
     $q = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::verify($job_id, $queue_id, $hash);
     $successfulForward = FALSE;
     $contact_id = NULL;
     if (!$q) {
         return $successfulForward;
     /* Find the email address/contact, if it exists */
     $contact = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $location = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_BAO_Email::getTableName();
     $queueTable = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $job = CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::getTableName();
     $mailing = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName();
     $forward = self::getTableName();
     $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     $dao = new CRM_Core_Dao();
     $dao->query("\n                SELECT      {$contact}.id as contact_id,\n                            {$email}.id as email_id,\n                            {$contact}.do_not_email as do_not_email,\n                            {$queueTable}.id as queue_id\n                FROM        ({$email}, {$job} as temp_job)\n                INNER JOIN  {$contact}\n                        ON  {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                LEFT JOIN   {$queueTable}\n                        ON  {$email}.id = {$queueTable}.email_id\n                LEFT JOIN   {$job}\n                        ON  {$queueTable}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                        AND temp_job.mailing_id = {$job}.mailing_id\n                WHERE       {$queueTable}.job_id = {$job_id}\n                    AND     {$email}.email = '" . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($forward_email, 'String') . "'");
     $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction();
     if (isset($dao->queue_id) || isset($dao->do_not_email) && $dao->do_not_email == 1) {
         /* We already sent this mailing to $forward_email, or we should
          * never email this contact.  Give up. */
         return $successfulForward;
     require_once 'api/api.php';
     $contactParams = array('email' => $forward_email, 'version' => 3);
     $contactValues = civicrm_api('contact', 'get', $contactParams);
     $count = $contactValues['count'];
     if ($count == 0) {
         /* If the contact does not exist, create one. */
         $formatted = array('contact_type' => 'Individual', 'version' => 3);
         $locationType = CRM_Core_BAO_LocationType::getDefault();
         $value = array('email' => $forward_email, 'location_type_id' => $locationType->id);
         require_once 'CRM/Utils/DeprecatedUtils.php';
         _civicrm_api3_deprecated_add_formatted_param($value, $formatted);
         $formatted['onDuplicate'] = CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_SKIP;
         $formatted['fixAddress'] = TRUE;
         $contact = civicrm_api('contact', 'create', $formatted);
         if (civicrm_error($contact)) {
             return $successfulForward;
         $contact_id = $contact['id'];
     $email = new CRM_Core_DAO_Email();
     $email->email = $forward_email;
     $email_id = $email->id;
     if (!$contact_id) {
         $contact_id = $email->contact_id;
     /* Create a new queue event */
     $queue_params = array('email_id' => $email_id, 'contact_id' => $contact_id, 'job_id' => $job_id);
     $queue = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::create($queue_params);
     $forward = new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Forward();
     $forward->time_stamp = date('YmdHis');
     $forward->event_queue_id = $queue_id;
     $forward->dest_queue_id = $queue->id;
     $dao->query("   SELECT  {$job}.mailing_id as mailing_id\n                        FROM    {$job}\n                        WHERE   {$job}.id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($job_id, 'Integer'));
     $mailing_obj = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $mailing_obj->id = $dao->mailing_id;
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $mailer = $config->getMailer();
     $recipient = NULL;
     $attachments = NULL;
     $message = $mailing_obj->compose($job_id, $queue->id, $queue->hash, $queue->contact_id, $forward_email, $recipient, FALSE, NULL, $attachments, TRUE, $fromEmail);
     //append comment if added while forwarding.
     if (count($comment)) {
         $message->_txtbody = CRM_Utils_Array::value('body_text', $comment) . $message->_txtbody;
         if (!empty($comment['body_html'])) {
             $message->_htmlbody = $comment['body_html'] . '<br />---------------Original message---------------------<br />' . $message->_htmlbody;
     $body = $message->get();
     $headers = $message->headers();
     $result = NULL;
     if (is_object($mailer)) {
         $errorScope = CRM_Core_TemporaryErrorScope::ignoreException();
         $result = $mailer->send($recipient, $headers, $body);
     $params = array('event_queue_id' => $queue->id, 'job_id' => $job_id, 'hash' => $queue->hash);
     if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
         /* Register the bounce event */
         $params = array_merge($params, CRM_Mailing_BAO_BouncePattern::match($result->getMessage()));
     } else {
         $successfulForward = TRUE;
         /* Register the delivery event */
     return $successfulForward;
  * Combine all the exportable fields from the lower levels object.
  * Currently we are using importable fields as exportable fields
  * @param int|string $contactType contact Type
  * @param bool $status
  *   True while exporting primary contacts.
  * @param bool $export
  *   True when used during export.
  * @param bool $search
  *   True when used during search, might conflict with export param?.
  * @param bool $withMultiRecord
  * @return array
  *   array of exportable Fields
 public static function &exportableFields($contactType = 'Individual', $status = FALSE, $export = FALSE, $search = FALSE, $withMultiRecord = FALSE)
     if (empty($contactType)) {
         $contactType = 'All';
     $cacheKeyString = "exportableFields {$contactType}";
     $cacheKeyString .= $export ? '_1' : '_0';
     $cacheKeyString .= $status ? '_1' : '_0';
     $cacheKeyString .= $search ? '_1' : '_0';
     //CRM-14501 it turns out that the impact of permissioning here is sometimes inconsistent. The field that
     //calculates custom fields takes into account the logged in user & caches that for all users
     //as an interim fix we will cache the fields by contact
     $cacheKeyString .= '_' . CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID();
     if (!self::$_exportableFields || !CRM_Utils_Array::value($cacheKeyString, self::$_exportableFields)) {
         if (!self::$_exportableFields) {
             self::$_exportableFields = array();
         // check if we can retrieve from database cache
         $fields = CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::getItem('contact fields', $cacheKeyString);
         if (!$fields) {
             $fields = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::export();
             // The fields are meant for contact types.
             if (in_array($contactType, array('Individual', 'Household', 'Organization', 'All'))) {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_OptionValue::getFields('', $contactType));
             // add current employer for individuals
             $fields = array_merge($fields, array('current_employer' => array('name' => 'organization_name', 'title' => ts('Current Employer'))));
             $locationType = array('location_type' => array('name' => 'location_type', 'where' => 'civicrm_location_type.name', 'title' => ts('Location Type')));
             $IMProvider = array('im_provider' => array('name' => 'im_provider', 'where' => 'civicrm_im.provider_id', 'title' => ts('IM Provider')));
             $locationFields = array_merge($locationType, CRM_Core_DAO_Address::export(), CRM_Core_DAO_Phone::export(), CRM_Core_DAO_Email::export(), $IMProvider, CRM_Core_DAO_IM::export(TRUE), CRM_Core_DAO_OpenID::export());
             $locationFields = array_merge($locationFields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport('Address'));
             foreach ($locationFields as $key => $field) {
                 $locationFields[$key]['hasLocationType'] = TRUE;
             $fields = array_merge($fields, $locationFields);
             //add world region
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_DAO_Worldregion::export());
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::export());
             //website fields
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_DAO_Website::export());
             if ($contactType != 'All') {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport($contactType, $status, FALSE, $search, TRUE, $withMultiRecord));
             } else {
                 foreach (array('Individual', 'Household', 'Organization') as $type) {
                     $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport($type, FALSE, FALSE, $search, TRUE, $withMultiRecord));
             //fix for CRM-791
             if ($export) {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, array('groups' => array('title' => ts('Group(s)'), 'name' => 'groups'), 'tags' => array('title' => ts('Tag(s)'), 'name' => 'tags'), 'notes' => array('title' => ts('Note(s)'), 'name' => 'notes')));
             } else {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, array('group' => array('title' => ts('Group(s)'), 'name' => 'group'), 'tag' => array('title' => ts('Tag(s)'), 'name' => 'tag'), 'note' => array('title' => ts('Note(s)'), 'name' => 'note')));
             //Sorting fields in alphabetical order(CRM-1507)
             foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
                 $sortArray[$k] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('title', $v);
             $fields = array_merge($sortArray, $fields);
             //unset the field which are not related to their contact type.
             if ($contactType != 'All') {
                 $commonValues = array('Individual' => array('household_name', 'legal_name', 'sic_code', 'organization_name', 'email_greeting_custom', 'postal_greeting_custom', 'addressee_custom'), 'Household' => array('first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'formal_title', 'job_title', 'gender_id', 'prefix_id', 'suffix_id', 'birth_date', 'organization_name', 'legal_name', 'legal_identifier', 'sic_code', 'home_URL', 'is_deceased', 'deceased_date', 'current_employer', 'email_greeting_custom', 'postal_greeting_custom', 'addressee_custom', 'prefix_id', 'suffix_id'), 'Organization' => array('first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'formal_title', 'job_title', 'gender_id', 'prefix_id', 'suffix_id', 'birth_date', 'household_name', 'email_greeting_custom', 'postal_greeting_custom', 'prefix_id', 'suffix_id', 'gender_id', 'addressee_custom', 'is_deceased', 'deceased_date', 'current_employer'));
                 foreach ($commonValues[$contactType] as $value) {
             CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::setItem($fields, 'contact fields', $cacheKeyString);
         self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString] = $fields;
     if (!$status) {
         $fields = self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString];
     } else {
         $fields = array_merge(array('' => array('title' => ts('- Contact Fields -'))), self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString]);
     return $fields;
  * returns the list of fields that can be exported
  * @access public
  * return array
 function &export($prefix = false)
     if (!$GLOBALS['_CRM_CORE_DAO_EMAIL']['_export']) {
         $GLOBALS['_CRM_CORE_DAO_EMAIL']['_export'] = array();
         $fields =& CRM_Core_DAO_Email::fields();
         foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
             if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('export', $field)) {
                 if ($prefix) {
                     $GLOBALS['_CRM_CORE_DAO_EMAIL']['_export']['email'] =& $fields[$name];
                 } else {
                     $GLOBALS['_CRM_CORE_DAO_EMAIL']['_export'][$name] =& $fields[$name];
     return $GLOBALS['_CRM_CORE_DAO_EMAIL']['_export'];
 function &getRecipients($job_id, $includeDelivered = false, $mailing_id = null, $offset = NULL, $limit = NULL)
     $mailingGroup = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_Group();
     $mailing = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName();
     $job = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Job::getTableName();
     $mg = CRM_Mailing_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     $eq = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $ed = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Delivered::getTableName();
     $eb = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Bounce::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     $contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/DAO/Group.php';
     $group = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     $g2contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupContact::getTableName();
     /* Create a temp table for contact exclusion */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id} \n            (contact_id int primary key) \n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Add all the members of groups excluded from this mailing to the temp
      * table */
     $excludeSubGroup = "INSERT INTO        X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$g2contact}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     /* Add all unsubscribe members of base group from this mailing to the temp
      * table */
     $unSubscribeBaseGroup = "INSERT INTO        X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$g2contact}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Removed'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Base'";
     /* Add all the (intended) recipients of an excluded prior mailing to
      * the temp table */
     $excludeSubMailing = "INSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$eq}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$eq}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     $ss = new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $ss->query("SELECT             {$group}.saved_search_id as saved_search_id,\n                                    {$group}.id as id\n                FROM                {$group}\n                INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                        ON          {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\n                WHERE               {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'\n                    AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                    AND             {$group}.saved_search_id IS NOT null");
     $whereTables = array();
     while ($ss->fetch()) {
         /* run the saved search query and dump result contacts into the temp
          * table */
         $tables = array($contact => 1);
         $sql = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::contactIDsSQL($ss->saved_search_id);
         $sql = $sql . " AND contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                              SELECT contact_id FROM {$g2contact} \n                              WHERE {$g2contact}.group_id = {$ss->id} AND {$g2contact}.status = 'Removed')";
         $mailingGroup->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id) {$sql}");
     /* Get all the group contacts we want to include */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id} \n            (email_id int, contact_id int primary key)\n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Get the group contacts, but only those which are not in the
      * exclusion temp table */
     /* Get the emails with no override */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                                AND     {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include' OR {$mg}.group_type = 'Base')\n                        AND             {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.email_id IS null\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND            ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail";
     /* Query prior mailings */
     $mailingGroup->query("REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$eq}\n                            ON          {$eq}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include' OR {$mg}.group_type = 'Base')\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND            ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail");
     /* Construct the saved-search queries */
     $ss->query("SELECT          {$group}.saved_search_id as saved_search_id,\n                                    {$group}.id as id\n                    FROM            {$group}\n                    INNER JOIN      {$mg}\n                            ON      {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\n                                AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE               \n                                    {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND         {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n                        AND         {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND         {$group}.saved_search_id IS NOT null");
     $whereTables = array();
     while ($ss->fetch()) {
         $tables = array($contact => 1, $location => 1, $email => 1);
         list($from, $where) = CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch::fromWhereEmail($ss->saved_search_id);
         $where = trim($where);
         if ($where) {
             $where = " AND {$where} ";
         $ssq = "INSERT IGNORE INTO  I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        contact_a.id as contact_id \n                    {$from}\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          contact_a.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                        contact_a.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             contact_a.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             contact_a.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND             ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                                        {$where}\n                        AND             contact_a.id NOT IN ( \n                                          SELECT contact_id FROM {$g2contact} \n                                          WHERE {$g2contact}.group_id = {$ss->id} AND {$g2contact}.status = 'Removed') \n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail";
      * Construct the filtered search queries
     $query = "\nSELECT search_id, search_args, entity_id\nFROM   {$mg}\nWHERE  {$mg}.search_id IS NOT NULL\nAND    {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n";
     $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/SearchCustom.php';
     while ($dao->fetch()) {
         $customSQL = CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::civiMailSQL($dao->search_id, $dao->search_args, $dao->entity_id);
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                         {$customSQL}";
     /* Get the emails with only location override */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as local_email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.email_id is null\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND             ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail";
     /* Get the emails with full override */
     $mailingGroup->query("REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.id = {$g2contact}.email_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE           \n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.email_id IS NOT null\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased = 0\n                        AND             ({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail");
     $results = array();
     $eq = new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue();
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact/Permission.php';
     list($aclFrom, $aclWhere) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::cacheClause();
     $aclWhere = $aclWhere ? "WHERE {$aclWhere}" : '';
     $limitString = null;
     if ($limit && $offset !== null) {
         $limitString = "LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
     $eq->query("SELECT i.contact_id, i.email_id \n                    FROM  civicrm_contact contact_a\n                    INNER JOIN I_{$job_id} i ON contact_a.id = i.contact_id\n                    {$aclFrom}\n                    {$aclWhere}\n                    ORDER BY i.contact_id, i.email_id\n                    {$limitString}");
     /* Delete the temp table */
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id}");
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id}");
     return $eq;
文件: Reply.php 项目: bhirsch/civicrm
  * Send an automated response
  * @param object $mailing       The mailing object
  * @param int $queue_id         The queue ID
  * @param string $replyto       Optional reply-to from the reply
  * @return void
  * @access private
  * @static
 private static function autoRespond(&$mailing, $queue_id, $replyto)
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $contacts = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     $queue = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $eq =& new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $eq->query("SELECT     {$contacts}.preferred_mail_format as format,\n                    {$email}.email as email\n        FROM        {$contacts}\n        INNER JOIN  {$queue} ON {$queue}.contact_id = {$contacts}.id\n        INNER JOIN  {$email} ON {$queue}.email_id = {$email}.id\n        WHERE       {$queue}.id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($queue_id, 'Integer'));
     $to = empty($replyto) ? $eq->email : $replyto;
     $component =& new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     $component->id = $mailing->reply_id;
     $message =& new Mail_Mime("\n");
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Domain.php';
     $domain =& CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     list($domainEmailName, $_) = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/MailSettings.php';
     $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain();
     $headers = array('Subject' => $component->subject, 'To' => $to, 'From' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}>", 'Reply-To' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}", 'Return-Path' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}");
     /* TODO: do we need reply tokens? */
     $html = $component->body_html;
     if ($component->body_text) {
         $text = $component->body_text;
     } else {
         $text = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($component->body_html);
     require_once 'CRM/Mailing/BAO/Mailing.php';
     $bao =& new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $bao->body_text = $text;
     $bao->body_html = $html;
     $tokens = $bao->getTokens();
     if ($eq->format == 'HTML' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         require_once 'CRM/Utils/Token.php';
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, true, $tokens['html']);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($html, $mailing, null, $tokens['html']);
     if (!$html || $eq->format == 'Text' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         require_once 'CRM/Utils/Token.php';
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, false, $tokens['text']);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($text, $mailing, null, $tokens['text']);
     $b =& CRM_Utils_Mail::setMimeParams($message);
     $h =& $message->headers($headers);
     $mailer =& $config->getMailer();
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array('CRM_Core_Error', 'nullHandler'));
     if (is_object($mailer)) {
         $mailer->send($to, $h, $b);
  * combine all the exportable fields from the lower levels object
  * currentlty we are using importable fields as exportable fields
  * @param int     $contactType contact Type
  * $param boolean $status true while exporting primary contacts
  * $param boolean $export true when used during export
  * @return array array of exportable Fields
  * @access public
 function &exportableFields($contactType = 'Individual', $status = false, $export = false)
     if (empty($contactType)) {
         $contactType = 'All';
     $cacheKeyString = "exportableFields {$contactType}";
     $cacheKeyString .= $export ? "_1" : "_0";
     $cacheKeyString .= $status ? "_1" : "_0";
     if (!self::$_exportableFields || !CRM_Utils_Array::value($cacheKeyString, self::$_exportableFields)) {
         if (!self::$_exportableFields) {
             self::$_exportableFields = array();
         // check if we can retrieve from database cache
         require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Cache.php';
         $fields =& CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::getItem('contact fields', $cacheKeyString);
         if (!$fields) {
             $fields = array();
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::export());
             // the fields are meant for contact types
             if (in_array($contactType, array('Individual', 'Household', 'Organization', 'All'))) {
                 require_once 'CRM/Core/OptionValue.php';
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_OptionValue::getFields('', $contactType));
             // add current employer for individuals
             $fields = array_merge($fields, array('current_employer' => array('name' => 'organization_name', 'title' => ts('Current Employer'))));
             $locationType = array();
             if ($status) {
                 $locationType['location_type'] = array('name' => 'location_type', 'where' => 'civicrm_location_type.name', 'title' => ts('Location Type'));
             $IMProvider = array();
             if ($status) {
                 $IMProvider['im_provider'] = array('name' => 'im_provider', 'where' => 'im_provider.name', 'title' => ts('IM Provider'));
             $locationFields = array_merge($locationType, CRM_Core_DAO_Address::export(), CRM_Core_DAO_Phone::export(), CRM_Core_DAO_Email::export(), $IMProvider, CRM_Core_DAO_IM::export(true), CRM_Core_DAO_OpenID::export());
             foreach ($locationFields as $key => $field) {
                 $locationFields[$key]['hasLocationType'] = true;
             $fields = array_merge($fields, $locationFields);
             //add world region
             require_once "CRM/Core/DAO/Worldregion.php";
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_DAO_Worldregion::export());
             $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::export());
             if ($contactType != 'All') {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport($contactType, $status, true));
             } else {
                 foreach (array('Individual', 'Household', 'Organization') as $type) {
                     $fields = array_merge($fields, CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport($type));
             //fix for CRM-791
             if ($export) {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, array('groups' => array('title' => ts('Group(s)')), 'tags' => array('title' => ts('Tag(s)')), 'notes' => array('title' => ts('Note(s)'))));
             } else {
                 $fields = array_merge($fields, array('group' => array('title' => ts('Group(s)')), 'tag' => array('title' => ts('Tag(s)')), 'note' => array('title' => ts('Note(s)'))));
             //Sorting fields in alphabetical order(CRM-1507)
             foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
                 $sortArray[$k] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('title', $v);
             $fields = array_merge($sortArray, $fields);
             //unset the field which are not related to their contact type.
             if ($contactType != 'All') {
                 $commonValues = array('Individual' => array('household_name', 'legal_name', 'sic_code', 'organization_name', 'email_greeting_custom', 'postal_greeting_custom', 'addressee_custom'), 'Household' => array('first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'job_title', 'gender_id', 'birth_date', 'organization_name', 'legal_name', 'legal_identifier', 'sic_code', 'home_URL', 'is_deceased', 'deceased_date', 'current_employer', 'email_greeting_custom', 'postal_greeting_custom', 'addressee_custom', 'individual_prefix', 'individual_suffix', 'gender'), 'Organization' => array('first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'job_title', 'gender_id', 'birth_date', 'household_name', 'email_greeting', 'postal_greeting', 'email_greeting_custom', 'postal_greeting_custom', 'individual_prefix', 'individual_suffix', 'gender', 'addressee_custom', 'is_deceased', 'deceased_date', 'current_employer'));
                 foreach ($commonValues[$contactType] as $value) {
             CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::setItem($fields, 'contact fields', $cacheKeyString);
         self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString] = $fields;
     if (!$status) {
         $fields = self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString];
     } else {
         $fields = array_merge(array('' => array('title' => ts('- Contact Fields -'))), self::$_exportableFields[$cacheKeyString]);
     return $fields;
  * Send an automated response
  * @param object $mailing       The mailing object
  * @param int $queue_id         The queue ID
  * @param string $replyto       Optional reply-to from the reply
  * @return void
  * @access private
  * @static
 function autoRespond(&$mailing, $queue_id, $replyto)
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $contacts = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     $queue = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $eq =& new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $eq->query("SELECT     {$contacts}.preferred_mail_format as format,\n                    {$email}.email as email\n        FROM        {$contacts}\n        INNER JOIN  {$queue} ON {$queue}.contact_id = {$contacts}.id\n        INNER JOIN  {$email} ON {$queue}.email_id = {$email}.id\n        WHERE       {$queue}.id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($queue_id, 'Integer'));
     $to = empty($replyto) ? $eq->email : $replyto;
     $component =& new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     $component->id = $mailing->reply_id;
     $message =& new Mail_Mime("\n");
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Domain.php';
     $domain =& CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomainById($mailing->domain_id);
     $headers = array('Subject' => $component->subject, 'To' => $to, 'From' => ts('"%1 Administrator" <%2>', array(1 => $domain->name, 2 => "do-not-reply@{$domain->email_domain}")), 'Reply-To' => "do-not-reply@{$domain->email_domain}", 'Return-Path' => "do-not-reply@{$domain->email_domain}");
     /* TODO: do we need reply tokens? */
     if ($eq->format == 'HTML' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $html = $component->body_html;
         require_once 'CRM/Utils/Token.php';
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, true);
     if (!$html || $eq->format == 'Text' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $text = $component->body_text;
         require_once 'CRM/Utils/Token.php';
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, false);
     $b = $message->get();
     $h = $message->headers($headers);
     $mailer =& $config->getMailer();
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array('CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing', 'catchSMTP'));
     $mailer->send($to, $h, $b);
  * note that $job_id is used only as a variable in the temp table construction
  * and does not play a role in the queries generated
  * @param int $job_id
  *   (misnomer) a nonce value used to name temporary tables.
  * @param int $mailing_id
  * @param bool $storeRecipients
  * @param bool $dedupeEmail
  * @param null $mode
  * @return CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue|string
 public static function getRecipients($job_id, $mailing_id = NULL, $storeRecipients = FALSE, $dedupeEmail = FALSE, $mode = NULL)
     $mailingGroup = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup();
     $mailing = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::getTableName();
     $job = CRM_Mailing_BAO_MailingJob::getTableName();
     $mg = CRM_Mailing_DAO_MailingGroup::getTableName();
     $eq = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $phone = CRM_Core_DAO_Phone::getTableName();
     $contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $group = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
     $g2contact = CRM_Contact_DAO_GroupContact::getTableName();
     $m = new CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing();
     $m->id = $mailing_id;
     $email_selection_method = $m->email_selection_method;
     $location_type_id = $m->location_type_id;
     // Note: When determining the ORDER that results are returned, it's
     // the record that comes last that counts. That's because we are
     // INSERT'ing INTO a table with a primary id so that last record
     // over writes any previous record.
     switch ($email_selection_method) {
         case 'location-exclude':
             $location_filter = "({$email}.location_type_id != {$location_type_id})";
             // If there is more than one email that doesn't match the location,
             // prefer the one marked is_bulkmail, followed by is_primary.
             $order_by = "ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail, {$email}.is_primary";
         case 'location-only':
             $location_filter = "({$email}.location_type_id = {$location_type_id})";
             // If there is more than one email of the desired location, prefer
             // the one marked is_bulkmail, followed by is_primary.
             $order_by = "ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail, {$email}.is_primary";
         case 'location-prefer':
             $location_filter = "({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1 OR {$email}.location_type_id = {$location_type_id})";
             // ORDER BY is more complicated because we have to set an arbitrary
             // order that prefers the location that we want. We do that using
             // the FIELD function. For more info, see:
             // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/string-functions.html#function_field
             // We assign the location type we want the value "1" by putting it
             // in the first position after we name the field. All other location
             // types are left out, so they will be assigned the value 0. That
             // means, they will all be equally tied for first place, with our
             // location being last.
             $order_by = "ORDER BY FIELD({$email}.location_type_id, {$location_type_id}), {$email}.is_bulkmail, {$email}.is_primary";
         case 'automatic':
             // fall through to default
         // fall through to default
             $location_filter = "({$email}.is_bulkmail = 1 OR {$email}.is_primary = 1)";
             $order_by = "ORDER BY {$email}.is_bulkmail";
     /* Create a temp table for contact exclusion */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id}\n            (contact_id int primary key)\n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Add all the members of groups excluded from this mailing to the temp
      * table */
     $excludeSubGroup = "INSERT INTO        X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$g2contact}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     /* Add all unsubscribe members of base group from this mailing to the temp
      * table */
     $unSubscribeBaseGroup = "INSERT INTO        X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$g2contact}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Removed'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Base'";
     /* Add all the (intended) recipients of an excluded prior mailing to
      * the temp table */
     $excludeSubMailing = "INSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\n                    SELECT  DISTINCT    {$eq}.contact_id\n                    FROM                {$eq}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'";
     // get all the saved searches AND hierarchical groups
     // and load them in the cache
     $sql = "\nSELECT     {$group}.id, {$group}.cache_date, {$group}.saved_search_id, {$group}.children\nFROM       {$group}\nINNER JOIN {$mg} ON {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\nWHERE      {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n  AND      {$mg}.group_type = 'Exclude'\n  AND      {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n  AND      ( saved_search_id != 0\n   OR        saved_search_id IS NOT NULL\n   OR        children IS NOT NULL )\n";
     $groupDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
     while ($groupDAO->fetch()) {
         if ($groupDAO->cache_date == NULL) {
         $smartGroupExclude = "\nINSERT IGNORE INTO X_{$job_id} (contact_id)\nSELECT c.contact_id\nFROM   civicrm_group_contact_cache c\nWHERE  c.group_id = {$groupDAO->id}\n";
     $tempColumn = 'email_id';
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $tempColumn = 'phone_id';
     /* Get all the group contacts we want to include */
     $mailingGroup->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id}\n            ({$tempColumn} int, contact_id int primary key)\n            ENGINE=HEAP");
     /* Get the group contacts, but only those which are not in the
      * exclusion temp table */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                                AND     {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased <> 1\n                        AND             {$location_filter}\n                        AND             {$email}.email IS NOT NULL\n                        AND             {$email}.email != ''\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    {$order_by}";
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $phoneTypes = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('phone_type', TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name');
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\n\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$phone}.id as phone_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$phone}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$phone}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                                AND     {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_sms = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased <> 1\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone IS NOT NULL\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone != ''\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
     /* Query prior mailings */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$eq}\n                            ON          {$eq}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased <> 1\n                        AND             {$location_filter}\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    {$order_by}";
     if ($mode == 'sms') {
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$phone}.id as phone_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$phone}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$phone}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$eq}\n                            ON          {$eq}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$job}\n                            ON          {$eq}.job_id = {$job}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$job}.mailing_id = {$mg}.entity_id AND {$mg}.entity_table = '{$mailing}'\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                       ({$mg}.group_type = 'Include')\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_sms = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased <> 1\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
     $sql = "\nSELECT     {$group}.id, {$group}.cache_date, {$group}.saved_search_id, {$group}.children\nFROM       {$group}\nINNER JOIN {$mg} ON {$mg}.entity_id = {$group}.id\nWHERE      {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n  AND      {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n  AND      {$mg}.search_id IS NULL\n  AND      {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n  AND      ( saved_search_id != 0\n   OR        saved_search_id IS NOT NULL\n   OR        children IS NOT NULL )\n";
     $groupDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
     while ($groupDAO->fetch()) {
         if ($groupDAO->cache_date == NULL) {
         $smartGroupInclude = "\nREPLACE INTO I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\nSELECT     civicrm_email.id as email_id, c.id as contact_id\nFROM       civicrm_contact c\nINNER JOIN civicrm_email                ON civicrm_email.contact_id         = c.id\nINNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache gc ON gc.contact_id        = c.id\nLEFT  JOIN X_{$job_id}                      ON X_{$job_id}.contact_id = c.id\nWHERE      gc.group_id = {$groupDAO->id}\n  AND      c.do_not_email = 0\n  AND      c.is_opt_out = 0\n  AND      c.is_deceased <> 1\n  AND      {$location_filter}\n  AND      civicrm_email.on_hold = 0\n  AND      X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n{$order_by}\n";
         if ($mode == 'sms') {
             $smartGroupInclude = "\nREPLACE INTO I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\nSELECT     p.id as phone_id, c.id as contact_id\nFROM       civicrm_contact c\nINNER JOIN civicrm_phone p                ON p.contact_id         = c.id\nINNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache gc ON gc.contact_id        = c.id\nLEFT  JOIN X_{$job_id}                      ON X_{$job_id}.contact_id = c.id\nWHERE      gc.group_id = {$groupDAO->id}\n  AND      c.do_not_sms = 0\n  AND      c.is_opt_out = 0\n  AND      c.is_deceased <> 1\n  AND      p.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n  AND      X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
      * Construct the filtered search queries
     $query = "\nSELECT search_id, search_args, entity_id\nFROM   {$mg}\nWHERE  {$mg}.search_id IS NOT NULL\nAND    {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n";
     $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
     while ($dao->fetch()) {
         $customSQL = CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::civiMailSQL($dao->search_id, $dao->search_args, $dao->entity_id);
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} ({$tempColumn}, contact_id)\n                         {$customSQL}";
     /* Get the emails with only location override */
     $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (email_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$email}.id as local_email_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$email}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$email}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_email = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased <> 1\n                        AND             {$location_filter}\n                        AND             {$email}.on_hold = 0\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null\n                    {$order_by}";
     if ($mode == "sms") {
         $query = "REPLACE INTO       I_{$job_id} (phone_id, contact_id)\n                    SELECT DISTINCT     {$phone}.id as phone_id,\n                                        {$contact}.id as contact_id\n                    FROM                {$phone}\n                    INNER JOIN          {$contact}\n                            ON          {$phone}.contact_id = {$contact}.id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$g2contact}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = {$g2contact}.contact_id\n                    INNER JOIN          {$mg}\n                            ON          {$g2contact}.group_id = {$mg}.entity_id\n                    LEFT JOIN           X_{$job_id}\n                            ON          {$contact}.id = X_{$job_id}.contact_id\n                    WHERE\n                                        {$mg}.entity_table = '{$group}'\n                        AND             {$mg}.group_type = 'Include'\n                        AND             {$g2contact}.status = 'Added'\n                        AND             {$contact}.do_not_sms = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_opt_out = 0\n                        AND             {$contact}.is_deceased <> 1\n                        AND             {$phone}.phone_type_id = {$phoneTypes['Mobile']}\n                        AND             {$mg}.mailing_id = {$mailing_id}\n                        AND             X_{$job_id}.contact_id IS null";
     $eq = new CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue();
     list($aclFrom, $aclWhere) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::cacheClause();
     $aclWhere = $aclWhere ? "WHERE {$aclWhere}" : '';
     if ($storeRecipients && $mailing_id) {
         $sql = "\nDELETE\nFROM   civicrm_mailing_recipients\nWHERE  mailing_id = %1\n";
         $params = array(1 => array($mailing_id, 'Integer'));
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params);
         // CRM-3975
         $groupBy = $groupJoin = '';
         if ($dedupeEmail) {
             $groupJoin = " INNER JOIN civicrm_email e ON e.id = i.email_id";
             $groupBy = " GROUP BY e.email ";
         $sql = "\nINSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_recipients ( mailing_id, contact_id, {$tempColumn} )\nSELECT %1, i.contact_id, i.{$tempColumn}\nFROM       civicrm_contact contact_a\nINNER JOIN I_{$job_id} i ON contact_a.id = i.contact_id\n           {$groupJoin}\n           {$aclFrom}\n           {$aclWhere}\n           {$groupBy}\nORDER BY   i.contact_id, i.{$tempColumn}\n";
         CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params);
         // if we need to add all emails marked bulk, do it as a post filter
         // on the mailing recipients table
         if (CRM_Core_BAO_Email::isMultipleBulkMail()) {
     /* Delete the temp table */
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE X_{$job_id}");
     $mailingGroup->query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE I_{$job_id}");
     return $eq;
文件: Reply.php 项目: kidaa30/yes
  * Send an automated response.
  * @param object $mailing
  *   The mailing object.
  * @param int $queue_id
  *   The queue ID.
  * @param string $replyto
  *   Optional reply-to from the reply.
  * @return void
 private static function autoRespond(&$mailing, $queue_id, $replyto)
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $contacts = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     $queue = CRM_Mailing_Event_DAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $eq = new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $eq->query("SELECT     {$contacts}.preferred_mail_format as format,\n                  {$email}.email as email,\n                  {$queue}.job_id as job_id,\n                  {$queue}.hash as hash\n        FROM        {$contacts}\n        INNER JOIN  {$queue} ON {$queue}.contact_id = {$contacts}.id\n        INNER JOIN  {$email} ON {$queue}.email_id = {$email}.id\n        WHERE       {$queue}.id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($queue_id, 'Integer'));
     $to = empty($replyto) ? $eq->email : $replyto;
     $component = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     $component->id = $mailing->reply_id;
     $message = new Mail_Mime("\n");
     $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain();
     list($domainEmailName, $_) = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
     $emailDomain = CRM_Core_BAO_MailSettings::defaultDomain();
     $headers = array('Subject' => $component->subject, 'To' => $to, 'From' => "\"{$domainEmailName}\" <do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}>", 'Reply-To' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}", 'Return-Path' => "do-not-reply@{$emailDomain}");
     /* TODO: do we need reply tokens? */
     $html = $component->body_html;
     if ($component->body_text) {
         $text = $component->body_text;
     } else {
         $text = CRM_Utils_String::htmlToText($component->body_html);
     $bao = new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing();
     $bao->body_text = $text;
     $bao->body_html = $html;
     $tokens = $bao->getTokens();
     if ($eq->format == 'HTML' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, TRUE, $tokens['html']);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($html, $mailing, NULL, $tokens['html']);
     if (!$html || $eq->format == 'Text' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, FALSE, $tokens['text']);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceMailingTokens($text, $mailing, NULL, $tokens['text']);
     $b = CRM_Utils_Mail::setMimeParams($message);
     $h = $message->headers($headers);
     CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::addMessageIdHeader($h, 'a', $eq->job_id, queue_id, $eq->hash);
     $mailer = $config->getMailer();
     if (is_object($mailer)) {
         $errorScope = CRM_Core_TemporaryErrorScope::ignoreException();
         $mailer->send($to, $h, $b);
文件: Email.php 项目: agroknow/mermix
  * Returns the list of fields that can be exported
  * @param bool $prefix
  * @return array
 static function &export($prefix = false)
     if (!self::$_export) {
         self::$_export = array();
         $fields = self::fields();
         foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
             if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('export', $field)) {
                 if ($prefix) {
                     self::$_export['email'] =& $fields[$name];
                 } else {
                     self::$_export[$name] =& $fields[$name];
     return self::$_export;
  * Send a reponse email informing the contact of the groups from which he
  * has been unsubscribed.
  * @param string $queue_id      The queue event ID
  * @param array $groups         List of group IDs
  * @param bool $is_domain       Is this domain-level?
  * @param int $job              The job ID
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @static
 function send_unsub_response($queue_id, $groups, $is_domain = false, $job)
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $domain =& CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::getDomain($queue_id);
     $jobTable = CRM_Mailing_BAO_Job::getTableName();
     $mailingTable = CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing::getTableName();
     $contacts = CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::getTableName();
     $email = CRM_Core_DAO_Email::getTableName();
     $queue = CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Queue::getTableName();
     $dao =& new CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing();
     $dao->query("   SELECT * FROM {$mailingTable} \n                        INNER JOIN {$jobTable} ON\n                            {$jobTable}.mailing_id = {$mailingTable}.id \n                        WHERE {$jobTable}.id = {$job}");
     $component =& new CRM_Mailing_BAO_Component();
     if ($is_domain) {
         $component->id = $dao->optout_id;
     } else {
         $component->id = $dao->unsubscribe_id;
     $html = $component->body_html;
     $text = $component->body_text;
     $eq =& new CRM_Core_DAO();
     $eq->query("SELECT     {$contacts}.preferred_mail_format as format,\n                    {$contacts}.id as contact_id,\n                    {$email}.email as email,\n                    {$queue}.hash as hash\n        FROM        {$contacts}\n        INNER JOIN  {$queue} ON {$queue}.contact_id = {$contacts}.id\n        INNER JOIN  {$email} ON {$queue}.email_id = {$email}.id\n        WHERE       {$queue}.id = " . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($queue_id, 'Integer'));
     $message =& new Mail_Mime("\n");
     require_once 'CRM/Utils/Token.php';
     if ($eq->format == 'HTML' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($html, $domain, true);
         $html = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceUnsubscribeTokens($html, $domain, $groups, true, $eq->contact_id, $eq->hash);
     if (!$html || $eq->format == 'Text' || $eq->format == 'Both') {
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceDomainTokens($text, $domain, false);
         $text = CRM_Utils_Token::replaceUnsubscribeTokens($text, $domain, $groups, false, $eq->contact_id, $eq->hash);
     $headers = array('Subject' => $component->subject, 'From' => ts('"%1 Administrator" <%2>', array(1 => $domain->name, 2 => "do-not-reply@{$domain->email_domain}")), 'To' => $eq->email, 'Reply-To' => "do-not-reply@{$domain->email_domain}", 'Return-Path' => "do-not-reply@{$domain->email_domain}");
     $b = $message->get();
     $h = $message->headers($headers);
     $mailer =& $config->getMailer();
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array('CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing', 'catchSMTP'));
     $mailer->send($eq->email, $h, $b);