 function GetRSSText($arIBLOCK, $LIMIT_NUM = false, $LIMIT_DAY = false, $yandex = false)
     global $DB;
     $strRes = "";
     $serverName = "";
     if (isset($arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"]) && strlen($arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"]) > 0) {
         $serverName = $arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"];
     if (strlen($serverName) <= 0 && !isset($arIBLOCK["SERVER_NAME"])) {
         $dbSite = CSite::GetList($b = "sort", $o = "asc", array("LID" => $arIBLOCK["LID"]));
         if ($arSite = $dbSite->Fetch()) {
             $serverName = $arSite["SERVER_NAME"];
     if (strlen($serverName) <= 0) {
         if (defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME") && strlen(SITE_SERVER_NAME) > 0) {
             $serverName = SITE_SERVER_NAME;
         } else {
             $serverName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", "www.bitrixsoft.com");
     $strRes .= "<channel>\n";
     $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arIBLOCK["NAME"]) . "</title>\n";
     $strRes .= "<link>http://" . $serverName . "</link>\n";
     $strRes .= "<description>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arIBLOCK["DESCRIPTION"]) . "</description>\n";
     $strRes .= "<lastBuildDate>" . date("r") . "</lastBuildDate>\n";
     $strRes .= "<ttl>" . $arIBLOCK["RSS_TTL"] . "</ttl>\n";
     $db_img_arr = CFile::GetFileArray($arIBLOCK["PICTURE"]);
     if ($db_img_arr) {
         if (substr($db_img_arr["SRC"], 0, 1) == "/") {
             $strImage = "http://" . $serverName . $db_img_arr["SRC"];
         } else {
             $strImage = $db_img_arr["SRC"];
         $strRes .= "<image>\n";
         $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arIBLOCK["NAME"]) . "</title>\n";
         $strRes .= "<url>" . $strImage . "</url>\n";
         $strRes .= "<link>http://" . $serverName . "</link>\n";
         $strRes .= "<width>" . $db_img_arr["WIDTH"] . "</width>\n";
         $strRes .= "<height>" . $db_img_arr["HEIGHT"] . "</height>\n";
         $strRes .= "</image>\n";
     $arNodes = array();
     $db_res = $DB->Query("SELECT NODE, NODE_VALUE FROM b_iblock_rss WHERE IBLOCK_ID = " . IntVal($arIBLOCK["ID"]));
     while ($db_res_arr = $db_res->Fetch()) {
         $arNodes[$db_res_arr["NODE"]] = $db_res_arr["NODE_VALUE"];
     $strSql = "SELECT DISTINCT BE.*, " . "\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.TIMESTAMP_X") . " as TIMESTAMP_X, " . "\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_FROM", "FULL") . " as ACTIVE_FROM, " . "\t" . $DB->DateToCharFunction("BE.ACTIVE_TO", "FULL") . " as ACTIVE_TO, " . "\tL.DIR as LANG_DIR, B.DETAIL_PAGE_URL, B.LIST_PAGE_URL, B.LID, L.SERVER_NAME " . "FROM b_iblock_element BE, b_lang L, b_iblock B " . "\tLEFT JOIN b_iblock_group IBG ON IBG.IBLOCK_ID=B.ID " . "WHERE BE.IBLOCK_ID = B.ID " . "\tAND B.LID = L.LID " . "\tAND IBG.GROUP_ID IN (2) " . "\tAND BE.WF_STATUS_ID = 1 AND BE.WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID is null " . "\tAND IBG.PERMISSION>='R' " . "\tAND (IBG.PERMISSION='X' OR B.ACTIVE='Y') " . "\tAND (BE.IBLOCK_ID = " . IntVal($arIBLOCK["ID"]) . ") " . "\tAND ((BE.ACTIVE_TO >= " . $DB->GetNowFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_TO IS NULL) AND (BE.ACTIVE_FROM <= " . $DB->GetNowFunction() . " OR BE.ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL)) " . "\tAND (BE.ACTIVE = 'Y') ";
     if ($LIMIT_DAY !== false) {
         $strSql .= " AND (BE.ACTIVE_FROM>=" . $DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql(date($DB->DateFormatToPHP(CLang::GetDateFormat("FULL")), mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d") - IntVal($LIMIT_DAY), date("Y")))), "FULL") . " OR BE.ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL) ";
     $res = $DB->Query($strSql);
     $items = new CIBlockResult($res->result);
     if ($LIMIT_NUM !== False && IntVal($LIMIT_NUM) > 0) {
     while ($arItem = $items->GetNext()) {
         $props = CIBlockElement::GetProperty($arIBLOCK["ID"], $arItem["ID"], "sort", "asc", array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "NON_EMPTY" => "Y"));
         $arProps = array();
         while ($arProp = $props->Fetch()) {
             if (strlen($arProp["CODE"]) > 0) {
                 $arProps[$arProp["CODE"]] = array("NAME" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arProp["NAME"]), "VALUE" => htmlspecialcharsex($arProp["VALUE"]));
             } else {
                 $arProps[$arProp["ID"]] = array("NAME" => htmlspecialcharsbx($arProp["NAME"]), "VALUE" => htmlspecialcharsex($arProp["VALUE"]));
         $arLinkProp = $arProps["DOC_LINK"];
         $strRes .= "<item>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["title"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["title"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</title>\n";
         } else {
             $strRes .= "<title>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["~NAME"]) . "</title>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["link"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<link>" . CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["link"], $arProps, $arItem) . "</link>\n";
         } else {
             $strRes .= "<link>http://" . $serverName . ($arLinkProp["VALUE"] ? $arLinkProp["VALUE"] : $arItem["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]) . "</link>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["description"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<description>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["description"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</description>\n";
         } else {
             $strRes .= "<description>" . ($arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"] || $yandex ? htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"]) : htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["DETAIL_TEXT"])) . "</description>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["enclosure"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<enclosure url=\"" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["enclosure"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "\" length=\"" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["enclosure_length"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "\" type=\"" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["enclosure_type"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "\"/>\n";
         } else {
             $db_img_arr = CFile::GetFileArray($arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]);
             if ($db_img_arr) {
                 if (substr($db_img_arr["SRC"], 0, 1) == "/") {
                     $strImage = "http://" . $serverName . $db_img_arr["SRC"];
                 } else {
                     $strImage = $db_img_arr["SRC"];
                 $strRes .= "<enclosure url=\"" . $strImage . "\" length=\"" . $db_img_arr["FILE_SIZE"] . "\" type=\"" . $db_img_arr["CONTENT_TYPE"] . "\" width=\"" . $db_img_arr["WIDTH"] . "\" height=\"" . $db_img_arr["HEIGHT"] . "\"/>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["category"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<category>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["category"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</category>\n";
         } else {
             $strPath = "";
             $nav = CIBlockSection::GetNavChain($arIBLOCK["ID"], $arItem["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]);
             while ($ar_nav = $nav->GetNext()) {
                 $strPath .= $ar_nav["NAME"] . "/";
             if (strlen($strPath) > 0) {
                 $strRes .= "<category>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($strPath) . "</category>\n";
         if ($yandex) {
             $strRes .= "<yandex:full-text>" . htmlspecialcharsbx($arItem["DETAIL_TEXT"]) . "</yandex:full-text>\n";
         if (strlen($arNodes["pubDate"]) > 0) {
             $strRes .= "<pubDate>" . htmlspecialcharsbx(CIBlockRSS::ExtractProperties($arNodes["pubDate"], $arProps, $arItem)) . "</pubDate>\n";
         } else {
             if (strlen($arItem["ACTIVE_FROM"]) > 0) {
                 $strRes .= "<pubDate>" . date("r", MkDateTime($DB->FormatDate($arItem["ACTIVE_FROM"], Clang::GetDateFormat("FULL"), "DD.MM.YYYY H:I:S"), "d.m.Y H:i:s")) . "</pubDate>\n";
             } else {
                 $strRes .= "<pubDate>" . date("r") . "</pubDate>\n";
         $strRes .= "</item>\n";
     $strRes .= "</channel>\n";
     return $strRes;
function GetCatalogProductTable($IBLOCK, $SECT_ID = false, $arOrder = array("sort" => "asc"), $cnt = 0)
    return false;
    $arFilter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => intval($IBLOCK), "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y");
    if ($SECT_ID !== false) {
        $arFilter["SECTION_ID"] = intval($SECT_ID);
    $res = CCatalogProduct::GetListEx($arOrder, $arFilter);
    $dbr = new CIBlockResult($res->result);
    if ($cnt > 0) {
    return $dbr;
 * Returns list of the information blocks of specified $type linked to the specified site
 * @param string $lang Site identifier blocks linked to.
 * @param string $type Information blocks type to get blocks from.
 * @param array|string|int $arTypesInc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to get.
 * @param array|string|int $arTypesExc Information block ID or CODE or array of IDs or CODEs to exclude.
 * @param array $arOrder Order in which blocks will be returned.
 * @param int $cnt Maximum count of iblocks to be returned.
 * @param bool $bCountActive
 * @return CIBlockResult
 * @deprecated No longer used by internal code and not recommended.
function GetIBlockListLang($lang, $type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("SORT" => "ASC"), $cnt = 0, $bCountActive = false)
    $arIDsInc = array();
    $arCODEsInc = array();
    if (is_array($arTypesInc)) {
        foreach ($arTypesInc as $i) {
            if (intval($i) > 0) {
                $arIDsInc[] = $i;
            } else {
                $arCODEsInc[] = $i;
    } elseif (intval($arTypesInc) > 0) {
        $arIDsInc[] = $arTypesInc;
    } else {
        $arCODEsInc[] = $arTypesInc;
    $arIDsExc = array();
    $arCODEsExc = array();
    if (is_array($arTypesExc)) {
        foreach ($arTypesExc as $i) {
            if (intval($i) > 0) {
                $arIDsExc[] = $i;
            } else {
                $arCODEsExc[] = $i;
    } elseif (intval($arTypesExc) > 0) {
        $arIDsExc[] = $arTypesExc;
    } else {
        $arCODEsExc[] = $arTypesExc;
    $res = CIBlock::GetList($arOrder, array("type" => $type, "LID" => $lang, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "CNT_ACTIVE" => $bCountActive ? "Y" : "N", "ID" => $arIDsInc, "CODE" => $arCODEsInc, "!ID" => $arIDsExc, "!CODE" => $arCODEsExc), $bCountActive);
    $dbr = new CIBlockResult($res);
    if ($cnt > 0) {
    return $dbr;
function GetIBlockListLang($lang, $type, $arTypesInc = array(), $arTypesExc = array(), $arOrder = array("SORT" => "ASC"), $cnt = 0)
    if (!is_array($arTypesInc)) {
        $arTypesInc = array($arTypesInc);
    $arIDsInc = array();
    $arCODEsInc = array();
    foreach ($arTypesInc as $i) {
        if (IntVal($i) > 0) {
            $arIDsInc[] = $i;
        } else {
            $arCODEsInc[] = $i;
    if (!is_array($arTypesExc)) {
        $arTypesExc = array($arTypesExc);
    $arIDsExc = array();
    $arCODEsExc = array();
    foreach ($arTypesExc as $i) {
        if (intval($arTypesExc[$i]) > 0) {
            $arIDsExc[] = $i;
        } else {
            $arCODEsExc[] = $i;
    $res = CIBlock::GetList($arOrder, array("type" => $type, "LID" => $lang, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ID" => $arIDsInc, "CODE" => $arCODEsInc, "!ID" => $arIDsExc, "!CODE" => $arCODEsExc));
    $dbr = new CIBlockResult($res);
    if ($cnt > 0) {
    return $dbr;