$msg = '';
$obj = new CEvent();
$canDelete = $obj->canDelete($msg, $event_id);
// load the record data
if (!$obj->load($event_id)) {
    $AppUI->setMsg('invalidID', UI_MSG_ERROR, true);
} else {
// load the event types
$types = dPgetSysVal('EventType');
// load the event recurs types
$recurs = array('Never', 'Hourly', 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Bi-Weekly', 'Every Month', 'Quarterly', 'Every 6 months', 'Every Year');
$assigned = $obj->getAssigned();
if ($obj->event_owner != $AppUI->user_id && !getPermission('admin', 'view')) {
    $canEdit = false;
$df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
$tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
$start_date = $obj->event_start_date ? new CDate($obj->event_start_date) : null;
$end_date = $obj->event_end_date ? new CDate($obj->event_end_date) : null;
$event_project = db_LoadResult('SELECT project_name FROM projects where project_id=' . $obj->event_project);
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('View Event', 'myevo-appointments.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}");
if ($canAuthor) {
    $titleBlock->addCell('<form action="?m=calendar&amp;a=addedit" method="post">' . '<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new event') . '" /></form>', '', '', '');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&amp;date=' . $start_date->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE), 'month view');
function getEventTooltip($event_id)
    global $AppUI;
    if (!$event_id) {
        return '';
    $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
    $tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
    // load the record data
    $event = new CEvent();
    // load the event types
    $types = w2PgetSysVal('EventType');
    // load the event recurs types
    $recurs = array('Never', 'Hourly', 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Bi-Weekly', 'Every Month', 'Quarterly', 'Every 6 months', 'Every Year');
    $obj = new CEvent();
    $obj->event_id = $event_id;
    $assigned = $obj->getAssigned();
    $start_date = $event->event_start_date ? new CDate($event->event_start_date) : null;
    $end_date = $event->event_end_date ? new CDate($event->event_end_date) : null;
    if ($event->event_project) {
        $event_project = $event->project_name;
        $event_company = $event->company_name;
    $tt = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="96%">';
    $tt .= '<tr>';
    $tt .= '	<td valign="top" width="50%">';
    $tt .= '		<strong>' . $AppUI->_('Details') . '</strong>';
    $tt .= '		<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2" width="100%">';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td style="text-color:white;border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Type') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td width="100%" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_($types[$event->event_type]) . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>	';
    if ($event->event_project) {
        $tt .= '		<tr>';
        $tt .= '			<td style="border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Company') . '</td>';
        $tt .= '			<td width="100%">' . $event_company . '</td>';
        $tt .= '		</tr>';
        $tt .= '		<tr>';
        $tt .= '			<td style="border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Project') . '</td>';
        $tt .= '			<td width="100%">' . $event_project . '</td>';
        $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td style="border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Starts') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td nowrap="nowrap">' . ($start_date ? $start_date->format($df . ' ' . $tf) : '-') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td style="border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Ends') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td nowrap="nowrap">' . ($end_date ? $end_date->format($df . ' ' . $tf) : '-') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td style="border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Recurs') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_($recurs[$event->event_recurs]) . ($event->event_recurs ? ' (' . $event->event_times_recuring . '&nbsp;' . $AppUI->_('times') . ')' : '') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td style="border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Attendees') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td nowrap="nowrap">';
    if (is_array($assigned)) {
        $start = false;
        foreach ($assigned as $user) {
            if ($start) {
                $tt .= '<br />';
            } else {
                $start = true;
            $tt .= $user;
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		</table>';
    $tt .= '	</td>';
    $tt .= '	<td width="50%" valign="top">';
    $tt .= '		<strong>' . $AppUI->_('Note') . '</strong>';
    $tt .= '		<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%">';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td style="border: 1px solid white;-moz-border-radius:3.5px;-webkit-border-radius:3.5px;">';
    $tt .= '				' . mb_str_replace(chr(10), "<br />", $event->event_description) . '&nbsp;';
    $tt .= '			</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		</table>';
    $tt .= '	</td>';
    $tt .= '</tr>';
    $tt .= '</table>';
    return $tt;
if (!$event) {
    $AppUI->setMsg('invalidID', UI_MSG_ERROR, true);
} else {
//check if the user has view permission over the project
if ($event->event_project && !$perms->checkModuleItem('projects', 'view', $event->event_project)) {
// load the event types
$types = w2PgetSysVal('EventType');
// load the event recurs types
$recurs = array('Never', 'Hourly', 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Bi-Weekly', 'Every Month', 'Quarterly', 'Every 6 months', 'Every Year');
$assigned = $event->getAssigned();
if ($event->event_owner != $AppUI->user_id && !canView('admin')) {
    $canEdit = false;
$df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
$tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
$start_date = $event->event_start_date ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($event->event_start_date) : new w2p_Utilities_Date();
$end_date = $event->event_end_date ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($event->event_end_date) : new w2p_Utilities_Date();
if ($event->event_project) {
    $project = new CProject();
    $event_project = $project->load($event->event_project)->project_name;
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('View Event', 'myevo-appointments.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a);
if ($canEdit) {
function getEventTooltip($event_id)
    global $AppUI;
    if (!$event_id) {
        return '';
    $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
    $tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
    // load the record data
    $event = new CEvent();
    // load the event types
    $types = w2PgetSysVal('EventType');
    // load the event recurs types
    $recurs = array('Never', 'Hourly', 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Bi-Weekly', 'Every Month', 'Quarterly', 'Every 6 months', 'Every Year');
    $obj = new CEvent();
    $obj->event_id = $event_id;
    $assigned = $obj->getAssigned();
    if ($event->event_project) {
        $event_project = $event->project_name;
        $event_company = $event->company_name;
    $tt = '<table class="tool-tip">';
    $tt .= '<tr>';
    $tt .= '	<td valign="top" width="40%">';
    $tt .= '		<strong>' . $AppUI->_('Details') . '</strong>';
    $tt .= '		<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2" width="100%">';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label">' . $AppUI->_('Type') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td>' . $AppUI->_($types[$event->event_type]) . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>	';
    if ($event->event_project) {
        $tt .= '		<tr>';
        $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label">' . $AppUI->_('Company') . '</td>';
        $tt .= '			<td>' . $event_company . '</td>';
        $tt .= '		</tr>';
        $tt .= '		<tr>';
        $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label">' . $AppUI->_('Project') . '</td>';
        $tt .= '			<td>' . $event_project . '</td>';
        $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label">' . $AppUI->_('Starts') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td>' . $AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($event->event_start_date, $df . ' ' . $tf) . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label">' . $AppUI->_('Ends') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td>' . $AppUI->formatTZAwareTime($event->event_end_date, $df . ' ' . $tf) . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label">' . $AppUI->_('Recurs') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td>' . $AppUI->_($recurs[$event->event_recurs]) . ($event->event_recurs ? ' (' . $event->event_times_recuring . '&nbsp;' . $AppUI->_('times') . ')' : '') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label">' . $AppUI->_('Attendees') . '</td>';
    $tt .= '			<td>';
    $tt .= implode('<br />', $assigned);
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		</table>';
    $tt .= '	</td>';
    $tt .= '	<td width="60%" valign="top">';
    $tt .= '		<strong>' . $AppUI->_('Note') . '</strong>';
    $tt .= '		<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%">';
    $tt .= '		<tr>';
    $tt .= '			<td class="tip-label description">';
    $tt .= '				' . mb_str_replace(chr(10), "<br />", $event->event_description) . '&nbsp;';
    $tt .= '			</td>';
    $tt .= '		</tr>';
    $tt .= '		</table>';
    $tt .= '	</td>';
    $tt .= '</tr>';
    $tt .= '</table>';
    return $tt;