public function iconRefresh() { /** @var CM_File[] $svgFileList */ $svgFileList = array(); foreach (CM_Bootloader::getInstance()->getModules() as $moduleName) { $iconPath = CM_Util::getModulePath($moduleName) . 'layout/default/resource/img/icon/'; foreach (glob($iconPath . '*.svg') as $svgPath) { $svgFile = new CM_File($svgPath); $svgFileList[strtolower($svgFile->getFileName())] = $svgFile; } } if (0 === count($svgFileList)) { throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Cannot process `0` icons'); } $this->_getStreamOutput()->writeln('Processing ' . count($svgFileList) . ' unique icons...'); $dirWork = CM_File::createTmpDir(); $dirBuild = $dirWork->joinPath('/build'); foreach ($svgFileList as $fontFile) { $fontFile->copyToFile($dirWork->joinPath($fontFile->getFileName())); } CM_Util::exec('fontcustom', array('compile', $dirWork->getPathOnLocalFilesystem(), '--no-hash', '--autowidth', '--font-name=icon-webfont', '--output=' . $dirBuild->getPathOnLocalFilesystem())); $cssFile = $dirBuild->joinPath('/icon-webfont.css'); $less = preg_replace('/url\\("(?:.*?\\/)(.+?)(\\??#.+?)?"\\)/', 'url(urlFont("\\1") + "\\2")', $cssFile->read()); CM_File::create(DIR_PUBLIC . 'static/css/library/icon.less', $less); foreach (glob($dirBuild->joinPath('/icon-webfont.*')->getPathOnLocalFilesystem()) as $fontPath) { $fontFile = new CM_File($fontPath); $fontFile->rename(DIR_PUBLIC . 'static/font/' . $fontFile->getFileName()); } $dirWork->delete(true); $this->_getStreamOutput()->writeln('Created web-font and stylesheet.'); }
/** * @param string $namespace */ private function _dbToFileSql($namespace) { $namespace = (string) $namespace; $tables = CM_Db_Db::exec("SHOW TABLES LIKE ?", array(strtolower($namespace) . '_%'))->fetchAllColumn(); sort($tables); $dump = CM_Db_Db::getDump($tables, true); CM_File::create(CM_Util::getModulePath($namespace) . '/resources/db/structure.sql', $dump); }
public function testGetClasses() { $classPaths = array('CM_Class_Abstract' => 'CM/Class/Abstract.php', 'CM_Paging_Abstract' => 'CM/Paging/Abstract.php', 'CM_Paging_Action_Abstract' => 'CM/Paging/Action/Abstract.php', 'CM_Paging_Action_User' => 'CM/Paging/Action/User.php'); foreach ($classPaths as $className => &$path) { $path = CM_Util::getModulePath(CM_Util::getNamespace($className)) . 'library/' . $path; } $paths = array_reverse($classPaths); $this->assertSame(array_flip($classPaths), CM_Util::getClasses($paths)); }
/** * @param int $id * @throws CM_Exception_Nonexistent */ public function __construct($id) { $this->_id = (int) $id; $this->_text = CM_Db_Db::select('cm_captcha', 'number', array('captcha_id' => $this->getId()))->fetchColumn(); if (!$this->_text) { throw new CM_Exception_Nonexistent('Invalid captcha id `' . $id . '`', CM_Exception::WARN); } $this->_fontPath = CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'resources/font/comicsans.ttf'; }
/** * @return array */ private function _getColorStyles() { $site = $this->getParams()->getSite('site'); $style = ''; foreach (array_reverse($site->getModules()) as $moduleName) { $file = new CM_File(CM_Util::getModulePath($moduleName) . 'layout/default/variables.less'); if ($file->exists()) { $style .= $file->read() . PHP_EOL; } } preg_match_all('#@(color\\w+)#', $style, $matches); $colors = array_unique($matches[1]); foreach ($colors as $variableName) { $style .= '.' . $variableName . ' { background-color: @' . $variableName . '; }' . PHP_EOL; } $lessCompiler = new lessc(); $style = $lessCompiler->compile($style); preg_match_all('#.(color\\w+)\\s+\\{([^}]+)\\}#', $style, $matches); return array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]); }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/function.checkbox.php'; class smarty_function_checkboxTest extends CMTest_TestCase { /** @var Smarty_Internal_Template */ private $_template; public function setUp() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $this->_template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $this->_template->assignGlobal('render', $render); } public function testDefault() { $this->_assertSame('<input type="checkbox" id="foo"><label for="foo"><span class="label">Hello</span></label>', array('id' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Hello')); } /** * @expectedException ErrorException */ public function testNoLabel() { smarty_function_checkbox(['id' => 'foo'], $this->_template); } public function testNoId() { $html = smarty_function_checkbox(['label' => 'Hello'], $this->_template); $this->assertRegExp('#<input type="checkbox" id=".+">#', $html); } public function testChecked()
/** * @param int $version * @param string|null $moduleName * @return string * @throws CM_Exception_Invalid */ public function _getUpdateScriptPath($version, $moduleName = null) { $path = DIR_ROOT; if ($moduleName) { $path = CM_Util::getModulePath($moduleName); } $file = new CM_File($path . 'resources/db/update/' . $version . '.php'); if (!$file->exists()) { throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Update script `' . $version . '` does not exist for `' . $moduleName . '` namespace.'); } return $file->getPath(); }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/function.button_link.php'; class smarty_function_button_linkTest extends CMTest_TestCase { /** @var CM_Frontend_Render */ private $_render; /** @var Smarty_Internal_Template */ private $_template; public function setUp() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $this->_render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $this->_template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $this->_template->assignGlobal('render', $this->_render); } public function testRender() { $params = array('action' => 'Create', 'label' => 'Some text <br /> with html tags', 'theme' => 'highlight', 'class' => 'button-large'); $this->_assertContains('<span class="label">Some text <br /> with html tags</span>', array_merge($params, array('isHtmlLabel' => true))); $this->_assertContains('<span class="label">Some text <br /> with html tags</span>', array_merge($params, array('isHtmlLabel' => false))); } public function testRenderHref() { $this->assertRegExp('#<a.*href="".*>.*Click me.*</a>#', smarty_function_button_link(['label' => 'Click me', 'href' => ''], $this->_template)); } public function testRenderPage() { $urlPage = $this->_render->getUrlPage('CM_Page_Example', ['foo' => '12']); $this->assertRegExp('#<a.*href="' . preg_quote($urlPage) . '".*>.*Click me.*</a>#', smarty_function_button_link(['label' => 'Click me', 'page' => 'CM_Page_Example', 'foo' => '12'], $this->_template)); }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/function.lessVariable.php'; class smarty_function_lessVariableTest extends CMTest_TestCase { /** @var Smarty_Internal_Template */ private $_template; public function setUp() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $this->_template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $this->_template->assignGlobal('render', $render); } public function testColor() { $this->assertSame('#2d78e2', smarty_function_lessVariable(['name' => 'colorBrand'], $this->_template)); } public function testSize() { $this->assertSame('14px', smarty_function_lessVariable(['name' => 'fontSize'], $this->_template)); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage is undefined */ public function testInvalidName() { smarty_function_lessVariable(['name' => 'helloworld'], $this->_template); } }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/prefilter.translate.php'; class smarty_function_translateVariableTest extends CMTest_TestCase { public function testTranslatePhrase() { /** @var CM_Frontend_Render|\Mocka\AbstractClassTrait $render */ $render = $this->mockClass('CM_Frontend_Render')->newInstance(); $getTranslationMethod = $render->mockMethod('getTranslation')->set(function ($key, $params) { $this->assertSame('Bar value is {$bar}', $key); $this->assertSame(['bar' => 3], $params); }); /** @var CM_Frontend_Render $render */ $object = new CM_I18n_Phrase('Bar value is {$bar}', ['bar' => 3]); $render->parseTemplateContent('{translateVariable key=$foo}', ['foo' => $object]); $this->assertSame(1, $getTranslationMethod->getCallCount()); $exception = $this->catchException(function () use($render, $object) { $render->parseTemplateContent('{translateVariable key=$foo more=one}', ['foo' => $object]); }); $this->assertInstanceOf('InvalidArgumentException', $exception); $this->assertSame('Passed params will be ignored as you provided CM_I18n_Phrase object', $exception->getMessage()); } }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/function.date_period.php'; function smarty_function_numberDecimal(array $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) { $value = $params['value']; if (!is_numeric($value)) { throw new CM_Exception_Invalid('Invalid non-numeric value'); } /** @var CM_Frontend_Render $render */ $render = $template->getTemplateVars('render'); $formatter = new NumberFormatter($render->getLocale(), NumberFormatter::DECIMAL); return $formatter->format($value); }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/function.usertext.php'; class smarty_function_usertextTest extends CMTest_TestCase { /** @var Smarty_Internal_Template */ private $_template; public function setUp() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $this->_template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $this->_template->assignGlobal('render', $render); } public function tearDown() { CMTest_TH::clearEnv(); } public function testModeEscape() { $this->_assertSame('foo<', array('text' => 'foo<', 'mode' => 'escape')); } public function testModeOneline() { $this->_assertSame('<span class="usertext oneline">foo</span>', array('text' => 'foo', 'mode' => 'oneline')); } public function testModeSimple() { $this->_assertSame("<span class=\"usertext simple\">foo<br />\nbar</span>", array('text' => "foo \nbar \n", 'mode' => 'simple')); } public function testModeMarkdown()
/** * @param string $className * @param boolean|null $includeAbstracts * @return string[] */ public static function getClassChildren($className, $includeAbstracts = null) { $key = CM_CacheConst::ClassChildren . '_className:' . $className . '_abstracts:' . (int) $includeAbstracts; $cache = CM_Cache_Local::getInstance(); if (false === ($classNames = $cache->get($key))) { $pathsFiltered = array(); $paths = array(); foreach (CM_Bootloader::getInstance()->getModules() as $modulePath) { $namespacePaths = CM_Util::rglob('*.php', CM_Util::getModulePath($modulePath) . 'library/'); $paths = array_merge($paths, $namespacePaths); } $regexp = '#\\bclass\\s+(?<name>[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*)\\s+#'; foreach ($paths as $path) { $file = new CM_File($path); $fileContents = $file->read(); if (preg_match($regexp, $fileContents, $matches)) { if (class_exists($matches['name'], true)) { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($matches['name']); if (($reflectionClass->isSubclassOf($className) || interface_exists($className) && $reflectionClass->implementsInterface($className)) && (!$reflectionClass->isAbstract() || $includeAbstracts)) { $pathsFiltered[] = $path; } } } } $classNames = self::getClasses($pathsFiltered); $cache->set($key, $classNames); } return $classNames; }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/function.gravatar.php'; class smarty_function_gravatarTest extends CMTest_TestCase { /** * @var Smarty_Internal_Template */ private $_template; public function setUp() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $this->_template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $this->_template->assignGlobal('render', $render); } public function testRender() { $this->_assertSame('<img src="" />', array('email' => '*****@*****.**')); $this->_assertSame('<img src="" />', array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'size' => 140, 'default' => '')); $this->_assertSame('<img src="" class="TestClass" title="TestTitle" alt="TestTitle" width="20" height="20" />', array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'size' => 140, 'default' => '', 'class' => 'TestClass', 'title' => 'TestTitle', 'width' => 20, 'height' => 20)); } /** * @param string $expected * @param array $params */ private function _assertSame($expected, array $params) { $this->assertSame($expected, smarty_function_gravatar($params, $this->_template)); } }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/block.contentPlaceholder.php'; class smarty_block_contentPlaceholderTest extends CMTest_TestCase { /** * @var Smarty_Internal_Template */ private $_template; public function setUp() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $this->_template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $this->_template->assignGlobal('render', $render); } public function testRenderRatio() { $params = ['height' => 600, 'width' => 900]; $size = $this->_getImgSize($params); $this->assertEquals(900, $size['width']); $this->assertEquals(600, $size['height']); } /** * @param array $params * @return String */ private function _getImgSize(array $params) { $output = smarty_block_contentPlaceholder($params, '', $this->_template, false); $matches = array();
/** * @return Smarty */ private function _getSmarty() { if (!isset(self::$_smarty)) { self::$_smarty = new Smarty(); self::$_smarty->setTemplateDir(DIR_ROOT); self::$_smarty->setCompileDir(CM_Bootloader::getInstance()->getDirTmp() . 'smarty/'); self::$_smarty->_file_perms = 0666; self::$_smarty->_dir_perms = 0777; self::$_smarty->compile_check = CM_Bootloader::getInstance()->isDebug(); self::$_smarty->caching = false; self::$_smarty->error_reporting = error_reporting(); } $pluginDirs = array(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR); foreach ($this->getSite()->getModules() as $moduleName) { $pluginDirs[] = CM_Util::getModulePath($moduleName) . 'library/' . $moduleName . '/SmartyPlugins'; } self::$_smarty->setPluginsDir($pluginDirs); self::$_smarty->loadFilter('pre', 'translate'); return self::$_smarty; }
/** * @return array[] * @throws CM_Exception */ private static function _readEmoticonData() { /** @var CM_File[] $configurationFiles */ $configurationFiles = []; /** @var CM_File[] $imageFiles */ $imageFiles = []; $bootloader = CM_Bootloader::getInstance(); foreach ($bootloader->getModules() as $namespace) { $emoticonDir = new CM_File(CM_Util::getModulePath($namespace) . 'layout/default/resource/img/emoticon/'); foreach ($emoticonDir->listFiles(true) as $file) { $name = strtolower($file->getFileNameWithoutExtension()); if ('json' === $file->getExtension()) { $configurationFiles[$name] = $file; } else { $imageFiles[$name] = $file; } } } $dataList = []; $codeList = []; foreach ($imageFiles as $name => $file) { $dataList[$name] = ['name' => $name, 'fileName' => $file->getFileName(), 'codes' => [":{$name}:"]]; $codeList[":{$name}:"] = $name; } foreach ($configurationFiles as $name => $file) { $additionalCodes = CM_Params::jsonDecode($file->read())['additionalCodes']; foreach ($additionalCodes as $code) { if (!array_key_exists($code, $codeList)) { $codeList[$code] = $name; $dataList[$name]['codes'][] = $code; } else { throw new CM_Exception('Emoticon codes overlap', null, ['overlapping emoticons' => [$name, $codeList[$code]], 'code' => $code]); } } } return $dataList; }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/function.resourceUrl.php'; class smarty_function_resourceUrlTest extends CMTest_TestCase { public function testRender() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $template->assignGlobal('render', $render); $this->assertSame($render->getUrlResource('layout', 'foo'), smarty_function_resourceUrl(array('path' => 'foo', 'type' => 'layout'), $template)); $this->assertSame($render->getUrlStatic('foo'), smarty_function_resourceUrl(array('path' => 'foo', 'type' => 'static'), $template)); } }
<?php require_once CM_Util::getModulePath('CM') . 'library/CM/SmartyPlugins/block.ratioKeeper.php'; class smarty_block_ratioKeeperTest extends CMTest_TestCase { /** * @var Smarty_Internal_Template */ private $_template; public function setUp() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $render = new CM_Frontend_Render(); $this->_template = $smarty->createTemplate('string:'); $this->_template->assignGlobal('render', $render); } public function testRenderRatio() { $params = ['ratio' => 1]; $this->_assertContains('padding-bottom: 100%', $params); $params = ['ratio' => 0.75]; $this->_assertContains('padding-bottom: 75%', $params); $params = ['ratio' => 0.33]; $this->_assertContains('padding-bottom: 33%', $params); $params = ['height' => 600, 'width' => 900]; $this->_assertContains('padding-bottom: 66%', $params); $params = ['height' => 900, 'width' => 600]; $this->_assertContains('padding-bottom: 150%', $params); } public function testRenderContentAttrs() {