function generateAvatarGD($gdversion, $src_img, $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $quality, $location) { if ($srcWidth > $dstWidth || $srcHeight > $dstHeight) { $ratio = $srcWidth / $srcHeight; if ($dstWidth / $dstHeight > $ratio) { $dstWidth = $dstHeight * $ratio; } else { $dstHeight = $dstWidth / $ratio; } } else { $dstWidth = $srcWidth; $dstHeight = $srcHeight; } if ((int) $gdversion == 1) { $dst_img = imagecreate($dstWidth, $dstHeight); imagecopyresized($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int) $dstWidth, (int) $dstHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); } else { $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dstWidth, $dstHeight); imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int) $dstWidth, (int) $dstHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); } $tmpfile = tempnam(CKunenaPath::tmpdir(), "kn_"); imagejpeg($dst_img, $tmpfile, $quality); CKunenaFile::copy($tmpfile, $location); unlink($tmpfile); imagedestroy($dst_img); }
function upload($src, $dest) { // Initialize variables jimport('joomla.client.helper'); $FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp'); $ret = false; if (is_uploaded_file($src)) { if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1 && self::exists($dest) && !CKunenaPath::isOwner($dest)) { @chmod($dest, 0777); } $ret = parent::upload($src, $dest); if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) { if ($ret === true) { jimport('joomla.client.ftp'); $ftp =& JFTP::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], null, $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']); @unlink($src); $ret = true; } else { @chmod($src, 0644); } } } else { JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('WARNFS_ERR02')); } }
function showCss($option) { require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.file.class.php'; $kunena_config = KunenaFactory::getConfig(); $file = KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE . '/' . $kunena_config->template . '/css/'; $permission = CKunenaPath::isWritable($file); if (!$permission) { echo "<center><h1><font color=red>" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_WARNING') . "</font></h1><br />"; echo "<b>" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_CFC_FILENAME') . ": " . $file . "</b><br />"; echo "<b>" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_CHMOD1') . "</b></center><br /><br />"; } html_Kunena::showCss($file, $option); }
function version($file, $newpath, $newfile, $maxwidth = 800, $maxheight = 800, $quality = 70, $scale = CKunenaImage::SCALE_INSIDE) { require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.file.class.php'; // create upload directory if it does not exist $imageinfo = self::getProperties($file); if (!$imageinfo) { return false; } if (!CKunenaFolder::exists($newpath)) { if (!CKunenaFolder::create($newpath)) { return false; } } CKunenaFolder::createIndex($newpath); if ($imageinfo->width > $maxwidth || $imageinfo->height > $maxheight) { $image = new CKunenaImage($file); if ($image->getError()) { return false; } if ($quality < 1 || $quality > 100) { $quality = 70; } $options = array('quality' => $quality); $image = $image->resize($maxwidth, $maxheight, true, $scale); $type = $image->getType(); $temp = CKunenaPath::tmpdir() . '/kunena_' . md5(rand()); $image->toFile($temp, $type, $options); unset($image); if (!CKunenaFile::move($temp, $newpath . '/' . $newfile)) { unlink($temp); return false; } } else { if (!CKunenaFile::copy($file, $newpath . '/' . $newfile)) { return false; } } return true; }
function showCss($option) { require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.file.class.php'; $fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance(); $file = KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE . DS . $fbConfig->template . DS . ""; $permission = CKunenaPath::isWritable($file); if (!$permission) { echo "<center><h1><font color=red>" . _KUNENA_WARNING . "</font></h1><br />"; echo "<b>" . _KUNENA_CFC_FILENAME . ": " . $file . "</b><br />"; echo "<b>" . _KUNENA_CHMOD1 . "</b></center><br /><br />"; } html_Kunena::showCss($file, $option); }
function uploadFile($uploadPath, $input='kattachment', $filename='', $ajax=true) { $result = array (); $this->resetStatus(); // create upload directory if it does not exist if (!CKunenaFolder::exists($uploadPath)) { if (!CKunenaFolder::create($uploadPath)) { $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_CREATE_DIR' )); return false; } } CKunenaFolder::createIndex($uploadPath); $this->fileName = CKunenaFile::makeSafe ( JRequest::getVar ( $input.'_name', '' ) ); $this->fileSize = 0; $chunk = JRequest::getInt ( 'chunk', 0 ); $chunks = JRequest::getInt ( 'chunks', 0 ); if ($chunks && $chunk >= $chunks) $this->error = JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_EXTRA_CHUNK' ); //If uploaded by using normal form (no AJAX) if ($ajax == false || isset ( $_REQUEST ["multipart"])) { $file = JRequest::getVar ( $input, NULL, 'FILES', 'array' ); if (!is_uploaded_file ( $file ['tmp_name'] )) { $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_NOT_UPLOADED' )); return false; } $this->fileTemp = $file ['tmp_name']; $this->fileSize = $file ['size']; if (! $this->fileName) $this->fileName = CKunenaFile::makeSafe ( $file ['name'] ); //any errors the server registered on uploading switch ($file ['error']) { case 0 : // UPLOAD_ERR_OK : break; case 1 : // UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE : case 2 : // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE : $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_SIZE' ) . "DEBUG: file[error]". $file ['error']); break; case 3 : // UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL : $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL' )); break; case 4 : // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE : $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_NO_FILE' )); break; case 5 : // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR : $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_NO_TMP_DIR' )); break; case 7 : // UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE, PHP 5.1.0 $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_CANT_WRITE' )); break; case 8 : // UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION, PHP 5.2.0 $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_PHP_EXTENSION' )); break; default : $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN' )); } } else { // Currently not in use: this is meant for experimental AJAX uploads // Open temp file $this->fileTemp = CKunenaPath::tmpdir() . '/kunena_' . md5 ( $this->_my->id . '/' . $this->_my->username . '/' . $this->fileName ); $out = fopen ($this->fileTemp, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab"); if ($out) { // Read binary input stream and append it to temp file $in = fopen ( "php://input", "rb" ); if ($in) { while ( ( $buff = fread ( $in, 8192 ) ) != false ) fwrite ( $out, $buff ); } else { $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_NO_INPUT' )); } clearstatcache(); $fileInfo = fstat($out); $this->fileSize = $fileInfo['size']; fclose ( $out ); if (!$this->error) $this->checkFileSize($this->fileSize); if ($chunk+1 < $chunks) { $this->status = empty($this->error); return $this->status; } } else { $this->fail(JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_CANT_WRITE' )); } } // Terminate early if we already hit an error if ($this->error) { return false; } // assume the extension is false until we know its ok $extOk = false; $fileparts = $this->getValidExtension($this->validFileExts); if ($fileparts) { $this->_isfile = true; $extOk = true; $uploadedFileBasename = $fileparts[0]; $uploadedFileExtension = $fileparts[1]; } $fileparts = $this->getValidExtension($this->validImageExts); if ($fileparts) { $this->_isimage = true; $extOk = true; $uploadedFileBasename = $fileparts[0]; $uploadedFileExtension = $fileparts[1]; } if ($extOk == false) { $imglist = implode(', ',$this->validImageExts); $filelist = implode(', ',$this->validFileExts); if ($imglist && $filelist) $this->Fail(JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_EXTENSION', $imglist, $filelist )); else if ($imglist && !$filelist) $this->Fail(JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_EXTENSION_FILE', $this->_config->filetypes )); else if (!$imglist && $filelist) $this->Fail(JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_EXTENSION_IMAGE', $this->_config->imagetypes )); else $this->Fail(JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED', $filelist )); return false; } // Special processing for images if ($this->_isimage){ $this->imageInfo = CKunenaImageHelper::getProperties( $this->fileTemp ); // Let see if we need to check the MIME type if ($this->_config->checkmimetypes){ // check against whitelist of MIME types $validFileTypes = explode ( ",", $this->_config->imagemimetypes ); //if the temp file does not have a width or a height, or it has a non ok MIME, return if (!is_int ( $this->imageInfo->width ) || !is_int ( $this->imageInfo->height ) || !in_array ( $this->imageInfo->mime, $validFileTypes )) { $this->fail(JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_MIME', $this->imageInfo->mime, $this->_config->imagetypes) ); return false; } } // If image is not inside allowed size limits, resize it if ($this->fileSize > $this->imagesize || $this->imageInfo->width > $this->imagewidth || $this->imageInfo->height > $this->imageheight) { $options = array('quality' => $this->imagequality); $imageRaw = new CKunenaImage($this->fileTemp); if ($imageRaw->getError()) { $this->fail(JText::_($imageRaw->getError())); return false; } $image = $imageRaw->resize($this->imagewidth, $this->imageheight); $type = $imageRaw->getType(); unset($imageRaw); $image->toFile($this->fileTemp,$type,$options); clearstatcache(); // Re-calculate physical file size: image has been shrunk $stat = stat($this->fileTemp); if (! $stat) { $this->fail(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_STAT').' '.$this->fileTemp); return false; } $this->fileSize = $stat['size']; } } $this->checkFileSize($this->fileSize); // Check again for error and terminate early if we already hit an error if ($this->error) { return false; } // Populate hash, file size and other info // Get a hash value from the file $this->fileHash = md5_file ( $this->fileTemp ); // Override filename if given in the parameter if ($filename) $uploadedFileBasename = $filename; // Rename file if there is already one with the same name $newFileName = $uploadedFileBasename . "." . $uploadedFileExtension; if (file_exists($uploadPath .'/'. $newFileName)) { $newFileName = $uploadedFileBasename . date('_Y-m-d') . "." . $uploadedFileExtension; for ($i=2; file_exists("{$uploadPath}/{$newFileName}"); $i++) { $newFileName = $uploadedFileBasename . date('_Y-m-d') . "-$i." . $uploadedFileExtension; } } $this->fileName = $newFileName; $this->fileName = preg_replace('/[[:space:]]/', '',$this->fileName); // All the processing is complete - now we need to move the file(s) into the final location @chmod($this->fileTemp, 0644); if (! JFile::copy ( $this->fileTemp, $uploadPath.'/'.$this->fileName )) { $this->fail(JText::sprintf('COM_KUNENA_UPLOAD_ERROR_NOT_MOVED', $uploadPath.'/'.$this->fileName)); unlink($this->fileTemp); return false; } unlink($this->fileTemp); JPath::setPermissions($uploadPath.'/'.$this->fileName); $this->ready = true; return $this->status = true; }