  * Helper to link objects
  * @param string sLinkAttCode
  * @param string sLinkedClass
  * @param array $aLinkList
  * @param DBObject oTargetObj
  * @param WebServiceResult oRes
  * @return array List of objects that could not be found
 protected function AddLinkedObjects($sLinkAttCode, $sParamName, $sLinkedClass, $aLinkList, &$oTargetObj, &$oRes)
     $oLinkAtt = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef(get_class($oTargetObj), $sLinkAttCode);
     $sLinkClass = $oLinkAtt->GetLinkedClass();
     $sExtKeyToItem = $oLinkAtt->GetExtKeyToRemote();
     $aItemsFound = array();
     $aItemsNotFound = array();
     if (is_null($aLinkList)) {
         return $aItemsNotFound;
     foreach ($aLinkList as $aItemData) {
         if (!array_key_exists('class', $aItemData)) {
             $oRes->LogWarning("Parameter {$sParamName}: missing 'class' specification");
             // skip
         $sTargetClass = $aItemData['class'];
         if (!MetaModel::IsValidClass($sTargetClass)) {
             $oRes->LogError("Parameter {$sParamName}: invalid class '{$sTargetClass}'");
             // skip
         if (!MetaModel::IsParentClass($sLinkedClass, $sTargetClass)) {
             $oRes->LogError("Parameter {$sParamName}: '{$sTargetClass}' is not a child class of '{$sLinkedClass}'");
             // skip
         $oReconFilter = new CMDBSearchFilter($sTargetClass);
         $aCIStringDesc = array();
         foreach ($aItemData['search'] as $sAttCode => $value) {
             if (!MetaModel::IsValidFilterCode($sTargetClass, $sAttCode)) {
                 $aCodes = array_keys(MetaModel::GetClassFilterDefs($sTargetClass));
                 $oRes->LogError("Parameter {$sParamName}: '{$sAttCode}' is not a valid filter code for class '{$sTargetClass}', expecting a value in {" . implode(', ', $aCodes) . "}");
                 continue 2;
                 // skip the entire item
             $aCIStringDesc[] = "{$sAttCode}: {$value}";
             // The attribute is one of our reconciliation key
             $oReconFilter->AddCondition($sAttCode, $value, '=');
         if (count($aCIStringDesc) == 1) {
             // take the last and unique value to describe the object
             $sItemDesc = $value;
         } else {
             // describe the object by the given keys
             $sItemDesc = $sTargetClass . '(' . implode('/', $aCIStringDesc) . ')';
         $oExtObjects = new CMDBObjectSet($oReconFilter);
         switch ($oExtObjects->Count()) {
             case 0:
                 $oRes->LogWarning("Parameter {$sParamName}: object to link {$sLinkedClass} / {$sItemDesc} could not be found (searched: '" . $oReconFilter->ToOQL(true) . "')");
                 $aItemsNotFound[] = $sItemDesc;
             case 1:
                 $aItemsFound[] = array('object' => $oExtObjects->Fetch(), 'link_values' => @$aItemData['link_values'], 'desc' => $sItemDesc);
                 $oRes->LogWarning("Parameter {$sParamName}: Found " . $oExtObjects->Count() . " matches for item '{$sItemDesc}' (searched: '" . $oReconFilter->ToOQL(true) . "')");
                 $aItemsNotFound[] = $sItemDesc;
     if (count($aItemsFound) > 0) {
         $aLinks = array();
         foreach ($aItemsFound as $aItemData) {
             $oLink = MetaModel::NewObject($sLinkClass);
             $oLink->Set($sExtKeyToItem, $aItemData['object']->GetKey());
             foreach ($aItemData['link_values'] as $sKey => $value) {
                 if (!MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($sLinkClass, $sKey)) {
                     $oRes->LogWarning("Parameter {$sParamName}: Attaching item '" . $aItemData['desc'] . "', the attribute code '{$sKey}' is not valid ; check the class '{$sLinkClass}'");
                 } else {
                     $oLink->Set($sKey, $value);
             $aLinks[] = $oLink;
         $oImpactedInfraSet = DBObjectSet::FromArray($sLinkClass, $aLinks);
         $oTargetObj->Set($sLinkAttCode, $oImpactedInfraSet);
     return $aItemsNotFound;
 public function GetSiloSelectionForm()
     // List of visible Organizations
     $iCount = 0;
     $oSet = null;
     if (MetaModel::IsValidClass('Organization')) {
         // Display the list of *favorite* organizations... but keeping in mind what is the real number of organizations
         $aFavoriteOrgs = appUserPreferences::GetPref('favorite_orgs', null);
         $oSearchFilter = new DBObjectSearch('Organization');
         $oSearchFilter->SetModifierProperty('UserRightsGetSelectFilter', 'bSearchMode', true);
         $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oSearchFilter);
         $iCount = $oSet->Count();
         // total number of existing Orgs
         // Now get the list of Orgs to be displayed in the menu
         $oSearchFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL(ApplicationMenu::GetFavoriteSiloQuery());
         $oSearchFilter->SetModifierProperty('UserRightsGetSelectFilter', 'bSearchMode', true);
         if (!empty($aFavoriteOrgs)) {
             $oSearchFilter->AddCondition('id', $aFavoriteOrgs, 'IN');
         $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oSearchFilter);
         // List of favorite orgs
     switch ($iCount) {
         case 0:
             // No such dimension/silo => nothing to select
             $sHtml = '<div id="SiloSelection"><!-- nothing to select --></div>';
         case 1:
             // Only one possible choice... no selection, but display the value
             $oOrg = $oSet->Fetch();
             $sHtml = '<div id="SiloSelection">' . $oOrg->GetName() . '</div>';
             $sHtml .= '';
             $sHtml = '';
             $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
             $iCurrentOrganization = $oAppContext->GetCurrentValue('org_id');
             $sHtml = '<div id="SiloSelection">';
             $sHtml .= '<form style="display:inline" action="' . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php">';
             //<select class="org_combo" name="c[org_id]" title="Pick an organization" onChange="this.form.submit();">';
             $sFavoriteOrgs = '';
             $oWidget = new UIExtKeyWidget('Organization', 'org_id', '', true);
             $sHtml .= $oWidget->Display($this, 50, false, '', $oSet, $iCurrentOrganization, 'org_id', false, 'c[org_id]', '', array('iFieldSize' => 20, 'iMinChars' => MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('min_autocomplete_chars'), 'sDefaultValue' => Dict::S('UI:AllOrganizations')), null, 'select', false);
             $this->add_ready_script('$("#org_id").bind("extkeychange", function() { $("#SiloSelection form").submit(); } )');
             $this->add_ready_script("\$('#label_org_id').click( function() { \$(this).val(''); \$('#org_id').val(''); return true; } );\n");
             // Add other dimensions/context information to this form
             // org_id is handled above and we want to be able to change it here !
             // don't pass the menu, since a menu may expect more parameters
             $sHtml .= $oAppContext->GetForForm();
             // Pass what remains, if anything...
             $sHtml .= '</form>';
             $sHtml .= '</div>';
     return $sHtml;
  * Renders the "Actions" popup menu for the given set of objects
  * Note that the menu links containing (or ending) with a hash (#) will have their fragment
  * part (whatever is after the hash) dynamically replaced (by javascript) when the menu is
  * displayed, to correspond to the current hash/fragment in the page. This allows modifying
  * an object in with the same tab active by default as the tab that was active when selecting
  * the "Modify..." action.
 public function GetRenderContent(WebPage $oPage, $aExtraParams = array(), $sId)
     if ($this->m_sStyle == 'popup') {
         $this->m_sStyle = 'list';
     $sHtml = '';
     $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
     $sContext = $oAppContext->GetForLink();
     if (!empty($sContext)) {
         $sContext = '&' . $sContext;
     $sClass = $this->m_oFilter->GetClass();
     $oReflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($sClass);
     $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($this->m_oFilter);
     $sFilter = $this->m_oFilter->serialize();
     $sFilterDesc = $this->m_oFilter->ToOql(true);
     $aActions = array();
     $sUIPage = cmdbAbstractObject::ComputeStandardUIPage($sClass);
     $sRootUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot();
     // 1:n links, populate the target object as a default value when creating a new linked object
     if (isset($aExtraParams['target_attr'])) {
         $aExtraParams['default'][$aExtraParams['target_attr']] = $aExtraParams['object_id'];
     $sDefault = '';
     if (!empty($aExtraParams['default'])) {
         foreach ($aExtraParams['default'] as $sKey => $sValue) {
             $sDefault .= "&default[{$sKey}]={$sValue}";
     $bIsCreationAllowed = UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_CREATE) == UR_ALLOWED_YES && $oReflectionClass->IsSubclassOf('cmdbAbstractObject');
     switch ($oSet->Count()) {
         case 0:
             // No object in the set, the only possible action is "new"
             if ($bIsCreationAllowed) {
                 $aActions['UI:Menu:New'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:New'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=new&class={$sClass}{$sContext}{$sDefault}");
         case 1:
             $oObj = $oSet->Fetch();
             $id = $oObj->GetKey();
             $bLocked = false;
             if (MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('concurrent_lock_enabled')) {
                 $aLockInfo = iTopOwnershipLock::IsLocked(get_class($oObj), $id);
                 if ($aLockInfo['locked']) {
                     $bLocked = true;
                     //$aActions['concurrent_lock_unlock'] = array ('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:ReleaseConcurrentLock'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/$sUIPage?operation=kill_lock&class=$sClass&id=$id{$sContext}");
             $bRawModifiedAllowed = UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_MODIFY, $oSet) == UR_ALLOWED_YES && $oReflectionClass->IsSubclassOf('cmdbAbstractObject');
             $bIsModifyAllowed = !$bLocked && $bRawModifiedAllowed;
             $bIsDeleteAllowed = !$bLocked && UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_DELETE, $oSet);
             // Just one object in the set, possible actions are "new / clone / modify and delete"
             if (!isset($aExtraParams['link_attr'])) {
                 if ($bIsModifyAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:Modify'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:Modify'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=modify&class={$sClass}&id={$id}{$sContext}#");
                 if ($bIsCreationAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:New'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:New'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=new&class={$sClass}{$sContext}{$sDefault}");
                 if ($bIsDeleteAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:Delete'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:Delete'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=delete&class={$sClass}&id={$id}{$sContext}");
                 // Transitions / Stimuli
                 if (!$bLocked) {
                     $aTransitions = $oObj->EnumTransitions();
                     if (count($aTransitions)) {
                         $aStimuli = Metamodel::EnumStimuli(get_class($oObj));
                         foreach ($aTransitions as $sStimulusCode => $aTransitionDef) {
                             $iActionAllowed = get_class($aStimuli[$sStimulusCode]) == 'StimulusUserAction' ? UserRights::IsStimulusAllowed($sClass, $sStimulusCode, $oSet) : UR_ALLOWED_NO;
                             switch ($iActionAllowed) {
                                 case UR_ALLOWED_YES:
                                     $aActions[$sStimulusCode] = array('label' => $aStimuli[$sStimulusCode]->GetLabel(), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/UI.php?operation=stimulus&stimulus={$sStimulusCode}&class={$sClass}&id={$id}{$sContext}");
                                     // Do nothing
                 // Relations...
                 $aRelations = MetaModel::EnumRelationsEx($sClass);
                 if (count($aRelations)) {
                     foreach ($aRelations as $sRelationCode => $aRelationInfo) {
                         if (array_key_exists('down', $aRelationInfo)) {
                             $aActions[$sRelationCode . '_down'] = array('label' => $aRelationInfo['down'], 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=swf_navigator&relation={$sRelationCode}&direction=down&class={$sClass}&id={$id}{$sContext}");
                         if (array_key_exists('up', $aRelationInfo)) {
                             $aActions[$sRelationCode . '_up'] = array('label' => $aRelationInfo['up'], 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=swf_navigator&relation={$sRelationCode}&direction=up&class={$sClass}&id={$id}{$sContext}");
                 if ($bLocked && $bRawModifiedAllowed) {
                     // Add a special menu to kill the lock, but only to allowed users who can also modify this object
                     $aAllowedProfiles = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('concurrent_lock_override_profiles');
                     $bCanKill = false;
                     $oUser = UserRights::GetUserObject();
                     $aUserProfiles = array();
                     if (!is_null($oUser)) {
                         $oProfileSet = $oUser->Get('profile_list');
                         while ($oProfile = $oProfileSet->Fetch()) {
                             $aUserProfiles[$oProfile->Get('profile')] = true;
                     foreach ($aAllowedProfiles as $sProfile) {
                         if (array_key_exists($sProfile, $aUserProfiles)) {
                             $bCanKill = true;
                     if ($bCanKill) {
                         $aActions['concurrent_lock_unlock'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:KillConcurrentLock'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=kill_lock&class={$sClass}&id={$id}{$sContext}");
                 // Static menus: Email this page & CSV Export
                 $sUrl = ApplicationContext::MakeObjectUrl($sClass, $id);
                 $aActions['UI:Menu:EMail'] = array ('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:EMail'), 'url' => "mailto:?subject=".urlencode($oObj->GetRawName())."&body=".urlencode($sUrl));
                 $aActions['UI:Menu:CSVExport'] = array ('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:CSVExport'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/$sUIPage?operation=search&filter=".urlencode($sFilter)."&format=csv{$sContext}");
                 // The style tells us whether the menu is displayed on a list of one object, or on the details of the given object 
                 if ($this->m_sStyle == 'list')
                 	// Actions specific to the list
                 	$sOQL = addslashes($sFilterDesc);
                 	$aActions['UI:Menu:AddToDashboard'] = array ('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:AddToDashboard'), 'url' => "#", 'onclick' => "return DashletCreationDlg('$sOQL')");
             foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iApplicationUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
                 foreach ($oExtensionInstance->EnumAllowedActions($oSet) as $sLabel => $sUrl) {
                     $aActions[$sLabel] = array('label' => $sLabel, 'url' => $sUrl);
             // Check rights
             // New / Modify
             $bIsModifyAllowed = UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_MODIFY, $oSet) && $oReflectionClass->IsSubclassOf('cmdbAbstractObject');
             $bIsBulkModifyAllowed = !MetaModel::IsAbstract($sClass) && UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_BULK_MODIFY, $oSet) && $oReflectionClass->IsSubclassOf('cmdbAbstractObject');
             $bIsBulkDeleteAllowed = UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_BULK_DELETE, $oSet);
             if (isset($aExtraParams['link_attr'])) {
                 $id = $aExtraParams['object_id'];
                 $sTargetAttr = $aExtraParams['target_attr'];
                 $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sClass, $sTargetAttr);
                 $sTargetClass = $oAttDef->GetTargetClass();
                 $bIsDeleteAllowed = UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClass, UR_ACTION_DELETE, $oSet);
                 if ($bIsModifyAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:Add'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:Add'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=modify_links&class={$sClass}&link_attr=" . $aExtraParams['link_attr'] . "&target_class={$sTargetClass}&id={$id}&addObjects=true{$sContext}");
                 if ($bIsBulkModifyAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:Manage'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:Manage'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=modify_links&class={$sClass}&link_attr=" . $aExtraParams['link_attr'] . "&target_class={$sTargetClass}&id={$id}{$sContext}");
                 //if ($bIsBulkDeleteAllowed) { $aActions[] = array ('label' => 'Remove All...', 'url' => "#"); }
             } else {
                 // many objects in the set, possible actions are: new / modify all / delete all
                 if ($bIsCreationAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:New'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:New'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=new&class={$sClass}{$sContext}{$sDefault}");
                 if ($bIsBulkModifyAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:ModifyAll'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:ModifyAll'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=select_for_modify_all&class={$sClass}&filter=" . urlencode($sFilter) . "{$sContext}");
                 if ($bIsBulkDeleteAllowed) {
                     $aActions['UI:Menu:BulkDelete'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:BulkDelete'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/{$sUIPage}?operation=select_for_deletion&filter=" . urlencode($sFilter) . "{$sContext}");
                 // Stimuli
                 $aStates = MetaModel::EnumStates($sClass);
                 // Do not perform time consuming computations if there are too may objects in the list
                 $iLimit = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('complex_actions_limit');
                 if (count($aStates) > 0 && ($iLimit == 0 || $oSet->Count() < $iLimit)) {
                     // Life cycle actions may be available... if all objects are in the same state
                     // Group by <state>
                     $oGroupByExp = new FieldExpression(MetaModel::GetStateAttributeCode($sClass), $this->m_oFilter->GetClassAlias());
                     $aGroupBy = array('__state__' => $oGroupByExp);
                     $aQueryParams = array();
                     if (isset($aExtraParams['query_params'])) {
                         $aQueryParams = $aExtraParams['query_params'];
                     $sSql = $this->m_oFilter->MakeGroupByQuery($aQueryParams, $aGroupBy);
                     $aRes = CMDBSource::QueryToArray($sSql);
                     if (count($aRes) == 1) {
                         // All objects are in the same state...
                         $sState = $aRes[0]['__state__'];
                         $aTransitions = Metamodel::EnumTransitions($sClass, $sState);
                         if (count($aTransitions)) {
                             $aStimuli = Metamodel::EnumStimuli($sClass);
                             foreach ($aTransitions as $sStimulusCode => $aTransitionDef) {
                                 // As soon as the user rights implementation will browse the object set,
                                 // then we might consider using OptimizeColumnLoad() here
                                 $iActionAllowed = UserRights::IsStimulusAllowed($sClass, $sStimulusCode, $oSet);
                                 $iActionAllowed = get_class($aStimuli[$sStimulusCode]) == 'StimulusUserAction' ? $iActionAllowed : UR_ALLOWED_NO;
                                 switch ($iActionAllowed) {
                                     case UR_ALLOWED_YES:
                                     case UR_ALLOWED_DEPENDS:
                                         $aActions[$sStimulusCode] = array('label' => $aStimuli[$sStimulusCode]->GetLabel(), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/UI.php?operation=select_bulk_stimulus&stimulus={$sStimulusCode}&state={$sState}&class={$sClass}&filter=" . urlencode($sFilter) . "{$sContext}");
                                         // Do nothing
                 $sUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot();
                 $aActions['UI:Menu:EMail'] = array ('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:EMail'), 'url' => "mailto:?subject=$sFilterDesc&body=".urlencode("{$sUrl}pages/$sUIPage?operation=search&filter=".urlencode($sFilter)."{$sContext}"));
                 $aActions['UI:Menu:CSVExport'] = array ('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:CSVExport'), 'url' => "{$sRootUrl}pages/$sUIPage?operation=search&filter=".urlencode($sFilter)."&format=csv{$sContext}");
                 $sOQL = addslashes($sFilterDesc);
                 $aActions['UI:Menu:AddToDashboard'] = array ('label' => Dict::S('UI:Menu:AddToDashboard'), 'url' => "#", 'onclick' => "return DashletCreationDlg('$sOQL')");
     foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iApplicationUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
         foreach ($oExtensionInstance->EnumAllowedActions($oSet) as $sLabel => $data) {
             if (is_array($data)) {
                 // New plugins can provide javascript handlers via the 'onclick' property
                 //TODO: enable extension of different menus by checking the 'target' property ??
                 $aActions[$sLabel] = array('label' => $sLabel, 'url' => isset($data['url']) ? $data['url'] : '#', 'onclick' => isset($data['onclick']) ? $data['onclick'] : '');
             } else {
                 // Backward compatibility with old plugins
                 $aActions[$sLabel] = array('label' => $sLabel, 'url' => $data);
     // New extensions based on iPopupMenuItem interface
     switch ($this->m_sStyle) {
         case 'list':
             $param = $oSet;
             $iMenuId = iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJLIST_ACTIONS;
         case 'details':
             $param = $oSet->Fetch();
             $iMenuId = iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJDETAILS_ACTIONS;
     utils::GetPopupMenuItems($oPage, $iMenuId, $param, $aActions);
     $aFavoriteActions = array();
     $aCallSpec = array($sClass, 'GetShortcutActions');
     if (is_callable($aCallSpec)) {
         $aShortcutActions = call_user_func($aCallSpec, $sClass);
         foreach ($aActions as $key => $aAction) {
             if (in_array($key, $aShortcutActions)) {
                 $aFavoriteActions[] = $aAction;
     } else {
         $aShortcutActions = array();
     if (count($aFavoriteActions) > 0) {
         $sHtml .= "<div class=\"itop_popup actions_menu\"><ul>\n<li>" . Dict::S('UI:Menu:OtherActions') . "\n<ul>\n";
     } else {
         $sHtml .= "<div class=\"itop_popup actions_menu\"><ul>\n<li>" . Dict::S('UI:Menu:Actions') . "\n<ul>\n";
     $sHtml .= $oPage->RenderPopupMenuItems($aActions, $aFavoriteActions);
     static $bPopupScript = false;
     if (!$bPopupScript) {
         // Output this once per page...
         $bPopupScript = true;
     return $sHtml;
 function DisplayBareRelations(WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false)
     parent::DisplayBareRelations($oPage, $bEditMode);
     if (!$bEditMode) {
         $bit_ip = ip2long($this->Get('ip'));
         $bit_mask = ip2long($this->Get('ip_mask'));
         $iIPMin = sprintf('%u', $bit_ip & $bit_mask | 1);
         // exclude the first one: identifies the subnet itself
         $iIPMax = sprintf('%u', ($bit_ip | ~$bit_mask) & 0xfffffffe);
         // exclude the last one : broadcast address
         $sIPMin = long2ip($iIPMin);
         $sIPMax = long2ip($iIPMax);
         $oPage->p(Dict::Format('Class:Subnet/Tab:IPUsage-explain', $sIPMin, $sIPMax));
         $oIfFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT IPInterface AS if WHERE INET_ATON(if.ipaddress) >= INET_ATON('{$sIPMin}') AND INET_ATON(if.ipaddress) <= INET_ATON('{$sIPMax}')");
         $oIfSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oIfFilter);
         $oBlock = new DisplayBlock($oIfFilter, 'list', false);
         $oBlock->Display($oPage, 'nwif', array('menu' => false));
         $iCountUsed = $oIfSet->Count();
         $iCountRange = $iIPMax - $iIPMin;
         // On 32-bit systems the substraction will be computed using floats for values greater than PHP_MAX_INT;
         $iFreeCount = $iCountRange - $iCountUsed;
         $oPage->p(Dict::Format('Class:Subnet/Tab:FreeIPs-count', $iFreeCount));
         $aUsedIPs = $oIfSet->GetColumnAsArray('ipaddress', false);
         $iAnIP = $iIPMin;
         $iFound = 0;
         while ($iFound < min($iFreeCount, 10) && $iAnIP <= $iIPMax) {
             $sAnIP = long2ip($iAnIP);
             if (!in_array($sAnIP, $aUsedIPs)) {
             } else {
     * Displays the status (SynchroLog) of the datasource in a graphical manner
     * @param $oPage WebPage
     * @return void
    protected function DisplayStatusTab(WebPage $oPage)
        $sSelectSynchroLog = 'SELECT SynchroLog WHERE sync_source_id = :source_id';
        $oSetSynchroLog = new CMDBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sSelectSynchroLog), array('start_date' => false), array('source_id' => $this->GetKey()));
        // Display only the 100 latest runs
        if ($oSetSynchroLog->Count() > 0) {
            $oLastLog = $oSetSynchroLog->Fetch();
            $sStartDate = $oLastLog->Get('start_date');
            $iLastLog = 0;
            $iDSid = $this->GetKey();
            if ($oLastLog->Get('status') == 'running') {
                // Still running !
                $oPage->p('<h2>' . Dict::Format('Core:Synchro:SynchroRunningStartedOn_Date', $sStartDate) . '</h2>');
            } else {
                $sEndDate = $oLastLog->Get('end_date');
                $iLastLog = $oLastLog->GetKey();
                $oPage->p('<h2>' . Dict::Format('Core:Synchro:SynchroEndedOn_Date', $sEndDate) . '</h2>');
                $sOQL = "SELECT SynchroReplica WHERE sync_source_id={$iDSid}";
                $oSet = new DBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sOQL));
                $iCountAllReplicas = $oSet->Count();
                $sAllReplicas = "<a href=\"../synchro/replica.php?operation=oql&datasource={$iDSid}&oql={$sOQL}\">{$iCountAllReplicas}</a>";
                $sOQL = "SELECT SynchroReplica WHERE sync_source_id={$iDSid} AND status_last_error !=''";
                $oSet = new DBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sOQL));
                $iCountAllErrors = $oSet->Count();
                $sAllErrors = "<a href=\"../synchro/replica.php?operation=oql&datasource={$iDSid}&oql={$sOQL}\">{$iCountAllErrors}</a>";
                $sOQL = "SELECT SynchroReplica WHERE sync_source_id={$iDSid} AND status_last_warning !=''";
                $oSet = new DBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sOQL));
                $iCountAllWarnings = $oSet->Count();
                $sAllWarnings = "<a href=\"../synchro/replica.php?operation=oql&datasource={$iDSid}&oql={$sOQL}\">{$iCountAllWarnings}</a>";
                $oPage->p('<h2>' . Dict::Format('Core:Synchro:ListReplicas_AllReplicas_Errors_Warnings', $sAllReplicas, $sAllErrors, $sAllWarnings) . '</h2>');
            $oPage->add('<table class="synoptics"><tr><td style="color:#333;vertical-align:top">');
            // List all the log entries for the user to select
            $oPage->add('<h2 style="line-height:55px;">' . Dict::S('Core:Synchro:History') . '</h2>');
            $oPage->add('<select size="25" onChange="UpdateSynoptics(this.value);">');
            $sSelected = ' selected';
            // First log is selected by default
            $sScript = "var aSynchroLog = {\n";
            while ($oLog = $oSetSynchroLog->Fetch()) {
                $sLogTitle = Dict::Format('Core:SynchroLogTitle', $oLog->Get('status'), $oLog->Get('start_date'));
                $oPage->add('<option value="' . $oLog->GetKey() . '"' . $sSelected . '>' . $sLogTitle . '</option>');
                $sSelected = '';
                // only the first log is selected by default
                $aData = $this->ProcessLog($oLog);
                $sScript .= '"' . $oLog->GetKey() . '": ' . json_encode($aData) . ",\n";
            $sScript .= "end: 'Done'";
            $sScript .= "};\n";
            $sScript .= <<<EOF
\t\t\tvar sLastLog = '{$iLastLog}';
\tfunction ToggleSynoptics(sId, bShow)
\t\tif (bShow)
\tfunction UpdateSynoptics(id)
\t\tvar aValues = aSynchroLog[id];
\t\tif (aValues == undefined) return;
\t\tfor (var sKey in aValues)
\t\t\tvar fOpacity = (aValues[sKey] == 0) ? 0.3 : 1;
\t\t\t\$('#'+sKey).fadeTo("slow", fOpacity);
\t\t//alert('id = '+id+', lastLog='+sLastLog+', id==sLastLog: '+(id==sLastLog)+' obj_updated_errors:  '+aValues['obj_updated_errors']);
\t\tif ( (id == sLastLog) && (aValues['obj_new_errors'] > 0) )
\t\tif ( (id == sLastLog) && (aValues['obj_updated_errors'] > 0) )
\t\tif ( (id == sLastLog) && (aValues['obj_disappeared_errors'] > 0) )
\t\tToggleSynoptics('#cw_obj_created_warnings', aValues['obj_created_warnings'] > 0);
\t\tToggleSynoptics('#cw_obj_new_updated_warnings', aValues['obj_new_updated_warnings'] > 0);
\t\tToggleSynoptics('#cw_obj_new_unchanged_warnings', aValues['obj_new_unchanged_warnings'] > 0);
\t\tToggleSynoptics('#cw_obj_updated_warnings', aValues['obj_updated_warnings'] > 0);
\t\tToggleSynoptics('#cw_obj_unchanged_warnings', aValues['obj_unchanged_warnings'] > 0);
            $oPage->add('</td><td style="vertical-align:top;">');
            // Now build the big "synoptics" view
            $aData = $this->ProcessLog($oLastLog);
            $sNbReplica = $this->GetIcon() . "&nbsp;" . Dict::Format('Core:Synchro:Nb_Replica', "<span id=\"c_nb_replica_total\">{$aData['nb_replica_total']}</span>");
            $sNbObjects = MetaModel::GetClassIcon($this->GetTargetClass()) . "&nbsp;" . Dict::Format('Core:Synchro:Nb_Class:Objects', $this->GetTargetClass(), "<span id=\"c_nb_obj_total\">{$aData['nb_obj_total']}</span>");
\t<table class="synoptics">
\t<tr class="synoptics_header">
            $sBaseOQL = "SELECT SynchroReplica WHERE sync_source_id=" . $this->GetKey() . " AND status_last_error!=''";
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('repl_ignored', $aData, '#999') . '<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>');
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('repl_disappeared', $aData, '#630', 'rowspan="4"') . '<td rowspan="4" class="arrow">=&gt;</td>' . $this->HtmlBox('obj_disappeared_no_action', $aData, '#333'));
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_deleted', $aData, '#000'));
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_obsoleted', $aData, '#630'));
            $sOQL = urlencode($sBaseOQL . " AND status='obsolete'");
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_disappeared_errors', $aData, '#C00', '', " <a style=\"color:#fff\" href=\"../synchro/replica.php?operation=oql&datasource={$iDSid}&oql={$sOQL}\" id=\"disappeared_errors_link\">Show</a>"));
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('repl_existing', $aData, '#093', 'rowspan="3"') . '<td rowspan="3" class="arrow">=&gt;</td>' . $this->HtmlBox('obj_unchanged', $aData, '#393'));
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_updated', $aData, '#3C3'));
            $sOQL = urlencode($sBaseOQL . " AND status='modified'");
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_updated_errors', $aData, '#C00', '', " <a style=\"color:#fff\" href=\"../synchro/replica.php?operation=oql&datasource={$iDSid}&oql={$sOQL}\" id=\"updated_errors_link\">Show</a>"));
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('repl_new', $aData, '#339', 'rowspan="4"') . '<td rowspan="4" class="arrow">=&gt;</td>' . $this->HtmlBox('obj_new_unchanged', $aData, '#393'));
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_new_updated', $aData, '#3C3'));
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_created', $aData, '#339'));
            $sOQL = urlencode($sBaseOQL . " AND status='new'");
            $oPage->add($this->HtmlBox('obj_new_errors', $aData, '#C00', '', " <a style=\"color:#fff\" href=\"../synchro/replica.php?operation=oql&datasource={$iDSid}&oql={$sOQL}\" id=\"new_errors_link\">Show</a>"));
        } else {
            $oPage->p('<h2>' . Dict::S('Core:Synchro:NeverRun') . '</h2>');
 * Validate the parameters and create the ticket object (based on the page's POSTed parameters)
 * @param WebPage $oP The current web page for the  output
 * @param Organization $oUserOrg The organization of the current user
 * @return void
function DoCreateRequest($oP, $oUserOrg)
    $aParameters = $oP->ReadAllParams(PORTAL_ALL_PARAMS . ',template_id');
    $sTransactionId = utils::ReadPostedParam('transaction_id', '');
    if (!utils::IsTransactionValid($sTransactionId)) {
        $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::S('UI:Error:ObjectAlreadyCreated') . "</h1>\n");
    // Validate the parameters
    // 1) ServiceCategory
    // In case the user has the rights on his org only
    $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oSearch, array(), array('id' => $aParameters['service_id'], 'org_id' => $oUserOrg->GetKey()));
    if ($oSet->Count() != 1) {
        // Invalid service for the current user !
        throw new Exception("Invalid Service Category: id={$aParameters['service_id']} - count: " . $oSet->Count());
    $oServiceCategory = $oSet->Fetch();
    // 2) Service Subcategory
    // In case the user has the rights on his org only
    $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oSearch, array(), array('service_id' => $aParameters['service_id'], 'id' => $aParameters['servicesubcategory_id'], 'org_id' => $oUserOrg->GetKey()));
    if ($oSet->Count() != 1) {
        // Invalid subcategory
        throw new Exception("Invalid ServiceSubcategory: id={$aParameters['servicesubcategory_id']} for service category " . $oServiceCategory->GetName() . "({$aParameters['service_id']}) - count: " . $oSet->Count());
    $oServiceSubCategory = $oSet->Fetch();
    $sClass = ComputeClass($oServiceSubCategory->GetKey());
    $oRequest = MetaModel::NewObject($sClass);
    $aAttList = array_merge(explode(',', GetConstant($sClass, 'FORM_ATTRIBUTES')), array('service_id', 'servicesubcategory_id'));
    $oRequest->UpdateObjectFromPostedForm('', $aAttList);
    $oRequest->Set('org_id', $oUserOrg->GetKey());
    $oRequest->Set('caller_id', UserRights::GetContactId());
    if (isset($aParameters['moreinfo'])) {
        // There is a template, insert it into the description
        $sLogAttCode = GetConstant($sClass, 'PUBLIC_LOG');
        $oRequest->Set($sLogAttCode, $aParameters['moreinfo']);
    $sTypeAttCode = GetConstant($sClass, 'TYPE');
    if ($sTypeAttCode != '' && PORTAL_SET_TYPE_FROM != '') {
        $oRequest->Set($sTypeAttCode, $oServiceSubCategory->Get(PORTAL_SET_TYPE_FROM));
    if (MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($sClass, 'origin')) {
        $oRequest->Set('origin', 'portal');
    $oAttPlugin = new AttachmentPlugIn();
    list($bRes, $aIssues) = $oRequest->CheckToWrite();
    if ($bRes) {
        if (isset($aParameters['template_id'])) {
            $oTemplate = MetaModel::GetObject('Template', $aParameters['template_id']);
            $sLogAttCode = GetConstant($sClass, 'PUBLIC_LOG');
            $oRequest->Set($sLogAttCode, $oTemplate->GetPostedValuesAsText($oRequest) . "\n");
        } else {
        $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::Format('UI:Title:Object_Of_Class_Created', $oRequest->GetName(), MetaModel::GetName($sClass)) . "</h1>\n");
        //DisplayObject($oP, $oRequest, $oUserOrg);
    } else {
        RequestCreationForm($oP, $oUserOrg);
        $sIssueDesc = Dict::Format('UI:ObjectCouldNotBeWritten', implode(', ', $aIssues));
        $oP->add_ready_script("alert('" . addslashes($sIssueDesc) . "');");
 public function MakeValueFromString($sProposedValue, $bLocalizedValue = false, $sSepItem = null, $sSepAttribute = null, $sSepValue = null, $sAttributeQualifier = null)
     if (is_null($sSepItem) || empty($sSepItem)) {
         $sSepItem = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('link_set_item_separator');
     if (is_null($sSepAttribute) || empty($sSepAttribute)) {
         $sSepAttribute = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('link_set_attribute_separator');
     if (is_null($sSepValue) || empty($sSepValue)) {
         $sSepValue = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('link_set_value_separator');
     if (is_null($sAttributeQualifier) || empty($sAttributeQualifier)) {
         $sAttributeQualifier = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('link_set_attribute_qualifier');
     $sTargetClass = $this->Get('linked_class');
     $sInput = str_replace($sSepItem, "\n", $sProposedValue);
     $oCSVParser = new CSVParser($sInput, $sSepAttribute, $sAttributeQualifier);
     $aInput = $oCSVParser->ToArray(0);
     $aLinks = array();
     foreach ($aInput as $aRow) {
         // 1st - get the values, split the extkey->searchkey specs, and eventually get the finalclass value
         $aExtKeys = array();
         $aValues = array();
         foreach ($aRow as $sCell) {
             $iSepPos = strpos($sCell, $sSepValue);
             if ($iSepPos === false) {
                 // Houston...
                 throw new CoreException('Wrong format for link attribute specification', array('value' => $sCell));
             $sAttCode = trim(substr($sCell, 0, $iSepPos));
             $sValue = substr($sCell, $iSepPos + strlen($sSepValue));
             if (preg_match('/^(.+)->(.+)$/', $sAttCode, $aMatches)) {
                 $sKeyAttCode = $aMatches[1];
                 $sRemoteAttCode = $aMatches[2];
                 $aExtKeys[$sKeyAttCode][$sRemoteAttCode] = $sValue;
                 if (!MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($sTargetClass, $sKeyAttCode)) {
                     throw new CoreException('Wrong attribute code for link attribute specification', array('class' => $sTargetClass, 'attcode' => $sKeyAttCode));
                 $oKeyAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sTargetClass, $sKeyAttCode);
                 $sRemoteClass = $oKeyAttDef->GetTargetClass();
                 if (!MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($sRemoteClass, $sRemoteAttCode)) {
                     throw new CoreException('Wrong attribute code for link attribute specification', array('class' => $sRemoteClass, 'attcode' => $sRemoteAttCode));
             } else {
                 if (!MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($sTargetClass, $sAttCode)) {
                     throw new CoreException('Wrong attribute code for link attribute specification', array('class' => $sTargetClass, 'attcode' => $sAttCode));
                 $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sTargetClass, $sAttCode);
                 $aValues[$sAttCode] = $oAttDef->MakeValueFromString($sValue, $bLocalizedValue, $sSepItem, $sSepAttribute, $sSepValue, $sAttributeQualifier);
         // 2nd - Instanciate the object and set the value
         if (isset($aValues['finalclass'])) {
             $sLinkClass = $aValues['finalclass'];
             if (!is_subclass_of($sLinkClass, $sTargetClass)) {
                 throw new CoreException('Wrong class for link attribute specification', array('requested_class' => $sLinkClass, 'expected_class' => $sTargetClass));
         } elseif (MetaModel::IsAbstract($sTargetClass)) {
             throw new CoreException('Missing finalclass for link attribute specification');
         } else {
             $sLinkClass = $sTargetClass;
         $oLink = MetaModel::NewObject($sLinkClass);
         foreach ($aValues as $sAttCode => $sValue) {
             $oLink->Set($sAttCode, $sValue);
         // 3rd - Set external keys from search conditions
         foreach ($aExtKeys as $sKeyAttCode => $aReconciliation) {
             $oKeyAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sTargetClass, $sKeyAttCode);
             $sKeyClass = $oKeyAttDef->GetTargetClass();
             $oExtKeyFilter = new DBObjectSearch($sKeyClass);
             $aReconciliationDesc = array();
             foreach ($aReconciliation as $sRemoteAttCode => $sValue) {
                 $oExtKeyFilter->AddCondition($sRemoteAttCode, $sValue, '=');
                 $aReconciliationDesc[] = "{$sRemoteAttCode}={$sValue}";
             $oExtKeySet = new CMDBObjectSet($oExtKeyFilter);
             switch ($oExtKeySet->Count()) {
                 case 0:
                     $sReconciliationDesc = implode(', ', $aReconciliationDesc);
                     throw new CoreException("Found no match", array('ext_key' => $sKeyAttCode, 'reconciliation' => $sReconciliationDesc));
                 case 1:
                     $oRemoteObj = $oExtKeySet->Fetch();
                     $oLink->Set($sKeyAttCode, $oRemoteObj->GetKey());
                     $sReconciliationDesc = implode(', ', $aReconciliationDesc);
                     throw new CoreException("Found several matches", array('ext_key' => $sKeyAttCode, 'reconciliation' => $sReconciliationDesc));
                     // Found several matches, ambiguous
         // Check (roughly) if such a link is valid
         $aErrors = array();
         foreach (MetaModel::ListAttributeDefs($sTargetClass) as $sAttCode => $oAttDef) {
             if ($oAttDef->IsExternalKey()) {
                 if ($oAttDef->GetTargetClass() == $this->GetHostClass() || is_subclass_of($this->GetHostClass(), $oAttDef->GetTargetClass())) {
                     // Don't check the key to self
             if ($oAttDef->IsWritable() && $oAttDef->IsNull($oLink->Get($sAttCode)) && !$oAttDef->IsNullAllowed()) {
                 $aErrors[] = $sAttCode;
         if (count($aErrors) > 0) {
             throw new CoreException("Missing value for mandatory attribute(s): " . implode(', ', $aErrors));
         $aLinks[] = $oLink;
     $oSet = DBObjectSet::FromArray($sTargetClass, $aLinks);
     return $oSet;
 public function GetReferencingObjects($bAllowAllData = false)
     $aDependentObjects = array();
     $aRererencingMe = MetaModel::EnumReferencingClasses(get_class($this));
     foreach ($aRererencingMe as $sRemoteClass => $aExtKeys) {
         foreach ($aExtKeys as $sExtKeyAttCode => $oExtKeyAttDef) {
             // skip if this external key is behind an external field
             if (!$oExtKeyAttDef->IsExternalKey(EXTKEY_ABSOLUTE)) {
             $oSearch = new DBObjectSearch($sRemoteClass);
             $oSearch->AddCondition($sExtKeyAttCode, $this->GetKey(), '=');
             if ($bAllowAllData) {
             $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oSearch);
             if ($oSet->Count() > 0) {
                 $aDependentObjects[$sRemoteClass][$sExtKeyAttCode] = array('attribute' => $oExtKeyAttDef, 'objects' => $oSet);
     return $aDependentObjects;
文件: audit.php 项目: henryavila/itop
 $oP->add("<th><img src=\"../images/minus.gif\"></th><th class=\"alignLeft\">" . Dict::S('UI:Audit:HeaderAuditRule') . "</th><th>" . Dict::S('UI:Audit:HeaderNbObjects') . "</th><th>" . Dict::S('UI:Audit:HeaderNbErrors') . "</th><th>" . Dict::S('UI:Audit:PercentageOk') . "</th>\n");
 while ($oAuditCategory = $oCategoriesSet->fetch()) {
     try {
         $oDefinitionFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($oAuditCategory->Get('definition_set'));
         FilterByContext($oDefinitionFilter, $oAppContext);
         $aObjectsWithErrors = array();
         if (!empty($currentOrganization)) {
             if (MetaModel::IsValidFilterCode($oDefinitionFilter->GetClass(), 'org_id')) {
                 $oDefinitionFilter->AddCondition('org_id', $currentOrganization, '=');
         $aResults = array();
         $oDefinitionSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oDefinitionFilter);
         $iCount = $oDefinitionSet->Count();
         $oRulesFilter = new DBObjectSearch('AuditRule');
         $oRulesFilter->AddCondition('category_id', $oAuditCategory->GetKey(), '=');
         $oRulesSet = new DBObjectSet($oRulesFilter);
         while ($oAuditRule = $oRulesSet->fetch()) {
             $aRow = array();
             $aRow['description'] = $oAuditRule->GetName();
             if ($iCount == 0) {
                 // nothing to check, really !
                 $aRow['nb_errors'] = "<a href=\"audit.php?operation=errors&category=" . $oAuditCategory->GetKey() . "&rule=" . $oAuditRule->GetKey() . "\">0</a>";
                 $aRow['percent_ok'] = '100.00';
                 $aRow['class'] = GetReportColor($iCount, 0);
             } else {
                 try {
                     $oFilter = GetRuleResultFilter($oAuditRule->GetKey(), $oDefinitionFilter, $oAppContext);
                     $aErrors = $oFilter->ToDataArray(array('id'));
  * Read the context directly in the PHP parameters (either POST or GET)
  * return nothing
 protected function ReadContext()
     if (!isset(self::$aDefaultValues)) {
         self::$aDefaultValues = array();
         $aContext = utils::ReadParam('c', array(), false, 'context_param');
         foreach ($this->aNames as $sName) {
             $sValue = isset($aContext[$sName]) ? $aContext[$sName] : '';
             // TO DO: check if some of the context parameters are mandatory (or have default values)
             if (!empty($sValue)) {
                 self::$aDefaultValues[$sName] = $sValue;
             // Hmm, there must be a better (more generic) way to handle the case below:
             // When there is only one possible (allowed) organization, the context must be
             // fixed to this org
             if ($sName == 'org_id') {
                 if (MetaModel::IsValidClass('Organization')) {
                     $oSearchFilter = new DBObjectSearch('Organization');
                     $oSearchFilter->SetModifierProperty('UserRightsGetSelectFilter', 'bSearchMode', true);
                     $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oSearchFilter);
                     $iCount = $oSet->Count();
                     if ($iCount == 1) {
                         // Only one possible value for org_id, set it in the context
                         $oOrg = $oSet->Fetch();
                         self::$aDefaultValues[$sName] = $oOrg->GetKey();
     $this->aValues = self::$aDefaultValues;
  * Search for an organization with the given code in the database
  * @param string $Id The organization Id to look for
  * @return cmdbOrganization the organization if it exists, null otherwise
 protected function GetOrganization($sId)
     $oOrg = null;
     $oFilter = new CMDBSearchFilter('bizOrganization');
     $oFilter->AddCondition('id', $sId, '=');
     $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oFilter);
     if ($oSet->Count() > 0) {
         $oOrg = $oSet->Fetch();
         // Let's take the first one found
     return $oOrg;
 function test_pkey()
     echo "<h4>Test search on pkey</h4>";
     $sExpr1 = "SELECT cmdbContact WHERE id IN (40, 42)";
     $sExpr2 = "SELECT cmdbContact WHERE IN NOT IN (40, 42)";
     echo "Et maintenant, on fusionne....</br>\n";
     $oSet1 = new CMDBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sExpr1));
     $oSet2 = new CMDBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sExpr2));
     $oIntersect = $oSet1->CreateIntersect($oSet2);
     $oDelta = $oSet1->CreateDelta($oSet2);
     $oMerge = clone $oSet1;
     echo "Set1 - Found " . $oSet1->Count() . " items.</br>\n";
     echo "Set2 - Found " . $oSet2->Count() . " items.</br>\n";
     echo "Intersect - Found " . $oIntersect->Count() . " items.</br>\n";
     echo "Delta - Found " . $oDelta->Count() . " items.</br>\n";
     echo "Append - Found " . $oAppend->Count() . " items.</br>\n";
 public function Process(CMDBChange $oChange = null)
     // Note: $oChange can be null, in which case the aim is to check what would be done
     // Debug...
     if (false) {
         echo "<pre>\n";
         echo "Attributes:\n";
         echo "ExtKeys:\n";
         echo "Reconciliation:\n";
         echo "Synchro scope:\n";
         echo "Synchro changes:\n";
         //echo "Data:\n";
         echo "</pre>\n";
     $aResult = array();
     if (!is_null($this->m_sDateFormat) && strlen($this->m_sDateFormat) > 0) {
         // Translate dates from the source data
         foreach ($this->m_aAttList as $sAttCode => $iCol) {
             $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->m_sClass, $sAttCode);
             if ($oAttDef instanceof AttributeDateTime) {
                 foreach ($this->m_aData as $iRow => $aRowData) {
                     $sNewDate = utils::StringToTime($this->m_aData[$iRow][$iCol], $this->m_sDateFormat);
                     if ($sNewDate !== false) {
                         // Todo - improve the reporting
                         $this->m_aData[$iRow][$iCol] = $sNewDate;
                     } else {
                         // Leave the cell unchanged
                         $aResult[$iRow]["__STATUS__"] = new RowStatus_Issue(Dict::S('UI:CSVReport-Row-Issue-DateFormat'));
                         $aResult[$iRow][$sAttCode] = new CellStatus_Issue(null, $this->m_aData[$iRow][$iCol], Dict::S('UI:CSVReport-Row-Issue-DateFormat'));
     // Compute the results
     if (!is_null($this->m_sSynchroScope)) {
         $aVisited = array();
     $iPreviousTimeLimit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
     $iLoopTimeLimit = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('max_execution_time_per_loop');
     foreach ($this->m_aData as $iRow => $aRowData) {
         if (isset($aResult[$iRow]["__STATUS__"])) {
             // An issue at the earlier steps - skip the rest
         try {
             $oReconciliationFilter = new DBObjectSearch($this->m_sClass);
             $bSkipQuery = false;
             foreach ($this->m_aReconcilKeys as $sAttCode) {
                 $valuecondition = null;
                 if (array_key_exists($sAttCode, $this->m_aExtKeys)) {
                     if ($this->IsNullExternalKeySpec($aRowData, $sAttCode)) {
                         $oExtKey = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->m_sClass, $sAttCode);
                         if ($oExtKey->IsNullAllowed()) {
                             $valuecondition = $oExtKey->GetNullValue();
                             $aResult[$iRow][$sAttCode] = new CellStatus_Void($oExtKey->GetNullValue());
                         } else {
                             $aResult[$iRow][$sAttCode] = new CellStatus_NullIssue();
                     } else {
                         // The value has to be found or verified
                         list($sQuery, $aMatches) = $this->ResolveExternalKey($aRowData, $sAttCode, $aResult[$iRow]);
                         if (count($aMatches) == 1) {
                             $oRemoteObj = reset($aMatches);
                             // first item
                             $valuecondition = $oRemoteObj->GetKey();
                             $aResult[$iRow][$sAttCode] = new CellStatus_Void($oRemoteObj->GetKey());
                         } elseif (count($aMatches) == 0) {
                             $aResult[$iRow][$sAttCode] = new CellStatus_SearchIssue();
                         } else {
                             $aResult[$iRow][$sAttCode] = new CellStatus_Ambiguous(null, count($aMatches), $sQuery);
                 } else {
                     // The value is given in the data row
                     $iCol = $this->m_aAttList[$sAttCode];
                     if ($sAttCode == 'id') {
                         $valuecondition = $aRowData[$iCol];
                     } else {
                         $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->m_sClass, $sAttCode);
                         $valuecondition = $oAttDef->MakeValueFromString($aRowData[$iCol], $this->m_bLocalizedValues);
                 if (is_null($valuecondition)) {
                     $bSkipQuery = true;
                 } else {
                     $oReconciliationFilter->AddCondition($sAttCode, $valuecondition, '=');
             if ($bSkipQuery) {
                 $aResult[$iRow]["__STATUS__"] = new RowStatus_Issue(Dict::S('UI:CSVReport-Row-Issue-Reconciliation'));
             } else {
                 $oReconciliationSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oReconciliationFilter);
                 switch ($oReconciliationSet->Count()) {
                     case 0:
                         $oTargetObj = $this->CreateObject($aResult, $iRow, $aRowData, $oChange);
                         // $aResult[$iRow]["__STATUS__"]=> set in CreateObject
                         $aVisited[] = $oTargetObj->GetKey();
                     case 1:
                         $oTargetObj = $oReconciliationSet->Fetch();
                         $this->UpdateObject($aResult, $iRow, $oTargetObj, $aRowData, $oChange);
                         // $aResult[$iRow]["__STATUS__"]=> set in UpdateObject
                         if (!is_null($this->m_sSynchroScope)) {
                             $aVisited[] = $oTargetObj->GetKey();
                         // Found several matches, ambiguous
                         $aResult[$iRow]["__STATUS__"] = new RowStatus_Issue(Dict::S('UI:CSVReport-Row-Issue-Ambiguous'));
                         $aResult[$iRow]["id"] = new CellStatus_Ambiguous(0, $oReconciliationSet->Count(), $oReconciliationFilter->ToOql());
                         $aResult[$iRow]["finalclass"] = 'n/a';
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $aResult[$iRow]["__STATUS__"] = new RowStatus_Issue(Dict::Format('UI:CSVReport-Row-Issue-Internal', get_class($e), $e->getMessage()));
     if (!is_null($this->m_sSynchroScope)) {
         // Compute the delta between the scope and visited objects
         $oScopeSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($this->m_sSynchroScope);
         $oScopeSet = new DBObjectSet($oScopeSearch);
         while ($oObj = $oScopeSet->Fetch()) {
             $iObj = $oObj->GetKey();
             if (!in_array($iObj, $aVisited)) {
                 $this->UpdateMissingObject($aResult, $iRow, $oObj, $oChange);
     // Fill in the blanks - the result matrix is expected to be 100% complete
     foreach ($this->m_aData as $iRow => $aRowData) {
         foreach ($this->m_aAttList as $iCol) {
             if (!array_key_exists($iCol, $aResult[$iRow])) {
                 $aResult[$iRow][$iCol] = new CellStatus_Void($aRowData[$iCol]);
         foreach ($this->m_aExtKeys as $sAttCode => $aForeignAtts) {
             if (!array_key_exists($sAttCode, $aResult[$iRow])) {
                 $aResult[$iRow][$sAttCode] = new CellStatus_Void('n/a');
             foreach ($aForeignAtts as $sForeignAttCode => $iCol) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($iCol, $aResult[$iRow])) {
                     // The foreign attribute is one of our reconciliation key
                     $aResult[$iRow][$iCol] = new CellStatus_Void($aRowData[$iCol]);
     return $aResult;
 protected function DoExecute()
     foreach (MetaModel::GetClasses() as $sClassName) {
         if (MetaModel::HasTable($sClassName)) {
         $oNobody = MetaModel::GetObject($sClassName, 123);
         $oBaby = new $sClassName();
         $oFilter = new DBObjectSearch($sClassName);
         // Challenge reversibility of OQL / filter object
         $sExpr1 = $oFilter->ToOQL();
         $oNewFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sExpr1);
         $sExpr2 = $oNewFilter->ToOQL();
         if ($sExpr1 != $sExpr2) {
             $this->ReportError("Found two different OQL expression out of the (same?) filter: <em>{$sExpr1}</em> != <em>{$sExpr2}</em>");
         // Use the filter (perform the query)
         $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oFilter);
         $this->ReportSuccess('Found ' . $oSet->Count() . " objects of class {$sClassName}");
     return true;