exit; } //-------- if (!check_right_on_trigger_by_triggerid(PERM_READ_ONLY, $_REQUEST["triggerid"])) { access_deny(); } $trigger_data = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT h.host, t.* ' . ' FROM hosts h, items i, functions f, triggers t ' . ' WHERE i.itemid=f.itemid ' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid ' . ' AND t.triggerid=' . $_REQUEST["triggerid"] . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid ' . ' AND ' . DBin_node('t.triggerid'))); $p_elements = array(); //Header $trigger_data['exp_expr'] = explode_exp($trigger_data["expression"], 1); $trigger_data['exp_desc'] = expand_trigger_description_by_data($trigger_data); $text = array(S_EVENTS_BIG . ': "' . $trigger_data['exp_desc'] . '"'); $url = '?fullscreen=' . ($_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? '0' : '1') . url_param('triggerid') . url_param('eventid'); $fs_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'fullscreen'); $fs_icon->addOption('title', $_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? S_NORMAL . ' ' . S_VIEW : S_FULLSCREEN); $fs_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: document.location = '" . $url . "';")); //------- $left_tab = new CTable(); $left_tab->setCellPadding(3); $left_tab->setCellSpacing(3); $left_tab->addOption('border', 0); $left_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_EVENT . SPACE . S_SOURCE . SPACE . S_DETAILS, make_trigger_details($_REQUEST['triggerid'], $trigger_data), null, 'hat_triggerdetails')); $left_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_EVENT_DETAILS, make_event_details($_REQUEST['eventid']), null, 'hat_eventdetails')); $right_tab = new CTable(); $right_tab->setCellPadding(3); $right_tab->setCellSpacing(3); $right_tab->addOption('border', 0); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_ACKNOWLEDGES, make_acktab_by_eventid($_REQUEST['eventid']), null, 'hat_eventack', get_profile('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventack.state', 1))); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_MESSAGE_ACTIONS, get_action_msgs_for_event($_REQUEST['eventid']), null, 'hat_eventactionmsgs', get_profile('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventactionmsgs.state', 1))); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_COMMAND_ACTIONS, get_action_cmds_for_event($_REQUEST['eventid']), null, 'hat_eventactioncmds', get_profile('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventactioncmds.state', 1))); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_EVENTS . SPACE . S_LIST . SPACE . '[' . S_LAST . ' 20]', make_small_eventlist($_REQUEST['triggerid'], $trigger_data), null, 'hat_eventlist', get_profile('web.tr_events.hats.hat_eventlist.state', 1)));
foreach ($sub_menus as $label => $sub_menu) { $sub_menu_row = array(); foreach ($sub_menu as $id => $sub_page) { if (empty($sub_page['menu_text'])) { $sub_page['menu_text'] = SPACE; } $sub_menu_item = new CLink($sub_page['menu_text'], $sub_page['menu_url'], $sub_page['class'] . ' nowrap'); if ($sub_page['selected']) { $sub_menu_item = new CSpan($sub_menu_item, 'active nowrap'); } $sub_menu_row[] = $sub_menu_item; $sub_menu_row[] = new CSpan(SPACE . ' | ' . SPACE, 'divider'); } $sub_menu_div = new CDiv($sub_menu_row); $sub_menu_div->setAttribute('id', 'sub_' . $label); $sub_menu_div->addAction('onmouseover', 'javascript: MMenu.submenu_mouseOver();'); $sub_menu_div->addAction('onmouseout', 'javascript: MMenu.mouseOut();'); if (isset($page['menu']) && $page['menu'] == $label) { $menu_selected = true; $sub_menu_div->setAttribute('style', 'display: block;'); insert_js('MMenu.def_label = ' . zbx_jsvalue($label)); } else { $sub_menu_div->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); } $menu_divs[] = $sub_menu_div; } $sub_menu_div = new CDiv(SPACE); $sub_menu_div->setAttribute('id', 'sub_empty'); $sub_menu_div->setAttribute('style', 'display: ' . ($menu_selected ? 'none;' : 'block;')); $menu_divs[] = $sub_menu_div; $search_form = new CForm('search.php');
$menu = array(); $submenu = array(); // js menu arrays make_refresh_menu('mainpage', 'hat_slides', get_profile('web.slides.rf_rate.hat_slides', $element['delay'], null, $elementid), array('elementid' => $elementid), $menu, $submenu); insert_js('var page_menu=' . zbx_jsvalue($menu) . ";\n" . 'var page_submenu=' . zbx_jsvalue($submenu) . ";\n"); // -------------- $tab = new CTable(); $tab->setCellPadding(0); $tab->setCellSpacing(0); $tab->setAttribute('border', 0); $tab->setAttribute('width', '100%'); // Refresh tab $refresh_tab = array(array('id' => 'hat_slides', 'frequency' => get_profile('web.slides.rf_rate.hat_slides', $element['delay'], null, $elementid), 'url' => 'slides.php?elementid=' . $elementid . url_param('stime') . url_param('period') . url_param('groupid') . url_param('hostid'), 'params' => array('lastupdate' => time()))); add_doll_objects($refresh_tab); $refresh_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconmenu'); $refresh_icon->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: create_page_menu(event,"hat_slides");'); $refresh_icon->setAttribute('title', S_MENU); if (isset($elementid)) { $effectiveperiod = navigation_bar_calc(); if (2 != $_REQUEST['fullscreen']) { $stime = time() - 31536000; // ~1year $bstime = time() - $effectiveperiod; if (isset($_REQUEST['stime'])) { $bstime = $_REQUEST['stime']; $bstime = mktime(substr($bstime, 8, 2), substr($bstime, 10, 2), 0, substr($bstime, 4, 2), substr($bstime, 6, 2), substr($bstime, 0, 4)); } zbx_add_post_js('onload_update_scroll("iframe",0,' . $effectiveperiod . ',' . $stime . ',0,' . $bstime . ');'); } $element = get_slideshow($elementid, 0, $effectiveperiod); } else {
$icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconminus'); $icon->addOption('title', S_REMOVE_FROM . ' ' . S_FAVORITES); $icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: rm4favorites('graphid','" . $_REQUEST['graphid'] . "',0);")); } else { $icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconplus'); $icon->addOption('title', S_ADD_TO . ' ' . S_FAVORITES); $icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: add2favorites('graphid','" . $_REQUEST['graphid'] . "');")); } $icon->addOption('id', 'addrm_fav'); $url = '?graphid=' . $_REQUEST['graphid'] . ($_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? '' : '&fullscreen=1'); $fs_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'fullscreen'); $fs_icon->addOption('title', $_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? S_NORMAL . ' ' . S_VIEW : S_FULLSCREEN); $fs_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: document.location = '" . $url . "';")); $rst_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconreset'); $rst_icon->addOption('title', S_RESET); $rst_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: graphload(SCROLL_BAR.dom_graphs, " . (time() + 100000000) . ", 3600, false);")); } $charts_hat = create_hat(S_GRAPHS_BIG, $p_elements, array($icon, $rst_icon, $fs_icon), 'hat_charts', get_profile('web.charts.hats.hat_charts.state', 1)); $charts_hat->show(); if ($_REQUEST['graphid'] > 0) { // NAV BAR $stime = get_min_itemclock_by_graphid($_REQUEST['graphid']); $stime = is_null($stime) ? 0 : $stime; $bstime = time() - $effectiveperiod; if (isset($_REQUEST['stime'])) { $bstime = $_REQUEST['stime']; $bstime = mktime(substr($bstime, 8, 2), substr($bstime, 10, 2), 0, substr($bstime, 4, 2), substr($bstime, 6, 2), substr($bstime, 0, 4)); } $script = 'scrollinit(0,' . $effectiveperiod . ',' . $stime . ',0,' . $bstime . '); showgraphmenu("graph");'; if ($graphtype == GRAPH_TYPE_NORMAL || $graphtype == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED) { $script .= 'graph_zoom_init("' . $dom_graph_id . '",' . $bstime . ',' . $effectiveperiod . ',ZBX_G_WIDTH,' . $graph_height . ',true);';
foreach ($PAGE_GROUPS['groups'] as $groupid => $name) { $cmbGroups->addItem($groupid, get_node_name_by_elid($groupid) . $name); } foreach ($PAGE_HOSTS['hosts'] as $hostid => $name) { $cmbHosts->addItem($hostid, get_node_name_by_elid($hostid) . $name); } $r_form->addItem(array(S_GROUP . SPACE, $cmbGroups)); $r_form->addItem(array(SPACE . S_HOST . SPACE, $cmbHosts)); $r_form->addVar('fullscreen', $_REQUEST['fullscreen']); $url = 'tr_status.php' . ($_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? '' : '?fullscreen=1'); $fs_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'fullscreen'); $fs_icon->setAttribute('title', $_REQUEST['fullscreen'] ? S_NORMAL . ' ' . S_VIEW : S_FULLSCREEN); $fs_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: document.location = '" . $url . "';")); $mute_icon = new CDiv(SPACE, $mute ? 'iconmute' : 'iconsound'); $mute_icon->setAttribute('title', S_SOUND . ' ' . S_ON . '/' . S_OFF); $mute_icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: switch_mute(this);")); $tr_numrows = new CSpan(null, 'info'); $tr_numrows->setAttribute('name', 'tr_numrows'); $tr_info = array(S_TRIGGERS, new CSpan(SPACE . SPACE . '|' . SPACE . SPACE, 'divider'), S_FOUND . ': ', $tr_numrows, SPACE . SPACE . SPACE . S_UPDATED . ': ', new CSpan(date(S_DATE_FORMAT_YMDHMS), 'info')); $trigg_wdgt->addHeader(S_STATUS_OF_TRIGGERS_BIG, array($mute_icon, $fs_icon)); $trigg_wdgt->addHeader($tr_info, $r_form); /************************* FILTER **************************/ /***********************************************************/ $filterForm = new CFormTable(); //,'tr_status.php?filter_set=1','POST',null,'sform'); $filterForm->setAttribute('name', 'zbx_filter'); $filterForm->setAttribute('id', 'zbx_filter'); $filterForm->setMethod('post'); $filterForm->addVar('fullscreen', $_REQUEST['fullscreen']); $filterForm->addVar('groupid', $_REQUEST['groupid']); $filterForm->addVar('hostid', $_REQUEST['hostid']);
function create_filter($col_l, $col_r, $items, $id = 'zbx_filter', $state = 1) { if (isset($_REQUEST['print'])) { $state = 0; } $table = new CTable(); $table->addOption('width', '100%'); $table->setCellPadding(0); $table->setCellSpacing(0); $table->addOption('border', 0); $icon = new CDiv(SPACE, $state ? 'filteropened' : 'filterclosed'); $icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: change_filter_state(this,'" . $id . "');")); $icon->addOption('title', S_MAXIMIZE . '/' . S_MINIMIZE); $icon->addAction('id', 'filter_icon'); $td_icon = new CCol($icon); $td_icon->addOption('valign', 'bottom'); $icons_row = array($td_icon, SPACE); $icons_row[] = $col_l; $icon_tab = new CTable(); $icon_tab->setCellSpacing(0); $icon_tab->setCellPadding(0); $icon_tab->addRow($icons_row); $table->addRow(get_thin_table_header($icon_tab, $col_r)); $div = new CDiv($items); $div->addOption('id', $id); if (!$state) { $div->addOption('style', 'display: none;'); } $tab = new CTable(); $tab->addRow($div); // $table->addRow($tab); $table->addRow($div); return $table; }
function show_messages($bool = TRUE, $okmsg = NULL, $errmsg = NULL) { global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES; if (!defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) { return; } if (!isset($page["type"])) { $page["type"] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML; } $message = array(); $width = 0; $height = 0; $img_space = null; if (!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) { $msg = 'ERROR: ' . $errmsg; } else { if ($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) { $msg = $okmsg; } } if (isset($msg)) { switch ($page['type']) { case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE: array_push($message, array('text' => $msg, 'color' => !$bool ? array('R' => 255, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0) : array('R' => 34, 'G' => 51, 'B' => 68), 'font' => 2)); $width = max($width, ImageFontWidth(2) * strlen($msg) + 1); $height += imagefontheight(2) + 1; break; case PAGE_TYPE_XML: echo htmlspecialchars($msg) . "\n"; break; case PAGE_TYPE_HTML: default: $msg_tab = new CTable($msg, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr'); $msg_tab->setCellPadding(0); $msg_tab->setCellSpacing(0); $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg), 'msg_main msg'); $msg_col->addOption('id', 'page_msg'); $msg_details = SPACE; if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)) { $msg_details = new CDiv(array(S_DETAILS), 'pointer'); $msg_details->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: ShowHide('msg_messages', IE?'block':'table');")); $msg_details->addOption('title', S_MAXIMIZE . '/' . S_MINIMIZE); } $msg_tab->addRow(array(new CCol($msg_details, 'clr'), $msg_col)); $msg_tab->Show(); $img_space = new CImg('images/general/tree/zero.gif', 'space', '100', '2'); break; } } if (isset($ZBX_MESSAGES)) { if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE) { $msg_font = 2; foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) { if ($msg['type'] == 'error') { array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 255, 'G' => 55, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font)); } else { array_push($message, array('text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R' => 155, 'G' => 155, 'B' => 55), 'font' => $msg_font)); } $width = max($width, imagefontwidth($msg_font) * strlen($msg['message']) + 1); $height += imagefontheight($msg_font) + 1; } } else { if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_XML) { foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) { echo '[' . $msg['type'] . '] ' . $msg['message'] . "\n"; } } else { $lst_error = new CList(null, 'messages'); foreach ($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg) { $lst_error->addItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']); $bool = $bool && 'error' != strtolower($msg['type']); } //message scroll if needed $msg_show = 6; $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES); if ($msg_count > $msg_show) { $msg_count = $msg_show; $msg_count = $msg_count * 16; $lst_error->addOption('style', 'height: ' . $msg_count . 'px;'); } $tab = new CTable(null, $bool ? 'msgok' : 'msgerr'); $tab->setCellPadding(0); $tab->setCellSpacing(0); $tab->addOption('id', 'msg_messages'); $tab->addOption('style', 'width: 100%;'); if (isset($msg_tab) && $bool) { $tab->addOption('style', 'display: none;'); } $tab->addRow(new CCol($lst_error, 'msg')); $tab->Show(); //--- } } $ZBX_MESSAGES = null; } if (!is_null($img_space)) { print unpack_object($img_space); } if ($page['type'] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($message) > 0) { $width += 2; $height += 2; $canvas = imagecreate($width, $height); imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255)); foreach ($message as $id => $msg) { $message[$id]['y'] = 1 + (isset($previd) ? $message[$previd]['y'] + $message[$previd]['h'] : 0); $message[$id]['h'] = imagefontheight($msg['font']); imagestring($canvas, $msg['font'], 1, $message[$id]['y'], $msg['text'], imagecolorallocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B'])); $previd = $id; } imageOut($canvas); imagedestroy($canvas); } }
function create_hat($caption, $items, $addicons = null, $id = null, $state = null) { if (is_null($id)) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $id = 'hat_' . (int) ($sec % 10) . (int) ($usec * 1000); } $td_l = new CCol(SPACE); $td_l->setAttribute('width', '100%'); $icons_row = array($td_l); if (!is_null($addicons)) { if (!is_array($addicons)) { $addicons = array($addicons); } foreach ($addicons as $value) { $icons_row[] = $value; } } if (!is_null($state)) { $icon = new CDiv(SPACE, $state ? 'arrowup' : 'arrowdown'); $icon->setAttribute('id', $id . '_icon'); $icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: change_hat_state(this,'" . $id . "');")); $icon->setAttribute('title', S_SHOW . '/' . S_HIDE); $icons_row[] = $icon; } else { $state = true; } $icon_tab = new CTable(); $icon_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%'); $icon_tab->addRow($icons_row); $table = new CTable(); $table->setAttribute('width', '100%'); $table->setCellPadding(0); $table->setCellSpacing(0); $table->addRow(get_table_header($caption, $icon_tab)); $div = new CDiv($items); $div->setAttribute('id', $id); if (!$state) { $div->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); } $table->addRow($div); return $table; }
public function get() { $widget = new CTable(); $widget->setAttribute('width', '100%'); $widget->setCellPadding(0); $widget->setCellSpacing(0); foreach ($this->headers as $num => $header) { $right_tab = null; if (!is_null($header['right']) || !is_null($this->state)) { $td_l = new CCol(SPACE); $td_l->setAttribute('width', '100%'); $right_row = array($td_l); if (!is_null($header['right'])) { foreach ($header['right'] as $num => $r_item) { $right_row[] = new CCol($r_item); } } if (!is_null($this->state)) { $icon = new CDiv(SPACE, $this->state ? 'arrowup' : 'arrowdown'); $icon->setAttribute('id', $this->domid . '_icon'); $icon->setAttribute('title', S_SHOW . '/' . S_HIDE); $icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: change_hat_state(this,'" . $this->domid . "');")); $right_row[] = new CCol($icon); } $right_tab = new CTable(null, 'textwhite'); $right_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%'); $right_tab->addRow($right_row); } $header_tab = new CTable(null, 'nowrap'); $header_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%'); // $header_tab->setAttribute('border','1'); $header_tab->setCellPadding(0); $header_tab->setCellSpacing(0); $header_tab->addRow($this->createHeader($header['left'], $right_tab)); $widget->addRow($header_tab); } if (is_null($this->state)) { $this->state = true; } if (!empty($this->flicker)) { $flicker_domid = 'flicker_' . $this->domid; $flicker_tab = new CTable(); $flicker_tab->setAttribute('width', '100%'); $flicker_tab->setCellPadding(0); $flicker_tab->setCellSpacing(0); $flicker_tab->setAttribute('border', 0); $div = new CDiv($this->flicker); $div->setAttribute('id', $flicker_domid); if (!$this->flicker_state) { $div->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); } $flicker_tab->addRow($div); $icon_l = new CDiv(SPACE . SPACE, $this->flicker_state ? 'dbl_arrow_up' : 'dbl_arrow_down'); $icon_l->setAttribute('title', S_MAXIMIZE . '/' . S_MINIMIZE); $icon_l->setAttribute('id', 'flicker_icon_l'); $icon_r = new CDiv(SPACE . SPACE, $this->flicker_state ? 'dbl_arrow_up' : 'dbl_arrow_down'); $icon_r->setAttribute('title', S_MAXIMIZE . '/' . S_MINIMIZE); $icon_r->setAttribute('id', 'flicker_icon_r'); $icons_row = new CTable(null, 'whitetext'); $icons_row->addRow(array($icon_l, SPACE, S_FILTER, SPACE, $icon_r)); $thin_tab = $this->createFlicker($icons_row); $thin_tab->setAttribute('id', 'filter_icon'); $thin_tab->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: change_flicker_state('" . $flicker_domid . "');")); $flicker_tab->addRow($thin_tab, 'textcolorstyles link pointer'); $widget->addRow($flicker_tab); } $div = new CDiv($this->body); $div->setAttribute('id', $this->domid); if (!$this->state) { $div->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); } $widget->addRow($div); return $widget; }
echo $main_header . SBR; } $_REQUEST['period'] = get_request('period', get_profile('web.item.graph.period', ZBX_PERIOD_DEFAULT, PROFILE_TYPE_INT, $_REQUEST['itemid'])); if ($_REQUEST['period'] >= ZBX_MIN_PERIOD) { update_profile('web.item.graph.period', $_REQUEST['period'], PROFILE_TYPE_INT, $_REQUEST['itemid']); } $l_header = array(new CLink($item_data['host'], 'latest.php?hostid=' . $item_data['hostid']), ': ', item_description($item_data)); if ('showgraph' == $_REQUEST['action']) { if (infavorites('web.favorite.graphids', $_REQUEST['itemid'], 'itemid')) { $icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconminus'); $icon->setAttribute('title', S_REMOVE_FROM . ' ' . S_FAVOURITES); $icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: rm4favorites('itemid','" . $_REQUEST['itemid'] . "',0);")); } else { $icon = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconplus'); $icon->setAttribute('title', S_ADD_TO . ' ' . S_FAVOURITES); $icon->addAction('onclick', new CScript("javascript: add2favorites('itemid','" . $_REQUEST['itemid'] . "');")); } $icon->setAttribute('id', 'addrm_fav'); $icon_tab = new CTable(); $icon_tab->addRow(array($icon, SPACE, $l_header)); $l_header = $icon_tab; } } unset($item_data); $to_save_request = null; if (!isset($_REQUEST['plaintext']) && $_REQUEST['fullscreen'] == 0) { if ($item_type == ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG) { $l_header = new CForm(); $l_header->setName('loglist'); $l_header->setMethod('get'); $l_header->addVar('action', $_REQUEST['action']);
$refresh_menu->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: create_page_menu(event,"hat_stszbx");'); $refresh_menu->addOption('title', S_MENU); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_STATUS_OF_ZABBIX, new CSpan(S_LOADING_P, 'textcolorstyles'), array($refresh_menu), 'hat_stszbx', get_profile('web.dashboard.hats.hat_stszbx.state', 1))); $refresh_menu = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconmenu'); $refresh_menu->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: create_page_menu(event,"hat_lastiss");'); $refresh_menu->addOption('title', S_MENU); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_LAST_20_ISSUES, new CSpan(S_LOADING_P, 'textcolorstyles'), array($refresh_menu), 'hat_lastiss', get_profile('web.dashboard.hats.hat_lastiss.state', 1))); $refresh_menu = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconmenu'); $refresh_menu->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: create_page_menu(event,"hat_webovr");'); $refresh_menu->addOption('title', S_MENU); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_WEB_MONITORING, new CSpan(S_LOADING_P, 'textcolorstyles'), array($refresh_menu), 'hat_webovr', get_profile('web.dashboard.hats.hat_webovr.state', 1))); $drules = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(d.druleid) as cnt FROM drules d WHERE ' . DBin_node('d.druleid') . ' AND d.status=' . DRULE_STATUS_ACTIVE)); if ($drules['cnt'] > 0 && check_right_on_discovery(PERM_READ_ONLY)) { $refresh_tab[] = array('id' => 'hat_dscvry', 'frequency' => get_profile('web.dahsboard.rf_rate.hat_dscvry', 60)); $refresh_menu = new CDiv(SPACE, 'iconmenu'); $refresh_menu->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: create_page_menu(event,"hat_dscvry");'); $refresh_menu->addOption('title', S_MENU); $right_tab->addRow(create_hat(S_DISCOVERY_STATUS, new CSpan(S_LOADING_P, 'textcolorstyles'), array($refresh_menu), 'hat_dscvry', get_profile('web.dashboard.hats.hat_dscvry.state', 1))); } add_doll_objects($refresh_tab); /* $right_tab->addRow(create_hat( S_GRAPH, null,//make_webmon_overview(), null, 'hat_custom', get_profile('web.dashboard.hats.hat_custom.state',1) )); */ $td_l = new CCol($left_tab); $td_l->addOption('valign', 'top');