$q->addWhere('project_id = ' . $project_id);
$result =& $q->exec();
$start_date = new CDate($result->fields['project_start_date']);
$end_date = new CDate($result->fields['project_end_date']);
$current_date = new CDate();
$q->addTable('projects_statistics', 'ps');
$q->addQuery('project_statistics_timestamp, project_statistics_project_id, ' . 'project_statistics_project_finish_date, project_statistics_percent_complete,' . 'project_statistics_tasks_total, project_statistics_tasks_complete, ' . 'project_statistics_helpdesk_total, project_statistics_helpdesk_total_closed,' . 'project_statistics_helpdesk_bugs, project_statistics_helpdesk_features, ' . 'project_statistics_helpdesk_suggestions, project_statistics_helpdesk_issues, ' . 'project_statistics_helpdesk_bugs_closed, project_statistics_helpdesk_features_closed, ' . 'project_statistics_helpdesk_suggestions_closed, project_statistics_helpdesk_issues_closed,' . 'project_statistics_helpdesk_bugs_testing, project_statistics_helpdesk_features_testing,' . 'project_statistics_helpdesk_suggestions_testing, project_statistics_helpdesk_issues_testing');
$q->addWhere('project_statistics_project_id = ' . $project_id);
$result =& $q->exec();
$xdata = array();
$ydata = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($result as $item) {
    $date = new CDate($item['project_statistics_timestamp']);
    $xdata[$i] = $date->getTime();
    $ydata[$i] = $item['project_statistics_percent_complete'];
// reference plot
$ref_y = array(1, 100);
$ref_x = array($start_date->getTime(), $end_date->getTime());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Width and height of the graph
$width = 800;
$height = 300;
// Create a graph instance
$graph = new Graph($width, $height);
$graph->SetMargin(40, 10, 10, 100);
// Specify what scale we want to use,
\', \'editFrm\', \'<?php 
    echo strpos($cf, '%p') !== false ? '12' : '24';
\', true)" >';
	htmltxt +='&nbsp;<img src="<?php 
    echo w2PfindImage('calendar.gif', $m);
" width="24" height="12" border="0" />';
	htmltxt +='</a>';
	oCell.innerHTML =htmltxt;
	oCell = document.createElement('td');
	htmltxt = '';
	//	htmltxt +='<input type='hidden' id='add_task_duration_'+line_nr+'' name='add_task_duration_'+line_nr+'' value='' />';
	htmltxt +='<input type="hidden" id="add_task_end_date_'+line_nr+'" name="add_task_end_date_'+line_nr+'" value="<?php 
    $today->setDate($today->getTime() + 60 * 60, DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
    echo $today->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP);
" />';
	htmltxt +='<input type="text" onchange="setDate(\'editFrm\', \'end_date_'+line_nr+'\');" class="text" style="width:130px;" id="end_date_'+line_nr+'" name="end_date_'+line_nr+'" value="<?php 
    echo $today->format($cf);
" />';
	htmltxt +='<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="return showCalendar(\'end_date_'+line_nr+'\', \'<?php 
    echo $cf;
\', \'editFrm\', \'<?php 
    echo strpos($cf, '%p') !== false ? '12' : '24';
\', true)" >';
	htmltxt +='&nbsp;<img src="<?php 
 /**	Import tasks from another project
  *	@param	int		Project ID of the tasks come from.
  *	@return	bool	
 function importTasks($from_project_id)
     // Load the original
     $origProject = new CProject();
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere('task_project =' . $from_project_id);
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     $tasks = array_flip(db_loadColumn($sql));
     $origDate = new CDate($origProject->project_start_date);
     $destDate = new CDate($this->project_start_date);
     $timeOffset = $destDate->getTime() - $origDate->getTime();
     // Dependencies array
     $deps = array();
     // Copy each task into this project and get their deps
     foreach ($tasks as $orig => $void) {
         $objTask = new CTask();
         $destTask = $objTask->copy($this->project_id);
         $tasks[$orig] = $destTask;
         $deps[$orig] = $objTask->getDependencies();
     // Fix record integrity
     foreach ($tasks as $old_id => $newTask) {
         // Fix parent Task
         // This task had a parent task, adjust it to new parent task_id
         if ($newTask->task_id != $newTask->task_parent) {
             $newTask->task_parent = $tasks[$newTask->task_parent]->task_id;
         // Fix task start date from project start date offset
         $destDate->setDate($origDate->getTime() + $timeOffset, DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
         $destDate = $destDate->next_working_day();
         $newTask->task_start_date = $destDate->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
         // Fix task end date from start date + work duration
         if (!empty($newTask->task_end_date) && $newTask->task_end_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $destDate->setDate($origDate->getTime() + $timeOffset, DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
             $destDate = $destDate->next_working_day();
             $newTask->task_end_date = $destDate->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
         // Dependencies
         if (!empty($deps[$old_id])) {
             $oldDeps = explode(',', $deps[$old_id]);
             // New dependencies array
             $newDeps = array();
             foreach ($oldDeps as $dep) {
                 $newDeps[] = $tasks[$dep]->task_id;
             // Update the new task dependencies
             $csList = implode(',', $newDeps);
         // end of update dependencies
     // end Fix record integrity
 /**	Import tasks from another project
  *	@param	int		Project ID of the tasks come from.
  *	@return	bool	
 function importTasks($from_project_id)
     // Load the original
     $origProject = new CProject();
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere('task_project =' . $from_project_id);
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     $tasks = array_flip(db_loadColumn($sql));
     $origDate = new CDate($origProject->project_start_date);
     $destDate = new CDate($this->project_start_date);
     $timeOffset = $destDate->getTime() - $origDate->getTime();
     $objTask = new CTask();
     // Dependencies array
     $deps = array();
     // Copy each task into this project and get their deps, y tambien copia los usuarios asignados
     foreach ($tasks as $orig => $void) {
         $destTask = $objTask->copy($this->project_id);
         $tasks[$orig] = $destTask;
         if ($this->project_company == $origProject->project_company) {
             // guarda en user_tasks todos los usuarios asignados a la tarea original, solo si this y
             //  origProy pertenecen a la misma compañía.
             $sql = "select * from user_tasks where task_id = {$orig}";
             $rows = db_LoadList($sql);
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $sql2 = "INSERT INTO user_tasks (user_id, user_type, task_id, perc_assignment, user_task_priority) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (" . $row['user_id'] . "," . $row['user_type'] . "," . $destTask->task_id . "," . $row['perc_assignment'] . "," . $row['user_task_priority'] . ")";
         $deps[$orig] = $objTask->getDependencies();
     // Fix record integrity
     foreach ($tasks as $old_id => $newTask) {
         // Fix parent Task
         // This task had a parent task, adjust it to new parent task_id
         if ($newTask->task_id != $newTask->task_parent) {
             $newTask->task_parent = $tasks[$newTask->task_parent]->task_id;
         // Fix task start date from project start date offset
         $destDate->setDate($origDate->getTime() + $timeOffset, DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
         $destDate = $newTask->next_working_day($destDate);
         $newTask->task_start_date = $destDate->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
         // Fix task end date from start date + work duration
         // Dependencies
         if (!empty($deps[$old_id])) {
             $oldDeps = explode(',', $deps[$old_id]);
             // New dependencies array
             $newDeps = array();
             foreach ($oldDeps as $dep) {
                 $newDeps[] = $tasks[$dep]->task_id;
             // Update the new task dependencies
             $csList = implode(',', $newDeps);
         // end of update dependencies
     // end Fix record integrity
function clash_suggest()
    global $AppUI, $m, $a;
    $obj = new CEvent();
    $start_date = new CDate($obj->event_start_date);
    $end_date = new CDate($obj->event_end_date);
    $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
    $start_secs = $start_date->getTime();
    $end_secs = $end_date->getTime();
    $duration = (int) (($end_secs - $start_secs) / 60);
    $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Suggest Alternative Event Time', 'myevo-appointments.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}");
    $calurl = DP_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=calendar&a=clash&event_id=' . $obj->event_id;
    $inc = intval(dPgetConfig('cal_day_increment')) ? intval(dPgetConfig('cal_day_increment')) : 30;
    $times = array();
    $t = new CDate();
    $t->setTime(0, 0, 0);
    //$m clashes with global $m (module)
    $check = 24 * 60 / $inc;
    $addMins = $inc * 60;
    for ($minutes = 0; $minutes < $check; $minutes++) {
        $times[$t->format('%H%M%S')] = $t->format($AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'));
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var calendarField = '';

function popCalendar(field) {
	calendarField = field;
	idate = eval('document.editFrm.event_' + field + '.value');
	window.open('?m=public&a=calendar&dialog=1&callback=setCalendar&date=' + idate, 'calwin', 'top=250,left=250,width=250, height=220, scrollbars=no, status=no');

 *	@param string Input date in the format YYYYMMDD
 *	@param string Formatted date
function setCalendar(idate, fdate) {
	fld_date = eval('document.editFrm.event_' + calendarField);
	fld_fdate = eval('document.editFrm.' + calendarField);
	fld_date.value = idate;
	fld_fdate.value = fdate;

function set_clash_action(action) {
	document.editFrm.clash_action.value = action;

<form name='editFrm' method='POST' action='<?php 
    echo "{$calurl}&clash_action=process";
<table width='100%' class='std'>
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Earliest Date');
  <td width='50%' align='left' nowrap="nowrap">
    <input type="hidden" name="event_start_date" value="<?php 
    echo $start_date->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE);
" />
    <input type="text" name="start_date" value="<?php 
    echo $start_date->format($df);
" class="text" disabled="disabled" />
      <a href="#" onclick="javascript:popCalendar('start_date')">
	<img src="./images/calendar.gif" width="24" height="12" alt="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Calendar');
" border="0" />
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Latest Date');
  <td width='50%' align='left' nowrap="nowrap">
    <input type="hidden" name="event_end_date" value="<?php 
    echo $end_date->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE);
" />
    <input type="text" name="end_date" value="<?php 
    echo $end_date->format($df);
" class="text" disabled="disabled" />
      <a href="#" onclick="javascript:popCalendar('end_date')">
	<img src="./images/calendar.gif" width="24" height="12" alt="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Calendar');
" border="0" />
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Earliest Start Time');
  <td width='50%' align='left'><?php 
    echo arraySelect($times, 'start_time', 'size="1" class="text"', $start_date->format("%H%M%S"));
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Latest Finish Time');
  <td width='50%' align='left'>
    echo arraySelect($times, 'end_time', 'size="1" class="text"', $end_date->format("%H%M%S"));
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Duration');
  <td width='50%' align='left'>
    <input type="text" class="text" size=5 name="duration" value="<?php 
    echo $duration;
    echo $AppUI->_('minutes');
  <td><input type="button" value="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('cancel');
" class="button" onclick="javascript:set_clash_action('cancel');" /></td>
  <td align="right"><input type="button" value="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('submit');
" class="button" onclick="javascript:set_clash_action('process')" /></td>
<input type='hidden' name='clash_action' value='cancel'>
function clash_suggest()
    global $AppUI, $m, $a;
    $obj = new CEvent();
    $start_date = new CDate($obj->event_start_date);
    $end_date = new CDate($obj->event_end_date);
    $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
    $start_secs = $start_date->getTime();
    $end_secs = $end_date->getTime();
    $duration = (int) (($end_secs - $start_secs) / 60);
    $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Suggest Alternative Event Time', 'myevo-appointments.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a);
    $calurl = W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=calendar&a=clash&event_id=' . $obj->event_id;
    $times = array();
    $t = new CDate();
    $t->setTime(0, 0, 0);
    if (!defined('LOCALE_TIME_FORMAT')) {
        define('LOCALE_TIME_FORMAT', '%I:%M %p');
    for ($m = 0; $m < 60; $m++) {
        $times[$t->format('%H%M%S')] = $t->format(LOCALE_TIME_FORMAT);
<script language="javascript">
function setDate( frm_name, f_date ) {
	fld_date = eval( 'document.' + frm_name + '.' + f_date );
	fld_real_date = eval( 'document.' + frm_name + '.' + 'event_' + f_date );
	if (fld_date.value.length>0) {
      if ((parseDate(fld_date.value))==null) {
            alert('The Date/Time you typed does not match your prefered format, please retype.');
            fld_real_date.value = '';
            fld_date.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
        } else {
        	fld_real_date.value = formatDate(parseDate(fld_date.value), 'yyyyMMdd');
        	fld_date.value = formatDate(parseDate(fld_date.value), '<?php 
    echo $cal_sdf;
            fld_date.style.backgroundColor = '';
	} else {
      	fld_real_date.value = '';

function set_clash_action(action) {
	document.editFrm.clash_action.value = action;

<form name="editFrm" method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo $calurl . '&clash_action=process';
" accept-charset="utf-8">
<table width='100%' class='std'>
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Earliest Date');
  <td width='50%' align='left' nowrap="nowrap">
	<input type="hidden" name="event_start_date" id="event_start_date" value="<?php 
    echo $start_date ? $start_date->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE) : '';
" />
	<input type="text" name="start_date" id="start_date" onchange="setDate('editFrm', 'start_date');" value="<?php 
    echo $start_date ? $start_date->format($df) : '';
" class="text" />
	<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="return showCalendar('start_date', '<?php 
    echo $df;
', 'editFrm', null, true)">
	<img src="<?php 
    echo w2PfindImage('calendar.gif');
" width="24" height="12" alt="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Calendar');
" border="0" />
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Latest Date');
  <td width='50%' align='left' nowrap="nowrap">
	<input type="hidden" name="event_end_date" id="event_end_date" value="<?php 
    echo $end_date ? $end_date->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE) : '';
" />
	<input type="text" name="end_date" id="end_date" onchange="setDate('editFrm', 'end_date');" value="<?php 
    echo $end_date ? $end_date->format($df) : '';
" class="text" />
	<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="return showCalendar('end_date', '<?php 
    echo $df;
', 'editFrm', null, true)">
	<img src="<?php 
    echo w2PfindImage('calendar.gif');
" width="24" height="12" alt="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Calendar');
" border="0" />
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Earliest Start Time');
  <td width='50%' align='left'>
    echo arraySelect($times, 'start_time', 'size="1" class="text"', $start_date->format('%H%M%S'));
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Latest Finish Time');
  <td width='50%' align='left'>
    echo arraySelect($times, 'end_time', 'size="1" class="text"', $end_date->format('%H%M%S'));
  <td width='50%' align='right'><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Duration');
  <td width='50%' align='left'>
    <input type="text" class="text" size="5" name="duration" value="<?php 
    echo $duration;
" />
    echo $AppUI->_('minutes');
  <td><input type="button" value="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('cancel');
" class="button" onclick="set_clash_action('cancel');" /></td>
  <td align="right"><input type="button" value="<?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('submit');
" class="button" onclick="set_clash_action('process')" /></td>
<input type='hidden' name='clash_action' value='cancel' />
 /**	Import tasks from another project
  *	@param	int		Project ID of the tasks come from.
  *	@return	bool	
 function importTasks($from_project_id)
     // Load the original
     $origProject = new CProject();
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere('task_project =' . $from_project_id);
     $q->addWhere('task_id = task_parent');
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     $tasks = array_flip(db_loadColumn($sql));
     $origDate = new CDate($origProject->project_start_date);
     $destDate = new CDate($this->project_start_date);
     $timeOffset = $destDate->getTime() - $origDate->getTime();
     // Dependencies array
     $deps = array();
     // Copy each task into this project and get their deps
     foreach ($tasks as $orig => $void) {
         $objTask = new CTask();
         $destTask = $objTask->deepCopy($this->project_id);
         $tasks[$orig] = $destTask;
         $deps[$orig] = $objTask->getDependencies();
     $q->addWhere('task_project =' . $this->project_id);
     $tasks = $q->loadColumn();
     // Update dates based on new project's start date.
     $newTask = new CTask();
     foreach ($tasks as $task_id) {
         // Fix task start date from project start date offset
         $destDate->setDate($origDate->getTime() + $timeOffset, DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
         $destDate = $destDate->next_working_day();
         $newTask->task_start_date = $destDate->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
         // Fix task end date from start date + work duration
         if (!empty($newTask->task_end_date) && $newTask->task_end_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $destDate->setDate($origDate->getTime() + $timeOffset, DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME);
             $destDate = $destDate->next_working_day();
             $newTask->task_end_date = $destDate->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
     // end Fix record integrity