public static function Add($iblock_id, $arFields) { if ($iblock_id > 0) { $arIBlockFields = CIBlock::GetArrayByID($iblock_id, "FIELDS"); $arIBlockFields[$arFields["TYPE"]] = $arFields; CIBlock::SetFields($iblock_id, $arIBlockFields); $GLOBALS["stackCacheManager"]->Clear("b_iblock"); } return new CListElementField($iblock_id, $arFields["TYPE"], $arFields["NAME"], $arFields["SORT"]); }
function ImportMetaData($xml_root_id, $IBLOCK_TYPE, $IBLOCK_LID, $bUpdateIBlock = true) { global $APPLICATION; $rs = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array("ID" => "asc"), array("ID" => $xml_root_id), array("ID", "NAME", "ATTRIBUTES")); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); if ($ar) { foreach (array(LANGUAGE_ID, "en", "ru") as $lang) { $mess = IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__, $lang, true); if ($ar["NAME"] === $mess["IBLOCK_XML2_COMMERCE_INFO"]) { $this->mess = $mess; $this->next_step["lang"] = $lang; } } $xml_root_id = $ar["ID"]; } if ($ar && strlen($ar["ATTRIBUTES"]) > 0) { $info = unserialize($ar["ATTRIBUTES"]); if (is_array($info) && array_key_exists($this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_SUM_FORMAT"], $info)) { if (preg_match("#" . $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_SUM_FORMAT_DELIM"] . "=(.);{0,1}#", $info[$this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_SUM_FORMAT"]], $match)) { $this->next_step["sdp"] = $match[1]; } } } $meta_data_xml_id = false; $XML_ELEMENTS_PARENT = false; $XML_SECTIONS_PARENT = false; $XML_PROPERTIES_PARENT = false; $XML_SECTIONS_PROPERTIES_PARENT = false; $XML_PRICES_PARENT = false; $XML_STORES_PARENT = false; $XML_BASE_UNITS_PARENT = false; $XML_SECTION_PROPERTIES = false; $arIBlock = array(); $this->next_step["bOffer"] = false; $rs = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array(), array("PARENT_ID" => $xml_root_id, "NAME" => $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_CATALOG"]), array("ID", "ATTRIBUTES")); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); if (!$ar) { $rs = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array(), array("PARENT_ID" => $xml_root_id, "NAME" => $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_OFFER_LIST"]), array("ID", "ATTRIBUTES")); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); $this->next_step["bOffer"] = true; } if (!$ar) { $rs = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array(), array("PARENT_ID" => $xml_root_id, "NAME" => $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_OFFERS_CHANGE"]), array("ID", "ATTRIBUTES")); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); $this->next_step["bOffer"] = true; $this->next_step["bUpdateOnly"] = true; $bUpdateIBlock = false; } if ($this->next_step["bOffer"] && !$this->bCatalog) { return GetMessage('IBLOCK_XML2_MODULE_CATALOG_IS_ABSENT'); } if ($ar) { if (strlen($ar["ATTRIBUTES"]) > 0) { $attrs = unserialize($ar["ATTRIBUTES"]); if (is_array($attrs)) { if (array_key_exists($this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_UPDATE_ONLY"], $attrs)) { $this->next_step["bUpdateOnly"] = $attrs[$this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_UPDATE_ONLY"]] == "true" || intval($attrs[$this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_UPDATE_ONLY"]]) ? true : false; } } } $rs = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array("ID" => "asc"), array("PARENT_ID" => $ar["ID"])); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { if (isset($ar["VALUE_CLOB"])) { $ar["VALUE"] = $ar["VALUE_CLOB"]; } if ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_ID"]) { $arIBlock["XML_ID"] = ($this->use_iblock_type_id ? $IBLOCK_TYPE . "-" : "") . $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_CATALOG_ID"]) { $arIBlock["CATALOG_XML_ID"] = ($this->use_iblock_type_id ? $IBLOCK_TYPE . "-" : "") . $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_NAME"]) { $arIBlock["NAME"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_DESCRIPTION"]) { $arIBlock["DESCRIPTION"] = $ar["VALUE"]; $arIBlock["DESCRIPTION_TYPE"] = "html"; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_POSITIONS"] || $ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_OFFERS"]) { $XML_ELEMENTS_PARENT = $ar["ID"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_PRICE_TYPES"]) { $XML_PRICES_PARENT = $ar["ID"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_STORES"]) { $XML_STORES_PARENT = $ar["ID"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BASE_UNITS"]) { $XML_BASE_UNITS_PARENT = $ar["ID"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_METADATA_ID"]) { $meta_data_xml_id = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_UPDATE_ONLY"]) { $this->next_step["bUpdateOnly"] = $ar["VALUE"] == "true" || intval($ar["VALUE"]) ? true : false; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_CODE"]) { $arIBlock["CODE"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_SORT"]) { $arIBlock["SORT"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_LIST_URL"]) { $arIBlock["LIST_PAGE_URL"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_DETAIL_URL"]) { $arIBlock["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_SECTION_URL"]) { $arIBlock["SECTION_PAGE_URL"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_CANONICAL_URL"]) { $arIBlock["CANONICAL_PAGE_URL"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_INDEX_ELEMENTS"]) { $arIBlock["INDEX_ELEMENT"] = $ar["VALUE"] == "true" || intval($ar["VALUE"]) ? "Y" : "N"; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_INDEX_SECTIONS"]) { $arIBlock["INDEX_SECTION"] = $ar["VALUE"] == "true" || intval($ar["VALUE"]) ? "Y" : "N"; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_SECTIONS_NAME"]) { $arIBlock["SECTIONS_NAME"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_SECTION_NAME"]) { $arIBlock["SECTION_NAME"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_ELEMENTS_NAME"]) { $arIBlock["ELEMENTS_NAME"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_ELEMENT_NAME"]) { $arIBlock["ELEMENT_NAME"] = $ar["VALUE"]; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_PICTURE"]) { if (strlen($ar["VALUE"]) > 0) { $arIBlock["PICTURE"] = $this->MakeFileArray($ar["VALUE"]); } else { $arIBlock["PICTURE"] = $this->MakeFileArray($this->_xml_file->GetAllChildrenArray($ar["ID"])); } } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BX_WORKFLOW"]) { $arIBlock["WORKFLOW"] = $ar["VALUE"] == "true" || intval($ar["VALUE"]) ? "Y" : "N"; } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_INHERITED_TEMPLATES"]) { $arIBlock["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"] = array(); $arTemplates = $this->_xml_file->GetAllChildrenArray($ar["ID"]); foreach ($arTemplates as $TEMPLATE) { $id = $TEMPLATE[$this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_ID"]]; $template = $TEMPLATE[$this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_VALUE"]]; if (strlen($id) > 0 && strlen($template) > 0) { $arIBlock["IPROPERTY_TEMPLATES"][$id] = $template; } } } elseif ($ar["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_LABELS"]) { $arLabels = $this->_xml_file->GetAllChildrenArray($ar["ID"]); foreach ($arLabels as $arLabel) { $id = $arLabel[$this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_ID"]]; $label = $arLabel[$this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_VALUE"]]; if (strlen($id) > 0 && strlen($label) > 0) { $arIBlock[$id] = $label; } } } } if ($this->next_step["bOffer"] && !$this->use_offers) { if (strlen($arIBlock["CATALOG_XML_ID"]) > 0) { $arIBlock["XML_ID"] = $arIBlock["CATALOG_XML_ID"]; $this->next_step["bUpdateOnly"] = true; } } $obIBlock = new CIBlock(); $rsIBlocks = $obIBlock->GetList(array(), array("XML_ID" => $arIBlock["XML_ID"])); $ar = $rsIBlocks->Fetch(); //Also check for non bitrix xml file if (!$ar && !array_key_exists("CODE", $arIBlock)) { if ($this->next_step["bOffer"] && $this->use_offers) { $rsIBlocks = $obIBlock->GetList(array(), array("XML_ID" => "FUTURE-1C-OFFERS")); } else { $rsIBlocks = $obIBlock->GetList(array(), array("XML_ID" => "FUTURE-1C-CATALOG")); } $ar = $rsIBlocks->Fetch(); } if ($ar) { if ($bUpdateIBlock && (!$this->next_step["bOffer"] || $this->use_offers)) { if ($obIBlock->Update($ar["ID"], $arIBlock)) { $arIBlock["ID"] = $ar["ID"]; } else { return $obIBlock->LAST_ERROR; } } else { $arIBlock["ID"] = $ar["ID"]; } } else { $arIBlock["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"] = $this->CheckIBlockType($IBLOCK_TYPE); if (!$arIBlock["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"]) { return GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_TYPE_ADD_ERROR"); } $arIBlock["GROUP_ID"] = array(2 => "R"); $arIBlock["LID"] = $this->CheckSites($IBLOCK_LID); $arIBlock["ACTIVE"] = "Y"; $arIBlock["WORKFLOW"] = "N"; if ($this->translit_on_add && !array_key_exists("CODE", $arIBlock)) { $arIBlock["FIELDS"] = array("CODE" => array("DEFAULT_VALUE" => array("TRANSLITERATION" => "Y", "TRANS_LEN" => $this->translit_on_add["max_len"], "TRANS_CASE" => $this->translit_on_add["change_case"], "TRANS_SPACE" => $this->translit_on_add["replace_space"], "TRANS_OTHER" => $this->translit_on_add["replace_other"], "TRANS_EAT" => $this->translit_on_add["delete_repeat_replace"] ? "Y" : "N")), "SECTION_CODE" => array("DEFAULT_VALUE" => array("TRANSLITERATION" => "Y", "TRANS_LEN" => $this->translit_on_add["max_len"], "TRANS_CASE" => $this->translit_on_add["change_case"], "TRANS_SPACE" => $this->translit_on_add["replace_space"], "TRANS_OTHER" => $this->translit_on_add["replace_other"], "TRANS_EAT" => $this->translit_on_add["delete_repeat_replace"] ? "Y" : "N"))); } $arIBlock["ID"] = $obIBlock->Add($arIBlock); if (!$arIBlock["ID"]) { return $obIBlock->LAST_ERROR; } } //Make this catalog if ($this->bCatalog && $this->next_step["bOffer"]) { $obCatalog = new CCatalog(); $intParentID = $this->GetIBlockByXML_ID($arIBlock["CATALOG_XML_ID"]); if (0 < intval($intParentID) && $this->use_offers) { $mxSKUProp = $obCatalog->LinkSKUIBlock($intParentID, $arIBlock["ID"]); if (!$mxSKUProp) { if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $result = $ex->GetString(); return $result; } } else { $rs = CCatalog::GetList(array(), array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arIBlock["ID"])); if ($arOffer = $rs->Fetch()) { $boolFlag = $obCatalog->Update($arIBlock["ID"], array('PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID' => $intParentID, 'SKU_PROPERTY_ID' => $mxSKUProp)); } else { $boolFlag = $obCatalog->Add(array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arIBlock["ID"], "YANDEX_EXPORT" => "N", "SUBSCRIPTION" => "N", 'PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID' => $intParentID, 'SKU_PROPERTY_ID' => $mxSKUProp)); } if (!$boolFlag) { if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $result = $ex->GetString(); return $result; } } } } else { $rs = CCatalog::GetList(array(), array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arIBlock["ID"])); if (!$rs->Fetch()) { $boolFlag = $obCatalog->Add(array("IBLOCK_ID" => $arIBlock["ID"], "YANDEX_EXPORT" => "N", "SUBSCRIPTION" => "N")); if (!$boolFlag) { if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $result = $ex->GetString(); return $result; } } } } } //For non bitrix xml file //Check for mandatory properties and add them as necessary if (!array_key_exists("CODE", $arIBlock)) { $arProperties = array("CML2_BAR_CODE" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_BAR_CODE"), "CML2_ARTICLE" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_ARTICLE"), "CML2_ATTRIBUTES" => array("NAME" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_ATTRIBUTES"), "MULTIPLE" => "Y", "WITH_DESCRIPTION" => "Y", "MULTIPLE_CNT" => 1), "CML2_TRAITS" => array("NAME" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_TRAITS"), "MULTIPLE" => "Y", "WITH_DESCRIPTION" => "Y", "MULTIPLE_CNT" => 1), "CML2_BASE_UNIT" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_BASE_UNIT_NAME"), "CML2_TAXES" => array("NAME" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_TAXES"), "MULTIPLE" => "Y", "WITH_DESCRIPTION" => "Y", "MULTIPLE_CNT" => 1), "CML2_PICTURES" => array("NAME" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_PICTURES"), "MULTIPLE" => "Y", "WITH_DESCRIPTION" => "Y", "MULTIPLE_CNT" => 1, "PROPERTY_TYPE" => "F", "CODE" => "MORE_PHOTO"), "CML2_FILES" => array("NAME" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_FILES"), "MULTIPLE" => "Y", "WITH_DESCRIPTION" => "Y", "MULTIPLE_CNT" => 1, "PROPERTY_TYPE" => "F", "CODE" => "FILES"), "CML2_MANUFACTURER" => array("NAME" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_PROP_MANUFACTURER"), "MULTIPLE" => "N", "WITH_DESCRIPTION" => "N", "MULTIPLE_CNT" => 1, "PROPERTY_TYPE" => "L")); foreach ($arProperties as $k => $v) { $result = $this->CheckProperty($arIBlock["ID"], $k, $v); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } } //For offers make special property: link to catalog if (isset($arIBlock["CATALOG_XML_ID"]) && $this->use_offers) { $this->CheckProperty($arIBlock["ID"], "CML2_LINK", array("NAME" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_XML2_CATALOG_ELEMENT"), "PROPERTY_TYPE" => "E", "USER_TYPE" => "SKU", "LINK_IBLOCK_ID" => $this->GetIBlockByXML_ID($arIBlock["CATALOG_XML_ID"]), "FILTRABLE" => "Y")); } } $this->next_step["IBLOCK_ID"] = $arIBlock["ID"]; $this->next_step["XML_ELEMENTS_PARENT"] = $XML_ELEMENTS_PARENT; } if ($meta_data_xml_id) { $rs = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array(), array("PARENT_ID" => $xml_root_id, "NAME" => $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_METADATA"]), array("ID")); while ($arMetadata = $rs->Fetch()) { //Find referenced metadata $bMetaFound = false; $meta_roots = array(); $rsMetaRoots = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array("ID" => "asc"), array("PARENT_ID" => $arMetadata["ID"])); while ($arMeta = $rsMetaRoots->Fetch()) { if (isset($arMeta["VALUE_CLOB"])) { $arMeta["VALUE"] = $arMeta["VALUE_CLOB"]; } if ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_ID"] && $arMeta["VALUE"] == $meta_data_xml_id) { $bMetaFound = true; } $meta_roots[] = $arMeta; } //Get xml parents of the properties and sections if ($bMetaFound) { foreach ($meta_roots as $arMeta) { if ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_GROUPS"]) { $XML_SECTIONS_PARENT = $arMeta["ID"]; } elseif ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_PROPERTIES"]) { $XML_PROPERTIES_PARENT = $arMeta["ID"]; } elseif ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_GROUPS_PROPERTIES"]) { $XML_SECTIONS_PROPERTIES_PARENT = $arMeta["ID"]; } elseif ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_SECTION_PROPERTIES"]) { $XML_SECTION_PROPERTIES = $arMeta["ID"]; } elseif ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_PRICE_TYPES"]) { $XML_PRICES_PARENT = $arMeta["ID"]; } elseif ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_STORES"]) { $XML_STORES_PARENT = $arMeta["ID"]; } elseif ($arMeta["NAME"] == $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_BASE_UNITS"]) { $XML_BASE_UNITS_PARENT = $arMeta["ID"]; } } break; } } } $iblockFields = CIBlock::GetFields($arIBlock["ID"]); $iblockFields["XML_IMPORT_START_TIME"] = array("NAME" => "XML_IMPORT_START_TIME", "IS_REQUIRED" => "N", "DEFAULT_VALUE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); CIBlock::SetFields($arIBlock["ID"], $iblockFields); if ($XML_PROPERTIES_PARENT) { $result = $this->ImportProperties($XML_PROPERTIES_PARENT, $arIBlock["ID"]); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } } if ($XML_SECTION_PROPERTIES) { $result = $this->ImportSectionProperties($XML_SECTION_PROPERTIES, $arIBlock["ID"]); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } } if ($XML_SECTIONS_PROPERTIES_PARENT) { $result = $this->ImportSectionsProperties($XML_SECTIONS_PROPERTIES_PARENT, $arIBlock["ID"]); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } } if ($XML_PRICES_PARENT) { if ($this->bCatalog) { $result = $this->ImportPrices($XML_PRICES_PARENT, $arIBlock["ID"], $IBLOCK_LID); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } } } if ($XML_STORES_PARENT) { if ($this->bCatalog && CBXFeatures::IsFeatureEnabled('CatMultiStore')) { $result = $this->ImportStores($XML_STORES_PARENT); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } } } if ($XML_BASE_UNITS_PARENT) { if ($this->bCatalog) { $result = $this->ImportBaseUnits($XML_BASE_UNITS_PARENT); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } } } $this->next_step["section_sort"] = 100; $this->next_step["XML_SECTIONS_PARENT"] = $XML_SECTIONS_PARENT; $rs = $this->_xml_file->GetList(array(), array("PARENT_ID" => $xml_root_id, "NAME" => $this->mess["IBLOCK_XML2_PRODUCTS_SETS"]), array("ID", "ATTRIBUTES")); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); if ($ar) { $this->next_step["SETS"] = $ar["ID"]; } return true; }
public function mergeIblockFields($iblockId, $fields) { $default = \CIBlock::GetFields($iblockId); $fields = $this->arraySoftMerge($default, $fields); \CIBlock::SetFields($iblockId, $fields); }
<?php if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die; } //Library include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/iblock_tools.php"; __IncludeLang(GetLangFileName(dirname(__FILE__) . "/lang/", "/" . basename(__FILE__))); //Parameters if (!is_array($arParams)) { $arParams = array(); } if (strlen($arParams["site_id"]) <= 0) { $arParams["site_id"] = "s1"; } //Install themes iblock DEMO_IBlock_ImportXML("010_services_services-themes_" . LANGUAGE_ID . ".xml", $arParams["site_id"], false, true); //Import XML if ($IBLOCK_ID = DEMO_IBlock_ImportXML("020_news_content-news_" . LANGUAGE_ID . ".xml", $arParams["site_id"], false, true)) { //Set Some IBLOCK FIELDS CIBlock::SetFields($IBLOCK_ID, array("ACTIVE_FROM" => array("DEFAULT_VALUE" => "=now"), "PREVIEW_PICTURE" => array("DEFAULT_VALUE" => array("FROM_DETAIL" => "Y", "SCALE" => "Y", "WIDTH" => 200, "HEIGHT" => 200, "IGNORE_ERRORS" => "N")), "DETAIL_PICTURE" => array("DEFAULT_VALUE" => array("SCALE" => "Y", "WIDTH" => 400, "HEIGHT" => 400, "IGNORE_ERRORS" => "N")))); DEMO_IBlock_EditFormLayout($IBLOCK_ID, array("edit1" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_TAB_TITLE"), "FIELDS" => array("ACTIVE" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_ACTIVE"), "ACTIVE_FROM" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_ACTIVE_FROM"), "SECTIONS" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_SECTIONS"), "NAME" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_NAME"), "PREVIEW_TEXT" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_PREVIEW_TEXT"), "DETAIL_TEXT" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_DETAIL_TEXT"), "DETAIL_PICTURE" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_DETAIL_PICTURE"), "TAGS" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_TAGS"), "PROPERTY_" . CIBlockCMLImport::GetPropertyByXML_ID($IBLOCK_ID, "content-news-property-themes") => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_PROPERTY_THEMES"), "PROPERTY_" . CIBlockCMLImport::GetPropertyByXML_ID($IBLOCK_ID, "content-news-property-source") => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_PROPERTY_SOURCE"), "edit1_csection1" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_edit1_csection1"), "PROPERTY_" . CIBlockCMLImport::GetPropertyByXML_ID($IBLOCK_ID, "content-news-property-keywords") => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_PROPERTY_KEYWORDS"), "PROPERTY_" . CIBlockCMLImport::GetPropertyByXML_ID($IBLOCK_ID, "content-news-property-description") => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION"), "PROPERTY_" . CIBlockCMLImport::GetPropertyByXML_ID($IBLOCK_ID, "content-news-property-browser_title") => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_PROPERTY_BROWSER_TITLE"), "edit1_csection2" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_edit1_csection2"), "WF_STATUS_ID" => GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_FIELD_WF_STATUS_ID"))))); //Create directory and copy files $search = array("#IBLOCK.ID(XML_ID=content-news)#"); $replace = array($IBLOCK_ID); DEMO_IBlock_CopyFiles("/public/content/news/", "/content/news/", false, $search, $replace); //Add menu item DEMO_IBlock_AddMenuItem("/content/", array(GetMessage("DEMO_IBLOCK_CONTENT_NEWS_MENU"), "/content/news/", array(), array(), "")); CUrlRewriter::Add(array("CONDITION" => "#^/content/news/#", "RULE" => "", "ID" => "bitrix:news", "PATH" => "/content/news/index.php")); }
public static function Add($iblock_id, $arFields) { /** @global CStackCacheManager $stackCacheManager */ global $stackCacheManager; if ($iblock_id > 0) { $arIBlockFields = CIBlock::GetArrayByID($iblock_id, "FIELDS"); $arIBlockFields[$arFields["TYPE"]] = $arFields; CIBlock::SetFields($iblock_id, $arIBlockFields); $stackCacheManager->Clear("b_iblock"); } return new CListElementField($iblock_id, $arFields["TYPE"], $arFields["NAME"], $arFields["SORT"]); }
private function __construct($IBLOCK_ID, $params = array()) { if (!isset($params['groups']) || !isset($params['products'])) { throw new \Exception("Groups or Products not exist"); } $rsCatalog = \CCatalog::GetList(array(), array('IBLOCK_ID' => intval($IBLOCK_ID))); if (!$arCatalog = $rsCatalog->Fetch()) { throw new \Exception('Cant find catalog with ID = '.$IBLOCK_ID); } $this->CATALOG_ID = intval($arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID']); $this->OFFERS_ID = intval(Option::get('modifier_id')); if (!$this->OFFERS_ID) { // этот эксепшн можно заменить на создание инфоблока модификаторов throw new \Exception('Need set modifiers iblock'); } $this->defaultSectionID = Option::getDefaultSectionID(); $this->arModifiers[$this->defaultSectionID] = array( 'XML_ID' => $this->defaultSectionID, 'NAME' => 'Другие модификаторы', 'CODE' => $this->defaultSectionID, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y' ); foreach ($params['groups'] as $arItem) { $arInfo = json_decode($arItem['additionalInfo'], true); $arGroup = array( "XML_ID" => $arItem['id'], "SECTION_XML_ID" => $arItem['parentGroup'], "NAME" => $arItem['name'], "CODE" => $arInfo['CODE'], "ACTIVE" => $arInfo['ACTIVE'] === 'N' ? 'N' : 'Y' ); // группа модификаторов if (!$arItem['isIncludedInMenu']) { $this->arModifiers[$arItem['id']] = $arGroup; continue; } // обычная группа $this->arGroups[] = $arGroup; } foreach ($params['products'] as $arItem) { $arElement = array( 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'XML_ID' => $arItem['id'], 'NAME' => $arItem['name'], 'CODE' => $arItem['code'], 'TYPE' => strtoupper($arItem['type']), 'DESCRIPTION' => $arItem['description'], 'SECTION_XML_ID' => $arItem['parentGroup'], 'PRICE' => doubleval($arItem['price']), 'WEIGHT' => $arItem['weight'] * 1000 ); if ($arItem['type'] === 'modifier') { $arElement['SECTION_XML_ID'] = $key = strlen($arItem['groupId']) > 0 ? $arItem['groupId'] : $this->defaultSectionID; $this->arModifiers[$key]['ITEMS'][] = $arElement; continue; } $arElement = array_merge($arElement, array( 'MODIFIERS' => array(), 'GROUP_MODIFIERS' => array() )); if (!empty($arItem['modifiers'])) // обычные модификаторы { foreach ($arItem['modifiers'] as $arModifier) { $arElement['MODIFIERS'][] = array( 'XML_ID' => $arModifier['modifierId'], 'REQUIRED' => intval($arModifier['required']) > 0 ? 'Y' : 'N' ); } } if (!empty($arItem['groupModifiers'])) // групповые модификаторы { foreach ($arItem['groupModifiers'] as $arModifier) { $arElement['GROUP_MODIFIERS'][] = array( 'XML_ID' => $arModifier['modifierId'], 'REQUIRED' => intval($arModifier['required']) > 0 ? 'Y' : 'N' ); } } $this->arProducts[] = $arElement; } $iblockFields = \CIBlock::GetFields($this->CATALOG_ID); $iblockFields["XML_IMPORT_START_TIME"] = array( "NAME" => "XML_IMPORT_START_TIME", "IS_REQUIRED" => "N", "DEFAULT_VALUE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ); \CIBlock::SetFields($this->CATALOG_ID, $iblockFields); }
public function updateIblockFields($iblockId, $fields = array()) { $default = \CIBlock::GetFields($iblockId); $fields = array_replace_recursive($default, $fields); \CIBlock::SetFields($iblockId, $fields); return true; }
/** * */ public function process() { if ($this->processed) { return; } $this->processed = true; foreach ($this->generateData() as $k => $v) { $this->data[$k] = $v; } $this->update(); $o = new \CIBlock(); $mesages = $this->messages(); $o->SetMessages($this->getId(), $mesages); $fields = $this->fields(); $o->SetFields($this->getId(), $fields); $props = $this->loadProperties(); $newProps = $this->properties(); foreach ($this->urlsProps() as $key => $data) { $newProps[$key] = $data; } $o = new \CIBlockProperty(); foreach ($props as $prop => $data) { if (!isset($newProps[$prop])) { $o->Delete($data['ID']); } } foreach ($newProps as $prop => $data) { $data['CODE'] = $prop; if ($data['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == 'E' || $data['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == 'G') { if (!isset($data['LINK_IBLOCK_ID'])) { if (isset($data['LINK_IBLOCK_CODE'])) { $data['LINK_IBLOCK_ID'] = self::codeToId($data['LINK_IBLOCK_CODE']); } } } if (isset($props[$prop])) { $id = $props[$prop]['ID']; $o->Update($id, $data); } else { $data['IBLOCK_ID'] = $this->getId(); $id = $o->Add($data); } if ($data['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == 'L' && isset($data['ITEMS']) && is_array($data['ITEMS'])) { $items = array(); $newItems = $data['ITEMS']; $res = \CIBlockPropertyEnum::GetList(array(), array('PROPERTY_ID' => $id, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N')); while ($row = $res->Fetch()) { $iid = $row['ID']; $eid = $row['EXTERNAL_ID']; if (!isset($newItems[$eid])) { \CIBlockPropertyEnum::Delete($iid); } else { $items[$eid] = $row; } } $eo = new \CIBlockPropertyEnum(); foreach ($newItems as $eid => $edata) { if (is_string($edata)) { $edata = array('VALUE' => $edata); } $edata['PROPERTY_ID'] = $id; $edata['EXTERNAL_ID'] = $eid; $edata['XML_ID'] = $eid; if (isset($items[$eid])) { $eo->Update($items[$eid]['ID'], $edata); } else { $eo->Add($edata); } } } } }