  * Return the formated datas of a constant for making graphs with Flot
  * @param string                 $constant_name   The name of the constant
  * @param string                 $constant_type   The type of the constant : line|cumul|formula|bandwidth
  * @param CConstantesMedicales[] $constant_values The CConstantesMedicales containing the values
  * @return array
 function getDatasForConstant($constant_name, $constant_type, $constant_values)
     $tick = 1;
     $datas = array('values' => array());
     $values = array();
     /* Initializing the period for the cumul */
     if (($constant_type == 'cumul' || $constant_type == 'formula') && !empty($constant_values)) {
         $reset_hour = CConstantesMedicales::getResetHour($constant_name);
         $first_value = reset($constant_values);
         $start = strtotime(CMbDT::format($first_value->datetime, "%Y-%m-%d 0{$reset_hour}:00:00"));
         if (strtotime($first_value->datetime) < $start) {
             $start = $start - 24 * 3600;
         $current_period = array('start' => $start, 'end' => $start + 24 * 3600);
         $current_value = null;
         $start_tick = 1;
         $periods = array();
     foreach ($constant_values as $_value) {
         /* Calculating the value for the cumul */
         if ($constant_type == 'cumul' || $constant_type == 'formula') {
             if ($constant_type == 'formula') {
                 $_value->{$constant_name} = $_value->applyFormula($constant_name);
             $timestamp = strtotime($_value->datetime);
             /* If the current CConstantesMedicales's datetime is in the current period, we add the value to the cumuled value */
             if ($timestamp > $current_period['start'] && $timestamp <= $current_period['end']) {
                 $current_value += $_value->{$constant_name};
             } else {
                 /* If not, we add the cumuled value to the periods array, and initialize the current period */
                 $periods[] = array('start' => $start_tick, 'end' => $tick, 'start_time' => $current_period['start'], 'end_time' => $current_period['end'], 'value' => $current_value);
                 $current_value = $_value->{$constant_name};
                 $start_tick = $tick;
                 $start = $current_period['end'];
                 if (strtotime($_value->datetime) - $start > 24 * 3600) {
                     $start = strtotime(CMbDT::format($_value->datetime, '%Y-%m-%d' . sprintf('%02d', $reset_hour) . ':00:00'));
                     if (strtotime($_value->datetime) < $start) {
                         $start = $start - 24 * 3600;
                 $current_period = array('start' => $start, 'end' => $start + 24 * 3600);
         if (!is_null($_value->{$constant_name}) && $constant_type != 'formula') {
             /* Get the last 5 user logs of the CConstantesMedicales object */
             $users_logs = array();
             if ($constant_name[0] !== "_") {
                 if ($_value->_ref_user) {
                     $users_logs[] = utf8_encode(CMbDT::format($_value->getCreationDate(), '%d/%m/%y %H:%M') . ' - ' . $_value->_ref_user->_view);
             if ($this->display['mode'] == 'time') {
                 $entry = array(CMbDate::toUTCTimestamp($_value->datetime));
             } else {
                 $entry = array($tick);
             if ($constant_type == 'bandwidth') {
                 $field = CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes[$constant_name]['formfields'];
                 $entry[] = $_value->{$field}[0];
                 $entry[] = $_value->{$field}[1];
                 $values[] = $_value->{$field}[0];
                 $values[] = $_value->{$field}[1];
             } else {
                 if (isset(CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes[$constant_name]['formfields'])) {
                     $field = CConstantesMedicales::$list_constantes[$constant_name]['formfields'];
                     $entry[] = $_value->{$field}[0];
                     $values[] = $_value->{$field}[0];
                 } else {
                     $entry[] = $_value->{$constant_name};
                     $values[] = $_value->{$constant_name};
             $entry['id'] = $_value->_id;
             $entry['date'] = utf8_encode(CMbDT::format($_value->datetime, '%d/%m/%y'));
             $entry['hour'] = utf8_encode(CMbDT::format($_value->datetime, '%Hh%M'));
             $entry['users'] = $users_logs;
             if ($_value->comment) {
                 $entry['comment'] = utf8_encode($_value->comment);
             if ("{$_value->context_class}-{$_value->context_id}" !== $this->context_guid) {
                 if ($_value->_ref_context) {
                     $entry['context'] = utf8_encode($_value->_ref_context->_view);
                     $entry['context_guid'] = "{$_value->context_class}-{$_value->context_id}";
             $datas['values'][] = $entry;
     if ($constant_type == 'cumul' || $constant_type == 'formula') {
         $cumul_datas = array();
         if (!empty($constant_values)) {
             $periods[] = array('start' => $start_tick, 'end' => $tick, 'start_time' => $current_period['start'], 'end_time' => $current_period['end'], 'value' => $current_value);
             $cumul_datas = array();
             $dtz = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris');
             $tz_ofsset = $dtz->getOffset(new DateTime('now', $dtz));
             foreach ($periods as $_period) {
                 if ($this->display['mode'] == 'time') {
                     $x = ($_period['start_time'] + $tz_ofsset) * 1000;
                     $bar_width = ($_period['end_time'] - $_period['start_time']) * 1000;
                 } else {
                     $x = $_period['start'];
                     $bar_width = $_period['end'] - $_period['start'];
                 if ($this->widget) {
                     $first_value = reset($constant_values);
                     $start_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $_period['start_time']);
                     $end_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $_period['end_time']);
                     $query = new CRequest();
                     $query->addWhere(array("`patient_id` = {$first_value->patient_id}", "`context_class` = '{$first_value->context_class}'", "`context_id` = {$first_value->context_id}", "`datetime` >= '{$start_date}'", "`datetime` <= '{$end_date}'", "`{$constant_name}` IS NOT NULL"));
                     $ds = CSQLDataSource::get('std');
                     $_period['value'] = $ds->loadResult($query->makeSelect());
                 $cumul_datas[] = array($x, $_period['value'], 'date' => utf8_encode(strftime('%d/%m/%y %H:%M', $_period['start_time']) . ' au ' . strftime('%d/%m/%y %H:%M', $_period['end_time'])), 'barWidth' => $bar_width);
                 $values[] = $_period['value'];
         $datas['cumul'] = $cumul_datas;
     if (!empty($values)) {
         $datas['min'] = floor(min($values));
         $datas['max'] = ceil(max($values));
     return $datas;