public function moveObject($repositoryId, $objectId, $changeToken = '', $targetFolderId, $sourceFolderId = null)
     // The $sourceFolderId parameter SHALL be specified if the Repository supports the optional 'unfiling' capability
     if (is_null($sourceFolderId)) {
         $RepositoryService = new CMISRepositoryService();
         $info = $RepositoryService->getRepositoryInfo($repositoryId);
         $capabilities = $info->getCapabilities();
         // check for unfiling capability
         // NOTE this is only required once/if KnowledgeTree allows the source folder id to be optional,
         //      but it is required for CMIS specification compliance.
         if ($capabilities->hasCapabilityUnfiling() === 'true') {
             throw new RuntimeException('The source folder id MUST be supplied when unfiling is supported.');
     // Attempt to decode $objectId, use as is if not detected as encoded
     $tmpObjectId = $objectId;
     $tmpObjectId = CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($tmpObjectId, $typeId);
     if ($tmpTypeId != 'Unknown') {
         $objectId = $tmpObjectId;
     $targetFolderId = CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($targetFolderId);
     // check type id of object against allowed child types for destination folder
     $CMISFolder = new CMISFolderObject($targetFolderId, $this->ktapi);
     $allowed = $CMISFolder->getProperty('AllowedChildObjectTypeIds');
     if (!is_array($allowed) || !in_array($typeId, $allowed)) {
         throw new ConstraintViolationException('Parent folder may not hold objects of this type (' . $typeId . ')');
     // throw updateConflictException if the operation is attempting to update an object that is no longer current (as determined by the repository).
     $exists = CMISUtil::contentExists($typeId, $objectId, $this->ktapi);
     if (!$exists) {
         throw new updateConflictException('Unable to move the object as it cannot be found.');
     // TODO add reasons and sig data
     // attempt to move object
     if ($typeId == 'Folder') {
         $response = $this->ktapi->move_folder($objectId, $targetFolderId, $reason, $sig_username, $sig_password);
     } else {
         if ($typeId == 'Document') {
             $response = $this->ktapi->move_document($objectId, $targetFolderId, $reason, null, null, $sig_username, $sig_password);
         } else {
             $response['status_code'] = 1;
             $response['message'] = 'The object type could not be determined.';
     // if failed, throw StorageException
     if ($response['status_code'] != 0) {
         throw new StorageException('The repository was unable to move the object: ' . $response['message']);
  * Decodes the identifier created by encodeObjectId to return an object type
  * and a system useable ID
  * The decoded object ID is returned by reference via the argument list
  * @param string $objectId
  * @param string &$typeId
  * @return string $objectId
 public static function decodeObjectId($objectId, &$typeId = null)
     if (!is_string($objectId)) {
         $typeId = 'Unknown';
         return null;
     $typeId = null;
     // NOTE Not sure whether this really belongs here, but probably this is the safest and most reliable place
     // If we find that the folderId is in fact the name of the repository root folder, we will not be able to
     // decode it, but we still need to return a valid id :).  This is because the root folder name is returned
     // by the repository configuration rather than the actual CMIS folder id.
     // TODO consider just setting F1 as the root in the config?  Originally didn't based on Alfresco, but...
     $RepositoryService = new CMISRepositoryService();
     $repositories = $RepositoryService->getRepositories();
     $repositoryInfo = $repositories[0]->getRepositoryInfo();
     // the string replace is a hack for the drupal module, yay...
     if ($repositoryInfo->getRootFolderId() == urldecode(str_replace('%2520', '%20', $objectId))) {
         // NOTE that we may want to check the KnowledgeTree (not CMIS) repository for the root folder id.
         //      This will be vital if we ever implement a way for people to have multiple roots depending
         //      on who is logged in or what they select.  Obviously the CMIS API in general will need a
         //      method of doing this.
         //      meantime this minor hack will get things working for the existing system structure, as the root
         //      folder should always be id 1.
         $typeId = 'Folder';
         return '1';
     preg_match('/(\\D)(\\d*)/', $objectId, $matches);
     $type = $matches[1];
     $objectId = $matches[2];
     switch ($type) {
         case 'D':
             $typeId = 'Document';
         case 'F':
             $typeId = 'Folder';
             $typeId = 'Unknown';
     return $objectId;
 public function checkIn($repositoryId, $documentId, $major, $contentStream = null, $changeToken = '', $properties = array(), $checkinComment = '')
     $documentId = CMISUtil::decodeObjectId($documentId, $typeId);
     // throw updateConflictException if the operation is attempting to update an object that is no longer current (as determined by the repository).
     try {
         $pwc = new CMISDocumentObject($documentId, $this->ktapi);
     } catch (exception $e) {
         throw new UpdateConflictException($e->getMessage());
     // throw exception if the object is not versionable
     if (!$pwc->getAttribute('versionable')) {
         throw new ConstraintViolationException('This document is not versionable and may not be checked in');
     $RepositoryService = new CMISRepositoryService();
     try {
         $typeDefinition = $RepositoryService->getTypeDefinition($repositoryId, $typeId);
     } catch (exception $e) {
         // if we can't get the type definition, then we can't store the content
         throw new StorageException($e->getMessage());
     if ($typeDefinition['attributes']['contentStreamAllowed'] == 'notAllowed' && !empty($contentStream)) {
         throw new StreamNotSupportedException('Content Streams are not supported');
     // check that this is the latest version
     if ($pwc->getProperty('IsLatestVersion') != true) {
         throw new VersioningException('The document is not the latest version and cannot be checked in');
     // now do the checkin
     $tempfilename = CMISUtil::createTemporaryFile($contentStream);
     $response = $this->ktapi->checkin_document($documentId, $pwc->getProperty('ContentStreamFilename'), $reason, $tempfilename, $major, $sig_username, $sig_password);
     // if there was any error in cancelling the checkout
     if ($response['status_code'] == 1) {
         throw new RuntimeException('There was an error checking in the document: ' . $response['message']);
     return CMISUtil::encodeObjectId(DOCUMENT, $documentId);